单词 | well-built |
释义 |
例句释义: 体格很好,体格健美的,健壮的,体格很好的 1. Just now a well- built young man was forced to enter the policemen's office, with his hands tied on his back . 刚才有一个体格健壮的年轻人手被捆着押进了警察的办公室。 www.bing.com 2. In art, Ares was represented as a well-built war- rior11, carrying a bloodstained spear, and sometimes with lightening about his head. 阿瑞斯的艺术形象是位体魄雄健的武士,手持一柄血污长矛,有时头部萦绕着闪电光环。 wy.xiaoxue123.com 3. Organizing information into a well-built layout is the basis of a website, and should always come before styling concerns. 把信息组织在一个构造精美的布局里是一个网站的根基,应该在考虑风格设计之前弄清楚。 www.bing.com 4. He was twenty-eight, a tall, well-built man, who did not seem, however, to think his appearance was very important. 他28岁,身材高大魁梧,不过他好像并不认为自己的外表很重要。 www.okread.net 5. Tim: Well, he's tall and well built. He's got brown eyes and a shaved head. 呃,很高很结实。他有一双棕色的眼睛,光头。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You are-how shall I cleverly put it in a few words? -not exactly fat, but rather well-built for your age. 你-我应该怎么巧妙地用简单几句话表达这个意思呢?-你并不算胖,就你的年龄而言,是相当健壮的。 www.unsv.com 7. A well-built pointcut is less likely to stop matching the required locations after changes are made to the code. 在更改代码之后,构建良好的切入点不太可能停止匹配所需的位置。 www.ibm.com 8. A well-built interview portfolio might be just the ingredient to add to your interview mix. 一个精心准备的面试公文包也许正是你的面试组合所需要的那个配料。 www.chinastudents.net 9. As well as the rice paddies, now overrun with goldenrod, are large businesses and well-built schools for hundreds of children. 现在跟着秋麒麟草属植物一起疯狂生长的水稻,跟匀称建筑的学校对于数以百计的小孩来说都是一件好的事情。 www.ecocn.org 10. A well built bridge has give; it has a certain amount of flexibility to it. 一座设计精良的桥,一定要有良好的韧性。 www.bing.com 1. Behind the long hair is that pair of well built fan-shaped ears. 在长的头发之后是对井修造了扇形耳朵。 wenwen.soso.com 2. They need to expand their railroad system one step at a time to ensure that they are well built and that their employees get paid. 他们需要一步步扩张铁路系统以检验质量并且确保工人得到了工资。 bbs.m4.cn 3. Some are as clearly defined as the prominent, feminine eyes of a supermodel or the desirable hips of a well-built man. 有些界定得很明确,比如超级模特那种突出的、女人味十足的眼睛或者体格健壮的男性的翘屁股。 www.ebigear.com 4. Mr Greenberg may be correct that AIG was well built (although I differ on that) but it was indisputably ablaze. 格林伯格称AIG状况良好或许是正确的(尽管我对此表示怀疑),但它毫无疑问着火了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The ordering system is well built, and the mobile Apps could be customized for you. 良好的订货系统建成,移动应用服务可以为您定制。 www.bing.com 6. A solid well-built wine. Lovely chocolate, berry and tobacco aromas, with a hint of vanilla. 这是一支酒体结构非常出色的葡萄酒。带有巧克力、浆果以及烟草的香味,伴随一丝香草的味道。 www55fangcomse.929.com 7. And well-built large-scale theme park style animation, the "sunshine, health, fashion" element as the core. 并精心打造的大型时尚动漫主题乐园,以“阳光、健康、时尚”元素为核心。 www.dw188.com 8. The radio amateur is progressive. With knowledge abreast of science, a well-built and efficient station and operation above reproach. 进步-将电台保持科学化,整齐有效率,操作实务无可非议。 www.hicoo.net 9. Under this evaluation I'd say the Heat has put together a well-built second-line. 根据这个来评价,我要说热火已经建立了完善的替补席。 210006090160.ctinets.com 10. He was smallish but well-built, with an open, sunburnt face, and bright, amused eyes. 他个子有点小,但身体强壮,长着一张开朗的、晒黑的脸和一双明亮的、愉快的眼睛。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. pros: very comfortable, good fit, good impact protection, good court feel, well built, upper should prove very durable. 优点:十分舒适、合脚,良好的冲击保护,优异的场地感,做工优良,鞋面十分耐久。 bbs.hoopchina.com 2. A well built bridge has a certain amount of flexibility to it. 建造精良的桥有一定柔韧性。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In ancient Greece, Greek people regarded a well-built body as a gift from gods on Mount Olympus. 在古希腊,人们把健美的身体看作是奥林匹斯山上众神的赐予。 www.readywin.com 4. It is significantly useful for the test in the software development to have a well-built analyzing model of software requirements. 一个良好的软件需求分析模型的建立对软件开发中的测试工作起着重大的作用。 