单词 | video sharing | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | video sharing
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 视频分享,视频共享,影音分享 1. RSS racked up quite a bit of support from the executives, coming in third after blogs and video sharing sites. RSS得到了高管们的强力支持,受欢迎程度屈居博客和视频分享网站之后位列第三。 www.bing.com 2. Surprisingly, the only activity to see a dip is uploading videos to video sharing sites. 让人意外的是,唯一出现下滑的是视频分享网站的上传活动。 www.bing.com 3. The team in Sydney is also able to share its microscope with other institutions around the world through a video-sharing network. 在悉尼的这个小组也能通过一个视频分享网络让世界其他研究机构利用他们的高清显微镜。 www.bing.com 4. First start and the company has two good private relationship between the video-sharing website of cooperation agree. 一开始有两家和公司私下关系不错的视频分享网站答应了合作。 www.baidubo.org 5. "They will keep low key until we found a good revenue model for video-sharing" , Gary said. “他们会保持低调,直到我们找到好的视频分享盈利模式”,王微说道。 dongxi.net 6. As the moderator I threw the question to four VCs: How do you think of Chinese online video-sharing market? 作为会议主持人,我问4位风投成员:你们怎么看中国在线视频分享市场? dongxi.net 7. You can combine those players with the code above to make a complete end-to-end video-sharing solution with an Ajax front end. 将这些播放器和上述代码结合起来就能建立一个完整的、以Ajax为前端的端到端视频分享解决方案。 www.ibm.com 8. What they invented is a technology that takes all of these existing pieces and combines them into an online video sharing portal. 他们发明的是集合现有资源,并将其组成一个在线视频分享门户网站的技术。 www.bing.com 9. The video appeared on video-sharing website youku. com and quickly spread through a microblogging service run by sina. com. 这个(跳舞)视频发到了视频分享网站优酷上,并很快通过新浪微博广泛的传播开来。 www.bing.com 10. And there is the enormous audience that YouTube has conjured with its idiotproof video-sharing technology. 而YouTube更是通过它的傻瓜视频共享技术连结了数量极其巨大的用户。 www.cnblogs.com 1. Through audio, video, sharing, and other tools to help users more convenient and efficient solution to the problem. 通过音频、视频、程序共享等工具,帮助用户更方便快捷的解决问题。 www.ccmw.net 2. Also new is the Text Messages app that supports SMS and MMS, threaded conversations, rich formatting, as well as photo and video sharing. 还有一个新的应用是短信息支持SMS(短信)和MMS(多媒体短信),聊天式界面,支持多格式,包括图片和视频分享。 www.bing.com 3. What made the video-sharing site so popular was the way it converted all videos to a common format. YouTube视频分享网站之所以流行,是因为它将所有视频都转换成了统一格式。 www.ecocn.org 4. It still has the slogan "broadcast yourself" , and was originally intended primarily for amateur video-sharing. 该网站在被收购后仍然以“秀出你自己的视频”为口号,并且延续起初的首要目的,那就是业余影片分享。 www.bing.com 5. The footage of this singular phenomenon has since caught on like wildfire on video-sharing sites popular with students. 这一小段视频被学生放在网上分享,很快成为网络大热。 www.24en.com 6. They uploaded it to Google's video-sharing site, and Google took it down within hours of being notified by the Italian local police. 他们把录像上载到谷歌(Google)的视频共享网站,谷歌在接到意大利当地警察通知之后几小时之内就把视频撤了下来。 www.america.gov 7. However, this is the first time the video-sharing site has been used in this way as far as the researchers can tell. 不过,上面的例子是在研究人员预言后这个视频共享站点首次被用来传播垃圾邮件。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Google is preparing to launch European versions of its popular video-sharing service YouTube. 谷歌(Google)正准备推出欧洲版的YouTube。YouTube是该公司旗下人气颇高的视频共享服务。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Another challenge that many video-sharing and social networking sites face is finding ways to monetize traffic and attract advertisers. 很多视频分享网站以及社交网站面临的另一个挑战是,如何将流量转化成钱以及吸引广告商。 cn.reuters.com 10. A stunt bike rider from the UK is rising to fame on YouTube, with his film getting more than a million hits on the video-sharing website. 一位英国小伙凭借其自行车绝技,日前在YouTube网站上迅速走红,其视频片段点击量已超过百万。