单词 | world affairs | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | world affairs
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 世界事务,国际事务,全球事务 1. As a country with a keen sense of its rightful place in world affairs, India believes it is worth a special trip in its own right. 作为一个对自己在世界事务中的合理地位极其敏感的国家,印度认为自己理应得到一次专程访问。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Journalism has always been about reporting facts and assertions and making sense of world affairs. No news there. 新闻工作一直以来都在报道事实、言论,了解世界大事,这并不新鲜。 www.bing.com 3. Mr Gilani in turn massaged Beijing's ego by saying Pakistan would like to see China take a dominant role in world affairs. 吉拉尼则迎合北京方面的自尊心理,称巴基斯坦希望看到中国在世界事务中扮演主导角色。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Imperfection -- the conflicts, stratagems, and surprises of world affairs -- can convey an ineffable, transcendent sense of things. 国际事务中的纷争对抗、阴谋诡计,乃至出其不意,种种反面不足,皆可传达世间万物无法言喻的超验之感。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. His concern for world affairs was shown by his active participation in the United Nations society at Cambridge. 他积极参与剑桥大学联合国社团的活动,体现出他对全球事务的关心。他的才华得到了詹姆斯?莫里斯(JamesMirlees)教授的赏识。 www.ftchinese.com 6. With health-care reform under his belt, he will soon be able to turn to world affairs with his status enhanced. 奥巴马很快完成医疗改革,他的地位也会提升,因此奥巴马很快能够重新参与到国际事务中去。 www.ecocn.org 7. Let me see. There's the news section, the entertainment section, sports, business, and world affairs. 我看看。有新闻、娱乐、体育、商业和国际时事。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. besides that , as commander in chief of the armed forces , the president carries more than a little clout in world affairs. 除此之外,身为三军司令,美国总统谢世界形势一切的影响力也是不小的。 www.ichacha.net 9. He urged individuals to stand up and change Japan, and for Japan to stand up and play a more active role in world affairs. 他呼吁人们以个人的形式站出来改变日本,使日本在国际事务中更站的住脚也更加活跃。 www.bing.com 10. Ho, faculty is when scene, oh, let the child everything. we girls realized the hottest new world affairs. 嗬,教员很当景哦,紧跟时代,让孩女们体会最新最热的世界大事。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The notion of making China a "responsible stakeholder" in world affairs has a hackneyed ring. But it is still the best option available. 让中国变成国际事务中一个“负责任的利益相关者”,这一看法有陈词滥调之嫌,但这仍是目前的最佳选择。 www.ftchinese.com 2. He said that even as it recovers, Japan continues to play a "prominent and positive role in world affairs. " 他说,即便是在恢复期间,日本继续“在世界事务中发挥显著的积极作用”。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 3. America wants China to be a thriving market for its goods. It also wants China to become an active, responsible power in world affairs. 美国想要中国成为其商品销售的繁荣市场,也想让中国在世界事务中扮演更为积极、负责的角色。 www.ecocn.org 4. After a period in which it seemed to be a declining force religion is once again a decid- ing factor in world affairs. 曾几何时,宗教的影响力似乎正在下降,但现在,它已再次成为国际事务中的决定性因素。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Europeans and Americans, who have dominated world affairs for so long, are understandably fascinated by the recent rise of China and India. 曾经长期主导世界局势的欧洲人和美国人,现在则极度关注中国和印度的崛起,这也是可理解的。 www.bing.com 6. Foreign Policy A strong defense requires playing an active, interventionist role in world affairs. 为了强大的国防,政府在世界事务上起积极的,干预的作用是必须的。 dongxi.net 7. But their brittle interpretation of sovereignty is an old-fashioned, and even dangerous, notion in world affairs. 但他们的脆弱解释却是在世界事务中主权是一个过时的甚至是危险的概念。 www.bing.com 8. as the ideal mind to help guide 21st-century political leaders through the ups and downs of world affairs. 他被视作帮助带领21世纪的政治领导们度过起落不定的世界事务的理想思想。 www.ecocn.org 9. In light of its ever increasing influence in the world affairs, China's attitude towards the ratification has become the focus of attention. 中国在国际事务中的影响日增,在批约问题上的立场备受关注。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Fulfillment has been vastly compromised in the current state of world affairs and the fractured dreaming of the human species. 在当前世界事务中,在人类物种的破碎性造梦中,实现已被极大损害。 rfive.blog.sohu.com 1. That destination is a seat at the top table of world affairs consistent with India' s self-image as a major power. 这个目的地就是全球事务中的一个上座,与印度自视为大国的形象相一致。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A great-power foreign policy strategy calls for opposition to US power politics and cooperation with the US in world affairs. 