单词 | well paid |
释义 |
adj. lucrative,money-spinning,profitable,productive,rewarding 例句释义: 报酬丰厚的,一份薪金丰厚,一份报酬优厚,报酬优厚的 1. Jacky: I think I might be able to get a well-paid job at the music store downtown. 杰奇:我觉得我可以在闹区的那家唱片行找到一份待遇不错的工作。 www.tsungwahlink.org 2. He decided to quit. But the boss said he was making a mistake and offered him a well-paid assistant position. 他决定不干了,但老板认为他不该退出并又给了他一份报酬不错的助理工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. If it feels like watching two stars romping through a well-paid holiday. . . well, that's probably not far from the truth. 如果看这电影就像看两位明星在带薪假期玩耍的话…好吧,这可能与事实不符。 www.bing.com 4. Even well-paid workers sensed their decline in status. obedience to the ding-dong of the bell-just as though we are so many living machines. 让我们听从于叮叮当当的钟表,简直就把我们当成了活生生的机器。 www.nexoncn.com 5. "Given the problems the bank is now going through, it is quite a bit of money, " said Elson. "He was well paid. " Elson表示,“鉴于这家银行目前所面临的处境,这是一笔很大的数目…他的报酬确实颇高。” cn.reuters.com 6. With a modest cost of living and a well-paid workforce, Katy makes good economic sense for most people considering relocation. 随着生活费用低,一份高薪的工作人口,卡蒂使大多数人民的利益考虑搬迁的经济意义。 space.baidu.com 7. Somehow or other , John managed to get a well paid job in the bank. 不知怎么地,约翰在银行找到了一份薪水高的工作。 www.bing.com 8. There's not much fear of him leaving the film--he is too well paid to do that. 他不太可能高开那家公司--他的薪水那么高,他不会的。 binjyon.bloger.com.cn 9. He often did overtime work and was well paid for it, but somehow he never saved anything. 他经常不加班的工作,并同时为它支付,但不知何故,他永远不会保存任何东西。 home.24en.com 10. The president of that company jobbed his son into a well-paid post. 那家公司的总裁为其儿子安排了一个待遇很好的工作。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Overtime work is often onerous , though it is well paid . 尽管有好的报酬,加班工作常常很繁重。 www.bing.com 2. The time-poor new rich are generating demand for household staff, and this sort of work can be very well paid. 时间宝贵的新贵需要家务助理,而且这类工作薪水还可能很高。 www.ecocn.org 3. Although my job is well paid and able to rent out, I decided to live with my family. 虽然我的薪水还算不错,有能力在外面租房,但是我还是决定跟家人一起住。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 4. Don't take it personally: Even well-paid top dogs feel insecure at work now and again and take their frustrations out on their underlings. 别把这些都当成是你自己的事情:即使你是那个拿着高薪,深感不安,并且一次又一次地触及他们失望底线的家伙。 www.bing.com 5. Maybe it would be worth it if, as a result of his or her degree, your child would have a well-paid career. 上大学也许是值得的,因为他或者她的学历,你的孩子能有一份高薪的职业。 www.kekenet.com 6. Why would anyone leave a well-paid, well-regarded job for one that will quite possibly be none of these things? 为什么有人要放弃一份颇受尊敬的高收入工作,而去做一件很可能什么都没有的事情? www.ftchinese.com 7. Well-paid blue-collar jobs, he adds, have been a pillar of Japan's post-war social equality. 他补充称,待遇较高的蓝领工作,是日本战后社会平等的支柱。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Harry is well-paid, but he is always borrowing money from his friends. 哈利油一个很好的收入,但是他总是向他的朋友借钱。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. I assist him to land a well-paid job, but he must needs stubbornly work as a teacher, so my effort is totally in vain. 我帮他找到了一份收入丰厚的工作,可他却偏偏要当老师,我的努力算是白费了。 oral.ebigear.com 10. And they said, "Well, this effect also happens to experts, people who are well paid, experts in their decisions, do it a lot. " 他们说:“这种现象也一样影响专家,高薪人士、专家做决定时,也常常受到错觉的影响。” www.ted.com 1. He had a legal, well-paid job as a labourer, he had a fiancee, a studio-flat and a gym membership. 