单词 | version control |
释义 | 例句释义: 版本控制,版本管理,版本控管,版本控制参数,版本管理工具 1. You can now enable Team Foundation version control to retrieve the latest version of a file automatically when you check it out. 现在可以启用TeamFoundation版本控制以便在签出时自动检索最新版本的文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Otherwise, by default, all the children of the version control folder are recursively mapped to the local workspace. 否则,在默认情况下,版本控制文件夹的所有子级都将以递归方式映射到本地工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. There was no integrated version control system, and the Groove environment was completely detached from our development tools. 它居然没有完整版本的控制系统,Groove的环境与我们的开发工具完全是分离的。 www.ibm.com 4. It's easy to pull a report from version control so audit can verify that changes were authorized. 这样就很容易从版本控制工具中得到报表,从而审计会认为这些变更是被授权了的。 www.infoq.com 5. They also appear to be using comments as a form of version control system, which is a bit bizarre. 他们似乎很奇怪的把注释当作某种版本控制系统的形式在使用。 weiqi.eefocus.com 6. If later you decide you needed it after all, the version control system will have it safe and sound for you to recover. 要是后来你又最终决定用了,版本控制系统会将其完好无损的还给你。 kb.cnblogs.com 7. You can configure Team Foundation version control to get the latest version of a file when you check it out. 您可以配置TeamFoundation版本控制,以便在您签出文件时获取文件的最新版本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Was this the beginning of Rational's belief in version control, or other concepts ancillary to the code lifecycle? 这是Rational对版本控制的信心,或编码生命周期的其他辅助概念的开端吗? www.ibm.com 9. GIT is one of the newest tools available for version control and was initially created by Linus Torvalds. GIT是用于版本控制的最新工具之一,它最初是由LinusTorvalds创建的。 www.ibm.com 10. For internal projects, dependent JAR files should be managed under version control and checked out to a well-known location. 对于内部项目,相关的JAR文件都应在版本控制系统的管理中,并捡出(checkout)到大家都知道的位置。 blog.163.com 1. Rational Data Architect can be integrated with it for data model version control and team development. 可以将其与RationalDataArchitect集成,以进行数据模型版本控制和团队开发。 www.ibm.com 2. You must check it in to version control and manage the file as you would any other shared project asset. 必须将此文件签入版本控制,并像管理任何其他共享项目资产一样管理该文件。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Before the build agent can do this work, it downloads the files from folders on your version control server into a local working directory. 生成代理应先从版本控制服务器上的文件夹中将文件下载到本地工作目录,然后才能做到这一点。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Much better to ask the version control system to ignore those generated files, and just regenerate them whenever they are needed. 比较好的做法是让版本控制系统忽略这些衍生文件,需要的时候再生成就是了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Back when Visual SourceSafe was the de facto version control for Windows developers, remote access was a major problem. 回到VisualSourceSafe仍是Windows开发者的实际版本控制的时期,远程访问是其主要的问题。 www.infoq.com 6. Version Control is a means to systematically track the history of a piece of software as it is being developed. 版本控制是一种在开发的过程中对软件开发的历史系统地跟踪的方法。 kb.cnblogs.com 7. Describes how you create an offline representation of a database schema in a database project and add it to version control. 描述如何在资料库专案中建立资料库结构描述的离线表示,并加入至版本控制。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Requirements management tools, source code management, and version control software have had good support for multiple users for years. 需求管理工具、源代码管理和版本控制软件对多用户的支持已经有很多年了。 www.ibm.com 9. If you mean it as a backup and an opportunity to return to the old state, remember that the version control system does that better. 如果你是想有一个备份用来恢复,那么记住版本控制系统做这个更加在行。 kb.cnblogs.com 10. He used version control on the text of the book itself, or more properly on the "macros" he and Hogan used to generate the text. 他将版本控制用于书籍本身的文本,或者更确切地说,是用于他和Hogan用来生成文本的“宏”。 www.ibm.com 1. Most version control systems include the notion of a repository that stores a collection of files and versions of those files. 大多数版本控制系统包括存储库的概念,存储库是文件和这些文件版本的集合。 www-128.ibm.com 2. This also facilitates version control of artifacts (including results), which will prevent problems with out-of-date or invalid information. 这也促进了工件(包括工作)的版本控制,避免出现过时或无效信息的问题。 www.ibm.com 3. Much of the discussion around distributed version control has focused on a central server no longer being required. 围绕分布式版本控制的争论主要集中在不再需要的中心服务器。 www.ibm.com 4. The xml file for updating the portlet should be included with the portlet and can be saves as part of the version control. 用于更新Portlet的xml文件应随Portlet一起提供,可以作为版本控制的一部分进行保存。 www.ibm.com 5. For a large organization, you may have hundreds of copies of the same Utility JAR file throughout the version control system. 对于一个大的组织来说,在整个版本控制系统中,您可能有同一个UtilityJAR文件的几百个复本。 www.ibm.com 6. You can choose to map only the immediate children of a version control folder to a local workspace. 您可以选择仅将某个版本控制文件夹的直属子级映射到本地工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. In the same way, version control enables you to take programming risks that you would never otherwise consider. 同样,版本控制使您有能力去冒以往想都不敢想的风险。 www.ibm.com 8. Using either approach, you do not have the rich history capabilities available with a version control system. 