单词 | vv. |
释义 | 例句释义: 可爱的蝙蝠,经常以小女子自称的小斑竹,收起回复 1. Paul's problem was that they were not loving him in return (vv. 12-13). 保罗的困扰,是他们没有以爱来待他(12、13节)。 blog.163.com 2. In all three, something of great value is missing. There's the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son (see vv. 11-32). 在这三个故事中,主人翁都丢失了一些贵重的东西,有丢失的羊、丢失的钱和丢失的儿子(参11-32节)。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. As a father (vv. 10-11) he did not expect the new converts to provide his needs. 此外,保罗又像父亲待儿女那样,不会期望初信者供应他的需要(10-11节); blog.163.com 4. God was his hope, his trust, and his hiding place in the storms of life (vv. 5-8). 上帝是他的盼望,是他的依靠,是他人生风暴的避难所(5-8节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 5. VV 340, also known as Arp 302, provides a textbook example of colliding galaxies seen in the early stages of their interaction. 也叫Arp302,提供了碰撞星系相互作用早期阶段的范例。 www.bing.com 6. Then Christ gave Martha one of the greatest passages in the Bible, especially on death and everlasting life (vv. 25-26). 接著,基督对马大说出圣经中一个最伟大的篇章,特别关乎死亡和永生的(25-26节)。 blog.163.com 7. This led to an expansion of his understanding of God's complete forgiveness and cleansing (vv. 6-7). 这也增广他对上帝完全赦免和洗涤的认识(6-7节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 8. Jesus soon appeared to Mary Magdalene (vv. 11-16) and then to His disciples, who had gathered behind locked doors (v. 19). 耶稣随即先向抹大拉的马利亚显现(11-16节),又向在密室中聚集的门徒现身(19节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 9. It calls us to realize that we belong to God our Maker (vv. 3-4), and to praise Him for His goodness, mercy, and truth (v. 5). 它提醒了我们,我们都是属于耶和华的,也都是上帝造的(3-4节),应当称颂他的美善、慈爱及信实(5节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 10. He became in legitimately through the door of the Law (vv. 1-3). 祂是合法地从律法的门进来的(1~3); blog.sina.com.cn 1. v vv Continue the rivalry among cities but avoid unnecessary duplication that could be wasteful. 城市之间的竞争继续避免不必要的重复,但可能是浪费。 www.worlduc.com 2. He told them that even though they would face persecution for His sake, they should not be afraid, even of death (vv. 22-26). 他又对他们说,即便他们为了主的缘故受迫害,甚至是要牺牲生命,他们也不需要害怕(22-26节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 3. Like the psalmist, we can find Him to be our "rock" and "refuge" as we trust Him (vv. 2, 7). 正如诗人所言,当我们信靠他,他便成为我们的「磐石」与「避难所」(2节,7节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 4. What he preached was not from man, but a direct revelation from Jesus Himself (vv. 11-12). 因他所传的道并非来自于人,而是耶稣自己直接的启示(11-12节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 5. Told arsenal is a mad-house today and they're working vv hard to get a midfielder. No definitive progress as yet though. 截至目前,关于中场还没有明确的消息,阿森纳依然在做最大的努力签下一个中场。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. v vv Use longer term planning to minimise the delays associated with urban expansion and relocation. 使用更长的长远规划,以尽量减少延误和搬迁扩建与城市化。 www.worlduc.com 7. The final bowl precipitates a great cataclysm culminating in a huge earthquake and violent hail storm (vv. 16-21). 最后一碗要使地震突然发生,并伴随著冰雹和暴风(16~21节)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. VV: Very great pleasure. Bright bright morning from Helsinki. Yeah. Thanks for having me. 非常荣幸。今天赫尔辛基的早上十分明媚啊~。感谢邀请我参与这次的节目。 tieba.baidu.com 9. It proposed the countermeasure in minimizing or controling the differentiation of the VV so as to enhance the quality of the pavement. 并从设计和施工角度提出减小和控制空隙率变异性的对策,以提高沥青路面的施工质量。 www.xdjtjs.com 10. Once installed, read the service with the -vv command-line options so you can see what the server is doing once you start using it. 安装完成后,利用-vv命令行选项阅读服务,了解您开始使用时服务器在做什么。 www.ibm.com 1. In the round piston VV carburetor , the piston is moved by intake- manifold vacuum . 在圆形活塞的VV化油器中,活塞是由进气歧管真空移动的。 www.bing.com 2. Though many may depend on military strength for deliverance and safety, their hope is in vain (vv. 16-17). 