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Chinese consumers have other routes to foreign blockbusters: tens of millions watch movies on video-sharing sites or on pirated DVDs. 中国消费者也有其他途径观看外国大片,数以千万计的观众通过视频分享网站和盗版DVD看电影。 www.ftchinese.com 2. VideoGet boasts being able to download video clips from more than 100 video sharing websites. VideoGet自夸能够从100多个视频分享网站上下载视频文件。 blog.163.com 3. Van Vuuren became an internet sensation after posting videos of himself at a Sydney Hospital rapping on video-sharing website YouTube. 范维伦在悉尼医院住院治疗时将自己的说唱视频分享到“YouTube”,在网络上火爆一时。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Even as advertisers evaluate these new ideas, however, YouTube and the other video-sharing sites face other difficulties. 然而,广告商评估这些新想法的同时,YouTube及其它视频共享网站还面对其它的问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. On Chinese video-sharing site Youku. com, her performance has also garnered many positive reviews from viewers. 在中文视频分享网站Youku.com上,她的表演还获得了观众的很多好评。 www.bing.com 6. YouTube: YouTube is a popular free video sharing Web site which lets users upload, view, and share video clips. YouTube(你的视频)是一个可以让用户免费上传、观赏、分享视频短片的热门视频共享网站 www.hjenglish.com 7. So Metacafe, which is now the largest independent video-sharing site (see chart), is having a go. 所以作为最大的独立视频分享网站,Metcafe正在朝这两方面努力。 www.ecocn.org 8. China's largest video sharing website, serves more than a billion minutes of video per day, some 30% more than YouTube. 土豆网作为中国最大的视频网站,每天向网民分享超过1亿分钟的视频,超过YouTube的百分之三十。 www.bing.com 9. It seems that Sohu is the first which believes the time (for more share on video-sharing market) is coming. 似乎搜狐是第一家认为时机(在视频分享市场上追求更多份额)马上就要成熟的门户。 dongxi.net 10. More than 80 videos have been uploaded since July to the global video-sharing site under the user name uriminzokkiri. 自7月份以来,用户名uriminzokkiri在这个全球最大视频分享网站上已上传了80个视频。 www.bing.com 1. Chinese video-sharing market, started with 200 copycats of Youtube, now becomes a completely different story. 中国视频分享市场起始于200多家Youtube的模仿者,现在却演变成了一个完全不同的故事。 dongxi.net 2. YouTube, Flickr and other video-sharing Web sites allow a huge audience to watch a candidate's presentations in full. YouTube与Flickr等视频共享网站使大量的观众可以观看一位候选人讲话的全部内容。 www.america.gov 3. Last week Sony, which has a large film studio and lots of video to promote, bought Grouper, a small video-sharing site, for $65m. 上周,拥有电影制作公司和大量视频需要推销的索尼公司用6500万购买下一个小型的视频分享网站Grouper。 www.ecocn.org 4. The forth chapter is the Have rules of video-sharing site recommendations. 第四章是对视频分享网站适用“避风港”原则问题的思考及建议。 www.fabiao.net 5. The entire world seemed shocked by the entirely expected purchase of video-sharing site YouTube by Google for 1. 65 billion dollars. 整个世界似乎都被谷歌以16.5亿收购视频分享网站YouTube感到无比震惊。 www.bing.com 6. But online commerce, video sharing and other businesses are growing rapidly and have raised millions of dollars from investors. 但在线商务,视频分享及其他业务正在迅速增长,并已从投资者那里得到了数百万美元的投资。 www.bing.com 7. (video sharing): The title of your video can help a lot. lYouTube(视频分享):你视频的标题可以有很大作用。 www.cnbeta.com 8. Later I was put ALEXA1000 of the video-sharing website with all the talk about it again. 后来我把当时ALEXA1000名内的视频分享网站都去谈了一遍。 www.baidubo.org 9. The site was blocked for a period, and YouTube, Google's video-sharing website, has been unavailable in China since March. 该网站一度被封锁,而自3月以来,谷歌旗下的视频分享网站YouTube也一直无法在中国浏览。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Video-sharing site Youku. com says its auto revenue in the first quarter was up 17% from the fourth quarter. 视频分享网站优酷网(Youku)说,第一季度汽车广告收入较去年第四季度增长17%。 laoguoweixiu.blog.163.com 1. It will be the biggest concert ever streamed on the video-sharing website. 这将是该视频共享网上直播过的最大的演唱会。 www.bing.com 2. As on most video sharing sites, users can rate and comment on clips. 