单词 | we do | ||||||||||||||
释义 | we do
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 我们实现了,我们却是如此,我们做 1. Relationships do not have to be such a struggle. Only when we do not understand one another is there tension, resentment, or conflict. 其实婚姻关系并不需要意力挣扎,只有在我们不了解对方时,才会产生紧张、气愤或冲突。 hi.baidu.com 2. Lord, we do not like to be an unturned cake, but we do not know how to turn to the other side. 主啊,我们不要作没有翻过的饼,但我们不知道如何翻到另一面。 www.churchinraleigh.org 3. We do not know each other because we live with different emotions. The same emotions give the same understanding. 我们不了解彼此,因为我们以不同的情感生活。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In this role, we do not act as an agent or fiduciary for you, and we may act on behalf of the insurance provider, as permitted by law. 当行使这角色时,本行并非为阁下的代理人或受信人,及在法律容许的情况下,本行可代表该保险提供者。 www.americanexpress.com 5. "Our family was deeply affected by the war, " she said, "and we do not make frivolous claims, and that assertion is frankly insulting. " “我们家族深受战争影响,”她说,“我们不会轻率地提出要求,博物馆的断言显然是种侮辱。” cn.nytimes.com 6. and an old giant, although we know he is very high, but when he was born we do not know. 而一位年纪大的巨人,虽然我们知道他现在很高,但他是什么时候出生的我们却不知道。 www.englishtang.com 7. Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put in that action. 爱从家庭中开始,并不是要看我们做了多少事情,而是要看我们在做的过程中融入了多少爱。 weibo.zjol.com.cn 8. "We are only able to transfer a portion of our cost increases to our end customers, so we do take a hit on our margin, " he said. 他说,“我们只能将一部分的增加成本转嫁给我们的终端客户,因此,我们的利润确实受到了影响。” cn.nytimes.com 9. Santino Corleone: Let me ask you something. What about this McCluskey? What do we do with this cop? 让我问你,这个迈克劳斯基呢?我们要拿这个条子怎么办? q.sohu.com 10. As you know, we do business on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 你知道,我们是在同等互利的基础上做交易的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In turn, how we do at work is vitally affected by the kind of education we get -- and most especially what we get out of our education. 我们在工作中的表现如何特别要受到教育的影响---并且,以从教育中我们学到了什么为甚。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. We see evidence of his presence, but we do not know where he might be working or where he is going. 我们看到祂存在的明证,却不知道祂会在哪里作工,要往哪里去。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Second, we do not see the introduction of such a charge as a punitive measure. Nor is it a disingenuous device conjured up by us. 第二,我们没有把实施这项收费视为一种惩罚性的措施,这也不是一项我们自己想出来的诡计。 www.hplb.gov.hk 4. We do not yet fully comprehend the new era, but it is fair to say that it is probably not going to be Bretton Woods III. 我们尚未充分理解这个新时代,但公平地讲,这个新时代不太可能是布雷顿森林体系III。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The answer to the question of what must we do before we die, by the way, is "nothing" . 顺便说一句,“什么是人生必须做的事”,这个问题的答案是:没有。 www.ftchinese.com 6. However, we do not her son than done, we put our own economy, where only the best of its ability. 不过我们做女儿的不比做儿子的,我们自己的经济也摆在那里,只能尽自己的能力。 bbs.d9it.com 7. If we do not know ourselves to be full of pride, ambition, lust, weakness, misery, and injustice, we are indeed blind. 如果我们没有认识自己充满着高傲、野心欲念、脆弱、可悲和不义,那么我们的确是瞎子。 www.jukuu.com 8. And we do not know where the bottom is. 我们不知道什么时候会跌到谷底 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It is often said that we fear that which we do not know. 人们常说我们害怕未知的东西。 www.ted.com 10. "We do not like having to express publicly our disagreement with the Chen Administration on this or any other policy, " Christensen said. “我们不喜欢公开表示我们对陈政府立场的争执,在这个或其他政策方面,”克里斯腾森说。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 1. To be honest, we do not know much about running a market economy and managing it. You are a bank, but we do not think we mainly need money. 说实话,我们对市场经济运行和管理知道得不多,你们代表银行,但我们认为我们需要的主要不是钱,我们这里的储蓄率是相当高的。 www.bing.com 2. Mm, not so much. Hey, if it's any consolation, You happen to be the illegitimate half brother Of the guy we do care about. 恩,不是这样。噢,如果对你有所安慰的话,你的确是我们所关心的家伙的,同父异母的兄弟。 www.bing.com 3. We do not always want a faithful representation of reality. Sometimes we yearn for a dream. 我们并不总是需要现实的真实展现,有的时候我们需要的是一个梦。 www.bing.com 4. Unfortunately, no matter how much we accomplish and how busy we remain, we do not experience happiness or joy because of this. 不幸的是,无论完成了多少任务,无论忙到何种地步,我们都无法从中得到乐趣和幸福。 www.bing.com 5. 'We be friends with her again, ' she said to them. 'She thinks no more of his choosing her than we do. ' “我们跟她还是朋友,”她对她们说。“她觉得他娶她的机会并不比娶我们的多。” www.hjenglish.com 6. Well, said the Software Engineer, Before we do anything, I think we should push the car back up the road and see if it happens again. 软件工程师说,“我认为我们首先应把车沿路推上去,看看是不是还会发生同样的事情。” www.eol.cn 7. But we do not know in the land of China prevailed on the Korean suddenly pop culture. 也不知曾几何时,在中国的大地上突然盛行起了韩国的流行文化。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. How much harm will we do to ourselves in the name of cheap meat? 我们将以廉价肉的名义对自身造成多大的危害? www.bing.com 9. We do expect you to collaborate with the course staff and with your fellow students, especially with your lab partner. 我们确实期望你与课程人员、你的同学,特别与你的实验伙伴合作。 www.myoops.org 10. Dear friends we do look so much forward to be with you all and to guide you through the spiritual ahead regarding ascension. 亲爱的朋友,我们是如此引颈盼望与你们全在一起,并指引你们通往前方的灵性的扬升。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. We do not always remember things correctly. An event may be adapted and distorted by our memory. 我们不能总是准确无误地记住事情,一个事件可能被记忆接纳,也可能被曲解。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Statistically, we do not know whether CSs is the cause or result of CA. 