单词 | tu- |
释义 |
例句释义: 女子名,屠 1. And, teacher, the someone else still loathes to give up to leave you, you are ambitioning to give up I the Tu son of this lovely amiability? 且,师父,人家还舍不得离开你嘛,难道你舍得我这个乖巧可爱的徒儿吗? www.swty.net 2. Of course Tu Hsin Wu was very flexible and was known to be able to kick his opponent over his shoulders as they were attacking from behind. 当然,杜心五身体非常柔软灵活,众所周知他能用腿越过肩头踢到从背后攻击的对手。 tieba.baidu.com 3. A go-getting executive in a multinational company just a few years ago, Kevin Tu, 31, now lives just "one at a time, " as he puts it. Mr. 31岁的凯文涂几年前是一家跨国公司的管理人员,是个雄心勃勃的人,而今用他的话来说,日子就是“过一天算一天”。 www.common-talk.com 4. Some joists of the floor above did not back Tu cementing Primer, cement Man of moisture, damp floor, the floor will also bulging. 有的搁栅上面的地板背面没有涂封固底漆,水泥地的潮气漫上来,使地板受潮,也会使地板起拱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Tu Wei-yueh stared intently at Ah Hsiang, as if to make sure whether this young man was capable of assuming a heavy responsibility . 屠维岳对阿祥看了一会儿,好像要看准这个人能否担当重大的责任。 www.jukuu.com 6. Identify the contents, easy to install security use, coating convenience, Tu difficult after falling out of production and high efficiency. 识别内容多,便于安全安装使用,涂敷方便,涂后不易脱落,生产效率高。 zhishi.sohu.com 7. Line in the righteousness Chuang that thoughts of tonight, how much have a little Dan Tu. 想到今晚的义庄行,多少有点胆突。 cosoft.org.cn 8. As the saying goes, "water of the TU, when springs with reportedly" animal world like this, not to mention the people we are thinking of it! 俗话说得好,“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”,动物界尚且如此,何况我们有思想的人呢! enwaimao.cn 9. There is an old said: "The milk of the sheep have to kneel TU, A feed has meaning. " 古语说:“羊有跪乳之恩,鸦有反哺之义。” www.bing.com 10. Go get your kids and a couple giant tu of popcorn and let me know how awesome it is. . . I don't get out of work until five. 带上你的孩子、抱上两大桶爆米花去看电影吧,然后告诉我电影有多壮观……我要到五点才下班呢。 www.ttfacai.com 1. The truth: Although did not make up, but if Tu Fang basks in the word of the product, also need discharge makeup likewise actually. 真相:即使没有化妆,但如有涂防晒产品的话,其实亦同样需要卸妆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. TU stars (Han bead) is a simple, beautiful girl, when the six-year-old after his mother died, and father, living with his brother. 恩星(韩孝珠饰)是一个单纯、美丽的女孩子,六岁的时候母亲因病去世后,和父亲、弟弟生活在一起。 www.1wb.cn 3. Thank you for the upbringing of TU, I would also like to say Road, you have worked hard for that I thank you for running hard. 为的是感谢你们的养育之恩,我还要道一声,你们辛苦了,为的是感谢你们为了我奔波劳累。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Just as Confucius and Mencius are the sages of the Confucians, Tu Fu is called the sage of poets. 杜甫号称“诗圣”,乃诗国之圣人,恰似孔子、孟子,乃儒家之圣人。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. An inspector comes tu our school today. We do not want her to know it. 今天一个督察来我们学校,我们不想让她知道这件事。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The top of head look like the fire upwards flee in the ground of Tu Tu, river Zhi orchid heart the momentary wildly jump. 头顶处好像有火在突突地往上窜,江芷兰心脏一时间狂跳。 www.venustrain.com 7. It consisted of a Tu-95RC Bear D with its radar and a data-exchange system with aircraft and ship interfaces. 它包括图-95RC熊D和它上面的机载雷达系统,以及机-舰间的数据交换系统。 www.fyjs.cn 8. Tu Shihua. In 2000, the National Seminary experienced a second transplant to a larger place in Daxing, south-suburbs of Beijing. 2000年,全国神哲学院第二度的搬迁,移至北京南郊大兴县一处更广阔的校舍。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Xindelei white children is a life of debauchery, Tanbei night, along the casino industry veteran TU Xiao spent all the money left. 辛德雷是个生活放荡的纨袴子弟,日夜贪杯,出没赌场,把老恩萧留下的产业挥霍殆尽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. How many billion years after nature to build harmony, human only spent less than 100 years of time, the collapse of a Tu Nong Lege. 大自然经过多少亿年才建立起来的和谐,人类只用了不到一百年的时间,就弄了个一塌涂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I consider it a rare honor since, under the same cover, there are names of such great poets as Li Po and Tu Fu. 能同李白、杜甫这样伟大诗人的名字出现在同一个封面下,对我来说当然是一种难得的殊荣。 poetrysky.com 2. Jia Ding takes a look at Huang Tu, with a doubt shining in his eyes. 甲丁看了看黄兔,眼里闪出一丝疑惑。 q.sohu.com 3. Don't compare your life tu others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 不要拿自己的人生和别人比较,你根本不知道别人的生活是怎样过。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. After completion of application, the TU coating shall be allowed to cure overnight before final holiday testing or lowering-in. 在涂敷完毕后,应允许TU涂层在进行最终漏涂测试或表面凹陷检查之前固化一夜。 www.1x1y.com.cn 5. Good thing, how can we not talk about it? Friends now let alone a sense of the TU is not a sense of the. 好东西我们怎么能不提呢?现在别说感朋友恩了,就是父母恩都不感了。 www.tradeask.com 6. Ms Tu said the deal would probably allow Giant to export more upmarket bicycles to China. 杜秀珍表示,ECFA可能让该公司得以向大陆出口更多高端自行车。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I've written one poem in response to a Tu Fu poem about his overturn his wine glass, and his wood stove has grown cold, and he is bitter. 我写过一首呼应杜甫的诗,他的诗里头说,他把酒杯打翻,他烧木材的炉也冷了,他感到愤慨。 www.cssn.cn 8. Tu kids wall paintings, wall Carex nanella that the growth of moss, that? ? the wires, how would I expect to see and vector geometry. 墙上孩子涂的画,墙边那矮丛生长的苔藓,那“飞檐走壁”的电线,怎么看都会让我想到几何和向量。 www.bing.com 9. Anyhow the Tu Fu's former residence was a fine place to house. 总的评价是一个环境条件良好的居家处所。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. A spokesman for the regulator issued a strong denial of Mr Tu's remarks, saying that the vice-chairman "misspoke" . 