单词 | bristle |
释义 |
复数:bristles 现在分词:bristling 过去式:bristled n. stubble,hackle,hair,spine,spike v. stiffen,stand up,rise,recoil,resent bristle 显示所有例句 例句释义: 刚毛,短而硬的毛发,刷子毛,大为恼怒,被激怒,鬃毛,猪鬃,发怒 1. Senior police officers continued to bristle at government criticism that they reacted poorly to the disorder. 高级警官们依然对政府对他们的对骚乱反应不力的指责感到愤怒。 www.ecocn.org 2. It was the only time I ever saw this gentle man bristle, if ever so slightly. 这是我唯一一次见到这位绅士反应过激,再轻微的也没见过。 dongxi.net 3. True, some Chinese question the intimate connection to the U. S. , just as many Americans bristle at the large Chinese stake in our economy. 诚然,一些中国人质疑中国与美国的密切关系,就像很多美国人被中国在美国经济中的巨大份额触怒一样。 www.bing.com 4. Upper glume subequaling spikelet; only branch or branchlet tips extending into a bristle, rarely a solitary bristle below a few spikelets. 近相等的上面颖片小穗;只分枝或小枝端部延长成为一刚毛,很少在一些小穗下面的一单生刚毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. By flicking its antennae with a bristle of hay, Mr. Zhang sent his cricket into a jabbing, biting fury. 张健根颤动草叶,引逗着蟋蟀的触须,使它变得张牙舞爪,怒气冲冲。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The grain in a piece of wood. A bristle of a paintbrush left stranded in a painting. The uneven glaze of a Japanese ceramic cup. 一块木头上的纹理,一幅画布中残留着画笔上掉下来的猪鬃,一个日本陶瓷杯上没有抚平整的釉。 www.bing.com 7. Dr. Faust said she had been discussing a new kind of label that takes into account the wearer's shape, but expected retailers to bristle. 浮士德博士说她已经讨论过一种将穿着者的体型考虑进去的标识方法,但猜想零售商会恼火。 www.bing.com 8. Mr Dimon's aides bristle at such statements, mindful that when Wall Street crowns a new emperor it also sets him up for a downfall. 戴蒙的助手们对这类言论感到愤慨,他们明白当华尔街为一位新皇帝加冕时,也为其倒台搭好了舞台。 www.ftchinese.com 9. A cylinder brush may be constructed in many sizes with a variety of bristle material in various patterns. 圆柱刷使用不同的毛材料,可被设计成不同的尺寸,不同的样式。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 10. Further, the bristle curving portion is stuck to the toothbrush body, and a space is formed at the bristle curving portion. 进一步,所述刷毛回转部分与本体粘结为一体,刷毛回转处含有一空隙。 ip.com 1. Purists might bristle , or they could just sit back and enjoy the lilting tale, with its delicacy of feeling and expression . 诺瓦可刺毛,或者他们可以坐视和欣赏音乐会故事其细腻的情感表达。 www.bing.com 2. Coating the outer wall are protein fragments that resemble burrs, the hooks that bristle around the outside of certain seeds. 覆盖外壁的是像毛刺的蛋白质,钩子直立在某些种子的外部。 news.dxy.cn 3. circle of cauline bine stalk is erect, the surface is rough be had bristle. 茎茎秆圆形竖立,表面粗糙并被有刚毛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Since the broadcast liu speak 100 forum "a dream of red mansions" , after the program JiaoHaoSheng piece, bristle, not a few. 自从《百家讲坛》播出刘心武讲《红楼梦》的节目后,叫好声一片,骂声也不少。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But a government whose officials bristle at what they see as western condescension demands that Rio publicly accept its decision. 但几内亚政府官员对他们心目中这种西方人的傲慢行径怒不可遏,因此政府要求力拓公开接受这一决定。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair, such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant. 茸毛:与毛发相似的细丝状突出物或刺毛,比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成。 www.fane.cn 7. You may have a penchant for scrubbing your teeth with a stiff-bristle toothbrush; however, this habit can be tough on teeth and gums. 