单词 | varicosity |
释义 |
复数:varicosities 例句释义: 静脉曲张,膨体,曲张体,念珠状曲张体 1. Three, can directly effect the stomach, esophagus venous blood flow, easy to make up the stomach, esophagus varicosity and rupture bleeding. 可直接影响胃、食道静脉的血流,易惹起胃底、食道静脉曲张和决裂出血。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. meanwhile calendula-extract could comfort tired muscle of legs, relax tight nerve, prevent varicosity , make legs comfortable and calming. 同时金盏花精华更能舒缓疲倦沉重的腿部肌肉,松弛绷紧的神经,预防静脉曲张,令腿部回复轻松舒缓。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It could alleviate muscle pain in legs, promote lymphokinesis, dredge venation, relieve and calm leg muscle, prevent varicosity . 能舒缓腿部肌肉、减少疼痛,促进淋巴循环,畅通经络,放松、镇静、舒缓腿部肌肉,预防静脉曲张。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Get online for long, you may feel dizziness, hand shows inflexible, waist carries ache on the back, give now limb oedema, varicosity even. 长时间上网,你可能会感到头晕、手指僵硬、腰背酸痛,甚至出现下肢水肿、静脉曲张。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Is the bounce socks that treats varicosity mixed in large hospital only is ability of big chemist's shop bought? 治疗静脉曲张的弹力袜只有在大医院和大药房才能买到吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Why should be the operation become after varicosity ? ? 为什么静脉曲张后要做手术?? dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Excuse me crus varicosity operation which kind of best? The fastest, the safest ? 请问小腿静脉曲张手术哪一种最好?最快,最安全? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Then, the cure effect of laser therapy in varicosity was estimated and the animal experiment was carried on. 以此为平台,预测静脉曲张激光疗法的疗效,同时在此指导下开展动物实验。 www.dictall.com 9. Can lower limbs varicosity medication restore health? 下肢静脉曲张可以药物治疗恢复健康吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The precaution with good what and remedial method does varicosity have? 静脉曲张有什么好的预防和治疗方法吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The prevention and the alleviation sheds the varicosity symptom. 预防和缓解褪部静脉曲张症状。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Who knows the healthy remedial method with good what varicosity has excuse me? 请问谁知道静脉曲张有什么好的健康的治疗方法吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 3. What drug treatment does varicosity use? 静脉曲张用什么药治疗? terms.shengwuquan.com 4. How prevent and to how prevent and treat varicosity ? 怎样预防和治疗静脉曲张?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Why can you get varicosity? What treats a method? 为什么会得静脉曲张?有什么治疗方法? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Got varicosity what to measure you can adopt to treat? 得了静脉曲张能采取什么措施来治疗呢?。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. Also, it can prevent old people from several diseases such as apoplexy, varicosity and etc. 同时,可预防中风及静脉曲张等多种老年疾病。 blog.163.com 8. study of cardia - fundus varicosity with ultrasonography 胃底静脉曲张的彩色多普勒超声探讨 www.ichacha.net 9. Relationship between Changes of Portal Hemodynamics and Esophageal Varicosity Bleeding in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis 肝硬化门静脉系统血流动力学变化与食管静脉曲张出血的关系 www.ilib.cn 10. The chief factor affecting short-term curative effect of the ossifying therapy to esophagus varicosity hemorrhage 影响食管静脉曲张出血硬化治疗近期疗效的主要因素 www.ilib.cn 1. A new type of pneumatic massage device treating lower limb varicosity and its clinical application 治疗下肢静脉曲张气动式按摩仪的研制及其临床应用 www.ichacha.net 2. Mechanism of varicosity treated by semiconductor laser intravenous irradiation 半导体激光血管内照射治疗静脉曲张的机理研究 www.ilib.cn 3. The diagnosis and treatment of the rarely etiological varicosity of the lower extremities 少见病因的下肢浅静脉曲张的诊治 www.ilib.cn 4. The NOS neurons mature, shape as same as host basal forebrain, varicosity regular, some neurons extend their process into hippocampus NOS神经元发育成熟,形态与宿主基底前脑的一样,膨体规则,部分突起延伸入海马 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 5. Endovascular laser for the treatment of great saphenous varicosity 腔内激光治疗大隐静脉曲张的疗效评价 www.ilib.cn 6. Clinical observation of Sandostatin curing bleeding with esophagus bursting by varicosity 善宁治疗食道静脉曲张破裂出血临床观察 www.ilib.cn 7. The expression and significance of cell apoptosis and apoptosis genes of varicosity in the lower extremities 细胞凋亡及凋亡相关基因在下肢静脉曲张中的表达及意义 www.ilib.cn 8. Plasma NO and ET levels in patients with cirrhosis: association with esophageal varicosity hemorrhage 血浆NO、ET水平和肝硬化食管静脉曲张出血相关性研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Stilamin combined Pituitary Disipidin for Oesophagus Fundus Ventriculi Varicosity Bleeding 施他宁联合垂体后叶素治疗食管胃底静脉曲张出血 www.ilib.cn 10. Curative effect of oesophagus varicosity splenic artery embolism combined ligation 食管静脉曲张脾动脉栓塞加套扎疗效分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Mucosal strengthening and hardening in treatment of closed varicosity veins of esophagus 黏膜层加固硬化疗法对食管曲张静脉闭塞再通的疗效 www.ilib.cn 2. Evaluation of the surgical approach for saphenous vein varicosity 大隐静脉曲张手术方法的探讨 www.ilib.cn 3. Small soma, big nucleus, less plasma, more process, irregular varicosity of NOS neuron NOS神经元细胞体小,核大,胞质少,突起较长,突起上膨体大小不规则 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 4. Electrocoagulation by microtraumatic catheter in treatment of varicosity of lower limb 微创导管电凝法治疗下肢静脉曲张 www.ilib.cn 5. A pneumatic massage device preventing lower limb varicosity 预防下肢静脉曲张新型气动式按摩仪 www.ilib.cn 6. Non-varicosity hemorrhage of upper digestive tract of Medicine drug treat 非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的内科药物治疗 www.pjcm.org 7. analysis on operation treatment of 200 cases of extremitas inferior ' s varicosity 保留五大分支手术治疗下肢静脉曲张200例分析 www.ichacha.net 8. 3 Cases of Esophagus Fundus Ventriculi Varicosity Combined Ligation 食道胃底曲张静脉联合套扎治疗3例 service.ilib.cn 9. 40 Cases of varicosity in lower limbs treated by local injection 局部注射治疗下肢静脉曲张40例 www.ilib.cn |
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