单词 | bright-pink | ||||||||||||
释义 | bright-pink
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 水红,亮粉色,亮粉红色 1. Julia pinched herself, hoping this was just a dream but it hurt and her flesh had turned a bright pink. 茱莉亚掐了自己一下,希望这只是个梦,可是挨掐的地方又红又疼。 www.bing.com 2. The little sandy-haired woman had turned bright pink, and her mouth was opening and shutting like that of a landed fish. 小个子的黄发女人面色通红,嘴巴一张一合,像条搁浅的鱼。 txtant.com 3. And even with its bright pink color, this vibrator did not receive much interest from her. 即使这个振动器是亮粉色的,也没有引起她太多的兴趣。 www.bing.com 4. There were bright pink patches on her cheeks and her eyes were brighter than usual. 她的面颊上泛起两团鲜艳的红晕,眼睛比平日更加明亮。 www.kekenet.com 5. Bright pink sky is always blue, the sun has a orange, green of the rain, the sunset, the night ? 天空总是粉亮的蓝,有着橙黄的太阳、青绿的大雨、绛紫的晚霞、浓黑的夜幕。 www.baihuoyw.com 6. The snaps feature Irina looking stunning as she models a sheer black lace underwear set, as well as another combination in bright pink. 照片中的伊琳娜展示了一套纯黑花边内衣和令外一套粉红色组合,令人大流鼻血。 www.bing.com 7. When the organ does appear, however, it is not only impressive in size, but its bright pink color makes it stand out against the dark fur. 然而当这个器官出现时,不仅是在尺寸上能让人留下深刻印象,它那淡粉色的颜色更是和黑色的毛皮形成鲜明对比。 www.bing.com 8. His outfit was covered with a pattern of pink blobs, and he was wearing bright pink patent leather shoes. 他的外套带有粉红色的斑点,还穿着亮粉色的皮革鞋。 www.kekenet.com 9. Her cheeks turned a bright pink, and he was afraid she was about to start weeping again. 她的脸一阵潮红,他开始担心她是不是又要开始哭了。 www.cndkc.net 10. Mattel, owner of the doll brand, said the bright pink, six-storey store had served its purpose of building brand awareness in China. 该玩偶品牌所有者美泰公司(Mattel)表示,这家粉红色、占据6层空间的店铺,起到了在中国树立品牌知名度的作用。 putclub.com 1. His ears are bright pink. Mrs Bennet, with a group of other mothers, watches the young couple with rather too obvious a satisfaction. 班奈特太太和别的太太们站在一起,心满意足地看着这对年轻人。 www.24en.com 2. Confused parents might be persuaded to buy the leopard-print miniskirt if it's bright pink. 家长们为此感到困惑,他们很可能会在店员的劝说下买条亮粉色的豹纹迷你裙。 www.bing.com 3. Wearing a bright pink, puffy winter jacket, Nadia took a seat in a small office, two gold rings circling bony fingers. 穿着蓬松的亮粉色冬季夹克,娜迪娅坐在一个小办公室里,干瘦的手指上戴着两只金戒指。 bbs.internet.org.cn 4. This stunning umbrella is printed with a bright pink daisy to add a little cheer to your walk in the rain. 这把漂亮的雨伞上印着淡紫色的菊花,它会为你在雨中的走路带来乐趣。 www.kekenet.com 5. The cases were priced at a few dollars or lower and available in colors including bright pink and green. 这些保护套的售价只有几美元或更低,现货产品的颜色包括明亮的粉红色和绿色。 c.wsj.com 6. A blue plastic table and bright pink, orange and green chairs, meant as a play set for children, serve as the family's dining table. 一张蓝色塑料桌子和几把粉红、橙色、绿色的椅子,既是餐桌,也可作孩子们的玩具。 www.bing.com 7. Wearing that bright pink shirt will be a good way to stand out in the crowd . 穿上那鲜艳的分红衬衫会让你在人群中突出。 