从统计角度看,无法知道交际策略是交际畏惧的原因还是结果。 www.fabiao.net 3. Until we do a time audit, and keep a log of our day, even if it's just for one or two days, we don't really know how we spend our time. 除非我们给时间记个账,每天做个日志,只坚持一两天也行,否则我们真不知道怎么花费的时间。 www.bing.com 4. So, you see, for a new word, we do not create a new character but just combine old ones related to the new word into a phrase instead. 因此,对于一个新词,我们不需要创造一个新字而是把意义相关的旧字组合成一个词组。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Mouse control, with the legs of the damaged box, we do not run into a brick wall, you can After a few concerned. 鼠标控制,扯动带脚的方块,一定不要碰壁,看你能过几关。 4455.cc 6. It would be a massive boost and I believe if we do win the trophy we will have more desire to push on from there and win all the trophies. 如果夺冠,这将是一次极大的激励,我相信如果我们夺冠,我们将会更有渴望前进,赢得所有的冠军。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. We do not feel lonely to find a way to self-release, we are not lonely hearts to open their hearts to let the sun come in the warm sunshine. 我们内心孤独着却不去找寻自我解脱的方法,我们内心寂寞着却不去敞开心扉让阳光暖暖的晒进来。 www.bing.com 8. We do not know anything except that she was married to a priest and she ran away from that marriage. 除了她和一个牧师结婚了,并从婚姻生活中逃走了,我们什么都不知道。 www.bing.com 9. In the days that followed, college students did not wait to ask "What can we do? " 在以后的日子里,大学生们没有等着问:“我们能做什么?” edu.sina.com.cn 10. Those are just a couple of quick examples, the sort of things that we do run into. 这些只是几个小的例子,几个我们有可能碰到的例子。 open.163.com 1. factory products are basically circular lid, and therefore we do not have the kind of a lid angular photos. 我们工厂里的产品,基本上都是圆形的盖子,因此我们没有那种有棱角的盖子的照片。 club.china.alibaba.com 2. We do not know when men first began to use salt. 我们并不清楚人类初次用盐的时期。 www.jukuu.com 3. As of today, we do not believe that the declaration of a state of emergency would increase the flow of supplies. 从今天起,我们不相信宣布处于紧急状态会加大补给品的流量。 www.tingroom.com 4. Chinese people also prefer to deal with people we know and trust, because we hardly trust people who we do not know. 同样,中国人也是很倾向于同认识或者信任的人打交道,因为我们很难信任陌生人。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. We do not know with certainty the willingness of investors to hold increased public liabilities associated with the fiscal stimulus. 我们不能肯定投资者是否愿意承担与财政刺激有关的更多公共债务。 www.who.int 6. Going on, as we do, obsessively trying to improve our conditions, can become an end in itself, and a pointless distraction. 像我们这样妄想改善生活,只会带来毁灭和混乱。 www.krmzz.com 7. We do not know how people will one day view this presidency because we, Bush's contemporaries, don't yet understand it ourselves. 我们不知道,有一天人们会怎样评价布什总统,因为,我们----布什总统同时代的人,自己难以理解自己。 www.bing.com 8. It's not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. 不要太在乎我们创造了多少,而是要在乎我们在创造中灌注了多少爱。 hovgaard.blog.163.com 9. And yet at the Olympics we do not consider that the games are staged for the benefit of the athletes. 在奥运会上我们并不认为比赛只是为了运动员有好处而设立。 www.sciencenet.cn 10. I perceive that we inhabitants of New England live this mean life that we do because our vision does not penetrate the surface of things. 我看到,我们新英格兰的居民之所以过着这样低贱的生活,是因为我们的视力透不过事物表面。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Of course, just because we have something out there, we do not know if it works or not. 当然,只是有了一项服务,还不知道它能否正常运行。 www.ibm.com 2. We do not know except that, in Judas, Satan found a willing conspirator. 我们只知道,撒但在犹大那里找到了一个自愿的背叛者。 www.wheatseed.cn 3. We do not advertise the same product around the world, despite the fact that we all follow the same program. 我们并没有对同一产品,在世界各地做广告。尽管我们都遵循相同的程序。 www.toastmasters.org.tw 4. Literature is a kind of intellectual light which, like the light of the sun, may sometimes enable us to see what we do not like. 文学是一种理智之光,它和阳光一样,有时能使我们看到我们不喜欢的东西。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. We don't see his face, but we do see his hands. . . and he's wearing a ring, a familiar ring with an eagle on it. 在屏幕上看不到他的脸,只能看到他的手…他手上戴着一个戒指,那个似曾相识的戒指上有一只鹰状的饰物。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. come into existence We do not know when the universe came into being. 我们不知道宇宙何时开始形成。 wenku.baidu.com 7. We do hope you and Trudy will be making it out to the house this summer. 真希望你和Trudy今年夏天能把房子搞定。 www.kekenet.com 8. We do not expect that every project will use every work product or will follow every bit of advice. 我们不期望每个项目都将使用一个工作产品或遵循一条建议。 www-128.ibm.com 9. We do not wish these collapses upon you, but until they happen the way will not be clear enough to introduce the acceptable alternatives. 我们当然不希望这些崩溃影响到你们,但是除非它发生,事情都不可能明朗起来,得到足够的机会介绍这可接受的替代方案。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. We do not attempt, in the strict sense, to prove or to disprove anything, unless its importance makes it worthy of that honour. 从严格意义上讲,除非确实很有必要,我们通常并不去证明或反驳任何事物。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. We do not provide any other verification letter for your presentation. 会议不再提供发言证书,邀请函即是证明。 www2.scut.edu.cn 2. However, very little is known about how the banks invest these products and what we do know seems to be getting less and less. 但人们对银行将出售理财产品获得的资金如何投资却所知甚少,而我们在这方面所能了解到的情况似乎也越来越少。 www.bing.com 3. What I'd really like to find out is whether people would sometimes want to go on a holiday, as we do. That sort of thing. 我真正想发现的是人们是否有时候会和我们一样想去度假那一类事情。 en.ruiwen.com 4. When you take the time to remove the birthmark, also undermines the integrity of her original, so we do not always striving for perfection. 当你把胎记去除的时候,也破坏了她原来的完整性,所以我们不要总是追求完美。 