单词 | worldly | ||||||||||
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比较级:worldlier 最高级:worldliest worldly 显示所有例句
例句释义: 尘世的,世俗的,世事的,生活经验丰富的,世间的,老于世故的,世上的 1. And the thing is, we don't have to hunker down in the dark and forsake our worldly pleasures to be sustainable. 事情是,我们不必躲在黑暗中,就为了能够“持续发展”的口头快感。 www.bing.com 2. The cynic believed that fulfillment in life was to be obtained by the total abstinence from all worldly pleasures. 讽世者相信,履行在生活中将由总节欲获得从所有世间的乐趣。 wenwen.soso.com 3. The worldly reason, however, assigned for this singular proceeding was one which I did not feel at liberty to dispute. 对这一特殊的做法的世俗理由我感到不能冒昧怀疑。 4. 'As far as worldly wealth goes, ' continued his father, 'you will no doubt stand far superior to your brothers in a few years. ' “就世俗的财富而论,”他的父亲接着说,“几年之内,你肯定就要比你的两个哥哥有钱多了。” www.hjenglish.com 5. A desire in the cockles of the heart is to be aloof from worldly din and taste classicality and romantics. 内心深处,曾有一种向往,远离尘埃的喧嚣,品位着经典与浪漫。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. All her life, Marie had demonstrated the truth of this simple principle: happiness will not come from worldly possessions or fortune. 玛利的整个一生表明了这样一个简单原则的真谛:幸福不是来源于尘世的财产或财富; maple-mesos-buy.cn 7. He felt disdain for worldly pleasures and was totally guileless , like a child. But he had a violent temper. 他轻蔑世间的欢乐,像孩子一样地坦率,但脾气暴躁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A seeming ignorance is often a most necessary part of worldly knowledge. 表面上无知常常是世俗知识中非常必要的一部分。 www.haohao-edu.cn 9. Their hearts are like stone. They just palter on the worldly affairs, never being moved and never trying to do something great. 这种人心如顽石,对世俗的事只是随便应付,绝对不起心动念,更不想有任何作为。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. She did write repeatedly that the weak, worldly, vacillating ones would be shaken out, leaving a pure people to finish the work. 她确实再三写道,软弱的、世俗化的、犹豫不定的人将要被揺出去,留下一班洁净的子民完成这项工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Because after a year of all this worldly mess, He knew we needed at least a few weeks, where we would try our best to be like Him. 因为上帝了解我们在这样的一年的世俗混乱之后,至少需要一些休息时间。如此,我们才能够尽力地向上帝靠拢。 www.elanso.com 2. she had not the habit of taking injudicious risks in any market, worldly or other. 别管是在人世还是去阴间,她的习惯是在所有场合都不轻举妄动。 dict.wenguo.com 3. You see him as a young boy and he's a bit ethereal and other-worldly, probably bright. 他作为一个年轻人,有点空灵、超脱尘世,或许还很聪明。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. His wife and children were to respect and obey him in all worldly matters. 他的妻子和孩子们都得尊敬他,在一切世俗事务上服从他。 www.bing.com 5. I looked forward to worldly business trips, stimulating office brainstorms and hanging out with my co-workers every Friday at happy hour. 我期待着到世界各个地方出差、刺激的办公室集体自由讨论以及和我的同事们一起放松地度过每一段属于星期五的快乐时光。 www.bing.com 6. The secular talk of the worldly-minded was galling to me, and I would look wistfully to the day when my own beloved companions would come. 长期的营求名利的交谈使我感到烦恼,我希望有一天属于自己的心爱同伴会来到。 dict.kekenet.com 7. Mars in this house alone suggests you would be very focused on your significant other (or with more worldly business partnership issues). 火星独在此宫,意味着你将会非常在意与你关系密切的对方(甚至包括生意伙伴)。 www.hjenglish.com 8. The man who shuts himself up in a monastery - getting up at regular hours with a book in hand, reading and praying - is surely also worldly. 一个把自己关进修道院的人——固定时间起床,手里拿本书,诵读,祈祷——当然也是世俗的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. And on a more worldly note, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the "holiday season" that continues through New Year's Day. 对普通百姓而言,感恩节标志着一直持续到元旦的“岁末佳节”的开始。 www.putclub.com 10. Here is a film with its heart in the right place - what does it profit to fulfil all one's worldly ambitions and miss out on life? 本片的中心思想十分明确:纵然满足了一个人的野心却失去了人生意义,这又有什麽得著呢? www.hkdavc.com 1. Unfortunately, such a beautiful state, can only be called worldly air, with emotions of all living things with Despair! 可惜,如此美妙的境界,只能叫食人间烟火,具有七情六欲的芸芸众生望而兴叹! blog.wtojob.com 2. All that the adults, those proud possessors of worldly knowledge, could tell us was " he came. " 所有的人,包括那些大人们,那些值得骄傲,拥有世界级知识的人;他们只有一句话:“反正他住进来了。” blog.sina.com.cn 3. The combination of dry ice and water in a witch's cauldron is an inexpensive way to create an air of other-worldly magic. 干冰和水在巫婆的大锅里结合,这是一种创造另类神秘气氛并且相当经济的方法。 item.feedsky.com 4. This inner melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires, and quench all worldly thirst. It is all-powerful and all love. 这个内在的旋律可以治愈所有的创伤,满足所有的欲望,及平息一切世俗的渴求,祂是全能且充满爱力。 sm2000.org 5. Now the time came to ask the worldly question to this actress, who is still living with her parents in an apartment. 面对这位仍然在一所公寓与父母同住的女演员,是时候该问那个世俗些的问题了。 tieba.baidu.com 6. To a man of practice, the five aggregates are actually empty. The worldly affairs and things are petty. 对修行者而言,五蕴皆空,世俗的事与物都不是那么重要的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. How should people remain alert to the ephemeral nature of worldly love and reach beyond it to attain true eternal love? 