证监会的一位发言人随后发表声明,强烈否认了屠光绍的说法,称他是“口误”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Chinese: In the leather making process, leather Tu Shi is together the very important working procedure, enjoys "the alchemy" the name. 在制革过程中,皮革涂饰是一道非常重要的工序,享有“点金术”之称。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. too genial, and Tu Wei-yueh suddenly felt uneasy. He was afraid this might be the prelude to an unpleasant scene. 这语气太温和了,屠维岳听了倒反不安起来,恐怕吴荪甫突然又变了态度。 www.jukuu.com 3. You were so nice , tu thing of US in such a thoughtful way , we hope this note will . 你真好,对美国的东西考虑周到,我们希望这张支票会。 www.bing.com 4. "The main question is why the Tu-134 did not start its landing on the runway but on the motorway, " a RussAir official told Interfax. “主要问题在于为什么这架图-134为什么不在跑道上降落,而是选择了高速路。”一位RussAir的人士对Interfax说。 www.bing.com 5. Tu: As you said just now, few people are really interested in classical Chinese literature now. 记者:正如您所说,现在真正对中国古典文学感兴趣的人并不多。 weilingcha.spaces.live.com 6. Mooncakes symbolize the gathering of friends and family and are an indispensable part of the offerings made to the Earth God, Tu Ti Kung. 月饼不仅象征着家人、朋友的团聚,也是献给土地神的一种祭品。 www.hjenglish.com 7. To save Zhao's orphan , Cheng Ying decided to present his own son instead to Tu Anjia . 为了救赵氏孤儿,程婴决定把自己的亲生儿子献给屠岸贾。 bnu.eduwuca.org 8. Although Confucianism is dominant in Tu Fu s thoughts, influences from Taoism and Buddhism are not to be neglected. 在杜甫的思想结构中,儒家思想处于主导地位,但道家、道教、佛家影响也不可忽略。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. No way was I going tu be caught up in the old ten dollars for thirty coupons scam. 谁也不会想到我曾为三十张券而骗过十美元。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. That, TU, give you one more chance if you are elected or to vote for unparalleled me? 那个,恩,如果再给你一次机会,你是选无双还是选我? zhidao.baidu.com 1. Wenzhou Fluid Equipment Co. , Ltd. TU far is a small number of the production of high-precision liquid equipment manufacturers. 温州远恩流体设备有限公司是国内少数生产高精度液体设备的厂家。 shop.ebdoor.com 2. "They think we have no character, " says Ms Tu, who attends public functions in full bike racing gear to increase brand visibility. 杜秀珍表示:“他们认为我们没有个性。”她会出席全套自行车比赛装备的公共集会,以提升品牌知名度。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Was bitten by mosquito, always be very urticant, tu Yao is not effective also, the reason with skin too big noxiousness? 被蚊子咬了,总是很痒,涂药也不起作用,是不是皮肤毒性太大的原因啊? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If you are a new way of life to enjoy, please join our ex-only club, we will provide you with a variety of benefits and privileges only TU. 如果您是新生活方式享受者,请加入我们的唯恩俱乐部,我们将提供给您各种唯恩优惠及各种特权。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The quality of urban housing is one of the biggest social problems China has today, says Prof Tu. 屠启宇称,城市居住品质是当今中国最严峻的社会问题之一。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Such is the case for the discovery by Youyou Tu and colleagues of artemisinin (also known as Qinghaosu) for treatment of malaria. 由屠呦呦和她的同事们一起研发的抗疟药物青蒿素就是这样的一个例子。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Tu said, contact lenses carry risks as well, including the possibility of serious infections. 屠医生也说,戴隐形眼镜也有风险,如可能会发生严重的感染。 www.bing.com 8. Getting tu know Italian style is to enter the heart of fashion. 意大利风格获得知道入心的时尚。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The enemy must've been using it to dig their tu els. 敌人一定是用生化战场激活码他来挖地洞。 www.51yue.net 10. When he sees Huang Tu, there's a softness in his eyes. 当他看到黄兔的时候,眼里闪出一丝柔情。 q.sohu.com 1. The Tu fire gun is to have never seen, but have never seen can tee off "Tu fire gun" of such power. 突火枪不是没见过,却没见过能打出如此威力的“突火枪”。 www.bazx.net.cn 2. Definition : A partition P of a database D is TST-hierarchical with respect to Tu iff DHG(P, Tu)is a transitive semi-tree. 定义:一个数据库D分区P是尖沙咀,就涂森林华赋层次性(P,图)是一个传递半树。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of food composition on the pharmacokinetics of oral TU. 本研究旨在探索食物成分对口服TU药代动力学的影响。 www.readfree.net 4. If it is a small crack in cracks at Tu-point egg, cracks can be bonded. 如果它是一个小裂纹裂缝在涂点鸡蛋,裂缝可以保税。 www.qiyeku.com 5. "Being a Taiwanese branded company means making the best products but cheaper than everybody else, " says Bonnie Tu, Giant vice-president. 捷安特集团副总裁杜秀珍(BonnieTu)表示:“做一个台湾品牌企业意味着要制造最好的产品,但要比其它任何人更便宜。” www.ftchinese.com 6. At the time, there were reports that Tu was killed after he threatened to expose alleged drug trafficking at the hotel. 当时,有消息称涂某因威胁要揭露在酒店里涉嫌的毒品贩卖交易而惨遭杀害。 www.elanso.com 7. A tract : Xin Jinqiao square pit was on the top of a subway tu el in use. 新金桥广场基坑围护结构位于正在运营的地铁隧道顶部。 www.52vpn.com 8. Plus, Tu is always singular. If you talk to more than one person, use vous. Tu永远是单数,如果你和多个人交谈要用vous。 www.bing.com 9. This product in indoor use, should be in the face of layer of the tu yi on blocker. 该产品在室内使用时,应该在面板上涂一层封闭剂即可。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Firecracker sound of an old addition, vase into the Su Tu. 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Let us understand their secret by Australian aboriginal art exhibition "Tu Di-Shen Ti" , and record our life by the same way! 让我们通过澳大利亚土著艺术展“土地-身体”来了解他们的秘密,并用同样的方法来记录我们的生活吧! event.mosh.cn 2. The eastern Rui likened her hand early an step, Tu of wrinkly afterward nostril, uncomfortable of unite the brows cheap Nan. 东方睿比她的手早了一步,突的皱了下鼻,不舒服的皱眉低喃着。 www.swty.net 3. With this idea in mind, Tu redesigned the extraction process, performing it at low temperatures with ether as the solvent. 有了这个想法,屠呦呦改进了提取工艺,使之可以在低温和乙醚溶剂中进行。 www.bing.com 4. But little nephew was not frightened at all, start to shout at the dog loudly: "TU TU TU" . 