www.52mb.info 5. Although it had many corrupt officials, the Kuomintang managed enterprises better than we do. 国民党贪官污吏多得很,但是办企业比我们好。 tr.bab.la 6. We do not expect Phoenix to have survived, and therefore do not expect to hear from it. 我们不指望凤凰号会遇难呈祥,因此不指望听到它的声音。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. We do not want to face these things, we do not want to face the fact that you and I are responsible for wars. 我们不想面对这些,我们不想面对你我要对战争负责的真相。 www.nn5566.com 8. But we do not know whether lower carbon footprints will always be better for biodiversity. 但是我们不知道降低碳排放量是否总是对生物多样性是有益的。 www.59edu.com 9. What we do is, in a loop, march down the argument list checking each one to see if it is an option. 我们所做的是,用一个循环遍历参数列表检查每个参数来看它是否为选项。 www-128.ibm.com 10. We do not know whether present trends will continue in a straight line, to be sure. 确切地说,我们还不知道目前的趋势是否会一直继续下去。 www.bing.com 1. We do not link the information we record using tracking technologies to any Personal Information you submit while on the Site. 我们不会把用跟踪技术记录的信息与任何您在我们站点上提供的个人信息连接起来。 accoona.com.cn 2. Some of the restaurant as a garbage dump, to throw the rest of the meal, we do not throw to protect the environment. 有的人把餐馆当做垃圾场,把吃饭剩下地乱丢,我们要保护环境不要乱丢。 www.cpatz.com 3. There are no problems in production of such a domestic robot to which we do not have already the glimmering of a solution. 生产这种家用机器人还有些问题,但对如何解决这些问题我们都已经有了初步设想。 eblog.cersp.com 4. "We do not see any evidence for a fifth planet . . . as announced by Vogt et al. , " Pepe wrote Science in an e-mail from the meeting. “我们看不到任何沃戈特所宣称的第五颗行星的证据”波比在会上以电子邮件方式写信给科学杂志(Science)。 www.bing.com 5. We attend funerals to honor their memory and grieve our loss, but we do not expect to be greeted at the door by the person who has died. 因此我们怀著悲痛的心情参加他们的丧礼,悼念和缅怀他们的一生,但我们不会期待那死去的人,会在殡仪馆门口迎接我们。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 6. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report. 我们并不就本报告的内容向任何其它人士负上责任或承担法律责任。 www.100yingyu.com 7. We have to be mindful, however, that those areas that we do change - like ticketing as I said before - we will still not satisfy everybody. 但是我们要注意那些我们已经作出改变的事情,像我之前所说的票务,我们仍然不会使每个人都满意。 www.lfcbbs.com 8. We do not intend to put up with this sort of thing for much longer. 我们不想把这件事再拖下去了! www.ecocn.org 9. How do you suggest we do that? I've never been able to think of a way, and I'm supposed to be the one with all the wisdom. 你建议我们改怎麽做?我从来没有想出一个办法,而我应该是拥有所有智慧的人了。 www.easeparts.com 10. We do not wear a pair of athletic shoes, a few hundred dollars each stitch is satisfied wearing her mother's "Melaleuca at the end. " 我们不穿几百元一双的运动鞋只穿妈妈一针一线纳的“千层底”。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Is there somewhere local that you've never been? Too often we see a lot more of foreign places than we do of our own back yard. 当地是否有很多地方是你从没去过?我们常常热衷于去国外而勿视了自己的庭院。 www.ed09.com 2. "My numbers are a conservative estimate as there are probably a lot more loans out there that we do not know about, " he adds. 他补充称:“我的数字是保守估计,因为可能还有很多放出去的贷款是我们不知道的。” www.ftchinese.com 3. However, she added, "We do not know why smoking did not affect men's weight, as we do not know why smoking affected women's weight. " 她还说:“我们不知道为什么吸烟不会影响男性的体重,同样也不知道为什么对女性体重的影响那么大。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. This thing we do not know, take a look at the other side of Shanghai plans to it. 这件事情我们暂时还不知道,看看上海那边的计划安排吧。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 5. You end up doing a better job, and it helps you realize how much we do on autopilot. 你会感觉良好,这一过程能够帮助你感受到我们生命的自主性。 is.gd 6. Moreover, we do not provide expressed warranties or implied warranties of any kind for these products. 此外,我们不提供表示担保或任何类型的暗示保证对这些产品。 www.kuenglish.info 7. "We do not know if the virus entered the human population directly from swine or via an intermediate host , " said Cox. “我们不知道这个病毒是不是从猪中直接传播过来的,或者通过中间宿主。”考克斯说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Pear and then we do not play the next, then a few tiny fruit is also bizarre that no one again picking up rotten ripe to fall to the ground. 我们也不再到梨树下玩耍,那几个小得可怜还奇形怪状的果子也没有人再去采摘,直到成熟后烂到掉在地上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Leave the selection of these services to the default because we do not use any of these additional services. 保持这些服务的默认设置,因为我们不使用这些附加服务。 www.ibm.com 10. Case we do not , we will have to pay very high fines due to lack of original document or just be unable to clear materials from customs. 否则,我们将由于不能提供正本文件而必须支付高额罚款,或者无法从海关提走样品。 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. We have to be mindful, however, that those areas that we do change - like ticketing as I said before - we will still not satisfy everybody. 但是我们要注意那些我们已经作出改变的事情,像我之前所说的票务,我们仍然不会使每个人都满意。 www.lfcbbs.com 2. We do not intend to put up with this sort of thing for much longer. 我们不想把这件事再拖下去了! www.ecocn.org 3. How do you suggest we do that? I've never been able to think of a way, and I'm supposed to be the one with all the wisdom. 你建议我们改怎麽做?我从来没有想出一个办法,而我应该是拥有所有智慧的人了。 www.easeparts.com 4. We do not wear a pair of athletic shoes, a few hundred dollars each stitch is satisfied wearing her mother's "Melaleuca at the end. " 我们不穿几百元一双的运动鞋只穿妈妈一针一线纳的“千层底”。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. We do not know, sire. But with his own hand he slew himself. 我们不知道原因。但是知道他确实是自杀的。 