人们该如何警觉到世间情爱的无常短暂,进而寻求永恒的真爱呢? sm2000.org 8. Inner integrity not only solves your worldly problems, it will also help you to become enlightened, or to become mukhtas. 内在完整性不仅仅解决你现实的问题,它也有助于你开悟和觉醒。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Those students who hold a foreign degree seem to be more confident, independent and worldly wise. 拥有外国学位的学生似乎更加自信、独立更强和见多识广。 romanticzhao.bokee.com 10. When deceased relatives or friends are not in peace the living will often suffer symptoms that have no worldly explanation or solution. 当亡者得不到安息,在生的亲友往往会感受到一些无法解释或解决的徵状。 www.yogilin.org 1. She being of a religious nature had held back[1] the worldly pleasure that he wanted from her so bad. 她是一个抑制任何享乐的虔诚清教徒,以至于他从她那儿获得的期盼很低。 blog.163.com 2. I continued to try to look worldly and au fait with the situation. 我继续装成老于事故,对这种事习以为常的样子。 www.hsfxah.com.cn 3. The appearance and the measurements of a Buddha are perishable and a worldly conception: they describe the ideal picture of a Heavenly Body. 佛陀的的外貌与尺寸是会腐朽的,有一种世间的观念:它们描绘了天体的理想图像。 www.cnufo.com 4. This one must have had a little worldly experience during her schooldays in Switzerland, I think. 我看这一位想必是在瑞士求学期间取得了一些处世经验。 www.bing.com 5. While Chuck is forced to face Blair's impending wedding when he comes back from his worldly travels, the two don't interact in the premiere. Chuck环游世界回来后,不得不面对Blair即将到来的婚礼,但他俩在首播中不会有对手戏。 www.hjenglish.com 6. One simple happiness, a worldly will grow old. Keep a young heart, do a simple people, enjoy sunshine and warmth. Life should be so. 一份简单的幸福,一个世界的成长。保持一颗年轻的心,做一个简单的人,享受阳光与温暖,生活应当如此。 wenku.baidu.com 7. In history, system in worldly society was an important condition that led to the transition of religion from polytheism to monothem. 历史上世俗社会的君主制是导致宗教从多神教向一神教转变的重要条件。 www.dictall.com 8. Right thinking comes with the constant flow of self-awareness, awareness of worldly actions as well as of the activities in meditation. 正确的思考随着持续的自我觉知,对世俗活动的觉知而来,就和在冥想中的活动一样。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 9. Now you tell me, is such a naive child, being not worldly-wise and unable to play clever tricks, really capable of lying? 你说,这么天真的小孩,无世故之心,无机变之巧,能撒谎吗? www.cqumzh.cn 10. Sometimes I lounge lazily in bed, in the middle of the day, with a couple of my kids and just abandon my worldly concerns, and just play. 有的时候在中午时分,我和孩子们懒洋洋地倚靠在床上,抛开世俗的想法,一起玩闹。 www.bing.com 1. Faust craved worldly goods; the poor man had only to stretch out his hand. 浮士德渴求全世界的财富,这位不幸的人只是伸出了双手。 www.bing.com 2. Mr. Bulstrode in things worldly indifferent was disposed to do what his wife bade him . 布罗斯特罗德先生在无关紧要的世俗事务上,完全听凭妻子摆布。 www.bing.com 3. It is like a vast river in which man is caught, with all his worldly goods, his vanities , pains and knowledge. 它就像一条巨大的河流,也被困于其中,还有他的一切世俗财物,他的虚荣、痛苦与知识,也被困于其中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Actually, the worldly life beyond Buddhism lacks the constraint of the Buddhist rules and depends on our own composure to a larger extent. 其实佛家之外的现代世俗生活,缺少佛家戒律的约束,更要依靠自身的定力。 www.ebigear.com 5. Due to worldly engagements the ability to have the benefit of this warmth had been curtailed to certain extent in many people. 由于受到种种世间法的纠缠,很多人在相当程度上已丧失了感受这种融暖及其利益的能力。 www.yogilin.org 6. Our practice becomes ordinary and contaminated by the wish to become famous or other worldly interests. 我们的修行变得庸俗,被希望获得名气或者其他世俗利益的欲望所染污。 stock8388.com 7. Piling upon brain nerves without a sense of priority, scattered worldly concerns induce spells of pain. 胡乱停放的各种考虑,没有轻重缓急的分别一并压在脑神经上,时感阵痛。 www.ecocn.org 8. One of these stages is almost sure to be worldly advance . 其中之一差不多一定得是世路的腾达。 www.bing.com 9. To invest oneself into the spiritual path does not mean to not invest yourselves into the worldly life as well. 一个人投入崇高之路,并不意味着远离世俗生活。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. I asked God to spare me pain , and God said, " No. " He said suffering draws you apart from worldly cares, and brings you closer to me . 我请求上帝让我免除苦难,而上帝说:“不可”。又说忍受痛苦可以教你摆脱人世间的牵挂,并且教你与与我更亲近。 www.bing.com 1. Carry-over knowledge to your descendants and making them fit to understand the worldly game is his motto here. 传授知识给你的后代并使他们试着了解世俗游戏规则。 www.douban.com 2. Such an extensive worldly grand gathering, its preparing work will be very detailed and heavy. 这么大的一个世界性盛会,筹备工作是非常繁琐而繁重的。 www.fjnet.com 3. Not like you, feeling panic so much in a petty frustration and intent deserting Tao to compromise with the worldly affair. 不像你们,一点挫折就恐慌成这样子,急着想弃道而与世俗之业妥协。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In Han dynasty, fencing was more favored by the court and the commonalty and many people were worldly renowned. 汉趄,击剑更是朝野风行,不少人以便术显名于天下。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 5. With such realization, you can be a carefree bystander, undisturbed by the churning and capricious worldly affairs. 在看透这一点时,你就可以自在地旁观,世事翻腾反覆而不扬一条眉毛。 www.tieku.org 6. So I'll love by His example, Give what I have unselfishly; Seeking not the worldly treasuresBut those that last eternally. 我将效仿耶稣的榜样,无私地给于自己的拥有;不寻求世界上的财富,而寻求那存留永久的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Worldly punishment, award, righteousness and benevolence are very shallow and out of the standard of Nature. 