不管使用何种方法,都不能像版本控制系统那样提供丰富的历史特性。 www.ibm.com 9. Part 2: Jaya's changes are complete and she is ready to share the project by adding it to the version control system. 第2部分:Jaya的更改已完成,她已准备好将其添加到版本控制系统来共享项目。 www.ibm.com 10. All code had to be reviewed before it was checked into the team's version control software. 在检入到团队的版本控制软件之前,所有的代码都必须进行评审。 www.ibm.com 1. Without version control, you would have to be much more cautious, move more slowly, and generally be less productive. 如果没有版本控制,您必须极为慎之又慎,缓慢地推进,总而言之,生产力会更低。 www.ibm.com 2. This configuration results in the build agent downloading all the files in the version control folder of your team project. 此配置会导致生成代理下载团队项目的版本控制文件夹中的所有文件。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Put this file under version control, too, to help collaborators avoid adding spurious files to the repository. 把这个文件也置于版本控制之下,这有助于避免合作者在存储库中添加伪造的文件。 www.ibm.com 4. Read on to see how to add Subversion support to Eclipse and how to perform basic version-control activities from the IDE. 继续阅读本文,了解如何向Eclipse添加Subversion支持,以及如何通过IDE执行基本的版本控制活动。 www.ibm.com 5. Numerous changes have been made to improve the integration of supported version control systems. 本软件经过了大量修改,以改善支持版本管理系统的集成性。 www.wangqian.com.cn 6. Git is a decentralized version-control software, which can be used to keep GIMP code on the main repository. Git是一个分散的版本控制软件,可用于将GIMP代码保持在主知识库上。 www.ibm.com 7. You can check your new project in to a version control system of your choice, and share your project with other developers. 可以将这个新项目登记到自己选择的一个版本控制系统中,并与其他开发人员共享这个项目。 www.ibm.com 8. One of the oldest version-control packages around is the Concurrent Versioning System (CVS). ConcurrentVersioningSystem(CVS)是最早的版本控制包之一。 www.ibm.com 9. This contributes to a closed loop control system, the Steering controller version control position of the paper. 这样不离变成一个闭环把持编制,导向把持器版把持纸弛的横向场所。 www.bing.com 10. Most plug-ins do not need to interact with the team support component unless they provide version control services. 大多数插件都不需要与团队支持组件交互,除非它们提供版本控制服务。 www.ibm.com 1. Also, version-control software like Subversion (SVN) can be used to control changes to configuration files. 而且,像Subversion(SVN)这样的版本控制软件可用来控制对配置文件的更改。 www.ibm.com 2. The key is to have some form of version control and access management to the architecture structure. 关键是要对体系结构的结构采用某种形式的版本控制和访问管理。 www.ibm.com 3. Solution: Create a build script and commit it into a version control repository. 解决方案:创建构建脚本,并将脚本提交到版本控制库。 www.ibm.com 4. Dubbed source control (or version control), this software records each and every revision made to the application. 这种软件称为源代码控制(或版本控制)系统,它们记录对应用程序所做的每次修订。 www.ibm.com 5. Displays help on the command line that contains information about syntax for a Team Foundation version control command. 显示有关某个命令行的帮助,该帮助包含TeamFoundation版本控制命令的语法的相关信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This release brings the Largefiles Extension, a way of bringing centralised data storage to an otherwise distributed version control system. 本次发布带来了Largefile插件——一种将集中式数据存储带入迥异的分布式版本管理系统的方式。 www.infoq.com 7. You won't necessarily run every test defined with every source change applied to your version control repository. 在将每个源变更应用到版本控制库中时,不必运行每个定义的测试。 www.ibm.com 8. Provides information about workspaces that are used to store and manage local copies of version control files and folders. 提供工作区的相关资讯,这些工作区是用来储存和管理版本控制档案与资料夹的本机复本。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Anything 'baselined' should be under version control in configuration management and 'frozen', i. e. no changes to that version are allowed. 所有被设为基线的产品都应在配置管理中对之进行版本控制并对之进行“冻结”,即:不允许对其进行改动。 www.fane.cn 10. Solution: The team uses an integration build machine that runs a build with every change committed to a version control repository. 解决方案:团队使用集成构建计算机,在该计算机上对提交给版本控制库的每个修改运行构建。 www.ibm.com 1. Share a set of local working files together with another developer or tester without checking in your changes to the version control server. 在不将您的更改签入到版本控制服务器的情况下,与其他开发人员或测试人员共享一组本地工作文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. With version control, you can return to any point in the file history and recover the file as it existed at that point. 使用版本控制,您可以返回到文件历史的任何点并恢复存在于那个点的文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Using either the or empty element, each project must specify the version-control tool that should be used to update its source tree. 利用或空元素,每个项目必须指定自己用来更新源树的版本控制工具。 www.ibm.com 4. Placing all dependent projects (JAR files) in a directory that's checked into the project's version-control repository. 将全部有依赖关系的项目(JAR文件)放在一个目录中,此目录将签入项目的版本控制存储库。 www.ibm.com 5. Share spreadsheets broadly while better protecting proprietary information and maintaining version control. 广泛共享电子表格,同时更好地保护专有信息并维护版本控制。 office.microsoft.com 6. If the file that contains those references is under version control, that file is checked out as part of the refactoring operation. 如果包含那些参考的档案已受版本控制,在重构作业的过程中会将该档案签出。 msdn.microsoft.com 7. Modifies the user access control list (ACL) and displays authorization settings for an item under version control . 修改用户访问控制列表(ACL)并显示受版本控制的项的授权设置。 