单词 | users |
释义 | users是user的复数
复数:users adj. n. current user,user exist,graphical user,experienced user,large user v. n. create user,allow user,user specify,notify user,alert user 例句释义: 用户,使用,吸毒成瘾者,用户名,使用者,用户表 1. The company also plans to roll it out to enterprise users, he said, but didn't elaborate. 他说,谷歌还计划将这项服务推广到企业用户,不过没有详谈。 c.wsj.com 2. vi users will love being able to type mail in KMail using a vi text-editor component (such a component is under development). vi用户喜欢使用vi文本编辑器组件(这种组件正处于开发阶段)在KMail中输入邮件。 www.ibm.com 3. If Pentax were to produce such a camera, not only would these users be satisfied, but sales would likely be very high. 如果宾得现在开发全幅,不但会满足这些用户,而且相机也应该会获得不错的销量。 forum.xitek.com 4. With a virtual desktop, users no longer have to carry a fully loaded laptop device to be mobile. 通过使用虚拟桌面,用户就不再需要带着沉重的笔记本计算机到处跑了。 www.ibm.com 5. Oddly enough, despite the youth-skewed demographics, they seek out parenting info more than users of any other network. 奇怪的是,虽然他们的年龄都比较年轻,但是他们对生育类的信息需求要比其他社交网络的用户大。 www.bing.com 6. For example, you might have a page in which users should be able to post even if they did not fill out all the validated fields correctly. 例如,您可能具有一个页面,即使用户没有正确填写所有验证字段,也应该可以发送页。 www.kuenglish.info 7. Another top-level object in the system is the user object, which allows you to set up accounts for different users coming to your site. 系统中的另一个高层对象是用户对象,它允许为访问站点的用户设置帐号。 www.ibm.com 8. The advisory comes in the week before Christmas, a time when many companies and home users are least prepared to deal with the problems. 这一最新的安全公告出现在圣诞来临的一周,此时正是公司及家庭用户最无暇顾及解决问题之际。 dream4ever.org 9. Very small monitors are mounted on a mechanical arm, and users look into the monitors like they would look into a pair of binoculars. 机械臂上固定着非常小的监视器,就象使用双目望远镜一样,用户使用监视器观察。 it.haott.com 10. Database design should be very strong and should be able to hold a number of users. 数据库设计应该是非常强大,应该能够容纳的用户数量。 www.bing.com 1. Now, if you happened to enter a number not in the range of users, you might have noticed that the example spits out a NoSuchUserException. 现在,如果您所输入的编号恰好不在用户范围内,则会注意到示例生成了一个NoSuchUserException。 www.ibm.com 2. It will be interesting to see if he has addressed his reader's concerns and if other users of his model find this addition useful. 能够观察到他关注读者的考虑,看到他的模型的其他用户是否觉得他的补充有价值,这很有意思。 www.infoq.com 3. The drugs create a condition police have come to call an "excited delirium" that makes users paranoid, violent and unpredictable. 警方称,这种药物会造成一种“极度精神错乱”的情况,使用者会出现妄想狂、暴力和难以预料行为。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. But he said that Cuil's new approach to ranking pages and presenting results could prove to be a hit with some users. 但是他也承认Cuil新的对网页的排名方法和显示结果的方式会为一些用户所追捧。 www.bing.com 5. The effect would be that users would be able to fill in the form, but not to make any other changes to the document. 这个效果将会是用户将能够填写窗体,但不能对文档进行任何其他更改。 zh.pingju.org 6. One way is to have the user edit information in the plugin's PHP file, but this makes many users uncomfortable (to say the least). 一种方式是使用户在插件的PHP文件中编辑信息,但多数用户觉得这样做不便利(至少是这样觉得的)。 www.zzbaike.com 7. The existing wireless spectrum usage rules did not promote competition and failed to deliver benefits to end-users. 现行的无线频谱使用方法并没有提高竞争,也没有把利益传达给终端用户。 www.bing.com 8. pictures and designs should be registered, and to be the only legitimate users , to avoid as food unnecessary disputes security issues. 图片及外观设计停止注册,成为独一的合法运用者,防止呈现由于食品平安问题带来不用要的纠葛。 www.ven8.com 9. The process might be easier to understand with a demonstration , so imagine these kids in the circle are Napster users. 我们做个示范,大家会更容易明白,想像围圈的儿童是Napster的用户, www.hxen.com 10. So, if we were to make a similar chart as the one for Internet users above, the 1995 part would be just a tiny fraction of a pixel. 因此,如果你制作一个类似上图互联网用户的图表,你会发现,1995年的数据只占据很小的一部分。 www.bing.com 1. As mentioned above, the nested syntax is often mistaken for subclassing by users who are not already familiar with extensions. 正如上面所提到的,嵌套的语法通常被错误地认为有子类化的关系——尤其是对那些还不熟悉扩展的用户来说。 blog.csdn.net 2. When writing a shell script, some users may say, "It would be great to have this! " or "I'd love to be able to do that! " 在编写一个shell脚本时,一些用户可能会说,“它真不错!” www.ibm.com 3. We're always at the front lines, ready to greet users and offer the best first impression to the applications we build for them. 我们始终站在第一线,准备迎合用户并让他们对我们构建的应用程序留下最佳的第一印象。 www.ibm.com 4. We have farmed a lot of patterns from our users and customers and put features in place to make it easy to realise these patterns in Mule. 我们已经从我们的用户和客户那里挖掘了很多的模式,并且使得这些特性在Mule中得以轻松的实现。 www.infoq.com 5. Since the early days of the Internet, the number of users who have access to the network has been growing with a highly exponential trend. 自互联网初创以来,落“网”的用户数就以超指数级的势头飙升。 www.bing.com 6. Given the growing popularity of cloud computing, libvirt will no doubt grow along with it, finding new applications and users. 鉴于云计算的日渐流行,libvirt无疑也会随之发展,不断获得新的应用程序和用户。 www.ibm.com 7. The database administrator is able to audit actions of the middle-tier application acting on behalf of a given set of users. 数据库管理员可以对中间层应用程序代表给定一组用户执行的动作进行审计。 www.ibm.com 8. The modifications can be applied to all of the users on the site or to individual users. 可以将修改应用于站点上的所有用户或者应用于个别用户。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Typically, this would be inserted into a database to save a lot of data entry. Dynamic exchange of up-to-date info between users. 通常人们通过向数据库中插入这些数据来保存大量数据,用户之间可动态交换最新的信息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. When you create a custom design-time experience for users, it is often desirable to create a custom interaction with the Properties window. 