单词 | work properly | ||||||
释义 | work properly
例句释义: 正常工作,正常地运作,能够合适地作用 1. Changing the application to be able to work properly when a network connection is not present. 修改应用程序,保证它可以在无网络连接的时候正常工作。 www.infoq.com 2. Seem . . . . . . seem to don't have this possibility, he has no Yin to work properly a jade sign again and how can see you? 好像……好像没有这个可能吧,他又没有阴灵玉符,怎么会看到你们呢? www.dqbuluo.com 3. To be responsible for daily maintenance of any equipment, accessories, devices under used, to ensure all of them work properly. 负责对所使用的设备、装置、附件以及实验室进行日常保养和维护,确保各种设备始终处于正常的工作状态。 tianjin.jobems.com 4. To leave these drive systems will not be able to work properly. 离开这些驱动系统就不能正常工作。 www.3333355555.com 5. Why -- do you need to incorporate some sort of analog of happiness into a computer brain to make it work properly? 为什麽?你是否需要把某种快乐模式输入让电脑正常工作? www.myoops.org 6. The icons along the top are mostly useful, though a few did not work properly for me. 在顶部的图标大多是有用的,虽然少数没有正常工作对我来说。 www.opda.net.cn 7. Shared storage is not the only resource that must be shared in order for this architecture to work properly. 为了让这种架构能够正确地运行,需要共享的资源不仅仅是共享存储。 www.ibm.com 8. For certificate revocation to work properly, the receiver of the certificate must check to see if it is still valid. 为了让证书撤消起作用,证书的接受者必须检查它是否仍然有效。 www.ibm.com 9. Really don't know wild work properly is how to got to realize suddenly, as if opened an eye. 真不知野灵是如何得到了顿悟,犹如开了天眼。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. She 1 roused to work properly to adopt empress words and said, the clear orchid was what old woman keeps big extra. 她一个激灵收住了后话,说说起来,明兰更加是老太太养大的。 blog.tianya.cn 1. The AC did not work properly, the bathroom plumbing was very tacky, holes drilled to the side to insert fixtures. 空调运作不正常,卫生间管道很破烂,在墙面上钻很多洞用来安装卫生间固定设施。 www.6m.com 2. We find ourselves dozing and eventually unable to work properly due to the fatigue and stress and the immense pressure of this feeling. 由于长期工作积累下的疲劳、紧张和巨大的压力,我们发现自己开始打盹甚至无法全身心地投入工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Belgian blues are so big because their genes for a protein called myostatin, a hormone that regulates muscle growth, do not work properly. 比利时蓝牛之所以这么大,是因为它们的一种蛋白质基因不能正常发挥作用。这种蛋白质名为“肌肉生长抑制素”,是调节肌肉生长的激素。 www.ecocn.org 4. "Uncle Shi wants to go where? Seek teacher? " Together work properly son to ask a way. “师叔你要去哪?去找师父吗?”齐灵儿问道。 www.zxschool.cn 5. For the jQuery code to work properly, each name needs to be clearly defined in its own space, hence the term namespace. 要使jQuery代码正常工作,每个名称都必须在其自己的空间之内明确定义,这就出现了术语名称空间。 www.ibm.com 6. Also, parts of the Xilinx Web site and the HTML files on the CDs apparently do not work properly using Firefox; beware. 而且要注意,使用Firefox会使XilinxWeb站点的某些部分和CD上的HTML文件不能正常运作。 www.ibm.com 7. IB: Brian McClair once asked me if I'd give his hair a quick trim but I couldn't get the trimmer to work properly, so Brian tried himself. IB:布莱恩。麦克莱尔有一次问我能不能给他赶快剪个头,但我可不太会。所以布莱恩自己做了。 bbs.sports.sina.com.cn 8. Belgian blues are so big because their genes for a protein called myostatin do not work properly. 比利时蓝牛的肌肉如此发达的原因是牠的基因使一种叫做肌肉生长抑制素的蛋白质不能正常工作。 www.ecocn.org 9. The supplier shall be responsible for the system integration and ensure the system can work properly to meet the requirement. 供应商负责系统集成,主机及附件能够正常工作,达到供货技术要求。 www.caigou.com.cn 10. Those calling for "European" action often talk as if they are describing an elegant mechanism, needed to make the union work properly. “欧洲化”行动的鼓吹者们往往声称,他们期待简洁高效的运行机制,对维护欧盟的正常工作是必不可少的。 www.ecocn.org 1. An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for %s. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly. 在为%s装入或保存配置信息时发生错误。您的某些配置设置可能不能正常工作。 translations.launchpad.net 2. We believe that the problem has now been fixed, and your launcher should work properly within the next hour. 现在我们确信,这个问题已经被修复了,并且你的客户端很快就可以正常运行了。 bbs.52pk.com 3. When he was going more than 80 kph on the highway, Ge complained, the car began to slide and the brakes seemed not to work properly. 他抱怨说,在高速公路上,当他以每小时80多公里的速度行驶时,车就开始打滑,刹车也似乎不太灵了。 www.foodmate.net 4. This menu is the heart of the analyzer. If these parameters are not set correctly, the K4000NG will not work properly. 这个菜单是分析仪的核心。如果这些参数不能正确设定,K4000NG将不能正确工作。 www.instrument.com.cn 5. It is like trying to get websites to work properly in different browsers in the late 1990s, he muses. 这就像在20世纪90年代末试图让网站在不同的浏览器中正确地工作。 www.ecocn.org 6. This is just a shot in the dark, but maybe if we made this a little tighter the engine would work properly. 只是随便一试,不过也许我们把它弄紧后,引擎会正常运作。