和大多数视频网站一样,用户可以评价和讨论视频剪辑。 www.bing.com 3. Also I have another project for a video sharing site that needs editing. 另外我有另一个视频共享网站需要编辑的项目。 www.bing.com 4. The acquisition of YouTube, a video-sharing service, by Google for $1. 65 billion in shares in 2006 is the best-known example. 其中最著名的一个案例是2006年提供视频分享服务的网络公司YouTube被Google公司收购了16.53亿美元的股份。 www.ecocn.org 5. At the same time, accelerating the global mirror site construction, start building a network of video-sharing platform. 同时,加快推进全球镜像站点建设,启动网络视频分享平台建设。 www.qikan.com.cn 6. It also offers video-sharing and video-on-demand service. 它还提供视频分享和视频定制服务。 dongxi.net 7. The only thing missing is the one thing about the video-sharing site that everyone wants to know: Is it profitable? 然而,谷歌唯一没有提及的偏偏是人人都想知道的事情:YouTube盈利了吗? www.forbeschina.com 8. There are lots of striptease video instructions on video sharing sites which you can watch. 在视频分享网站上你可以观看很多的演示视频。 www.bing.com 9. At the end of 2008, video-sharing website suffered the cold. 视频分享网站从2005年开始掀起热潮,在2008年底却遭遇寒冬。 www.13191.com 10. KcoolOnline is a web-based converter which supports 98 video sharing web sites, including YouTube. KcoolOnline是一款基于互联网的转换工具,它所支持视频分享网站多达98个,其中就包括了YouTube。 blog.163.com 1. Some other Google services including the YouTube video-sharing website and Picasa photo-sharing site have long been blocked in China. 包括YouTube视频共享网站和Picasa相片分享网站在内的其它谷歌服务,在中国长期遭到封锁。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Launch of YouTube video-sharing site. 视频共享网站YouTube开通。 www.bing.com 3. Based on that, the paper puts forward to develop a video sharing system server research topic. 基于此,文章提出了开发一个视频共享系统服务器端的研究课题。 www.docin.com 4. QQVideo, a video-sharing site, was the first web2. 0 service developed by QQ Labs. 视频分享服务--QQ视频,是QQ实验室推出的第一个web2.0服务。 www.bing.com 5. In the end, the thesis also forecasts the trend of video sharing websites based on product life cycle theory. 最后,笔者对视频分享行业的发展趋势进行预测,并提出相应建议。 lunwenfudao.com 6. The video- sharing website must figure out how to reduce the mentioned four risks. 如何解决以上四个问题成为摆在视频分享网站面前的重要课题。 www.13191.com 7. The portal Sohu and the video-sharing company Ku6 also pledged to remove pirated video content from their Web sites. 门户网站搜狐(Sohu)和视频共享网站酷6(Ku6)还承诺删除其网站的盗版视频。 c.wsj.com 8. Although, lets not forget that Google rules the Web 2. 0 video sharing market with YouTube. 当然,我们不要忘记Google靠Youtube统治着Web2.0视频共享市场。 www.bing.com 9. The footage has been watched more than 1. 5m times on the popular Youku video sharing site. 在优酷网上,这段视频已被播放了超过150万次。 www.bing.com 10. How many hours would you spend on visiting video-sharing website like YouTube per day? 请问你平均每日会花多少时间于浏览影视分享网站? my3q.com 1. The same month, Google bought video-sharing site YouTube, with is social features such as profiles and friends lists, for $1. 6 billion. 同月,谷歌公司以16亿美元的价格购买了具有社交网络特点(比如人物简介和好友列表)的视频分享网站YouTube。 www.bing.com 2. And last year, a divided F. C. C. ruled against Comcast for interfering with traffic to a lawful music and video sharing site. 去年,一个联邦通信委员会分部禁止康卡斯对合法的音乐和视频分享网站进行流量干涉。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. I can see the merits of both approaches and wondered which was right for my product: CloudFire: Photo and Video Sharing for Busy Parents. 我知道两者都有优点,但我在想那种方式对我的产品比较合适:CLOUDFIRE——忙碌的父亲的图片和视频分享。 www.bing.com 4. Do you ever upload your video clip in the video-sharing website? 请问你曾否上载你制作的影片? my3q.com 5. Folders, Video Sharing & tap to focus has existed on previous versions of Android for a while now 文件夹,视频分享以及轻点对焦,Android的早期版本存在了 www.bing.com 6. file-sharing and video sharing websites (文件分享和视频分享网站)。 bbs.imelite.com.cn |
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