为用户创建自定义设计时体验时,通常需要创建与“属性”窗口的自定义交互。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Aspirin users took at least two standard 325 mg tablets a week or used aspirin at least twice a week. 阿斯匹林使用者一周至少需要用标准含量为325毫克片剂两片,或每周至少使用阿斯匹林两次。 www.med66.com 2. For advanced XML users, XQuery can be very helpful in querying and extracting content out of large XML documents. 对于高级XML用户,XQuery在查询和从大型XML文档抽取内容时非常有帮助。 www.ibm.com 3. These deals were responsible for adding a few thousand users in a week's time, but no single event made the company. 这些交易对在一周内增加几千用户有作用,但是这个公司并不是由任何其中一个活动成就的。 www.bing.com 4. But the reality, for Chinese internet users, is that none of their online information can be deemed to be out of reach of the authorities. 但中国互联网用户面临的现实是,他们在网络上的一切信息注定都逃不出政府的掌握。 www.ftchinese.com 5. You must specify at least one download site for your users to download your package from. You can specify up to ten sites. 必须至少指定一个下载站点以便用户下载您的软件包。最多可以指定十个站点。 www.fan6.net 6. Users will be able to see up to a week of previous days stories when clicking a button "Yesterday" "2 Days Ago" "3 Days Ago" , etc. 用户将能够看到最多的故事前几天周时,点击一个按钮,“昨天”,“2天前”,“3天前”等。 www.bing.com 7. It could be that Android users are more likely to be in a committed relationship and getting busy on a regular basis. 有可能Android用户更喜欢在一段恋情里与固定的伴侣发生多次关系。 www.bing.com 8. These options are a direct result of the sense of control that free software encourages in its users. 这些选项是自由软件向它的用户灌输支配感的直接结果。 www.bing.com 9. Working with children and adults in different workshops, BASE was able to understand the users' wishes and visions for the project. 通过与不同的大人和孩子沟通,BASE能很好地了解他们对这一操场的希望和设想。 www.julemei.com 10. The number of users that executed the test, time elapsed for the total test and the final result of the test. 执行测试用户的号码,测试的总耗时,与测试的最终结果。 www.ibm.com 1. Simple, easy to use and nice man-machine interface of multimedia are the common needs of interface designers and users. 简洁、易用、美观的多媒体人机交互界面是界面设计者与用户的共同需求。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Twitter is nothing if not up-and-coming: it has 100m users who log in at least once a month. 如果Twitter不能保持发展势头,那它将一文不值:目前它有约1亿名用户,至少每个月都会登陆一次。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Marketing copy is often low on the list of priorities, but it can be key to helping users form their goals. 营销拷贝往往是低就优先事项清单,但它可以是关键,以帮助用户形成自己的目标。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But extracting a business model from free is not always easy, especially when your users have come to expect gratis. 在免费基础上建立一种商业模式并非易事,尤其是当你的用户已经吃惯了免费大餐。 www.ebigear.com 5. Maintaining the list of online users in a view makes it easy to display them using a simple @DbColumn formula. 在视图中维护在线用户列表将便于使用简单的@DbColumn公式来显示在线用户。 www.ibm.com 6. There currently seems to be a large gap between computing professionals and all those acting as pure users. 就目前来看,这件事与计算工作者及那些纯粹的使用者之间似乎还有着很大的鸿沟。 www.infoq.com 7. Instead, Google is probably just testing some new features out to a small set of users, just as a lot of other sites do throughout the web. 相反,谷歌也许只是在向一小部分用户测试其一些服务的新特性,互联网领域上的很多网站也是这样做的。 www.bing.com 8. You might be able to deny access to users or IP addresses known to be malicious. 您也许能够拒绝已知的恶意用户或IP地址的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. To give you an idea: If China had the same Internet penetration as the United States, it would have over a billion Internet users. 你可以试想一下,如果中国有同美国一样的互联网普及率,那么将会有超过1亿的互联网用户。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Multimedia Displayer is an easy-to-use professional multimedia authoring tool, for inexperienced and advanced users. 多媒体显示器是一种易于使用的专业多媒体创作工具,经验和先进用户。 ruanjian.tywiki.com 1. With our highly experienced service capability there is no doubt that MSI has an on-going commitment to its users. 随着我们经验丰富的服务能力,毫无疑问,微星有一个持续的承诺,它的用户。 bbs.instrument.com.cn 2. users their online addresses on Friday said it had agreed to allow the use of any of the world's scripts, no longer just the Latin alphabet. 用户分配在线地址的机构于上周五宣布,已批准互联网域名使用除拉丁语外的世界其它文字。 www.bing.com 3. The back and forth between Facebook and its users over privacy is gaining importance as the company's growth continues unabated. 在脸谱网及其用户间,针对隐私的角力随着公司的日益壮大发展日渐重要。 putclub.com 4. It is hoped the Source scheme will be rolled out nationwide, with EV users able to tap into a network of charging points across the country. 人们希望这项资源供应计划可以推广到全国,使得电动车的用户可以在国内任何地方都能接入系统对爱车进行充电。 www.youfind.com.cn 5. Understanding how much money users were spending and the state of their accounts and credit cards was also hard. 理解用户的开支以及他们的账户和信用卡状态也非常困难。 www.bing.com 6. Google Maps was one of the first Ajax applications that captured the imagination of developers and users alike. GoogleMaps就是这种Ajax应用程序之一,它集中体现了开发人员和用户的想象力。 www.ibm.com 7. The only judge of how good your product is is how much your users use it. 对你的产品好坏的唯一判定来自于有多少用户使用它。 blog.163.com 8. One of the practical limits to the number of users supported on a single server is the time it takes to back up the mail storage . 对单个服务器上支持的用户数的一个实际限制是备份邮件存储所花费的时间。 www.bing.com 9. Video chat on Yahoo Messenger could bring this capability to a drastically larger number of users than any of these other services could. 可以预见,使用雅虎通进行视频聊天的用户数量,将远大于使用雅虎其他服务的用户数量。 www.bing.com 10. The company said it had created a Web page that offered users a choice, rather than automatically directing them to its uncensored Web site. 公司自身已经制作了网页为用户提供选择,而不是自动将其引导至未被过滤的网站。 www.bing.com 1. FakeAWish allows users to type in a celebrity name and produce a fake news story, and looks like a real web page. FakeAWish允许用户输入名人的名字来炮制假新闻,而且把那搞得看起来像真正的网页。 