单词 | weight bearing |
释义 | 例句释义: 荷重,承重,负重,载重 1. The experimental results prove that the concept of design is rational and the body weight bearing walking assist is effective. 试验结果证明了设计思想的合理性和减重步行助力的有效性。 www.13191.com 2. Calcium supplements and plenty of weight bearing exercise seem to help in maintaining bone mass. 及时补充钙剂和足够的负重锻炼一般情况下有助于维持骨量。 www.rainlane.com 3. At least twice a week, supplement aerobic exercise with weight-bearing activities that target all major muscles. 至少两周一次,要用旨在锻炼所有主要肌肉的负重运动来补充有氧运动。 www.bing.com 4. The best exercise for your bones is the weight-bearing kind, which forces you to work against gravity. 对骨骼最有益的运动是负重类型的运动,它能强迫你对抗重力。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Joe Cole was out on the fields of Cobham yesterday running hard, putting real weight bearing pressure on his mending foot. 昨天乔科尔已经出现在克博姆的训练场地上做快速奔跑了,他正在恢复中的那只脚已经在承受压力了。 post.baidu.com 6. F. Exercise for at least 20 minutes daily reduces the rate of bone loss. Weight bearing exercises are preferable. 运动每日最少运动20分钟可以减少骨丢失。负重运动是可行的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Cole no longer requires a protective boot and is set to start "weight-bearing exercises" but is still using crutches. 科尔已经不需要穿护鞋(保护脚步的鞋…)了,并且准备开始“负重训练”,但是仍然拄拐。 bbs.qieerxi.com 8. his head buried in doing business card printing and membership card production " and " weight-bearing. 埋头做制卡和会员卡制作“负重而行”。 www.bing.com 9. Nine patients achieved full weight-bearing ambulation without heel ulceration while one patient was able to ambulate with crutch assistance. 九例病患最终得到完全负重步行,一例病患须辅助步行。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Yet even weight-bearing activities like walking, running or lifting weights has not been shown to have that effect. 然而,研究表明:即使是像步行、跑步或者举重类的负重运动,都无法产生远离骨质疏松的效果。 www.bing.com 1. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Fracture healing, time to full weight bearing, mal union, nonunion, and the presence of any hardware failure. 主要结果衡量指标:骨折愈合,完全负重时间,畸形愈合,不愈合和出现的固定物失败。 opoadoc.net 2. He is weight bearing further on his arms now which he was not doing at all prior to stem cells. 他的手臂现在可以负重了,这在做干细胞前是完全不可能的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Weight-bearing exercise helps keep bones strong and less likely to fall prey to the body's own mechanisms in later age. 负重运动能够使骨骼强壮,在老年时期就不会为人体自身机制所折磨。 home.xdf.cn 4. Subluxation and joint space narrowing are often apparent only on weight-bearing films, which should be obtained for both knees and hips. 不完全脱位和关节间隙狭窄只是在关节承受重力时所拍的片中常是明显的但两侧的膝及髋关节都应拍片。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. All anteroposterior radiographs should be weight bearing because supine radiographs can underestimate the extent of tibiofemoral arthritis. 所有前后X线片有重要的意义因为卧位片可能会低估胫骨股骨关节炎的程度。 qwilliam589.spaces.live.com 6. Considering the weight-bearing of the balcony, excessive heavy potteries should not be placed on balcony. 考虑到窗台的承重程度,尽量不要摆放过于沉重的花器。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Gradual partial weight bearing is generally recommended guided by the articular involvement, patient factors, fracture pattern and fixation. 逐渐部分负重一般建议遵循关节参与,病人因素,骨折固定模式。 www.ewqs.net 8. Spinal disk movement occurs when weight-bearing strain is placed on the spine, causing the disk to move out of place. 当脊椎开始承受体重时,椎间盘开始移动,离开原来的位置。 www.bing.com 9. They should also do 20 minutes of 'weight-bearing exercise' three or four times a week. 此外,还需要做二十分钟左右的负重身体锻炼,频率大概是每周三到四次。 gb.cri.cn 10. A rigid plaster dressing is applied, and prosthetic fitting is initiated when the residual limb appears capable of weight-bearing. 应用坚硬的石膏包扎,当残肢看起来能够承受重量时开始假肢的装配。 www.med66.com 1. Lumbar vertebrae are the central part of weight-bearing in the vertebral column, whose features are affected by many factors. 腰椎是人体躯干骨中的主要承重骨,其形态受多种因素影响。 www.dictall.com 2. Walk, mention weight: weight-bearing walking a pound; per minute to consume 3 Way of the heat. 散步“提”重物:负重一磅走路;每分钟可多消耗3卡路的热量。 99mrw.5d6d.com 3. Frequent weight-bearing or activity, especially the neck, waist, hip, knee and other joints, can be a bone spur formation. 