单词 | went without |
释义 | went without是go without的过去式
第三人称单数:goes without 现在分词:going without 过去式:went without 过去分词:gone without 例句释义: 缺少,没有…而忍受过去 1. Whether it was while out sailing or to a formal dinner at the White House, Einstein went without socks everywhere. 无论是划船还是白宫的正式晚宴,爱因斯坦都是光脚穿鞋子。 www.5xue.com 2. Summer came and went without a new iPhone, and here we are at the end of September without a single new iPod--not even a rumor of one. 夏天来了又走了,不见新iPhone,现在已经9月底了,可是还没新的iPod--甚至连谣言都没有一条。 www.bing.com 3. Easter Sunday and Passover came and went without any indication of its occurrence. 复活节和逾越节在不经意之间来了又去了。 dict.bioon.com 4. Her last hours were peaceful, quiet, and she went without struggle into the arms of her Lord. 母亲最后的时刻安详度过,投到她的上帝的怀中。 www.bing.com 5. It went without saying that her aunt would immediately disown her if she fell pregnant out of wedlock. 不用说,她如果未婚怀孕,她姨妈就会立刻否认和她的关系的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It went without saying that those responsible for this monstrous crime would be brought to justice sooner or later. 毋庸置疑,犯下如此滔天罪行的人迟早会受到正义的审判。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. I went without breakfast and hurried out to the car, but I'll be damned if I didn't lock the house with both house and car keys inside. 我没吃早饭就出门了,急急地去开车,但该死的慰问把房门钥匙和车钥匙都锁在了屋子里。 www.bing.com 8. they went without food so that the sick and the infirm might be able to eat. 他们去,不用食物,以便病态和不牢固的威力能吃。 cid-90189a65842aa71c.spaces.live.com 9. It went without saying that the countries in the LDCs group constituted the weakest members of this Organization . 毫无疑问,构成最不发达国家集团的国家是本组织的最贫弱成员。 www.bing.com 10. You all would miss those little thank you and welcomes, if you went without hearing them. 要是没了那些“谢谢”和“欢迎”这样只言片语,你们大家都会想念它们的。 www.hicoo.net 1. While traveling, I went without some of my accustomed affiliations or labels, forcing me to define myself by different terms. 当我抛掉我以前的所有联系去旅游的时候,各种不同的条件迫使我从新定义我自己。 www.51toefl.com 2. WB: Yes, I sure am. I got up late and went without breakfast. Right. 王兵:当然饿了。我早上起床晚了,没吃早饭就走了。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Jerusha went without comment , but with two parallel lines on her brow . 杰鲁莎默默地去了,额上平添了两道皱纹。 www.bing.com 4. Even after one day, my skin looked so clear and blooming that I almost went without my usual brush of facial bronzing powder. 甚至在一天结束之后,我的皮肤看上去如此洁净和娇嫩,以至于我在出门时几乎都不用带上常用的蜜粉饼刷。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I bit my tongue, for it was a new-found understanding for them, that went without saying. 我有点伸舌头,因为这是一种新发现的了解,对于他们来说,这是不言而喻的。 www.acne-treatments-web.com 6. Of course, that day came and went without incident. 那天过去了,什么都没有发生。 www.bing.com 7. clap eyes on sunshine , don ' t smell potpourri , went without colorific ashen mother earth , highly desolation. 看不见阳光,闻不到花香,没有色彩的大地,好荒凉。 www.ichacha.net 8. Thousands went without water and electricity for days after the massive earthquake in Los Angeles. 在洛杉矶那场大地震后,数千人好几天都没有水电用。 jwc.seu.edu.cn 9. The family went without food all day. 全家人整天没有吃东西。 www.nmet168.com 10. His ascent to Grand Admiral went without notice by Alliance Intelligence, thus his existence remained a secret. 他被升为元帅的消息丝毫没有引起义军同盟情报部门的注意,所以他的存在始终是一个秘密。 