单词 | u.s.forces | ||
释义 | u.s.forces
例句释义: 美国部队 1. Gates also said he did not anticipate situations in which U. S. forces would pursue Iranians up to the border with Iran. 盖茨还说,他预计不会出现美军追剿伊朗行动人员直至伊朗边界的局面。 www.america.gov 2. It would be up to Iraqi government forces to thwart any plans by insurgents to resume their violence once U. S. forces begin to depart. 在美军一旦开始撤出时,伊拉克政府军将负责挫败叛乱分子任何恢复暴力行动的企图。 www.america.gov 3. He said the new policy will enable U. S. forces to make important progress over the next 18 months. 他说,新政策将让美军在接下来的18个月取得重要进展。 ept-cn.com 4. The military forces of other nations would be more suited than U. S. forces in a great many global situations, he said. 他说,其他国家的军队在很多全球情势中会比美国军队具有更合适的作用。 www.america.gov 5. However, that does not mean U. S. forces will be engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq for decades or in large numbers indefinitely, he said. 不过他同时表示,这并不意味着美国军队将在阿富汗和伊拉克驻扎几十年,或无限期地大规模驻军。 www.america.gov 6. He described the American role as "wholly defensive" and said U. S. forces would not initiate hostilities. 他形容美国所扮演的角色是全然防卫性的,并表示美国不会发动战争。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. She hastened to add, however, that it alone did not justify the concentration of U. S. forces and facilities in Okinawa. ' 但她又急忙补充说,仅凭这一事件并不足以证明美国军队和美军设施集中在冲绳是合理的。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The anniversary came at the end of a difficult month for U. S. forces in Iraq , and caused some renewed debate about the course of the war . 这次周年纪念正值驻伊美军刚刚结束一个艰难的月份,使人们再次就伊拉克战争的走向展开辩论。 www.bing.com 9. That angered some lawmakers in the president's Democratic Party, who want all U. S. forces to leave Iraq. 一些民主党议员对此表示愤怒,因为他们希望所有美军人员全部离开伊拉克。 www.voanews.cn 10. He said U. S. forces killed bin Laden after a firefight and took custody of his body. 他说,美军在交火后打死了拉登,并掌握了他的尸体。 www.voa365.com 1. A tribal leader said "the criminal act by U. S. forces" took place at a shooting range at the Radhwaniya police station. 一部落领袖说:“美军的罪行”发生在拉瓦尼亚的官方射击场。 www.bing.com 2. The directive, he said, 'applies just to U. S. forces' as a precautionary measure. 他说,这道命令是一项预防措施,“只适用于美国军队”。 chinese.wsj.com 3. U. S. forces led by Gen. Andrew Jackson defeated the British in the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812. 年,美国军队将军领导安德鲁·杰克逊在1812年新奥尔良战役中击败了英国。 www.kekenet.com 4. On Tuesday, no comment was available from the U. S. Forces Japan on whether the radiation crisis would affect the planned relief operations. 周二,驻日美军拒绝就核辐射危机是否会影响计划中的救援行动发表评论。 chinese.wsj.com 5. U. S. forces took bin Laden's body out of that compound in Pakistan. 美军将本拉登的尸体带出巴基斯坦。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. These tools will allow U. S. forces to act on potential threats, helping to achieve the long-term objectives of the MDA. 这些工具将帮助美军采取行动应对潜在威胁,帮助实现MDA的长期目标。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. Pentagon spokesman George Little said the level of alert for U. S. forces in South Korea was unchanged. 美国五角大楼发言人利特尔(GeorgeLittle)说,美国驻韩国部队的警戒等级没有改变。 