www.bing.com 6. The question is now less whether we were right to get involved along the lines we did but "what do we do now? " 现在的问题与其说是按照我们迄今的路线进行干预是否正确,倒不如说是“现在该干什么?” www.ftchinese.com 7. Is there somewhere local that you've never been? Too often we see a lot more of foreign places than we do of our own back yard. 当地是否有很多地方是你从没去过?我们常常热衷于去国外而勿视了自己的庭院。 www.ed09.com 8. "My numbers are a conservative estimate as there are probably a lot more loans out there that we do not know about, " he adds. 他补充称:“我的数字是保守估计,因为可能还有很多放出去的贷款是我们不知道的。” www.ftchinese.com 9. However, she added, "We do not know why smoking did not affect men's weight, as we do not know why smoking affected women's weight. " 她还说:“我们不知道为什么吸烟不会影响男性的体重,同样也不知道为什么对女性体重的影响那么大。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. This thing we do not know, take a look at the other side of Shanghai plans to it. 这件事情我们暂时还不知道,看看上海那边的计划安排吧。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 1. We do not wear a pair of athletic shoes, a few hundred dollars each stitch is satisfied wearing her mother's "Melaleuca at the end. " 我们不穿几百元一双的运动鞋只穿妈妈一针一线纳的“千层底”。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We do not know, sire. But with his own hand he slew himself. 我们不知道原因。但是知道他确实是自杀的。 www.bing.com 3. The question is now less whether we were right to get involved along the lines we did but "what do we do now? " 现在的问题与其说是按照我们迄今的路线进行干预是否正确,倒不如说是“现在该干什么?” www.ftchinese.com 4. We do not realize that it moves not in a straight line, but in a curve, and that its direction constantly changes. 我们并不能认识到它不以直线运动,而是沿着一条曲线,不断地变换着运动之方向。 tianya.8684.cn 5. Is there somewhere local that you've never been? Too often we see a lot more of foreign places than we do of our own back yard. 当地是否有很多地方是你从没去过?我们常常热衷于去国外而勿视了自己的庭院。 www.ed09.com 6. "My numbers are a conservative estimate as there are probably a lot more loans out there that we do not know about, " he adds. 他补充称:“我的数字是保守估计,因为可能还有很多放出去的贷款是我们不知道的。” www.ftchinese.com 7. However, she added, "We do not know why smoking did not affect men's weight, as we do not know why smoking affected women's weight. " 她还说:“我们不知道为什么吸烟不会影响男性的体重,同样也不知道为什么对女性体重的影响那么大。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. This thing we do not know, take a look at the other side of Shanghai plans to it. 这件事情我们暂时还不知道,看看上海那边的计划安排吧。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 9. You end up doing a better job, and it helps you realize how much we do on autopilot. 你会感觉良好,这一过程能够帮助你感受到我们生命的自主性。 is.gd 10. Moreover, we do not provide expressed warranties or implied warranties of any kind for these products. 此外,我们不提供表示担保或任何类型的暗示保证对这些产品。 www.kuenglish.info 1. We do not realize that it moves not in a straight line, but in a curve, and that its direction constantly changes. 我们并不能认识到它不以直线运动,而是沿着一条曲线,不断地变换着运动之方向。 tianya.8684.cn 2. So before I sort of got here, I thought, "You know, I am from North America. We do have a little bit of a reputation in the United States. " 所以在我继续演讲之前我想:“你们知道,我来自北美。我们在美国确实有一些声誉。” www.ted.com 3. Is there somewhere local that you've never been? Too often we see a lot more of foreign places than we do of our own back yard. 当地是否有很多地方是你从没去过?我们常常热衷于去国外而勿视了自己的庭院。 www.ed09.com 4. "My numbers are a conservative estimate as there are probably a lot more loans out there that we do not know about, " he adds. 他补充称:“我的数字是保守估计,因为可能还有很多放出去的贷款是我们不知道的。” www.ftchinese.com 5. However, she added, "We do not know why smoking did not affect men's weight, as we do not know why smoking affected women's weight. " 她还说:“我们不知道为什么吸烟不会影响男性的体重,同样也不知道为什么对女性体重的影响那么大。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. This thing we do not know, take a look at the other side of Shanghai plans to it. 这件事情我们暂时还不知道,看看上海那边的计划安排吧。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 7. You end up doing a better job, and it helps you realize how much we do on autopilot. 你会感觉良好,这一过程能够帮助你感受到我们生命的自主性。 is.gd 8. Moreover, we do not provide expressed warranties or implied warranties of any kind for these products. 此外,我们不提供表示担保或任何类型的暗示保证对这些产品。 www.kuenglish.info 9. "We do not know if the virus entered the human population directly from swine or via an intermediate host , " said Cox. “我们不知道这个病毒是不是从猪中直接传播过来的,或者通过中间宿主。”考克斯说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Pear and then we do not play the next, then a few tiny fruit is also bizarre that no one again picking up rotten ripe to fall to the ground. 我们也不再到梨树下玩耍,那几个小得可怜还奇形怪状的果子也没有人再去采摘,直到成熟后烂到掉在地上。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Is there somewhere local that you've never been? Too often we see a lot more of foreign places than we do of our own back yard. 当地是否有很多地方是你从没去过?我们常常热衷于去国外而勿视了自己的庭院。 www.ed09.com 2. "My numbers are a conservative estimate as there are probably a lot more loans out there that we do not know about, " he adds. 他补充称:“我的数字是保守估计,因为可能还有很多放出去的贷款是我们不知道的。” www.ftchinese.com 3. However, she added, "We do not know why smoking did not affect men's weight, as we do not know why smoking affected women's weight. " 她还说:“我们不知道为什么吸烟不会影响男性的体重,同样也不知道为什么对女性体重的影响那么大。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. This thing we do not know, take a look at the other side of Shanghai plans to it. 这件事情我们暂时还不知道,看看上海那边的计划安排吧。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 5. You end up doing a better job, and it helps you realize how much we do on autopilot. 你会感觉良好,这一过程能够帮助你感受到我们生命的自主性。 is.gd 6. Moreover, we do not provide expressed warranties or implied warranties of any kind for these products. 此外,我们不提供表示担保或任何类型的暗示保证对这些产品。 