www.bing.com 8. The date dimension allows work items, builds, tests, and version control changes to be summarized by date. 使用日期维度,可以按日期对工作项、生成、测试和版本控制更改进行汇总。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Git: Git is a popular version control system and is used to coordinate development on the Linux kernel, among other substantial projects. Git:Git是一个流行的版本控制系统,Linux内核和其他重要项目使用它进行开发协作。 www.ibm.com 10. Using Optim Database Administrator with a version control system provides a compelling resource to manage your business needs. 结合使用版本控制系统和OptimDatabaseAdministrator可以为管理业务需求提供可靠的资源。 www.ibm.com 1. Typically you will deploy your changes to your isolated development environment to test them before you check them in to version control. 通常会将更改部署到独立开发环境以测试这些更改,然后再将其签入版本控制。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The first time that you add a project to version control, Team Foundation version control creates a workspace for you. 首次将项目添加到版本控制中时,TeamFoundation版本控制将为您创建一个工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Handling changes, managing version control, upgrading designs, and fixing problems all require a tremendous amount of effort. 处理变更、管理版本控制、更新设计和修复问题都需要付出大量的努力。 www.ibm.com 4. After changes have been tested, team members share changes through the version control system. 在测试变更之后,小组成员可以透过版本控制系统共用变更。 technet.microsoft.com 5. ClearCase stores artifacts under version control in a secure repository called a Versioned Object Base (VOB). ClearCase在一个名为VersionedObjectBase(VOB)的安全存储库中存储被版本控制地的工件。 www.ibm.com 6. a second map database is arranged and is connected with the map version control module and the second communicating module. 第二地图*库,与所述地图版本控制模块和所述第二通信模块相连接。 www.bing.com 7. Why are the main differences between DVCS and centralized version control systems? DVCS和集中式版本控制系统的主要差异 www.ibm.com 8. It adds views as necessary to allow the user to interact with whatever version control system (if any) is being used. 它根据需要添加视图,以允许用户与所使用的任何版本控制系统(如果有的话)交互。 www.ibm.com 9. Describes the procedure used to view version control file and folder properties. 介绍用于查看版本控制文件和文件夹属性的过程。 technet.microsoft.com 10. It handles version control and allows for visual comparison between versions, as well as comments on version updates. 它可进行版本控制,允许版本间的视觉比较,以及版本更新的评注。 www.bing.com 1. Finally, Team Foundation version control generates an e-mail notification to all team members who want check-in notifications. 最后,TeamFoundation版本控制将为所有需要签入通知的团队成员生成电子邮件通知。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. You can test your changes in isolation before you check them in to version control to share them with your team. 您可以先分开测试变更,然后再将变更签入版本控制中,以便与小组共用。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Git is a distributed version control system, originally written by Linus Torvalds to manage the source code of the Linux kernel. Git是一个分布式的版本控制系统,最初由LinusTorvalds编写,用作Linux内核代码的管理。 www.infoq.com 4. Physically separate the source code and version control it as an independent entity. 将它们从源码和版本控制中分离出来,作为一个独立的实体。 www.infoq.com 5. Every time a team member commits modifications to a version control repository, the code has changed. 每当团队成员向版本控制存储库提交更改时,代码就会发生改变。 www.ibm.com 6. Once a change is deployed, the resources are usually committed to the version control system and tagged or labeled. 部署变更之后,资源通常被提交到版本控制系统,并被赋予一个标记或标签。 www.ibm.com 7. The daily build is generated by synchronizing to the most recent tested version of the database project in the version control system. 每日版本是通过与数据库项目在版本控制系统中的最新测试版本进行同步而生成的。 msdn.microsoft.com 8. The database administrators at Adventure Works Cycles use this information as part of their version control plan. AdventureWorksCycles的数据库管理员会在其版本控制计划使用此信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. What this means for Darcs as a version control system remains to be seen. 作为一个版本控制系统,GHC的离开对Darcs意味着什么呢? www.infoq.com 10. Non-Chinese technical documents (drawing, lists etc. ) process, including the translation, collation and the version control. 外来技术文件(图纸,明细表等)的处理,包括翻译、校对、版本控制等。 www.jjjobs.net 1. they form the fundamental unit of deployment, version control, reuse, activation scoping, and security permissions. 程序集构成了部署、版本控制、重复使用、激活范围控制和安全权限的基本单元。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Subversion: This popular version control system, published under an Apache-style license, offers a compelling replacement to CVS. Subversion:这个流行的版本控制系统在Apache风格的许可下发布,提供了引人注目的对CVS的替代。 www.ibm.com 3. Screen mockups are saved in XML format and can be easily stored under version control, compared and merged. 窗体原型以XML的格式保存,所以可以容易的进行版本控制,对比和合并。 www.bing.com 4. Enhanced version control capabilities including gated check-in, branch visualization and build workflow. 版本控制能力得到提高,包括受检签入、可视分支和构建工作流等; www.infoq.com 5. You learn that management had to insist that the interface definitions be checked into version control after the first code freeze. 你认识到在管理上必须坚持:在第一次代码冻结后必须审查接口定义,然后放入版本控制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. During its existence, Lynx has involved well over a hundred programmers, with full version control, and rubust testing and debugging. 