以大国姿态对待美国,确定既反对美国的强权政治又在世界事务中与美国进行合作的双向战略。 www.globalfbc.com 3. Trudeaumaintained Canada's defensive alliance with the United States but beganmoving toward a more independent policy in world affairs. 特鲁多保持加拿大的防守与美国的同盟关系,但开始走向一个更加独立的政策,在世界事务。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In Washington, White House officials say the two leaders will have a wide-ranging discussion on world affairs. 在华盛顿,白宫官员表示,两位领导人将会讨论一系列的世界事务。 www.58daxue.cn 5. Many Americans may find it tempting to turn inward, and cede our claim of leadership in world affairs. 许多美国人可能愿意将目光转向内部,放弃我们在世界事务中的领导作用。 www.america.gov 6. We could foresee the collapse which was inevitable, as you could not sustain the reckless ways of running your world affairs. 我们能够预见这个崩溃,它是不可避免的,这是由于你们无法以这种不顾后果的方式来维持运行你们的世界事务。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. All three of these presidents generally followed conservative economic policies. And they did not take an active part in world affairs. 所有这三位总经理普遍遵循保守的经济政策。他们并没有采取在世界事务中发挥积极作用。 www.maynet.cn 8. When touring Kenya, I was amazed at the sharp views of a bus driver who was obviously well-informed of world affairs by local newspapers. 我在肯尼亚旅游时,当地巴士司机的尖锐见解让我大为惊讶。显然他可以从当地报纸上了解各种关于国际事务的信息。 www.kouyi.org 9. We know well about that all world affairs are happened due to the interaction between subjective condition and objective condition. 我们都知道,在世间发生的所有事务,无一不是由主观条件与客观条件在互动之下而产生的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Svay said she likes the idea of a European Union, because individual European countries are too small to wield much clout in world affairs. Svay表示她喜欢欧盟这个概念,因为单个欧洲国家太小以至于无法在世界事务中起到多大影响。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. We are anxious to see world affairs straightened out well. 我们渴望世界上的事情能得到圆满的解决。 www.hotdic.com 2. The government's solution is to promise them that China will be restored to its rightful place at the centre of world affairs. 中国政府的解决方法是向他们承诺会让中国重新屹立于世界之林中合适的位置。 www.5xue.com 3. The Economist. A British weekly newsmagazine . The best single printed news source on current world affairs. 《经济学人》,英国的新闻杂志周刊,是当前世界事务文字新闻来源的姣姣者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Shared devotion to "multipolarity" in world affairs offers only a temporary bond. 在世界事务中信奉“多极”的共同信念仅提供了暂时的联系纽带。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If you want to make sense of world affairs, it is useful to identify the most significant events. 如果你想了解全球事务,确定最重要的事件会有所帮助。 www.ftchinese.com 6. ( to v. )The teacher criticized his tendency to view world affairs purely in terms of the East-West conflicts. 老师批评了他那种单纯从东西方冲突的角度去观察国际事务的倾向。 www.bing.com 7. After the end of apartheid South Africa positioned itself as a moral authority in world affairs. 结束种族隔离制度后,南非将自身定位为世界事务的一个道德权威。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The two leaders had a serious and frank exchange of views on Sino-U. S. relations and world affairs. 两位领导人就中美关系和国际事务认真、坦率地交换了意见。 www.hjenglish.com 9. China does not take a missionary approach to world affairs, seeking to spread an ideology or a system of government. 对国际事务,中国并没有采取传教士的方式传播政府的理念或体制。 www.bing.com 10. With the rapid development of its economy , China is playing an increasingly important role in world affairs. 随着中国经济的迅速发展,中国在国际事务中起着越来越重要的作用。 www.hxen.com 1. The Vatican is a powerful actor in world affairs, one that can affect the likelihood of a "clash of civilisations" . 梵蒂冈在世界事务中扮演重要的角色,这个角色能够影响的可能的“文明冲突”。 club.topsage.com 2. And the more he globe-trots, or is seen to be dealing with world affairs, the more his popularity rises. 而他越是满世界东奔西走,让人们看见他缠身于国际事务,他的声望就越高。 www.ecocn.org 3. But because of its burgeoning importance in helping to manage world affairs, China now has a responsibility to set its house in order. 但由于它在帮助管理世界事务中的重要性,中国如今有责任安排好内部秩序。 www.stnn.cc 4. That the East is getting relatively richer, and becoming more consequential in world affairs. 从中我们得知,东方正变得相对富裕,在国际事务中变得更具影响力。 cn.wsj.com 5. The Indian Council of World Affairs is a famous Indian think tank for the study of diplomatic and international affairs. 世界事务委员会是印度知名外交与国际问题研究智库。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. Yet the Israeli leader's influence on world affairs still resides in conflict and, in particular, his attitude to Iran's nuclear activities. 