小侄子却一点也不害怕,扯起嗓子对着喊:“吐吐吐”。 newlandedu.com 5. Master files are stored electronically and are available tu all team members. Printed copies of the master files are for reference only. 正本文件以电子方式存储,并且抄送给本土团队中的所有人。打印的副本都是只供参考。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Green environmental protection aimed at TU to maximize meet customer needs and promote domestic technological and industrial progress. 绿恩环保的目的在于最大程度满足顾客的需求并能促进国内的技术与产业进步。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 7. My parents are all Hans, and I changed to Tu only to enjoy preferential policy on tertiary education. 我父母都是汉族,为了高考能享受优惠政策,才去民政局改成了土家族。 multipletext.com 8. "The blue jade has never allowed a person, can the age of Qie body seem and compare a Lang gentleman greatly ascend many. " Seem Tu. “蓝玉未曾许人,可妾身的年龄似乎要比郎君大上许多呢。”似乎突。 www.wlxtd.com 9. Why Huzhu Tu Nationality Autonomous County is called "the Rainbow Hometown" ? 互助土族之乡为什么被称做是“彩虹之乡”? blog.sina.com.cn 10. TU legitimate need to show the comfort of others, she suddenly appeared around a lot of men. 正当恩秀需要别人的安慰的时候,她的周围突然出现了很多男人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The repair of holidays or damaged areas which are discovered in the polyethylene pipe coating shall be made with approved TU products. 漏涂部位或在聚乙烯管涂层上发现的损坏区域的补修应使用经许可的TU产品。 www.1x1y.com.cn 2. Conclusion Higher death rate of circulation system disease, malignant tu. . . 结论汽车驾驶员循环系统疾病、恶性肿瘤、意外死亡偏高。 www.chemyq.com 3. "Most important about this discovery is TU-103's ability to produce butanol directly from cellulose, " said Mullin. “关于TU-103最重要的一点是,它能够从纤维素直接产生丁醇。”穆林说。 www.bing.com 4. I take pleasure in recommending to you Mr. Qian Tu who hopes to attend your university for postgraduates studies. 兹向您推荐希望进入贵校作研究生的钱途先生。 www.hotdic.com 5. The newly discovered strain can be used to make fuel from any source of cellulose, not just paper. TU-103 was discovered in animal feces. 这个新发现的菌株可以利用任何来源的纤维素,不只是纸。事实上这种微生物是从动物粪便里发现的。 www.bing.com 6. Tu Do not go too light gas oil wax the floors should be used at night naturally air-dry . 涂过轻油蜡的地板不要急着使用,应在晚间自然风干。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The synthesis and application of ordered mesoporous materials, including thin films, sphere-like, fiber-like, tu. . . 综述了具有薄膜、球体、纤维、管状、棒状等形貌的有序介孔材料的合成及应用。 www.chemyq.com 8. Since its launch in February, it has been hacked and flooded with pornography and Ms Tu herself has been doused in vitriol. 自2月份创办以来,该网站遭黑客攻击,淫秽色情泛滥;涂世友自己也遭到很多恶言攻击。 www.bing.com 9. Water color pen with her, one by one color to the fruits of Tu. 她带着水彩笔,一个一个地给果实涂颜色。 www.bing.com 10. "We could have done something much better on the Bund, " says Prof Tu. 屠启宇表示:“在外滩项目上,我们本可以做得漂亮得多。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Different sociocultural attitudes of the elderly reflects Tu will be different cultural identity. 不同的社会文化对老年人的不同态度,体现了不同的杜会文化特性。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. English used to have the singular form 'thou', which was often used in the intimate way like 'tu' or 'du'. 英文中之前有一个单数“thou”,是像“tu”“du”一样用于亲密的两人之间。 www.bing.com 3. Tu Mei, doctor, researcher, science of technical institute material and engineering department Master lay a teacher. 屠美,博士,研究员,理工学院材料科学与工程系硕士生导师。 www.ylsw.com 4. the tu nationality made their wedding clothes with the cloth of five colors which represented the sun , the earth , the crops and so forth. 土族的嫁衣用五色彩布制成,它们象征着阳光、大地、庄稼等许多美好的事物。 www.ichacha.net 5. CX: The underlying theme of the recent works is the five elements: jin mu shui huo tu (metal, wood, water, fire, and earth). 最近作品中所隐含的有五个因素:金、木、水、火、土。 ebook.artron.net 6. A Few Remarks for the Sculpture Exhibition "Huang TianHou Tu" 为“黄天厚土雕塑展”说几句话 service.ilib.cn 7. This paper summarizes that researches made by Japanese academia on the language culture of Tu minority lives in Chinese Gan-Qing area. 本文综述了日本学术界对我国甘青地区土族语言文化的研究情况。 www.dictall.com 8. But her determination wavered a bit when she got a call from Madame Tu . 但是在接到“杜夫人”的来电时,她的决定有点动摇。 www.bing.com 9. Mr Tu's statements are of course reasonable, and schools do have the responsibility of guaranteeing security. 涂记者的话当然有道理,学校确实有不可推卸的管理责任。 www.evisadiy.com 10. an iron fist in a velvet glove, " says designer Tu-Anh, co-founder and namesake of accessories line Tu-Anh. " “-铁腕在天鹅绒手套,说:”设计师涂映,共同创办人同名的配件线图-映。 was.christianlovedating.com 1. Mr Tu's statements are of course reasonable, and schools do have the responsibility of guaranteeing security. 涂记者的话当然有道理,学校确实有不可推卸的管理责任。 www.evisadiy.com 2. an iron fist in a velvet glove, " says designer Tu-Anh, co-founder and namesake of accessories line Tu-Anh. " “-铁腕在天鹅绒手套,说:”设计师涂映,共同创办人同名的配件线图-映。 was.christianlovedating.com 3. Tu Guangshao, vice- chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commissions, said market regulators were studying a share swap plan. 中国证监会(CSRC)副主席屠光绍表示,市场监管部门正在研究一个股份互换计划。 www.ftchinese.com 4. According to Professor Tu Wei-ming of the Harvard University, creative thinking should be supported by moral and cultural values. 根据杜维明教授的看法,创意思维一定要从道德观念,文化价值作为依据。 www.hotdic.com 5. As TU is taken up by the intestinal lymphatic system, both the presence and the composition of food influence the absorption. 由于TU通过肠道淋巴系统吸收,因此食物及其成分对TU的吸收都有影响。 www.readfree.net 6. Tu said: Actually, you are very good, only that you are asking for too much of their own. 屠说:其实你很优秀,只是你对自己要求太高了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. the TO method is used for the descending scale, and the ascending scale is somewhat similar to TU. 这对TO这种方法用于音阶下行弹奏,和上行音阶的弹奏跟TU有一些相似。 