他作为劳工有着合法的高收入工作,有个未婚妻,一套公寓兼工作室,还是健身俱乐部的会员。 www.bing.com 2. Well-paid fund managers have spent decades trying to find ways to beat the market. 高薪基金经理们已经花了数十年时间想要找出打败市场的方法。 www.ecocn.org 3. A young city or suburban resident with a well - paid professional job and an affluent , materialistic lifestyle. 雅皮士年轻的城市或郊区居民,他们拥有待遇优厚的专业工作和富裕的物质型生活方式。 www.newxue.com 4. She was well paid, as she had worked well. 因为她工作得好,所以工资也高。 wenku.baidu.com 5. We have no right to say that when we sit here safe and secure and well paid. 我们没有权利去说当我们坐在这里安全可靠的、丰厚的收入。 www.bing.com 6. 12 cooking rookie chef for a well-paid job and loves the, master, or just a big voice, a bad-tempered Brits. 12个厨艺菜鸟为了一份高薪的主厨职位而拼争,刚好师傅还是个大嗓门、臭脾气的英国佬。 www.mvcen.cn 7. You have no idea if the well-paid job in a bank is as boring as you imagine. 你不清楚一个收入不错的银行工作是否像你想象得那么无聊。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Employment is now largely divided into well-paid, highly-skilled jobs and the poorly paid, less-secure jobs of the service sector. 职场现在主要分成两大阵营,一是高薪水高技能的工作,二是服务行业的低收入低保险工作。 www.ecocn.org 9. Affordable housing intended for key workers is going to well-paid professionals, a BBC investigation finds. 经济适用住房为重点的工人会和高薪专业人员,英国广播公司的调查认定。 www.2getnews.com 10. They hoped he would be a doctor, which they saw as a steady and well-paid job. 他们希望他将来作一名医生,因为他们认为当医生是个收入好又稳定的工作。 www.1363.cn 1. Yet Obama's stand also came just one day after he surrounded himself with well-paid chief executives at the White House. 然而,奥巴马的立场也只是在他在白宫会见华尔街高薪CEO的一天后作出的。 www.bing.com 2. Pursuing interesting and well-paid careers, many young people do not want to be burdened by their elderly parents. 许多年轻人追求具有吸引力的高薪职业,不想被年老的父母所拖累。 chinafanyi.com 3. The government builds sturdy classrooms but fails to punish well-paid teachers who do not show up for work. 政府建立了众多坚固的教室,却没能对那些拿着高薪还不做好本职工作的教师加以惩罚。 dongxi.net 4. We get well paid but none of us wanted to become footballers to make our fortune. We did it because we love playing and love winning. 我们的收入是很好,但没有人希望靠着足球使我们富裕。我们踢球就是因为我们爱足球,我们想赢。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If David Cameron's Conservatives had a brilliant wheeze for guaranteeing every graduate a well-paid job, they would have unveiled it by now. 如果大卫·卡梅隆的保守党有一个巧妙的主意,保证每位毕业生都有份高收入的工作,如今他们早该公布了。 www.bing.com 6. Other jobs may be well-paid or very responsible, but the general public think they are funny or rather boring. 其他工作也许薪水不错或者责任重大,但是舆论认为他们很有趣或者非常无聊。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Mohammed Iqbal owns and runs Tile Giant, which competes directly with Topps Tiles, where he once had a well-paid job as an executive. 穆罕默德-伊克巴勒拥有并经营着TileGiant,这家公司直接与ToppsTiles竞争。他曾在Topps有一份薪水不菲的工作,担任高管。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A well paid job exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. 一份报酬不菲的工作对很多人来说,有着巨大的吸引力,当然我也不例外。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Additional houses in these areas are worth more because these places are capable of generating additional well-paid jobs. 这些区域新增的住房价值更高,因为这些地方可以产生更多的高薪就业机会。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Today, I missed a very important interview for a well-paid job because I was all night suffering from diarrhea. 今天,因为昨晚一直拉肚子,我错过了一个非常重要的面试(这份工作薪水非常可观)。 