在Lynx项目的生命周期内,有超过一百名程序员对其进行开发维护,全版本控制,健壮性测试和调试。 www.infoq.com 7. Subversion: This longstanding open source version control system is available for nearly every operating system. Subversion:这个历史很长的开放源码版本控制系统适用于几乎所有操作系统。 www.ibm.com 8. The version-control repository, which tracks all changes that any member of the team makes to the database project. 版本控制储存库,它跟踪任何团队成员对数据库项目所做的所有更改。 technet.microsoft.com 9. JetBrains also improved the experience for developers using distributed version control systems like Git or Mercurial. JetBrains还通过分布式版本控制系统(如Git或Mercurial)改进了开发者的体验。 www.infoq.com 10. Good understanding of best practice software engineering processes, e. g. version control, testing and release cycles. 具备软件工程知识,熟悉版本控制、测试和发布等流程。 www.wowotou.net 1. The team support component is responsible for providing support for version control and configuration management. 团队支持组件负责提供版本控制和配置管理支持。 www.ibm.com 2. When you are using a version control system, you need to put both files into the version control system. 当您在使用版本控制系统时,您需要将两个文件都放置到版本控制系统中。 www.ibm.com 3. Both workflow and version control are designed to foster collaboration in a team environment. 工作流和版本控制都设计为促进团队环境中的协作。 www.ibm.com 4. File type definitions let you customize the way the version control system handles files that have specific extensions. 使用文件类型定义,可以自定义版本控制系统对具有特定扩展名的文件的处理方式。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Remote Accelerator acts as a standard Team Foundation Server version control proxy. 远程加速器就像标准的TeamFoundationServer版本控制代理服务器一样。 www.infoq.com 6. Label: The version control marker associated with the specific file versions used by the build process. 标签:与建置流程所使用之特定档案版本相关联的版本控制标记。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Programmers (especially those who rely on version control) are a cautious bunch, and Subversion has been slow to catch on. 程序员(特别是那些依赖版本控制的程序员)是一个非常谨慎的群体,Subversion着实用了很长一段时间,才得到他们的广泛接受。 www.ibm.com 8. Corollary: If you have already started a project without version control, set it up and check it in right now. 推论:要是你已经开始了一个没有版本控制的项目,马上建立一个,并提交项目。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. That means looking at version control, wikis, and issue tracking as tools for collaboration. 这意味着把版本控制wiki和问题跟踪都看做是协作所需的工具。 www.bing.com 10. The Compare dialog box appears and the version control path to the folder you selected is in the Source Path box. 将出现“比较”对话框,而您选择的文件夹的版本控制路径显示在“源路径”框中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The two leading distributed version control systems are Git and Mercurial, with Darcs, Bzr and others much less widely used. 两个领先的分布式版本控制系统分别是Git和Mercurial,还有Darcs、Bzr和其他一些使用不太广泛的系统。 www.infoq.com 2. Programming with templates is, like using source version control and eating chocolate, highly addictive. 与使用源代码版本控制器及吃巧克力一样,使用模板进行编程很容易上瘾。 www-128.ibm.com 3. You check this file in to your version control system when you check in the other files that compose your database project. 在签入组成您的数据库项目的其他文件时,会将此文件签入您的版本控制系统中。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Add the project to version control and thereby create a local workspace where you can store, edit, and test your version-controlled files. 将该项目添加到版本控制,并就此创建一个本地工作区,版本控制文件将在其中进行存储、编辑和测试。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Depending on the implementation tool, this control is provided by a database, a file-control system, or a file version-control system. 根据实现工具的不同,此控制可由数据库、文件控制系统或文件版本控制系统提供。 www.ibm.com 6. To avoid surprises, delete and re-create your workspace after changing the version control interface. 为避免意外,在更改了版本控制界面后,请删除您的工作区,然后重新创建。 www.ibm.com 7. Then you submit all the pending changes to the version control server as a single unit. 然后将所有挂起的更改作为单个单元提交到版本控制服务器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Single folder mapping within a version control hierarchy is useful because it limits the number of items downloaded to the client computer. 版本控制层次结构中的单文件夹映射对下载到客户端计算机的项数进行了限制,因此它非常有用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Describes how to annotate a version control file to see who made changes and what changes they made in all previous versions of the file. 描述如何对版本控制文件进行批注,以查看在该文件所有以前的版本中谁做了哪些更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. When you install Application Developer, you will be prompted to select the version control interface that you want to use. 安装ApplicationDeveloper时,将提示您选择想使用的版本控制界面。 www.ibm.com 1. Describes how you can use database projects in combination with version control software to manage database change. 描述如何组合使用数据库项目和版本控制软件来管理数据库更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Version Control ensures that only one person at a time is making changes and archives the versions for reuse. 版本控制确保一次只有一个人进行更改和把版本存档以备再使用。 www.dianqi163.com 3. Make a rule that programmers perform an Ant build before checking new code into version control. 要建立一个程序员在将新代码提交版本控制系统前必须执行Ant构建文件的规则。 secyaher.blog.163.com 4. All content in the repository must be protected by some from of version control. 存储库中的所有内容都必须采用某种形式的版本控制加以保护。 www.ibm.com 5. Other quality control tools include version control and translator evaluation. 其他质量控制工具包括版本控制和译者评价。 