www.popiano.org 8. To thank my parents, they give my life, Qiu Huibao the love my love me and I thank them for the upbringing of TU. 感谢我的父母,是他们赋予我生命,不求回报的爱着我疼着我,感谢他们对我的养育之恩。 q.163.com 9. When she's not interning, Tu's a keen hiker and enjoys contributing graphic design work to various organizations at her school. 在加入惠普实验室之前,她十分热爱徒步旅行并在学校各种组织中参与绘图工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Other than those shipments already booked, crushers have little incentive to make spot purchases, Tu said. Tu还说,除了已经订购并待装运的,购买方并没有现货采购的意愿。 www.bing.com 1. "Below the 85th percentile, BMI effects on blood pressure appear to be fairly linear, " said Tu. “在第85百分数以下,体重指数对血压的影响好像是相对直线性的,”Tu说。 www.dxy.cn 2. But some Chinese scientists disagree with the citation, particularly its exclusive focus on Tu. 但是,一些中国科学家不同意这个嘉奖的措辞,尤其是只提屠呦呦一人。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. achy loin and knees due to liver and shen xu (kidney deficient) : combine with tu xi zi, niu xi, du zhong etc. 肾虚肝不足腰膝痠痛,常与菟丝子、牛膝、杜仲等品配伍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The company has "the clear" and "Tu Jiaren" two registered trademarks. 公司拥有“金楚”和“土家人”两个注册商标。 www.tonke.cn 5. "Her long absence from the entertainment scene could damage her chances, " said Taiwan music critic Jason Tu. “她在娱乐圈长期消失会影响她的得奖机会”,台湾乐评家杜贾森如是说。 www.leehom-cn.com 6. Su says their conclusion was backed by classified documents shown to them by Tu and officials at her institute. 苏说他们的结论基于屠和中药研究所领导给他们看的保密文件。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Wild big tent inside in valley the lights is bright, continuously spread cashier Tu to pull to indignantly roar a voice. 谷野的大帐篷里灯火通明,不断传出纳突拉愤怒的吼叫声。 www.bb365.org.cn 8. Velma Von Tu le : [ to Edna , about Tracy ] Tracy certainly has redefined our standards Amber Von Tu el: That's for sure . 维尔玛·冯·塔塞尔(对埃德娜说):特蕾西的确已经重新定义了我们的审美标准。艾姆伯·冯·塔塞尔:确实是这样。 www.bing.com 9. If you contincu tu steal , you will end up in prison. 如果你继续偷,你的的结局将是以进入监狱而告终。 dict.bioon.com 10. TU overspray that is not a consolidated film may be present on unprepared surfaces downwind of the joint. 在补口的下风处,未经处理的表面可能会出现TU超范围的喷涂,这不是一个加固膜层。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. For his part, Tu is concerned less with money than about finding his zest for life again. 就涂先生来说,他更担心的是重新找到对生活的热情,而不是赚钱。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. You . . . . . . you are more a Tu person, the disciple of celebrity righteousness? 你……你就是屠越人,闻人义的徒弟? bbs.bnb.cq.cn 3. Tu Weiming, the Confucian scholar at Harvard University, called this new millennium "a second axial age. " 哈佛大学儒家学者杜维明称这一新世纪为“第二个轴心时代(asecondaxialage)”。 www.america.gov 4. Anytime you buy a cellphone, camera or MP3 player, there's a chance you'relining the pockets of Sun and Tu. 不论什么时候,只要你买手机、相机或是MP3播放器,你都是在往孙大伟和杜纪川的口袋里塞钱。 www.suiniyi.com 5. will be replaced by Dang-tu-gao " is an augury which spread widely in the Han and Wei Dynasties. " “代汉者当涂高”是广泛传布于汉魏时期的一条谶言。 www.jukuu.com 6. " TU ! " I closed their eyes waiting for the gifts , I wonder again with silly servant girl Maybe . “恩!”我就闭上了眼睛等着礼物的出现,不知道着傻丫头又搞什么鬼。 www.bing.com 7. Victims: Tu, my legs hurt a little, there, my handbag was snatched the thieves! 受害者:恩,我的腿稍微扭伤了,还有,我的手提包被那个小偷抢走了! wenwen.soso.com 8. We spent four nights in the Tu Ha, well located close to Turpan's main square and apparently the town's most important hotel. 我们在吐哈石油大厦住了四天,正好距离吐鲁番的大广场很近,显然这个宾馆是市里最好的一个。 img3.zhubajie.com 9. Drip of TU, when a relative reported Yongquan; ungrateful persons, will lose everything. 点滴之恩,当一涌泉相报;忘恩负义者,必将失去一切。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Su Tu standing Yunxia care, the Millennium does not waste Mt A, towering ancient tower Chong Takahisa, length and mountain spirits of Saga. 苏屠矗立云霞护,千年不废藏山阿,峥嵘古塔崇尊久,长与山灵共嵯峨。 www.elycn.com 1. The lazy jazz tune bouncing throughout the movie is "Si Tu Vois Ma Mere, " by Sidney Bechet. 穿插在整部电影的慵懒爵士乐是“如果你看到我的母亲”,由西德尼·贝切特演奏。 www.bing.com 2. The body of Tu Yuangao was cremated on Thursday, the spokesman added. 发言人补充说,涂远高的遗体将在星期四火化。 ourtra.netat.net 3. Her as a make-up method of drama is in the Song Dynasty in China during the Tang Tu face make-up developed on the basis of. 她作为一种戏剧的化妆方法,是在中国唐宋朝时期涂面化妆的基础上发展起来的。 www.cntrades.com 4. The Rabbit (TU)People born under the year of the Rabbit don't often get into trouble and seldom make enemies. 出生在兔年的人不会经常惹麻烦和很少树敌。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Additional, in ultrasonic humidifier product, in cistern if Tu Youyin is ionic, can keep long-term and effective antiseptic effect. 另外,在超声波加湿器产品中,水箱里假如涂有银离子,能保持长期有效杀菌的效果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Add crab small cage BaoChan in qing dynasty, the small daoguang years Tu south of riverside pontoon million teahouse. 加蟹小笼包产生于清代道光年间,由小河沿浮桥南堍的万华茶楼首创。 zhishi.sohu.com 7. TU-103 is the first bacterial strain found in nature (not genetically engineered) to produce butanol directly from cellulose. 103是第一个自然界中发现的(非基因改造的)能够直接从纤维素产生丁醇的细菌。 www.bing.com 8. Tu pioneered a new approach to malaria treatment that has benefited hundreds of millions of people and promises to benefit many times more. 到今天为止,屠呦呦发现的抗疟疗法已经挽救了数亿人的生命,而且还将造福更多的人。 www.bing.com 9. " lao ma shi tu" is a metaphor referring to experienced people who can offer guidance in certain areas. “老马识途”比喻有经验的人熟悉情况,能在某个方面起指引的作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. There must be no revival of the Chen Tu-hsiu type of tailing, which is a reflection of bourgeois reformism in the ranks of the proletariat. 