单词 | US House | ||
释义 | US House
例句释义: 众议院 1. Peter King, who sits on the US House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, said the suspect had third-degree burns. 彼得?金,美国国会众议院国土安全委员会要员,称该男子被确认为三度烧伤。 www.elanso.com 2. The US House of Representatives approved a cap-and-trade bill to fight climate change in 2009, but the Senate never approved such a measure. 2009年,美国国会众议院批准了一项限额与贸易法案,以应对气候变化,但参议院从来没有批准这一措施。 www.bing.com 3. Obama's distant cousin, Gabriel Duvall, was a member of the US House of Representatives, from the second district of Maryland. GabrielDuvall,奥巴马的远房兄弟,美国众议院议员,来自马里兰第二区。 www.bing.com 4. A US House of Congress Subcommittee on Domestic Policy heard what science has to say about cell phone use and brain tumors on Thursday. 本周四美国国会众议院小组委员会国内政策部聆讯:科学必须作出手机和脑肿瘤关系的判断。 qwilliam589.spaces.live.com 5. So are investors in mortgage-backed securities, who bet that US house prices would not fall. 曾经豪赌美国房价不会下降的住房抵押贷款证券投资者亦是如此。 www.ftchinese.com 6. This time the crisis started on Wall Street, triggered by the steep decline in US house prices. 这次,危机始于华尔街,触发因素是美国住宅价格的急剧下跌。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Two months ago, every Republican in the US House backed this plan; now no one wants to talk about it. 就在两个月前,众议院所有共和党人还都支持这项提案,如今却绝口不提。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The 17% figure is the same as the emission cut in energy legislation passed by the US House of Representatives earlier this year. 17%的减排数字与美国众议院在今年早些时候通过能源法案时提到的减排量一致。 www.bing.com 9. John Boehner, Republican speaker of the US House of Representatives, has already raised doubts over Mr Schumer's bill. 美国众议院议长、共和党议员约翰?博纳(JohnBoehner)已经对舒默的法案表示怀疑。 www.ftchinese.com 10. His comments came as new data showed US house price declines accelerated in February, while consumer confidence slumped further in April. 纳逊发表上述言论之际,最新经济数据显示,2月份美国房价加速下跌,而4月份消费者信心进一步下降。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a motion condemning China's "extreme" response to protests in Tibet. 美国众议院压倒性地通过了一个谴责中国对西藏抗议者的“极端”反应的行动。 www.showxiu.com 2. Her highest-ever rating was 67%, right after her husband, former president Bill Clinton, was impeached by the US House of Representatives. 希拉里的历史最高支持率曾达到67%,当时她的丈夫、美国前总统克林顿正遭到美国众议院弹劾。 www.pisanje.nakedprisoner.com 3. Collapsing US house prices are the epicentre of the global crisis. 暴跌的美国房价是当前全球危机的震中所在。 www.ftchinese.com 4. As US President Barack Obama set off for London, fresh figures showed US house prices were falling at their fastest pace on record. 就在美国总统奥巴马即将动身前往伦敦之际,美国新的数据显示,美国房价下跌速度又创纪录。 www.bing.com 5. Bolden is scheduled to appear before a committee of the US House of Representatives on Thursday. 按行程,博尔登会在周四出席美国众议院委员会的会议。 www.bing.com 6. Many bankers believe securities backed by US mortgages will only stabilise once US house prices stop falling. 许多银行人士相信,只有美国房价停止下滑,美国抵押贷款支持的证券才会趋于稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The US House of Representatives voted Wednesday to send a Bush impeachment bill to the House Judiciary Committee for review. 11日,美国众议院经投票同意将一份有关弹劾总统布什的议案提交众议院司法委员会审议。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. US house prices may be in a similar position. 美国房价目前的情况可能也类似。 www.ftchinese.com 9. There were also figures showing that the decline in US house prices had accelerated. 同样有数据表明美国房价下跌在加速。 www.bing.com 10. Members of the US House of Representatives have gone home to campaign for re-election. 美国众议员们纷纷返回家乡,为连任宣传造势。 www.ftchinese.com 1. He is an appointed delegate of the US House of Representatives. 他被选为美国众议院的代表。 jpkc.ecust.edu.cn:8080 2. The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the $700bn bank rescue plan last night. 美国众议院昨晚以压倒性优势通过了7000亿美元银行纾困方案。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The US House of Representatives last month voted for regulatory reform legislation that is no better. 美国众议院上月投票通过的监管改革法案也同样不尽人意。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In January a new Republican majority takes charge in the US House of Representatives. 明年1月,共和党将再次作为多数党控制美国众议院。 www.ftchinese.com 5. US house prices appear to have hit the floor. 美国房价似乎已经触底。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The US House of Representatives has passed by 269 votes to 161 a last-gasp deal to avoid a federal debt default. 美国众议院以269对161的选票最终通过了避免债务拖欠的决议。 www.enread.com 7. Freddie estimates that US house prices have fallen by about 9 per cent during the past year. 房地美估计,在过去的一年内,美国房价已下降了9%左右。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Last year, the US House of representatives passed legislation designed to hold private contractors responsible for any illegal actions. 去年,美国众议院代表通过了旨在令私人立约人对于任何非法行为负责的法律。 www.showxiu.com 9. US house prices are down 30 per cent, and have further to fall. 美国房价下跌了30%,并将进一步下跌。 www.ftchinese.com 10. US house prices, which are down by a little over 30 per cent from their peak, still have some way to fall. 美国地产价格较其峰值水平已跌逾30%,但仍存在一些下跌空间。 www.ftchinese.com 1. US House of Representatives Approves Foreign Surveillance Bill 美国众议院通过外国情报监听法案 www.ebigear.com 2. The Features and Revelation of US House Mortgage Loan Converted into Securities 美国住宅抵押贷款证券化运作模式的特点与启示 service.ilib.cn 3. US House Prices Continue to Fall Despite Low Mortgage Rates 美房价继续下跌政府暗示刺激房贷 www.ebigear.com 4. US House to Vote on Deficit Cutting Proposal 美国众议院将表决削减赤字提案 www.360abc.com |
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