dongxi.net 2. No matter which machine a user happens to BE using, she can read mail from her mailbox and send mail to users in the group and elsewhere . 无论用户用的是哪一台机器,均可以从自己的邮箱中读取邮件并发送邮件给其他地方的用户。 dict.ebigear.com 3. All the employees of this company is always ready to provide professional, considerable, and prompt service to all users. 公司全体同仁愿意为用户提供专业、周到、快捷的服务。 www.ecomp.cn 4. Performance wouldn't pose a significant challenge because only a few users would be interacting with the system at any one time. 性能不会是重要的挑战,因为在同一时刻仅有少数的用户与系统进行交互。 www.ibm.com 5. How long do you think it would take for you to get 1000 active users to join and how much are you going to want to be paid for it? 多久你认为它会为你得到1000个活跃用户加入,多少钱你会想为它支付? www.bing.com 6. Kerberos, which provides a secure means of authentication for network users, is one of the most popular authentication mechanisms. Kerberos为网络用户提供了一种安全的身份验证手段,是最流行的身份验证机制之一。 www.ibm.com 7. The modifications can be applied to all users on the site or to individual users. 这些修改可以应用于网站上的所有用户或个别用户。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. While their main goal seems to be aiming resources at their mobile users, can Yelp also compete with Foursquare? 当他们的主要目标似乎是针对手机用户来投放资源的,yelp可以一直与Foursquare抗衡吗? www.bing.com 9. We learned from stakeholders that users were more likely to accept the product if it had a similar personality to that of a visiting nurse. 我们从相关人员处获悉,如果它和上门服务的护士有相似的特征时,用户更容易接受这个产品。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Moscow is trying to implement controls that would allow it to spy on users or cut off the Internet from the rest of the world. 莫斯科政府目前试图实施控制,以让它监视用户或将国内的互联网和世界的互联网切断联系。 www.hrw.org 1. In that way, the FSF is trying to ensure that users have broad patent rights with respect to any modified GPL-governed code. 通过这种方式,FSF试图确保用户拥有任何已被修改的GPL监管代码的广泛专利版权。 www.ibm.com 2. It began to ask its Facebook users for their real email addresses, instead of just relying on Facebook as a means of communication. 于是,他们开始向自己在Facebook上的用户索要真实的电子邮箱地址,这样就不用仅仅依赖Facebook作为其交流媒介。 c.wsj.com 3. Although the concept of this kind of video messaging is not new, Yahoo says its service will offer more features to accommodate users. 雅虎称,虽然这种可视短信在概念上并不是最新的,但雅虎还会提供更多的特色服务供用户们选择。 www.ycwb.com 4. Dynamic Web applications enable you to make vast stores of information instantly accessible to your users through a familiar interface. 动态的Web应用程序能够存储大量信息,让用户能够通过熟悉的界面立即访问这些信息。 www.ibm.com 5. For now, Google is actually asking users not to download Chrome for the Mac and Linux just yet, unless they are ready to be disappointed. 目前,谷歌实际上也希望用户不要急于下载这个Mac和Linux版本的Chrome浏览器,除非他们已经做好面对失望打击的心理准备了。 www.bing.com 6. There was somebody to oversee the use of equipment and help users, if they would not be able to do something themselves. 有人负责监管所有设备的使用,并且向用户(假如他们无法依靠自身的努力来完成某些事情的时候)提供帮助。 www.bing.com 7. Wall Street Journal article also reported that iPhone users download web data at a rate of two to four times that of other smartphone users. 华尔街日报的一篇文章也报道说,iPhone用户下载网页数据的速度是其他智能手机用户2到4倍。 www.bing.com 8. The commands in any person's working set are those they most often use. Users want those commands to be especially quick and easy to invoke. 任何人的工作集中的命令都是那些经常使用的命令,用户都希望这些命令能够特别迅速而容易地调用。 www.jukuu.com 9. Many users find the word "merge" to be confusing, since it seems to imply that we start out with two things and end up with only one. 很多用户发现“合并”这个词比较含混,因为看来好像是在暗示从两件事情开始,然后只有一件事情结束。 kb.cnblogs.com 10. You can customize Lotus Workplace to meet the needs of your organization or to meet the needs of your users. 可以对LotusWorkplace进行定制来满足组织的需要或满足用户的需要。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Easy to use Windows compatible interface software enables users to build motion and force profiles designed to fit specific forming needs. 易于使用的Windows兼容的接口软件,使用户能够建立的议案,旨在满足特定的形成需要力量配置文件。 www.instrument.com.cn 2. Every one of you every drop of Internet users, into the inside of your consumers meticulous service, we would be able to get the market. 每一个你的一点一滴里面,注入对网民,对你的消费者无微不至的服务,就一定能够获得市场。 www.liangzichangenglish.com 3. The narrow views allow users to see their mail without the traditional column headers and with more information stacked. 用户可以通过窄视图查看邮件,这种方式不必使用传统的列标题,并且可以看到更多的信息。 www.ibm.com 4. He said it had also reinvigorated demand for new PCs, with many users opting to upgrade their hardware as well as their software. 他说随着新PC需求增加,Windows7将再度繁荣,因为许多用户选择升级硬件,同时也包括软件。 www.bing.com 5. Users must be assigned to a site group to be able to view a site, or make any changes to a site. 必须将用户分配给网站用户组,他们才能够查看网站或对网站进行更改。 office.microsoft.com 6. This section provides an overview of what the Metasploit Framework does for users trying to discover vulnerabilities. 这个部分简要介绍MetasploitFramework对于试图发现漏洞的用户有什么用。 www.ibm.com 7. A new feature introduced today allows users to automatically translate emails into English and any other supported language. Sort of. 今天出炉的一项新特性,允许用户将电子邮件自动转换为英文及任何支持的语言。 www.bing.com 8. It's easy to assume nothing about what your users want, and rather, ask a bunch of questions up front to help determine what they want. 对你的用户需要什么不做任何假设是容易的,更容易的是问一堆问题来帮助我们决定用户需要什么? www.jukuu.com 9. Establish and enforce a policy that forbids users from keeping their passwords written down in an easy-to- find location . 建立并实施以下策略:禁止用户将其密码记在容易找到的位置。 www.bing.com 10. "Local users who do not know English had been somewhat restricted in their access to the Internet, " he told AFP. 他说,“不懂英语的本地用户要上网,确实在一定程度上受到了限制。” www.bing.com 1. Wall Street Journal article also reported that iPhone users download web data at a rate of two to four times that of other smartphone users. 华尔街日报的一篇文章也报道说,iPhone用户下载网页数据的速度是其他智能手机用户2到4倍。 