单词 | were given | ||
释义 | were given
例句释义: 一家人 1. When was the last occasion that you were given an assignment to develop your mediating skills, and what was the conclusion? 你最近什么时候曾被派工作使得你有机会发挥自己的调解、协商能力,结果如何呢? www.ef.com.cn 2. Loyalists in Sirte, the last big city in his hands, were given an ultimatum to surrender by September 3rd or face an all-out assault. (反对派)向卡扎菲手中的最后一座城市中的卡扎菲支持者发出了9月3日投降的最后通牒,否则将面临全面攻击。 www.ecocn.org 3. You may well consider that Hell is on Earth, and that is of your own making as you were given the powers to create as you desired. 你们也许很觉得地狱就在地球之上,但是这都是你们自己造成的,因为你们都被给予了力量去创造你所希望的一切。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But while their parents took the work they were given, these students grew up in an age of personal choice. 但当他们的父母还在从事着政府分配的职业时,这些学生们却成长在一个需要做出个人选择的时代。 www.bing.com 5. In a rare change from the usual, they were given the best wine and food as if they themselves were the leaders of nations. 在这里,不同于往常,厨师们所品尝的都是上等佳肴,就好像自己也是各国政要。 kaoyan.qianbo.com 6. The news reporters were given nothing but bare facts by the officials in charge of the investigation. 负责调查的官员只给新闻记者提供了一些事实真相。 wenku.baidu.com 7. And in fairness to her, those assurances were given, because she was such a valuable member of the show. . . . Also, she's up [in Canada]. 公平地说,我们给了她这个保证,因为她对这部剧来说的确是个宝贵的一员。 www.hjenglish.com 8. If they did answer, they were given an additional general knowledge test while they continued to carry out their other activities. 如果他们接了,就相当于他们被再分配了一个额外的通用知识测试。 www.bing.com 9. Dramatic entertainments and dances were given two or three times a year. 一年要举行两到三次戏剧和舞蹈表演。 chinafanyi.com 10. The other option we were given was to conceive naturally and then to have a gender test and then have a termination if it was a girl. 我们的其他选择是顺其自然,然后做性别测试,然后如果是女孩的话就堕胎。 www.bing.com 1. In one of the cases, two doctors were given demerits for delaying the transfer of a patient with a fever to a larger hospital. 其中有两名医生由于延误发烧病人转到大医院去治疗而被记过。 www.voanews.cn 2. But I cannot bear to think that, and so I try to remember him as he was for those months we were given together. 但我不能忍受想到这一点,所以我要记住他,因为他对这些个月,我们得到了一起。 www.spps.cc 3. A few years ago they were given permanent residency, and full citizenship is now probably only a matter of time. 几年前,他们就已获得永久性的居住权。至于完整的公民权何时能够享有,如今看来,似乎也只是时间问题。 www.ecocn.org 4. With its pattern-etched handle, it's clearly one of his own, from the set he and his wife were given at their own wedding. 叉子把上的花纹有些损毁。这显然是他自己的,是别人送给自己和妻子的婚礼礼物。 www.bing.com 5. At the end of each round of questioning, they were given small payments for coming close to the actual answer (signified by the gray bar). 每一轮问题过后,接近真实答案的就可以得到小额的奖励(以灰色条注明)。 www.bing.com 6. It was that kind of day Thursday. It was a day when those who would clamour for a throw-away-the-key form of justice were given ammunition. 星期四正是如此的一天。这一天,那些呼吁司法体系中应该有终身监禁的人终于为自己的立场找到了有力的武器。 www.chinesenewsgroup.com 7. Don't be like the poor elephant and go through your life stuck because of a limiting belief you were given or developed years ago. 别像那只可怜的大象,一辈子受困于一种多年前别人给予你的狭隘观念,又或是多年前养成的桎梏信念。 www.joyen.net 8. The next day, they saw the pictures again but half were given the drug propranolol, a beta-blocker commonly used to treat heart disease. 第二天,再次看这些图片,而仅仅给一半人服用药物,一种普遍用以治疗心脏病的药品。 www.bing.com 9. Many of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time . It is up to you to do what you please with both. 上天赐予我们每个人两样伟大的礼物:思想和时间。轮到你运用这两种礼物去做你愿意做的事情了。 www.jukuu.com 10. The children were given the chance to search under one of the cups and allowed to keep the sticker if they found it. 孩子们在两个杯子中寻找标签,谁先找到,谁就可以得到那张标签。 www.bing.com 1. Perhaps I can best illustrate by imagining what I should most like to see if I were given the use of my eyes, say, for just three days. 也许,如果我恩赐能使用我的眼睛,哪怕只是三天,我能通过想像最完美地说明我最想看见的东西。 www.360doc.com 2. We were given business cards, and I was an investor from Egypt, by the name of Abella Hamedi. 组织者事先给我们准备了名片,我就成了来自埃及的投资商,我的名字叫阿贝拉?哈梅德。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Through the site, the children were given the opportunity to feel proud of themselves. 经由这个网站,给了这些孩子赶到为自己骄傲的机会。 wenwen.soso.com 4. We were given: Two hands to hold, Two legs to walk, Two eyes to see, Two ears to listen. . . But why only one heart? 上帝给了我们什么:两只手去拥抱,两条腿去行走,两个眼睛去观察,两只耳朵去倾听,可为什么只有一颗心? hi.baidu.com 5. For the nonce he forgot what a painful thing it would be to resume his old place, even if it were given him. 他当时忘记了,即使让他恢复了原职,那也将是一件多么痛苦的事情。 www.bing.com 6. Both groups were given the same memory and learning tests to see if it made any difference. 然后对二组老人进行相同的记忆和学习试验,以了解他们之间有什么不同。 www.bing.com 7. The conceptions of energy saving and rational energy utilization were given, and the relation between them was analyzed. 给出了节能与合理用能的概念,分析了两者之间的关系。 www.chemyq.com 8. Thereafter India and Brazil, which were given a role in the inner core of the negotiations, continued to refuse unacceptable deals. 从那以后,在谈判中获得核心地位的印度和巴西,继续拒绝不可接受的协议。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But there were "cheers for the children of wars" , as the Iraqi and Palestinian teams were given a warm reception. 但是当伊拉克和巴勒斯坦代表队进入会场时,却受到了热情的欢迎,(人们)为饱受战争灾难的“孩子们”欢呼喝彩。 