单词 | uk -let |
释义 |
例句释义: 英国,联合王国,英国码 1. Unlike the UK, China seems to understand that the state has a responsibility to protect the lives of vulnerable and innocent citizens. 不像英国政府,中国明白,国家有责任保护易受伤害和无辜公民的生命。 www.tianya.cn 2. Miliband welcomed Liu to assume his office as Ambassador to the UK and expressed the hope to set up a close working relationship with him. 米利班德欢迎刘大使出使英国,表示希望与他建立起密切的工作关系。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. The UK expelled an Israeli diplomat as a result of the scandal, Miliband said. He did not name the diplomat or say what rank the envoy held. 米利班德说,由于这项丑闻,英国已经驱逐了一名以色列外交官。他并没有指出这名外交官的名字,也没有说这名使节的职位。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It may gain Labour a few votes from Moslem voters of Pakistani origin, but it was not in the best interests of the UK. 这样的手段可能给工党带来从巴基斯坦来的穆斯林额外的选票。但是这不符合我们英国的利益。 forum.book.sina.com.cn 5. Mr Brown was criticised for failing to bow his head as he took part in commemorations for the UK's war dead in London at the weekend. 星期天在伦敦参加英国战争死难者纪念活动时,因为没有低下头,布朗先生受到了批评。 www.bing.com 6. The pattern is that of an economic upturn beginning to press on primary producing capacity, and in the UK on the labour market too. 当前的总体局势是,新一轮经济复苏正对初级产品的产能形成压力,在英国还对劳动力市场形成压力。 www.xici.net 7. He said the matter would also discussed with David Cameron, the UK prime minister, on his official visit to New Delhi next week. 他表示,当英国首相戴维?卡梅伦(DavidCameron)下周正式访问新德里时,他们也会讨论这一事宜。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In the UK, by contrast, the first port of call is often a recruitment agency or graduate scheme. 相比之下,在英国,该公司的第一选择往往是利用招聘中介或者毕业生招聘计划。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The company plans to install its first device later this year in a US shopping centre, with a UK site to follow soon after. 该公司计划在今年将这一装置首先应用于一家美国的购物中心,随后再用于英国。 www.bing.com 10. Cancer Partners UK medical director Prof Karol Sikora said the message had to be "drink occasionally, but not regularly" . 英国癌症伙伴内科主任教授卡罗尔西科拉说,这传达的信息是“偶尔喝酒,但不能经常喝。” www.bing.com 1. Researchers then looked at figures on how much people drank in each country, including the UK, taken from the World Health Organization. 研究人员以取自世界卫生组织的数据,分析在各个国家人们饮用的酒量,也包括英国在内。 www.bing.com 2. Back in May, the British had expelled the Libyan Embassy in London, but there are still some embassy staff to remain in the UK. 早在今年五月份,英国就已经驱逐了利比亚驻英大使馆,不过仍有部分使馆人员留在英国。 www.englishtang.com 3. But the UK believes that the US authorities will not run out of money in August and that the Obama administration has "a bit of space" . 不过英国相信,美国当局不会在8月份耗光资金,奥巴马政府拥有“一点回旋空间”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. One family in the UK went "back in time" to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. 一个家庭在英国“时光倒流”去看看生活就像没有所有的发明,我们有今天。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But the UK government's attempt to break out of its corner is an important event all the same. 但不管怎样,英国政府努力从困境中解脱也同样重要。 www.bing.com 6. He said the troops would leave by mid-2008 after consultations with the US and the UK. 他表示,在与美国和英国磋商之后,这些军队最迟将在2008年年中撤离。 www.ftchinese.com 7. UK scientists claim speed dating is nothing more than a beauty contest, and is all about looks and not personality. 英国科学家称,“速配”只不过是一场选美比赛,相貌起主导地位,与性格无关。 bbs.51cto.com 8. Phil Woolas, the Immigration Minister, said that there was likely to be a "time lag" in non-UK workers losing their jobs during a downturn. 移民部长菲尔表示,在萧条时期,非英国出生劳工的失业可能存在着一个“时滞”。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We were very interested to hear that you are looking for UK distributor for your teaching aids. 我们是非常感兴趣听到你正在为你的教学帮助找寻英国籍的经销商。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. That principle would not seem to be widely established yet in the UK. 然而,至今为止,在英国这一原则还未得到广泛的应用。 www.uk.cn 1. The UK Food Standards Agency advises consumers eat at least one portion of oily fish a week. 英国食品标准机构建议消费者每周至少要吃一些鱼油。 