www.bing.com 1. A business- management major with a remarkable academic record , he easily got a well- paid job in a big firm . 由于他工商管理专业毕业,且学习成绩优异,所以轻而易举地在一家大公司找到了一份高薪的工作。 www.bing.com 2. Taxpayers' money bought Europe an edge in a high-tech sector that sustained hundreds of thousands of well-paid jobs. 纳税人的钱帮助欧洲在高科技领域分得一份,并支撑着成千上万个高收入的工作机会。 www.ecocn.org 3. In the fall of 1993, I moved away from Europe to America, and was accessible to a well-paid-but-not-hard job in Eastern Michigan University. 九三年秋我刚从欧洲搬到美国,在东密西根大学找了份差事,活不多,钱不少。 www.bing.com 4. The third common goal is to do work that we enjoy, to do it well, and to be well paid for it. 我们共同拥有的第三个梦想是能做自己喜欢做的事,把工作做好,并且工资优厚。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. We were making good progress, and getting well paid, so I never really considered the dangers. 我们进展不错,报酬颇丰,所以我从不认真考虑存在的危险。 www.bing.com 6. Well-paid White House staff include chief economic adviser Lawrence Summers. 收入丰厚的白宫官员包括国家经济委员会主任萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)。 www.ebigear.com 7. The abstract begins with a puzzle: "Prostitution is low-skill, labour intensive, female and well paid. " 论文摘要的开头便是一个让人费解的谜题:“卖淫工作技术含量低、属于劳动力密集型产业,从业人员多为女性、但薪酬丰厚。” www.ftchinese.com 8. All indian civil servants are well paid, but they do not do their job till they receive bribe. 印度的公务员待遇都不错,但是没有“消费”他们是不会为你效劳的。 www.ltaaa.com 9. "You are well paid for it, aren't you? " said Lota. "You can buy a farm with a hundred taels of silver. " 罗大说:“赶这一趟车,你们赚钱不少。拿一百两银子就可以买一块田地了。” www.worklish.com 10. These new arrivals tend to be highly qualified, well-paid and English-speaking professionals. 这些新来的葡萄牙人往往是资质优秀、工资丰厚、英语流利的专业人士。 www.ftchinese.com 1. However, local media reported that disqualified residents, even some well-paid government employees, cheated on their applications. 然而,当地媒体报导不合标准的居民,甚至一些高收入的政府官员,在其申请上做假。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 2. In the competition for a well-paid job, the one who can speak fluent English has an advantage over those who cannot. 在竞争找工作的时候,会说流利英语的人就会比不会说英语的人有优势。 wenku.baidu.com 3. It is not the outsourcing of well-paid jobs; or the inflow of cheap goods: it is the globalisation of western patterns of consumption. 这个威胁不在于高薪工作的外包;或是廉价商品的流入;而是西方消费模式的全球化。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Perhaps it's better to be a well-paid nanny than an attention-starved rich kid. 也许做一个高薪保姆比做缺乏关心的有钱小孩要好。 chinese.wsj.com 5. He didn't sign up for the interview, which cost him a well-paid job. 他没有报名参加面试,这使他失去了一份高薪工作。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Do you think white-collars and other well-paid people are willing to ride bicycles and take the bus to work? 白领或金领是否愿意才自行车或挤公车去上班呢? www.chinadialogue.net 7. When I got a well-paid job in a foreign company, my friends were somewhat green-eyed. 当我在一家外企找了份收入丰厚的工作时,我的朋友们都有点嫉妒我。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Singapore's leaders encouraged public officials' integrity by setting personal examples and by building a well-paid civil service. 新加坡的领导人通过树立个人榜样并通过实行薪酬丰厚的公务员制度以鼓励政府官员廉洁奉公。 www.america.gov 9. However, they are among the most well-respected, prestigious, and well-paid individuals in the industry. 但是,他们都是行业内最受尊敬的、最具声望、身价最高的开发人员。 www.ibm.com 10. Such well-paid jobs are out of his reach. 这种高薪的工作根本没他的份。相反, edu.sina.com.cn 1. To get experience is much more important than to be well paid. 获取经验比高薪更重要。 