tieba.baidu.com 8. With a bright pink bandeau Wrapped around your head, you can give any bad-hair day a lively look this summer. 色彩欢快的粉色发带系在头上,活泼的外型将伴你渡过今夏每一个对头发有损伤的日子。 3w.hongen.com 9. This millipede shoots cyanide from its mouth. It is a spiny and toxic millipede aptly named for its bright pink color. 这种多刺带毒的千足虫会从嘴巴中射出氰化物,得名于其亮丽的粉色。 www.elanso.com 10. I asked one day when she was dressing for Parents' Day in tight-fitting bullfighter's pants and a bright pink sweater. 自己问有一天当她筹办怙恃地一天在紧身斗牛士地裤子和亮堂地红毛衣。 www.52qq.org 1. It is reported that the Queen wore a Huaqun day, the wearing of a bright pink jacket, wearing a decent matching pink hat. 据悉,女王当天穿了一条花裙,上身披了一件明亮的粉红色外套,头戴一顶得体相配的粉红色帽子。 www.englishtang.com 2. Cultivated varieties have 'bright pink ", " blue pearl ", " snow top' etc, which are fine flower material. 栽培品种有‘亮粉’、‘蓝珍珠’、‘雪顶’等,是优良的插花用材。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Sports teams sometimes paint the locker rooms used by opposing teams bright pink so their opponents will lose energy. 运动队员时常在其对方选手的储衣柜里漆上明亮的粉红色,因为这可以降低对方选手在比赛时的体能。 www.bing.com 4. Eurasian rose with prickly stems and fragrant leaves and bright pink flowers followed by scarlet hips. 薇,茎多刺,叶芳香,花淡粉红色,果实深红色。 ezitong.com 5. She sat on the floor and removed her bright pink rain boots, with Barbie on the sides, and easily slid the new shoes on. 她坐在地板上,脱下了两侧有芭比图案的亮粉色雨靴,轻而易举地穿上了新鞋。 www.joyen.net 6. On the ground, a brazier is indeed burning. A cluster of students brandish bright pink flares. 在地上,确实有一个火盆在燃烧着,还有一群学生肆意挥舞着亮粉色的烟雾弹。 www.ecocn.org 7. Seated on a stool with hands folded primly on its lap, it wore a bright pink blazer and gray slacks. 它坐在椅凳上,双手拘谨的交握在腿上,并且穿著鲜豔的粉红色上衣、灰色宽松便裤。 www.showxiu.com 8. Chinese women in bright pink frilly dresses led each of the 146 national delegations. 身穿亮丽粉红色褶边裙的中国女引导员引领146个代表团入场。 www.voanews.cn 9. In the middle there is even a bizarre section which orders the viewer in bright pink capitals: 'CLICK HERE FOR PUPPIES! ! ! ' 网页中部还诡异地用亮粉色大写字母告诉读者:“点此得小狗!” www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The areas without LEDs are decorated with more than 4, 000 hand-applied Swarovski crystals that range in color from clear to bright pink. 在没有LED灯的地方装饰着超过4000个从透明到亮粉色不等的人工施华洛世奇水晶。 www.bing.com 1. On the dance floor Mr Bingley is dancing with Jane. His ears are bright pink. 宾利正在跟简跳舞,他的双眼闪闪发亮。 www.24en.com 2. Thai people likes bright pink, purple or brilliant yellow , And they dresses in such shining color. 泰国人非常喜欢艳粉色,紫色,亮黄等颜色。在街头所处可见穿着这些艳丽色彩服装的人们。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It is a very bright pink. 是的这种粉红是亮亮了点 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I have never seen such bright pink taxi in any place of the world. 在世界任何地方都没有见过的艳粉色的出租车。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. (also sea-pink) seashore or alpine plant with bright pink flowers 海石竹(沿海或高山植物,开鲜艳的粉红色花)。 zhidao.baidu.com |
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