www.bing.com 2. And the above paragraph doesn't seem to be a bad description of the US or UK economy, which suggests the case for stimulus is strong. 上面这段文字看起来还算准确地描述了美国或英国经济的现状,这说明采取刺激政策的理由颇具说服力。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This perception, visible in the UK as well, has obvious racist foundations but does not always represent racism in its purest form. 这种观感(在英国也很明显)具有明显的种族主义根基,但未必代表纯粹的种族主义。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The most famous place to see plays in the USA is called Broadway, in New York City. In the UK, people go to the West End in London. 在美国,纽约的百老汇是看戏剧最著名场所。在英国,人们则是前往伦敦西区看戏剧。 www.bing.com 5. During a press interview in the UK, and many British people to chat, tried to understand their views of the British royal family. 记者在英国采访期间,和不少英国民众聊天,试图了解他们对英国王室的看法。 www.englishtang.com 6. New classes are being launched around the USA and franchises have been set up in Ireland and Italy. Sessions are now springing up in the UK. 这种新型的瑜伽课程在全美国与雨后春笋版迅速传播开来,并且还在爱尔兰和意大利开枝散叶,现在更是流行到了英国。 www.ebigear.com 7. We are ready to make joint efforts with our UK colleagues to promote mutual peace-keeping cooperation to a new hight. 我们愿与英国同事共同努力,推动两国维和领域合作再上新台阶。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. Mr Barker said the UK was doing more than any other nation to provide long-term certainty for those investing in the low-carbon economy. 巴克先生说,在为对低碳经济做出投资的人士提供长期利益确定性方面,英国走在各国前面。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. He said the UK is likely to move to a more European model of housing where renting will be a more common option. 他表示,英国住房习惯有可能向欧洲模式转变,即租赁居住将成为一个更常见的选择。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mervyn King, Bank of England governor, was forced into a policy U-turn yesterday in an attempt to ease pressure on the UK banking system. 英国央行(BankofEngland)行长默文?金(MervynKing)昨日被迫进行政策“调头”,试图缓解英国银行系统所面临的压力。 www.ftchinese.com 1. However, there was better sentiment in Spain and the UK, where the extent of the market slump means many hope to see a bottom soon. 不过,西班牙和英国的市场人气较好,两国市场暴跌的程度,意味着很多人指望市场迅速见底。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The OECD said the effectiveness of the UK's asset purchase programme - the so-called quantitative easing programme - was uncertain. OECD认为英国的资产收购计划--也就是所谓的量化宽松计划并不十分奏效。 www.bing.com 3. "The ski market is only 5 percent down in the UK, and the first month of winter departures is in good shape, " he said. “在英国的滑雪市场只有5%的下降,而冬季开始的第一个月出行情况良好。” www.bing.com 4. Many Brits find it hard to understand why New Zealanders choose to leave their seemingly idyllic homeland and move to the UK. 许多英国人难以理解,为什么纽西兰人选择离开看似理想的家乡,移居英国。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. "Our colleagues in Shanghai are taking a serious look at it, " a Rolls Royce spokesman told the UK's Daily Mail. “我们的同事在上海正在认真地研究它,”一个劳斯莱斯发言人告诉英国每日邮报。 usa.315che.com 6. First, as chancellor, he gave independence to the Bank of England and kept the UK out of the single European currency. 首先,在担任财政大臣期间,他赋予英国央行独立性,并且没有让英国加入欧洲单一货币体系。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Our strongest allies have always been the Nordic states, the UK, the rest of western Europe and, for a while, America. 我们最紧密的朋友,总是北欧国家、英国、欧洲其他地区,还有一度同盟的美国。 www.bing.com 8. Prudential might not be able to patriate this capital back to the UK in an emergency were the local regulators to oppose it. 如果当地监管机构反对的话,保诚在紧急时刻可能无法将这些资本转回英国。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Twenty per cent had been unemployed for a year or more, compared with a fairly static 25 per cent in the UK. 20%的失业者已失业一年或更长时间,而英国的这一比例稳定在25%。 www.ftchinese.com 10. RBS was forced into a government bail-out a year later, and UK taxpayers still hold an 83 per cent stake in the bank. 一年后,RBS被迫接受了政府纾困,迄今英国纳税人仍持有该银行83%的股权。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The bank remains headquartered and regulated from the UK, although a triennial review of that status is due next year. 