世俗的赏罚,仁义等都是极其肤浅,而又不符自然深义的标准。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Once a person turns his mind wholeheartedly toward the Dharma, his attitude and behavior will no longer be his old worldly self. 诚心向佛的修行人,其心态与行为往往会与以前的世俗生活判若两人。 blog.163.com 9. performing numerous ostentatious rituals productive of good birth, wealth and power insuring sense enjoyment and worldly pleasures. 频繁地举行排场盛大的宗教仪式以期获得好的出身,财富和权利,以便满足感官享受和世俗的快乐。 yuanjue.me27.meyu.net 10. Thus, the story of the Master consists of two parts, illustrating his worldly career and his rapid achievement of Supreme Enlightenment. 因此,这位大师的传记分为两部分:他的尘世生涯和他迅速达到的大澈大悟的成就。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Love is nothing compared to all the worldly temptations. It's time to give up my stubbornness. 比起外面的那些诱惑,爱又算什么,我终于不再执着! zhidao.baidu.com 2. If you profess to be a Christian, yet find full satisfaction in worldly pleasures and pursuits, your profession is false. 你若自认是基督徒,却完全满足于属世的欢乐与追求,那麽你的承认是虚假的。 www.glorypress.com 3. b. The worldly well-known actor , who had been ill for two years, meet thunderstorm applause when reappeared on the stage. 那个病了很多年的著名演员,一上台观众就报以雷鸣般的掌声。 www.hxen.com 4. God dwells in the worldly-minded, no doubt, but He is hidden there, like gold under deep layers of clay. 神无疑是住在世俗的头脑里,但他是隐藏在里面,像埋在泥土深层的黄金。 dict.kekenet.com 5. Chasing the Fun . . . A middle class young boy had quarrel in the house for the lack of fulfillment of his worldly desires at home. 上中学的男孩在家里大发脾气,抱怨在家里不能实现他的愿望。 www.rainlane.com 6. Holi for everyone is a time for fun and frolic. A day when one forgets the worldly anxieties and just enjoys the finer things in life. 胡里节是一个让所有人嬉闹,玩耍的时刻;是一个让人忘记世间烦恼,享受美好生活的一天。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. CANON VI: A Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon must not undertake worldly cares. If he does, let him he deposed from office. 法令六:主教、或司铎、或执事,不得操心世俗之事。若他这样,应罢免他的神职。 www.douban.com 8. Worldly learning, moral rules and various efforts controlled by consciousness are vain to make a man goes on the right way of practice. 世俗的学问、道德标准,以及用意识去控制的种种努力;都是白费力气,也是无法让你走到修行的路上去的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In reassessing worldly pleasure, it occurred to the princess that she might also change her spiritual preceptor. 公主在对人世间的快乐重新估计时,突然想到也许该改革一下自己精神上的训导。 www.jukuu.com 10. He'll have to become a little less Googley and a little more worldly. 他将不得不变得不那么“谷歌的”而要稍微开放点。 www.bing.com 1. It is definitely not to help individuals escape their worldly responsibilities. 绝对不是逃避社会责任,到佛门里讨生活的。 putixing.wordpress.com 2. Finally, sets up the worldly wisdom, profits from the western political party system's beneficial experience reasonably. 最后,树立世界眼光,合理借鉴西方政党制度中的有益经验。 www.13191.com 3. They who enter upon the narrow way for Your name and cast aside all worldly care will attain great freedom of mind. 人能为祢的圣名而肯走窄路,抛弃俗虑,他的灵魂,必将获得很大的自由。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Is all worldly affection to build over what be? 世间的一切情感等都是建立在什么之上呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. And if given a choice between worldly leadership and heaven at my feet, I choose heaven. 如果让我在今世的领导地位和脚下的天堂之间选择的话,我选择天堂。 www.2muslim.com 6. On Wednesday and Thursday, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan seemed in a hurry to give his worldly belongings to a neighbor. 基林,德克萨斯–星期三和星期四两天,尼达尔?马利克?哈桑少校似乎急于把他的物质财产送给邻居。 www.bing.com 7. Kenya was more dynamic and worldly, but more violent and corrupt. 肯尼亚相对更加活力和务实,但又更加腐败和残暴。 www.ecocn.org 8. In Hagen's world, the Corleones' world, the physical beauty, the sexual power of women, carried not the slightest weight in worldly matters. 在黑根的世界里,在科里昂家族,外表的美丽,女人的性感诱惑在他们决定事情的时候一丝分量都没有。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In order to be able to work without disturbance, he often tries to escape worldly bustle and excitement. 为了不受干扰地工作,常常要逃避世俗的热闹; 10. Our actions keeps us bound to the continuous cycle of worldly existence, to the endless round of birth and death. 我们的行为把我们系缚在不断循环的生死轮回之中。 www.elyoo.com 1. City of Fantasy depicts a fanciful world, where the affections of the characters are simple and pure, with no worldly obstacles. 《幻城》描述了一个幻想中的世界,在那里人物的感情无关世俗,简单而纯净。 www.24en.com 2. We warmly welcome to create good business relationship with all worldly customers by the professional knowledge and rich experience! 时至今日,我们更愿以专业礼品知识及丰富经验,与更多的客户携手共创美好未来。 maoyi.valu.cn 3. Being more worldly-wise now, she's taken Kate to one side and said, 'This is how it's going to be. 现在卡米拉多了份世故,她把凯特拉到一边对她说“这些事该这么做。” www.bing.com 4. Chinese is such a nation that they are always worldly wise and play safe. 中国人是这样一个民族,他们总是明哲保身。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Secondly, the supernatural concept was popularized with worldly proceed. Hanwu emperor made great contribution to this development. 其次,神仙观念在世俗化过程中开始走向普及,汉武帝对此影响最大。 lib.nwnu.edu.cn 6. The eight phenomena mention above are the sources of many worldly problems, obsession, and scramble. 