www.kuenglish.info 7. "We do not know if the virus entered the human population directly from swine or via an intermediate host , " said Cox. “我们不知道这个病毒是不是从猪中直接传播过来的,或者通过中间宿主。”考克斯说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Pear and then we do not play the next, then a few tiny fruit is also bizarre that no one again picking up rotten ripe to fall to the ground. 我们也不再到梨树下玩耍,那几个小得可怜还奇形怪状的果子也没有人再去采摘,直到成熟后烂到掉在地上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Leave the selection of these services to the default because we do not use any of these additional services. 保持这些服务的默认设置,因为我们不使用这些附加服务。 www.ibm.com 10. Case we do not , we will have to pay very high fines due to lack of original document or just be unable to clear materials from customs. 否则,我们将由于不能提供正本文件而必须支付高额罚款,或者无法从海关提走样品。 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. However, she added, "We do not know why smoking did not affect men's weight, as we do not know why smoking affected women's weight. " 她还说:“我们不知道为什么吸烟不会影响男性的体重,同样也不知道为什么对女性体重的影响那么大。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. This thing we do not know, take a look at the other side of Shanghai plans to it. 这件事情我们暂时还不知道,看看上海那边的计划安排吧。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 3. You end up doing a better job, and it helps you realize how much we do on autopilot. 你会感觉良好,这一过程能够帮助你感受到我们生命的自主性。 is.gd 4. Moreover, we do not provide expressed warranties or implied warranties of any kind for these products. 此外,我们不提供表示担保或任何类型的暗示保证对这些产品。 www.kuenglish.info 5. "We do not know if the virus entered the human population directly from swine or via an intermediate host , " said Cox. “我们不知道这个病毒是不是从猪中直接传播过来的,或者通过中间宿主。”考克斯说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Pear and then we do not play the next, then a few tiny fruit is also bizarre that no one again picking up rotten ripe to fall to the ground. 我们也不再到梨树下玩耍,那几个小得可怜还奇形怪状的果子也没有人再去采摘,直到成熟后烂到掉在地上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Leave the selection of these services to the default because we do not use any of these additional services. 保持这些服务的默认设置,因为我们不使用这些附加服务。 www.ibm.com 8. Case we do not , we will have to pay very high fines due to lack of original document or just be unable to clear materials from customs. 否则,我们将由于不能提供正本文件而必须支付高额罚款,或者无法从海关提走样品。 bbs.translators.com.cn 9. He said, 'Naw, it's not going to affect us, what we do. I just had to get out and vent what was irritating me. 他说,不,这不会影响我们和我们正在做的,我只是想要发泄一下而已。 www.kobechina.com.cn 10. God reassures us that he is always with us, that we do not spend even a moment out of his hand. 神向我们保证,祂必常与我们同在,我们没有一分一秒是不在祂的看顾底下的。 ann123jing.blog.163.com 1. You end up doing a better job, and it helps you realize how much we do on autopilot. 你会感觉良好,这一过程能够帮助你感受到我们生命的自主性。 is.gd 2. Moreover, we do not provide expressed warranties or implied warranties of any kind for these products. 此外,我们不提供表示担保或任何类型的暗示保证对这些产品。 www.kuenglish.info 3. "We do not know if the virus entered the human population directly from swine or via an intermediate host , " said Cox. “我们不知道这个病毒是不是从猪中直接传播过来的,或者通过中间宿主。”考克斯说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Pear and then we do not play the next, then a few tiny fruit is also bizarre that no one again picking up rotten ripe to fall to the ground. 我们也不再到梨树下玩耍,那几个小得可怜还奇形怪状的果子也没有人再去采摘,直到成熟后烂到掉在地上。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Leave the selection of these services to the default because we do not use any of these additional services. 保持这些服务的默认设置,因为我们不使用这些附加服务。 www.ibm.com 6. Case we do not , we will have to pay very high fines due to lack of original document or just be unable to clear materials from customs. 否则,我们将由于不能提供正本文件而必须支付高额罚款,或者无法从海关提走样品。 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. He said, 'Naw, it's not going to affect us, what we do. I just had to get out and vent what was irritating me. 他说,不,这不会影响我们和我们正在做的,我只是想要发泄一下而已。 www.kobechina.com.cn 8. God reassures us that he is always with us, that we do not spend even a moment out of his hand. 神向我们保证,祂必常与我们同在,我们没有一分一秒是不在祂的看顾底下的。 ann123jing.blog.163.com 9. We do however accept that some beliefs are going to hard to release, but hope to be able to show that they have no foundation in the truth. 然而我们也当然的会接受某些信仰难以放弃的事实,但是希望能够表现出,它们在事实中没有基础。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Clearly, we do not have to ask ourselves where all of this pain, anger and violent behavior comes from. 很显然,我们没有问过自己这些痛苦愤怒和暴力从何而来。 www.ebigear.com 1. "We do not know if the virus entered the human population directly from swine or via an intermediate host , " said Cox. “我们不知道这个病毒是不是从猪中直接传播过来的,或者通过中间宿主。”考克斯说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Pear and then we do not play the next, then a few tiny fruit is also bizarre that no one again picking up rotten ripe to fall to the ground. 我们也不再到梨树下玩耍,那几个小得可怜还奇形怪状的果子也没有人再去采摘,直到成熟后烂到掉在地上。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Leave the selection of these services to the default because we do not use any of these additional services. 保持这些服务的默认设置,因为我们不使用这些附加服务。 www.ibm.com 4. Case we do not , we will have to pay very high fines due to lack of original document or just be unable to clear materials from customs. 否则,我们将由于不能提供正本文件而必须支付高额罚款,或者无法从海关提走样品。 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. He said, 'Naw, it's not going to affect us, what we do. I just had to get out and vent what was irritating me. 他说,不,这不会影响我们和我们正在做的,我只是想要发泄一下而已。 www.kobechina.com.cn 6. God reassures us that he is always with us, that we do not spend even a moment out of his hand. 