然而这位以色列领导人在全球事务中的角色依然饱受争议,尤其是他对伊朗核计划的态度。 www.bing.com 7. Japan moreover has been highly effective behind the scenes in helping China take an ever more prominent role in world affairs. 此外,日本十分有效地在幕后帮助中国在世界事务中发挥比以往更加突出的作用。 www.stnn.cc 8. World affairs should be managed by all its members through dialogue and consultation. 世界上的事情,应该由大家庭的成员们通过对话共同协商解决。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. Mr Noda, like many Japanese, worries about his country's fading relevance in world affairs. 和很多日本人一样,野田担心日本在国际事务的参与度越来越低。 www.ecocn.org 10. A Pew poll published this week finds that 93% of Germans expect him to do the right thing in world affairs. 本周公布的佩尤民意调查显示,93%的德国人希望他在世界事务中做正确的事。 www.bing.com 1. the world affairs were dominated by a few superpowers. 世界事务由几个超级大国垄断的时代已经一去不复返了。 www.qz5z.com 2. He is currently president of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. 目前他担任曾荣获诺贝尔和平奖的帕格沃什科学和世界事务会议(PugwashConferencesonScienceandWorldAffairs)主席。 www.america.gov 3. Oddly enough, that may not suit Beijing, which remains wary of getting sucked too deeply into world affairs. 说也奇怪,这可能并不合北京方面心意——中国政府仍小心翼翼,避免过深卷入国际事务。 www.ftchinese.com 4. How did a Wall Street buzzword coined by Goldman Sachs become a powerful new bloc in world affairs? 高盛公司杜撰出来的华尔街新词是怎样在国际事务上成为一个强大集团的呢? www.bing.com 5. Finally, he signalled support for India to rise to the top table of world affairs. 最后,他表示支持印度在国际事务中最重要的圆桌占据一席之地。 www.ftchinese.com 6. These men held the reins of government when world affairs were drawing a reluctant nation into their vortex. 这两人执掌政府权力之际,正值世界事务正将美国这个不愿介入国际事务的国家卷入它们的漩涡之时。 www.twis.cn 7. China, Russia and the United States are aware of the role they play in world affairs. 中国、俄罗斯和美国都知道它们在世界事务中所起的作用。 dict.86wol.com 8. We had a pleasant visit, discussing the election and world affairs. 大家在作客期间都非常愉快,谈论了大选和世界事务。 www.bing.com 9. The article began by criticizing President Bush for taking a "wrecking-ball" to world affairs. 文章以批评在国际事务上采取落锤破碎机方法的布什总统为开头。 www.bing.com 10. and the EU are both major forces on the world stage. We both support multilateralism and United Nations playing its role in world affairs. 中国和欧洲同属当今世界舞台上的重要力量,都支持多边主义,主张重视并充分发挥联合国的作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. Study: his own world, sway world affairs, way to make past and present situation. 书房:自己的天地,挥洒天下事,道尽古今情。 shtsj.com 2. The treaty is intended to streamline decision-making and give the EU a stronger voice in world affairs. 该条约的目的在于使欧盟的决策过程更加流畅,并使欧盟在世界事务中拥有更大的话语权。 club.topsage.com 3. China will continue to portray itself as a poor country with a less-than-decisive part in world affairs as long as it can. 只要条件允许,中国会继续把自己塑造成一个贫穷的对于世界事务起非决定性作用的国家。 www.bing.com 4. There are larger historical forces contributing to the continent's increasing irrelevance to world affairs. 构成这个大陆日益增加的对世界事务的无关性的历史性作用力现在更为巨大。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The awakening of star seeds is a preliminary step toward major changes in world affairs . 星星种子的觉醒就是朝向重大世界事务改变的一个初步阶段。 www.showxiu.com 6. But the Peace Prize has always sought to further a particular liberal vision in world affairs. 但该奖项也一直试图促成对全球事务的某种自由观点的形成。 www.bing.com 7. So we Britons have little or no real influence in world affairs-and Queen Anne is dead, too. 我们英国人在世界事务中很少或几乎没有什么真正影响-而且这已非新闻。 www.bing.com 8. It also wants China to become an active, responsible power in world affairs. 美国也同样需要中国在世界事务中成为积极而负责任的大国。 bulo.hjenglish.com 9. Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs. 外交官对于世界事务的情况感兴趣。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Reading newspaper and watching TV can make people keep up to date with the world affairs. 看报纸和看电视新闻能使人们跟上时代掌握世界大事。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Diplomats are interested in the status of the world affairs. 外交官们对世界事务的状况感兴趣。 hi.baidu.com 2. France has greatly extended its influence in world affairs. 在世界事务中,法国的影响已大大地扩大了。 www.hxen.com 3. your interests are wide , from world affairs and science . 您兴趣广泛从世界时事到科学探索。 www.ichacha.net 4. China has greatly extended its influence in world affairs. 在世界事务中,中国的影响已大大地扩大了。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. China has greatly expanded its influence in world affairs. 国际事务中的影响力增强 wenku.baidu.com 6. Well-known news sites, an overview of world affairs, focused news hot. 