尤其是负重或活动频繁的颈、腰、髋、膝等关节,都可有骨刺形成。 www.xiami360.com 4. These data suggest that POP may be an alternative treatment for osteolytic lesions in non-weight-bearing bones. 这些数据表明,持久性有机污染物可能是一种替代治疗溶骨性病变的非负重骨。 www.syyxw.com 5. Some examples of weight-bearing exercises include weight training, walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, tennis, and dancing. 负重运动包括举重训练、竞走、爬山、慢跑、爬楼梯、打网球、和跳舞等。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Bone density contributes to the strength of the bones; and their density changes in response to body weight and to weight-bearing exercise. 骨密度代表骨的强度,骨密度依随体重和负重锻炼而相应升降变化。 www.bing.com 7. Life is like a weight-bearing climbing ladder, on every level, must stop and rest, look back, adjust the good state later on. 人生有如负重攀登阶梯,每上一级,都要驻足休息,回头观望一下,调整好状态后再上。 www.bing.com 8. Weight-bearing aerobic activities like brisk walking and weight training to increase muscle strength can reduce or even reverse bone loss. 从事负重有氧运动(竞走和举重),增加肌肉力量,可以减轻,甚至防止骨质流失。 dongxi.net 9. Early postoperative mobilisation and early partial weight-bearing were encouraged when possible. 如有可能鼓励患者早期术后活动及部分负重。 www.oaopdoc.com 10. anaesthetic and respiratory equipment . conical connectors . part 2 : screw - threaded weight - bearing connectors. 麻醉和呼吸设备。锥形连接器。第2部分:螺纹承重连接器。 www.ichacha.net 1. Another effect of vitamin D deficiency is osteomalacia, which can result in bone pain, difficulty in weight bearing and sometimes fractures. 缺乏维他命D的另外一种后果是骨软化,它会导致骨骼疼痛、负重困难有时甚至骨折。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Activities that are weight-bearing (like cross-country skiing or skating) help build stronger and denser bones. 承重的体育运动(比如越野滑雪或滑冰)有助于强化你的骨骼。 www.bing.com 3. Weight-bearing exercise, in which the bones and muscles work against gravity increases bone density. 负重锻炼是骨骼和肌肉抵抗重力的作用进而增加骨骼密度的一种锻炼方式。 afic.org 4. Let's break it down further by adding the actual weight bearing pose or down pose between the contact and passing poses (frame 4). 就让细分,通过增加实际负重姿势或向下的姿势之间的联系,过往的姿势(框架4)。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. having enough calcium in your diet and doing some regular weight-bearing exercises can lessen your chances of developing osteoporosis. 每天多吃点含钙的食物,多做体育锻炼,可以降低患上骨质疏松症的可能性。 learning.sohu.com 6. Examples of exercises that are not weight-bearing include swimming and bicycling. 非负重运动包括游泳和骑自行车。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The second study showed no constant distribution of weight bearing of the two lower extremities. 则发现两下肢载重分布情形相当不固定,无法预测。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. VR and MPR well revealed complicated fracture and the injury of weight-bearing area and stability of acetabular joints. VR及MPR能良好地显示复杂骨折并能清楚显示负重关节面的损伤情况。 www.chemyq.com 9. Cold compress , lift the affected limb , rest and weight-bearing restrictions for 6 w, then standard physiotherapy and full weight-bearing . 冷敷、抬高患肢、休息,禁止负重6周,然后标准物理治疗、完全负重。 www.bing.com 10. Regular weight-bearing exercise, including running and walking, is important too. 定期负重锻炼(包括跑步和散步)也很重要。 chinese.wsj.com 1. It utilises controlled impaction during weight-bearing to stabilise the fracture and facilitate healing. 它利用负重状态下控制性的骨折加压稳定骨折并促进愈合。 www.xinkexue.com 2. However, its efficacy in non-weight-bearing bones is not well known. 但是,其疗效在非负重骨不是众所周知的。 www.syyxw.com 3. Minimize weight bearing of knee joint. For the obese, reduce weight. 减少膝关节的负荷,过重者要减肥。 www.info.gov.hk 4. Rebound exercise is very easy, it's non-weight bearing, and you can add in arms, legs and abdominal motion while bouncing, to tolerance. 篮板运动是很容易的,它的非负重,而反弹,以宽容,你可以在手臂,腿部和腹部的议案。 www.southchinaiov.org 5. The patient was advised against performing weight-bearing activities for 6 months. 并且我们建议病人6个月之内不要做重力承受性活动。 news.dxy.cn 6. Control your weight. Obesity puts extra stress on weight-bearing joints, such as the back, hips, knees and feet. 控制你的体重。肥胖会额外增加承重关节的压力,如背部、臀部、膝盖和脚。 www.med66.com 7. Weight-bearing exercises such as handball, softball, volleyball, tennis and basketball keep bones strong into older age. 手球、垒球、排球、网球和篮球之类负重运动,可使人在年纪增长时保持骨骼强壮。 