单词 | trumps |
释义 | trumps是trump的复数
复数:trumps 现在分词:trumping 过去式:trumped n. trump card,winner,decider v. outdo,go one better,undermine,outmanoeuvre,outmaneuver 例句释义: 胜过,吹喇叭,出王牌吃掉,捏造,王牌,最后的手段,喇叭声,好人,将牌,主牌的传统意义,大秘仪 1. Russia is just trying to gain more trumps. But the card can lay down in any way. 而现在,俄罗斯也还没有与美国的新政府进行协议,俄罗斯只是试图获得更多王牌,但牌可以用任何方式放下。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. Most presciently, China seems to have learned the major lesson of public diplomacy: product trumps packaging every time. 中国最有先见之明的是,她似乎已经领悟到公共外交领域的主要教训:产品总是胜过包装的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. No, Mr Rajapaksa is under threat because Mr Fonseka, by his very presence, trumps his best card, that of the conquering hero. Rajapaksa先生是因为Fonseka而受到威胁,不,通过他的存在,Rajapaksa打出了自己的王牌,征服英雄的王牌。 www.ecocn.org 4. "Of course I wanted to touch the ground with the knee area of my racing suit while cornering and I came up trumps, " the German boasted. “当然,我想在过弯的时候用穿着比赛服的膝盖触碰土地,然后上升到首位。”他自豪的说道。 ferrari-china.com 5. The backwash squeeze is a useful way of neutralizing enemy trumps that cannot be drawn. It may help to establish a trump coup, for instance. 回流挤牌是对付敌方难以清除的将牌的有力之道。它也能帮助建立起擒将谱,如下例。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. And the Donald Trumps of the world would also have to enlist thousands of women to be the mothers of their clones. 而世界川普也必须争取成千上万的妇女是其克隆的母亲。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. But no matter, because apparently the idea of a woman being elected (subtext: oh my golly! Oh my God! ) trumps all. 但这无关紧要,因为显而易见的是,一位女性正在参选这件事本身(潜台词:我的天啊!我的上帝!) www.ftchinese.com 8. Gadgets are no longer just for geeks, and if technology is to appeal to a broad audience, simplicity trumps fancy specifications. 精巧玩意儿不再只是电脑怪才们的专属,如果科技要想吸引更多的人,简约的设计是势必要胜过让人眼花缭乱的说明书的。 www.bing.com 9. Gadgets are no longer just for gees, and if technology is to appeal to a broad audience, simplicity trumps fancy specifications. 这些新发明不再仅仅属于高手玩家,如果技术能吸引大多数人,那么简约将胜于繁琐的说明。 www.ecocn.org 10. Obviously, overcoming adversity AND winning a championship trumps all, but it's not the only way to enjoy a season. 当然了,假如可以克制顺境并夺得总冠军,那是最好,但这不是享用整个赛季的独一方式。 basketball.emm3.net 1. In science, observation always trumps theory, no matter how elegant the theory might be. 在科学界,不管多么优雅的理论,观察总是胜于理论。 www.bing.com 2. The third definition actually trumps the other two: a netbook is anything the manufacturer decides to call a netbook. 第三种定义实际上胜过前两种:制造商愿意把什么叫做上网本,什么就是上网本。 www.bing.com 3. Others (mostly in the poor world) insist that state sovereignty always trumps, even in humanitarian emergencies. 而其它国家(贫国居多)则坚持国家主权至上,即便是在发生人道危机之时。 www.ecocn.org 4. If it comes down to it, they have enough trumps up their sleeves. 如果它归结为,他们有足够的胜过自己的袖子。 bbs.178.com 5. The smart money is on Google in the long term, but this depends on whether location-based services turn up trumps. 从长远来看投资谷歌是明智的选择,但要看定位服务运气好不好。 www.bing.com 6. And even offering additional services may not be enough to win some shoppers for whom price trumps all. 甚至提供额外服务可能都不足以赢得一些最看重价格的消费者。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Yet Washington may be reaching a moment when the seriousness of the threat trumps political resistance. 然而,华盛顿可能会面临这样一个时刻:威胁的严重性更甚于政治阻力。 www.bing.com 8. The problem is, national interest often trumps shared interest; and such an approach is essentially short-term. 问题是,国家利益总是胜过共同利益,而且这种结盟基本上是短期的。 www.bing.com 9. for herders , timing of payment often trumps price as a selling preference . this favours cash - oriented traders. 对于牧民来说,作为销售羊毛的取向,付款时间的重要性经常胜过价格。 www.ichacha.net 10. It often happens that declarer lacks the wherewithal both to draw trumps and to ruff out the side suit. 它常常发生在庄家既需要清光将牌又需要将吃边花的牌局中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Size trumps numbers as a crane scatters black-bellied whistling-ducks near a game feeder on a private Texas ranch. 