虽然许多人民想靠军力得救、得保障,但他们的筹算却是枉然(16-17节)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Now in vv. 16&17 the King reveals the terms of the covenant with his subjects. 在16-17节,君王就向祂的臣民启示了圣约的条款。 www.51zanmei.com 4. Then in the 40th chapter God challenges Job (vv. 1-2) and Job has nothing to say. 最后在第四十章,神挑战约伯(1至2节),约伯却无话可说了。 blog.163.com 5. We could marvel through the night as the firmament shows in unmistakable splendor the knowledge of God's handiwork (vv. 1-2). 我们可以在夜晚观看穹苍是如何清晰、壮观地彰显出上帝的作为而感到惊叹(1-2节)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. That message was sent to all his subjects (vv. 1-2). 他向他的所有臣民宣讲这个信息(1、2节)。 blog.163.com 7. VV: Oh good! Excellent! Talking about the release date weren't we? 好!太好了!我们说到了发行日期是吧? tieba.baidu.com 8. First our lives must be characterized by holiness (vv. 11, 14). 彼得指出,我们的生活必须圣洁(11和14节)。 blog.163.com 9. But we readily admit that we would rather laugh than weep, dance than mourn, and gain than lose (vv. 4, 6). 但是我们也愿意承认,我们宁可笑而不愿哭、宁可跳舞而不愿忧伤、宁可获得而不愿失去(4节,6节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 10. His eternal purposes march on unhindered (vv. 10-11). Earthly obstacles are mere stepping stones to Him. 他的筹算永远立定(10-11节),世人的拦阻不过是上帝的垫脚石而已。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Vv: Victor the vampire is a vegetarian. 吸血鬼维克多是一个素食者。 blog.163.com 2. Ha ha or you can call me VV, My odd, I really love the smile! 哈哈哈或VV我为奇数,你可以叫我VV,我真的很喜欢微笑! www.myspace.cn 3. We accept now these truths by faith, and are confident (vv. 6-8) that God's promises will be fulfilled. 我们如今是凭著信心来接受这些真理,并深信神的应许必定成就(6-8节)。 blog.163.com 4. In vv. 5-7 we are informed of two deficits in the creation that needed solving. 在5-7节中,我们看到在被造界中,有两种缺失需要解决。 www.51zanmei.com 5. Like Charles, the psalmist meditated and delighted in God's Word (vv. 15-16). 可见诗人跟查理一样,也喜欢默想上帝的话语(15-16节)。 yimaneili.net 6. He was asking that they should pray for him (vv. 30, 32). 但如今,他却促请他们为他代祷(30、32节)。 blog.163.com 7. VV: so he's kinda like learning he doesn't know how to seperate rock n roll from babies. 所以他感觉到他不知道怎么把摇滚和宝宝分开。 tieba.baidu.com 8. The geographic description found in vv. 10-14 is from the vantage point of standing on the mountain overlooking the lands below. 在10-14所描绘的是从山上的制高点俯视以下的土地所得到的地理状况。 www.51zanmei.com 9. The first is in Matthew 4 and is repeated three times: "It is written" (vv. 4, 7, 10). 第一句话在马太福音4章,并且重复了三次:「经上记著说……」(4,7,10节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 10. (v. 32). Finally, we are reminded that nothing can separate us from God's love in Christ Jesus (vv. 38-39). (32节)最后,我们也要提醒自己,无论什麽事都不能叫我们与上帝的爱隔绝(38-39节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 1. There is nothing our Father would not do for his child (vv. 13-14). The only question is this: Is it good for the child? 我们的天父不会保留任何好处不给祂的儿女(13至14节),问题只是:它真是对儿女好吗? www.seewant.org 2. Read them (vv. 19-21) again slowly. 请慢慢再读一遍(19至21节)。 blog.163.com 3. "Th-th-thank" you "vv-v-very" much, he stammered. “非、非、非常感、感、感谢你。”他结结巴巴地说。 cfshenova.blog.163.com 4. In this short passage there are three interesting questions. Notice them in vv . 4, 5 and 6. There is. 在今天这段简短的经文中,我们看见三个有趣的问题,它们分别出现在第4,第5和第6节。 dict.kekenet.com 5. It is very significant for warfare simulation based on HLA to study VV&A in modeling and simulation all the life cycle. 对于基于HLA的作战仿真系统,在建模与仿真的全生命周期中进行VV&A研究,意义非常重大。 dict.kekenet.com 6. Influence and Countermeasure about Differentiation of the VV on Pavement Performance 沥青混合料空隙率变异性对路用性能的影响及对策 service.ilib.cn 7. Influence of VV-ECMO on total compliance and surfactant in healthy sheep 静脉-静脉体外膜肺运转对绵羊胸肺顺应性及肺表面活性物质的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. Research on X-Band VV Polarization Land Clutter Measurement X波段VV极化地面杂波测量研究 ilib.cn 9. Because He is God Himself, the sheep belong to Him and they hear and know His voice and follow Him (vv. 3-4); 因为祂是神的自己,所以羊属祂,听祂的声音并跟随祂(3~4); blog.sina.com.cn |
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