单词 | well-will | ||
释义 | well-will
例句释义: 将要 1. The crowds that are cheering him now will be calling for his death in just a few days. The people who know him well will also desert him. 几天后,现今为祂欢呼的群众,将会判祂死刑,那些熟悉祂的人也将会抛弃祂。 www.chinesetodays.org 2. As for your comments, if you care to make, or discussions and experiences that you wish to share as well, will be highly appreciated. 欢迎各位访客就此发表评论,或者讨论以及分享自己的经历。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A woman you know well will rush towards you and she says will say something to you. 女人你躲到哪儿去对你和她说你会说些什么。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Due to long time no sunshine, the miners out of the well will be put on a $450 pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes. 由于长时间未见阳光,矿工出井时都会戴上一副造价450美元的太阳镜以保护眼睛。 sp1717.com.cn 5. Do not collarbone, neck or face tattoo, and if the location is chosen well, will be very painful. 不要在锁骨,脖子或脸上纹身,而且如果位置选择得不好,也会很痛苦。 www.xiami360.com 6. I only can say that, I have seen well, will not dare to pay attention next good again, although I knew will really be very good. . 莪只能说,莪见过了最好的,不敢再去留意今后的好,尽管莪知道真的是很好… blog.163.com 7. A woman y you know well will rush towards you . 你很熟悉的一个女人将向你冲过来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A woman you know well will rush towards you. 一位您很熟悉的女人将向您冲来。 edu.21cn.com 9. That person, and perhaps others as well, will actually see that love. It is not hidden. 对方、很可能包括周围的人,会看出其中的爱,因为这爱不是背地的。 chinesetodays.org 10. I am sponsoring someone I do not know well. Will this individual be recommended for membership based solely on my sponsorship? 我正在推荐一个我并不十分熟悉的人,这个人是否会单凭我的推荐被成为会员? www.21jrr.com 1. They wish to think things will go well, will be well, and to identify with a winning team. 他们希望一切安好,将之视为长胜之队。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. With money scarcer, those governments that do not spend it well will find themselves subject to popular protests. 由于经费不足,无法砸大钱投入选战的那些政府将发现自己屈从于老百姓的抗议。 www.ecocn.org 3. The next approach to the well will focus on the top of the blowout preventer. 下一步措施将集中于防喷器口。 www.ecocn.org 4. We are not doing it for making money, but for career, and I believe, make effort to doing well will have money. 我们不是为了赚钱,而是为了事业,因为我相信,努力把事业做好,钱自然会有的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The culture of service that has served the business community well will therefore become increasingly applicable to the public sector. 因此,用于商业社会的服务文化会渐渐用于公共机构。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 6. If Ms Gillard fails, her opponent Tony Abbott, whose Liberal-National coalition did surprisingly well, will try to form a government. 如果吉拉德失败了,那她的对手阿伯特(其自由-国民党联盟表现的的惊人的好)将会组建新政府。 www.ecocn.org 7. Only if we study these well will we be able to carry out socialist modernization rapidly and efficiently. 学习好,才可能领导好高速度、高水平的社会主义现代化建设。 www.jukuu.com 8. Xia zhi xing: i'm jinx. Do not treat me well. All who treat me well will have miserable end. 夏之星:我是扫把星,你不要对我好,所有对我好的人,下场都很凄惨。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Understanding your users well will tend to push you toward making something that makes a few people deeply happy. 要是你能理解你的用户,你就能做出一些让少数人高度满意的产品。 www.bing.com 10. Some 100 feet below where it is now, the relief well will cut into the outer ring of the Macondo well and then into its central drill pipe. 目前在一些地处海底以下100英尺的深处,减压井将切入到Macondo井的外环,随后进入其中心钻管。 www.ecocn.org 1. Want to realize the huge investment potential of caddy , we might as well will see a clear acting caddy again. 要了解茶叶罐的巨大投资潜力,我们不妨再来看另外一件清代茶叶罐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. How to use a good incentive mechanism well will become the Insurance industry an important issue that it is to be face. 如何运用好激励机制也就成为保险业业面临的一个十分重要的问题。 