陈独秀尾巴主义的复活是不能容许的,这是资产阶级改良主义在无产阶级队伍中的反映。 www.1stenglish.com 1. Tu demons hidden the sky fog top, Shi ask the rain god cream dust. 屠魔雾隐苍穹顶,弑神霜抚雨中尘。 www.fishjava.com 2. This is online map of the address "Gong Ling Chi Tu Cun , Daocheng County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国四川省甘孜藏族自治州稻城县贡岭赤土村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. "They never thought it could get so bad, " Mr. Tu said. "They have been pushing nuclear very hard, so this is a very steep learning curve. " 涂先生说“中国政府从来没有想到核事故会如此严重,他们一直在积极推动核电发展,因此这是一次非常好的学习机会。” blog.sina.com.cn 4. Because of an article called 'the death of chi tu . I can stand here and talk with you . 因为一篇叫《赤兔之死》的作文,我能够站在这里,跟大家交流。 www.xici.net 5. In the land utilization way is similar to the Tu neng's "sole country" description the land utilization way. 2. 在土地利用方式上与屠能的《孤立国》中阐述的土地利用方式类似。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways tu learn more English. 本周我们问学生在新星高中约的最佳方法涂多学学英语。 www.ok06.com 7. "I should say you are too childish, still too stupid? Die to happen to there namely still a mood smiling! " Tu Zi Shi aloud says. “我该说你太天真,还是太傻?死到临头还有心情笑!”涂子石大声说道。 wester.com.cn 8. This is online map of the address "Sha Tang Chuan Xiang , Huzhu Tu Autonomous County, Haidong Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China" . 这是地址“中国青海省海东地区互助土族自治县沙塘川乡”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. Recently, we found some historical materials about principal ZHANG Tu-nan. 最近,我们发现了一位新山长———张图南的若干文献史料。 lib.cqvip.com 10. TU SH. Investigation on instability induced by gas flow in steam turbine control valve[D]. Xi'an: Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2002. 屠珊。汽轮机调节阀内气体流动诱发的阀门不稳定性研究[D]。西安:西安交通大学,2002。 elec.wanfangdata.com.cn 1. Thanksgiving is the title of Central knot grass is dripping with springs at the TU. 感恩是结草衔环,是滴水之恩涌泉相报。 enwaimao.cn 2. Even oneself goes to a toilet and all want plank a chilly face with go. How to do, head jumping of Tu Tu. 连自己去个卫生间,都要板着一张酷脸随行。怎么办,头突突的跳着。 blog.zol.com.cn 3. Then, Tu Lang went over to Tie Zhe, It's very strong, the old sheikh often cart a lot of treasure away. 之后突狼就投靠了铁哲,奇怪的是从此老头经常把大量的财宝偷偷运出去。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Turn right at Tu'er Lu and you soon come upon Yu'er Park, a quiet retreat with ponds, rockeries and flower gardens. 玉洱路右拐有不久就来到玉洱公园,有池塘、假山和花园,异常安静。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Clean pure body first while using, Tu Shang scrub cream or purgation agent, use towel scrub. 使用时,先把车体清洗干净,涂上擦洗膏或清洗剂,用毛巾擦洗。 www.0734.coolline.cn 6. "When it opens, " Tu Dongdong, a deputy mayor, said, "Hangzhou will become part of Shanghai. " 杭州市副市长称:“这条铁路开始运行后,杭州将会成为上海的一部分。” www.bing.com 7. This is online map of the address "Te He Tu Xiang , Darlag County, Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China" . 这是地址“中国青海省果洛藏族自治州达日县特合土乡”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Huang Tu Yao Xiang , Xinghe County, Wulanchabu City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China" . 这是地址“中国内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市兴和县黄土夭乡”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Tu Cheng Bei Lu , Xichang City, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国四川省凉山彝族自治州西昌市土城北路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Nan Men Xia Xiang , Huzhu Tu Autonomous County, Haidong Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China" . 这是地址“中国青海省海东地区互助土族自治县南门峡乡”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. JIU JIU HAN TU is a professional company that specializes in the exhibition fields. 九九瀚图为四川从事展览展示行业的专业公司; www.123wzdq.com.cn 2. This is online map of the address "Huan Cheng Dong Lu Tu Shan Nong , Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省杭州市上城区环城东路土山弄”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. Women Tien Tu lipstick looks a bit. 女人涂口红添几分姿色。 hexun.com 4. This is online map of the address "Kui Yong Jie Dao Ban Tu Yang Zhong Lu , Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省深圳市龙岗区葵涌街道办土洋中路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This is online map of the address "Dan Shui Zhen Tu Hu Guang Chang Dong Lu , Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省惠州市惠阳区淡水镇土湖广场东路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "Bei Men Wai Xin Tu Di Chong Gong Chi , Xiangqiao District, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省潮州市湘桥区北门外新土地冲公池”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. leaching Tu Tu leaching from wood screen painted furniture pieces of flat plate. 淋涂则由漆幕淋涂木家具平面板件。 weike.taskcn.com 8. This is online map of the address "Quan Ba Tu Xiang , Kundulun District, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China" . 这是地址“中国内蒙古自治区包头市昆都仑区全巴图乡”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. We rented two rooms in a hang tu, or rammed earth, house in Hangzhou. 我们在杭州租了两个用夯土盖的房子。 www.juyy.net 10. This is online map of the address "Feng Tang Zhen Shuang Gang Guan Qu Tu Cuo , Chao'an County, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省潮州市潮安县凤塘镇双岗管区涂厝”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Fu Tu Jiang Xiang Long Ma Zhuang Cun , Yangyuan County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省张家口市阳原县浮图讲乡龙马庄村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Tu Long Shan Zhen Xing Zhong Cun , Huanan County, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省佳木斯市桦南县土龙山镇兴中村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. This is online map of the address "Dan Shui Zhen Tu Hu Lin Yuan Hua Yuan , Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省惠州市惠阳区淡水镇土湖林苑花园”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. Tonga's prime minister, Lord Tu'ivakano, says the courts will impartially consider a request for extradition. 