www.bing.com 2. The commands in any person's working set are those they most often use. Users want those commands to be especially quick and easy to invoke. 任何人的工作集中的命令都是那些经常使用的命令,用户都希望这些命令能够特别迅速而容易地调用。 www.jukuu.com 3. Many users find the word "merge" to be confusing, since it seems to imply that we start out with two things and end up with only one. 很多用户发现“合并”这个词比较含混,因为看来好像是在暗示从两件事情开始,然后只有一件事情结束。 kb.cnblogs.com 4. You can customize Lotus Workplace to meet the needs of your organization or to meet the needs of your users. 可以对LotusWorkplace进行定制来满足组织的需要或满足用户的需要。 www-128.ibm.com 5. WSJ: What are the apps you think might be particular exciting for Chinese iPhone users? 《华尔街日报》:你认为中国的iPhone用户尤其会感到兴奋的第三方应用程序有什么? chinese.wsj.com 6. Users muck around with environments in unpredictable ways , and getting them back time to a stable state is often tricky . 当用户以一种不可预期的方式将环境搞坏时,使他们回到稳定时的状态通常是明智的。 www.bing.com 7. Easy to use Windows compatible interface software enables users to build motion and force profiles designed to fit specific forming needs. 易于使用的Windows兼容的接口软件,使用户能够建立的议案,旨在满足特定的形成需要力量配置文件。 www.instrument.com.cn 8. Every one of you every drop of Internet users, into the inside of your consumers meticulous service, we would be able to get the market. 每一个你的一点一滴里面,注入对网民,对你的消费者无微不至的服务,就一定能够获得市场。 www.liangzichangenglish.com 9. The narrow views allow users to see their mail without the traditional column headers and with more information stacked. 用户可以通过窄视图查看邮件,这种方式不必使用传统的列标题,并且可以看到更多的信息。 www.ibm.com 10. He said it had also reinvigorated demand for new PCs, with many users opting to upgrade their hardware as well as their software. 他说随着新PC需求增加,Windows7将再度繁荣,因为许多用户选择升级硬件,同时也包括软件。 www.bing.com 1. You can customize Lotus Workplace to meet the needs of your organization or to meet the needs of your users. 可以对LotusWorkplace进行定制来满足组织的需要或满足用户的需要。 www-128.ibm.com 2. WSJ: What are the apps you think might be particular exciting for Chinese iPhone users? 《华尔街日报》:你认为中国的iPhone用户尤其会感到兴奋的第三方应用程序有什么? chinese.wsj.com 3. Users muck around with environments in unpredictable ways , and getting them back time to a stable state is often tricky . 当用户以一种不可预期的方式将环境搞坏时,使他们回到稳定时的状态通常是明智的。 www.bing.com 4. Though China is known as an exporter, 'Chinese users will be a huge buying force, ' he said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. 虽然中国是一个出口大国,但田毓中接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,中国用户将成为一支庞大的购买力量。 c.wsj.com 5. Easy to use Windows compatible interface software enables users to build motion and force profiles designed to fit specific forming needs. 易于使用的Windows兼容的接口软件,使用户能够建立的议案,旨在满足特定的形成需要力量配置文件。 www.instrument.com.cn 6. Every one of you every drop of Internet users, into the inside of your consumers meticulous service, we would be able to get the market. 每一个你的一点一滴里面,注入对网民,对你的消费者无微不至的服务,就一定能够获得市场。 www.liangzichangenglish.com 7. The narrow views allow users to see their mail without the traditional column headers and with more information stacked. 用户可以通过窄视图查看邮件,这种方式不必使用传统的列标题,并且可以看到更多的信息。 www.ibm.com 8. He said it had also reinvigorated demand for new PCs, with many users opting to upgrade their hardware as well as their software. 他说随着新PC需求增加,Windows7将再度繁荣,因为许多用户选择升级硬件,同时也包括软件。 www.bing.com 9. Users must be assigned to a site group to be able to view a site, or make any changes to a site. 必须将用户分配给网站用户组,他们才能够查看网站或对网站进行更改。 office.microsoft.com 10. This section provides an overview of what the Metasploit Framework does for users trying to discover vulnerabilities. 这个部分简要介绍MetasploitFramework对于试图发现漏洞的用户有什么用。 www.ibm.com 1. Though China is known as an exporter, 'Chinese users will be a huge buying force, ' he said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. 虽然中国是一个出口大国,但田毓中接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,中国用户将成为一支庞大的购买力量。 c.wsj.com 2. USERS will probably not notice all that much. But the deal may be seen one day as a significant event in the internet industry. 用户们或许不会注意到这么多,但这笔交易有朝一日会被视为互联网史上的重要事件。 www.bing.com 3. Easy to use Windows compatible interface software enables users to build motion and force profiles designed to fit specific forming needs. 易于使用的Windows兼容的接口软件,使用户能够建立的议案,旨在满足特定的形成需要力量配置文件。 www.instrument.com.cn 4. Every one of you every drop of Internet users, into the inside of your consumers meticulous service, we would be able to get the market. 每一个你的一点一滴里面,注入对网民,对你的消费者无微不至的服务,就一定能够获得市场。 www.liangzichangenglish.com 5. The narrow views allow users to see their mail without the traditional column headers and with more information stacked. 用户可以通过窄视图查看邮件,这种方式不必使用传统的列标题,并且可以看到更多的信息。 www.ibm.com 6. He said it had also reinvigorated demand for new PCs, with many users opting to upgrade their hardware as well as their software. 他说随着新PC需求增加,Windows7将再度繁荣,因为许多用户选择升级硬件,同时也包括软件。 www.bing.com 7. Users must be assigned to a site group to be able to view a site, or make any changes to a site. 必须将用户分配给网站用户组,他们才能够查看网站或对网站进行更改。 office.microsoft.com 8. This section provides an overview of what the Metasploit Framework does for users trying to discover vulnerabilities. 这个部分简要介绍MetasploitFramework对于试图发现漏洞的用户有什么用。 www.ibm.com 9. A new feature introduced today allows users to automatically translate emails into English and any other supported language. Sort of. 今天出炉的一项新特性,允许用户将电子邮件自动转换为英文及任何支持的语言。 www.bing.com 10. It's easy to assume nothing about what your users want, and rather, ask a bunch of questions up front to help determine what they want. 对你的用户需要什么不做任何假设是容易的,更容易的是问一堆问题来帮助我们决定用户需要什么? www.jukuu.com 1. Easy to use Windows compatible interface software enables users to build motion and force profiles designed to fit specific forming needs. 