chinese.wsj.com 8. He said U. S. forces were under undue pressure in Iraq because of poor planning and allocation of resources by the Bush administration. 他说美国军队在伊拉克处于过分的压力之下,因为布什政府调兵遣将不当。 www.tianya.cn 9. The proposed changes also deal with the legal rights of American troops in Iraq and the outlook for a drawdown of U. S. forces. 所建议的改动还涉及驻伊美军的合法权利问题,以及驻伊美军人数缩减的前景规划。 www.voanews.cn 10. In his weekly radio address, the president said U. S. forces are staying on the offensive, while transferring more control to Iraqi units. 布什总统在每周例行的广播讲话中说,美国军队在保持进攻状态的同时,正在向伊拉克部队移交更多的控制权。 www.voanews.cn 1. U. S. Forces are desperate to open a supply route for an Armored Battle Group engaged in fighting further inland. 美军不顾一切的要为装甲战斗群打开补给线。 www.iaskquestion.com 2. All U. S. forces are to leave Iraq by December 31, under a security agreement the two nations approved in 2008. 美军定于12月31日前全部撤离伊拉克,两国于2008年批准的安全协议明确了这一点。 www.bing.com 3. He said U. S. forces are also now more easily deployed to trouble spots. 他说,美军现在被部署到经常发生冲突的地区也容易了。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. From Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal on down, the military's position is clear: "U. S. forces no longer eradicate, " as one NATO official put it. 斯坦利A.麦克克里斯托将军指出,军方的立场很清楚:“美军不再禁烟”,正如一个北约官员说的那样。 www.bing.com 5. Fourth, Tokyo and Washington are proceeding with an ambitious realignment of U. S. forces and expansion of the Japanese role. 第四,东京和华盛顿都推动驻日美军重新部署,并扩大日本的角色。 www.stnn.cc 6. The U. S. forces had hoped to knock out Iraqi television and radio to disable Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's propaganda outlets. 美国军队曾经希望破坏伊拉克的电视和电台来使萨达姆的宣传出口失去能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Mostly U. S forces are stationed in the eastern parts of the country, which have seen a significant rise in Taliban attacks this year. 大部分美军都驻守在阿富汗东部,今年以来,这一地区的塔利班袭击活动显著增加。 www.voanews.cn 8. It has more forces south of the Suez Canal, mainly focused on East African piracy and support for U. S. forces in Afghanistan. 美军在苏伊士运河以南还有更多部队,主要针对东非的海盗,并为驻阿富汗的美军提供支持。 www.voanews.cn 9. And his refusal to allow U. S. forces to seek "regime change" in Libya further underscored that his new doctrine carried strict limits. 他对于允许美军寻求利比亚“政权改变”的拒绝,进一步点明了他的新理论在执行中会进行严格的限制。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. S. Pacific Command, said there was a "" U. S. forces could smack down a North Korean missile. 美国太平洋司令部的司令官蒂莫西·基廷说,有一个“高概率”美国军队会揍下北朝鲜的导弹。 www.suiniyi.com 1. The president said there have not been any U. S. forces on the ground in Libya, and there are "no risks of additional escalation. " 总统表示,到目前为止,在利比亚土地上没有任何美国军队,并且“不存在逐步升级的危险”。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. Comments: The Wideband Global SATCOM 2 spacecraft is part of a military mission to serve U. S. forces deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. 概要:“宽带全球卫星通信2”航天器是一颗为美军军方在伊拉克和阿富汗部署军事任务的通信卫星。 bbs.bjp.org.cn 3. But old Communist ties die hard, not to mention Beijing's fear of U. S. forces being positioned just south of the Yalu River. 