www.bing.com 10. Then, after about a week, the same participants were given back their own descriptions of their purchases and asked to reflect on it. 一个星期后,研究者将这些购物的描述返还给被试,要求他们对其进行反思。 www.bing.com 1. We were given no access to any of the above rights, and had our freedom of movement severely restricted. 我们没有办法获取上述这些权利,我们发起活动的权利被严格限制了。 dongxi.net 2. The residents, all of which had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross. 那些家什被大火全部烧毁了的居民得到了红十字会的援助。 www.023java.com 3. No financial details were given, but Ericsson said it was the biggest contract of its kind awarded by a Chinese operator. 爱立信没有提供合约的财务细节,但它表示,这是中国移动运营商授予的最大规模的此类合同。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Strict time limitations were given to ensure that construction procedures did not interfere with or provide any danger to railway traffic. 严格的时间限制是给施工程序,确保不干扰或提供任何危害铁路运输。 www.zhongsou.net 5. Remember back in grade school where you were given a bunch of pictures and you had to figure out their order. 还记不记得在小学的时候时候,给你一些图片,要你按照次序把它们排列起来? www.bing.com 6. Not all children were given back to parents [if they survived] or to representatives in Jewish organizations. 并不是所有孩子都有机会可以回到父母身边(如果他们还活着)或交给犹太组织的代表。 www.bing.com 7. Delighted to hear that you were given a promotion. 听说你晋升了,非常高兴。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Animators were given quotas on the number of drawings they had to produce a day. 漫画家获得的配额数量图纸,他们出示天。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Hours later they were given bread and cheese that had been placed on a dirty floor and warned they would be punished if they refused to eat. 几小时后,有人给他们送去放在肮脏地板上的面包和奶酪,并警告他们,如果不吃就会受到惩罚。 www.bing.com 10. The patients had not received any treatment for CRPS and were given information pertaining to CRPS and HBO treatment. 病人没有受到任何治疗CRPS与本案有关的材料,赐给他们、CRPS和HBO治疗。 bjzkhj.com 1. The second night, the children were given either honey-flavored cough syrup or honey -- or nothing at all. 第二个夜晚,这些孩子们或者接受带蜂蜜味道的止咳糖浆,或者接受蜂蜜或者什么都不用。 news.dxy.cn 2. Our initial puzzle illustrates this. Suppose that you were given N characters of code that you knew to be either C, C , Java, or Python. 文章开始的难题举例说明了这个,假设给您N个字符的代码段,您知道是C、C 、Java或者Python。 www.ibm.com 3. Words were given to me that came out as the tears came. 词儿也源源而来,就象眼泪源源而流一样。 4. In the new "rational expectations models" , agents were given god-like features allowing them to see through the complexities of the world. 而在新的“理性预期模型”中,经济个体被赋予了神一般的特征,他们能够洞察这个复杂的世界。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The next day, like magic, all of these things were given to him. However, the second man still had nothing. 隔天,他所祈求的东西就像变魔术一样全都出现了,而另一个人还是什么都没有。 www.kekenet.com 6. To make sure people did not just skim the stories, the participants were given a reading comprehension tests afterward. 为确保参与者不会跳过故事内容,在测试结束后参与者还要完成一套阅读理解题。 www.12edu.cn 7. He stated how hurricanes at one time were given feminine names and how ships and planes were usually referred to as "she" . 他举出女性英文名如何用来替飓风命名,以及为何船舰和飞机常称为「她」。 wy.xiaoxue123.com 8. So good was the brew that many fine folk were given to retire to that place for a fortnight's holiday when the new casks were breached. 每当酿好的啤酒桶被打开时,总有大量的游客蜂拥而至,享受为期两周的休假。 bbs.zg163.net 9. The fact of the matter is that perhaps priorities were given to something else. 实际情况是,政策制定者可能将工作的重点放在了其他方面。 www.tingroom.com 10. At least 1500 children from low-income families, who were given presents in a Chrismas charity campaign, sit on a sidewalk in Sao Paolo. 至少一千五百名低收入户儿童坐在圣保罗人行道上,接受圣诞慈善活动所给的礼物。 www.wwenglish.com 1. The children were given candy as a bribe to be good. 用糖果哄孩子们不要闹。 2. They were given a separation package and told to leave their company house within two weeks. 他们得到了一个未包装的包裹,并被告知,在两个星期之内离开公司。 www.suiniyi.com 3. We requested another room. we were given a somewhat cleaner room, but that did not help much. 这间房稍微干净一点,但也好不到哪儿去。 www.taskcn.com 4. As an extra twist, subjects were given different times that they had to deliver the sermon so that some would be in a hurry and others not. 作为额外的变量参照,受试者被要求在不同的时间内到达布道的地点,因此他们当中的一些人可能在路上会显得匆忙。 www.bing.com 5. London equities were given a boost on Thursday as the Bank of England chose to keep UK interest rates on hold. 伦敦股市周四受到提振,因为英国央行(BankofEngland)决定维持利率不变。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out. out. 甚至只要有一点点风声漏出去,结果就不堪设想。 wenku.baidu.com 7. About half were given Actos, a member of a relatively new class of antidiabetic agents known as thiazolidinediones. 约一半给予艾可拓,一种新型的抗糖尿病药物,噻唑烷二酮类。 news.dxy.cn 8. After India gained independence from Britain in August 1947, Bhutan were given the option to remain independent or to join the Indian Union. 1947年8月印度从英国独立出来,不丹被给予了选择的权力,保持独立或加入印度联盟。 www.ebigear.com 9. They aren't the most expensive steak knives on the market, they were given to me as a gift yet I love them every time I use them. 其实它不是市面上最贵的牛排刀,是别人送给我的礼物,可我就是用一次爱一次。 www.bing.com 10. Marie Curie took little notice of the honours that were given to her in her later years . 玛丽居里很少关注那些在晚年给她授予的名誉。 www.bing.com 1. Denise, once more -- Druids were given the snap aggro ability as an aspect of the tank. 再说一次——德鲁伊被给予拉仇恨的能力是因为他们被期望成为坦克。 bbs.ngacn.cc 2. Liverpool were given a penalty when one of their opponents handled the ball. 利物浦队因对方一队员用手触球而得到一个罚球。 bbs.putclub.com 3. It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out. 