易于使用的Windows兼容的接口软件,使用户能够建立的议案,旨在满足特定的形成需要力量配置文件。 www.instrument.com.cn 2. Every one of you every drop of Internet users, into the inside of your consumers meticulous service, we would be able to get the market. 每一个你的一点一滴里面,注入对网民,对你的消费者无微不至的服务,就一定能够获得市场。 www.liangzichangenglish.com 3. The narrow views allow users to see their mail without the traditional column headers and with more information stacked. 用户可以通过窄视图查看邮件,这种方式不必使用传统的列标题,并且可以看到更多的信息。 www.ibm.com 4. He said it had also reinvigorated demand for new PCs, with many users opting to upgrade their hardware as well as their software. 他说随着新PC需求增加,Windows7将再度繁荣,因为许多用户选择升级硬件,同时也包括软件。 www.bing.com 5. Users must be assigned to a site group to be able to view a site, or make any changes to a site. 必须将用户分配给网站用户组,他们才能够查看网站或对网站进行更改。 office.microsoft.com 6. This section provides an overview of what the Metasploit Framework does for users trying to discover vulnerabilities. 这个部分简要介绍MetasploitFramework对于试图发现漏洞的用户有什么用。 www.ibm.com 7. A new feature introduced today allows users to automatically translate emails into English and any other supported language. Sort of. 今天出炉的一项新特性,允许用户将电子邮件自动转换为英文及任何支持的语言。 www.bing.com 8. It's easy to assume nothing about what your users want, and rather, ask a bunch of questions up front to help determine what they want. 对你的用户需要什么不做任何假设是容易的,更容易的是问一堆问题来帮助我们决定用户需要什么? www.jukuu.com 9. Establish and enforce a policy that forbids users from keeping their passwords written down in an easy-to- find location . 建立并实施以下策略:禁止用户将其密码记在容易找到的位置。 www.bing.com 10. "Local users who do not know English had been somewhat restricted in their access to the Internet, " he told AFP. 他说,“不懂英语的本地用户要上网,确实在一定程度上受到了限制。” www.bing.com 1. The narrow views allow users to see their mail without the traditional column headers and with more information stacked. 用户可以通过窄视图查看邮件,这种方式不必使用传统的列标题,并且可以看到更多的信息。 www.ibm.com 2. He said it had also reinvigorated demand for new PCs, with many users opting to upgrade their hardware as well as their software. 他说随着新PC需求增加,Windows7将再度繁荣,因为许多用户选择升级硬件,同时也包括软件。 www.bing.com 3. Users must be assigned to a site group to be able to view a site, or make any changes to a site. 必须将用户分配给网站用户组,他们才能够查看网站或对网站进行更改。 office.microsoft.com 4. This section provides an overview of what the Metasploit Framework does for users trying to discover vulnerabilities. 这个部分简要介绍MetasploitFramework对于试图发现漏洞的用户有什么用。 www.ibm.com 5. A new feature introduced today allows users to automatically translate emails into English and any other supported language. Sort of. 今天出炉的一项新特性,允许用户将电子邮件自动转换为英文及任何支持的语言。 www.bing.com 6. It's easy to assume nothing about what your users want, and rather, ask a bunch of questions up front to help determine what they want. 对你的用户需要什么不做任何假设是容易的,更容易的是问一堆问题来帮助我们决定用户需要什么? www.jukuu.com 7. Establish and enforce a policy that forbids users from keeping their passwords written down in an easy-to- find location . 建立并实施以下策略:禁止用户将其密码记在容易找到的位置。 www.bing.com 8. "Local users who do not know English had been somewhat restricted in their access to the Internet, " he told AFP. 他说,“不懂英语的本地用户要上网,确实在一定程度上受到了限制。” www.bing.com 9. Many users who have mastered the name portion have completely given up on trying to understand the directory tree. 很多已经掌握了文件命名的用户,在理解目录树时不得不放弃。 www.jukuu.com 10. Printing screen shots makes it very easy to see how users interact and what their interactions create in terms of their experience. 打印出的屏幕截图很容易看出,用户如何交互,以及交互根据体验生成哪些。 www.ibm.com 1. Users must be assigned to a site group to be able to view a site, or make any changes to a site. 必须将用户分配给网站用户组,他们才能够查看网站或对网站进行更改。 office.microsoft.com 2. This section provides an overview of what the Metasploit Framework does for users trying to discover vulnerabilities. 这个部分简要介绍MetasploitFramework对于试图发现漏洞的用户有什么用。 www.ibm.com 3. A new feature introduced today allows users to automatically translate emails into English and any other supported language. Sort of. 今天出炉的一项新特性,允许用户将电子邮件自动转换为英文及任何支持的语言。 www.bing.com 4. It's easy to assume nothing about what your users want, and rather, ask a bunch of questions up front to help determine what they want. 对你的用户需要什么不做任何假设是容易的,更容易的是问一堆问题来帮助我们决定用户需要什么? www.jukuu.com 5. Establish and enforce a policy that forbids users from keeping their passwords written down in an easy-to- find location . 建立并实施以下策略:禁止用户将其密码记在容易找到的位置。 www.bing.com 6. "Local users who do not know English had been somewhat restricted in their access to the Internet, " he told AFP. 他说,“不懂英语的本地用户要上网,确实在一定程度上受到了限制。” www.bing.com 7. Many users who have mastered the name portion have completely given up on trying to understand the directory tree. 很多已经掌握了文件命名的用户,在理解目录树时不得不放弃。 www.jukuu.com 8. Printing screen shots makes it very easy to see how users interact and what their interactions create in terms of their experience. 打印出的屏幕截图很容易看出,用户如何交互,以及交互根据体验生成哪些。 www.ibm.com 9. Check for the different types of users you know for frequent login and count the number of groups they belong to . 检查您所知的经常登录的用户的类型,并计算他们所属的组的数量。 www.bing.com 10. The new software will not be backwards-compatible, meaning HD2 users shouldn't expect to be able to run it or applications written for it. 新的系统不具有向后的兼容性,这意味着HD2的用户无法运行将来为windows7所写的应用程序。 www.bing.com 1. A new feature introduced today allows users to automatically translate emails into English and any other supported language. Sort of. 今天出炉的一项新特性,允许用户将电子邮件自动转换为英文及任何支持的语言。 www.bing.com 2. It's easy to assume nothing about what your users want, and rather, ask a bunch of questions up front to help determine what they want. 对你的用户需要什么不做任何假设是容易的,更容易的是问一堆问题来帮助我们决定用户需要什么? www.jukuu.com 3. Establish and enforce a policy that forbids users from keeping their passwords written down in an easy-to- find location . 