单词 | well lit | ||||
释义 | well lit
例句释义: 亮堂堂,开朗 1. But I guess for them it was a bit like being in a Twilight Zone episode, just being stuck in a featureless, well-lit room. 但我想它们是一直处在一个昏暗的区域里,突然在光线充足的房间中时就会停留在这种状态上。 ngmchina.com.cn 2. Moving out of the well-lit office, my eyes haven't adjusted to the dark. 刚从灯火通明的办公室出来,我的眼睛还不适应黑暗。 www.dearedu.com 3. Use only well-lit, busy stops. Do not enter poorly lit tunnels or stairwells alone. Try to stay with a group of people. 只去灯火通明、繁忙的车站。不要一个人走入灯光暗淡的隧道或楼梯间。尽量和人群呆在一起。 pop.pcpop.com 4. The dark regions surrounding the well-lit urban areas are mainly agricultural fields, with wheat and corn being the major crops. 环绕着明亮的城区的黑色区域大部分是农田,主要农作物是小麦和玉米。 www.bing.com 5. Maxx, and use the bowl to display the fruit in a prominent, well-lit place in the lunchroom. Maxx采购了精美的大碗,用这些碗将水果陈列在餐厅光照良好且显眼的位置。 www.bing.com 6. Every effort will be made to ensure the areas are colorful, well lit, well ventilated, and with adequate space and ceiling hight. 应该尽力保证该区域多彩、照明良好、通风良好、有充足的空间和顶部高度。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 7. I believe Jesus is calling us to step out of our safe well lit areas and be willing to go be light in areas of darkness. 我相信耶稣是呼召我们走出我们安全、明亮的小圈子,并且愿意进入黑暗的地方做光。 middlekingdomlight.com 8. If you feel uneasy, ask to be let out in a well-lit area where there are plenty of people. 如果你觉得不安,要求让你在一个灯火通明、人流量大的地方下车。 pop.pcpop.com 9. More likely they were purchased as investments or well-lit and highly protected centerpieces to a wine cellar. 它们更可能是当作投资品被买入,或是作为能为自家酒窖增光添彩的重要摆设,受到精心保护。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Facades are clean and well-lit to ensure a high level of visibility and a sense of security. 建筑物正面要干净并有良好的灯光以保证视觉上和安全的高水准。 q.sohu.com 1. That light might bring them to a stream or pond, but a well-lit interstate is equally alluring. 这些光线可以带它们到小溪或是水池,但是一个灯火通明的州际公路的灯光却是相当吸引的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. His Captain stood before him, a small figure in a vast and well-lit room. 他的队长站在他面前,一个小的数字在一个幅员辽阔,以及点燃房间。 laiba.tianya.cn 3. A room for raising silkworms, which needs to be warm, well ventilated and well lit. 一定要保证蚕室的温度稳定,不能太高也不能太低。 www.nciku.com.tw 4. The inability to channel electricity to the shore has created serious problems keeping beaches well-lit and safe past sun down. 为保持海滩明亮和安全而不能引导电力系统到岸边,从而太阳下山后出现了严重的问题。 www.bing.com 5. The shadow of James Irwin is visible to the right, while scrolling to the right will reveal a well-lit and diverse lunar terrain. 图像右侧可见詹姆斯欧文的影子,在向右看,展现的是清晰且明亮的月球地形。 www.meiyeah.com 6. Mr Biyani's Big Bazaar "hypermarket" stores, which are India's closest equivalent to Wal-Mart, are clean, air-conditioned and well lit. 比亚尼的BigBazaar“高级百货商店”干净整洁,配有空调,光线充足,是印度最接近沃尔玛模式的商店。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Walk in well lit areas even if it means your trip is longer. 即便可能要绕远,也请在照明充足的地方行走。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Are containers parked in a secure, well lit area and monitored for unauthorized access? 是否货柜都停放在安全、有充份照明及良好监控以避免非法入侵的地方? www.china-coc.org 9. at home, prepare a mirror, each week according to a well-lit area in the mouth, to identify the adhesion plaque area. 1日,在家里准备一面镜子,每个根据良好一周点燃口地区,以确定粘着斑面积。 www.qiyeku.com 10. They had a functioning CRM which was packed full of leads, a modern phone system, and a well-lit, well-appointed sales bullpen. 他们有良好的客户关系管理系统,现代电话系统,还有光线充足、安排良好的串联办公室。 