甚至只要有一点风声漏出去,结果就不堪设想。 bbs.readnovel.com 4. Let's say you were given a year to kill Hewlett-Packard. 假设有人给了你一年时间,让你去灭掉惠普(Hewlett-Packard)。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Eighty remaining books were given to the American diplomat Albert Aronson by his Soviet hosts. 剩下的80本书被他的苏联东道主送给了美国外交官阿尔伯特·阿隆森。 www.bing.com 6. Chelsea were given an early warning that setting their record would not be a simple task. 切尔西早先就得到了提醒,保持他们的纪录并不是一个简单的任务。 www.chelsea.net.cn 7. I just got out of a market research study here in Chicago where we were given a preview of the upcoming AOE 3 game. 我刚离开位于芝加哥的我需要调查的一家市场,正是这里给我提供了即将到来的有关AOE3游戏的预览。 www.henanedu.com 8. The instinct given to us when we were given birth to the world does not always brings us proper financial actions. 人们带到这个世界来的本能并不能使我们采取适宜的金融行为。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given. 甚至只要有一点点风声漏出去,结果就不堪设想不堪设想。不堪设想? wenku.baidu.com 10. If you were given a choice, which place or country would you consider to be the most desirable to become its citizen? 如果可以选择既话,你最希望成为边一个国家或者地方既人?。 sarg10.hkupop.hku.hk 1. The names that were given to these tubercles are very impertinent, and have no resemblance with the things they were derived from. 这些结节的名称非常的不恰当,而且和他们的命名之物毫无相似之处。 dongxi.net 2. In nineteen forty-seven she won a Tony award the first year the awards were given for her first Broadway performance. 在一九四七年她赢得了托尼奖的第一年,她的第一个奖项分别为百老汇的表现给予。 www.englishtang.com 3. Each of the seven were given a punitive letter of reprimand and docked part of their pay for the next two months. 这七名海豹突击队员都接到书面申斥,并将在今后两月内被扣除部分薪饷。 www.bing.com 4. Children who were given atole after age three did not receive any economic benefits in adulthood. 3岁以后接受玉米粥的儿童在成年后并没有因此获得任何特别的经济益处。 www.scidev.net 5. "If you were given that in a restaurant, you would send it back, am I right? " he says with a knowing smile. 如果你在餐厅中被给一瓶这种酒,你会把它退回去的,我说的对吗? www.bing.com 6. They were given enough alcohol to put them a third over the legal driving limit for the UK. 第二晚,要求志愿者喝大量酒,约超过英国驾驶员限量的三分之一。 www.suiniyi.com 7. The participants were given a list of things to be bought and asked to estimate the total cost. 调查人员给了参与者一张购物清单,并要求他们估计总花销。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The main methods for manufacturing boron carbide coating were given, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods were pointed out. 讨论了制备碳化硼涂层的主要方法,指出了各种制备方法的优缺点。 www.chemyq.com 9. Back in the day kids earned their keep, kept their manners and ate the overcooked vegetables and stale bread they were given. 黄金时代时期,孩子们就能够靠自己来维持他们的日常生活,保持他们的礼节,吃变质的蔬菜和不新鲜的面包。 www.elanso.com 10. They realize that any problem is trivial if you don't have to solve what you were given. 他们知道,如果你没有解决要解决的问题,其他问题都毫无意义。 book.51cto.com 1. In the first three months, they were given tuina treatment three times a week . 治疗组予推拿手法治疗每周三次,三个月为一个疗程,共治疗两个疗程; paper.pet2008.cn 2. Rats that were given an antibody to inhibit IL-6 before exercise did not show the same biochemical or feeding patterns afterward. 运动前给老鼠喂食抗体以抑制IL-6并不会减缓同样的生物化学反应或者进食模式。 www.bing.com 3. I am not sure that this is normally provided but we were given a kettle along with an array of coffee, tea, herbal tea, milk and sugar. 在我们入住期间,他们给了我们一个水壶,还有咖啡,茶,清凉茶,牛奶和糖,但我并不确定这是不是正常提供的服务。 www.taskcn.com 4. Both groups were given unlimited access to food on the days they were allowed to eat and eventually consumed the same amount of calories. 每组老鼠在喂食日都可以无限制地进食,最终摄入的卡路里量相等。 www.bing.com 5. These lectures were given in an old wooden chemistry hall and entitled 'Analytic work alchemical opus'. 这些演讲在一栋老旧的木造建筑堤化学馆,标题是:「鍊金术著作的分析研究」。 springhero.wordpress.com 6. I was only three when my grandfather King George VI died. You were only 26 when you were given such a huge responsibility. 国王乔治六世去世时,我只有三岁,当您担起重任时也只有26岁。 www.for68.com 7. The experimental data in Daqing Oil Field were given to make the point of significance of studying cleaning fracturing fluid. 同时列举了清洁压裂液在大庆油田的现场试验数据,充分说明了研究和应用清洁压裂液的深远意义。 www.chemyq.com 8. If an order were given, John would be on his crutch in an instant, with the cheeriest 'Ay, ay, sir! 一旦一项命令发布,约翰就会马上架着他的拐,用世界上最欢快的腔调应道:“是,是,先生!” www.eduzhai.net 9. The idea was to have a warm-down with England on Saturday and then we were given the rest of the day off. 我的计划就是在周六跟随英格兰队做一些微量的恢复训练,然后在第二天好好休息一下。 www.ept-team.com 10. Her Sundays were given up to the preparation of a lecture. 她的星期日都用来备课。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Residents claim they were given the runaround by the local council, from whom they had no help at all. 居民指出当地委员会对他们敷衍了事,没有提供任何帮助。 www.hxen.com 2. When the subjects were given the same tests a week after the learning phase, the results were the same. 当一个星期后对受试者在学习阶段后进行同样的测试,结果仍然相同。 www.bing.com 3. Buddhism was the official religion of the Goryeo dynasty, and many privileges were given to Buddhist monks during this period. 佛教是高丽王朝的官方宗教,那时佛教僧侣有很多特权。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 4. The children were given milk shakes as a special treat. 小孩受到特别招待,给吃牛奶泡泡冰。 www.hotdic.com 5. Whatever happened she would remain faithful, work hard, carry out the orders that were given to her, and accept the leadership of Napoleon. 不管出了什么事,她都要依然忠心耿耿,辛勤劳动,服从拿破仑的领导,完成交给自己的任务。 