神向我们保证,祂必常与我们同在,我们没有一分一秒是不在祂的看顾底下的。 ann123jing.blog.163.com 7. We do however accept that some beliefs are going to hard to release, but hope to be able to show that they have no foundation in the truth. 然而我们也当然的会接受某些信仰难以放弃的事实,但是希望能够表现出,它们在事实中没有基础。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Clearly, we do not have to ask ourselves where all of this pain, anger and violent behavior comes from. 很显然,我们没有问过自己这些痛苦愤怒和暴力从何而来。 www.ebigear.com 9. Whether this element in their character is the effect of their institutions, or the cause of them, we do not know. 他们素质中的这个因素,究章是他们制度的结果,抑或是制度存在的原因,我们不得而知。 chen.bokerb.com 10. We do not know, and probably will never know, when and where a particular earthquake occurs. 而我们不知道、或许永远也不会知道,一场特定的地震会在何时何地发生。 www.ftchinese.com 1. God reassures us that he is always with us, that we do not spend even a moment out of his hand. 神向我们保证,祂必常与我们同在,我们没有一分一秒是不在祂的看顾底下的。 ann123jing.blog.163.com 2. We do however accept that some beliefs are going to hard to release, but hope to be able to show that they have no foundation in the truth. 然而我们也当然的会接受某些信仰难以放弃的事实,但是希望能够表现出,它们在事实中没有基础。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Clearly, we do not have to ask ourselves where all of this pain, anger and violent behavior comes from. 很显然,我们没有问过自己这些痛苦愤怒和暴力从何而来。 www.ebigear.com 4. Whether this element in their character is the effect of their institutions, or the cause of them, we do not know. 他们素质中的这个因素,究章是他们制度的结果,抑或是制度存在的原因,我们不得而知。 chen.bokerb.com 5. We do not know, and probably will never know, when and where a particular earthquake occurs. 而我们不知道、或许永远也不会知道,一场特定的地震会在何时何地发生。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A primary key column called id will also be added, however since this is the default we do not need to ask for this. 一个名叫id的主键列也被添加,然而因为这是默认操作的不需要我们刻意添加。 wenku.baidu.com 7. We do not recommend storing beans in a refrigerator, because coffee tends to absorb flavors. 我们不建议把咖啡豆放入冰箱储存,因为咖啡豆会吸收冰箱中的气味。 www.baristacn.com 8. Cor. 11: 16 But if anyone seems to be contentious, we do not have such a custom of being so, neither the churches of God. 林前十一16若有人想要强辩,我们却没有这样的规矩,神的众召会也没有。 edu.china.com 9. We do not know whether brightness degradation is exaggerated by continuous use. 但我们不确定所测得的亮度衰减是否是由于连续使用过长时间所造成的。 www.av199.com 10. The opening of a site in a language that we do not know can only be possible if you help us. 开放我们所不懂的某个语言的一个网站,只有在您的帮助下才可能实现。 www.objectis.org 1. Cor. 11: 16 But if anyone seems to be contentious, we do not have such a custom of being so, neither the churches of God. 林前十一16若有人想要强辩,我们却没有这样的规矩,神的众召会也没有。 edu.china.com 2. They learned more in one day than they would have in a week at school. . . and we do stuff like this all the time. 他们在一天学到的东西要比在学校一周学到的都要多…而且我们一直在做像这样的事情。 www.elanso.com 3. We do not know whether brightness degradation is exaggerated by continuous use. 但我们不确定所测得的亮度衰减是否是由于连续使用过长时间所造成的。 www.av199.com 4. The opening of a site in a language that we do not know can only be possible if you help us. 开放我们所不懂的某个语言的一个网站,只有在您的帮助下才可能实现。 www.objectis.org 5. Since we do not have twins, I will not be able to put tournament theory into practice at home. 我们没有生下双胞胎,因此,我无法将锦标赛理论在家中付诸实施。 www.ftchinese.com 6. We do not like the Wu-called "Great Leap Forward movement will catch up with the idea as the two issues have nothing to do, " as meaning. 我们并没有象吴文所说的“将赶超思想与大跃进运动当作毫不相干的两个问题”那样的意思。 jztu.5d6d.com 7. "We are clement after victory, but we do not pardon traitors , " he added, with gloomy dignity in his face, and a fine, vigorous gesture. “我们的弟兄胜利后是仁慈的,但我们不饶恕反叛者。”他补充说,脸上的表情阴郁而凝重,手势优美又很有力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Moreover, our Olive Green is high - quality, precious and unique with a very steady requirement, so we do not worried about the sale of it. 况且我们的南非绿是品质优良,珍贵独特的石种,市场需求稳定,所以我们并不担心未来的销售情况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We do not know at the moment, but XDR-TB is rare. 目前我们尚不清楚,但是XDR-TB是罕见的。 www.who.int 10. The word "winner" and "loser" have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who makes someone else lose. “成者”与“败者”的含义很多,谈及成者我们并非指那些使他人失意之人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Since we do not have twins, I will not be able to put tournament theory into practice at home. 我们没有生下双胞胎,因此,我无法将锦标赛理论在家中付诸实施。 www.ftchinese.com 2. We do not like the Wu-called "Great Leap Forward movement will catch up with the idea as the two issues have nothing to do, " as meaning. 我们并没有象吴文所说的“将赶超思想与大跃进运动当作毫不相干的两个问题”那样的意思。 jztu.5d6d.com 3. "We are clement after victory, but we do not pardon traitors , " he added, with gloomy dignity in his face, and a fine, vigorous gesture. “我们的弟兄胜利后是仁慈的,但我们不饶恕反叛者。”他补充说,脸上的表情阴郁而凝重,手势优美又很有力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Moreover, our Olive Green is high - quality, precious and unique with a very steady requirement, so we do not worried about the sale of it. 况且我们的南非绿是品质优良,珍贵独特的石种,市场需求稳定,所以我们并不担心未来的销售情况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. We do not know at the moment, but XDR-TB is rare. 目前我们尚不清楚,但是XDR-TB是罕见的。 www.who.int 6. The word "winner" and "loser" have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who makes someone else lose. “成者”与“败者”的含义很多,谈及成者我们并非指那些使他人失意之人。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Either way, perhaps its time we all took a bit of a closer look at what we do online and studied our digital reflection. 无论如何,也许是时候我们都来近距离观察下自己在线都做了些什么,研究一下自己的数码映像了。 