www.bing.com 6. Your team can create and use branches in version control to optimize your application development strategy. 您的小组可以建立并使用版本控制中的分支,最佳化您的应用程式开发策略。 technet.microsoft.com 7. The changeset number is also a version number for the whole version control server at a specific date and time. 变更集编号也是整个版本控制服务器在特定日期和时间的版本号。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Version control systems, such as CVS or Subversion, are one of the standard tools used by development organizations. 诸如CVS或Subversion之类的版本控制系统是开发组织使用的一种标准工具。 blog.163.com 9. In the Pending Changes window dialog box, enter the comment "Adding new project to version control" in the Comment box. 在“挂起的更改”窗口对话框的“注释”对话框中输入注释“向版本控制添加新项目”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. This includes various version control icons that indicate status in Solution Explorer. 这包括在解决方案资源管理器中指示状态的各种版本控制图标。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. We have even seen customers manage all their requirements in spreadsheets and use CVS for version control. 我们甚至看到过客户在电子表格中管理他们的所有需求,并将CVS用于版本控制。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Even if a new version of the item exists on the server, Team Foundation version control does not get that version. 即使服务器上存在该项的新版本,TeamFoundation版本控制也不会获取该版本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. By forcing a rebuild, you help prevent workspace errors during version control or build operations. 通过强制重新生成,可防止在版本控制或生成操作期间发生工作区错误。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Version control is to programmers what the safety net is to a trapeze artist. 版本控制之于程序员,就好比安全网之于高空秋千表演者。 www.ibm.com 5. The human task role assignment is highly dynamic and requires version control. 人工任务角色分配是高度动态的且需要版本控制。 www.ibm.com 6. Concurrent Versions System. It is a widely used open-source, network-transparent version control system. CVS是一种广泛应用的,开源的,透明于网络的版本控制系统。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Maven approach reduces the JAR-file bloat that consumed most version-control repositories. Maven的方法减少了JAR文件膨胀的情况,不会占用大多数版本控制存储库。 www.ibm.com 8. When the set of tests is complete, you check those tests into version control to share them with the team. 在完成这组测试之后,可以将这些测试签入版本控制中,以便与团队中的其他成员共享这些测试。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCS) use a different structure. 分布式版本管理系统(DVCS)使用另一种不同的架构。 www.bing.com 10. Solution: A full integration build is run with every change to the version control repository. 解决方案:在版本控制库的每个修改上都要运行完整的集成构建。 www.ibm.com 1. If you click Latest Version, the branch is created for the latest version in version control. 如果单击“最新版本”,将为版本控制中的最新版本创建分支。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. After you declare your cross-database references, you can add the database project to version control. 声明跨数据库引用后,可以将数据库项目添加到版本控制中。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Once you commit the addition by performing a check-in, the solution is added to the version control server. 一旦通过执行签入提交了添加操作,解决方案即添加到版本控制服务器上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. In Team Foundation, you cannot add an item to the version control server in a single step. 在TeamFoundation中,不可只使用一个步骤就将某项添加到版本控制服务器中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Mercurial: Mercurial is another recent entrant in open source version control. Mercurial:Mercurial是最近出现的开放源码版本控制系统。 www.ibm.com 6. Ensure all engineering drawings are updated following change control system and have proper version control. 确保所有的工程图纸按照变更控制的流程进行更新并具有版本控制。 www.u3w.com 7. If you do not have access to a version control system, can you still use Optim Database Administrator? 如果没有版本控制系统,是否仍然可以使用OptimDatabaseAdministrator? www.ibm.com 8. Version control systems deployment. Perform roll-backs as required. 部署版本管理系统。需要时进行回溯操作。 www.lietou.com 9. Describes how to plan for a migration from Visual SourceSafe to Team Foundation version control. 介绍如何计划从VisualSourceSafe迁移到TeamFoundation版本控制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Generally, you need only one task to configure settings for version control. 通常,只需一个任务即可配置版本控制设置。 msdn.microsoft.com 1. For instance, Listing 1 demonstrates a CruiseControl script that polls a version control repository every two minutes. 例如,清单1演示的CruiseControl脚本每两分钟轮询一次版本控制库。 www.ibm.com 2. For these reasons, version control is an invaluable tool in the process of producing software, and it becomes even better if used well. 因此,版本控制在开发软件的过程中的作用是不可估量的,如果使用得当的话还会发挥更大的效力。 hszy00232.blog.163.com 3. Many developers and open source projects keep code under version control with Git and github. 许多开发人员和开放源码项目使用Git和github进行代码版本控制。 www.ibm.com 4. Most version control systems cannot store binary files as deltas, but Subversion can. 大多数版本控制系统不能将二进制文件存储为增量,但Subversion却可以。 www.ibm.com 5. Familiar with version control tools. Good Script skills and hands-on experience. 熟悉版本控制工具。良好的脚本编写技能,有实际操作经验。 www.jobui.com 6. This is notable as GHC used to use Darcs, a distributed version control system written in Haskell. 值得一提的是GHC曾经使用的是Darcs,一个由Haskell编写的分布式版本控制系统。 www.infoq.com 7. You can add projects and solutions to version control through Solution Explorer. 