www.hunaner.net 2. This requires an active, well paid, and well-equipped guard force, one that should be recruited from local communities. 这就要求一支有活力、薪酬好、装备良好的执法队伍,并吸纳当地人参加。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He thrust himself into a highly well-paid position. 他不择手段地弄到一个报酬优厚的位置。 www.tdict.com 4. Men too, having lost their monopoly of well-paid jobs, are investing in their erotic capital to enhance their appeal to mates and employers. 男性同样如此,失去了他们在高薪工作的垄断性,投资自己提高他们吸引配偶和雇主的性资本。 www.bing.com 5. Postal workers are usually reasonably well paid but have repetitive jobs that offer no advancement. 邮政工人通常都被合理地支付着,但却有着一份反复的、没有预付的工作。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The ready availability of well-paid work, albeit hard and dangerous, means that unemployment has almost disappeared (see chart). 薪水不错的工作的出现,虽然很既艰苦又危险,却意味着失业现象几乎已经消失(参考图表)。 www.ecocn.org 7. For server, good service can enrich their knowledge, exercise ability, service to improve training, respected and well paid. 对于服务者而言,良好的服务可以丰富自己的服务知识、锻炼才能,提高修养,受到尊重,获得优厚的报酬。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 8. He paid the money back soon after he got a well-paid job. 他找到了一份高薪工作后,很快就还了那些钱。 www.lesun.org 9. I account myself not so well-paid as you said. 我自认为我的工资并没有你说的那么高。 wenku.baidu.com 10. he dressed well, paid his bills -- and, besides his claims of surveillance, which sounded paranoid, he behaved normally. 衣着得体,从不拖欠账单,除了有自称受到监视的类似幻想外,他一切正常。 cid-f7f7ab3f1ea77d24.spaces.live.com 1. Some are constantly worrying about securing a well-paid job in a developed market to repay the large debt they are incurring. 一些人还总是担心:能否在发达市场找到一份高收入工作,来偿清不断欠下的巨额债务。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A more flexible labour market and the retirement of well-paid baby-boomers have pushed down average wages. 劳动力市场灵活性上升,加之工资丰厚的婴儿潮一代人的退休压低了平均工资。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The workers are skilled, generally well-paid but willing to do work most legal residents aren't. 这些是熟练工人,一般工资都不低,但是愿意从事大部分当地居民不屑一顾的工作。 www.docin.com 4. You'll be well paid for your expertise, receiving flight pay in addition to normal pay, allowances and benefit. 你将因为你的专业技能得到高薪,除了基本工资外还有飞行岗位工资、津贴和福利。 www.showxiu.com 5. P: Yes, I was thinking about my work. I just got a new job, well-paid, but the work is tough. I always worried if there's any mistakes. 病人:是的,我担心我的工作,我刚得到了一个新工作,我挣钱很多,但工作很难做,我总是担心出错。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. If you take your chance you might get a well paid job in a private company. 如果你抓住了机会,你可能就可以在一个私营公司得到一个高工资的工作。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 7. OldWang: it reads many well-paid, especially IT pros in Beijing, have no girlfriends. 据说北京有许多30岁左右的高薪人士,特别是搞IT的,没有女朋友。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Obviously, the idea is to get well-paid women to buy their own diamonds, something they traditionally do not do. 显然,广告的创意在于蛊惑那些高薪女性去购买原本不该是自己买给自己的钻戒。 www.ebigear.com 9. People are drawn to the region's well-paid jobs, low cost of living and good schools. 人们被当地丰厚的工资待遇,低廉的生活成本以及良好的学校所吸引。 www.ecocn.org 10. When well-paid individuals leave the country, that cuts into already depleted tax revenues for state and local governments. 高薪人员离开美国,会削减税收已经大大减少的州政府和地方政府的收入。 www.bing.com 1. You've dreamed about an ideal job in which you're motivated, inspired, respected and well paid. 