www.bing.com 8. But we do know who first wrote down the word fuffle, at least in so far as documents have survived. 至少在现存的资料中,我们知道谁首次记录下了单词fuffle。 www.bing.com 9. We do not look to ourselves as the engine to solve the problems; we only look to ourselves in joining you to jointly solve the problems. 我们不认为自己是解决问题的引擎;我们只认为自己应该是与你们共同解决问题的一份子。 www.america.gov 10. We do not know each other so there is so much to say yet I have very good feelings about you. 我们不认识彼此,因此有这么多说,然而我有关于你非常好的感觉。 www.fanyizaixian.com 1. We do not know each other so there is so much to say yet I have very good feelings about you. 我们不认识彼此,因此有这么多说,然而我有关于你非常好的感觉。 www.fanyizaixian.com 2. However, we do not want my company's employees will be included in your company, believe that your company has no such ideas for work. 但是,我们也不希望将我公司的员工纳入贵公司,相信贵公司也没有这种工作思路。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. We do not know what his parents called him. Moses is the name given to him by Pharaoh's daughter and simply means 'drawn out'. 我们不晓得他的父母为他起了个甚么名字,只知道法老的女儿为他起了「摩西」这个名字,意思很简单,就是解作「拉出来」。 www.seewant.org 4. 37 people heard this, they cut to the heart to the rest of the apostles Peter and said: "Brethren, what shall we do? " 37众人听见这话,觉得扎心,就对彼得和其余的使徒说:“弟兄们,我们当怎样行?” gigi20111.blogspot.com 5. It may also be used to hide things that we do not want others to see. 它也可以用于隐藏我们不想让其他人看到的东西。 www.bing.com 6. Digital Primates has been the major driving force so far, but we do hope that this will become a community owned project as we move forward. DigitalPrimates到目前为止一直是主要的推动力量,但是我们希望随着我们的不断前进,这个项目最终变为社区所有。 www.infoq.com 7. "We do not have a high degree of confidence or visibility that the execution of these changes will be crisp, " he said. “我们没有高度信心和高能见性,这次变革的执行将会很脆弱,”他说到。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "I repeat again: We do not intend to join all sorts of ultimatums that can only drive the situation to a dead end, " he said. “我再次重申:我们不打算支持任何最后通牒,这只会让形势走入死胡同,”他说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. When something we do not like happens to us, we have two choices: to become a more passive person or to become a better person. 当我们不喜欢的变化发生在我们身上,我们有两个选择:成为一个更加消极的人或成为一个乐观的人。 www.szenglishbar.com 10. The Romans, no doubt, had their Colosseum, but I doubt if even the Romans expected to be thrilled so continuously as we do nowadays. 毋庸置疑,古罗马人是有椭圆形竞技场,不过我怀疑就连古罗马人是否也象我们如今这般要不间断地享受刺激。 www.jukuu.com 1. The Romans, no doubt, had their Colosseum, but I doubt if even the Romans expected to be thrilled so continuously as we do nowadays. 毋庸置疑,古罗马人是有椭圆形竞技场,不过我怀疑就连古罗马人是否也象我们如今这般要不间断地享受刺激。 www.jukuu.com 2. Once again we know this idea is being considered, but we do not know when it may happen. 我们也知道这一想法正在考虑之中,但是我们不知道这种情况什么时候会发生。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. And so, you've got to understand all this stuff in Science to enjoy the type of civilization we do today. 因此,你已经开始了解所有些事物与科学的关系,并享受今天它给我带来的文明。 www.yappr.cn 4. We do not know how extensive the air attacks have been, but they clearly have dented the Libyan government forces' morale. 我们还无法确定空袭的作用有多大,但很显然已经严重削弱了利比亚政府军的士气。 www.bing.com 5. In general we do not have or request information on the privacy policy practices of any of our affiliates, links or service providers. 一般而言,我们没有或要求提供资料的隐私政策的做法对我们子公司联系或服务提供商。 6. We do not own the building. Thus, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it. 我们不是这栋楼房的房主,因此不能对它进行大改动。 wenwen.soso.com 7. We do not wish to pretend that current practice reflects some sort of timeless and perfectly logical outcome of preordained destiny. 我们不打算声称本书反映了某种永恒的、逻辑完美的成果,这是已经命中注定的成果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. We are asking for the support of all sections of the peace movement because we do not feel that this is a time to be dormant. 我们请求和平运动的所有部门支持我们,因为我们认为这不是保持沉默的时候。 www.bing.com 9. Although we do not usually how a family chat, but a day filled with a warm greeting total sense. 虽然我们一家人平时没怎么聊天,但每天的一句问候总洋溢着一种温馨感觉。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The specific cause of the blast and its impact will be much, we do not know. 具体的爆炸原因和它的影响程度会有多大,我们还不得而知。 beijing.newchannel.org 1. The child thought to ask again: "that if I was bullying, what should we do? " 孩子想了想,又问:“那如果我被欺负了怎么办?” zhidao.baidu.com 2. "At least, we do not need to be ashamed of her appearance, " reflected Susan. “至少我们不用为她的外貌感到羞耻。”苏珊回答道。 www.bing.com 3. "We do not operate detention facilities on board Navy ships. DoD detention facilities are in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, " he said. 他说“我们的海军舰艇上没有关押设施,国防部的关押设施在伊拉克,阿富汗和关塔迪纳摩” blog.sina.com.cn 4. We do not know who Ban is, why he should have taken so long to speak or why his story has so compelled his as yet unknown audience. 我们不知道本是什么人,为什么他的故事讲这么久,为什么他的故事让他及观众那么的压抑。 www.bing.com 5. We don't know all that this phrase covers, but we do know some of the aspects it includes. 我们并不完全理解这句话到底意味着什么,但我们确实可以明白它某些方面的意义。 www.bing.com 6. Over the long-run, if and when we do bounce out of this recession, municipals may prove to be an excellent long-term investment. 直到最后,假如到时候我们摆脱这次的经济衰退,地方政府债券也许会证明它是一种优秀的长期投资。 www.bing.com 7. AGENT Oh, right. We do have quite a few spare ones in stock and can get those to you in the next week, if that's alright with you? 好。我们有相当多存货,下个星期可以给你带去,如果正和你意。 bbs.24en.com 8. This creates a sense of responsibility on our part because we do not wish to disappoint others. 它会让我们自身产生责任感,因为我们不希望让他人失望。 bbs.24en.com 9. Apriori we do not know the exact distance, spin frequency, and orbital parameters of the radio pulsar that might be hidden in a data set. 