知名新闻资讯网站,纵览天下大事,聚焦新闻热点。 www.xunbin.com 7. This region continues to occupy centre stage in world affairs. 这个地区继续在国际舞台上占主导地位。 8. Read and study seriously and be concerned about world affairs. 认真看书学习,关心天下大事。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. China needs to be more proactive in World affairs. 中国应该在世界事务上更加主动一些。 www.ltaaa.com 10. We are both major countries with important influence in world affairs. 中美同为在国际事务中有重要影响的大国。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. We all are interested in the status of world affairs. 我们都关心世界形势。 www.hxen.com 2. America should play an active role in world affairs. 美国应发挥在世界事务中发挥积极作用。 dongxi.net 3. China which grows peacefully has a big influence on today's world and should play a major role in world affairs. 通过和平方式发展起来的中国在当今世界有很大影响力,应该在世界上发挥重要作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. In this respect, the world of education mirrors the rising influence of China on world affairs. 在这方面,教育界的变化映射出中国对于世界事务逐渐加强的影响力。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The Chinese economy is strong and growing and China is playing a greater role in world affairs. 中国经济稳固持续增长,且中国正在世界事务中发挥更加重要的作用。 www.putclub.com 6. Time and time again, health is a peripheral issue when the policies that shape world affairs are set. 一次又一次,当制定决定世界事务的政策时,卫生都是一项外围问题。 www.who.int 7. China is assuming more responsibilities in world affairs, economy, politics, security, science and technology, and media and arts. 中国在世界事务,经济,整治,科技媒体和艺术领域里都承担着更多的责任。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. As China participates more actively in the world affairs, we will extend our welcome. 中国积极参与国际事务,美方对此表示欢迎。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We are interested in world affairs now. 我们现在对国际事务感兴趣2010-11-11 www.bing.com 10. The hope is that in years to come China will indeed grow to be more democratic and that it will play its part in world affairs. 多年以来的希望曾是,中国真的会变得更为民主,并在世界事务中扮演其角色。 www.ecocn.org 1. a student of world affairs. 世界事务的敏锐观察者 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Instead, he was acting as a leader who could take an active part in world affairs. 相反,他是作为一个领导者可以采取一个在世界事务中的积极参与。 www.maynet.cn 3. I have only a scanty knowledge of world affairs. 我对于国际事务只是一知半解。 www.hjenglish.com 4. We should be always aware of the status of world affairs. 我们应该时刻关注世界形势。 www.bing.com 5. Once at home, students visit, they believed I "discussion" of world affairs at that time. 一次在家,同学来访,便信口“讨论”当时的天下大事。 enwaimao.cn 6. I want to thank the Indian Council of World Affairs for its warm reception and thoughtful arrangements. 感谢世界事务委员会的热情接待和周到安排,使我有机会同大家见面。 club.topsage.com 7. I want to thank the Indonesian Council on World Affairs for its kindness in arranging this event. 感谢印尼世界事务委员会为我精心安排了今天的活动。 www.putclub.com 8. We can learn about the world affairs without waching TV. We can get information by reading newspapers. 不看电视我们也能知道世界大事,我们可以通过看报纸来获取信息。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Speech by British Prime Minister Tony Blair to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council 详见英国首相托尼布莱尔对世界事务协会的讲话 www.uk.cn 10. The United States and China in World Affairs 世界事务中的美国和中国 ias.cass.cn 1. The Mighty and the Almighty: Reflections on America, God, and World Affairs 强力势力和万能之主:关于美国、上帝和世界事务的反思 philo.ruc.edu.cn 2. World Affairs Council of Northern California 加州北区国际事务委员会 www.vestasiam-a.com 3. Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs 这一声明促使帕格沃什科学和世界事务会议 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs; 帕格沃希科学与世界事务会议; www.powerdict.com 5. Cleveland Council on World Affairs 目前为克利夫兰国际事务委员会 www.bookzone.com.tw:81 6. Journal of interamerican studies and world affairs 泛美研究与世界事务杂志 lib.library.nenu.edu.cn 7. Chicago Council of World Affairs 和芝加哥国际事务委员会 www.8801.com 8. An inclusive survey of world affairs 世界事务综览 inclusive.livid.cn 9. Press & radio on world affairs: 报导世界事务的报纸与广播: bbs.ebigear.com 10. EU paper puts China at centre of world affairs 欧盟文件将中国立于世界事务中心的地位 blog.hjenglish.com 1. toimprove one's understanding of world affairs 增加对世界大事的了解 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Guide to Careers in World Affairs 世界事务职业的指南 book.sina.com.cn |
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