单词 | user generated | ||||||
释义 | user generated
例句释义: 用户关注,由用户提供的,使用者制造 1. If Web 2. 0 was about creating data (a. k. a. user generated content), then the next generation of the Web is all about using that data. 如果Web2.0的本质是关于数据的生成(也就是用户生成内容),那么下一代网络则与数据的利用有关。 www.bing.com 2. Think of it as a place where user-generated information meets official stats, sort of like Wikipedia plus Yahoo! Finance. 试想想,那是一个基于用户提供信息,接近官方统计的,类似于维基百科 雅虎财经的复合体。 www.bing.com 3. The user-generated content was increasingly conflicted and there was just too much of it. 由用户来提供的信息逐渐出现一些冲突的情况,因为信息量实在太大了。 www.bing.com 4. This highlights something many online marketers have known for a while: user generated content can be very beneficial. 这证明了许多在线营销者刚刚知道的问题:用户创造的内容是非常有利的。 blog.163.com 5. SoundCloud, which distributes user-generated audio content, said in January that it had raised $10 million. Soundcloud是一家发售用户创建的音乐的公司,它在一月份说它募集到了一千万美元。 www.bing.com 6. "The real issue is user-generated content, " Schmidt said. He noted that pictures, instant messages, and tweets all add to this. 用户创造内容的不断增加是关键所在,同时Schmidt补充说,图片、即时消息、Twitter信息也包含在内。 www.bing.com 7. User generated content is all the rage these days, and why not? 使用者产生的内容都是激动的这些天,为什么不呢? www.koudai8.com 8. Users can view each result's number of bookmarks, popularity ratings and reviews, and a user-generated description of the site. 用户可以查看每个结果的书签数目、评分和评论和用户生成的网站描述。 www.bing.com 9. For that reason, many e-retailers are opting to host these conversations, opening their websites to "user-generated content" (UGC). 因此,许多电子零售商选择主持这种论坛、将其网站向“用户原创内容”(UGC)开放。 www.ftchinese.com 10. However, in the case of user-generated submissions, you still may be the first to bring the news to the microblogging network. 不过,你可能依然是将此新闻消息带到微博网络的第一人。 www.bing.com 1. UCD is considered as a standard approach for modern web-applications, particularly due to the rise of user generated content. UCD被视为现代网络应用的标准方式,尤其是由于用户创造内容的兴起。 blog.163.com 2. You interact with an existing GUI, and all the user generated-events are recorded in a script. 您与现有GUI交互,且用户生成的所有事件都记录在一个脚本中。 www.ibm.com 3. In the past, there was no leading source of user-generated online video, and even premium content was scarce. 过去,在提供自制视频的领域没有突出的领先者,甚至付费内容也寥寥无几。 www.bing.com 4. I heard about it back then but thought it was just yet another user generated parody adventure for cheap laughs. 当时我听说过这部视频,但觉得应该只是又一部哗众取宠的网友恶搞之作而已。 www.bing.com 5. Raised on a diet of propaganda in real life, many are mesmerised by the feeling of authenticity that comes with user-generated content. 在现实生活中官方宣传的熏陶下长大的许多人,被用户生成内容的真实感迷惑了。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The biggest hurdle for both sites is attracting advertisers to user-generated videos where the type of content is hard to predict. 两个网站所面临的最大难题都是如何利用用户生成的视频吸引广告客户,因为视频内容很难预测。 www.bing.com 7. Currently, Platial holds all of this user-generated geo-data on its own servers. 目前,Platial在自己的服务器上持有所有用户生成的地理数据。 mitcmljs.blog.163.com 8. User-generated content, openness and direct communication are all attributes of the recent social web revolution. 用户生成型内容、公开与直接交流都是新近的社会化网络革命的特征。 www.bing.com 9. Online reviews and user-generated content are being combined with social networking, increasing their influence on travel-buying decisions. 在线评论和用户生成内容(user-generatedcontent,UGC)正通过与社会网络的融合,来提升其对旅游购买决策的影响力。 www.bing.com 10. Google, along with Yahoo! and AOL, have tried to provide sites for user-generated material but those efforts have largely failed. 