www.exams.cn 6. Gifts were given, but back then it was the rich who gave to the poor and the slaves. 还会发礼物,但那时候是富人给穷人和奴隶们发礼物。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A method divided the coding vector space, algorithm of control policies mating and a flowchart of the control system were given. 提出编码向量空间的划分方法,控制策略匹配算法与控制系统总体流程图。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. There, you were given the choice of attempting to repair it automatically, marking the problems, or ignoring the broken references. 在这里,您可以选择试着自动修复引用,标记问题,或者忽略已被破坏的引用。 www.ibm.com 9. After arguments were given he did not ask the jury to consider the evidence, nor did he ask for their decision. 在经过一番法庭辩论以后,他既没有要求陪审团考虑呈堂证供,更没有询问他们的决定。 www.bing.com 10. "I mean, the FBI is acting like the KGB for heaven's sake in this case, " says Sherri Sera. "And they were given carte blanche to do it. " 雪莉.塞拉(SherriSera)说,“我是说,在这个案子中,联邦调查局就像是克格勃,他们被赋予了全权那么做。” www.bing.com 1. The children were given the task of learning to operate a machine so as to get a toy. 儿童被分配学习如何操纵机器以便获取玩具的任务。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Did Galileo actually disobey the orders that were given him in 1616 by writing The Dialogue? 伽利略撰写对话录是否违反1616年对他所下的命令? www.bing.com 3. They were given antibiotics and oseltamivir with a good outcome and rehabilitation discharged. 3例均给予抗生素和奥司他韦治疗,效果良好,康复出院。 journal.9med.net 4. They were given no warning signs nor did they have time to prepare themselves for what seemed to be a hopeless situation. 这对父母事前没有收到任何提醒,也没有时间让自己准备好应对这个看似绝望的情况。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. When we arrived-we were given a room that had not been cleaned. 我们到达旅馆后被安排了一间没有打扫过的房间。 weike.taskcn.com 6. so we say you were given the key to the door. Which door? 因此我们说你会被给予门的钥匙。哪个门? www.tingroom.com 7. At the start of the second year, we were given a talk on studying abroad and a list of possible destinations. 在第二年的开始,我们接受了关于出国留学会谈,并被列出可能的目的地。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. If I were given the trust and hope, then my capability , may passion, my sweat, my persistence will be your most satisfactory answer. 如果您把信任和希望给我,那么我的自信,我的能力,我的激情,我的汗水,我的执着,将是您最满意的答案。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. A set of inference rules for XML weak functional dependency was presented and its soundness and completeness were given. 提出了相应的推理规则集,并对其正确性和完备性进行了证明。 www.joca.cn 10. People close to the White House and the Central Intelligence Agency have told the FT that the Chinese were given access to the helicopter. 接近白宫和中央情报局(CIA)的人士对英国《金融时报》表示,中国人已获准接触到这架直升机。 www.ftchinese.com 1. A whole set of computer aided design flow and method were given . Simulation was made to the model . 给出了一整套计算机辅助设计流程与方法,并对模型进行仿真。 lib.cqvip.com 2. In both of these cases, patients were given the drugs for prolonged periods after their disease was initially treated with other regimens. 但是在上述两项研究中,患者在用其他方法治疗以后还要继续服用相应的药物。 www.bing.com 3. The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the children. 孩子们热烈地欢迎外宾。 www.oxford.com.cn 4. Hannah and Mary were given to a pair of warriors and their squaws. 汉娜和玛丽落在两个战士和他们的婆娘手上,要代他们负重。 forum.bomoo.com 5. Each user has at least 10 ratings in the training data, which were given by the user earlier than his validation ratings. 每个用户在训练集中至少有10个打分,这10个打分使用户在验证打分之前给出的。 www.bing.com 6. The train robbers were given sentences ranging up to 30 years. 抢劫火车的强盗被判处最高可达三十年的徒刑。 www.zsnews.cn 7. Members were given free space on the web site to create pages within these virtual cities on which to add their contribution. 会员在网上有免费空间,他们可以在这些空间上编制网页添加自己的贡献。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The definition of the biorthogonal multiple vector-valued multivariate wavelet packets and a procedure for constructing them were given. 给出多元多重向量值双正交小波包的定义及其构造方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Participants were given a caffeine pill one day, and a placebo pill the next. 第一天,受试者服用一枚咖啡因药丸,第二天,服用一枚安慰剂药丸。 www.bing.com 10. You were given a specific list of cars. Who told you to alter it? 我们给你一份特别准备的清单,谁教你变更的? bbs.py168.com 1. In the study, volunteers were given a rubber ball and asked to squeeze it as hard as possible before trying to memorize a list of 72 words. 在这一研究中,研究人员给每个志愿者发了一个橡皮球,并让他们在试着记住一个包含72个单词的列表时尽全力握紧它。 www.putclub.com 2. The unit is based in London, and traders there were given notice on Aug. 27 that their jobs were at risk as required by U. 这个部门建立在伦敦,按照英国法律,那些交易员在8月27日收到了关于其工作面临风险的通知。 www.bing.com 3. In these houses good and aid were given freely to all the poor and needy who came along, even to unknown travellers. 这些房子为所有贫穷的、缺乏生活必需品的人甚至于陌生的行者提供无偿帮助和支持。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Although the house had to be torn down and the bricks were given to charity, a lot of kids have been inspired by James' big idea. 虽然房子要拆掉的砖头给慈善机构,有许多孩子已被詹姆斯的大创意灵感。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Average method and grouping adjustment method were given to solve combination problems of these basic algorithms. 提出采用平均法和分组调整法两种机制来处理各原子算法的结合问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. We were given a choice between a classic English breakfast or breakfast cereals with a selection of fruit compotes. 这里准备了两种早餐,一种是传统的英式早餐,另外的就是水果加酸奶麦片。