这八种现象就是俗世间的众多问题、扰、纷争产生的根源。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But they still considered luxurious displays and lavish spending to be worldly and thus morally problematic. 不过,他们仍然认为奢侈的生活与铺张的消费是世俗的表现,因此是不道德的。 www.douban.com 8. He and his writing has not changed things, real change only his reputation and status, money, so worldly possessions. 他的人和他写的东西都没有改变,真正改变的只有他的名声和地位、金钱这样的身外之物。 www.tiantianbt.com 9. Maybe, he could not refined, but in this worldly life can be physical pleasure must be their own decision. 也许,自己不能脱俗,但在这世俗中可以身心愉悦的生活一定是可以自己决定的 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Social experience Your parents, my dear, have no more worldly wisdom than two babies. 亲爱的,你的爸妈,社会经验不见得比两个娃娃多。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as 'the pond'; the benefits of his worldly wisdom. 这位厌倦享乐的旅行者将他所经过的大海说成池塘;他精于世故的好处。 hotdic.com 2. and not for worldly greed, but to bestow it for my soul's sake on the saints and the churches and the poor of the world. 而不是世俗的贪婪,而是为了赋予我的灵魂就圣徒和教会和世界上的穷人为了它。 www.en400.com:8080 3. What is the Pharisees' attitude toward worldly wealth, and what is Jesus' opinion of that attitude? 法利赛人是怎样对待属世的财富的?对于这种态度,耶稣的意见如何? gbicp.org 4. White and red coated walls among the buildings manufactured a lively and worldly atmosphere. 其间白灰朱红涂墙,又在威严与神秘气氛中展现了活泼和世俗。 lib.cqvip.com 5. This verse is a threatening so far as the worldly wise are concerned, but to the simple believer it is a promise. 对有属世智慧的人而言,这个经节具有威胁性,对单纯信心的信徒而言,却是个应许。 cllc-agape.spaces.live.com 6. The former indeed had also justifications of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. 第一个盟约固然也有行敬礼的规程,和属于世界的圣殿。 www.ccreadbible.org 7. And I'll just bet, unless you work for Google, are self-employed, or extremely worldly, you probably are. 我敢打赌,除非你为GOOGLE工作,或者是一个自由职业者,或者相当地惊世骇俗,你可能会这样。 www.bing.com 8. A very little encouragement would set that worldly woman to talk volubly, and pour all within her. 只要人们稍微助助这个庸俗女人的兴,她就马上滔滔不绝地把一肚子的话和盘说出。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A very little encouragement would set that worldly woman to talk volubly, and pour out within her. 稍一鼓励,这个世故的女人便会滔滔不绝地把她一肚子的话都倒出来。 wanzy9.blog.163.com 10. Clergy Clergy: The least worldly are reported to be the happiest of all. 神职人员:最不世俗的工作据说是最幸福的工作。 www.neworiental.org 1. There is no more difficult combat than this, for the very sight of them dissolves our ego and worldly desires. 没有比这个更困难的斗争了,而朋友们的洞见可以摧毁我们的自我和尘世的欲望。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He was determined to be a monk who abjured worldly pleasures. 他决意削发为僧,弃绝红尘。 spaces.msn.com 3. We seek for these worldly things in Chuang Tzu's opinion; he also deems that they are of flaws and of problems. 我们所热烈追求的世俗之物,看在庄子的眼里,认为都是具有缺陷,更是大有问题的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. And now, think about the previous young crazy, look at the audacity, I can only smile in the secret heart, smiled his worldly ignorance. 到了现在,想想以前的年少轻狂,想想以前的大胆放肆,我也只能在心里暗暗笑笑,笑笑自己不谙世事的愚昧。 hi.baidu.com 5. There are worldly survive rules; there are views of men of practice. 世俗人有世俗人生存的法则,修行人有修行人的看法及想法。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The originally-not-sacred heart is invaded by the worldly affairs and emotions, therefore, it will never go back to peace and clearness. 本非圣洁的心,又遭世俗的侵扰,不再平静,不再明净。 www.ebigear.com 7. As a Christian, Madison also noted that Christianity had spread in the face of persecution from worldly powers, not with their help. 作为基督徒,麦迪逊同时强调,基督教之所以广为流传,不是得益于各方力量的庇佑,而是因为敢于直面各种势力发动的迫害。 www.bing.com 8. NIV It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. 新和合本教训我们除去不敬虔的心和世俗的情欲,在今世自守、公义、敬虔度日。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We play worldly politics in the church and order our relationships by the lowly standards of this world. 我们在教会里玩弄政治以及用世界的低水准来维持我们的关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Usually such quarrels involve worldly goods and rival claims to be the true believers. 通常,此类争端涉及物产,也涉及与忠实信徒们对立的主张和要求。 www.ecocn.org 1. Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. 原来前约有礼拜的条例,和属世界的圣幕。 www.ebigear.com 2. Other-worldly chanting, to the rhythm of the rising and falling picks resonated through the hot, still air. 闷热的空气里回荡着圣歌的旋律和镐斧起落的声音。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The cannibals who are your worldly elite are biting the dust as they quiver now in the knowing of what transpires before them. 谁是你的世俗精英的食人族咬他们颤动的尘埃,知道在什么之前。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. That was why, with the weight of worldly life no longer clogging my feet, I could not stick to the usual course of convention. 一旦世俗生活的重担不再绊着我的两腿时,我就不会固守习俗的常规了。 www.bing.com 5. "If your teacher isn't very worldly, I'm not sure of the wisdom of getting something pricey rather than Marks & Spencer's best range. " “如果你的老师不那么世俗的话,我觉得,送一些昂贵的东西还不如送些玛莎百货(Marks&;Spencer)最好的产品。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Clergy: The least worldly are reported to be the happiest of all. 神职人员:最不世俗的据说是最幸福的。