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Currently in WebSphere Portal, the submit button cannot be named "Submit" for Client-Side Click-to-Action target code to work properly. 在WebSpherePortal中,submit按钮不能命名为客户端点击操作目标代码的“Submit”以合适地工作。 www.ibm.com 8. Eyes inside has already started getting very angry, small work properly son but be seen the heart bottom convey chilly. 眼睛里已经开始冒火,小灵子却被看得心底发凉。 www.swty.net 9. Each instance typically requires a unique set of configuration parameters for the application to work properly. 每个实例通常都要求使用一组惟一的配置参数才能使应用程序正常运行。 www.ibm.com 10. Notably, most Ubuntu distributions and its derivatives (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc. ) will not work properly unless an Oracle JRE is installed. 特别是,大部分Ubuntu发行套件及其衍生物(Kubuntu,Xubuntu,等等)都不能正常工作,除非安装有OracleJRE。 www.bing.com 1. One requirement for Alloy to work properly is to have SAP user names added to Lotus Domino person documents for Alloy users. 要使Alloy正常工作的一个要求是为Alloy用户将SAP用户名添加到LotusDomino人员文档。 www.ibm.com 2. A different version of the above products may require a different set of steps for the setup to work properly. 以上产品的不同版本可能需要不同的安装步骤才可以正常工作。 www.ibm.com 3. Links between books do not work properly when Acrobat is run as a plugin to certain browsers. 当Acrobat作为某些浏览器的插件运行时,跨手册的链接无法正常工作。 www.ianywhere.com 4. Even if they work properly, there is no guarantee managers will be prepared to accept what the computer has to say. 即使这些软件能正常工作,也不能保证管理人员愿意接受计算机输出的结果。 bbs.blueidea.com 5. And as the 2000 procedure shows us, the organ must receive feedback from the rest of the body to work properly. 正如2000年的那次手术证实的那样,移植的器官必须从身体的其它部分获得反馈,才能顺利地工作。 www.bing.com 6. Decision making, implementation and supervision of the public policies cannot work properly without public participation. 公共政策的决策、执行和监督都离不开公民的参与。 www.fabiao.net 7. This gene comes in two varieties, one of which has a part missing and therefore does not work properly. 这种基因有两种变体,其中一种由于缺失了一部分而不能正常工作。 www.ecocn.org 8. Legal document which promise that goods purchased will work properly or that an item is of good quality. 允诺所购货物将正常工作或某商品质量好的法律文件。 www.jukuu.com 9. Ink colors in the deployment of its work properly, directly affects the business card printing and membership card making color quality. 调配不朱色的方法是否恰当,间接感化到制卡和会员卡制息的颜色质量。 www.bing.com 10. The week thou helplessly saw an eye together work properly son, suddenly some penitence in heart had never endured to speak his plan. 周古无奈地看了眼齐灵儿,心中忽然有些后悔没忍住说出他的计划。 www.zxschool.cn 1. They had to lay Toad out on the floor, kicking and calling all sorts of names, before they could get to work properly. 蟾蜍不住地踢踹,叫骂,他们不得不把他按倒在地,才能顺当地给他脱衣。 www.bing.com 2. In order for the integration to work properly, Visual Studio and Test RealTime must be installed on the same workstation. 为了使集成可以正常工作,必须将VisualStudio和TestRealTime安装在同一工作站上。 www.ibm.com 3. Most notably, there was a problem in the initial Lotus Domino V7. 0 release that caused enumerations not to work properly. 最值得一提的是,在最初的LotusDominoV7.0发布版中有一个问题,导致枚举无法正常工作。 www.ibm.com 4. This button saves us time setting up all the nodes and connections to make the system work properly (thus it also turns final gathering ON). 这个按钮为我们在系统中设置正确的节点和连接节省了大量时间(它也需要打finalgathering)。它由三个基础部分组成。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Not appreciating the work properly, a cleaner assumed the stain needed to be cleaned, so she scrubbed it till it gleamed. 一名清洁工不懂这幅作品,认为是需要清洁的污渍,于是就把这些东西擦得干干净净。 www.putclub.com 6. While you'll need a display and input devices for the initial setup , make sure the system will work properly without them. 虽然你最初会需要显示器和输入设备,但要确保系统没有它们也能正常工作。 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. However, the package is quite new and may require some manual intervention to get it to work properly. 但是,这个软件包还是很新的,可能需要一些手工的干预才能正常的工作。 qref.sourceforge.net 8. To guarantee they were, he refused to modify the popular Office applications to work properly with the tablet. 为此,他不肯为了配合平板电脑而修改广受欢迎的Office程序。 www.bing.com 9. Outstanding personality ground the advantage for work properly, flew to put on wing for the economy Teng of company. 人杰地灵的优势,为公司的经济腾飞插上了翅膀。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. It will scan your system first then download and install Canon official drivers to let your Canon device work properly. 它会扫描您的系统驱动,然后下载并安装佳能官方驱动给佳能的设备提供实时更新,确保您的设备驱动是最新并保障正常工作。 sharecenter.net 1. If it's too hot, the computer can't work properly. Likewise, if it's too cold, it is likely to fail. 如果天气太热的话,这台计算机就无法工作。同样,如果天气太冷的话,它也容易出问题。 www.veryen.org 2. Dependency: A dependency is a package which must be installed for another package to work properly. 