有些人喜欢用硬毛牙刷来刷牙,但这种习惯会损伤牙齿和牙龈。 www.bing.com 8. This has made many bristle, especially the families of the 1, 100 victims who have never been identified. 这招致不少人的愤恨,尤其是1100多名身份仍未确定的遇难者的家属。 www.ecocn.org 9. the first of a new class of vessels which bristle with novel technology that promises to make shipping safer, cleaner and cheaper. 这批新式轮船中的第一艘运用了大量的创新技术,使船运更安全、更环保、更低廉。 www.ecocn.org 10. Before you even step into the shower, brush your hair from front to back with a stiff boar-bristle brush. 在你进入浴室之前,先用硬猪鬃毛梳从前往后梳你的头发。 www.elanso.com 1. Conservatives, for instance, tend to bristle when it comes to government interference in themarketplace or their right to bear arms. 例如,保守派在政府干预市场或右翼武装起来的时候,他们十分恼火。 blog.163.com 2. I'm as quick as any other red-blooded American to bristle at European technocrats telling me how to live. 我同其他任何热血美国人一样,对于欧洲的技术专家告诉我该怎么生活立刻会感到不满。 dongxi.net 3. This study considers the flow between the bristle tips and the rotor of an idealised brush seal. 本研究考虑了一种理想化电刷密封的刚毛和转子之间的流动。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Indeed, officials at London's City Hall bristle at the idea that the two cities can be compared. 实际上,伦敦市政厅的官员并不认为这两个城市具有可比性。 www.ecocn.org 5. To keep gums in tip-top shape, use a soft bristle brush and work in up-and-down strokes, focusing on one quarter of the jaw at a time. 要让牙龈保持最佳状态,应使用软毛牙刷,也要上下来回轻刷,牙刷每次刷到的面积是口部的四分之一左右。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. However, Beijing's leaders are likely to bristle at the idea of Japan taking a closer interest in South China Sea issues. 不过,日本更加关注南海问题很可能会让中国领导人感到恼火。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The bristle has at least one curving portion. 其中,所述刷毛至少有一处回转弯曲部分。 ip.com 8. Using a hard-bristle toothbrush or applying too much pressure when brushing can cause gums to become irritated and recede. 使用硬毛牙刷或用力过重都会导致牙龈发炎甚至使牙龈受到严重损伤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Benda Brushes are the original bendable bristle brush applicators. 这是原有的可弯曲硬毛涂药器。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 10. Employees might bristle at the thought of managers monitoring calls. 雇员可能会对管理层实施电话监控的想法产生不满。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. But Mindray executives bristle at such comments, contending that large rivals are slow to innovate in emerging markets, Mr. 然而,迈瑞的管理层对这种说法不以为然,他们争辩说,大公司在新兴市场的创新速度很慢。 www.qeto.com 2. great Baals whose bellies, long ago, glowed red hot, and Nuremberg Maidens whose hearts still bristle with naked nails. . . 腹部在许久以前曾发出炽红光芒的太阳神,和心脏上仍倒插指甲的涅林堡处女…… blog.roodo.com 3. Apparently Chinese men in particular tend to bristle at the thought of raising children not their own. 看来,一想到要抚养的孩子不是自己的,中国男人往往犹为生气; www.jukuu.com 4. The bristle of the brush can be flexibly replaced according to needs, and the undamaged brush body can be continuously used. 本实用新型刷毛可以根据需要灵活更换,而没有损坏的刷体可以持续使用。 ip.com 5. Of course, the mere suggestion that the Atkins diet and others likeit are worthy of scientific attention still makes many experts bristle. 无疑,纯粹暗示阿特金斯饮食法及其它类似饮食法值得科学关注,依然令许多专家生气。 www.bing.com 6. Such disdain may have made the moustaches of the Pakistani Rangers bristle. 