单词 | World Cups |
释义 | World Cups例句释义: 全部 1. Italy, with roughly the same population, has won four World Cups and been runner-up in a few more. 而人口差不多相当的意大利,获得四次世界杯冠军和好几次亚军。 www.ecocn.org 2. World Cups often feature surprising outcomes in the early stages, but world powers tend to be the last standing. 在世界杯决赛阶段初期的比赛中,常常会有出人意料的比赛结果,但能够打入最后几轮比赛的往往是那些世界强队。 chinese.wsj.com 3. 20'33': Maldini: For all the World Cups that I played in, Italy has always been one of the main contenders. 马尔蒂尼:对于我参加的每一届世界杯,意大利都被人们认为是冠军最主要的竞争者之一。 www.bing.com 4. Notwithstanding that America has exited the last two World Cups by losing to Ghana, we already have one of the world's top teams. 尽管在上两届世界杯中美国都输给了加纳而早早出局,但我们的球队现在已跻身世界一流强队之列。 www.bing.com 5. A rugby writer recentlysuggested to me that rugby World Cups tend not to produce attackingplay because of a natural cycle. 一位橄榄球作家最近向我表示,出于某种自然轮回的作祟,橄榄球世界杯不是进攻的温床。 www.bing.com 6. The U. S. , which has had seven domestic coaches in its eight previous World Cups, is led by American Bob Bradley. 美国队之前曾八次打入世界杯,其中七次由本国教练率队,此次的主帅是美国人布拉德利(BobBradley)。 chinese.wsj.com 7. A decade ago, a U. K. -U. S. , one-two combination might have seemed an obvious choice for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. 若是放在十年前,英美强强组合一定是2018和2022世界杯的不二选择。 www.bing.com 8. Two committee members have been accused by a British newspaper of offering to sell their votes in selecting hosts for future World Cups. 两名执委会委员英国报纸指控在申办未来的世界杯举办权时出售自己的投票。 www.tingclass.com 9. Winning the thing might be expecting too much but I am hoping for a better level of performance than in recent World Cups. 捧起世界杯虽然很值得憧憬,不过我更期待的是他们能有比最近几次世界杯上更好的表现。 www.bing.com 10. Having appeared and scored in the previous three World Cups, Beckham was expected to be selected for the tournament in South Africa in 2010. 过往三届世界杯,小贝都有出场和进球。他本来很有希望入选2010南非世界杯的名单(幸亏没去) page.renren.com 1. pechenie: In a way, our team has as many chances as it did during the previous World Cups. 从某方面来说,我们的队伍有和上届世界杯一样多的机会。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. The French, who have ping-ponged from the final to first-round elimination for four straight World Cups now, are never to be trusted. 而在最近四次世界杯比赛中,法国队既有杀入决赛的时候,也有小组赛就被淘汰的时候,它永远无法让人信赖。 c.wsj.com 3. From London in 1851 to Chicago in 1893, these fairs put cities at the center of the world stage, just as Olympics and world cups do today. 从1851年的伦敦到1893年的芝加哥,这些博览会让主办城市变成世界的中心,正如当今奥运会和世界杯的效果。 www.stnn.cc 4. The atmosphere at World Cups is joyous, not hostile; more like a carnival than a war. 世界杯的气氛是祥和的,人们在这里看不见敌意;它更像是一个狂欢节,而非战争。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Beckham was only in Italy to give himself the best possible chance of becoming the first England player to feature in four World Cups. 只有意大利给了小贝最有可能的机会,去成为第一位为英格兰出战四届世界杯的球员。 www.bing.com 6. Four countries -- Brazil, Germany, Italy and Argentina -- have won 14 of the 18 World Cups since the competition began. 在世界杯历史上的18届比赛中,巴西、德国、意大利和阿根廷四国总揽了14座冠军奖杯。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Past experience in World Cups and European Championships makes me pessimistic. Those of us who go will take it slowly. 西班牙过去的世界杯和欧洲杯经历让我愉快不起来,我们都小心翼翼尽量不多去谈论。 post.baidu.com 8. FIFA said no continent will be allowed to host consecutive World Cups. 国际足联规定,连续两届世界杯赛不能在同一大洲进行。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Argentina, with a much smaller population and less money, has two World Cups. 人少钱更少的阿根廷却也两次捧杯。 www.ecocn.org 10. However, Diego isn't the only Forlan to represent Uruguay at the World Cup, his father, Pablo, played in both the 1966 and 1974 World Cups. 然而,迭戈·弗兰并不是弗兰家族代表乌拉圭参加世界杯的唯一一人,他的父亲,巴勃罗·弗兰,曾参加过1966年和1974年两届世界杯。 www.bing.com 1. The England stars were the subject of a media frenzy and worry for supporters before the 2002 and 2006 World Cups. 在2002年和2006年世界杯前,英格兰球星们都是媒体球迷狂热和忧虑的焦点。 www.thefa.cn 2. The Dutch made the championship match in 1974 and '78, lost both, and rarely have lived up to their talent in other World Cups. 荷兰,1974和78年都打入决赛,但都输掉了。在其它次世界杯中,表现一直不佳。 www.bing.com 3. Brazil and Argentina are supposed to win World Cups outside Europe, and Europe is supposed to struggle off home soil. 