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Taken together, a city's performance on this slate of indicators tells us how worldly -- or provincial -- it really is. 把他们综合到一起后,榜单上的这些城市的表现告诉我们他们真的可谓是全球大都市啊。 www.bing.com 8. Maria: But I haven't another one. When we enter the abbey, our worldly clothes are give to the poor. 玛丽亚:但是,我没有其他衣服。当我进修道院的时候,就把平时穿的衣服都送给穷人了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But Chang'e, tired of worldly chores, flees to the moon and is turned into a toad. 但是嫦娥厌倦了世俗的烦杂,便逃往月宫变成了一只蟾蜍。 www.tingclass.com 10. And one point at which we may test ourselves is, Does my reading and study of God's Word make me less worldly? 我们可以通过这一点来自我检测:研读神的话语是否让我更脱离世俗了呢? 1. Those physical suffers are all "worldly possessions" , the most heartfelt consolation must come from the healing of the soul. 那些实际的物质困难,“都是身外之物”,对心灵的安慰才是最深切的安慰。 blog.artintern.net 2. Say that you have plans to travel and everyone around you will undoubtedly be jealous of your worldly adventures. 如果你说你有出游的计划,周围的每个人一定都会毋庸置疑地嫉妒你,羡慕你要去各地冒险。 www.bing.com 3. For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and traveled across planets in search of a new life form. 为了我们,他们打点起贫寒的行装上路,远涉星海,追求新的生活。 bbs.flyine.net 4. "Never compete" would scarcely be the advice of a worldly teacher nowadays. 但如“永远与世无争”这样的建议,几乎已很少出自当今入世的老师之口了。 www.bing.com 5. There was another who had renounced worldly possessions, and who hungered for the power to do good. 还有一个人放弃了世俗的财产,渴望拥有权力来多行善事。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. At last some worldly-wise people came and joined our society, made us taste of the fruit of knowledge, and broke up our little paradise. 最后一些老于世故的人,加入到我们的协会里来,给我们尝了知识之果,就把我们这个小小的乐园解散了。 www.bing.com 7. For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and travelled across oceans in search of a new life. 为了我们,他们背起行囊,远涉重洋,寻找新的生活。 ncku1897.org 8. Or if wealth be not the trial, worldly care is quite as mischievous. 如果财富不能试探你,对世界的关爱也是同样危险的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. By applying its concepts to worldly problems the mathematician can often brush away the details and reveal simple patterns. 数学家把数学概念用来解决实际问题,就能剔除细节而揭示出其中的简要模式。 www.jukuu.com 10. Sometimes worldly rulers draw on religious symbolism to enforce their authority, impress their subjects or legitimise war. 有些时候,世俗统治者利用宗教符号来强化其权威,打动其子民或是让战争合法化。 www.ecocn.org 1. Being a man of the world but not worldly is the most mature kindness. 深谙世故却不世故,才是最成熟的善良。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The gradual escape from the other worldly atmosphere of the early Middle Ages. 从中世纪早期的其它世俗氛围中逐渐脱离出来。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 3. The indulgent, other-worldly judge is an archetype of conservative caricature. 放纵的,不食人间烟火的法官是一个保守的漫画的原型。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. The least worldly are reported to be the happiest of all. 最不世俗的工作据说是最幸福的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. When we discuss unworldly things that belong to the spirit aspect or other space, we have difficulty in taking the worldly sample. 是属于精神层面或另一个空间的东西时,我们就很难再使用世俗的事物来加以说明了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But how do these other worldly qualities emerge from the banal subject of a bowl of flowers? 这不过是一瓶平凡无奇的花,为什么会显得如此超凡脱俗? blog.sina.com.cn 7. passively speaking , the modern media squeezes the space of personal lives , makes culture public and worldly and bourgeois. 从消极方面来理解,公共媒体是对私人生活空间的挤压,并且使文化公共化、世俗化和平庸化。 www.ichacha.net 8. eradicating worldly affairs of this life is the best teaching. 断除今生世间法是最好的教言。 blog.163.com 9. Ah, yes, she abhorred the cold cynicism of the worldly-wise who sneer at the burning tears of the simple-minded . 啊,是的,她厌恶那种对出自纯朴心肠的热泪加以嘲笑的,老于世故的,冷酷的玩世不恭态度。 dict.wenguo.com 10. Small also grandma compose oneself, shedding a tear to persuade a son, should small also canthus film stays in worldly continuance light. 小也的奶奶定了定神,流着泪劝说儿子,应该把小也的眼角膜留在世间延续光明。 www.medec.cn 1. Figures like Martin Luther and John Calvin recognized marriage as a civil matter, a worldly affair, and not under the aegis of the church. 像马丁路德和约翰加尔文等人,认为婚姻是民事问题,一个俗世的事务,不需要在教会的庇护下结婚。 www.bing.com 2. I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly thin gs. 我是可以做到的,但我很难去证明你对世俗东西的欲望是正当的。 www.xcar.com.cn 3. Echoing these sentiments in the worldly Chinese way, a Beijing netizen enthused: "This adds value to the image of Chinese wives. " 与这些论调相呼应的是一位北京网民热情的说辞,这都让中国妻子的形象更有价值。 dongxi.net 4. Even if you discount the worldly benefits, the act of learning can be a source of enjoyment. 即使你不去考虑实际的好处,学习本身就是一件乐事。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. considering such worldly desires to be the origin of worries and pain. 认为这些世俗的欲望是烦恼与痛苦的根源。 www.jukuu.com 6. The traits of a worldly man endowed with tamas are sleep, lust, anger, egotism, and the like. 激情型态的世人的显著特征是嗜睡、充满欲望、愤怒和自我中心等。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self. 富有想象力的,另类世俗,易受影响,并寻求超越自我 wenku.baidu.com 8. month, during which believers in good health may neither eat nor drink nor indulge in worldly pleasures between sunrise and sunset. 