www.fabiao.net 5. Dale had said to her, "I'm tall and pretty well built, little balding on top. " 戴尔跟她说:“我是高个,身材不错,头有点秃。” www.bing.com 6. He has good size for an NBA shooting guard a naturally well built physique that the NBA demands. 作为一名NBA得分后卫他的个子够高且天生得一副在NBA混饭吃所必需的好身板… bbs.hoopchina.com 7. The quality of this bridge is poor. This bridge was not well built. 这座桥的质量不好。 wenku.baidu.com 8. He was a fine young man, about twenty-five years old, tall and well-built, with a kind face and a nice smile. 他是一个可爱的年轻人,大约25岁,身材高大健壮,和善的脸上带着开心的微笑。 www.jlhighway.com:8080 9. That fleet was small, but it was well built, new and powerful. 这支舰队规模虽然不大,但精良,崭新而且强大。 www.bing.com 10. Excellent research and development of natural well-built products favored by consumers. 优秀的研发团队精心打造的系列产品自然深受消费者青睐。 www.xiaochiwang.org 1. The building is well built throughout. 这楝楼房处处建造得良好。 www.hotdic.com 2. Well-built, properly draining redwood retaining walls can last 20 years or more. 建造得不错,适当排水红木挡土墙可以持续20年或更多。 www.cfli.cn 3. He was six feet three and well built, but he didn't enjoy sports or hunting, like most local kids. 他身高六英尺三、体格健壮,但却不像其他本地小孩一样喜欢运动和打猎。 www.bing.com 4. It's total area is about 9600 square meters and it is so deep and well-built, that wouldn't be damaged even by a straight nuclear strike! 它的总面积约9600平方米,由于它是精心建造的如此深厚,即使遭到核打击也没有问题。 www.bing.com 5. A couple of the managers took one look at the tall, well built Swede. 一对夫妇的经理人上台一看,在高,以及建瑞典人。 www.p4pp.com 6. He is short, well-built, and he's got light blond hair. 他矮矮的,体格强壮,而且有浅黄色的头发。 www.hxen.com 7. "Homes in those days were well-built, " they say. “家在那些日子里是建筑精良的,”他们说。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Wear straight leg or boot cut jeans if you're well built. 如果你很壮实,选择直腿型或者靴型牛仔裤。 www.kekenet.com 9. If you would have a well built and lasting house, must you not lay it on a firm and right foundation? 如果你有一座建得很好的牢固的房子,你不应该把它建在坚固并合适的地基上吗? www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 10. It will likely be solid, reliable and well built. 结实,可靠,制作精良。 www.fortunechina.com 1. He's handsome and well built, and has appeared in Esquire magazine wearing a $1, 300 sweater. 他长相帅气身材健美,穿着1300美元的毛衣出现在《时尚先生》(Esquire)杂志的封面上。 www.bing.com 2. There is also the giant's well, built in stone, from which rises a steel ladder sprayed gold. 还有一个石质的巨人的楼梯井,一架喷金的金属梯子由此升起。 www.bing.com 3. Exercise makes it possible for people to have a well built body. 这间房是用来藏书的。运动可以使人体型匀称。 www.docj.net 4. The house is well built throughout. 这所房子全部都建筑得很好。 5. Hotel occupancy, you will enjoy thr well-built kinds of dishes covering beautiful colors-, flavor and taste. 入住酒店,您将会品尝到为您精心打造的丰富多彩、色香味意形兼具的各类菜品。 www.jiaodong.net 6. Come on, you're just well-built! 拜托!你看起来体形不错嘛! www.ebigear.com 7. He is handsome and well-built. 他英俊魁梧。 www.ebigear.com 8. A. She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built. 她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. He's huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that. 他十分高大!肯定是去健身房练过才有那样健美的体形。 bbs.enfamily.cn 10. Jack is a handsome man, compact and well built, like my father. 杰克很英俊,像我父亲一样,身材结实匀称。 dongxi.net 1. All the team members taking part in the tug-of-war are very well-built. 参加这场拔河比赛的每个队员体格都很健壮。 www.gszsb.cn 2. Well, I like girls that are tall, well-built, with beautiful dark hair, and most importantly I like girls with thick lips. 嗯,我喜欢高个子,身材好,一头乌黑的漂亮头发,还有最重要是我喜欢厚嘴唇的女人。 www.bing.com 3. He is very well built. 他体魄健壮。 4. In Suzhou, the Group's well-built system bath Home Projects, has made remarkable achievements in following areas; 在苏州,集团精心打造系统卫浴家居项目全面进入中国内地市场; www.topenergy.org 5. she was well built , soft and cushiony inside 它很结实,里面像垫子一样柔软。 www.ichacha.net 6. With my sexual physique Jah know me well built 我身材性感连上帝都不服 www.nihaoblog.com 7. Good shape, good quality, well-built, more than 160cm in height and females, males more than 172cm in height; 外形好,气质佳,身材匀称,女性身高在160cm以上,男性身高在172cm以上; www.gdrc.com |
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