大小胜过数量,在德克萨斯州的私人牧场里,一只美洲鹤使一群黑腹树鸭分散开来,权且作为一个勇敢的饲养员。 www.bing.com 2. But even if calorie intake trumps exercise, this does not mean exercise does not play a key role in helping people stay trim. 可是,即便是卡路里摄入比锻炼更重要,这并不意味着锻炼在保持苗条体形方面不起重要作用。 www.bing.com 3. Desktop sales, meanwhile, have been on a steady decline, as mobility trumps stability. 而台式机销量则持续不断下滑,或许是因为移动性比起稳定性更能吸引人的原因吧。 www.bing.com 4. Exhibit A: Halo Reach, which trumps the original trilogy with highly evolved combat, crazier weapons, smarter baddies, and deadlier moves. 证据1:光环-致远星让原来的三部曲更加刺激,加入了格斗,更加疯狂的武器,更聪明的坏蛋和更极端的动作。 www.bing.com 5. [Uncrossing legs] On the teaching front, well, we have come up trumps, vice-chancellor. (腿放平)在教学这一块,我们有了新王牌,副校长。 www.bing.com 6. For Conservatives, the promise of keeping families together trumps traditional concerns about an interfering state. 保守党促进家庭和睦的承诺,比传统意义上担心过多干涉更为重要。 www.ecocn.org 7. Hypertension, diabetes, and smoking must be controlled but food trumps all. 虽然高血压、糖尿病和吸烟必须被控制,但是饮食因素是最重要的。 www.bing.com 8. When asked to recall the objects and which voice they preferred, the deep drawl came up trumps , in both memory and attractiveness. 当被要求回忆物品和被问到哪个嗓音更喜欢时,女士们的回答显示,不管是在帮助记忆还是在吸引力方面,慢吞吞的低沉嗓音都更胜一筹。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In Europe, summits of national leaders wield political clout that trumps other checks and balances. 在欧盟中,各国首脑都在运用政治势力纵横捭搁,相互制衡。 www.bing.com 10. Conventional wisdom has it that choosing the best algorithm trumps any micro-optimizations. 常规的做法是制胜法宝是挑选一个最佳的算法而不是进行微优化。 blog.csdn.net 1. There are a whole lot of reasons Newton trumps Google on this one, but let's concentrate just on the Coriolis effect. 在这一点上牛顿有一大堆胜过谷歌的原因,但是让我们仅仅专注于科里奥利效应(CoriolisEffect)。 www.bing.com 2. In practice, they usually pay only lip service to the Palestinian cause, and inter-Arab rivalry trumps other considerations. 在实践中,他们通常只对巴勒斯坦追求的目标施以口惠,而阿拉伯内部的竞争才是其最优先的考虑因素。 www.ecocn.org 3. a form of all fours in which the players bid for the privilege of naming trumps. 四人牌的一种,玩家争夺命名王牌的优先权。 www.hotdic.com 4. In Greenspan's view, free market capitalism is the economic approach that "trumps" other forms attempted thus far in human history. 格林斯潘认为,自由市场资本主义是经济的“王牌”,其他形式在人类历史上远不及。 www.bing.com 5. In short, our research indicates that when people are thinking about death, the self-esteem motive often trumps health and safety motives. 简而言之,我们的研究表明,当人们思考死亡时,自尊的动机胜过健康安全的动机。 www.bing.com 6. Romance trumps sex here, because only 22 percent dreamed of having a sexual relationship with a celebrity. 在这种情形中,浪漫胜过了情欲,因为只有22%的人梦到过与名人发生性关系。 www.kekenet.com 7. In California only education spending trumps it; in New York and Illinois nothing does. 在加州,仅教育支出优先市政债务。在纽约和伊利诺斯州不存在这样的情况。 www.ecocn.org 8. A close reading of China's behavior amid the evolving events in Sudan indicates that strategic expediency trumps principle and rhetoric. 仔细分析中国在苏丹事态变化中的举动可发现,战略上的权宜之计胜过原则和辞藻。 www.kle100.cn 9. But greed trumps gay rights, and financial industry contributions swung sharply toward the Republicans in the 2010 elections. 然而,贪婪战胜了喜好的权利,2010年中期选举中金融业得捐款突然转向共和党。 www.bing.com 10. Rand'squick retreat from the topic of government-mandated integration shows that heunderstands that politics sometimes trumps principle. 兰德从政府强制推行的反歧视法规这个主题中的退让表明他明白政治有时会胜过原则。 www.bing.com 1. But, in reality, politics trumps legal niceties when member nations negotiate among themselves in the council. 但事实上,当成员国在理事会内部协商时,政治往往压过法律的细枝末节。 www.bing.com 2. What's more, civilian politics remains frequently corrupt, and personality trumps policy. 此外,平民政治依旧腐败不堪,而且人格偏好驾驭于政策力度之上。 www.ecocn.org 3. A recent study finds that, apparently, romance trumps when it comes to communicating through touch. 最新研究结果表明,很显然,用触觉来彼此交流情感会浪漫无比。 