你却将就着与你理想差很远的工作。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 2. And compared with those doing similar analysis at investment banks, consultants are much less well paid. 此外,与那些在投资银行做类似分析工作的人相比,咨询顾问的待遇要低得多。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Some employers may even woo you with incentive bonuses, well-paid salaries, and good benefits packages. 一些雇主甚至可能会用奖金激励,优厚薪筹和丰盛福利来吸引你。 www.bing.com 4. Many women in modern urban China are well-educated, confident, assertive, career-minded, and well-paid. 中国城市的妇女大都受过良好教育,她们自信,有职业理想,收入不菲。 www.putclub.com 5. Meanwhile, well-paid analysts and programmers modify the software to accept and display the script for the language. 同时,高薪聘请的分析师和程序员修改软件以便接受和显示那种语言的文字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Meanwhile, quite a lot of white-collar work currently carried out by well-educated, relatively well-paid workers may soon be computerized. 与此同时,目前由教育良好、薪金较高的工作人员从事的大量白领工作可能很快被电脑代替。 www.bing.com 7. New Berlin is a chic, modern metropolis, seemingly full of well-paid people having a wonderful time. 新柏林是个时髦、现代的大都市,看上去全市生活优越的有钱人。 www.ecocn.org 8. A physically demanding job, requiring leadership and flexible working hours. It's quite well paid. 要求体力的工作,需要领导和灵活的工作时间。这是相当不错支付。 bbs.cwebgame.com 9. They found it hard to justify their son's giving up a secure well-paid job. 他们难以理解儿子竟放弃收入颇丰的稳定工作。 wenku.baidu.com 10. if all else fails, they could always try for a (less well paid) job in journalism instead. 如果所有其它一切都失败了,他们总还可以在新闻界找到一份(薪酬相对没那么好)的工作。 bbs.enfamily.cn 1. You quit that respectable, well-paid job for this unpromising one? What has come over you? 你辞了那个体面而高薪的工作换了到这个没前途的?你怎么了? zhidao.baidu.com 2. The bought firm's bosses may be asked to linger in well-paid but largely symbolic roles. 被收购公司的老板可能会被要求留任在一个高薪但多半是象征性的职位。 www.bing.com 3. She was assured a well-paid job after graduation. 有人保证她毕业后有一份待遇优厚的工作。 122cn.mastone.net 4. It stands to reason that a man with his experience should expect to be well paid. 一个有经验的人期望较好待遇是合理的。 blog.tianya.cn 5. His work was well received and Frazetta was well paid: that first commission paid more than his current annual salary. 他的作品深受欢迎,让他大赚一笔:第一部电影海报的佣金比他当年的年薪还要多。 www.bing.com 6. Would you rather have a well-paid officer protect you or an underpaid one walking your streets with a gun? 你是想有一个薪水高的警察保护你还是薪水低的持枪警察在街上溜达呢? www.bing.com 7. what do you think people will choose : a low paid job one likes, or a boring well-paid job? 你认为人们会选择什么:一份喜欢的低薪工作,还是一份沉闷的高薪工作? wenwen.soso.com 8. I'm told that some of the workers here are well paid, but some are not. 有人告诉我并非所有这儿的工人都待遇高。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. And trade gave them a reason to, bringing in exotic products that well-paid workers could aspire to. 此外,贸易的发展使那些高工资的工人们渴望引进外来产品。 www.ecocn.org 10. And well-paid graduates already contribute more than others via income tax. 并且,高薪毕业生通过所得税已经比别人作出了更多贡献。 www.ecocn.org 1. Others are well-paid managers or professionals who have specialist knowledge of an industry. 还有拥有高收入,对产业具有专业知识的经理人或专家。 www.ecocn.org 2. Some are on the lecture circuit. Others have gone to well-paid but peripheral jobs in Brussels. 有人进入了学界,也有人在布鲁塞尔领着高薪,却只从事一些外围工作。 www.ecocn.org 3. Mr. Wilson got a well-paid easy job just because of his bright red hair. 威尔逊先生因一头火红的头发而得到一份肥差。 www.voiceofgb.com 4. Even in the foreign concessions , Nanking kept a well- paid espionage system at work . 