但是,中朝两个社会主义国家的关系根深蒂固,而北京方面对于美军驻扎在鸭绿江以南的担心更是不消说。 chinese.wsj.com 4. U. S. forces killed bin Laden during a raid on a compound in Pakistan where he had been hiding, then buried him at sea. 美军在对巴基斯坦的一处住宅群展开的突袭中将本拉登杀死,并将其尸体葬于大海。 www.bing.com 5. The general said that outside the urban areas, U. S. forces will continue to conduct operations in coordination with Iraqi forces. 奥迪耶诺将军说,在城市以外地区,美军将配合伊拉克部队继续展开行动。 www.24en.com 6. By the end of 2011, all U. S. forces will be withdrawn under a Status of Forces Agreement with the approval of the Iraqi government. 到2011年年底,全部美军将根据一项经伊拉克政府批准的《驻军地位协议》(StatusofForcesAgreement)撤离伊拉克。 www.america.gov 7. The attacks are the deadliest in Baghdad since the June 30 withdrawal of U. S. forces from Iraqi cities. 这是6月30日美军从伊拉克城市撤出后巴格达发生的伤亡最惨重的袭击。 www.voanews.cn 8. Thanks to the troop "surge, " Iraq is secure enough that it will not fall back into civil war as U. S. forces pull out. 多亏了军队的猛烈出击伊拉克现在足够安全不会在美军撤出后又会陷入内战。 www.bing.com 9. The U. S. -Iraq security agreement calls for the withdrawal of all U. S. forces by the end of 2011 . 美伊安全协议要求美军在2011年底前全部撤出伊拉克。 www.voanews.cn 10. To date, almost 500 LITENING AT pods have been ordered by the U. S. forces and allied nations and more than 400 systems have been fielded . 到今天为止,大约500套LITENINGAT已经被美国及其盟国军队订购,其中400多套系统已经列装。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Pyongyang has blamed the United States for the initial conflict and often claims victory over U. S. forces in 1953. 平壤一直指责美国挑起了韩战,并声称北韩在1953年打败了美军,赢得了韩战的胜利。 www.voanews.com.cn 2. There would be no NATO-like advance to the PRC's borders; to the contrary, U. S. forces would come home from the South. 中国边界上不会出现向北约这样的组织;相反,美国军队将从韩国撤军返回美国。 www.bing.com 3. Bin Laden was shot in the head in a firefight after U. S. forces stormed his lair in Pakistan. 在美军突袭了本?拉登位于巴基斯坦的藏身处后,本?拉登在交火中头部中弹身亡。 c.wsj.com 4. President Obama says U. S. forces will no longer engage in routine combat missions after August of next year. 奥巴马总统表示,明年8月以后,美军将不再参加日常的作战任务。 www.voanews.cn 5. U. S. forces should be at full strength by the summer of 2010 - an exceedingly fast deployment given the logistical challenges. 美军驻阿富汗部队应当会在2010年夏季以前达到满员状态,考虑到后勤方面的困难,这一调兵速度相当之快。 www.szedu.com.cn 6. Suspected Sunni insurgents often target members of the civilian militias that allied with Iraqi and U. S. forces. 可疑的逊尼派武装分子经常针对与伊拉克和美国军队结盟的平民民兵成员。 www.aitrans.net 7. All U. S. forces are scheduled for withdrawal by the end of 2011 under an agreement Iraq reached with the Bush administration. 根据伊拉克与布什政府达成的协议,美国将于2011年年底前从伊拉克撤出全部军队。 www.america.gov 8. Republicans welcomed the president's decision, saying it will help reduce stress on U. S. forces. 共和党人欢迎总统的决定,他们说,这个计划有助于减少美国军队的压力。 www.voanews.cn 9. U. S. forces will now shift to advising and training Iraqi security forces, until the end of 2011, when all U. S. troops must withdraw. 美国军队现在将转向对伊拉克安全部队提供顾问和训练,直到2011年年底,届时所有美国军人都必须全部撤出伊拉克。 www.360abc.com 10. It says the U. S. strategy is setting the conditions to begin withdrawing U. S. forces as planned, in 2011. 