建立并实施以下策略:禁止用户将其密码记在容易找到的位置。 www.bing.com 4. "Local users who do not know English had been somewhat restricted in their access to the Internet, " he told AFP. 他说,“不懂英语的本地用户要上网,确实在一定程度上受到了限制。” www.bing.com 5. Many users who have mastered the name portion have completely given up on trying to understand the directory tree. 很多已经掌握了文件命名的用户,在理解目录树时不得不放弃。 www.jukuu.com 6. Printing screen shots makes it very easy to see how users interact and what their interactions create in terms of their experience. 打印出的屏幕截图很容易看出,用户如何交互,以及交互根据体验生成哪些。 www.ibm.com 7. Check for the different types of users you know for frequent login and count the number of groups they belong to . 检查您所知的经常登录的用户的类型,并计算他们所属的组的数量。 www.bing.com 8. The new software will not be backwards-compatible, meaning HD2 users shouldn't expect to be able to run it or applications written for it. 新的系统不具有向后的兼容性,这意味着HD2的用户无法运行将来为windows7所写的应用程序。 www.bing.com 9. I said the value is approximately the square of the number of users. 我说过价值大约是用户数量的平方。 www.ecocn.org 10. Another piece of feedback we heard from users about the formula bar was that the name box was not big enough to display long range names. 还有一个关于编辑栏的反馈信息。原有的名称框太小,不够用来显示长名称。 www.ipshade.org 1. "Local users who do not know English had been somewhat restricted in their access to the Internet, " he told AFP. 他说,“不懂英语的本地用户要上网,确实在一定程度上受到了限制。” www.bing.com 2. Many users who have mastered the name portion have completely given up on trying to understand the directory tree. 很多已经掌握了文件命名的用户,在理解目录树时不得不放弃。 www.jukuu.com 3. Printing screen shots makes it very easy to see how users interact and what their interactions create in terms of their experience. 打印出的屏幕截图很容易看出,用户如何交互,以及交互根据体验生成哪些。 www.ibm.com 4. Check for the different types of users you know for frequent login and count the number of groups they belong to . 检查您所知的经常登录的用户的类型,并计算他们所属的组的数量。 www.bing.com 5. The new software will not be backwards-compatible, meaning HD2 users shouldn't expect to be able to run it or applications written for it. 新的系统不具有向后的兼容性,这意味着HD2的用户无法运行将来为windows7所写的应用程序。 www.bing.com 6. I said the value is approximately the square of the number of users. 我说过价值大约是用户数量的平方。 www.ecocn.org 7. Another piece of feedback we heard from users about the formula bar was that the name box was not big enough to display long range names. 还有一个关于编辑栏的反馈信息。原有的名称框太小,不够用来显示长名称。 www.ipshade.org 8. Like Yahoo News, HuffPo is trying to win web users with a mix of high-value and community-created content. 和雅虎新闻网一样,《赫芬顿邮报》试图通过增加与社区相关的高价值内容,赢得网络用户的青睐。 dongxi.net 9. New security features were found to be unreliable and likely to lull naive users into a false sense of security. 新的安全性能并不可靠,似乎只是暂时的给天真的用户以一种错误的安全感。 www.bing.com 10. And as long as you can scale to handle larger number of users its ok to have multiple single points of failures as well. 只要你能处理更大规模的用户,即使是存在多个单点故障也没有问题。 www.bing.com 1. Check for the different types of users you know for frequent login and count the number of groups they belong to . 检查您所知的经常登录的用户的类型,并计算他们所属的组的数量。 www.bing.com 2. The new software will not be backwards-compatible, meaning HD2 users shouldn't expect to be able to run it or applications written for it. 新的系统不具有向后的兼容性,这意味着HD2的用户无法运行将来为windows7所写的应用程序。 www.bing.com 3. I said the value is approximately the square of the number of users. 我说过价值大约是用户数量的平方。 www.ecocn.org 4. Another piece of feedback we heard from users about the formula bar was that the name box was not big enough to display long range names. 还有一个关于编辑栏的反馈信息。原有的名称框太小,不够用来显示长名称。 www.ipshade.org 5. Like Yahoo News, HuffPo is trying to win web users with a mix of high-value and community-created content. 和雅虎新闻网一样,《赫芬顿邮报》试图通过增加与社区相关的高价值内容,赢得网络用户的青睐。 dongxi.net 6. New security features were found to be unreliable and likely to lull naive users into a false sense of security. 新的安全性能并不可靠,似乎只是暂时的给天真的用户以一种错误的安全感。 www.bing.com 7. And as long as you can scale to handle larger number of users its ok to have multiple single points of failures as well. 只要你能处理更大规模的用户,即使是存在多个单点故障也没有问题。 www.bing.com 8. To work with roles, you must be able to identify users in your application so that you can determine whether the user is in a specific role. 若要使用角色,必须能够识别应用程序中的用户,以便可以确定用户是否属于特定角色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Language should be clear, easy to read, and appropriate for intended users. 使用的语言应该是明确的、便于阅读的并且适合目标用户的。 www.who.int 10. First, he said, it has to "pass a test" with "serious users" - by which he means academics and computational users. 他说,Wolfram|Alpha首先要获得“专业用户”的考验——学术和专业计算的用户。 www.bing.com 1. "Local users who do not know English had been somewhat restricted in their access to the Internet, " he told AFP. 他说,“不懂英语的本地用户要上网,确实在一定程度上受到了限制。” www.bing.com 2. Many users who have mastered the name portion have completely given up on trying to understand the directory tree. 很多已经掌握了文件命名的用户,在理解目录树时不得不放弃。 www.jukuu.com 3. Printing screen shots makes it very easy to see how users interact and what their interactions create in terms of their experience. 打印出的屏幕截图很容易看出,用户如何交互,以及交互根据体验生成哪些。 www.ibm.com 4. Check for the different types of users you know for frequent login and count the number of groups they belong to . 检查您所知的经常登录的用户的类型,并计算他们所属的组的数量。 www.bing.com 5. The new software will not be backwards-compatible, meaning HD2 users shouldn't expect to be able to run it or applications written for it. 新的系统不具有向后的兼容性,这意味着HD2的用户无法运行将来为windows7所写的应用程序。 www.bing.com 6. I said the value is approximately the square of the number of users. 我说过价值大约是用户数量的平方。 www.ecocn.org 7. Another piece of feedback we heard from users about the formula bar was that the name box was not big enough to display long range names. 