这种蔑视可能已经挑起了巴基斯坦巡逻兵的怒火。 www.ecocn.org 7. Branches brownish, with dense bristle like spreading or reflexed prickles, rarely unarmed. 枝带褐色,具紧密的鬃状平展的或皮刺,很少无刺。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. China's leaders bristle at the idea that already wealthy countries will tell it to halt development. 中国领导人对已富裕起来的国家让它停止发展的想法感到恼火。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Comb and brush with a firm bristle brush, and bathe only when necessary. 用牢固、刚毛的刷子梳刷,有必要时再洗澡。 www.chinapet.net 10. Further, the end of the bristle curving portion is fixed on the brush substrate. 进一步,所述刷毛回转部分端头固定于刷板。 ip.com 1. The bristle brush allows for greater carrying capacity and better smoothing and spreading action. 硬毛刷允许更大的承载能力、更平滑和涂抹效果。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 2. Many single women bristle at the stereotypes. The problem, some say, is a dearth of worthy bachelors. 许多单身女性对陈腔滥调感到愤怒。她们说:问题在于好男人都死光了。 www.bing.com 3. Although feminists may bristle at this demonstration that language perspectives retain a built-in social bias, it's not all bad. 虽然语言视角中残留的根深蒂固的社会偏见可能会激怒女权主义者,但这并不完全是坏事。 www.bing.com 4. But GE might bristle at the prospect of refrigerators and ovens carrying its logo after it exits the market. 但是退出这个市场后,GE也许不高兴在电冰箱和微波炉上印有自己的标志。 www.bing.com 5. teeth 5, broadly triangular to subulate, straight, spreading or reflexed, bristle like-acuminate to acute or widened into wings from veins. 离生第5齿状物,宽三角形到钻形,直,渐尖的到锐尖或从脉加宽成翅的开展或反折,鬃状。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Animal hair was the first type of bristle to be used. 最早的牙刷是用动物毛发做的 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Yet private-equity firms and their advisers bristle at suggestions that they are borrowing recklessly. 然而,私募股权投资公司以及它的顾问们对那些认为他们在不顾一切的借贷这类的意见非常恼火。 www.ecocn.org 8. Tech Indifferent: (10%) Have limited online access at home, and while most have cell phones, they bristle at their intrusiveness . 技术不一样的:(占人口总数10%)很少在家上网,但大都有手机,他们对手机的侵入表示愤怒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Even now, remembering the taunts and gibes made Cal bristle. He had taken them to heart even more than King. 甚至是现在,想起那种辱骂和嘲讽就使得卡巴顿火冒三丈。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. An immense, oily, bristle-haired slug with the forelegs and head of something that was almost a wolf. 或者一个硕大的黏糊糊油腻腻,有着猪鬃一样毛发的软体动物,但却长着狼一样的前肢和头。 bger.org 1. In the view of sociology network crime included: hackers, bristle tail, pornography, adverse current its. 从网络社会学的角度看,网络犯罪包括黑客、虫、潮和逆流等类型。 www.bing.com 2. Others bristle, too, including Ed Crutchfield of First Union. 其他刚毛,也包括教育署Crutchfield:第一联盟。 www.uzmart.com 3. You bristle at the slightest hint that your work wasn't perfect-even when the hint is imagined. 任何关于你工作不够完美的微小暗示都令你怒发冲冠,甚至这种暗示是你想象出来的。 www.bing.com 4. China 's bristle be , beyond all doubt , of superior quality to those from other countries . 毫无疑问,中国猪鬃比其他国家的猪鬃品质优良。 www.dictall.com 5. A bristle or seta, especially of an annelid worm. 刚毛尤指环节动物毛虫类的毫毛或刚毛 infos.edulife.com.cn 6. I tell myself that patience is valuable: in the boss's bristle I learned new things. 我告诉自己忍耐是有价值的:在老板的骂声中我学到了新东西。 