他必须守赖买丹月节,即圣月。在此期间,健康的信徒每日从日出到日落不得饮食或沉溺于尘世乐事。 www.jukuu.com 9. During the long years, people of the village have lived a peaceful life and stood aloof from worldly strife. 在漫长的岁月里,人们过着与世无争的平静生活。 jpkc.wzu.edu.cn 10. A few outfits, some toiletries, and her laptop make up her worldly belongings. 几身套装,一些化妆品和便携式电脑成了她拥有的全部。 www.elanso.com 1. No longer pursuing worldly pleasure and entertainment. 不再追逐世上的享乐和娱乐。 liangyou.net 2. LEO: Your sphere of activity, and possibly your experience of the world, will change. In fact, you'll probably become more worldly. 狮子座:你会随着自己活动圈子和生活经历的改变而变得越来越世故。注意啊。 club.bandao.cn 3. by the mud from which it springs, he lives unaffected by worldly temptations, ever calm, serene and peaceful. 如同莲花出污泥而不染,他生长于世间而不被世间诱惑,永远地保持寂静、安隐、祥和。 dict.kekenet.com 4. Whatever there may be to wish otherwise in Dr. Grant would have been in danger of becoming worse in a more active and worldly profession. 不论我们希望格兰特博士干的是别的哪一行,他在那紧张的世俗行业中会比现在更糟糕。 www.jukuu.com 5. The wisest man is the likeliest to possess all worldly blessings in an eminent degree. 世上最聪明的人最可能极大限度地拥有人间一切幸福。 www.jukuu.com 6. Jordan, the greatest ever, cleared a path for the worldly basketball star. 史上最伟大的球员乔丹为世界上的篮球明星开拓了一条道路。 www.bing.com 7. Hiding in a worldly lonely face, pain who asked, but inadvertently remind, alone I cry. . . 匿藏在红尘深处的落寞容颜,疼痛谁问,唯在不经意间勾起,独自一人蹉跎的哭泣… www.bing.com 8. But it is not necessary here to argue whether the other-worldly or the humanistic ideal is "higher" . 不过这里无须辩论“重来生”或者人道主义理想那个“较高”。 www.bing.com 9. Christian sex counselors are most alienating to worldly audiences when they talk about masculinity and homosexuality. 基督徒性引导者在谈论男子气和同性恋问题时,大多回避世俗大众。 www.bing.com 10. He is not the right man for my sister: My sister is naive while he is worldly. 他不适合我妹妹:我妹妹很单纯他却很世故。 www.tingroom.com 1. Early on, Buddhism grasped the nature of worldly change and divided parts, and then applied it to the human mind. 早些时候,佛教抓住了世界变幻分离的那一部分本性,随后将其结合于人类的心智。 www.bing.com 2. Slightly drunken is the worldly red dust , regret-it-not the memorial ever carved in my heart . 红尘醉,微醺的岁月,我用无悔刻永世爱昵的碑。 www.bing.com 3. But when the Athenians condemn a hero, much as they condemned Socrates, Adam forsakes democracy and moves on to harmless, worldly pleasure. 可是当雅典人像当年判苏格拉底死刑那样判决一个英雄有罪时,亚当放弃了民主,继续转向无害的,世俗的欢乐。 www.ecocn.org 4. When called into action, she would have sacrificed every better feeling to worldly advantage. 一旦事到临头,她竟不顾高尚的情操来屈就一些世俗的利益。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The path he chose after this experience would serve to remind us, today, we can only create temporary happiness from worldly activities. 他历经了这一切后所选择的道路提醒我们,在这世俗的生活中我们只能制造短暂的快乐。 tsemtulku.com 6. Indeed, goodness in a measure implies wisdom--the highest wisdom--the union of the worldly with the spiritual. 确实,善良在某种程度上意味着智慧——那是最高的智慧,是世俗与精神的结合点。 www.bing.com 7. Because the same Kobe who can be so worldly and bright can also be so sheltered and dumb. 因为同样那个平易近人,伶俐聪慧的科比也可以因渴望阿谀奉承而变得俗不可耐。 www.niuguo.net 8. And the more you think of worldly things, the more you will be attached to them. 你越过多地想世俗之事,就会越过多地依附它们。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It is worldly to be patriotic, nationalistic, idealistic. 爱国主义,民族主义,理想主义,都是世俗的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Let the emporiums , the restaurant playing worldly music non stop! 叫所有商站、餐馆时时播放世界音乐! dictsearch.appspot.com 1. External wealth is comprised of worldly possessions whereas internal wealth concerns our body. 外财是身外之物,内财就是身体。 putixing.wordpress.com 2. Mr Elliot is evidently a disingenuous , artificial, worldly man, who has never had any better principle to guide him than selfishness. 显然,他是个虚伪做作、老于世故的人,除了自私自利以外,从来没有过更好的指导原则。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Worldly all complicated, was cast to be flung to the four winds. 尘世间的一切繁杂,都被抛到了九霄云外。 www.bing.com 4. The Eightfold Noble Path and the Eight Worldly Winds are inter-related, like two roads overlapping, not two different fields. 八正道与世间八法是一对的,这两条道路相互重叠,而非分属不同领域。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Maybe, it radiates cold thin and stand aloof from worldly success made her own incomparable charm. 也许,是身上散发出来的凉薄和与世无争造就了她自身无与伦比的魅力。 www.bing.com 6. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. 因为依著上帝的意思忧愁,就生出没有后悔的懊悔来。以致得救;但世俗的忧愁是叫人死。 new.fuyinchina.com 7. Worldly manifestation, long-term cycle, ending, transition. 老练的表现,长期的循环,结束(结果),转变。 www.douban.com 8. A person who wants to be Godly and contented will resist this desire for worldly things. 属灵和知足的人会抵御对世俗东西的欲望。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Brooks is packing his worldly possessions into the carry bag. Undershirts, socks, etc. 布鲁克斯正在把他所有的家当塞进包里,内衣、袜子等等。 bbs.duxiu.com 10. The sister, Catherine, was a slender worldly girl of about thirty. 她妹妹凯瑟琳是一个苗条而俗气的女人,年纪三十上下。 www.jukuu.com 1. They have eliminated the worldly fame, wealth, position, family and love and turn themselves into new realm of nirvana of permanence. 他们是〝无了〞旧有的世俗荣誉、财富、地位、家庭、情欲等,转而获得新的永恒不变的涅盘境。