还有一个关于编辑栏的反馈信息。原有的名称框太小,不够用来显示长名称。 www.ipshade.org 8. Like Yahoo News, HuffPo is trying to win web users with a mix of high-value and community-created content. 和雅虎新闻网一样,《赫芬顿邮报》试图通过增加与社区相关的高价值内容,赢得网络用户的青睐。 dongxi.net 9. New security features were found to be unreliable and likely to lull naive users into a false sense of security. 新的安全性能并不可靠,似乎只是暂时的给天真的用户以一种错误的安全感。 www.bing.com 10. And as long as you can scale to handle larger number of users its ok to have multiple single points of failures as well. 只要你能处理更大规模的用户,即使是存在多个单点故障也没有问题。 www.bing.com 1. I said the value is approximately the square of the number of users. 我说过价值大约是用户数量的平方。 www.ecocn.org 2. Another piece of feedback we heard from users about the formula bar was that the name box was not big enough to display long range names. 还有一个关于编辑栏的反馈信息。原有的名称框太小,不够用来显示长名称。 www.ipshade.org 3. Like Yahoo News, HuffPo is trying to win web users with a mix of high-value and community-created content. 和雅虎新闻网一样,《赫芬顿邮报》试图通过增加与社区相关的高价值内容,赢得网络用户的青睐。 dongxi.net 4. New security features were found to be unreliable and likely to lull naive users into a false sense of security. 新的安全性能并不可靠,似乎只是暂时的给天真的用户以一种错误的安全感。 www.bing.com 5. And as long as you can scale to handle larger number of users its ok to have multiple single points of failures as well. 只要你能处理更大规模的用户,即使是存在多个单点故障也没有问题。 www.bing.com 6. To work with roles, you must be able to identify users in your application so that you can determine whether the user is in a specific role. 若要使用角色,必须能够识别应用程序中的用户,以便可以确定用户是否属于特定角色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Workflows can be either for collaboration among different users or to compose bigger operations out of the existing operations. 工艺流程可以在不同用户之间合作,也可以结合在现有操纵以外的更大型的操控。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Language should be clear, easy to read, and appropriate for intended users. 使用的语言应该是明确的、便于阅读的并且适合目标用户的。 www.who.int 9. First, he said, it has to "pass a test" with "serious users" - by which he means academics and computational users. 他说,Wolfram|Alpha首先要获得“专业用户”的考验——学术和专业计算的用户。 www.bing.com 10. Full performance characterization, to many more users than planned, will tell you how much margin is built into your platform configuration. 对于许多用户数超过计划的情况,详细的性能描述将使您了解配置平台的容纳范围有多大。 www.ibm.com 1. To work with roles, you must be able to identify users in your application so that you can determine whether the user is in a specific role. 若要使用角色,必须能够识别应用程序中的用户,以便可以确定用户是否属于特定角色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Workflows can be either for collaboration among different users or to compose bigger operations out of the existing operations. 工艺流程可以在不同用户之间合作,也可以结合在现有操纵以外的更大型的操控。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Language should be clear, easy to read, and appropriate for intended users. 使用的语言应该是明确的、便于阅读的并且适合目标用户的。 www.who.int 4. First, he said, it has to "pass a test" with "serious users" - by which he means academics and computational users. 他说,Wolfram|Alpha首先要获得“专业用户”的考验——学术和专业计算的用户。 www.bing.com 5. Full performance characterization, to many more users than planned, will tell you how much margin is built into your platform configuration. 对于许多用户数超过计划的情况,详细的性能描述将使您了解配置平台的容纳范围有多大。 www.ibm.com 6. If users are not allowed to access a document, should they be able to see the document's associated tags when they explore the tag space? 如果不允许某些用户访问某个文档,那么当他们使用标记空间时,是否应该允许他们看到与这个文档相关联的标记呢? www.ibm.com 7. Most of the improvements from users are ones that I would have never imagined on my own, and a few are almost shocking in their insight. 用户提出的大多数改进意见仅凭我自己是永远也想象不到的,并且有些改进意见具有非凡的见解。 www.ibm.com 8. In computer security, a denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intend users. 在计算机安全方面,拒绝服务攻击(Dos攻击)是指试图用户无法使用计算机资源的攻击。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. It's known around the world as the king of editors, but many users find it has a bit of a learning curve. 它是世界公认的编辑器之王,但许多用户发现它学起来需要一定的过程。 www.ibm.com 10. The need to understand and formally describe the identified users of the system(s) comes out of the experience. 理解并形式化地描述系统所确定的用户的需求出自于经验。 www.ibm.com 1. Most of the improvements from users are ones that I would have never imagined on my own, and a few are almost shocking in their insight. 用户提出的大多数改进意见仅凭我自己是永远也想象不到的,并且有些改进意见具有非凡的见解。 www.ibm.com 2. In computer security, a denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intend users. 在计算机安全方面,拒绝服务攻击(Dos攻击)是指试图用户无法使用计算机资源的攻击。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. It's known around the world as the king of editors, but many users find it has a bit of a learning curve. 它是世界公认的编辑器之王,但许多用户发现它学起来需要一定的过程。 www.ibm.com 4. The need to understand and formally describe the identified users of the system(s) comes out of the experience. 理解并形式化地描述系统所确定的用户的需求出自于经验。 www.ibm.com 5. Industry analysts said the practice leads some of China's more educated and experienced urban Internet users away from Baidu. 业内分析师表示,这种做法导致中国受教育程度更高,经验更丰富的城市互联网用户远离了百度。 www.bing.com 6. Users see a pop-up box stating "This message type cannot be recalled" if they attempt to recall a Calendar or To Do item. 如果尝试收回Calendar或ToDo消息,用户会看到一个显示“Thismessagetypecannotberecalled(该消息类型不能被收回)”的弹出框。 www.ibm.com 7. The company indexes the Internet for a huge portion of its users, effectively controlling how people seek and receive information. 谷歌因大量用户而在互联网中排在第一,有效地控制着人们搜索和获取信息的方式。 www.bing.com 8. Users must also be able to connect their choice of devices that are legal and do not harm the network. 用户也必须能够连接其选择的合法设施,并且用户不得损害网络。 www.unsv.com 9. Don't add users to your mailing list because you think they won't complain; wait for them to ask. 