您可以通过“解决方案资源管理器”向版本控制添加项目和解决方案。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Increasingly, new projects are choosing Subversion for their version control needs, and old projects are migrating. 逐渐地,新项目也纷纷选择Subversion满足其版本控制需求,而老项目正在向Subversion移植。 www.ibm.com 9. Familiar with related EDA tools. Familiar with version control tools. 熟悉EDA相关工具。熟悉版本控制工具。 www.jobui.com 10. There's a lot of interesting things you don't see it that description: Git, version control, issue tracking, wikis, or website. 很多有趣的东西都没有出现在上面的句子里:Git版本控制问题跟踪wiki网站。 www.bing.com 1. Commit all pending changes in the local workspace to the version control server. 将本地工作区中的所有挂起的更改提交到版本控制服务器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. To remove access to Team Foundation version control files, you must belong to the Team Foundation Administrators group. 若要移除对TeamFoundation版本控制文件的访问权,您必须属于“TeamFoundationAdministrators”组。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Heroku handles everything, from version control and collaboration to auto-scaling (built on top of Amazon's EC2). Heroku会处理一切,从版本控制到自动伸缩的协作(基于Amazon的EC2之上)。 www.infoq.com 4. You can use version control in different ways to manage your database change projects. 可以以不同的方式使用版本控制来管理数据库变更项目。 www.ibm.com 5. Describes the settings contained in the version control web. Config file. 介绍版本控制web.config文件中包含的设置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The files and folders are copied to the version control server and are available for other team members to unshelve. 文件和文件夹将复制到版本控制服务器,其他团队成员可以对它们执行取消搁置操作。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Still, in this article, we will not focus on version control systems, as there are lots of great materials that cover this topic. 在本文中,我们将不会把重点放在版本控制系统上,因为这方面已经有很多相关的材料了。 blog.163.com 8. Generally, avoid storing build output in version control. 通常应避免在版本控制系统中存放构建输出品。 www.cnblogs.com 9. Before you can put a database schema under version control, you must create a database project. 在将数据库架构置于版本控制下之前,必须先创建数据库项目。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Of course, there are the common tools for coding, version control, and testing. 当然,其中有普通的编码,版本控制以及测试工具。 www.ibm.com 1. This approach has many names: configuration management, change management, source code control, library control, version control and so on. 这种方法有很多名称:配置管理、变更管理、源代码控制、库控制、版本控制等等。 www.ibm.com 2. Describes how to migrate source control bindings in Visual Studio from Visual SourceSafe to Team Foundation version control. 介绍如何将VisualStudio中的源代码管理绑定从VisualSourceSafe迁移到TeamFoundation版本控制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In traditional version control systems, there is a central repository that maintains all history. 传统的版本控制系统中有一个中心仓库,用于维护所有的版本历史。 www.bing.com 4. What's the best tool for this version control model? 该版本控制模型使用哪种工具最合适? www.infoq.com 5. Anywhere you can find people using computers to manage information that changes often, there is room for version control. 无论何处您可以发现人们使用计算机去管理那些经常变动的信息,那里都有使用版本控制的空间。 translations.launchpad.net 6. You can now specify local paths and store the build files in any location you specify in version control. 您现在可以指定本地路径,并且在版本控制中的任何指定位置存储生成文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. You should increase the build interval for remote projects to reduce the load on their version-control repositories. 可以提高远程项目的构建间隔,以减轻它们的版本控制仓库的负担。 www.ibm.com 8. Version control items can also be deleted from the command line. 也可以从命令行中删除版本控制项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Select the check box to display source control (version control) items after they are deleted. 选中用于在删除源代码管理(版本控制)项后显示这些项的复选框。 technet.microsoft.com 10. There are three core differences between DVCS over centralized version control systems. 在DVCS和集中式版本控制系统之间有三个关键差异。 www.ibm.com 1. You can also manage your changes without a formal version control system. 还可以在没有正式的版本控制系统的情况下管理变更。 www.ibm.com 2. Collaboration: This is indispensable in a team environment, so you need work flow and version control. 协作性(Collaboration):这是在开发小组环境中必不可少的部分,因此您需要工作流和版本控制。 www.ibm.com 3. This makes obvious sense when considering the level of control the developer has on version control. 考虑到开发商对版本控制的控制水平,这么做是很合理的。 www.ibm.com 4. The ignore file does not omit files already under version control; it omits only those not yet in the repository. 忽略文件并不排除已经置于版本控制之下的文件;它只排除存储库中还没有的文件。 www.ibm.com 5. This operation gets every version control item in the changeset. 此操作会获取变更集中的每个版本控制项。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The rules architect must create a strategy for version control. 规则架构师必须创建版本控制策略。 www.ibm.com 7. You can check your changes in to version control and then build and deploy your changes. 您可以将变更签入到版本控制中,然后建置及部署您的变更。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Any object that is part of the application can, and should, be part of the version control tool or process. 作为应用程序一部分的任何对象都可以、也应该成为版本控制工具或过程的一部分。 www.ibm.com 9. Explains how to synchronize your local workspace version control with the version control server. 解释如何将本地工作区版本控制与版本控制服务器同步。