依赖是为另一个软件包正常工作而必须安装的一个软件包。 my.opera.com 3. This update fixes System. TimeZone to work properly with the fixed-date time zone rules used by the Jerusalem time zone on Windows Vista. 本更新通过修复WindowsVista耶路撒冷时区的日期时区规则使System.TimeZone能够正确工作。 www.microsoft.com 4. Do your DLLs (Windows-specific, dynamically-loaded libraries, most often) work properly for you? 您的DLL(大多数情况是特定于Windows的动态载入库)对您而言工作正常吗? www.ibm.com 5. "He be'work properly an elder brother'? " At the moment, the doorway spread to childishly ask a words voice. “他就是‘灵哥’么?”此刻,门口传来了稚嫩的问话声。 cosoft.org.cn 6. To set up the level control system to ensure that the machines work properly. 设置液位控制系统,确保机器正常工作。 www.99114.com 7. Drugs and alcohol can harm your thinking by making it harder for your brain to work properly. 毒品和酒精能够使你的大脑超正常运转而危害你的思想。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. Confused--or alienated--by Google's Web-only customer service, users griped that the phone didn't work properly and was priced unfairly. Google只提供了在线客户服务,这让许多用户感到困惑不解,难以亲近。他们为手机无法正常使用发牢骚,并认为手机的定价不合理。 news.cnblogs.com 9. The robustness of recognition has been greatly improved which can still work properly even if in the case of interference. 识别的稳健性有了较大的提高,在有干扰的情况下,仍能正确的识别。 www.zidir.com 10. With grace fall in the fiesta on the stage, close after is small to work properly son, silently stand at her beside. 优雅地落在祭台上,紧接着是小灵子,沉默地站在她的身边。 bbs.bnb.cq.cn 1. In case your humidifier does not work properly, please examine your machine before asking for maintenance service. 如果您的加湿器不能正常工作,请您在要求维修加湿器之前做以下检查。 www.showxiu.com 2. Some missiles might "leak through" the Star Wars defenses. Or the computers that run the system might not work properly. 有些导弹也会“渗透”星球大战防御系统,或者出现计算机控制系统失灵。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Note: Since Google Chrome for Mac OS systems is still in beta, some extensions might not work properly. 注意:因为Mac操作系统上的GoogleChrome浏览器仍在Beta测试中,有些扩展可能不能正常使用。 dongxi.net 4. To get a virtual machine (VM) to work properly, it's critical to install the Hyper-V integration components. 为了使一个虚拟机(VM)正常工作,安装Hyper-V集成组件是很关键的。 www.bing.com 5. However, these were not internationally approved and often failed to work properly. 然而这些系统并没有得到国际认可,而且经常无法正常工作。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Without a newer version, the form may be displayed, but it might not work properly. 没有更新的版本,可能会显示该窗体,但它可能无法正常工作。 www.bing.com 7. Test whether or not the headlamps work properly. 测试照明灯是否能正常工作。 bbs.cnnb.com.cn 8. Your computer must be restarted for the updated version to work properly. 你的电脑必须重新启动以便使更新后的软件正常工作! www.slysoft.com 9. Vitamins are vital nutrients the body needs to work properly. 维生素是人体正常工作必须的营养成分。 news.dxy.cn 10. and adrenal glands, DO not work properly, disease also may result. 如果产生激素的腺体如甲状腺和肾上腺,工作不正常,也会引起疾病。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Is small to work properly son you nice variety, incredibly challenge to my Sa monstrous prevaricate favor this? 小灵子你好样的,居然敢对我撒这样的弥天大谎? www.swty.net 2. If his naturally work properly dint have never sealed to print so long, can release hurry up good. 如果他的天生灵力没有封印这么久,能够释放得快一点就好了。 www.jingdian8.cn 3. power supply failure alarm: there will be a sound and light alarm when the main power supply fail to work properly. 失电报警:当主电源失电时,发出声光报警。 wenku.baidu.com 4. This site will not work properly because your browser does not support JavaScript! 这一站点无法正常显示因为你的浏览器不支持Java编程! www.translatorscafe.com 5. A: Well, look here, Mr. Wang. Six new typewriters were delivered to my college yesterday afternoon and only three of them work properly. 那好,王先生你看,昨天下午送到我们学院的6台打字机,只有3台是好的。 www.ebigear.com 6. Proprietary drivers are being used to make this computer work properly. 专利驱动程式正在被使用以令此电脑可以正常运作。 translations.launchpad.net 7. Neither the managed application nor the COM component requires any modification for side-by-side execution to work properly. 无须对托管应用程序或COM组件进行任何修改,并行执行就可以正常工作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Also, there were multi-path and interference. Receivers must enhance the ability of weak signal processing to work properly. 在这些微弱信号环境下,接收机必须提高弱信号处理能力才能正常工作。 www.fabiao.net 9. Without the testability requirements, the full SOA initiative might collapse, because the system would cease to work properly. 如果不满足可测试性需求,整个SOA活动可能会由于系统不能继续正确工作而崩溃。 www.ibm.com 10. Inform production manager and provide the solutions if the devices does not work properly. 如果设备发生问题要及时通知生产线经理并提供解决方法。 www.51job.com 1. Note that the longer option (help) must precede the shorter option (h) for the code to work properly. 