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But as the economic downdraft worsened, they were given more power, giving the title even more value within the C-Suite. 但随着经济衰退的状况日渐恶化,CRO被赋予了更多权力,甚至在最高管理层中比CFO更受重视。 www.fortunechina.com 8. At one point we were given a task to get something out of a base and deliver it to another base. 有一次,我们得到一个任务得到的东西出了基地,并将其交付到另一个基地。 www.71ol.net 9. Many, including the president's wife, were given a place at university but were unable to go because of the headwear. 许多女性,包括总统的妻子,在大学里有工作,但是因为头巾而无法进入。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. Those questioned were given a description and a menu for a fictional restaurant. 调查人员向被调查者描述了一家虚拟饭店和菜单。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Two hundred sixty-two undergraduates were given seven minutes to draw an alien that could serve as the inspiration for a sci-fi tale. 两百六十二名大学生被要求用七分钟的时间画一个外星人,用来充当科幻故事的灵感。 www.bing.com 2. They were given memory and cognitive skill tests and a brain scan to gauge the extent of their disease. 他们被进行了记忆力,认知能力测试和大脑扫描,来确定他们疾病的严重程度。 www.bing.com 3. Half were given information about pointillism, the technique Seurat used to create the impression of solid colours from small dots of paint. 其中一半学生,给了他们有关修拉用小点来创造纯色印象的点画法。 www.ecocn.org 4. If you were given the opportunity to spend one year in service on behalf of others, which area would you choose? Briefly explain why. 如果你有一年的时间可以代替其他人,那你的选择会是什么?简述原因。 www.tianya.cn 5. Tech students were given the option of returning the class, or spending the rest of the semester at home without academic penalty. 科技学院为学生提供了两种选择,或者回到班上来上课,或者在家里度过这学期余下的时光而不必受到学校的惩罚。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Tech students were given the option of returning to class or spending the rest of the semester at home without academic penalty . 科技大学让学生选择重返教室或在这学期余下的时间里不受学校惩罚在家中学习。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. That's because the goal here is to deal with a site you have to maintain, one that you were given with no previous knowledge. 这是因为此处的目标在于处理一个您必须维护的站点,一个之前您一点都不了解的站点。 www.ibm.com 8. Her ideas did not disappear after her death and her work was remembered in 1947 when the Quakers were given the Nobel Peace Prize. 她的思想并未因她的去世而消失,在她去世后,当1947年教友派信徒们获得诺贝尔和平奖时,人们再次回忆起她所做的工作。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Then, they were given tests to evaluate their skill with numbers, using a set of made-up symbols instead of actual numbers. 随后他们接受了测试,用一组虚构数字而非现有数字来评估他们处理数字的能力。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. fourth chapter is the detailed design of the system, a key part of the design details were given and the corresponding code. 第四章是系统详细设计,对关键设计部分进行了详细说明并给出相应代码。 www.93ta.com 1. Students were given time off last week after protests broke out in several private universities. 在数家私立大学爆发抗议活动之后,学生们在上周被放假了。 www.ecolion.cn 2. Irritation to the vein in which medications were given is uncommon, but may cause a tender lump lasting a few weeks. 静脉给药时的刺激症状很少见,但是可能会有持续几周的轻微肿胀。 www.bing.com 3. Despite all of the advantages and privileges that you were given at birth, you have returned to prison again and again. 虽然你一出生就赋予了优势和特权,但你却一次又一次地回到监狱。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. What professors were given instead was the possibility of helping to make Yale a world leader in business education, he says. 他说,教授们可以做的,是帮助耶鲁建设成世界一流的商学教育场所。 www.neworiental.org 5. When that did not work, a slew of new initial public offerings were given the go-ahead, in order to flood the market with new paper. 在这一手段不起作用时,政府又批准大量企业进行首次公开发行(IPO),目的是让市场上充斥着新股。 www.ftchinese.com 6. We were given an upgrade to a "Spacious Comfort room" and although looking a little tired, it compared favourably with 3* plus. 我们被升级到“宽敞舒适客房”,尽管房间看起来有些老旧,但是按3星级的标准来比较还是很不错的。 weike.taskcn.com 7. Beside to that, the particular design of the WIM system "s hardware circuit and software structure were given. " 其次,对动态车辆称重系统进行了硬件电路和软件结构的详细设计。 www.lw23.com 8. Three groups were given the task of losing 16 pounds in 16 weeks (that's a pound a week - realistic and manageable with moderate effort). 三个小组接到同样一个任务:在16周里减掉16磅(也就是每周减掉一磅—做出适当的努力是合理可行的)。 www.ebigear.com 9. After the tsunami, NOAA and the United States Geological Survey were given more money to help make tsunami warnings more quickly. 海啸发生后,NOAA和美国地质调查局给予更多的钱来帮助更快速地做出海啸警报。 www.maynet.cn 10. What you need to do now is to fill in the forms you were given when you arrived. 你现在必须马上做的是填好在你来时给你的表格。 wenku.baidu.com 1. More than 90 were given either through Karp's group or by Karp and his wife. 其中超过90件是通过卡普夫妇或卡普的小组进入博物馆的。 www.bing.com 2. But if such consent were given, whose "right" to genetic identity would be violated? 但是,如果事先得到允许,那又会侵犯谁的基因身份“权”呢? www.tingclass.net 3. If I were given choice between traveling by air and by train, I would certainly prefer the former. 如果给我挑选乘飞机还是乘火车,我肯定愿意乘飞机。 edu.21cn.com 4. Based on a parameter dependent Lyapunov function, sufficient conditions for the robust stability of the system were given. 基于参数相关的李亚普诺夫函数,给出了系统稳定的充分条件。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. If you were given the decision to assist in your family member's death, what are the challenges you might face? 如果你被决定在你家庭成员的葬礼上去帮忙,你会面对什么样的挑战? zhidao.baidu.com 6. All points were given by means of integer coordinates in a two-dimensional space. 