www.aixxs.cn 7. Officials bristle at comparisons between Punjab, which is moderately well run, and the lawless tribal areas. 将运转尚可的旁遮普省和毫无法纪的部落地区相提并论使得官员们十分恼火。 www.ecocn.org 8. The image is modified based on the effect of each bristle hair in the bristle hair representations on the image. 可以基于所确定的多个鬃毛表示中的每一个鬃毛表示在整个该动作中对图像的效果来修改图像。 ip.com 9. Stop your hair from rising by using a natural bristle hairbrush or rubber comb. 使用天然鬃毛刷或橡胶梳来梳理头发,防止头发倒竖。 www.kekenet.com 10. This is the only species in China with a clearly 1-geniculate awn with glabrous column and feathery bristle. 这是在中国具的唯一的种一明显1膝曲的芒具无毛的柱状和羽毛状刚毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. In addition, we can also be used for alcohol and soft bristle brush to clean plate stubborn ink. 此外,我们还可以用酒精和不硬鬃刷来冲洗印版上保守的油不朱颗粒。 www.bing.com 2. Some Chinese bristle at the sales ploy. 一些中国人对这种销售策略大为恼怒。 c.wsj.com 3. Though there is bristle with difficulties, he tried to remain upbeat to find a outlet. 尽管困难重重,他仍然努力维持一种乐观的心态去寻找一个突破口。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. 3. Use a 100% boar bristle brush or similar and separate remaining hair into two-inch sections. 使用100%的猪鬃刷或类似,并分成两英寸的其余部分的头发。 www.zzmyt.com 5. And the Chinese bristle at criticism of Beijing's air quality, especially from Americans. 而且中国政府很不爽外界对北京空气质量的批评,特别是来自美国的。 www.bing.com 6. These brushes are typically made in staple set fashion, the bristle tufts stapled to the core. 该产品分类设计,毛制材料在核心固定。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 7. He was so frightened that his hair seemed to bristle. 他是如此地震惊,以至于头发似乎都竖立起来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But they make some people bristle because of the inference that women don't rise to the top in math because they're not as good. 但是由于女性没有在数学方面拔得头筹就推断她们不擅长数学的这个理论,很让一些人嗤之以鼻。 www.bing.com 9. Over rough surfaces such as stone or cement tile, you can use bristle brush to clean. 较粗糙的表面,如水泥石材或瓷砖,可以用鬃毛刷清洗。 gzkangdian.cn 10. That is a notion at which Britain and others will bristle. 这个看法恐怕会引起英国等国的强烈抵触。 www.ftchinese.com 1. As time passes, if a cell hasn't received a don't-become-a-bristle directive, it becomes a bristle, as simple as that. 随着时间推移,如果一个细胞一直没有接收到“勿成为硬毛”的指示,那么它就会发育成一根硬毛,原理就是这么简单。 www.bing.com 2. Pedicels articulate at base; valves 2-2. 5 mm, apex narrowly acute, margin denticulate, teeth 1-1. 5 mm, bristle-like. 花梗有节在基部;裂爿2-2.5毫米,狭锐尖的先端,边缘具小齿,齿1-1.5毫米,象刚毛一样。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. central awn arising from sinus, flat, column short, strongly twisted, bristle straight or sparsely twisted; 中心的芒生于凹缺,平,柱状的短,强烈扭曲,疏生缠绕的刚毛直的或; www.flora.ac.cn 4. The desquamation that young branch is begun sexual bristle, be mixed closely by small fluff scale; 幼枝被开展的脱落性刚毛,并密被微柔毛和鳞片; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. shrub of Canary Islands having bristle-tipped oblanceolate leaves; 加那利群岛的一种灌木,叶倒披针状、尖端有刺毛; tr.bab.la 6. A Design of Double Product Ultrafine Classifier with Bristle Assembly Rotor 针轮转子双产品超细分级机的设计 www.ilib.cn 7. A design of centrifuge with bristle assembly rotor 针轮转子沉降离心机的设计 www.ilib.cn 8. peduncles 1-2 cm, bracts below umbel, bristle like, ca. 1 mm, pubescent; 1-2厘米的花序梗,苞片低于伞形花序,鬃状,长约1毫米,短柔毛; www.flora.ac.cn |
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