报告说,美国的战略正在为美军按计划在2011年开始撤军设定条件。 www.bing.com 1. Mr. Bush says recent weeks have been "rough" for U. S. forces in Iraq, amid a spike in sectarian violence in the country. 布什说最近几星期对美在伊拉克的军队来说是很严峻的,其中还掺杂教派之间的暴力冲突。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. First, although U. S. forces almost always enjoy an edge in technology over their quarry, this advantage is never decisive. 第一,虽然美军以技术上领先于对手为荣,而这一优势却从未起到决定性作用。 dongxi.net 3. Obama announced that 10, 000 U. S. forces would be out by the end of this year. 奥巴马总统宣布10000名美国军人将在今年年末撤离阿富汗; www.bing.com 4. Mr. Karzai's office criticized the assault and renewed a call for U. S. forces to end night raids, a sensitive issue in Afghanistan. 卡尔扎伊的办公室谴责攻击行动,并再次要求美军终止夜间袭击,这是阿富汗的一个敏感问题。 chinese.wsj.com 5. China suddenly intervened and sent U. S. forces hurtling back down the peninsula. 中国突然介入并迅速使美国军队溃退回南朝鲜半岛。 www.wyzxsx.com 6. Therefore, on the first day in office, a constitutionalist can begin the orderly withdrawal of U. S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. 因此,在入主白宫的第一天,一位宪政主义者就能够开始让美国军队有序地撤离伊拉克和阿富汗。 www.bing.com 7. If adopted, the resolution authorizes limited use of U. S. forces in Libya for one year. It specifies the U. 这项提案,假如被正式采纳的话,将允许美国政府在利比亚的军事行动中,动用有限的美国军事力量,期限是一年。 www.voanews.cn 8. Democratic contenders Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both say they would move faster to withdraw more U. S. forces. 民主党的竞选人奥巴马和克林顿都说他们会更快从伊拉克撤出更多美军。 www.voanews.cn 9. AFRICOM will not result in a large-scale deployment of U. S. forces on the continent. 非洲司令部的设置不会造成美军在非洲的大规模部署。 www.america.gov 10. Several summit delegates chose their words carefully because their nations are hosting U. S. forces. 一些峰会代表措辞谨慎,因为他们的国家正和美国军队一起联合作战。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Indonesia is building up its own military cooperation with U. S. forces. 印度尼西亚正在与美国开展合作建设自己的军事力量。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. About 28-thousand U. S. forces are stationed in South Korea to help deter a repeat of North Korea's 1950 surprise attack. 目前大约有2万8千名美军驻扎在韩国,帮助阻遏北韩再次像1950年那样向韩国发起突然袭击。 ept-cn.com 3. In the summer of 2009, U. S. forces discovered "days and days and hours and hours" of the drone footage on the laptops of Iraqi insurgents. 2009年夏天,美国空军在伊拉克武装人员的笔记本电脑中发现了“很多天和很多小时”的无人飞机拍摄画面。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Cobra attack helicopter flies in the distance as U. S. forces push further into the Iraqi capital. 眼镜蛇攻击机在推进着美军进一步进入伊拉克首都。 www.xici.net 5. If South Korean and U. S. forces have to enter the North, time will be short, the dangers high, and the odds long. 如果韩国和美国部队必须进入朝鲜,时间会非常紧迫,危险程度极高,而希望则十分渺茫。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Obama argues that the withdrawal of U. S. forces from combat opens a new chapter in America's relationship with that embattled nation. 奥巴马辩解道,美军从伊拉克撤军掀开了美伊关系的新篇章。 www.bing.com 7. U. S. forces make up the majority of the 100, 000 foreign military personnel in Afghanistan. 在阿富汗的10万外国驻军中,美军占大多数。 