请注意,较长的选项(help)必须在较短的选项(h)之前,代码才能正常工作。 www.ibm.com 2. If it doesn't work properly, you should then work with the appropriate network teams to resolve the problems prior to deployment. 如果它无法正确地工作,那么在进行部署之前,您应该与合适的网络团队协作以解决这个问题。 www.ibm.com 3. Your PC (Personal Computer) and network must meet the following technical specifications for the camera to work properly. 您的PC(个人电脑)和网络必须满足以下技术规格的摄像头才能正常工作。 www.jdzj.com 4. The reason for the recall: Some of those infusion sets don't work properly and could lead to dangerous insulin doses. 召回原因:部分设备不能正常工作,对病人会造成危害,甚至会导致死亡。 news.dxy.cn 5. Allow this access, or turn off the firewall, for Geronimo to work properly. 为了让Geronimo正常工作,应该允许这种访问,或者关闭防火墙。 www-128.ibm.com 6. If your hardware does not work properly after suspending or hibernating your computer, restart your computer and it should return to normal. 如果由于挂起或休眠计算机而导致硬件无法正常工作,请重启计算机,它应该会恢复正常。 translations.launchpad.net 7. The compression release valve of the compressor has been misplaced, so it does not work properly. 压缩机的减压阀被安装错了,不能正常使用。 www.dictall.com 8. On your phone, some desktop Web sites will work properly while others will not. 在手机中,有些桌面网站能够正常运行,而有些则不行。 www.ibm.com 9. For consensus to work properly everyone must understand the meaning of "legitimate concerns" . 为了让集体决策正确的工作,每个人必须懂得“合理的疑虑”的意义。 career.51youcai.com 10. If conditional cash transfer programs are to work properly, many more schools and health clinics are needed. 要使“有条件现金转移支付计划”良好运行,还需要更多配套的学校和医疗诊所。 www.bing.com 1. In order for inter-VLAN routing to work properly, all of the routers and switches involved must support the same encapsulation. 为了正确的完成VLAN间路由,所有的路由器和交换机必须支持相同的封装。 jpkc.szpt.edu.cn 2. You might discover that these properties need to be edited for the subform or subreport to work properly. 您可能会发现需要编辑这些属性以使子窗体或子报表正确工作。 office.microsoft.com 3. Some devices attached to your computer may need restricted drivers to be installed in order to work properly. 为了有些连接到您电脑的设备可以正常工作,您可能需要安装限制性驱动程式。 translations.launchpad.net 4. Some features may not work properly with your current server. 某些特性可能无法在您目前的服务器下工作。 translations.launchpad.net 5. His administration's reasoning is that the institutions for fighting corruption already exist; they just need to be put to work properly. 他政府的推论是,已经有反腐败机构了,需要做的只是让机构良好运转。 www.ecocn.org 6. Was dint to work properly, entirely pressed him on the grade, can not let to triumph easily, either. 是力灵了,等级上完全压着他了,也不能够让轻易获胜。 wester.com.cn 7. After modified files are sent back to us and confirmed to work properly we will release Milestone payment. 经过修改的文件发送给我们,并确认能够正常工作,我们将发布里程碑付款。 www.bing.com 8. The combat is almost to beat to ring at once, I inspected these four Wus to work properly the attribute of warrior. 战斗马上就要打响了,我察看了一下这四个亡灵战士的属性。 cpubbs.com 9. This documentation helps identify the lowest level of patches required on a product before your WebSphere product will work properly. 此文档可帮助确定您的WebSphere产品正常工作所需的产品最低补丁要求。 www.ibm.com 10. Another important consideration is that the maximum size property depends on evidence from the assembly to work properly. 另一个重要的考虑是最大大小属性取决于来自正常工作的程序集的证据。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Will fine powder as far as possible from the material in screening out, lest affect system pressure-blasting machine to work properly. 将细粉尽量的从物料中筛选出来,以免影响制砂机的正常工作。 www.posuiji168.com 2. Set up the level control system to ensure that the machines work properly. 超声波清洗机设置液位控制系统,确保机器正常工作。 www.3158.com 3. If for any reason the product fails to work properly, please contact your dealer for technical support. 如因某种原因主品不能正常工作,请向经销商寻求技术支持。 www.jukuu.com 4. It is not needed for the code to work properly, but it illustrates our point. 没有它代码也可以很好的工作,但是它阐明了我们的目的。 www.bing.com 5. You should have the same number of disks on both servers for this configuration to work properly. 为了使该配置正常工作,两台服务器上应具有相同数目的磁盘。 www.ibm.com 6. As bigger equipment in mine, mine hoists would influence the safety of the mine and person if they don't work properly. 矿井提升机作为煤矿生产的大型设备,其工作的可靠性将直接关系到人身及设备的安全。 www.chemyq.com 7. 'The application being installed may not work properly because It was written for an earlier version of Windows Mobile. ' (正在安装的软件可能无法正常使用因为它们是为旧版本编写的。)这点可以忽略掉。 www.bing.com 8. For event sequencing to work properly, this value must remain one so that all requests are processed for sequencing by the same singleton. 为了能让事件排序正确工作,此值必须保持为1以便所有请求都能被相同的singleton做排序处理。 www.ibm.com 9. The person is a dollar that the cosmos great universe livings to work properly, the person's life-physical life and spiritual life. 