单词 | yoy | ||||||||||||||
释义 | yoy
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 同比,按年计,成长率 1. China's broad M2 measure of money supply rose 28. 46% in June from a year earlier, picking up from the rate of 25. 74%YoY in May. 6月,中国广义货币供应量M2同比增长28.46%,比5月25.74%的增幅有所加速。 www.bing.com 2. The Company published a positive profit alert and expected to record an increase of approximately 50% yoy in its 2010 unaudited net profit. 公司此前公告业绩预增,预期2010年未经审核净利润同比增长约50%左右。 www.91258.net 3. This is a good way to get a snapshot for a Year-over-Year (YOY) comparison in the demand of key phrases. 这是一个好的方法来让你获得关键短语需求比较的全年同期相比快照。 www.bing.com 4. This was the second highest monthly level this year (after April's record of 57 million tons) and represented a 46. 3% YoY increase. 这是今年以来的第二高水平(4月达到了创纪录的5700万吨),比去年同期增加了46. www.bing.com 5. The net exports surplus expanded YoY again in real terms (net of the price effect), contributing 0. 3 percentage points to real GDP growth. 按实值计算(价格效应的净值),净出口顺差年环比再次扩大了,对实际国内生产总值的贡献率为0. 6. Meanwhile, due to the strong ARPU increase in potential, 1Q11 revenue would grow by 87% yoy on average. 与此同时,由于ARPU上升应该较为强劲,公司预计1Q11的收入同比平均上升87%。 www.91258.net 7. China Mobile's 5. 2% YoY net income growth in 1Q09 was in line with our estimate, but, perhaps, at the low end of market consensus. 中国移动09年1季度净利润同比增长5.2%,符合我们的预期,但也许处在市场预测区间的底部。 bbs.21our.com 8. However, when comparing year-on-year figures, port throughput contracted by 13. 4%, compared to a 10% YoY drop in March. 然而,与去年同期相比,4月港口吞吐量收缩了13.4%,而3月同比降幅为10%。 www.bing.com 9. Taking into account the March figure, consumer prices for the first quarter have risen by 8% YoY. 综合3月份的数据,今年第一季度中国消费者价格同比上涨8%。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. China Life Insurance, the country's biggest insurer, said its 1H06 earnings up 72% YoY , beating market expectations. 中国最大保险公司中国人寿上半年盈利激增72%,超出市场预期。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. the preliminary numbers for summer crops released by the ministry of agriculture on 16 july showed a 1 . 9 % yoy increase in yield. 农业部于7月16日公布了初步夏季谷物产量数值,与去年同期产量数值相比增长了1。9个百分点。 www.ichacha.net 2. By comparison, the Benchmark ICPA Index accelerated to a 21-month high in November, coming in at 5. 63% YoY. 相比之下,11月基准ICPA指数加速增长,同比增幅达到5.63%,创21个月新高。 www.bing.com 3. Despite a contraction in the mobile handset market in 2009, smartphone shipments grew by 15% YoY. 即使2009年的行动装置市场紧缩,但是智慧手机的出货量还是比去年成长了15%。 www.giichinese.com.tw 4. Do yoy want to borrow books about western culture and customs? 你想借有关西方风俗和文化的书吗? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. We expect the average annual fuel cost to exceed 260 RMB per MWh in FY10, representing a YoY increase of 16%. 我们预计公司全年平均单位燃料成本将超过260人民币每兆瓦时,同比上升16%。 www.91258.net 6. Also focused on Brazil (sales up 118% YoY). 此外,库克还强调了巴西市场(年销量同比增长达118%)。 www.fortunechina.com 7. China's money supply growth picked up slightly in April, with M2 growth recorded at 26% YoY, compared to 25. 5% in March. 中国4月货币供应量增速比3月有些微提升,4月M2同比增速达到了创纪录的26%,3月的增速为25. www.bing.com 8. We believe consensus estimates are closer to 15-20% yoy growth in 2011 and beyond and we have already seen a couple of upgrades. 我们相信,市场普遍的预期更接近于在2011年及以后同比增长15%至20%。我们已经看到,预期数字上调了两、三次。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The last country in top 10 is Brazil with 8, 935, 698 IPs and a YoY growth of 38. 17%. 排在第十位的国家(或地区)是巴西,有8,935,698个IP地址,比去年同期增长了38. www.infoq.com 10. For the first three months of this year, rural disposable income rose 20% yoy, up from 10-11% in 2005-6. 今年头三个月,农村可支配收入年增长率为20%,高于2005~2006年间10%~11%的水平。 www.bing.com 1. Prices for fuels and parts ( 8. 1% YoY), household items ( 2. 8% YoY), and residential property ( 7. 1% YoY) remained the main drivers. 非食品通胀为同比上升1.7%,主要推动因素仍为燃料和零部件(同比上升 8.1%)、家用物品(同比上升 2.8%),以及住房(同比上升 7.1%)。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Crude oil imports have been down 4. 5% in the first four months, but rose by 13. 6% YoY in April. 前4月原油进口下降了4.5%,但4月份却同比上升了13. www.bing.com 3. Details show that food inflation has moderated to 19. 9% YoY in May, compared to 22. 1% YoY in April. 数据显示,5月份中国食品通胀趋缓至同比上升19.9%,低于4月份的22. www.ftchinese.com 4. China's industrial production growth decreased to 7. 3% YoY in April, from 8. 3% in March. 4月中国工业生产增速同比减缓至7.3%,低于3月8.3%的增速。 www.bing.com 5. Prices of grains, however, rose 8. 6% YoY in may, accelerated from 7. 4% YoY before. 不过,粮食价格在5月份同比上升8.6%,比前一个月同比上升7.4%有所加快。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Service exports and imports grew 17. 4% and 15. 6% YoY respectively. 劳务出口量和进口量年环比分别增长了17.4%和15. 7. Never frown , even when you are sad because yoy never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为说不准谁会爱上你的笑容。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. China's consumer price index for March eased to 8. 3% YoY, from the near 12-year record of 8. 7% in February. 中国3月份消费者价格指数(CPI)同比增长8.3%,较2月份8.7%的近12年高点有所放缓。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Exports of goods and services gained 15. 1% YoY in real terms ( 25% in 2Q), while imports grew 17. 4%. 按实值计算,货物和劳务的出口量年环比提高了15.1%(第二季度为 25%),而进口增长了17. 10. Growth in China's broad M2 measure of money supply moderated to 28. 4% in July, compared to 28. 5% YoY in June. 中国7月广义货币供应量M2增速放缓至28.4%,上月增速为28. www.bing.com 1. By mid-2012 economists' project global inflation will fall about 1. 5 to 2. 4% yoy. 经济学家预计,到2012年年中,全球通货膨胀率同比增长将下降至约1.5%至2. www.56gk.com 2. From January to April, imports climbed to 22. 77mn tonnes ( 52%YoY on the same period last year). 1-4月,进口增至2277万吨(比去年同期增长了52%)。 www.bing.com 3. We expect investment growth to sustain at the current pace (about 25%yoy) for at least H1 next year; 我们预计至少一直到2008年上半年,投资增长将保持目前的增长速度(年增长25%); www.bing.com 4. overall , we expect china ' s passenger car industry to post sales growth of 25 % yoy in 2007 中银国际预计,中国乘用车行业2007年销量将实现同比增长25%。 www.ichacha.net |
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