www.voanews.cn 8. Mr. Obama has long advocated boosting U. S. troop levels in Afghanistan by drawing down U. S. forces in Iraq. 奥巴马长期呼吁通过削减在伊拉克美军的方式,来提高美军在阿富汗的存在规模。 www.ebigear.com 9. America's top military leaders say they back President Barack Obama's plan to drawdown U. S. forces in Iraq. 美军高级领导人说,他们支持奥巴马减少在伊拉克美军的计划。 www.voanews.cn 10. Crocker says he told Iran's Hassan Kazemi that Iran must stop supporting militants in Iraq who are fighting Iraqi and U. S. forces. 克罗克说,他告诉伊朗大使卡奇米,伊朗必须停止支援对抗伊拉克政府军与美国驻军的伊拉克好战份子。 ept-cn.com 1. U. S. forces seized Saddam International Airport outside Baghdad. 年,在巴格达城外,美国军队占领萨达姆国际机场。 www.kekenet.com 2. Nuristan, Afghanistan, October 2006: Blast halo and round exiting mortar tube as U. S. forces engage nearby insurgents. 2006年10月阿富汗努尔斯坦:当美军在与叛乱分子交战发射迫击炮时炮管口围爆发出光晕。 www.huaxia-ng.com 3. In such circumstances, 'the oil would follow the gray naval ships' of U. S. forces in the Persian Gulf, Mr. Shearer said. 希勒说,在这种情况下,石油将跟随波斯湾美军的灰色军舰而行。 www.bing.com 4. the commander of u. s. forces in south korea says he expects north korea to conduct a second nuclear test "sometime in the future. " 美国驻韩国军队指挥官说,他预计北韩会在“将来某个时候”进行第二次核试验。 eng.chinaue.com 5. He is best remembered for changing the way U. S. forces deal with counterinsurgency conflicts in the post-Cold War era. 他最为人们记忆的成就,是改变了美军在冷战时期以后执行对抗叛乱的策略。 www.bing.com 6. Congressional Budget Office. Moving U. S. Forces: Options for Strategic Mobility. February 1997. 国会预算办公室。移动美国武力:战略灵活性的选择方案。1997年2月。 www.showxiu.com 7. In both Iraq and Afghanistan, U. S. forces are at war to back U. S. -allied democratic governments. 在伊拉克和阿富汗两国,美国部队都通过战争方式而是两国重新回到亲美政府行列。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Militants use havens in Pakistan to stage attacks against U. S. forces in Afghanistan. 武装分子利用位于巴基斯坦的藏身地对驻阿富汗美军实施打击。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Ultimately, U. S. forces helped to defeat Germany earlier than expected. 最后,美国军队协助盟军击败德国,战争比预期时间还要更早退出。 www.24en.com 10. In foreign policy, we see no chance of Obama extricating U. S. forces from Afghanistan. 在外交政策方面,我们认为,奥巴马无法将美军部队从阿富汗脱身出来。 dongxi.net 1. Th U. S. Forces have my permission to repel all illegal invaders whilst they are in the northern areas of Australia. 我个人允许美军去驱逐那些从北部海岸线偷渡过来的非法入侵者。 www.tianya.cn 2. Then, many civilians fear of being captured by U. S. forces have reconnects himself. 接着,众多害怕被美军俘虏的平民相继坠崖自尽。 www.bluraycd.com 3. The Pentagon has called IEDs the single biggest threat to U. S. forces in Afghanistan. 五角大楼称小型土制炸弹为来自中亚国家的对美军的最大单一威胁。 www.bing.com 4. During World War II, German generals often complained that U. S. forces were unpredictable: they didn't follow their own doctrine. 二战期间,德国的将领时常抱怨美国军队难以捉摸:他们不按规矩出牌。 www.bing.com 5. While there, he visited a naval facility that provides support for U. S. forces in Iraq. 在巴林,布什视察了一个负责支援驻伊拉克美军的海军设施。 www.voanews.cn 6. But for me and tens of thousands of others who worked with U. S. forces, this is a very frightening time. 但是对我,对千千万万其他曾为美国军队工作过的人,此刻却让人极其害怕。 www.bing.com 7. Exclusive footage of attempts by anti-U. S. forces to shoot down planes in Iraq . 