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Geronimo is a large project and uses an arsenal of version control and build tools. Geronimo是一个大型项目,使用了一大套版本控制和构建工具。 www-128.ibm.com 1. This is an indication to version control that the folder has been generated from other files in the project. 这样就告诉版本控制系统该文件夹是从项目中的其他文件生成的。 www.ibm.com 2. Add Non-Project or Non-Solution Files and Folders to Version Control. 向版本控制中添加非项目或非解决方案文件和文件夹。 technet.microsoft.com 3. If you have to authenticate against the version control system, make sure the client can handle . cvspass files. 如果必须对版本控制系统进行身份验证,请确保客户机可以处理.cvspass文件。 www.ibm.com 4. You can query for data about code and other files that are under version control by using the fact tables in the following illustration. 您可以使用下图中的事实资料表来查询受到版本控制之程式码和其他档案的相关资料。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Delete Files and Folders from Version Control. 从版本控制删除档案和资料夹。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Maintain version control on scripts. 维护脚本的版本控制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. This article describes one such situation in the How to use Optim Database Administrator without using a version control system section. 本文在如何在没有版本控制系统的情况下使用OptimDatabaseAdministrator小节对此进行了描述。 www.ibm.com 8. This paper describes an example of how to handle version control in an agile environment with multiple teams. 本文讲述了关于如何在敏捷的环境中与多个团队共同进行版本控制工作的实例。 www.infoq.com 9. The local history isn't a version-control replacement. 本地历史记录不能替代版本控制。 www.ibm.com 10. Each policy is named and subject to version control. 每个策略都被命名并归属到版本控制中。 www.ibm.com 1. Open a separate version control branch for each team. 为每一个小组开启个别的版本控制分支。 msdn.microsoft.com 2. Describes how to migrate from Visual SourceSafe to Team Foundation version control. 介绍如何从VisualSourceSafe迁移到TeamFoundation版本控制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. It requires beginner-level knowledge of Subversion and some general knowledge of version control systems. 需要具备初级Subversion知识和一些有关版本控制系统的一般知识。 www.ibm.com 4. Even the initial versions of IXRetail schemas should use some version-control mechanism. 甚至IXRetail模式的最初版本也应使用一些版本控制机制。 www.ibm.com 5. Describes how to remove access to a file under version control. 描述如何移除对版本控制下之档案的存取。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The following procedure demonstrates how to remove a file type extension associated with version control. 下面的过程演示如何移除与版本控制关联的文件类型扩展名。 technet.microsoft.com 7. You can use a formal or informal version control system. 可以使用正式的或非正式的版本控制系统。 www.ibm.com 8. You can link version control changesets and files to work items. 可以将版本控制变列集和文件链接到工作项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. If you have a large number of files in a single folder, performance might degrade, particularly if that folder is under version control. 如果单个文件夹中有大量文件,则性能可能会降低,当该文件夹处于版本控制下时尤其如此。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Figure 1 shows an example of comparing two versions of the same rule using the Subversion open source version control system with Eclipse. 图1显示了一个使用Subversion开源版本控制系统和Eclipse比较同一规则的两个版本的示例。 www.ibm.com 1. This walkthrough shows you how to branch, merge, and apply labels to version control items. 本演练演示如何对版本控制项分支、合并和应用标签。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Again you might wonder why you should put your development and Integration schemas under version control. 您可能再一次会想到,为什么要将开发与集成方案置于版本控制之下呢。 www.ibm.com 3. Traces authorization related components, such as version control's security manager. 跟踪授权相关的组件,例如:版本控制的安全管理器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Add the project to version control. 将项目添加到版本控制中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The bar sign tells you that a file or folder is ignored for version control purposes. 酒吧标志告诉你一个文件或文件夹的版本控制的目的忽视。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Next, you must use the Pending Changes window to check in your new solution files to version control. 随后,您必须使用“挂起的更改”窗口将新的解决方案文件签入版本控制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. For this article, we will use the term version control. 对于本文,我们使用的术语是版本控制。 www.ibm.com 8. Don't be shy about incorporating such changes, and use tools such as version control to avoid chaos. 这时应大胆将这些变化包含进来,并使用版本控制等工具来避免混乱。 www.ibm.com 9. Control document or data in DCC: prepare document list, label, version control and so on. 对文控室的存放文件的管理:清单,标识,版本确认等。 www.gao8dou.com 10. Subversion is a next-generation version control system that is intended to replace CVS. Subversion是下一代版本控制系统,它将替代CVS。 qref.sourceforge.net 1. The chapter "The version control pattern" describes an example of how to implement the mainline model. “版本控制模式”一节描述了一个如何实施主线模型的范例。 www.infoq.com 2. Any code that is worth checking into your version control system is worth inspecting. 任何值得提交到你的版本控制系统的代码都是值得复查的。 www-128.ibm.com 3. You are now notified that there are six resources that are not yet under version control. 现在,您会被告知有6个资源没有在版本控制之下。 www.ibm.com 4. In addition to project management features, Rational Team Concert can also maintain version control while governing the development process. 除了项目管理特性,RationalTeamConcert还可以在管理开发过程的同时维护版本控制。 