相较于雅虎和AOL,谷歌试过为使用者自制内容提供网站,但那些努力大多失败了。 www.bing.com 1. Video. Show is an end-to-end solution that provides a reference-quality sample for user-generated video content sites. Show是一个端到端的解决方案,为用户贡献内容的视频站点提供了一个高品质的参考例子。 www.infoq.com 2. In a stroke of imaginative creativity, we name the object identifier column OID and specify that its values will be user generated. 在富有想象力的创造中,我们命名了对象标识符列OID,并指定它的值由用户生成。 www.ibm.com 3. Nonprofits do have a fine line to walk with user-generated content, true. 非营利组织能够更好地运用用户自行创建的内容。 dongxi.net 4. Other reasons include the increase in mobile devices connecting to the Internet and the annual growth in user-generated content on the Web. 其它原因还包括上网的移动设备越来越多,以及互联网上用户生成内容的增加。 www.bing.com 5. Representatives of professionally produced content sites who pore through user-generated videos see more rough than diamonds. 代表专业内容制作网站的人孔通过用户产生录象看到更多比毛坯钻石。 www.sjgcz.cn 6. The explosion of bombs outside his Iraq home had drowned out the buzz around YouTube, MySpace ( NWS), and the new, user-generated Internet. 那场在他的伊拉克的家外面发生的炸弹爆炸已经淹没了围绕着YouTube,MySpace,以及新的用户制作的互联网这三者之间的喧嚷。 www.bing.com 7. Where is the forum for audiences to share user-generated content and opinions, as they do on YouTube and MySpace. 有没有一个论坛能让受众像在YouTube和MySpace上那样,共享用户创建的内容和观点呢? www.ftchinese.com 8. Websites like Wikipedia with user-generated entries can give you just about anything you want. But do they have copyrights? 类似维基百科这样以用户生成内容为主体的网站能提供你想要的任何信息。但是,他们是否拥有版权呢? www.rr365.com 9. Register your name as a username on all of the most popular sites that allow profiles or user-generated content. 选择需要用户提供个人档案和用户生成内容的网站中人气最旺的,全部用自己的真名注册账号。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Wikipedia, an online, user-generated encyclopedia, celebrates its tenth birthday. 维基百科(一线上用户生成百科全书)十周年庆。 www.ecocn.org 1. First, we've witnessed an explosion of what's often described as "user-generated content, " or UGC. 首先,我们看到常被称为“用户制作的内容”(user-generatedcontent)或简称为UGC的激增。 www.america.gov 2. It's the Internet's user-generated content story, but this time it's data that can be overlaid on a map of the Earth. 这是网民产生的内容,可是这一次,数据将被填在一张地球地图上。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. VideoJug : VideoJug mixes user generated clips with professionally made content. VideoJug:VideoJug连同用户一起,通过专业地制作内容来产生剪辑。 www.elanso.com 4. The attacker has to create a new discussion topic on either a shop item, a user-generated tag or other entities. 攻击者必须要在某个商城物品、用户自创标签或其他实体上创建一个讨论主题。 www.infoq.com 5. I have a soft spot for Douban, which acts as a sort of user-generated index to the global library of music and film. 我有一个豆瓣的账号,豆瓣就是一种面向全球音乐和电影库的用户生成目录。 www.bing.com 6. A Web site where developers can post questions and answers and, also, view and search existing user-generated help content. 一个可供开发人员张贴问题和答复的网站,该网站还可供开发人员查看和搜索现有用户生成的帮助内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Media owners don't understand this revolution and the power of user-generated content. 媒体的拥有者并不懂得这场革命和用户驱动内容的力量。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Mr Semel was interested in YouTube, a video site built on user-generated content, but Google bought it instead. 塞梅尔先生对基于用户生成内容的视频网站YouTube怀有兴趣,但兼并该站点的却是谷歌。 www.ecocn.org 9. This system has been increasingly strained by the fast rise of social media dominated by user-generated content. 随着以用户生成内容为主的社会媒体快速发展壮大,网络审查体系日趋疲于应对。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The idea behind user-generated challenges is to allow game players to define the game for themselves. 