不要因为您自以为用户不会反对,而随意将用户加入您的邮寄列表;要等待他们主动要求。 www.ibm.com 10. As flawed as it is, the user interface to the file system is at least familiar to most end-users. 尽管有缺陷,但文件系统的用户界面至少是多数最终用户所熟悉的。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Users must also be able to connect their choice of devices that are legal and do not harm the network. 用户也必须能够连接其选择的合法设施,并且用户不得损害网络。 www.unsv.com 2. Don't add users to your mailing list because you think they won't complain; wait for them to ask. 不要因为您自以为用户不会反对,而随意将用户加入您的邮寄列表;要等待他们主动要求。 www.ibm.com 3. As flawed as it is, the user interface to the file system is at least familiar to most end-users. 尽管有缺陷,但文件系统的用户界面至少是多数最终用户所熟悉的。 www-128.ibm.com 4. This is often harder to scale because of the dynamic nature of users. 由于用户的动态特性,这通常难以定量。 www.ibm.com 5. She did know not the nitty- gritty details of the problems being experienced by their technicians, the actual users of the software. 她不知道他们的技术人员,这个软件的实际用户正面临的问题的本质细节。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Few systems are so intuitively easy to use that their users do not require some training. 只有非常少的系统是如此地直观和简单,以至于它们的用户不需要培训就能够使用。 www.ibm.com 7. Users need to be able to offer their services, source other services, and barter for services with one another. 用户需要能够提供服务,彼此的服务,来源等服务,并以物易物。 www.bing.com 8. Secondly, a balanced relationship between right holders and users was and always had been a fundamental element in any copyright regime. 第二,权利持有人同用户之间的平衡关系一直是任何版权制度的基本内容。 www.wipo.int 9. NOTE For convenience, all the different users of this International Standard are referred to by the general term "organization" . 为方便起见,本国际标准提到的所有不同的用户通用术语为“组织”。 www.zhaolv.net 10. Automating your documentation's generation will help you keep it up to date and thereby make it more useful for your software's users. 自动化生成文档便可以解决这两个问题,它可以保持文档的时效性,从而使它对您的软件用户更加有用。 www.ibm.com 1. Secondly, a balanced relationship between right holders and users was and always had been a fundamental element in any copyright regime. 第二,权利持有人同用户之间的平衡关系一直是任何版权制度的基本内容。 www.wipo.int 2. NOTE For convenience, all the different users of this International Standard are referred to by the general term "organization" . 为方便起见,本国际标准提到的所有不同的用户通用术语为“组织”。 www.zhaolv.net 3. Automating your documentation's generation will help you keep it up to date and thereby make it more useful for your software's users. 自动化生成文档便可以解决这两个问题,它可以保持文档的时效性,从而使它对您的软件用户更加有用。 www.ibm.com 4. Ajax development is an exciting opportunity for you to create new and innovative approaches for delivering content to your users. Ajax开发为您创建新的创新方法以便将内容提交给用户提供了很好的机会。 www.ibm.com 5. Without even knowing what was involved in registration, all the users that clicked on the button did so with a sense of despair. 所有点击了“注册”按钮的用户在这么做时都带着一种绝望的感觉,他们甚至都不知道为什么要注册。 www.bing.com 6. When using a computer running Microsoft Windows NT 4. 0 Or later, it might be possible for two or more users to share the temp directory. 如果所使用的计算机运行的是MicrosoftWindowsNT4.0或更高版本,则有可能会有两个或更多用户共享临时目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Hereafter, whenever users log in and try to create workspaces, they will be able to see these changes by default. 此后,无论何时用户登陆并试图创建工作空间时,他们将都能够看到默认的这些变更。 www.ibm.com 8. The staff observed fairly quickly that users became bored and frustrated when they were only able to upload one photo at a time. 运营团队相对较快的发现了当用户只能每次上传一张图片的时候,他们很快就会变得无聊和沮丧。 www.bing.com 9. And I think Linux is definitely very close to reaching that magic tipping point where it will be easy to use for all levels of users. 而且Linux的设计使之非常接近一个临界点,过了这个临界点,Linux就可以被各种层次的用户方便的使用。 www.bing.com 10. Another key aspect was the potential to ramp up the scalability as the number of concurrent users started to increase. 另一个关键因素是,随着并发用户数量的增加,可能需要很高的可伸缩性。 www.ibm.com 1. The staff observed fairly quickly that users became bored and frustrated when they were only able to upload one photo at a time. 运营团队相对较快的发现了当用户只能每次上传一张图片的时候,他们很快就会变得无聊和沮丧。 www.bing.com 2. And I think Linux is definitely very close to reaching that magic tipping point where it will be easy to use for all levels of users. 而且Linux的设计使之非常接近一个临界点,过了这个临界点,Linux就可以被各种层次的用户方便的使用。 www.bing.com 3. Counting on even a reasonable percentage of your users' machines to have the same fonts as you do is a bad idea. 别指望用户机器当中有“相当比例的机器”使用与您相同的字体。 www.ibm.com 4. Another key aspect was the potential to ramp up the scalability as the number of concurrent users started to increase. 另一个关键因素是,随着并发用户数量的增加,可能需要很高的可伸缩性。 www.ibm.com 5. Since the service is free, SK Communications did not retain financial information of its users in most cases. 由于该网站服务免费,因此SK通讯在多数情况下没有留存用户的财务信息。 cn.wsj.com 6. I point out to Stewart that his isn't a new idea: there used to be a little booklet giving London Underground users the same information. 我向他指出,他的想法不算新了:过去有一些分发给伦敦地铁乘客的小册子是介绍相同信息的。 www.bing.com 7. The easy to use product, allows users to quickly assemble business applications and reduce the overall costs of user interface design. 该产品的易用性使得用户能够快速组合业务应用程序,减少用户界面设计的总体成本。 www.ibm.com 8. Because certain information about users is often identified through business analysis, you can make use of it to create personas. 你可以利用在商业分析报告中获得的用户信息,来创建“人物角色”。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The company also noted that the number of users who would be "likely to recommend" Bing to others doubled in June. 公司也注意到“愿意向其他人推荐”比应的用户数字在6月翻了一番。 www.bing.com 10. But it wasn't able to leverage those offerings with the relative smattering of users it had. 它无法平衡那些支出和相对一知半解的已有用户的关系。 www.bing.com |
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