starwarsfans.cn 1. It went without saying that the better the service, the bigger the tip . 不言而喻,服务越好,小费收得就越高。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. As he wasn't ready , we went without him. 因为他还没准备好,我们没跟他一起去 zhidao.baidu.com 3. e. g. As he wasn't ready in time, we went without him. 由于他没有及时准备好,我们就去了,没有等他。 wenku.baidu.com 4. As he wasn't ready in time, we went without him. 因他未及时准备好,我们没有等他就走了。 www.360abc.com 5. In primitive society man went without shoes or clothing. 原始社会人都不穿衣服不穿鞋。 tr.bab.la 6. The whole show went without a hitch. 整场演出很顺利,没有出现什么问题。 blog.xdnice.com 7. He went without saying "! Good-bye" to us. 他没给我们说声“再见”就走了。 www.51share.net 8. And to my great luck, it went without any accident. 幸运的是,我们顺利地过了关,没有遇到麻烦。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 9. The scientist went without sleep for two days. 这个科学家两天没睡觉了。 www.allwinworld.net 10. The beggar went without eating for three days. 这个乞丐三天没吃东西了。 www.allwinworld.net 1. As Xiao Wang was not ready, we went without him. 由于小王没有准备好,我们只好不带他去了。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Rather than borrow, he went without food. 他宁肯不吃,也不愿借债。 www.ebigear.com 3. He went without food for three days in succession. 他一连三天没有吃饭。 www.bing.com 4. They struggled hard, went without, and saved in order to build up a business or buy a farm of their own. 他们努力挣扎,忍气吞声,努力存钱,目的就是做点买卖,买个属于自己的农场。 www.zftrans.com 5. As Jim was not ready, we went without him. 由于Jim没有准备好,我们只好不带他去了。 wenku.baidu.com 6. As he wasn't ready in time, I went without him. 因他未收拾好,我没等他先走了。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 7. She went without sleep for three days. 她三天没睡觉了。 danci.118cha.com 8. He went without sleep for five days. 他连续5天没有睡觉。 go.6to23.com 9. As Tom wasn't ready in time, we went without him . 因为汤姆未能及时准备好,我们没有等他就去了。 www.dictall.com 10. He went without his dinner. 他没有吃饭就去了。 danci.118cha.com 1. He went without food two days. 他两天没有吃饭了。 2. As he was ill, I went without him. 因为他有病,我独自去了。 www.enfang.com 3. He wasn't ready in time. As a result, we went without him. 因他未及时准备好,我们没等他就先走了。 www.xiwik.com 4. What? ! She went without us? If that boat doesn't sink, I'll drown her when she gets back! 什么?!她自己先走了?就算船不沉掉,等她回来我也要淹死她。 hbbdcl.blog.163.com 5. Killer Instinct went without a basket from 5: 30 of the first quarter until 7: 09 of the third. 杀手本能先生从第一节的5:30直到第三节的7:09都没有一次上篮。 tieba.baidu.com 6. I went without lunch today. 我今天没有吃午餐,凑合过来了。 www.ecp.com.cn 7. If the game of life, he went without a single success; who can not master of its own, it will always be a slave. -- Goethe 谁若游戏人生,他就一事无成;谁不能主宰自己,便永远是一个奴隶。——歌德 wenwen.soso.com 8. And went without the meat, and cursed the bread; 我们没有肉食,诅咒淡饭粗粮; hi.baidu.com 9. It went without saying that writing meant first and foremost penmanship 毫无疑问,写作最重要的是书法。 www.kekenet.com 10. I never knew we ever went without 我从不知道我们没有出去过 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I never knew we'd ever went without 从来不知道我们会变成这样 spaces.msn.com 2. For out o'doors he went without their help 因为他没有眼睛的帮助便走出了门, www.tingroom.com 3. went without food for two days 两天没进食 www.zftrans.com |
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