汤加首相图伊瓦卡诺勋爵(LordTu’ivakano)说,法院将公正地考虑(斐济提出的)引渡请求。 ecocn.org 5. This is online map of the address "Tu Cheng Zi Zhen Tian Cheng Fang Cun , Kangbao County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省张家口市康保县土城子镇天城房村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "Huang Tu Dian Zhen Bai Yan Chong Cun , Dingcheng District, Changde City, Hunan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国湖南省常德市鼎城区黄土店镇白岩冲村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Bo Li Tu Cun , Jining District, Wulanchabu City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China" . 这是地址“中国内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市集宁区玻璃图村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Tu Men Xiang Qin Jia Zhuang Cun , Zanhuang County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省石家庄市赞皇县土门乡秦家庄村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Feng Shou Xi Lu Qian Tu Xiang , Huachuan County, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国黑龙江省佳木斯市桦川县丰收西路前途巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Xia Ying Xiang Bai Tu Zhuang Cun , Ledu County, Haidong Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China" . 这是地址“中国青海省海东地区乐都县下营乡白土庄村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Chang Ning Zhen , Datong Hui and Tu Autonomous County, Xining City, Qinghai Province, China" . 这是地址“中国青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县长宁镇”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. Story telling , singing and dancing of Tu jia culture were gestated from Huo long. 土家文化中的说、唱、舞等民族艺术都是从火笼中孕育的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This is online map of the address "Jian Xin Zhen Tu Zha Cun Fang Yuan Cun , Suixi County, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省湛江市遂溪县建新镇土扎村方园村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. This is online map of the address "Shao Ji Tu Lu Jiang Bin Mei Jing Yuan , Lucheng District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省温州市鹿城区筲箕涂路江滨美景园”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This is online map of the address "Kui Tan Zhen Tu Jiao Liao Cun Jiu Xiang , Huilai County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省揭阳市惠来县葵潭镇土角辽村九巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. Our general manager Tu Shizhang with our whole staff sincerely welcome our customers to cooperate with us! 厂长屠世章携全体员工热情欢迎新老客户和我们真诚合作! www.jukuu.com 7. This is online map of the address "Hai Liu Tu Xiang Gao Jia Liang Cun , Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省张家口市张北县海流图乡高家梁村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. SiKong Tu is an important theoretician of literature and art in the later Tang Dynasty. 司空图是晚唐重要的文艺理论家。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. This is online map of the address "Tu Cheng Xiang Xiao Ju Cheng Cun , Ganyu County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国江苏省连云港市赣榆县土城乡小莒城村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Huang Tu Kuang Xiang Zhong Yuan Cun , Suining County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国湖南省邵阳市绥宁县黄土矿乡中源村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Yin Ding Tu Xiang , Wuyuan County, Bayan Nur City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China" . 这是地址“中国内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔市五原县银定图乡”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. Tu-ha basin located in extremely arid regin, grape is supporting industry. 吐哈盆地地处极端干旱区,葡萄是其支撑产业。 www.fabiao.net 3. The head of Russia's top investigative body, Sergei Markin, said there were a total of 132 people on the plane, a Tu-154. 俄罗斯调查首脑谢尔盖·马钦说,失事飞机为图-154中型客机,机上共有132人。 www.ttxyy.com 4. This is online map of the address "Tu Men Jie Dong Lu Xiang Ying Jin Jie , Licheng District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省泉州市鲤城区涂门街东鲁巷迎津街”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This is online map of the address "Huang Tu Zhen Chang Jiang Nong Ji Shi Chang , Jiangyin City, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国江苏省无锡市江阴市璜土镇常江农机市场”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "Hong Shan Xiang Chi Tu Cun Chen Keng Zu , Changting County, Longyan Shi, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省龙岩市长汀县红山乡赤土村陈坑组”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Hong Feng Qiao Nan Tu Nong Xing Su She , Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省湖州市吴兴区红丰桥南堍农行宿舍”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Ye Bai Shou Zhen Nan Tang Tu Gou Cun , Jianping County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China" . 