所有的地点都以坐标点的形式标记在一个二维空间中。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. As soon as they were close to a sheep or a peasant from the nearby village they were given an electric shock and ran away. 当他们接近羊或者附近村民的时候,就会受到电击然后跑开。 www.bing.com 8. Current-time curves were given, and formation mechanism of current zones is similar to that in case by electrolysis using a pointed cathode. 给出电流~时间曲线,其中各电流区域形成机理与经点阴极电注入情况基本相同。 www.13191.com 9. Special awards were given to six contestants - including Zhang Aiqing, known as "China's Shirley Temple" - to recognize their contributions. 包括有“中国秀兰·邓波儿”美誉张艾青在内的总决赛其它六位选手也分别被授予各种特殊奖励以示感谢。 www.bing.com 10. The general manager and the deputy manager of Jiayi were given similar jail terms, reported China Daily. 《中国日报》报道,佳艺公司总经理级副总经理被判处同样的刑期。 www.bing.com 1. You were given a promotion instead of me. 你升了职而不是我。 www.bing.com 2. If you were given one year to spend in service on behalf of others, what would you choose to do, and why? 假如你得到一年的时间为别人提供自己的服务,你将选择去干什么?为什么? lz.book.sohu.com 3. They were given a choice of either handing in the first survey nearby or at a more distant location they had to walk to. 在此期间,学生可以就近提交第一个调查的结果,或者步行至一个较远的地方递交结果。 www.i21st.cn 4. Older 16-month-old mice were given the same tasks and did not exhibit the same gene expression. 16个月大的老年白鼠放弃了这项任务,也没有呈现出类似的基因表达。 www.bing.com 5. He notes that Greece and Ireland were given until 2014 to cut their budget deficits to 3%, a year longer than Portugal. 他指出,希腊和爱尔兰被要求到2014时削减它们的预算赤字至3%,比葡萄牙延后了一年时间。 www.ecocn.org 6. As an example, the simulation and calculation of the background sound due to high speed counterpoise movement from cockpit were given. 通过仿真和以飞机驾驶舱高速配平移动背景声为例进行计算分析。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. In fact, because paper certificates called inspection notes were given on inspected tobacco, the circulation of money became easier. 事实上,对受验烟草签发被称为检验单的纸制票据,使货币流通变得更容易了。 www.zftrans.com 8. However, their progress had little or nothing to do with the requirements they were given. 但是,他们的进展同用户提出的需求并没有多大的关系。 www.ibm.com 9. METHODS: A HPLC was used to determine the serum naproxen concentrations after 8 adult male volunteers were given the drugs. 方法:以8名男性志愿受试者按交叉试验方案以高效液相色谱法测定血浓度。 www.zgyxzz.com.cn:8080 10. The Smiths , whose house had been destroyed in the explosion, were given rooms in the hotel. 史密斯的房子在爆炸中被破坏了,在宾馆里给他们一家人安排了房间。 www.xycentre.com 1. On the placebo day, they were given the same mixture but with a normal amount of tryptophan. 如果某天进行安慰剂对照实验,他们依然服用同样的复合氨基酸,但里面含有标准量的色氨酸。 www.bing.com 2. At the end of this paper, some conclusions about the research on man-machine interaction of handheld mobile computing were given. 最后总结了手持移动计算中人机交互技术研究的一些结论。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. A lot of books were given to her by her friends on her birthday. 生日那天,她的朋友送给她很多书。 school.ecp.com.cn 4. In one experiment, 61 undergraduate students took a simple "but tedious" math test in which they were given the opportunity to cheat. 试验中,61个本科学生需完成一个简单但是枯燥的数学测验,这当中他们可以作弊。 www.bing.com 5. The two classes were given a pre-test and two post-tests in the form of multiple-choice questions on count and mass nouns. 两班学生分别进行名词可数性多选题的一次前测和两次后测。 www.fabiao.net 6. Upon opening an account, you were given a special number that anyone could use to deposit or withdraw money. 开户后,银行会给你一个特别的号码,任何人都可以用这个号码存钱或取钱。 www.bing.com 7. Tests revealed that if the young women were given a mild burn, they felt less discomfort by looking at photos of their boyfriends. 试验显示,如果少女都被温和地烫一下,当看着她们男朋友照片时,就会少一些不安。 www.bing.com 8. Four months later, the new head of it themselves Tuesday, and will be open leather bad, those who were given a raise. 四个月过去了,新主管却发威了,坏份子一律开革,能者则获得提升。 www.ybenglish.cn 9. And only then they were given gun models (looking and weighting like the real ones) and airguns. 之后才是派发给他们无论是在外形还是重量都和真枪无异的枪支模型和气枪。 www.bing.com 10. As a ruling measure an instrument of education, the status and function of music and dance art were given unprecedented attention. 作为一种统治手段--礼乐教化的工具,乐舞艺术的地位和作用也被提到了前所未有的高度。 dict.ebigear.com 1. This gets your audience interested to hear more and gives them a chance to pause and digest the information they were given. 这么一来,你的听众就更加有兴趣听下去了,也让他们有机会就所听到的内容可以稍微作些考虑、消化一下。 www.englishtown.cn 2. If you were given the opportunity to quiz Liverpool striker Peter Crouch a question, what would you ask? 如果给你一个向利物浦前锋克劳奇提问的机会,你会问什么呢? www.jczqw.com 3. They were given the best foods that could be found, including grains, animal proteins and fat. 给了他们最好的食物,包括谷物,动物性蛋白质和脂肪,可以发现,。 www.hc263.net 4. I would not say that we were given a declaration. 我不认为我们当时收到了申报清单。 www.america.gov 5. DEAR SARAH: These were given to you as gifts, and you're free to do what you want with them. 亲爱的莎拉:这些礼品券是给你的,所以你完全可以随便处置。 www.elanso.com 6. Military Families Against the War were given a discreet pen inside Downing Street itself. 唐宁街对反战军属(MilitaryFamiliesAgainsttheWar)成员采取了谨慎的态度。 www.ftchinese.com 7. They were given daily treatment on the forearm with a 1% preparation of large hyaluronate fragments for one month. 他们每日在受试者前臂涂抹大量1%纯度的透明质酸盐碎末,为期一个月。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Elizabeth's congratulations were given with a sincerity, a warmth, a delight, which words could but poorly express. 