用户生成挑战任务背后的目的是要让玩家自己定义这款游戏。 www.bing.com 1. This decision means that other user generated content services will not have to make the choice that YouTube had to make. 这次裁决意味着其他UGC(用户产生内容)不用再做出Youtube之前做出的选择了。 dongxi.net 2. Distinguishes a compiler-generated element from a user-generated element. 区分编译器生成的元素与用户生成的元素。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. With the rise of online user generated content, temporary ties are becoming more important. 由于在线用户产生内容的增长,暂时性关系变得越来越重要。 www.bing.com 4. User-generated restaurant reviews rely heavily on photos taken with cellphones. 用户发布的餐馆评论主要是用手机拍下来的其饭菜照片。 www.qeto.com 5. Houndbite collects and broadcasts the best user generated audio content anywhere. 在收集和播放最好的由用户制作的音频内容。 www.elanso.com 6. We wonder how many other real business ideas like this will spring from the chaotic world of free user generated content. 我们想知道,还有多少其他的像这样的真正的商业想法会在这个混沌的免费用户产生内容的世界中出现。 www.bing.com 7. Just input your address and user-generated routes will appear, handily mapped out and measured by distance, speed and calories burned. 只要输入你所在的地址,就可以看到用户们原创的路线,并且依据距离、速度和卡路里消耗量为你便利地标出了来。 www.bing.com 8. "We've embraced user-generated content as a compliment to our own travel guide, " says Ms Gold. 戈尔德表示:“我们欣然接受用户创建的内容,把这当成是对我们旅游指南的一种赞美。” www.ftchinese.com 9. You may wonder what incentive 12seconds users have for creating these user-generated commercials for these companies. 你可能想知道是什么促使12秒用户们为这些公司制作自它们的视频商业广告。 www.elanso.com 10. One is the convergence of user-generated and professional "content" on the internet. 其一,是互联网上用户自创内容与专业内容的融合。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Individuals or small groups can make a good iPhone app; useful Web tools can be built with Amazon Web Services and user-generated content. 个人或者一个小组可以写出来很好的IPHONE程序;有用的网络工具可以使用亚马逊网络服务建立,以及用户生成的内容。 www.bing.com 2. Unlike most online worlds, Second Life relies heavily on user-generated scripts. 与其他大多数在线程序不同的是,第二人生非常依赖于用户创建的脚本。 www.infoq.com 3. Web sites like Twitter and Facebook also provide outlets for user-generated content. 而像Twitter和Facebook这样的网站也为用户生成内容提供发布的出口。 www.bing.com 4. Its spirit of openness and collaboration laid the groundwork for the mash-upable, user-generated modern Web. 其开放与协作的精神为混搭使能的、用户生成的现代网络奠定了基础。 www.bing.com 5. Such "user-generated content" seemed to be the future. 这样的“用户生成内容”似乎更符合未来互联网发展的趋势。 www.ecocn.org 6. and many things - from search to user-generated content - will remain free online. 同时,从搜索到用户自创内容,很多东西仍将可以在线免费获得。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The 8020 publications are another sign of user-generated content integrating with traditional media. 8020出版公司是另外一种用户创作内容(UGC)结合传统媒体的代表。 www.bing.com 8. For politicians, more user-generated content means more trackers like S. 对政治家来说,越多的用户自创内容意味着越多的像S。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Nothing special, we all live in the age of user generated content. 这其实没有什么特别,我们都生活在用户生成的内容的时代。 www.bing.com 10. "User-generated content mashed together with professional content will be rampant next year, " says Mr Levchin. 列夫齐恩表示:“明年,用户创建内容与专业内容结合起来的现象将会大量出现。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Open Library: This user-generated book catalog has over 13 million books in its library. OpenLibrary:该图书馆中已经拥有用户生成的超过1300万种图书类别。 www.bing.com 2. A blog is a user-generated website where entries are made in a journal style and displayed in reverse chronological order. 一个博客就是用户所创办的网站,它有着杂志般的风格,并按照不同的时间序列展示出来。 