www.bing.com 4. So, again, austerity it is to be and history trumps economics. 所以还是要采取紧缩措施,历史责任胜过经济责任。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Some result from the country's development model itself, in which growth trumps all other concerns. 还有部分挑战来自于这个国家发展模式的自身:一俊遮百丑,经济增长掩盖了其它的问题。 www.bing.com 6. The need to build a new place to live every few weeks trumps familiar domestic comfort as a promoter of social cohesion. 每几个星期需要建立一个新的地方居住作为群居凝聚力的催化剂胜过熟悉家庭的舒适。 www.ecocn.org 7. trumps a journey to work. Witnessing a massacre trumps pretty well anything you can imagine. 目击一场大杀戮在你心中留下的烙印可能也是其他任何事情所不可比拟的。 www.showxiu.com 8. In Oscar voting, as in old Hollywood weepies, sentiment trumps sense and love conquers all. 奥斯卡投票,如老好莱坞weepies,感情胜过常识和爱情征服一切。 www.englishtang.com 9. Since security always trumps trade, it is unlikely that Australia would choose China if a choice had to be made. 安全高于贸易,如果非得作出选择,澳大利亚恐怕不会选中国。 www.bing.com 10. That's because, unlike most things in life, quantity trumps quality when it comes to happiness. 这是因为,不像生活中大多事物那样,在转化成幸福时,数量战胜了质量。 www.bing.com 1. What matters is the political symbolism: for Mr Brown, fairness now trumps aspiration. 重要的是此举在政治上的象征意义:对于布朗而言,现在公平战胜了抱负。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Defeated in the minor exchanges, I now play my queen of trumps : the opinion of the experts. 在这个较不重要的交流中被击败,我现在打出女王牌:专家的观点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. On this view, security trumps everything. 根据这种观点,安全是第一位的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Reality always trumps dreamy expectations. 梦幻般美好的期待总是会被现实打败。 www.bing.com 5. But without good weather they don't even have crops to sell, said one woman, so maybe drought trumps all. 除非天气好要不然她们连可卖的农作物都没有,一位妇女如是说,所以在那里干旱是最大的问题。 www.gounahaozi.org 6. But the onion's potency as a political symbol trumps pure economics. 但洋葱作为一种政治象征所具有的力量要超过单纯经济因素的影响。 chinese.wsj.com 7. But that lent the tour its tacit theme: that, crudely put, the American model still trumps the Chinese one. 而这呼应了此次访问不言而喻的主题:那就是,直接地讲,美国模式在与中国模式的对战中打出了一张王牌。 www.ecocn.org 8. But when interests compete, the economy still trumps the environment. 但当二者相冲突时,经济利益最终还是会压倒一切。 www.bing.com 9. The thing you have to understand is that in Iran hospitality almost always trumps ideology and belief. 你必需了解的是,在伊朗,殷勤好客胜过意识形态和信条。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. "There are times in life, as in money management, where discipline trumps conviction, " said Kass. 人生中有些时候,纪律会战胜信念,资金管理业也一样。 cn.reuters.com 1. That shows the government's concern about social instability arising from a wave of business failures still trumps economic reform. 这表明中国政府担心,大批企业倒闭会造成社会不稳定,而这种担心依然胜过经济改革的决心。 chinese.wsj.com 2. For some applications, such as switching thousands of Internet packets, capacity trumps cost. 对于某些网络应用,如转发数以千计的数据包,容量的成本是个问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. In politics, all too often, eloquence trumps accuracy. 在政治上,常常是雄辩胜于事实。 www.ecocn.org 4. In security, geography trumps culture. 在安全方面,地理要高于文化。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Yet the desire for imported goods continually trumps the risk. 但对于进口商品的需求不断地压过风险。 www.bing.com 6. There is that. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I think a new Ferrari trumps a measly new boat, don't you? 正是如此。并非是我自吹自擂,但我觉得一辆崭新的法拉利足以胜过区区一条小船了,不是吗? www.kekenet.com 7. No, 'cause I think positive emotion trumps negative emotion every time. 不好,我认为积极的感情总是能胜过消极的感情, www.chinaenglish.com.cn 8. That the air combat trumps. 空中的那战斗黄牌。 tieba.baidu.com 9. In the courtroom, DNA trumps all other identifiers. 在法庭上,DNA证据胜过其他一切证据。 www.ecocn.org 10. IT SEEMS that food still trumps everything. 食品似乎依然主宰着一切。 www.ecocn.org 1. When one person has won the bid. We know which suit is trumps. Trumps? 当一个人出牌最大时,我们知道什么时候出王牌。王牌? www.tingroom.com 2. Culture trumps process, every time. 