bbs.sunstu.com 3. The results show that the productivity of fractured gas well will increase with slip factor increasing in low flow pressure stage. 结果表明:在低流压阶段,随着滑脱系数的增大,压裂气井的产量越来越大。 www.airiti.com 4. Even conscientious people who reason well, will find that they disagree about questions of the good life, about morality and religion. 即使是那些有道德感的人经过相当严密的推理,也会发现他们对很多问题的看法存在分歧,比如说对善的生活、道德和宗教问题的看法。 www.justing.com.cn 5. If in its hay day the USSR could not compete with american carriers how well will the chinese do with a X-USSR carrier refitted. 如果是在苏联的全盛时期,他们也无法与美国航母相抗衡,中国对一艘未知的苏联航母又能改装得多好。 bbs.voc.com.cn 6. How about work conditions and benefits? Is there any opportunity to continue studying? If they perform well, will they be promoted? 星耀五洲对于应届生的待遇和福利如何?有没有一些出国和在国内进修的机会?如果表现良好,大概几年内会升职? www.globaltimes.cn 7. This first step well will build a solid base for your rescue efforts. 良好的开端将为救援的成效奠定一个坚实的基础。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. Wellhead pressure testing of abnormally high pressure gas well will be abnormal when unstable testing is conducted. 异常高压气井在井口进行不稳定测试时,井口压力动态出现异常。 www.chemyq.com 9. How well will a bridge do if terrorists try to blow it up? 如果有恐怖分子准备将一座桥摧毁怎么办? www.bing.com 10. Otherwise, if they don't fit in well, will they still be accepted by other technology firms? Will they lose their major knowledge? 如果不能适应,以后还能否被其他从事技术开发的公司所接受,所学到的专业知识会不会丢掉? bbs.yingjiesheng.com 1. But obviously to kill the well will take a little bit longer. 但要想让这口油井完全没有任何泄漏,显然还需要更长一点的时间。 www.voanews.cn 2. In emergency, the condensate oil produced from gas well will be injected back to formation. 在紧急情况下,需要把气井所采的凝析油回注到油层中去。 www.chemyq.com 3. From tomorrow, I must be a happy person, well will love me the person! 从明天起,我要做一个幸福的人,好好爱爱我的人! blog.163.com 4. With food prices already skyrocketing, how well will their central bankers tame the beast? 眼下,食品价格已经大幅飙升,这三国央行将如何驯服通胀这只猛兽? www.bing.com 5. How well will we come out if it does go wrong? 如果确实错了,我们怎样才能很好地走出来? www.ftchinese.com 6. Getting well will be facilitated by focusing on others as the reason to get better. 将把精力投放在他人身上作为恢复的理由会使恢复的过程更加容易。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If the tests prove promising, the well will be hydraulically fractured or "cracked" . 如果实验结果证明这里有希望采油,就通过水压破碎的方式打井。 bbs.cnesa.net 8. I, Caesar, of Glorious and Mighty Rome, greet you and wish you well. Will you trade with us? 我,凯撒,神圣强大罗马帝国的统治者,向您问好并祝您一切顺利。您愿意和我们交易吗? www.civclub.net 9. The result, if all goes well, will be that animals follow plants down the biotech route. 如果一切顺利,转基因的动物将顺着转基因植物的发展路线(摆上人们的餐桌)。 www.ecolion.cn 10. To do the work well will require political zeal as well as the ability to grasp what is essential. 要做好这里作不仅需要有抓住要点的能力,还需要有政治热情。 www.hhmba.com 1. How well will the patents hold up against challenges from generic companies? 专利如何应对一般公司的挑战? news.dxy.cn 2. Well, will there be any Sunday in June which falls on a Chinese auspicious day? 嗯,六月有没有良辰吉日的星期天呢? www.1stenglish.com 3. Fortunately, learning and learning to learn well, will always be one of the most valuable skills in your personal and professional life. 幸运的是,学习和学会更好的学习,将永远是你个人和职业生活中最宝贵的技能之一。 www.bing.com 4. Most consumers will still be short of cash, so firms that make cheap stuff well will thrive. 大多数顾客的消费能力依旧不高,所以那些提供廉价品的公司会迅速的壮大起来。 www.ecocn.org 5. By the end of this century well will do! 到本世纪末我们会的! bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 6. How well will any religion apply the lessons of neuroscience to the soul? 在灵魂问题上一个宗教与神经科学可以契合到什么程度? www.bing.com 7. In the last chapter , some achievements in this design will be summed up , and some advice about how to do this well will be gived. 第六章为结论,总结了课题设计所取得的成绩,给出了心得体会以及个人能力得到提高的几个方面。 www.fabiao.net 8. To do the work well will require zeal as well as the ability to grasp what is essential. 要做好这个工作不仅需要有抓住要点的能力,还需要有热情。 