伊丽莎白连忙向她道喜,真诚热烈,欢欣异常,实在非笔墨所能形容。 www.hjenglish.com 9. This possibility is supported by a study in which surgical patients were given training in guided imagery and relaxation. 这种想法是在对一些手术病人的研究后得出的结论,这些病人在研究过程中接受了引导想象和放松疗法的训练。 www.bing.com 10. Methods: Patients were given normal medical comprehensive therapy, combined with the artificial liver blood plasma metathesis technique. 方法所有病例均按常规给予内科综合治疗,并进行人工肝血浆置换术; www.ceps.com.tw 1. Parameters of structure and motion velocity were given to re-duce the broken shoots through the optimization al designing of the cutter. 通过对切割部分的优化设计,找到了减少碎片率的结构参数。 www.chemyq.com 2. Then participants were given a task to distract them after which they were asked to freely recall any of the clips they had seen earlier. 然后参与者们被分派了一项任务,是为了让他们分散注意力的。后来要求他们随意地回忆他们之前看过的那些短片。 www.bing.com 3. They pawned the bracelet and were given, as is usual, a loan for less than a third of its value. 山穷水尽的时候,他们抵押了手镯并按惯例拿到了它价值三分之一的贷款。 www.ecolion.cn 4. The writers were given access to any suspect they wanted, and to any file, many stamped "Top Secret. " 在创作过程中,所有信息都对作者们开放,包括很多打着“顶级机密”标签的文件。 www.bing.com 5. Warnings were given by the police to the protesters to stay on the pedestrian walkway. 警方已事先警告示威者,只能站在行人通行道上。 www.lihpao.com 6. In fact, they were given recognition and protection by the Popes and Pope Adrian VI was himself a former member of the Brethren. 事实上,他们收到教皇的认可和保护,而教皇安德里安六世自己就是共生兄弟会的成员。 www.elanso.com 7. But that wherever human beings were given room to breathe and time to think, those imperfections would disappear, no matter how slowly. 但只要人类有一息尚存,只要人类还能思考,这些缺陷一定会逐渐消失,无论过程会多么漫长。 www.hjenglish.com 8. WE AFFIRM that the whole of Scripture and all its parts, down to the very words of the original, were given by divine inspiration. 圣经的全部和其中每一部分,包括原稿的每一个字,都是神所默示的。 www.douban.com 9. She and her friends were young women in their twenties who were given unique opportunities, thanks to the war. 她和她的朋友都是二十几岁的年轻女性,因为二战被给予了独特的机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Recently we were given the assignment to reduce the memory footprint of a fat client. 最近,我们奉命降低一个胖客户机的内存占用。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Yet their attitudes had improved dramatically when they were given responsibility for a dog. 但当他们被分配任务照顾一条狗时,他们的情绪得到了极大改善。 www.bing.com 2. It appeared that you were given the wrong information. 你似乎得到了错误的信息。 www.baikedu.com 3. In the end, all the work had been summarized, and some point needed to be studied more were given. 最后,本文总结了全文的工作,并指出若干有待以后进一步研究的问题。 www.juhe8.com 4. The formulation, production technology, properties, specification and application methods were given. 介绍了该涂料的配方、生产工艺、性能指标和施工方法。 www.chemyq.com 5. The poor children were given a lot of ball pens, most of which(=of which most) hadn't been used. 这些贫穷的孩子得到许多圆珠笔,并且大部分是没有用过了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Each of these races were given the freedom to pursue their own goals. The Archangels named this world Ancaria. 每个种族都被赋予自由以完成他们各自的目的,大天使把这个世界称之为安卡利亚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A couple teammates fell of the uneven bars and were given scores so low that it becomes impossible for the team to remain in contention. 两位队友从高低杠上掉了下来,因此得分很低,以致整个团与名次无缘。 www.hotdic.com 8. The game suited United as they were given space between back and front and showed the importance of exploiting these gaps. 这场比赛很合适曼联,因为他们得到了足够的空间。 bbs.club.sina.com.cn 9. On another occasion, they were given a placebo of blackcurrant cordial for six consecutive days before completing the same cycling tests. 而另一组受试者连续六天饮用作为安慰剂的黑醋栗然后也完成同样的项目。 news.dxy.cn 10. The process was described, and the design parameters of both the gating system and riser, as well as the chills were given in the paper. 对这种工艺方法进了介绍,并且给出了包括浇注系统、冒口、冷铁等的工艺参数设定范围。 www.chemyq.com 1. The flowers were given to him by a supporter while he drove in an electric golf cart, after speaking in Tripoli. 在黎波里演讲后,他驾驶者电动高尔夫车的时候把鲜花献给他的支持者。 thehlc.cn 2. We were given, with confidence, six entirely different answers and pointed to every corner of the city. 我们自信地得到了六个完全不同的答案,他几乎指向了这个城市的每个角落。 www.bing.com 3. All patients were given careful and considerate nursing care psychologically and performed postural training properly before procedures. 术前细致周到的心理护理,并进行适当的体位训练。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. we were given a voucher for a free drink from the hotel bar on arrival. 到达时,酒店给我们提供了冰箱免费饮料券。 www.bing.com 5. Corresponding measures to be taken therefore were given to motivate students on English Learning. 为此,笔者进而提出了相应的激发学生英语学习动机的措施。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Brief comments of laboratory simulation research and local industrial experiments research of the V- notched blasting were given. 对刻槽爆破的实验室模拟研究和现场工业试验研究进行了简单评述; dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Upon selection of beneficiaries, they were given card beforehand of the relief distribution. 被确定的人选会在事先得到一张卡片。 www.greengrants.org.cn 8. The keys to thirty new homes were given out to residents who lost everything when Hurricane Katrina hit. 关键是为三十家在飓风袭击Katrina失去了一切的居民提供了新的房子。 bbs.putclub.com 9. They were given one five-minute break per hour but were allowed no more than five cups of coffee a day. 