文化高于过程,每次都是这样。 www.infoq.com 3. After two rounds of trumps you just switch to hearts, and when East ruffs he has to lead into the club tenace. 清两轮将牌,出红心,当东将吃后,他只能出到你的梅花间张。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Every time John is late getting home he trumps up some new excuse. 每次约翰晚回家都会编造个新借口。 www.bing.com 5. With economics trumps in the game of power politics, the world was multi-polar. 随着政治中把经济作为王牌,这个世界已经变得多级化。 www.bing.com 6. Few would deny that most airlines need to recreate their brands to deliver a level of value that trumps price. 几乎没有人会否认大多数航空公司需要重塑品牌以提供一个胜过价格的价值层次。 www.bing.com 7. But to China's mind, the need for stability trumps all else. 但在中国看来,稳定的需要高于一切。 www.ftchinese.com 8. This sure trumps the "Has he pooped? " series. 这一定是强普的“他筋疲力竭了?”系列 www.bing.com 9. This rule always trumps the "Have a willingness to learn" rule. Learn as much as you need to and then focus on the application. 这个规则通常胜过“愿意去学习”的规则。尽量学习你需要的东西并且集中精力去实施。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. As for skiing in Dallas, it surely trumps the mall. 至于在达拉斯滑雪,吸引消费的效果肯定压过商业街。 www.ecocn.org 1. This "trumps all" , argues Ms Moyo. 这是“超过一切的”,茉约女士认为。 www.bing.com 2. Her role as his mom trumps the call to sisterhood. 她的角色是他的妈妈而不是自己的姐妹。 www.tianya.cn 3. The experience of someone who is trusted trumps any other marketing in many cases. 在多数情况下,你信任的人的经历胜过了其他任何的营销宣传。 www.bing.com 4. Inside trumps outside. You should buy more supplements than cosmetic products. And they should be better quality and more expensive too. 里子比面子重要,保养品当然比化妆品多,好,贵。 may2223.blog.jiaoyou8.com 5. The team turned up trumps on the day. 那个队这一天的成绩好得出乎意料。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I only had three trumps last round. 上一盘我才有三张主。 www.bing.com 7. When in doubt, play trumps. 举棋苟不定,何妨将一军。 www.mfyyw.com 8. When is doubt, play trumps. 不知道出什么牌,就出王牌 blog.hjenglish.com 9. As officials often say in China, "stability trumps everything. " 正如中国官员经常宣称的,“社会稳定大于天。” www.bing.com 10. No, because I think positive emotion trumps negative emotion every time. 不行因为我认为积极的感情比消极感情更强大 www.tingroom.com 1. Chinese Internet companies have gleaned a lesson from this: entertainment trumps politics on the Web in China. 中国互联网公司从中汲取一个教训:中国的网络中,娱乐胜过政治。 dongxi.net 2. This is a set of Top Trumps cards. 这是一组扑克卡片。 gb.cri.cn 3. Magnus. Lucky man: you have all the trumps in your hand. 马格努斯:幸运的人,所有的王牌都在你手里。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I decide Made in USA on the outside of the box trumps Made in China on the inside. It's not an entirely satisfying decision. 我觉得包装外面的“美国制造”战胜了里面的“中国制造”,这不是个很完美的决定。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The simple solution is to rely on 3-2 trumps and 4-3 spades, ruffing three spades in hand. 简单的方法就是依赖将牌3-2分布和黑桃4-3分布,手上将次三次黑桃。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. At first we were a bit doubtful about appointing so young a person to such a responsible post, but he's COME up trumps 起初,对于任命这么年轻的人担任如此要职,我们有点担心,结果他表现得出人意料地好。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Lifestyle trumps drugs for a healthy heart: study 要心脏健康,生活方式胜于药物 www.bokeland.com 8. Lifestyle trumps drugs for a healthy heart 健康生活方式比药物更有效 www.neworiental.org 9. Contact law trumps copyright law A signed license agreement can void Fair Use 合同法胜过版权法签署许可协议可使合理使用条款无效 www.lib.whu.edu.cn 10. Boosting Self-Esteem Trumps Other Pleasures 获得尊重比其他更快乐 www.hjenglish.com 1. Spirit of competition trumps politics 竞争精神压倒政治 www.bing.com 2. declare trumps (in card-games) say which suit will be trumps (纸牌戏中)宣布哪一花色牌为王牌。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Trumps to Prolong the Life of Diesel Engines 延长柴油机使用寿命的方法 www.ilib.cn 4. he ' s gonna bet that a senator trumps a newsman 他想赌一赌参议员能击败新闻记者 www.ichacha.net |
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