释义 |
- adj.能背得一字不差的;能背得滚瓜烂熟的
- 网络熟记台词的;一字不差熟记的;一字不错地
adj. correct,accurate,exact,precise,literal 1. | 能背得一字不差的;能背得滚瓜烂熟的able to remember and repeat sth exactly without making any mistakes |
adj. | 1. able to say all the words of something such as a speech in a play without making any mistakes |
1. | 熟记台词的 frequent中文 ... fresh regolith 新鲜风化层 ... 熟记台词的 word-perfect 熟练掌握某事 have sth. at one's finger ends... ... www.yinghanhuyi.org | 2. | 一字不差熟记的 翻译词典... ... perfect-gas n.理想气体 word-perfect 一字不差熟记的 perfect kernel 完全核 ... chinafanyi.com | 3. | 一字不错地 美国大学翻译中文 - geovindu的日志 - 网易博客 ... 一妻多夫论者 polygamist 一字不错地 word-perfect 一字峰里 Iljabong-ri ... geovindu.blog.163.com |
释义: 能背得一字不差的,能背得滚瓜烂熟的,熟记台词的,一字不差熟记的,一字不错地