哪怕在外国租界,南京也有出高价雇佣的侦探网在那里活动。 www.bing.com 5. Not long after he graduated from college, he got a well paid job. 他在大学毕业后不久,就找到了一份高薪水的工作。 gz2010.qlteacher.com 6. He has a good job and is well paid but the father says he just will not move out. 他自己有不错的工作,收入也很好,但据父亲说他就是不愿意搬走。 meirixiaochao.blog.163.com 7. Here, and many of the fancy dress well-paid white-collar workers, Wang was wearing a dark blue suit, gold tie line. 和这里许多着装考究的高薪白领一样,王身穿深蓝色西服,系金色领带。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I love my job - it is interesting and well paid - but miss spending time with my two young sons. 我喜欢我的工作(既有趣、挣的又多),但是不能花时间跟两个年幼的儿子在一起。 en.eol.cn 9. Graduate and postgraduate student immigrants are essential to creating new, well-paid jobs in our economy. 研究生移民在我们的经济中对创造新的、高收入的就业机会非常重要。 www.bing.com 10. It's the money. --But you are well paid. --I don't mean that. 是因为钱--但是你的薪水很不错--我不是这个意思。 www.unjs.com 1. From my point of view, teachers are not well paid obviously. 依我看,显然教师们薪水不高。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. possess plenty customer resources, and the ambition and ability to get well-paid. 有良好的客户资源,有志向和能力挑战高薪。 www.lietou.com 3. From my point of view, teachers are not well paid but they have long holidays. 依我看,虽然教师们薪水不高,但他们有很长的假期。 www.tingroom.com 4. Being well paid is no guarantee I will enjoy my job, but there is a possibility my enjoyment may increase. 优厚待遇也一定能保证我会享受我的工作,但有可能让我增加工作的乐趣。 www.elanso.com 5. They are far less well paid than their English, Indian and Australian counterparts. 他们比他们的英国,印度,澳大利亚对手挣的少多了。 www.bing.com 6. I was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job to travel around the world. 让我感到惊讶的是,鲍勃丢下一份高薪的工作去环游世界了。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The workers working in the factory are well-paid. The workers who are working in the factory are well-paid. 在这家工厂工作的工人报酬很好。 www.qzqz.cn 8. Don't brag about your great car or your well paid job, unless it naturally comes up. 除非在不得已的情况下,千万不要炫耀你的名车及收入可观的工作。 www.elanso.com 9. In fact, some locals are grateful for the well-paid jobs that mining brings. 事实上,部分当地居民对矿业所带来的高收入工作心存感激。 www.ecocn.org 10. It may be well-paid but it is also a highly demanding job. 这个职位也许薪酬丰厚,但要求也非常苛刻。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But doctors in several European countries are well paid too. 但是好些欧洲国家的医生收入也很丰腴。 www.ecocn.org 2. but they stank, those devils! And they were well paid for it, too. 这些魔鬼身上发出了臭味,为此他们还拿高薪呢。 www.bing.com 3. Today, Gramm is a well-paid executive at Swiss banking giant UBS. 今天,Gramm成为在瑞士银行巨头UBS拿高薪的执行人。 www.elanso.com 4. Perhaps, but Apple's army of well-paid lawyers would surely object. 或许的确如此,但苹果高薪雇佣的律师团队肯定不会同意。 cn.nytimes.com 5. I can't figure out why she gave up that well-paid job to undertake the boring one. 我弄不懂她为什么要放弃那份薪金优厚的工作,去从事那份无聊的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And where will the good, well-paid jobs of the future come from in developed countries if Asia's rise continues? 如果亚洲强劲增长势头持续下去,那么发达国家的未来好工作将来自何方? www.ecocn.org 7. "These people may be well paid, but this is not an insignificant matter. " 霍华德大学的法学教授AndrewI.Gavil说,“这些员工可能拿着高薪,但这绝不是一件无关紧要的事情。” www.bing.com 8. He has loyal, and well paid, military officials to perform the role of figurehead. 他自有受到他丰厚收买的忠实军事领导当他的傀儡。 www.bing.com 9. You'd find yourself well paid when in work, but frequently idle. 