本来,巴西和阿根廷应该是要赢得欧洲以外的世界杯的,而欧洲球队远征海外会出师不利。 c.wsj.com 4. We have little reason to expect we will make it to the next two World Cups. 我们实在没有理由期待我们的球队能出现在下两届世界杯的赛场上。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Reports claim that retrospective analyses of the previous three Under-17 World Cups showed more than a third of all players were too old. 有关报道称,在进行了回顾性的分析之后,结果表明在过去三届的U17世界杯中,有超过三分之一的队员的实际上都超龄了。 www.bing.com 6. " Disjointed Chelsea? Come on! Those guys have played in World Cups and other major championships, " Adu told the Daily Express. 切尔西没有融合在一起呢?看看吧,这些大牌参加了世界杯和别的比赛,阿杜对记者说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. He's done the lot - playing in European Cup finals, FA Cup finals, World Cups and European Championships. 他有丰富的比赛经验,打过欧洲杯决赛,足总杯决赛,世界杯和欧冠比赛。 www.mufans.org 8. They take enormous pride in their teams' achievements in previous World Cups. 他们对在上届世界杯中团队所取得巨大成就感到无比的自豪。 www.ecocn.org 9. South American countries have had to play 18 games in qualifying for recent World Cups; for 1990 they played only four. 为参加近几届世界杯,南非的国家队要踢18场预选赛;而在1990年他们只需踢4场。 www.ecocn.org 10. Chelsea players are well accustomed to high-tension situations with their experience of World Cups and the Champions League. 经历过世界杯与冠军杯的切尔西的球员早已习惯了这种紧张的形势。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. There is a pattern to world cups, which is why the most likely winner of the next one is Brazil. 世界杯有规律可循,因此最有可能成为下一届冠军的是巴西。 www.ftchinese.com 2. This has not stopped European countries winning the past two World Cups. 这并未阻止欧洲国家赢得刚过去的两届世界杯冠军。 www.ecocn.org 3. Hill has even produced evidence suggesting fixes at World Cups. 希尔甚至拿出了证据,证明世界杯赛场上也存在操纵行为。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Between them, they have won 3 of the past 6 World Cups. 他们赢得了过去6届世界杯中3次的冠军。 www.bing.com 5. Since shootouts were introduced in 1982, there have been 20 of them in seven World Cups. 自从点球于1982年被引入,过去7届世界杯里有过20场点球决胜负。 www.bing.com 6. Olympic medals or World Cups, in this reading, are luxury goods. 就这个意义上解读,对印度或中国而言,奥林匹克或世界杯是奢侈品。 www.putclub.com 7. Cabrini was capped 73 times for Italy, playing at three World Cups, and famously missing a penalty in the 1982 final win over West Germany. 卡布里尼73次作为意大利国家队队长出战,参加了三次世界杯,并且广为所知地在1982年世界杯对西德的比赛中罚失点球。 word.hcbus.com 8. No more World Cups, no more Champions Leagues, and, as a direct result, lower income and the loss of big-name players. 没有更多的世界杯,没有更多的冠军联赛比赛,,作为直接结果,较低的收入和损失的明星球员。 english126.com 9. So it's worth pondering the deeper implications of the recent contest to stage the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. 所以我们就有必要深究一下2018和2022年世界杯举办权这场争夺赛所暗含的深刻用意了。 www.bing.com 10. When I was watching him from the bench I was saying to the others, 'this guy has played in World Cups and he's here for us to learn off. 当我还在板凳上看着他在场上踢球时,我和身边的队友们说:“这可是踢过世界杯的家伙,我们要从他身上学到点什么。” www.lfcbbs.com 1. France finished last in its group for the 2nd time in its last 3 World Cups, ending a miserable spell for the French. 而法国则是在近3届世界杯中第2次小组垫底,可悲的南非之旅就此完结。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The allegations relate to the bidding process for the World Cups in 2018 and 2022, and are plainly very serious. 这次的指控涉及到2018年和2022年足球世界杯的蛇般过程,情节相当严重。 www.fatisia.com 3. In Mr Henckel von Donnersmarck's view, Mr Cruise will do more for Germany's image than ten football World Cups. 在亨克尔?冯?多纳斯马克先生看来,克鲁斯先生对塑造德国形象的助益将远胜于十届世界杯足球赛。 www.ecocn.org 4. Brazil has made the most consecutive World Cups, appearing in all 19 tournaments. 巴西是史上连续参赛最多的国家,共计19次入围决赛圈 www.bing.com 5. Beckham led his country as captain in the 2002 and 2006 World Cups. 贝克汉姆作为队长,率领国家队征战了2002年和2006年两届世界杯。 www.webi.com.cn 6. Do you compete at all and will you ever compete in the World cups or World Championships? 你会参加世界杯或者世界锦标赛么? www.bing.com 7. South American countries have had to play 18 games in qualifying for recent World Cups; 近几届世界杯,南美的国家队必须踢完18场预选赛; bbs.ecocn.org 8. The Development Trend and the Present Situation of Chinese Soccer from the Two World-Cups 从近两届世界杯看世界足球运动发展趋势与我国足球的现状 www.ilib.cn |
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