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. I, neglecting all worldly ends, buried among my books, did dedicate my whole time to the bettering of my mind. 我把世俗的事情完全抛在一边不管,一味埋头读书,把我的时间全部用来修身养性。 www.tdict.com 3. Fame, wealth and knowledge are merely worldly possessions that are within the reach of anybody striving for them. 名誉,财富,知识等仅为身外之物,并且每个人都在为获取它们而努力而奋斗着。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. and by all needless works, words, and thoughts, about our worldly employments and recreations. 对俗务和娱乐有不必要的心思、言语或作为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me. 神说:不!苦难让你厌弃尘世的烦忧,让你更接近我。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 6. He combined curious qualities of naivete with incisive wit and worldly sophistication. 他把天真质朴的奇怪品质同锐利的机智和老练的世故结合了起来。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Maybe you say something smart and try to look worldly and deep. 或许你说点什么睿智的话好让你看起来深沉而善于言辞。 www.bing.com 8. So valuable is it that worldly love should always have the element of spiritual friendship, or it would be spiritually meaningless. 拥有精神友谊的因素——世俗的爱情是如此的珍贵,或许他在精神上一文不值。 www.bing.com 9. The worldly-wise students had seen videos of the Tiananmen massacre online. 通晓世事的学生们曾在网上目睹当时的视频。 www.bing.com 10. Firestone noise and bright, worldly pleasures and happiness as crystal-clear streams. 凡世的喧嚣和明亮,世俗的快乐和幸福。 www.onlylz.com 1. Even in worldly things, we need the attention of an expert in order to have fruits, and much more so if we want to attain the Truth. 所以,即使世俗的事情,我们也需要一个专家照顾才能够结果,何况我们要成道? sm2000.org 2. Look in Hesperian , god gives the world light, and supervising everything worldly, all living things is live below the eyelid in god. 在西方人看来,上帝给予世界光明,并且监督着世间的一切,芸芸众生都是在上帝的眼皮底下生活。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Many romanticise monasticism as a way to make a quantum leap to escape worldly life and responsibilities. 很多人浪漫化了出家生活,将其看做一个逃避尘世生活和责任的快捷之道。 www.bing.com 4. Some people draw up lists and declare that everything on their lists is worldly. This makes decisions very easy. 有人列出一张清单,宣称清单上的行为就是「爱世界」的表现,如此一来,作决定就很容易了。 blog.163.com 5. Many readers to Huiyin as a human divinity, holy goddess, but as worldly Que Ba Lu Xiaoman vulgarian, kept woman. 许多读者把林徽因视为人间仙子、圣洁的女神,而却把陆小曼看做世间俗物、风尘女子。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. Who says that book - lovers are near-sighted , inflexible and indifferent to worldly affairs! 是谁说读书人目光短浅,不通人情,不关心世事呢! dictsearch.appspot.com 7. He may be worldly, but he is thinking of the great world. 他可能是世俗的,但他也在不断地思考着这个伟大的世界。 www.bing.com 8. Second Life gives its users a weekly "stipend" allowing them to invest, trade and offer services for worldly bucks. “第二生命”向用户支付“周薪”,供他们投资、交易、提供服务,换取真钱。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Rather, there is an insistence on direct inner spiritual experience as opposed to worldly or social power. 相反,该著作坚持一种反抗社会与世俗权力的直接的心灵体验。 www.bing.com 10. The entire book has the strong common custom color, manifested initially spoke the history and the worldly affairs confluence. 全书带有浓重的世俗色彩,初步体现了讲史与世情的合流。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. pearls and ruby rings. . . Ah, how can worldly things take the place of honor lost? 真珠和宝石戒指。世俗的东西怎能换回丧失的贞操? 45key.cn 2. It is important not to make the distinction between the worldly and the so-called religious. 重要的是不在世俗的和所谓宗教的生活之间进行区分。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. And when it comes to race in comics, the big questions are not as other-worldly as one might think. 谈到漫画里的种族时,主要的问题并不像一般人认为得那样超凡。 udn.com 4. Yang advises students to shake off "worldly wisdom" during college years and enjoy campus life. 杨敏建议学生在大学期间摆脱世故,好好享受校园生活。 page.renren.com 5. For worldly things will fade away as seasons come and go. But the treasure of true friendship will never lose its glow. 世俗的事情,会随着季节的变迁而逐渐消失,但是真正的友谊将会被永远珍藏,而不会失去光芒。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. ' Then the worldly people say in a disgusted tone: 'Well, then, you can talk. 然后世俗的人就用一种厌恶的语调说:‘好,你可以继续。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Vzlues that you cherish are indeed devoid of worldly disturbance and always are your saviour. 你所珍视的价值绝不会受世间纷乱的干扰,它是你一生的依靠。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Though they live with worldly people, they still conserve personal central belief. 他们与世人共同生活,但是仍能保有个人的中心信仰。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. the other is an other-worldly religious orientation. 一是超俗的宗教生活指向。 www.bing.com 10. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and bring you closer to me. 所有的忍受让你远离尘世,而把你拉近我。 www.24379.com 1. Furthermore, the worldly wealth that we prayed for is also aiming at application in Dharma services. 并且我们求世间财的目的也是为了应用在佛法的服务上。 www.yogilin.org 2. Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods. 永不因为爱或言辞之利卷入争吵而战斗 wenku.baidu.com 3. As renunciation becomes full, the reproach [i. e. aversion to worldly life] becomes full. 当放弃充满了,厌离(即对世俗生活的厌倦就充满了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Internet access has made them more worldly and since a labour law passed in 2008 they have a stronger sense of their rights. 