人是宇宙大自然生灵的一元,人的生活物质生活和精神生活。 blog.cntv.cn 10. The idea has been around for some time, but it proved difficult to make it work properly. 这个理念已形成了一段时间,但经过证明让它正常工作困难重重。 www.ecocn.org 1. Again cheerful cloud with the result that rain is many scale insects of long, four work properly(dragon, Feng, Qi Lin, turtle) of head. 又能兴云致雨,为众鳞虫之长,四灵(龙、凤、麒麟、龟)之首。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Vacuum cleaners to hair dryers to lawn mowers and yes; cars, all require the intake of air to work properly. 真空吸尘器的吹风机,割草机,是的,解放油罐车都需要摄入空气的正常工作。 www.bing.com 3. Access to safe medical devices depends upon systems for ensuring that medical devices work properly and are safe. 获得安全的医疗装置,有赖于确保医疗装置正常工作且具有安全性的体系。 www.who.int 4. Fair's fair . If you had done the work properly you would not have been punished. 大家都应讲公道嘛。如果你当初把工作做好,你就不会受到处罚了。 bbs.tingclass.com 5. Never use it when the supply cord, plug, or other components are damaged, or when it doesn't work properly. 当电源线、插头或其他部件已损坏或电热水瓶工作状态不正常时,请停止继续使用。 blog.163.com 6. Can arrangement work properly, initiative, motivate. 工作有条理性,能积极主动完成任务。 www.8aza.com 7. A problem occurred during hardware installation. Your new hardware might not work properly. 硬件安装期间出现了一个问题。您的新硬件可能无法正常运行。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 8. Many proteins will not work properly unless they are coated with the right mixture of sugar molecules. 如果不能被正确的糖分子混合物所包裹,许多蛋白质都是不能正常工作的。 www.ecocn.org 9. Sometimes you need to store control-state data in order for a control to work properly. 为了让控件正常工作,有时需要存储控件状态数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Which ensures a new instance for each user and enables caching of information in the bean to work properly. 这将确保每个用户有一个新实例且使bean中的信息的高速缓存能够正确运行。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Listing 2 is an example configuration file that permits the Lotus iNotes overlaid Google calendars feature to work properly. 清单2是一个示例配置文件,使LotusiNotes的覆盖Google日历特性能正确工作。 www.ibm.com 2. Due to the power cuts, 13 traction substations for some sections on the Hunan-Guizhou electric railway could not work properly. 停电还影响了湘黔电气化铁路等相关路段13座牵引变电站的正常运行。 www.kouyi.org 3. Only the alignment control device to work properly, in order to guarantee business card printing making registration and membership card. 只有套准把持安设变态处事,才能包管制卡和会员卡制作套准。 www.bing.com 4. Offices cannot work properly without certain important pieces of equipment. 没有某些重要的办公设备,办公室的工作就不可能正常开展。 www.jxenglish.com 5. Yes, we did. But as it was raining hard, the device got wet and didn't work properly. 有,但是当时雨下得很大,装置受了潮,不能正常工作。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. In addition, establishing the law systems that ensure the first distribution can work properly should be strengthened. 此外,还要加强保证初次分配有序运行的法律制度建设。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. To work properly, the incentives of all parties should be aligned as closely as possible. 要想该措施奏效,所有各方的奖励都应尽可能密切保持一致。 www.bing.com 8. Our own error meant that we ended up with a fan only, and this didn't work properly. 我们的错误选择意味着在这里我们只能使用风扇,而风扇似乎并没有起什么作用。 www.taskcn.com 9. Lightning Shield: This ability will now work properly even when the Shaman is stunned, fleeing, or incapacitated. 电盾:现在在萨满眩晕,逃跑,无法行动时也能正常生效了。 languifang.duniu.com 10. 6 employees have the responsibility to work properly before the tool. If lost tools should immediately notify the Department supervisor. 员工有责任在下班前把工具收藏妥当。若有遗失工具应立即通知部门主管。 www.cnqr.org 1. I've noticed that the Ctrl, Shift, and Alt keys fail to work properly when Xdmx fails. 我注意到在Xdmx失败时,Ctrl、Shift和Alt键无法正常工作。 www.ibm.com 2. Also note that you may need to tweak your URLs to get them to work properly in your own environment. 此外,可能还需要修改URL以便在您的环境中能正常工作。 www.ibm.com 3. IQC guidance and supervision of the daily work to ensure that incoming inspection work properly, effectively carried out. 指导和监督IQC的日常工作,保证来料检验工作正常、有效的进行。 www.jobui.com 4. Much time would be saved if you planned your work properly. 如果你把工作安排适当,就会省下很多时间。 lin232.blogchina.com 5. When you are updating MX records, you need to remove our MX Records to have the custom MX records work properly. 当您要更新的MX记录,您需要删除的MX记录有自定义MX记录正常工作。 bbs.idcspy.com 6. You must save the file for the next section to work properly. 必须保存该文件,才能正常进行下一节。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. and then boot the machine to work properly, not artificial interference. 再开机,机台能正常运作,不要人工干扰。 www.dw188.com 8. Procure office equipments as required and ensure the office equipments work properly. 购买办公设备(如需),并确保广西办公室的办公设备及用品的正常使用。 