反美势力试图在伊拉克击落美军飞机的独家录像带。 www.putclub.com 8. The administration official said that not all U. S. forces would leave Iraq by the summer 2010 deadline. 这位政府官员说,并不是所有的驻伊美军都会在2010年夏季最后期限前撤出伊拉克。 www.bing.com 9. U. S. forces crossed the Rhine River at Remagen, Germany, during World War II. 年,二战期间,美国军队越过德国莱茵河。 www.kekenet.com 10. U. S. forces extended along America's frontier to defend settlers. 美军沿美国边境进行部署以保护边民。 learning.sohu.com 1. On March 27, Obama announced his plan to provide additional support to U. S. forces in Afghanistan. 3月27日,奥巴马宣布他向驻阿富汗美军部队提供进一步支持的计划。 www.america.gov 2. Sharp assumed command of U. S. forces stationed in Korea last month. 夏普上个月接任驻韩美军司令。 www.ebigear.com 3. Beijing's plans gained momentum after its military leaders noted the importance of GPS for U. S. forces during the first Gulf War in 1991. 在中国军事领导人注意到1991年第一次海湾战争期间GPS对美国军队的重要性之后,北京建立自己的卫星定位系统的计划加速发展。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Bin Laden and his family were found by U. S. forces on the second and third floors of the large main structure in the compound. 美国部队在该区主建筑的二层和三层找到了本?拉登及其家人。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Dead pirate was killed by U. S. forces, or died of internal strife? 死亡海盗是被美军杀死,还是死于内讧? www.englishtang.com 6. This stance could lead to small-scale clashes and friction with U. S. forces or the [Japanese] Self-Defense Forces. 中国所持的立场很可能会与美国军队或日本自卫队产生一些轻微的碰撞和摩擦。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In 2003, after an intense firefight with U. S. forces, both brothers were killed. 2003年,在一次与美军的交火中,这对兄弟都被打死了。 www.bing.com 8. U. S. forces are scheduled to depart Iraq in December. 美军计划在十二月离开伊拉克。 www.bing.com 9. Mr. Allawi, as former prime minister, was commander in chief from 2004 to 2005, when U. S. forces still controlled the country. 前总理阿拉维2004年至2005年期间担任伊拉克最高指挥官,当时伊拉克仍在美军控制下。 c.wsj.com 10. A quick voice vote followed to approve the presence of non-U. S. forces to remain in Iraq until July 31, 2009 . 马什哈达尼辞职之举为尽快口头表决批准非美国军队在2009年7月31号之前继续留在伊拉克铺平道路。 www.voanews.cn 1. In the Mexican War U. S. forces led by Zachary Taylor defeated a Mexican army commanded by Santa Anna on February 22-23, 847. 在墨西哥战争中,由查克瑞·泰勒率领的美军于847年2月22-23日打败了由圣·安纳率领的墨西哥军队。 dict.kekenet.com 2. That assessment will determine when additional U. S. forces will be withdrawn, and how many. 这些评估将决定更多美军撤离伊拉克的时间和数量。 www.voanews.cn 3. About 28, 000 U. S. forces are stationed here, to deter a repeat of communist North Korea's 1950 invasion. 约有2万8千名美军官兵驻守在韩国,以威慑北韩共产党政权不再重复1950年发动的入侵。 www.ebigear.com 4. U. S. forces mobilized 20, 000 personnel and nearly 200 aircraft and vessels for relief activities in Japan. 美国调动了两万人员和近两百架飞机、车辆对日本进行救援。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. Strategic Intention of U. S. Forces Advancing toward Central Asia 美国进军中亚的战略意图 service.ilib.cn 6. My answer is bring them on. Iraqi insurgents attacking U. S. forces, Washington, D. C. , July 3, 2003 我的回答是把他们带来。(伊拉克反政府武装攻击美国军队后,布什这么说)。 bbs.edu.sina.com.cn |
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