chunfengqiushui.blog.163.com 3. Rouxbe : Rouxbe is a community where user-generated recipes are rated, certified and if worthy, made into professional cooking videos. 在Rouxbe社区,用户制作的菜谱会被评分、认证,如果物有所值的话,还会被制成专业烹饪视频。 www.bing.com 4. Google hosts lots of user-generated information in Brazil through its social-networking service Orkut, which is popular in the country. 由于旗下网络社交服务Orkut在巴西很受欢迎,谷歌在该国拥有大量用户自创的信息。 c.wsj.com 5. "Professional content alongside user-generated content will be a big theme in 2007, " says Richard Rosenblatt, a former chairman of MySpace. MySpace的前任董事长理查德?罗森布拉特(RichardRosenblatt)表示:“专业内容与用户自创内容相结合,将成为2007年的重大主题。” www.ftchinese.com 6. TrickLife - A user generated video tutorial site covering a large number of topics. TrickLife-一个涵盖大量主题,由用户上传的教学视频组成的网站。 www.bing.com 7. Google's Knol , which like Wikipedia depends on user-generated content, has more than 100, 000. 还有像维基百科那样依赖于用户生成内容的Google的Knol,有超过10万篇文章。 www.bing.com 8. Trip Planner which is user-generated travel contents about their trip and travel plan and users' trip journals. 行程规划,这是使用者产生的旅游内容,他们的行程和旅行计划和用户访问期刊。 reg.christianlovedating.com 9. An enabled control can respond to user-generated events. 启用的控件可以响应用户生成的事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The site is completely built on user-generated code and content. 该网站的代码和内容完全由用户生成。 www.bing.com 1. Google , which is built as a social network that uses the idea of "Circles" - user-generated groups of people with whom to communicate. google 是一个置于“圈子”的社交网络,在这项服务中,用户可以自行设立联系群组。 www.bing.com 2. They may invite user-generated content and post it on their blogs. 他们可能会征集由读者提供的内容,然后张贴在他们的博客上。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 3. Its millions of servers process about 1 petabyte of user-generated data every hour. 它数百万台服务器每小时处理用户生成的数据大约就有1拍它(兆兆兆即1015)字节。 www.bing.com 4. Faris Couri, editor in chief of BBC Arabic, said they have seen a fourfold increase in the use of user generated images and video. BBC阿拉伯语频道的主编法里斯·寇里表示,对手机用户提供的图片和视频的使用率翻了四倍,而这些素材也有助于新闻调查。 www.bing.com 5. According to imeem, user-generated photos and videos weren't very popular on the site and cost a lot to host and stream. 在imeem看来,用户上传的照片和视频在这个站点上并不是十分流行,而且有耗费主机大量的带宽流量。 www.bing.com 6. of search results for the World's Top 20 largest brands are links to user-generated content. 的搜索结果是世界前20大品牌,这都是由用户生成的内容。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Securing your Web site becomes increasingly critical in the Web 2. 0 era, given the focus on user-generated content. 在Web2.0时代,保持Web站点的安全性越来越重要了,安全性的重点在于用户提供的内容。 www.ibm.com 8. But in startling contrast, only 15% of hotels have policies or guidelines for how to manage user-generated reviews. 但与其形成强烈反差的是,只有15%的酒店有专门的政策或制度来管理这些用户的评论。 www.bing.com 9. Google's management also raised expectations for YouTube, the user-generated video service it bought for $1. 65 billion in 2006. 谷歌的管理层对旗下的YouTube寄予厚望。这是一个面向用户的视频网站,谷歌在2006以16.5亿美元收购了该网站。 www.bing.com 10. an "open source" software whose 300, 000 volunteer editors promote user-generated maps. 参与该软件开发工作的3万名志愿者编辑致力于推广用户自绘地图。 web.worldbank.org 1. It attracts a lot of viewers, but can "user-generated" video make money? 它吸引众多观众,但“用户贡献”视频资料模式能否赢利? www.ecocn.org 2. To show you how to use custom mediations, we will walk through generating each type of mediation, starting with the user-generated version. 为了说明如何使用自定义中介,我们将演示如何生成各种类型的中介,从用户生成的版本开始。 www.ibm.com 3. Facebook is the single largest repository for user-generated content such as pics, videos, links and comments. Facebook是最大的由用户产生内容的网站,内容包括图片,视频,链接,评论。 