上网让他们增长了见识;2008年《劳动法》的出台,增强了他们的个人权利意识。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The body language is very ancient worldly language. 身体语言是很古老的世界语言。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And the rapid development of non-western nationalism finally broke the worldly colonial system and built a worldly nation-state system. 非西方民族主义的蓬勃发展最终打破了世界殖民体系,并建立起一个世界民族国家体系。 www.fabiao.net 7. She had a mind for worldly honor. 她希望得到人世间的荣誉。 home.ebigear.com 8. Peter encourages us that the worldly way of life does not compare to the life Jesus would shape in us. 彼得鼓励我们,世人的生活方式比不上耶稣为我们建造的生命。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I wonder if it is a kind of happiness to live aloof from worldly strife. 他们与世无争地生活在旷野之中。这是否是一种幸福? dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. 我又告诉你们,要借着那不义的钱财,结交朋友。到了钱财无用的时候,他们可以接你们到永存的帐幕里去。 www.bbintl.org 1. He was despotic , and she liked freedom; he was worldly, and she, perhaps, romantic. 他专横独断,她却爱好自由;他耽于利欲,她却也许有点罗曼蒂克。 dict.wenguo.com 2. He had renounced all worldly enjoyments and sensuous pleasures. 他早已经与世间享乐和感官愉悦相隔绝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Mr Grossman's imagination is secular, worldly, self-questioning and ironic. 格鲁斯曼的想象力是现世而世俗的,反省而讽刺的。 www.ecocn.org 4. Our worldly clothes were given to the poor. 把衣服都给穷人了。 gb.cri.cn 5. In the current, it is to inspect history worldly and widely, even take the view of universe; "paradise of GCD" is ridiculous. 现在,是站在全球乃至全宇宙的角度去看历史,又何来所谓的“天朝上国”之说? xiaozu.renren.com 6. Mr. Zanini may design some attractive clothes, but you don't get the sense that his worldly woman really owns them. 萨尼尼设计的衣服可能很吸引人,但是让人感觉普通女人不会真的去买这些衣服。 cn.nytimes.com 7. Worldly activity, though many shortcomings, but it's still good. 世间的活动,缺点虽多,但仍是美好的。 edu.51ielts.com 8. If the poem is more of a fairy-like detachment from worldly elegant. 诗中更有一种如仙般超脱尘世的飘逸。 www.soudoc.com 9. For the Christians, to whom we now turn, this context is too earthly or this-worldly. 对于基督徒,我们现在转向他们,这个情景太世俗或太现世了。 book.douban.com 10. Outside of worldly woman is numerous, but they love her identity and love him more pocket money. 外面红尘女子众多,可她们爱她的身份和更爱他口袋的钱。 www.bing.com 1. mood, Give a worldly prejudice, can search to have lost self. 放弃了世俗的偏见,才能寻觅到久已失去的自我。 zhishi.sohu.com 2. Better yet, let us place our lives in God's hands before worldly fears attack us. 更好的是,让我们在世界的恐惧攻击我们之前,就把生命放在神的手中; blog.sina.com.cn 3. Worldly culture says, "There are many religions. To each his own. " 世俗文化说:「宗教有多种多样,人人都可各自修行。」 chinesetodays.org 4. Naturally, well fall back into the human world. Yes! If you desire worldly things, you have to come back and find them here! 那当然又掉下来人间,是啊,渴望世俗的东西,应该来这里找啊! sm2000.org 5. However, Super hybrid rice grown by Yuan Longping, presents an answer to this worldly problem. 但袁隆平发明的杂交水稻,为这一世界性疑问找到了答案。 hi.baidu.com 6. Fame, wealth and knowledge are merely worldly possessions. 名声、财产、知识等等是身外之物。 www.hxen.com 7. What is wrong with love? You really can do against us? You guys Why do people consider themselves aloof from worldly affairs? . . . 爱有什么不对,反对我们你们真的可以吗?你们这些自认清高的人… heshuibei.com 8. Parry crossed his arms and adopted a worldly, man-to-man tone. 帕里抱起胳膊,腔调变得坦率而世故起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. God said, no. Sufferings draws you apart from worldly Gares. and brings closer to me . 神说:不。苦维让你厌弃尘世的烦忧,让你更接近我。 blog.163.com 10. They are silent very static, stand aloof from the worldly affairs, to everything all uninterested. 他们沉默好静,与世无争,对任何事情均兴味索然。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Zhang Ai ling's text is should be worldly, but the customs get such compactness, making people find out there a kind of consign. 张爱玲的文本是世俗的,但是世俗得如此精致,使人们在她那里找到了一种寄托。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. We had little money and few worldly goods, but plenty of love and attention. 虽然我们没有什么钱,财产也少得可怜,但是我们洋溢着爱和关怀。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Life is too short, too precious, too painful to waste on worldly bubbles that burst. 人生太短暂、太珍贵、太痛苦,我们不应该浪费它在尘世瞬间即逝的幻想中。 www.bing.com 4. It is simply impossible for one to have both transcendental achievement and worldly enjoyment and pleasure at the same time. 既想成就出世间的道业,又贪图世间的享受快乐,是无有是处的。 www.cttbchinese.org 5. little sister was worldly and sophisticated, quite unlike me. 与我截然不同的是,我的妹妹在为人处世方面非常老练。 www.bing.com 6. These workers are more worldly and have higher expectations from life. 这些工人更世俗,对生活也有更多的期许。 www.bing.com 7. Indeed, it is the heaven which is about to make an entrance into your worldly lives again. 的确,是天堂世界将要再次进入你们这个世俗生活了。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. A great or excessive regard for worldly concerns. 物质中心主义:对世俗非常或过分的关心。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. And, seeing the reality of this worldly life. 看清楚这个世界的现实。 bbs.jiarongsi.com 10. More than 100 ShiJing hole shape lifelike lifelike, worldly, rarely, amazing. 洞内一百多个石景形态逼真、惟妙惟肖、世间罕有、叹为观止。 zhidao.baidu.com |
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