5doc.com 9. Well, will Battle report 4 still be released " within the week " ? 恩,战报4仍然会“在本周内”放出吗? sc.178.com 10. This rainy season, if all goes well, will only supply about 30 percent of Somalia's food needs. 在这个雨季,如果情况良好,也只能满足30%索马里人的粮食需求。 www.bing.com 1. yet any how, all the oil well will be used up within about 30 years at the current oil consumption rate. 不管怎样,以目前这种石油消费速度,只要30年左右,所有的油井都会枯竭。 emuch.net 2. If the excision time is long, the wound heals well, will then not bleed, so long as will excise to gives birth cleanly has not affected. 若摘除时间较长,伤口愈合好,则不会出血,只要切除干净对生育没有影响。 www.010fk.com 3. As temperatures plunge this winter, the well will operate for 100 days. 随着冬季来临、气温大幅下降,试验井将运营100天。 www.forbeschina.com 4. I'm not feeling well. Will you please tell the teacher I won't be able to come today? 我不舒服,你告诉老师我来不了,好不好? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Because on the god knows I well will treasure you. 因为在上帝知道我会珍惜你很好。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Speaking English well will be to your advantage if you go abroad. 英语说的好对你出国很有利。 blog.cersp.com 7. But that well will eventually run out - and probably right when you need it. 但是,那口井最终要干涸,而且很可能正当你需要它的时候,它就干涸了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. How well will the world handle this challenge? 这个世界能怎样应对这项挑战呢? www.ftchinese.com 9. Well. will you tell him to return my calls. 好,那你转告他,给我回个电话吗? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Well, will she be in there? No. 她会在那儿吗不会 www.tingroom.com 1. the god knows I well will treasure you. 上帝知道我将珍惜你。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Jane: Well, will you just go back to work after lunch? 简:还有,你吃完饭之后会直接回去工作吗? www.cuwen.com 3. Knowing English well will help us in our work. 掌握英语将有助于我们的工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Jason is good at science but weak in English. He wants to do well in English as well. Will you please give him some suggestions? 擅长科学但英语差一点,他想学好英语。请你给他一些建议好吗? english.cersp.com 5. The exploration well will be dug 30 miles from the edge of the park, primarily in search of gas. 这次勘探将在公园的边缘进行,向下钻30英里,主要探测寻找天然气。 www.bing.com 6. Well, I don't understand it very well. Will you draw me a map? 哦,我不十分了解,请你画张地图给我好吗? www.putclub.com 7. Sometimes when we wonder what we are doing or pursuing, it is helpful to just ask, " Well, will this bring me happiness? " 有时当我们纳闷自己在做什么追求什么时,有必要问一句:“这会带给我快乐吗?” iask.sina.com.cn 8. engineer. Dr. Li, whom I know very well, will come here tomorrow. 李大夫明天将来这儿,我跟他很熟悉。 www.ebigear.com 9. Those who do very well will win prices! 那些出色的玩家将赢得奖励。 www.ggstudy.com 10. The students' knowing English well will help them to learn French. 学生学好了英语对学习法语有帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Everyone here, and people outside Hong Kong as well, will be willing them to succeed in the challenging years that lie ahead. 全港市民以及海外人仕,都衷心希望他们面对未来挑战时,能够有卓越的表现和成就。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I am sorry. I can't hear you very well. will you please repeat what you said? 很抱歉。我听不清你说的是什么,请你再重复一遍你刚才说的好吗?。 www.dictall.com 3. Only when you realize that without hard work you can not learn English well will you go all out to learn English well. 只有当你意识到,没有努力是学不好英语时你才会全力以赴的学好英语。 tieba.baidu.com 4. This is my first time on this site and if the job goes well will have more work on this site and another. 这是我在这个网站,如果作业顺利,将在本网站和其他更多的工作还是第一次。 www.bing.com 5. Q19: I am worried I cannot speak English very well. Will ORAL Business English & Success College accept me? 问题19:我担心我的英语说的不够好。奥伦商务英语学校会接受我吗? www.oralcollege.net 6. Well, will, the end of the war, the people's life will be happy 嗯,会的,战争会结束的,人民的生活会幸福的 wenku.baidu.com 7. Creature of God, if not serve self well, will be condemned 生命是上帝的造物,如果不能维护好,将受到惩罚 www.west4u.com |
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