www.cnbeta.com 4. This is actually what's called, in the digital world, "user-generated content. " 这个在数码世界里,实际上叫做“用户为中心的实体。” www.ted.com 5. so there is very little ability to monetise video advertising on user-generated video. 所以,借助用户生成视频推销视频广告的能力非常有限。 www.ftchinese.com 6. And they're complaining: TripAdvisor features more than 850 user-generated reviews that call out specific hotels for their hidden fees. 人们都在抱怨:TripAdvisor上超过850条的用户创作评论都曝光了有隐性收费的具体某家酒店。 www.bing.com 7. Here we can see the original reference file being compared to the user generated content. 这里,我们看到原始的参考文件正与用户生成的内容相比较。 www.ted.com 8. What do you get when you combine a platform for creating user-generated video content with the micro-blogging sensation that is Twitter? 当你将一个用于用户制作视频内容的平台与微型博客的理念组合在一起,也就是Twitter,你将得到什么呢? www.elanso.com 9. The story of Web 2. 0 is the story of user-generated content. Web2.0的故事就是用户生成内容的故事。 www.ibm.com 10. After selecting You and the rise of user-generated content last year, I was keen to select a person this year. 在去年选择了你们(读者)以及由读者为导向性的内容增多之后,今年我们想要来选择一个具体的人物。 www.bing.com 1. After selecting You and the rise of user-generated content last year, I was keen to select a person this year. 在去年选择了你们(读者)以及由读者为导向性的内容增多之后,今年我们想要来选择一个具体的人物。 www.bing.com 2. In this example, the VA02 test module references data from the VA01 test rather than, for example, from a user-generated data pool. 在这个范例中,VA02测试模块会引用来自VA01测试的数据,而不是,例如,来自用户生成数据汇的数据。 www.ibm.com 3. It's user-generated content that is the future. And what better way to learn about a brand than through a trusted friend's tweet? 用户自我制作的视频才是广告的未来,还有什么比一个信任的朋友的Tweet更好的方式来了解一个品牌呢? www.elanso.com 4. Where else in the world is this kind of political censorship by web service companies of user- generated content happening? 这种由互联网服务公司对于用户输出内容进行的政治审查世界上其他哪些地方也有? www.bing.com 5. This site's content is user-generated; anyone can add a word and hundreds of young people do so every day. 这个网站的内容由用户生成,任何人都能够添加单词;并且数以百计的年轻人每天在这样做。 www.america.gov 6. You can browse under the user-generated photos and ratings , I like to enjoy those faces from different countries. 你可以浏览根据用户生成的照片并进行评级,我喜欢那些面临来自不同的国家的脸孔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A collection of user-generated information about a place, like a location-based Wikipedia 关于地点的用户自创信息的收集,比如一个基于位置的wikipedia; blog.sina.com.cn 8. The ultimate model of Application store will be "in from the consumer to the consumer in to" , user-generated content; 应用商店的终极开发模式将是“从消费者中来,到消费者中去”,用户产生内容; www.fabiao.net 9. Availability of Content is Forever Changed by Social Networks and User Generated Video 社交网络与用户制作视频彻底改变了内容的普及程度 wenku.baidu.com 10. The Emergence of User Generated Content - We All Now Take It for Granted 用户提交内容的兴起——我们如今已习以为常 www.bing.com 1. Improved enumeration speed for user-generated video content in Media Blade 改进媒体页面里列举用户生成的视频内容速度 www.chinahobby.net 2. Some concepts from this description are immediate lessons for developers of user-generated content sites 对于用户生成内容站点的开发人员来说,以上描述中的一些概念非常易于理解 www.ibm.com 3. First user generated tourism promotion in Indonesia 在印度尼西亚,第一个由用户发起的旅游振兴 www.bing.com 4. NOTICE - user-generated notice message; 用户引起的提醒信息; ouwsh.com 5. Online TV and Video - Beyond User-Generated Content 全球线上TV及影像市场:用户制作的内容 www.giichinese.com.cn 6. The quantity of user generated content 用户产生的内容数量 alibaba.51job.com 7. User Generated Content And School 用户生成的内容和学校教育 www.bing.com |
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