www.chinadevelopmentbrief.com 9. Total columns in multilevel categorized views might not work properly. 多级分类视图中的总计(Total)列可能无法正常工作。 www.ibm.com 10. Some then will pass to work properly dynamic of exercise moment express. 有些则会通过灵动的运动瞬间去表达。 grandfather-art.com 1. The link button requires some adjustments to work properly. 我们接着要对链接按钮做一些调整,以使其正常工作。 www.cnblogs.com 2. If you fail to add this alias to the capture server, replication may not work properly. 如果向这台捕获服务器添加别名失败,那么复制也许不能正常工作。 www.ibm.com 3. This movement of information could cause the application to not work properly. 这一信息移动将可能导致应用程序不能正常工作。 www.ibm.com 4. For this to work properly, each object must hold a timestamp. 为了使脏检查正确工作,每个对象都必须保持一个时间戳记。 www.ibm.com 5. Generally clusters, if they work properly, can help on this. 总的来说,他们恰当的工作就可以对此有帮助。 q.china.alibaba.com 6. You must change the sequence of the two steps in the process in order for the payroll service to work properly. 您必须更改流程中的这两个步骤的顺序,以便工资单服务能够正常工作。 www.ibm.com 7. Most sound cards require driver software to work properly. 大多数声卡都需要驱动程序软件才能正常工作。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 8. The spark must happen at just the right moment for things to work properly. 点火的时间必须正确,这样引擎才能正常工作。 hcj4584.spaces.live.com 9. But, work properly but be no, the square suddenly wants to think with beam according to Tong do 1 rightness, really too uncanny. 可是,灵灵却不是,方依彤突然间要跟梁思成做一对,实在太诡异了。 bbs.17pr.com 10. If a gene is defective, it could produce the wrong protein and cause something in your body not to work properly. 如果某一基因受损,它就会制造出错误的蛋白质,致使你身体的某个部分不能正常地工作。 ens.ccit.edu.cn 1. Many Microsoft products make users enter an activation code to register the software and have it work properly. 许多微软产品让用户输入激活码来注册软件并让其正常工作。 www.bing.com 2. This electric motor does not work properly. 这台电动机运转得不正常。 fl.wuse.edu.cn 3. To 1 ensures that applications written for the earlier version of Dynamic server work properly. 设置为1,确保为Dynamic服务器的早期版本编写的应用程序可以正常工作。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Ensures these processes work properly and are maintained. 确保这些流程正确工作并得到适当维护。 www.ibm.com 5. Therefore, it is necessary to build an effective incentive mechanism in order to help budget management work properly. 所以,制定科学合理的预算管理激励机制是保证现阶段企业预算管理长期有效运行的前提。 www.13191.com 6. So cancellation may not work properly, and the interface could change in the process of making it work. 所以取消可能还不能正确工作,而在使之能够正确工作的过程中,取消的接口可能发生改变。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. They do work properly in Internet Explorer, or when using Acrobat directly. 但在InternetExplorer中或者在直接使用Acrobat时,这些链接会正常工作。 www.ianywhere.com 8. Note that you must type either the IP address or the hostname in order for the ping command to work properly. 需要注意的是,为了让ping命令正确工作,就必须输入IP地址或者主机名作为参数。 www.ibm.com 9. But her new heart didn't work properly and could have ruptured so surgeons removed it two days later. 但是,她的新的心脏不能够正常工作,并且有破裂的危险,因此,两天以后,医生将她摘除。 ilovebree.blog.sohu.com 10. Work properly ugg boots real strenght of son very weak Yao, hum, hold back namely too this. 灵儿的实力很弱么,哼,要拖后腿也是这个大块头。 www.zxschool.cn 1. The old steam condensate water recovery facility can't work properly because of the defects in equipment and management. 洛阳石化总厂原有蒸汽凝结水回收设施由于设备和管理等方面存在缺陷,不能有效地运行。 www.chemyq.com 2. You must add synonyms for query terms to these files before Full-Text Search queries that look for synonyms can work properly. 必须将查询词条的同义词添加到这些文件中后,查找同义词的全文搜索查询才能正常工作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Dependencies are additional, associated files that the selected files require in order to work properly. 相关项是所选文件为了正常工作而需要的附加关联文件。 office.microsoft.com 4. Uncle Shi will definitely promise to work properly son. 师叔一定会答应灵儿的。 www.zxschool.cn 5. This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer. 重新启动您的计算机之前,这个设备无法正常运行。 www.drados.com 6. Fifth, the coordinator teams must develop coordinators that work properly using the mocks. 第五步,协调程序团队必须使用模拟开发可以正常工作的协调程序。 www.ibm.com 7. Before using, work properly with the scouring pure clean then. 使用前,用洗涤灵清洗干净即可。 www.0734.coolline.cn 8. Therefore, the page's buffer has been increased to ensure the forwarding can work properly. 因此,这个页面的缓冲区也相应增加,确保转发能正确进行。 www.ibm.com 9. play trick, play trick! work properly adult dragon's woman where to dare to touch! 开玩笑,开玩笑的啦!灵龙大人的女人我们哪?敢掽! www.diamond.org.hk 10. As a result, sodium helps regulate blood pressure and keep the signal to allow muscles to work properly. 因此,钠可以帮助调节血压、传递信号使肌肉正常工作。 www.bing.com 1. Sometimes in order to make the bronzing or means of the covered work properly, you have to reduce the working temperature of the process. 