www.ftchinese.com 8. All patients had returned to full weight bearing by 4 weeks. 所有的病人都承受了4周完全体重的影响。 www.oaopdoc.com 9. Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, tennis and climbing stairs, can help you build strong bones and slow bone loss. 如散步、慢跑、网球和爬楼梯这些负重锻炼能有助于强健骨骼和减缓骨质流失。 www.bing.com 10. Make time for weight-bearing exercise. 花点时间做负重锻炼。 www.bing.com 1. proper amounts of weight bearing exercise , such as jogging , walking , and various ball games can help to prevent osteoporosis. 适当的负重运动,如缓步跑、步行和球类活动等能有助预防骨质疏松症。 www.ichacha.net 2. Weight-bearing aerobic exercises, such as walking, reduce the risk of osteoporosis. 负重有氧锻炼,比如走路,减少骨质疏松的发病。 www.bing.com 3. Under non-weight-bearing exercise bike a good way to knee. 骑自行车是非负重下锻炼膝关节的良好方法。 www.xiami360.com 4. However, the Chinese soldiers is 20 kg weight, 5 km march on foot, 10 kilograms of weight-bearing foot march of 10 kilometers. 但是,中国士兵则是20公斤负重,徒步行军5公里,10公斤负重徒步行军10公里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. We can not make a new sample again because you haven't done the test of formaldehyde, paint and weight bearing for the pine plywoods. 由于松木胶合板还没有做甲醛,油漆,承重等测试,所以我们目前不能再制做新样品。 baike.china.alibaba.com 6. Histopathological study of the joint capsule at weight-bearing area in osteoarthritis of the hip 髋关节骨性关节炎负重部位关节囊的组织病理学观察 www.ilib.cn 7. Construction technology and property characteristics of the cast-in-site weight bearing wall filled with heat preservation block 保温砌模现浇承重墙的施工技术及性能特点 ilib.cn 8. Anatomic kinematic study of anterior cruciate ligament under analogue weight bearing 模拟重力下前交叉韧带的解剖运动学研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Correlation between the ration of affected lower limb on weight bearing and the duration of walking in stroke patients 脑卒中偏瘫侧负重率与步行时间的关系 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of partial weight-bearing brace in the treatment of comminuted tibial and fibular fractures after internal fixation 部分负重支具在胫腓骨中下段粉碎性骨折术后康复的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Effect of calcaneocuboid joint arthrodesis on weight-bearing area of subtalar joint and its clinical significance: a cadaveric study 跟骰关节固定对距下关节负重区的影响及其临床意义 service.ilib.cn 2. Studies on Simulation for Dynamical Characteristics of Bearing Weight-Bearing and Falling Hydraulic System 承载下降液压系统动态特性仿真研究 ilib.cn 3. Design of rigid frame arch bridge and truss arch bridge and analysis of characteristics of the weight-bearing 刚架拱桥及桁架拱桥的设计与受力特征分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Comparison of bone metabolism and mechanical properties of weight-bearing bone in tail-suspended rats at different ages 不同年龄尾吊鼠负重骨骨代谢及力学性能变化 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Effect of weight-bearing on micromechanics and chemical components of interface between bioactive bone cement and bone 负重对生物活性骨水泥与骨结合界面微力学及化学成分的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Long-term observation of large weight-bearing bone defect in goats repaired with tissue engineering technique 组织工程骨修复山羊负重骨大段骨缺损的长期观察 www.ilib.cn 7. abdomen with sufficient weight-bearing leg raise, sit-ups and twist these actions to the abdominal exercises; 采用足负重收腹举腿,仰卧起坐并转体这些动作,以进行腹肌练习; www.xiami360.com 8. The correlation of shoe wedges and lifts on symmetry of stance and weight bearing in hemiparetic individuals 偏瘫患者站姿平衡和负重与鞋坡度及高度的相关性 www.ilib.cn 9. Bone osseointegration of various acetabular surfaces in weight bearing 负重条件下不同髋臼假体表面骨整合情况评价 www.ilib.cn 10. anal, genital, weight-bearing area and oral mucosa appeared condyloma acuminatum and verruca vulgaris virus infections; 肛周、生殖器、负重部位和口腔黏膜出现尖锐湿疣和寻常疣病毒感染; q.sohu.com 1. Clinical application of weight-bearing long X-ray film of lower extremities in total knee arthroplasty 双下肢全长负重位X线片在全膝关节置换术中的应用价值 www.ilib.cn 2. Restoration of Weight Bearing Surface of each claw 恢复牛蹄的负重面 www.ccag.com.cn 3. Type: W: sample weight-bearing performance value of%; 式中:W——试样负重性能值,%; www.bing.com 4. Repairing porcine knee joint osteochondral defects at non-weight bearing area by autologous BMSC 骨髓基质细胞修复猪膝关节非负重区软骨与骨复合缺损的实验研究 |
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