www.justing.com.cn 1. More remarkable still were the results of one school that misunderstood the "well lit" instruction. 更值得一提的是,一个学校的经理们误解了“光照良好”的意思。 www.bing.com 2. A series of parallel walls aligned along the east-west axis, create different sized, well lit spaces. 阿沿东西轴平行排列的墙壁,系列创建不同的大小,光线充足的空间。 dndci.com 3. Do your inspection in broad daylight on a dry day or in a well-lit garage. 你的检验要在一个有明亮的光线的晴天或在一个灯光光线很亮的车库进行。 www.imm-diy.com 4. If you want to sell the largest market (both web and print) then you will need good quality, well-lit, sharp, high-resolution images. 如果你想出售的最大市场(包括网络和印刷),那么你将需要良好的品质,明亮,锐利,高分辨率的图像。 wenku.baidu.com 5. the car was flying along the road, now well-lit, now sank in darkness. 车子沿大道飞驰,忽而闪现,忽而又消失在黑暗中。 www.yestime.net 6. Liangshiyiting suites, a two-balcony, the balcony floor window of a long, well-lit. 套房两室一厅,两卫一阳台,阳台落地长窗,光线充足。 www.6m.com 7. If you would like to see your own aura, find a mirror that is in a well lit room. 如果你想看自己的光环,找一面在房间里固定好的镜子。 13189026872.blog.163.com 8. Night falls on the famously well lit city, which spreads out over an underground labyrinth of immense scope and some danger. 夜幕降临在这著名的不夜城,灯光笼罩在范围广大的地下迷宫以及一些不安定因素上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In contrast to the closed exterior, the interior is designed well lit and open. 与封闭的室外不同,室内既开阔又明亮。 project.zhulong.com 10. A rear alleyway was enclosed wth a glass roof to create a well-lit interior living room . 屋后的小弄堂则加盖了玻璃顶,为起居室内增添了光照效果。 www.bing.com 1. If you are being followed , do not go home . Go to a busy well - lit area . 如果你已经被跟踪了,就不要回家。向一个繁忙的灯火通明的地区走去。 www.bing.com 2. Its long corridors were well-lit and immaculately clean. 长长的走廊灯光明亮,洁净无比。 2008.qq.com 3. The assembly hall was well lit by the electric lights. 电灯把礼堂照得亮堂堂。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. Is there a clean, dry, well lit area for inspecting incoming goods? 是否有干净,干燥,灯光充足的地方供来料检验使用? zhidao.baidu.com 5. Make sure printed materials are well lit, but don't shine a lamp on the screen or in your eyes. 确保打印的材料放在光线良好的地方,但是不要用灯光直接照射屏幕或眼睛。 www.kekenet.com 6. Is the workplace well lit and ventilated? 工作场所是否有良好的照明和通风? zhidao.baidu.com 7. Its stores are well-lit and spotlessly clean. 它的商品存储区干净明亮并一尘不染。 www.ecocn.org 8. That's basically all you need to know to get your scene well-lit. 这就是你需要了解的关于如何使场景表现的更好的基本知识。 www.esau2.com 9. Walk in the daytime or at night in well-lit places. 在白天或夜晚以及在光线充足的地方散步。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Though (the room is) large, the room was well lit by a window. 这个房间虽然大,但一扇窗户把它照得很亮。 www.ruiwen.com 1. Because the windows where covered by blinds that never kept out the light from the street lights the room was pretty well lit. 因为窗户上的窗帘根本挡不住外面路灯射进来的光,所以房间里还是很亮。 rrting.com 2. Walking further along, I saw the library and the classroom budding well lit up, as bright as day. 再往前走,看见了图书馆和教学大楼灯火通明,如同白昼。 www.englishtang.com 3. A : You should keep your wealth spot clean and well-lit. 你要让你的财穴保持通畅整齐、照明良好。 wenda.tianya.cn 4. The shot will be well lit, too. 这个镜头的灯光也无可挑剔。 www.ecocn.org 5. The room was well lit, but no direct light source was visible. 房间亮得很,但是不能看得见直接光源。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If a factory is of one storey it can usually be well lit from the roof except in hot cli . 除了在炎热的气候条件下,一般说来,如果厂房是单层的,它可以从屋顶很好地采光。 www.bing.com 7. Though not large, the room was well lit. 房间虽不大却很亮堂。 blog.cersp.com 8. Must be clean, neat, dry and well lit 应干净整洁,干燥,明亮。 wenku.baidu.com |
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