单词 | zealanders |
释义 | zealanders例句释义: 全部 1. Many Brits find it hard to understand why New Zealanders choose to leave their seemingly idyllic homeland and move to the UK. 许多英国人难以理解,为什么纽西兰人选择离开看似理想的家乡,移居英国。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. David Cunliffe said the axing of what National calls "lower quality" programmes would affect many thousands of New Zealanders. 大卫?康利夫说,国家党削减所谓的「低质量」计画可能会影响数以千计的纽西兰人。 www.luuloo.com 3. Let me have to think of new zealanders. Although the national intelligence, but not a profound culture, honest people. 让我不得不觉得新西兰人的聪明才智。虽然这个国家历史不久远,但是文化底蕴深厚,民风淳朴。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. This argument looks weaker. The Norwegians and New Zealanders seem to have persuaded the financial markets that they are making no promises. 这点争论看起来不那么激烈,挪威人和新西兰人似乎在使金融市场相信他们并未作任何承诺。 www.ecocn.org 5. He peppers his speeches with references to "patriotic" New Zealanders as he addresses Maoris and older whites in search of votes. 在他的演讲中,他不时向毛利人和老一辈的白人喊话,称呼他们为「爱国的」纽西兰国民,以寻求选票支持。 mailftp.lihpao.com 6. Youth Parliament is held every Parliamentary term and gives young New Zealanders the opportunity to experience life in the shoes of an MP. 每一届青年议会都会如期举行,这为新西兰的年轻人带来了体验国会议员生活的机会。 www.luuloo.com 7. Visas are also cheaper for New Zealanders . "They assume anyone else from any other country can't be as rich" as Americans, Ms. Yoffe said. 纽西兰人申请签证也比较便宜。尤菲说:「他们认为任何出身其他国家的人,都不可能像美国人那麽有钱。」 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In fact, all but a small minority of New Zealanders have come to resent the ranting of Mr Peters. 事实上,除了一小部分人外,大多数的新西兰人对痞得屎的言论是反感的。 www.rainlane.com 9. Although New Zealanders had been hoping for the best, they had been prepared for the worst. 尽管新西兰人一直在争取最好的结果,他们也做了最坏的打算。 www.ecocn.org 10. Still, many New Zealanders travel to, live and work in London, and older New Zealanders sometimes still call Britain "the mother country. " 但是仍然有许多纽西兰人去伦敦旅游、居住甚至就业,而老一点的纽西兰人有时仍然称英国为「母国」。 mailftp.lihpao.com 1. The access prices CFH has negotiated will ensure the benefits of fibre are within reach of businesses as well as everyday New Zealanders. 王冠光纤控股公司协商制定的超高速宽带价格将确保其在企业以及所有新西兰人的可承受范围内。 www.luuloo.com 2. Nearly one in every 14 New Zealanders in a steady relationship is also having sex with someone else on the side, a survey shows. 一项调查表明,有稳定对象的新西兰人中,每14个人有近1人也与他人发生性关系。 www.bing.com 3. With very high levels of social cohesion and a first-place ranking in education, New Zealanders trust and help each other. 社会凝聚力级强,教育水平一流,新西兰人互信互助。 www.bing.com 4. Living in a country with plenty of space and a good climate, New Zealanders love all kinds of sport and outdoor activities. 居住在一个幅员辽阔,气候宜人的国度,新西兰人喜欢各种各样的体育和户外运动。 beike.dangzhi.com 5. Comprehensive health services, mostly supported by the State, are available to New Zealanders . 所有新西兰人都可以享受全面的保健服务,这些服务大部分得到国家支持。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. And the research for Metro magazine also reveals that more than 25% of New Zealanders have had sex at their place of work. 《大都会》杂志进行的调查也表明,超过25%的新西兰人在他们工作的地方有过性爱。 www.bing.com 7. "Labour is in a hurry to grow the pie for all New Zealanders, " David Cunliffe said. 大卫康利夫表示:工党正加快努力的步伐,力图为所有新西兰人把饼做大。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. New Zealanders are understandably proud that the Queen chose their country for the first-ever walkabout eleven years ago. 