因为我们不知道可能隐藏在数据集中的脉冲星的确切距离、自旋频率和轨道参数。 www.equn.com 10. FoL: Yet we do not laugh AT you . . . we shall only enjoy the vibration of that laughter WITH you. 我们也完全不会笑话你们…我们将只享受于这种与你们一起欢笑的振动中。 yushenduihua.5d6d.com 1. But how he now sees, we do not know; or who opened his eyes, we do not know. Ask him; he is of age; he will speak for himself. 至于他如今怎么看见了,我们却不知道,是谁开了他的眼睛,我们也不知道;你们问他吧,他已经成人,会替自己说话了。 edu.china.com 2. Please note that we shall pass the matter into the hands of solicitor, if we do not receive your remittance by------. 敬请注意,敝公司若在---月---日以前未收到贵公司的汇款,会将该事交由律师处理。 bbs1.people.com.cn 3. Colleges and universities have no point if we do not value the knowledge and understanding to which their faculties are dedicated. 如果我们并不认为他们的那些职工所献身于的知识与理解有价值,学院和大学的存在就毫无意义。 www.bing.com 4. We do not know whether such an evolutionary process--with predictable stages, with known causes and effects--even exists. 在可以预见的历史阶段里,根据已知的因果律,我们根本无法确定这样的进化过程是否真正存在。 www.ecocn.org 5. I can't emphasize enough how much this XML revolution has changed all the software that we do and I think the entire industry has worked on. 我不能强调有改变我们做的所有软件的充足,而且我认为整个的工业有处理。 imagefish.blogchina.com 6. Of course, we do not have to understand the principle of its work, the control principle to know its enough. 当然我们可以不用去了解它的具体工作原理,知道它的控制原理就够了。 ftp.hackchina.com 7. We do not know when man first began to use salt, but we do know that it has been used in many different ways throughout history. 我们不知道人是什么时候开始使用盐的,但是我们确实知道有史以来盐已经有许多不同的用途。 www.jukuu.com 8. But all of us like to be told how much somebody appreciates what we do for them. 但我们都喜欢听到某人说他多么感激我们为他所做的事。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We do not warrant the security of any information you may forward or be requested to provide to any third party. 我们并不保证您可能提供给第三方或被要求向第三方提供的任何资讯的安全性。 www.cathaypacific.com 10. No, and yet we do not refuse the question regarding whether or not they are formed in order to create curiosity. 不,但是我们也不会拒绝这个问题,就它们是不是因为好奇心所驱使而论。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In this Christmas season we do well to emphasize how much it cost God to save us. 在这个圣诞节日,我们应当努力强调神为了拯救我们而付出了何等大的代价。 www.chinesetodays.org 2. We do not know where this good goes or if it goes anywhere. 我们并不知道这些善将走向何方,或者它是否会走向何方。 www.bing.com 3. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any other special instructions written on this Request Form. 为免存疑,本公司概不接受于本申请表格上书写之任何其他特定指示。 pg.stockstar.com 4. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any other instructions given on this Reply Form. 为免存疑,任何在本回条上的其他指示,本公司将不予处理。 www.hkexnews.hk 5. But China might have to act faster in the event we do get a full-blown dollar crisis leading to much higher interest rates in the U. 但如果出现大规模的美元危机,导致美国大幅上调利率,中国可能必须加快行动。 www.bing.com 6. That's the main reason we do Y Combinator: to let loose all this energy by making it easy for hackers to start their own startups. 这就是我们创办自己的风险投资公司的主要原因:解开束缚能量的重重限制,使技术人才能够更容易地去创业。 www.24en.com 7. Oops, we seem to have missed a word at the beginning of the line, and our cursor is at the end of the line, what do we do now? 额,我们发现这行文字头部少了一个单词,但是我们的光标已经在行尾了,现在该怎么办? wiki.geckos.cn 8. But ", said the gop is, " we do not understand all that. 但是“,一位牧牛姑娘说,”我们都不能明白到那种程度。 word.hcbus.com 9. La China Capital website wraps up the links of other websites, we do not bear any responsibility to the content of these websites. 本站点包含有到其它站点的链接,我们对于这些站点的内容和隐私条款不负任何责任。 lachinacapital.com 10. Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Brethren, what shall we do? " 众人听见这话,觉得扎心,就对彼得和其余的使徒说:“弟兄们,我们当怎样行?” www.bing.com 1. The skeleton creation process should not be used for the WebOrderPT port type, since we do not need a Java implementation of the process. 这种创建框架的流程不应该用于WebOrderPT的端口类型,因为我们不需要该流程的Java实现。 www-128.ibm.com 2. You may feel that college life is boring. We do not know how to deal with the plenty of spare time. 中文翻译(我自己翻译的)你或许会认为大学生活很枯燥,你不知道如何处理这么充足的空余时间。 wenwen.soso.com 3. "As chairman . . . I cannot take a position because we do not make recommendations, " Pachauri told Agence-France Presse in August. “作为主席……我不方便摆明立场,因为我们不作任何建议,”Pachauri告诉法新社。 www.bing.com 4. Since there is only one of each type, we do not need them to have names for us to be able to easily distinguish them from each other. 由于每种类型的Lifeline仅有一个,因此无需借助名称即可轻松加以区分。 www.ibm.com 5. We do know that people who force themselves back to work too early seem to be the ones who go on to develop long-term problems. 我们知道有些人太快勉强自己回去工作,随后发展出一些长期的健康问题。 www.bing.com 6. We do not know why the accident happened. So far we have no names of any people on the trains. We will have more for you at 2: 30. 我们还不知道这场事故是怎么发生的,到目前为止我们没有乘坐地铁的人员名单。我们会在2:30做最新报道。 etjy.com 7. We have rules about how much we do in one night, how late we stay up and so on. 我们对一晚吸毒的量的多少和时间等等有规定。 www.elanso.com 8. We do not know what to buy as a wedding gift for your daughter, finally we decided to buy Olympic medals . 我们不知道该买什么东西作为结婚礼物送给你女儿,最后我们决定买奥运纪念章。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We do not know in the next six months will generate number of waste page, or not in the next month or two months of waste production. 我们不知道在未来六个月中将会产生多少张废页,甚至预测不出未来一个月或两个月内的废料产量。 www.bing.com 10. I think the human race needs to think about killing. How much evil must we do to do good? 我认为人类这个种族应该审视一下杀戮。相比正义,我们要创造多少邪恶?。 pdf.or78.com |
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