你会发现自己工作时收入很高,但常常没有工作可做。 www.ftchinese.com 10. secure a decent and well-paid job with promising future. 确保得到体面的高薪的有辉煌前景的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Finding a well-paid job is not a dream. 找一份好的工作将不再是梦想。 www.ynstudy.cn 2. he easily got a well-paid and promising job in a big firm. 他轻而易举地在一家大公司找到高薪而有前途的工作。 www.hjenglish.com 3. this job, as it is not well paid. 因为薪水不高,没人对这个工作感兴趣。 z2.esu.edu.cn 4. The study indicates ways to prevent one's partner cheating without giving up the well-paid day job. 该研究还提供了既可防止伴侣出轨又不用放弃高薪工作的几个办法。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. But, of course, there is very little financial risk involved in taking on a stupendously well-paid job. 但是,接受报酬高得惊人的工作其实几乎没有任何经济风险。 www.ftchinese.com 6. With little help from the state, there can be enormous pressure to find a well-paid job. 对于毕业生们来说,政府是几乎不给予帮助的,因此要想找到一份报酬不错的工作,压力格外巨大。 www.bing.com 7. Perhaps Wall Street's well-paid management teams have learned from their mistakes. Mr. 或许华尔街那些薪酬丰厚的管理团队已经从错误中吸取了教训。 www.bing.com 8. First, it should have a well-paid job, but the high-paying job, not just to get to have qualification. 首先,就应有一份高薪的工作,但高薪的工作,不是随便就能得到的,要有资历。 wenwen.soso.com 9. He was assured a well-paid job after graduation. 有人保证他毕业后获得待遇优厚的工作。 www.tingroom.com 10. A good family his everyone's well-paid results! 一个美好的家庭,是每个人的精心付出的结果! dictsearch.appspot.com 1. His new job is well paid , but highly demanding. 他的新工作报酬不错,但要求也很高。 www.tiantianbt.com 2. Your living conditions taken into account, you should get well paid. 考虑到你的住房条件,你应该得到更多的报酬。 gzenxx.com 3. He was tempted to take a well-paid job a big company had offered. 他很想接受一家大公司答应给的一份高收入的工作。 www.thea.cn 4. Because you're bloody well paid to listen! 因为我付钱让你听! www.tingroom.com 5. Voice actors of the past were rarely, if ever, credited (or well paid) for their work. 过去,配音演员为剧组配音,却没有几个进入演职员表,也拿不到丰厚的薪水。 www.elanso.com 6. Mr. Wang will find his his relatives and go to the big city to get a well-paid job. 王先生明年去找他的亲戚们一起在大城市找高薪工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. getting that well - paid job was a bit of a mixed blessing ; it means we ' ll have to live abroad for several years 得到那份报酬优厚的工作是有点利弊参半,这意味著我们得在国外住好几年。 www.ichacha.net 8. Their job is to make predictions based on these observations, and they are well paid by members of the royal court. 他们的职责是根据观察星相预言未来,皇室的成员给他们相当优厚的待遇。 videos.chinaedu.com 9. Her husband is a well-paid physicist. 她丈夫是一位物理学家,收入不菲。 www.bing.com 10. Are teachers well paid in your schools? 学校的教师薪水高吗? www.hebtu.edu.cn 1. The job was not very well paid. She took it just out of interest. 这份工作报酬并不丰厚,她就是出于兴趣才接下这份工作的。 cutekaitlyn.blog.163.com 2. I account myself well paid. 我认为我的报酬尚佳。 52english55.xinwen520.net 3. Those in work are less well paid outside the South East. 而在东南部以外的地区,那些有工作的人收入相对较低。 www.ftchinese.com 4. is a well paid job nowadays. 牙科医生在当今是个赚钱的工作。 www.shanbay.com 5. Susie and her partner both work full-time in well-paid jobs. 苏希和她的丈夫都有一份报酬丰厚的全日制工作。 www.youmars.com 6. This is another field that will be in demand and well-paid. 这又是一个需求量大而且高薪的领域。 www.bing.com 7. decided to accept the new post, even though the job is not very well paid. 这项工作在实际开始干之前,一直被认为是十分简单的。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Your job could be more secure and well-paid than ever. 你的工作会前所未有的安全,薪水也会水涨船高。 www.oxford.com.cn 9. His efforts were well paid in the end. 