www.ibm.com 5. For example, you can rename them to include a version or build number, or you can version control them along with your source code. 例如,你可以根据版本和构建号来重命名它们,或者连同你的源代码进行版本控制。 www.cnblogs.com 6. You will now be notified that there are six resources that are not yet under version control. 现在,您将被告知有六项资源不在版本控制范围内。 www.ibm.com 7. Then check in the resulting file into your version control system, such as ClearCase. 然后将结果得到的文件检入到您的版本控制系统中,例如ClearCase。 www.ibm.com 8. The tool is configured to run in the background and polls a version control repository, like CVS for example. 这个工具被配置成在后台运行,用于检索版本控制存储库,例如CVS。 www.ibm.com 9. Link a work item to a changeset or a file that is under version control. 将工作项链接到处于版本控制下的变更集或文件。 technet.microsoft.com 10. For starters, imagine that you have your project in the source code version control system, such as CVS. 对于初学者来说,设想一下,项目放在源代码版本控制系统中,例如CVS。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In addition to the buildfile, you should maintain third-party JAR files in version control. 除构建文件之外,你还应在版本控制中维护第三方JAR文件。 hctan.blog.163.com 2. For example, you can understand the test impact of code changes before you check them in to version control. 例如,您可以先了解测试的程式码变更影响,再将变更签入版本控制中。 technet.microsoft.com 3. For example, version control (CVS or Subversion) mark their configuration files as team private. 比如,版本控制(CVS或Subversion)将其配置文件标识为团队私有。 www.ibm.com 4. On the other hand, version control systems typically require less storage space than other types of file systems. 另一方面,与其它类型的文件系统相比,版本控制系统通常需要的存储空间更少。 www.ibm.com 5. For example, a Team Foundation Server version control system needs to support automatic transitions of work items at check-in time. 例如,TeamFoundationServer版本控制系统需要支持在签入时自动转换工作项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. An SOA governance tool should be integrated with a version control system [. . . ] 一个SOA治理工具应当与版本控制系统集成起来[…] www.infoq.com 7. Using Version Control Data to Evaluate the Impact of Software Tools: A Case Study of the Version Editor 用版本控制数据评价软件工具的影响:版本编辑器的实例研究 eleit.stlib.gd.cn 8. Figure 8 shows a protected version-control repository used to host files that only authorized people or systems should access 图8展示了一个受保护的版本控制储存库,它用于存放只有已授权人员或系统可以访问的文件 www.ibm.com 9. shared sourcing of files in an enterprise setting (which helps caching, and version control) 企业级设置中的文件共享资源(帮助缓存和版本管理) www.infoq.com 10. ChangeLog management tools which integrate with various version control providers 与各种版本控制提供程序集成的ChangeLog管理工具 www.ibm.com 1. Version control support that enables parallel development of test scripts and concurrent usage by geographically distributed teams 支持版本控制,这使得可以并行地开发测试脚本,并且可供分散在各个位置的分布式团队并发使用。 www.ibm.com 2. Research of a New Mechanism of Version Control and Prototype Design 一种新的版本控制机制的研究及原型设计 beta.ilib.cn 3. a map version control module is arranged and is connected with the second communicating module; 地图版本控制模块,与所述第二通信模块相连接; www.bing.com 4. Figure 1 illustrates the overall process of changing a database using Optim Database Administrator and a version control system 图1显示了使用OptimDatabaseAdministrator和版本控制系统更改一个数据库的总体过程 www.ibm.com 5. Timestamp-Based Materialized View Maintenance with Multi-Version Control 基于时间戳的实化视图多版本维护 www.ilib.cn 6. The relationship between Data Design Projects, databases, and version control DataDesignProjects、数据库与版本控制之间的关系 www.ibm.com 7. Basic Integration between Version-Control & Change-Tracking 在版本控制和变更追踪之间进行基本的迭代 www.infoq.com 8. Version control does give you some traceability, and that's a good thing. But 版本控制提供一些可追踪性,但很多情况下,那还不够。 www.bing.com 9. Say you have to add a feature to a project under version control. Here are the steps you should achieve to do so 假设你必须添加了一个特性至一个项目,且这个项目是受版本控制的,你差不多需要完成如下几个步骤 blog.163.com 10. Committing all files to a version-control repository 把所有文件提交给一个版本控制存储库 www.ibm.com 1. Version Control Web. Config File Settings in Team Foundation Server Components TeamFoundationServer组件中的版本控制Web.Config文件设置 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Research of hierarchy version control method aiming at time variance dimension 时变维度层次版本控制方法研究 www.ilib.cn 3. These check-in policies require the user to take actions when conducting a check in to version control; 这些签入原则会在执行版本控制的签入作业时,要求使用者采取一些动作。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Sally brings up the version control history log to find out who made these Sally打开版本控制的历史记录,开始寻找谁做了那些改动,及其修改原因。 www.bing.com 5. The application of automatic version control in practical projects 自动化版本控制在实际项目中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Description: 1. Responsible for the version control and management of software project; 职位描述:1、负责软件项目的版本控制和管理; www.job001.cn 7. Debian Reference - Version Control Systems Debian参考手册-系统版本控制 qref.sourceforge.net 8. Software version control tool familiarity 熟悉软件版本 forum.digitaltv.eetchina.com 9. Selecting tools for version control and installation 选择版本管理和安装的工具 blog.csdn.net 10. To configure Visual Studio to use Team Foundation version control 配置VisualStudio以使用TeamFoundation版本控制 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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