选择了新西兰进行首次非正式访问,新西兰人对感到自豪,是可以理解的。 ezitong.com 9. Two New Zealanders are on the run after their bank mistakenly deposited the equivalent of more than $6 million in their bank account. 两个新西兰人在银行错误在其帐户上存上相当于6百万美元的存款后,携款逃跑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Here we only know new zealanders past civilization, also know a New Zealand agricultural and animal husbandry of history. 我们在这里不仅了解新西兰人过去的文明,也了解了新西兰的农业和畜牧业的发展史。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The IRD also relies on New Zealanders to voluntarily provide quite a high level of personal information. IRD的运作也依赖于新西兰人自愿提供高度机密的个人信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Well Minister, while your talk is cheap, the costs facing many New Zealanders are getting more expensive. 好吧,部长先生,你的话不值钱便罢了,这么多新西兰百姓可是面对着越来越贵的诊费叫苦不迭。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. New Zealanders love outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and fishing. 新西兰人喜欢如远足、露营和钓鱼等户外活动。 www.bing.com 4. Today, the majority of New Zealanders are of European descent. 今天,大部分新西兰人是欧洲人的后裔。 www.okzhaosheng.com 5. New Zealanders are already coping with rising living costs and unemployment. 新西兰人正积极应对生活支出的增长和失业问题。 www.ecocn.org 6. New Zealanders lead an easygoing, relaxed lifestyle. 新西兰人喜欢轻松、悠闲的生活方式。 www.okzhaosheng.com 7. Amazing, the often overlooked Kiwi Fruit beats the Plum and even the Pear to 11th spot, perhaps helped by the New Zealanders. 真牛!小小的猕猴桃打败了李子和梨子。恐怕是新西兰人帮的忙。 www.kekenet.com 8. The kiwi is a national symbol and New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwis. 几维鸟被当作是国家的象征,新西兰人也这样称呼自己 bbs.ebigear.com 9. New Zealanders are still learning, still have a hunger for answers and are still on the journey to discovering our own identity. 新西兰人仍然在学习,仍然渴望寻找答案,我们仍然行进在寻找自己身份的道路上。 www.3us.com 10. You New Zealanders are pretty good at speaking our language! 新西兰人怎么中国话说的这么好! blog.sina.com.cn 1. New Zealanders are already paying too much for their electricity. 新西兰人在电费上已经交得太多。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. New Zealanders were easy going when I was in their islands, they call themselves as Kiwi. 当我在他们的岛国中的时候,新西兰人是很容易相处的,他们称他们自己如同新西兰特有的无翼鸟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. What languages do New Zealanders speak? 新西兰人说什么语言? www.vfs.cn 4. New Zealanders love rugby and are obsessed with their national team, the All Blacks. 新西兰人酷爱英式橄榄球,对绰号“黑魔”(AllBlacks)的国家队更是如痴如醉。 www.bing.com 5. What's the nickname of New Zealanders? 新西兰人的绰号是什么? www.vfs.cn 6. During World War Two many New Zealanders came to China. 在第二次世界大战其间,许多新西兰人来到中国 www.tingroom.com 7. Nearly three fourths of the people live in North Island, with over 50% of New Zealanders living north of Hamilton. 近四分之三的人口居住在北岛,有超过50%的新西兰人生活北部汉密尔顿。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The survey polled 1000 New Zealanders throughout the country online in the week of February 15-21. 这项调查在2月15-21日进行,访问了全国1000名在线新西兰人。 www.bing.com 9. And that is true because the bulk of New Zealanders on a benefit do actually pay for food, their rent and other things. 很多新西兰人福利者事实上也可以付得起食物、房租和其他的费用。 www.bing.com 10. In fact, many schools already realize that it is a trend for New Zealanders to learn Chinese. 事实上,许多学校已经认识到了学校中文将是一个必然的趋势。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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