有时候为了能够使烫金或覆膜顺利进行,只好降低工艺的工作温度。 www.bing.com 2. How would you rewrite this function to work properly? 看看你能不能把这个函数修改对了。 www.bing.com 3. Work properly son, you does this absence to go where? 灵儿,你这是要去哪里? www.swty.net 4. Shadowguard: This ability will now work properly even when the Priest is stunned, fleeing, or incapacitated. 暗影守卫:即使牧师被控制,该技能也将能正确地工作。 www.clanfw.com 5. "You either make the eurozone work properly or you confront its potential failure, " he says. 他表示:“必须让欧元区正常运转,否则你就需要正视欧元区解体的可能。” www.ftchinese.com 6. This message appears every time there is a conflict in the bin directory and the application may not work properly. 每当在bin目录中出现冲突并且应用程序不能正确工作时,就出现此消息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. If a program does not work properly, try closing the program and then starting it again. 如果某个程序不能正常运行,请尝试关闭并重新运行这个程序。 translations.launchpad.net 8. She received an admonition from the boss for not doing her work properly. 她因没有尽职而受到老板的警告。 shiba.hpe.cn 9. In order to work properly, the team has to understand what they are doing, and the management has to trust them. 为了正确地工作,团队必须了解他们在做什么,并且管理层必须信任他们。 www.ibm.com 10. The toilet does not work properly. 马桶不能正常使用。 www.taskcn.com 1. Both circuits are tested to work properly. 这两种测试电路正常工作。 bbs.5imx.com 2. The key to fiber digital devices work properly is driver for CCD. 光纤数码器件正常工作的关键是线阵CCD的驱动程序。 www.fabiao.net 3. Poor health will have an negative effect on our quality of life, making it impossible for us to work properly. 没有一个好的身体,生存质量就会受到很大影响,更不要说无法保证工作了。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. I am how can so unlucky! "See Shi Ji work properly to quit, Zhang Fei eventually and aloud howls a way. " “啊,我怎么会这么倒霉的!”看到施寄灵离开,张斐终于大声吼道。 cnxp.tk 5. When air pump cannot work properly, check the fuse in the socket. 如充气泵无法正常工作时,应检查插座内的保险丝。 detail.china.alibaba.com 6. Which of course is precisely when customers would hope that a large online booking system would work properly. 当然,出现这种情形的时候,也正是用户衷心希望这些大型在线预定系统能保证正常工作的时候。 www.fortunechina.com 7. The third approach to work properly with JSF needs some pattern adjustment. 要让第三中方法在JSF应用中正常的运行需要调整一些使用模式。 tomwld.blog.163.com 8. You also need to make sure the new systems work properly when implemented. 您还需要确保在新系统实现时,系统能正确地工作。 www.ibm.com 9. How can I work properly with no life to inform the work? 我怎么能够在没有时间去获得工作信息的情况下把工作做好呢? wenwen.soso.com 10. Doesn't rely on specific email applications to work properly. 不是靠具体的电子邮件申请工作。 distribution.blackmailedslave.com 1. The disable AI button in the chooser will now work properly. 选择器里的关闭AI按钮现在能够正常使用了。 oldbbs.ali213.net 2. You cannot do this work properly when so many key documents arrive late. 如果有如此多的重要文件迟迟不到,这项工作就无法圆满完成。 www.who.int 3. The software must ensure that XXXX digital photo frame connected with the PC in order to work properly. 本软件必须保证XXXX数码相框与PC相连接,才可正常运行。 img3.zhubajie.com 4. An important, final point is that it is vital that all addresses, web links and phone numbers work properly and efficiently. 最后,重点是所有的地址、网站链接以及电话号码都能正确而有效的运行很重要。 club.topsage.com 5. The air-conditioner doesn't work properly. 空调器不好使。 www.jukuu.com 6. Spray poison of at the same time, too continuously sponge wind in of bad work properly, this globe all impurities are its foods. 喷毒的同时,还不断吸收着空气中的恶灵,这世间所有的邪恶都是它的食物。 bbs.bnb.cq.cn 7. Today all the phones don't work properly. 今天所有电话都出故障了。 xkjy.fnzx.com 8. Further, if you are a MT3G (sapphire-32B) user , you must also install the expansion pack in order for this build to work properly. 此外,如果你是一个MT3G(蓝宝石-32B型)的用户,还必须安装,以便使这项工作建立正常的扩展包。 www.anzhiwo.com 9. The application also requires a correct checksum result for each block in order to work properly. 要程序运行正常则需每个模块的校验和结果正确。 bbs.pediy.com 10. Currently available pre-release versions of OpenSUSE 11. 3 might not work properly with Easy Install. 目前可用的预发行的openSUSE11.3版本可能无法正常工作轻松安装。 www.tiantianbt.com 1. It is important that applications are architected to work properly with specialized input devices such as on-screen keyboards. 将应用程序构建成适合专门的输入设备,如屏幕键盘,是重要的。 www.ibm.com 2. The pilot study can help you find out what additional training developers may need to get the application in the study to work properly. 这个实验研究能够帮助您发现开发人员可能需要的额外的培训,以使研究中的这个应用程序能正常工作。 www.ibm.com 3. Some versions of some Mozilla browsers won't work properly if the response from the server doesn't have an XML mime-type header. 如果来自服务器的响应没有XMLmime-type头部,则一些版本的Mozilla浏览器不能正常运行。 www.ibm.com 4. Incanter's Absorption: This talent will now work properly when the mage is sitting. 