她们每小时有5分钟的休息,但每天喝咖啡超过五杯。 www.ttxyy.com 10. But when those same participants were given the impression that they were anonymous, women became the more enthusiastic bombers. 但同一批受试者在他们自以为是匿名的情况下,女性却成了狂热的投弹者。 www.ecocn.org 1. All young, they were given the freedom to follow their instincts, with no middle managers to second-guess them. 他们都是年轻人,且被给予足够的自由去追逐他们的天性,没有中层管理人员来对他们做些无谓劝告。 www.bing.com 2. We were given a penalty kick after one of our players was hit. 我们的一名队员被对方撞倒后,我们队得到一次罚点球的机会。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Three patients complicated with liver metastasis were given additional arterial embolization concurrently. 3例合并肝转移者同时接受动脉栓塞术。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. It's about time a few moviemakers with original ideas were given a chance. 该是给那一些具有新见解的电影制作人机会的时候了。 www.tingroom.com 5. Both courses were given for two hours once a week. 每一项课程都是每周两小时。 www.bing.com 6. At the start of the school year, we were given training in how to do this, and it's clear that this kind of work can really help people. 在本学年开始,就怎样做这项工作我们接受了培训,很显然这项工作确实能够帮助他人。 gz2010.qlteacher.com 7. In each round, individuals were given 31 injections at specific sites around the head and neck. 在每个疗程期间,病患在头颈周围特定部位接受了31次药物注射。 www.bing.com 8. Remember those days where we were given the yellow cup and brush our teeth somewhere near the drain? 还记得,那时我们拿着那黄色的杯子,在莫个龙沟刷牙。 seagullhome.wordpress.com 9. All participants were given treatments at the start of the study to help them quit, including nicotine patches and counseling. 所有参与者在研究初始都接受治疗以帮助他们戒烟,包括尼古丁补片和心理咨询。 www.elanso.com 10. The festival featured a handmade kite competition in which awards were given in categories for children, adults and master kite-makers. 风筝节上有手工风筝比赛,分儿童组、成人组和风筝制作大师组进行评比。 www.america.gov 1. The interests of groups, of society, and especially the state were given the precedence over those of the individual. 团体、社会、特别是国家,其利益被给予比个人利益更优先的地位。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 2. The rest were given 90-minute weightlifting classes twice a week for 13 weeks at community gyms, mostly YMCAs. 其余的人在社区体育馆内参加每周两次,每次90分钟的举重训练课程,共持续13周。 www.transcn.org 3. All the volunteers were given a physical examination and answered questions aimed at assessing their levels of depression and anxiety. 所有志愿者都进行了体能检测,并回答旨在评估他们的抑郁和焦虑水平的问题。 www.kekenet.com 4. The Food Bank's main office is just steps away from some of the firms who were given federal bail-outs. 纽约市粮食银行的总部距离一些享受联邦救助的大公司只有几步之遥。 www.ecocn.org 5. In a study published online this weekend in Nature Neuroscience, mice with sore paws were given half hour acupuncture sessions. 在《自然神经科学》杂志本周在网上公布的一份研究报告中,对爪子疼痛的老鼠进行了半小时的针炙疗法。 www.bing.com 6. And finally the performance analysis and evaluation of the business process reengineering were given out. 最后对兴业银行业务流程再造的绩效进行综合的分析和评价。 www.13191.com 7. Biologists thought of cells as automatons that blindly followed the orders they were given. 生物学家认为细胞就像自动装置一样,毫无条件的服从指令。 www.bing.com 8. The certificates were given to recognise their efforts as well as encourage breastfeeding amongst other mothers. 致辞之后,母乳喂养婴儿的母亲都领到了一份证书。 www.bing.com 9. Prior to anesthetics, soldiers were given a bullet to bite with their teeth to help them endure pain after injury or before an operation. 在麻醉药尚未出现的年代,战士们咬住子弹来忍受负伤或手术带来的疼痛。 www.hjenglish.com 10. A medical mix-up of wrong doses of a fever relieve drug were given to some children. The Center for Health Protection has apologized for it. 一次医药的配错,给了错的退烧药物予一些儿童,而卫生防护中心已为此事道歉。 forum1.my903.com 1. Detailed descriptions on hardware structure, SPC software , specific measurement process and measurement methods were given in this paper. 详细叙述了测试系统的硬件构成、程控软件编制、具体测量过程和测量方法。 www.fjqi.gov.cn 2. Grieving relatives helped identify their loved ones before they were given the bodies, covered by banana leaves, for burial. 帮助官方确认自己的深爱的亲人后,悲伤的亲属们领回由香蕉叶覆盖的亲人遗体,将他们下葬。 www.bing.com 3. Several months ago, our company had a project wherein all the employees were given free flu shots. 几个月前,我们公司为全体职员提供免费的流感疫苗注射。 www.elanso.com 4. At Charles de Gaulle, they were given privacy, and shown being whisked by bus to a crisis center. 在戴高乐机场,他们被给与保密,并且乘坐巴士车迅速驶往危机中心。 www.bing.com 5. We all miss Mom more than words can express, but we were given the best mom a dad could be. 对母亲的思念没法用语言表达,但父亲给予了一个最好的母亲所能给予的爱。 hi.baidu.com 6. We all miss Mom more than words can express, but we were given the best mum a dad could be. 我们对母亲的思念之情是用语言难以表达的,但我们却得到了一个父亲所能给予的最好的母爱。 www.jukuu.com 7. On this basis, a few of principles were given about multilayers PCB design based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). 在此基础上,给出现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)多层PCB板设计原则。 www.joca.cn 8. Locals confirmed that Pakistani soldiers were given a send-off party this weekend here in this town along the Afghan frontier. 当地人证实,巴基斯坦士兵本周末在阿富汗边境一个城镇举办了告别宴会。 www.bing.com 9. The sales of Brown's book were given a boost by an unprecedented price war. 空前的价格战提振了布朗新书的销量。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Total installed capacity, total investment, job creation, pollution and greenhouse gas emission reductions in four scenarios were given. 分别给出了四种情景下的装机总量、投资总额、创造就业、污染物和温室气体减排量。 www.cpre.sdnu.edu.cn |
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