这是地址“中国辽宁省朝阳市建平县叶柏寿镇南汤土沟村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Liu Duan Huang Tu Qiao Nan Tu Dong Ce , Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省湖州市长兴县六段黄土桥南堍东侧”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Hua Shan Zhen Tu Qiao Cun Zhong Pu Xiong , Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国湖北省武汉市洪山区花山镇土桥村中铺熊”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Man De Tang Xiang Ying Tu Fang Cun , Kangbao County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省张家口市康保县满德堂乡英图房村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Yi Ma Tu Xiang Liang Jian Fang Cun , Chongli County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省张家口市崇礼县驿马图乡两间房村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. This is online map of the address "Tu Ling Zhen Qing Mei Cun Wei Cuo , Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省泉州市泉港区涂岭镇清美村尾厝”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. This is online map of the address "Hong Tu Liang Zhen Yan Jia Yao Cun , Shangyi County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省张家口市尚义县红土良镇闫家窑村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This is online map of the address "Tu Men Xiang Gou Shu Zhuang Cun , Lushan County, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河南省平顶山市鲁山县土门乡构树庄村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "Yan Tang Tu Jia Zu Xiang , Dejiang County, Tongren Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China" . 这是地址“中国贵州省铜仁地区德江县堰塘土家族乡”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Wan Shun Xiang Tu Cheng Zi Xiao Cheng Zi , Nong'an County, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China" . 这是地址“中国吉林省长春市农安县万顺乡土城子小城子”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Chu Chang Di Xiang Nao Bao Tu Cun , Kangbao County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省张家口市康保县处长地乡脑包图村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Feng Ying Zi Zhen Tu Dong Zi Cun , Shuangqiao District, Chengde City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省承德市双桥区冯营子镇土洞子村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Yue Jin Lu Xia Tu Ping Yi Xiang , Jinping District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省汕头市金平区跃进路下涂坪一巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Bai Tu Yao Xiang Yang Jia Ying Cun , Guyuan County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省张家口市沽源县白土窑乡杨家营村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Chi Tu Xiang Qian Ban Cun Shui Wei , Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省漳州市漳浦县赤土乡前坂村水尾”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. This is online map of the address "Chang Tu Zhen Huang Shi Kan Lu , Gongjing District, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国四川省自贡市贡井区长土镇黄石坎路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. This is online map of the address "Huang Tu Zhen Xiao Hu Shui Chan Shi Chang , Jiangyin City, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国江苏省无锡市江阴市璜土镇小湖水产市场”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This is online map of the address "Fu Dong Ju Wei Hong Tu Lu Yi Xiang , Longhu District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省汕头市龙湖区浮东居委鸿图路一巷”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "Chang Kou Zhen Dong Tu Lao Shan Wu Cun , Fuyang City, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省杭州市富阳市场口镇东图老山坞村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Tu Zhai Zhen Hou Shan Fang Dong Zhai Cun , Hui'an County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省泉州市惠安县涂寨镇后山房东宅村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. No wonder Tu Fang basks in frost another, still bask in finally often suntan again. 怪不得涂防晒霜一层又一层,最终还是晒老又晒黑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This is online map of the address "Tu Ling Zhen Xia Lu Cun Shui Qu , Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省泉州市泉港区涂岭镇下炉村水曲”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Chi Tu Xiang Xia Gong Cun Pu Ding , Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省漳州市漳浦县赤土乡下宫村埔丁”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "San Rao Zhen Nan Xin Wu Tu Yuan , Raoping County, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省潮州市饶平县三饶镇南新乌土园”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Chi Tu Dian Zhen Gong Zhu Ping Cun , Luanchuan County, Luoyang City, Henan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河南省洛阳市栾川县赤土店镇公主坪村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. This is online map of the address "Chi Tu Xiang Xi Dong Cun Guo Tian , Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省漳州市漳浦县赤土乡溪东村过田”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. Wu Ling Tu-jia is a nation not having script of the ethnic minority. 武陵土家,是一个没有本民族文字的民族。 www.fabiao.net 5. This is online map of the address "Bai Tu Zhen Mao Xing Zhong Lu Qi Jie , Gaoyao City, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省肇庆市高要市白土镇贸兴中路七街”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "Huang Tu Zhen Hui Nan Cun Chong Zi Chang , Jiangyin City, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国江苏省无锡市江阴市璜土镇汇南村种子场”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Nan Mu Zhen Zhang Wu Cun Shi Tu Ao , Nanxiong City, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省韶关市南雄市南亩镇樟屋村石土凹”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Dai Qiao Zhen Qian Tu Qiao Xing Zheng Cun , Jieshou City, Fuyang City, Anhui Province, China" . 这是地址“中国安徽省阜阳市界首市戴桥镇前土桥行政村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "He Qiao Zhen Tu Lou Cun You Fang Cun , Tongshan County, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国江苏省徐州市铜山县何桥镇土楼村油坊村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Shan Guo Bei Lu Tu Shu Guan Su She , Tengzhou City, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国山东省枣庄市滕州市善国北路图书馆宿舍”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. Tu then asked others in the group to repeat Yu's experiment, but they couldn't obtain extracts with consistent potency. 屠让组里的其他人着手重复余亚刚的结果,但是他们得到的青蒿粗提物的药性不稳定。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This is online map of the address "Tu Zhai Zhen Shan Wei Cun Yuan Qian Cun , Hui'an County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省泉州市惠安县涂寨镇山尾村院前村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. Some Chinese people have compound surnames , which come from the combination of two characters, such as Si Tu, Ou Yang, Nan Gong etc. 