他的努力终于得到了很好的结果。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Working people should be well paid for their time and effort. 劳动人民付出的时间和精力应当获得优厚的报酬。 www.jukuu.com 1. There is little chance that a university graduate without any practical experience can find a well-paid job at once. 缺乏实践经验的大学毕业生不太可能马上找到高薪工作。 wenku.baidu.com 2. It is said that he has a well-paid job. 据说他有一份待遇丰厚的的工作 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Daniella? Well, my New Year's resolution is Daniella has to find a new, exciting, fulfilling, well-paid job in 2007. 丹妮娜?嗯,我的新年决心是丹妮娜一定会在2007年找到一个全新的令人激动的让人满足的高薪工作。 www.yappr.cn 4. Being an extra isn't well paid, but it can be fun, and it's a good way to meet people in the movie business. 男;做临时演员拿的报酬并不高,可很有意思,能和演艺圈里的人打交道。 www.dellenglish.com 5. While there are well-paid positions in these fields, median salaries range between $35, 000 and $55, 000. 而这些都是高薪职位,平均工资在35000美元到55000美元之间。 www.bing.com 6. But don't feel too sorry for them: they get very well paid for writing under somebody else's name. 可是,他们以别人的名义写东西能赚很多钱,所以也别太同情他们啦。 www.kekenet.com 7. Tom: I have a well-paid job in a university. 汤姆:我在一所大学工作,薪水很高。 touch-life.blog.163.com 8. Henry's new job is very well paid, and the family is in clover. 亨利的新工作薪水很高,他的家庭因此而过上了优裕的生活。 www.hotdic.com 9. I have a well-paid job in a company. 我在一家公司有一份待遇优厚的工作。 zhongkao.ewstudy.com 10. wanting to gain more but pay less, both the jobless and graduating students aspire to seek a job that is well-paid, relaxed and comfortable. 很多失业者和毕业生都想少劳多得,想得到一份轻松舒适而且薪水不菲的工作。 www.xuezelu.com 1. You must be joking. The job is nice and she is well paid. 没开玩笑吧?她的工作不错,收入又高。 www.hxen.com 2. Jack will do the job on condition that he is well paid. 杰克愿意干这活儿,条件是报酬。 www.360abc.com 3. 3, It is very difficult for college graduates to find a well-paid job. 大学毕业生要找到一份高工资的工作很难。 www.yuloo.com 4. Rubin would become well paid, last year getting $29. 4 million from compensation and stock awards. 鲁宾就任花旗董事长后薪酬会颇为优厚,他在去年就从股票奖励及补偿中取得2,940万美元。 cn.reuters.com 5. eg: The job wasn't very interesting, but on the other hand it was well-paid. 那个工作没多大意思,但另一个方面工资却很高。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A job that doesn't require any skills except the one to not lament your sore back. Not very well paid but accessible to most people. 一份工作,并不要求任何技能,除了悲叹您的背部疼痛。没有好报酬,但大多数人都能做。 bbs.cwebgame.com 7. She's just happy that I went to university and have a well-paid job. 她才为我能考上大学,现在又找到一份优薪的工作而高兴。 www.joyen.net 8. To understand the automotive industry or the iron ore industry and relevant industry experience, once accepted, well-paid; 懂汽车行业或铁矿行业并有相关行业工作经验,一经录取,待遇优厚; www.jobstreet.com.cn 9. provide well-paid employment opportunities for area residents; 为地区居民提供收入良好的就业机会; www.myoops.org 10. On one side are those who are well paid by power companies for the right to set up turbines; 一方面,是那些出让土地给风电站的人们,得到电力公司的高额报酬; www.bing.com 1. Competition for a well-paid post 谋取高薪职位的竞争 www.powerdict.com 2. Employ a well-paid foreign expert as a adviser 高薪聘请外国专家为顾问 www.ustraining.cn 3. The Effects of Well-paid Groups on the Markets of Foshan City 佛山市高收入群体对市场的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. seek a steady and well-paid job 找到既稳定有待遇优厚的工作 edu.163.com 5. The development of space this post, once admitted, well-paid; 此职位发展空间大,一经录取,待遇优厚; so.jobems.com |
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