咒术吸收:在法师坐下的时候这个天赋仍然会正常工作。 www.k88.net 5. They what it is lucky, just bud for several thousand years of once'work properly a thing'at they this generation grab up go to. 他们何其有幸,几千年才出土的一次‘灵物’在他们这一代赶上去了。 www.zxschool.cn 6. The blasted pen never did work properly. 这枝该死的笔总是出毛病。 7. Opera depends on certain file types in order to work properly. Opera会依赖特定的文件类型才能正确工作。 help.opera.com 8. When our bodies don't work properly, we say we're sick. 当我们的身体不能正常工作时,我们就说我们生病了。 www.dxyer.cn 9. It's important for a service not only to work properly under good conditions, but also to handle error conditions properly. 服务不仅要在条件良好的情况下正常工作,而且还要能够恰当地处理出现错误的情况,这非常重要。 www.ibm.com 10. Is the doorbell work properly? 门铃是否正常工作? wenku.baidu.com 1. Tundra Stalker (Rank 1) will now work properly on Death and Decay. 苔原猎手(等级1)会正常对死亡凋零生效。 bbs.ngacn.cc 2. However my heart is need someone to stare at what it work properly to move the twinkling world! 然而我的心是需要有人来凝视它凌动闪烁的世界的! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It mainly protects the fan and gives an alarm when the fan doesnot work properly. 当风机运转不正常的时候主要起保护和报警作用 wenku.baidu.com 4. You might notice that the signal strength applet doesn't work properly. This is a known bug with these cards. 你可能会注意到信号强度工作不正常。这是这些卡的已知错误了。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 5. This computer doesn't work properly. I'd like to claim a refund. 电脑坏了,我想要求退款。 en.v.wenguo.com 6. The type of astrology that most western astrologers practice, horoscopic astrology, requires an exact birth time in order to work properly. 大部分西方占星师所使用的占星方法,需要对方提供准确的出生时间,才能正常进行运算。 www.douban.com 7. Usage this sorcery can be invoked bad work properly to make the victim paralyzed to move can not. 使用此魔法可以召唤来恶灵使得被害人被麻痹动弹不得。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The muffler doesn't work properly. 消音器失灵了。 www.jukuu.com 9. He always did his work properly. 他总是把事做得恰到好处。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 10. properly The heater in my car doesn't work properly. 我汽车里的暖气设备出了点毛病。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Without drivers, the hardware you connect to your computer (for example, a video card or a webcam) will not work properly. 没有司机,你的硬件连接到您的计算机(例如,视频卡或摄像头)将无法正常工作。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Manufacturers and stores in America will often take back things you buy if they don't work properly. 在美国,如果顾客购买的商品不能正常运转的话,生产厂家和商店通常会接收退货。 www.cai5158.com 3. The TV set in my room does not work properly. The picture is wobbly. 我的电视机坏了,图象在晃动。 sandywang3100789.blog.163.com 4. When people can't get something to work properly, they get desperate. 当人们无法得到某些东西以正确工作时,他们会变得不顾一切。 www.ibm.com 5. For remote debugging to work properly, however, there are some prerequisites. 但为使远程调试正常工作,有一些先决条件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. You must export the " " luminous signs installed in the correct location, and make sure they work properly. 必须把发光的“出口”标牌安装在正确的位置上,并保证它们的正常工作。 www.bing.com 7. Living to work properly a life in the nature, the initial condition for exist: Timespace-time and space. 生灵生活在自然界,生存的首要条件:时空时光和空间。 blog.cctv.com 8. However, such generalizations from the past might not work properly in the future, for example due to over-generalization. 然而,这种根据过去经验的泛化可能并不适用于将来,比如过度泛化。 www.infoq.com 9. George: Well, I have just tried to install some new software, but now my computer won't work properly. 乔治:唔,我刚才想装一些新软件,但是现在我的电脑不能正常工作了。 www.100yingyu.com 10. So, it is very important to know what the board structure is and whether it can work properly. 因而,董事会结构如何,能否发挥其作用就显得尤为重要。 www.dictall.com 1. To see if SMTP-AUTH and TLS work properly now run the following command: 要查看SMTP-AUTH及TLS能否正常工作请使用如下命令: blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Rational Thought of Handling the Office Work Properly 做好办公室工作的理性思考 service.ilib.cn 3. everything it needs to work properly will come with it, 它需要正常工作的任何状态就能出现 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Renaming a property or class (some scripting is required for this to work properly) 对属性和类重命名(想要使其正常工作,需要编写一些脚本) www.infoq.com 5. Thus, to get our use-case to work properly, we need to have 因此,要使我们的用例正常工作,我们需要有 www.ibm.com 6. Clipmap does not work properly with fog 贴图在雾效下不正常 www.365key.com 7. If your TV set does not work properly , you'd better not have it fixed. Just buy a new one 要是电视机坏了,最好别修,去买新的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Most of us know how to do our own work properly, 我们大多数人都知道如何干好自己的工作, cet.hjenglish.com |
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