有些中国人有复姓,也就是由两个字组成的姓,例如:司徒、欧阳、南宫等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This is online map of the address "Bai Tu Zhen Xin Zhen Mian Tai Han , Gaoyao City, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国广东省肇庆市高要市白土镇新镇棉胎厂”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This is online map of the address "Huang Tu Zhen Xiao Hu Cun Xian Zhuang , Jiangyin City, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国江苏省无锡市江阴市璜土镇小湖村贤庄”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "Bai Lu Quan Xiang Dong Tu Men Cun , Luquan City, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省石家庄市鹿泉市白鹿泉乡东土门村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Chi Tu Dian Xiang Chi Tu Dian Cun , Luanchuan County, Luoyang City, Henan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河南省洛阳市栾川县赤土店乡赤土店村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. Ms Tu's site promotes chastity to "purify society and protect women's rights" . 涂的网站宣传贞操来“净化社会,保护女性权利。” www.bing.com 9. This is online map of the address "Lin Shan Zhen Lin Pu Cun Cheng Huang Tu , Yuyao City, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省宁波市余姚市临山镇临浦村城隍涂”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Shi Ding Tu Zhi Fa Dui Qing Chun Lu , Shangyu City, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省绍兴市上虞市市定屠执法队青春路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Tai Lu Zhen Jiao Nan Cun Hong Tu Lu , Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省福州市连江县苔录镇茭南村宏图路”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Tu Zhai Zhen Yan Feng Cun Xin Tang Hou , Hui'an County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省泉州市惠安县涂寨镇岩峰村新塘后”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. This is online map of the address "Bai Tu Gang Xiang Sheng Jing Cun , Nanzhao County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河南省南阳市南召县白土岗乡圣井村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 4. This is online map of the address "Tu Jia Nao Zhen Zhang Yuan Cun , Liangzihu District, Ezhou City, Hubei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国湖北省鄂州市梁子湖区涂家垴镇张远村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. Your reprint of this paste maximum support so that more people with both sexes are TU ! 你的转载是对本贴最大的支持,让更多人同念佛恩! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Meditation is the road tu enlightenment. 禅定是通向觉悟的必经之路。 blog.elyoo.com 7. This is online map of the address "Tu Men Xian Xiang Yang Jia Xian Cun , Huining County, Baiyin City, Gansu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国甘肃省白银市会宁县土门岘乡杨家岘村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Miao Guan Zhen Xi Huang Tu Ya Cun , Sishui County, Jining City, Shandong Province, China" . 这是地址“中国山东省济宁市泗水县苗馆镇西黄土崖村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Ba Tu Ying Xiang Tie Ji Ying Cun , Beipiao City, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China" . 这是地址“中国辽宁省朝阳市北票市巴图营乡铁吉营村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Tu Qiao Zhen Huang Bai Xing Zheng Cun , Wuwei County, Chaohu City, Anhui Province, China" . 这是地址“中国安徽省巢湖市无为县土桥镇黄柏行政村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 1. This is online map of the address "Chi Tu Xiang Pu Yang Cun Lu Fei , Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省漳州市漳浦县赤土乡埔阳村炉飞”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 2. This is online map of the address "Chang Tu Zhen Yan He Lu She Qu , Gongjing District, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国四川省自贡市贡井区长土镇沿河路社区”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 3. Usage: Takes this 10 gram Tu After losing weight the loose spot to massage 15 minutes then, the extension of time massage effect is better. 用法:取本品10克涂于减肥后松驰的部位按摩15分钟即可,延长时间按摩效果更佳。 blog.jinti.com 4. This is online map of the address "Dai Tou Zhen Dai Tou Cun Tu Tou Xian , Xiuyu District, Putian City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省莆田市秀屿区埭头镇埭头村土头线”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 5. This is online map of the address "Huang Tu Zhen Gao Li Cun Zhang Jia Tou , Jiangyin City, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China" . 这是地址“中国江苏省无锡市江阴市璜土镇高栗村张家头”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 6. This is online map of the address "Tu Zhai Zhen Rui Dong Cun Qian Keng , Hui'an County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省泉州市惠安县涂寨镇瑞东村前坑”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 7. This is online map of the address "Tu Zhai Zhen Liao Cuo Cun Yin Shi Cun , Hui'an County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China" . 这是地址“中国福建省泉州市惠安县涂寨镇廖厝村印石村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 8. This is online map of the address "Ben Cheng Zhen Xi Zhang Tu Kan , Luannan County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河北省唐山市滦南县奔城镇西张土坎”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 9. This is online map of the address "Bai Tu Xiang Ma Chao Ying Cun , Luanchuan County, Luoyang City, Henan Province, China" . 这是地址“中国河南省洛阳市栾川县白土乡马超营村”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com 10. This is online map of the address "Jie Tou Zhen Jia Tu Dong Jie , Tiantai County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China" . 这是地址“中国浙江省台州市天台县街头镇加图东街”匹配的在线电子地图。 chn.youbianku.com |
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