汇丰总部仍设在英国,接受英国的监管,不过这种三年一审的监管地位将于明年进行重新审核。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Confidence in the UK financial stability over the next three years dropped to its lowest since the second half of 2009, the survey showed. 调查显示对英国财政在未来3年中的稳定性的信心降到了2009年下半年以来最低的水平。 www.bing.com 3. The "massive gender gap" is one of the highest in the UK economy and entrenched by recruitment patterns, said the commission. 委员会说,这“巨大的性别差距”是英国经济中最高之一,因招聘类型深化。 www.bing.com 4. Karen Ward, UK economist at HSBC, said the rise in labour availability was "just what the Governor [of the Bank of England] ordered" . 汇丰(HSBC)英国经济学家卡伦?沃德(KarenWard)表示,可用劳动力的增长“正是(英国央行(BankofEngland))行长所要求的”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He said the key was to "break the link" between people coming to the UK to work and gaining citizenship, which increased the population. 他说关键是“剪断纽带”,人们来到英国工作并且获得国籍,造成人口增长。 www.bing.com 6. UK debt is only secure as long as the Bank of England buys it through quantitative easing. 只有当英国央行(BoE)通过定量宽松政策购买债务时,英国国债才是安全的。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Col Gaddafi's information minister spent 15 years in the UK, but how much do we really know about him? 身为卡扎菲的情报部长,他在英国呆了15年,但是我们对他了解多少? www.bing.com 8. UK officials said a decision on the size of the British contribution had not yet been made but would be finalised "in a matter of weeks" . 英国官员表示,英国尚未就捐助规模做出决定,但将在“几周内”敲定。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In any case the better than expected performance of the UK economy in Q2 has relieved some of the pressure for the Bank to act again soon. 无论如何,英国二季度经济增长表现好于预期,已一定程度缓解央行不久再次行动的压力。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. As Ed Miliband, the UK climate secretary, put it, a limit to carbon dioxide emissions is the "big prize" to be won at Copenhagen. 用英国气候变化大臣爱德华?米利班德(EdMiliband)的话来说,限制二氧化碳的排放量,是要在哥本哈根拿下的“大奖”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It predicted that in just over 40 years, 60% of men, 50% of women and a quarter of all children in the UK are likely to be clinically obese. 报告还显示说,在过去的40年中,英国60%男人,40%女人和四分之一的儿童被临床鉴定为肥胖症。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. UK-based spokesman for the Libyan opposition group, the Transitional National Council, says Mr Ghanem is on his way to a European country. 利比亚反对派过渡国民委员会驻英国一名发言人表示,加尼姆正在前往一个欧洲国家的途中。 www.hxen.com 3. UK officials are instead beginning to turn their attention to how a triumphant Col Gaddafi can be contained in the months and years ahead. 英国官员已经转而开始将注意力投向卡扎菲取胜后,如何在未来几个月乃至几年遏制卡扎菲。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Holidays in the UK, but his wife is from New Zealand so they are using up a hefty dose of "love miles" this Christmas to see family. 一般在英国度假,但他妻子是新西兰人,因此他们将在今年圣诞节使用大量“爱情里程”去看家人。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The UK firmly believes that gender equality is at the heart of development of any society and is committed to fully realising this aim. 英国坚定地认为性别平等应该是任何社会发展的核心,并承诺将全力去实现这一目标。 www.hjenglish.com 6. China Development Bank, the policy lender, entered the fray with the purchase of a $3bn stake in Barclays of the UK a year ago. 一年前,政策性银行中国国家开发银行(CDB)以30亿美元入股英国巴克莱(Barclays),从而加入到这一竞争行列之中。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Since the UK is not an Arab country sitting next to Egypt we are going to hear a lot of complaining about social media. 既然英国不是毗邻埃及的阿拉伯国家,那我们将听到很多对社交媒体的抱怨声。 www.bing.com 8. The instant response was as though the UK could not fund its deficit, as the Bank of England warned this week. 人们的直接反应是,英国好像无法为其赤字融资,正如英国央行(BankofEngland)本周警告的那样。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He took six years to work around UK, he came to Southampton, Eastleigh, Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester before he came to Preston. 然后用六年时间走南闯北,他去过南安普顿,伊斯特里,bradford,伯明翰,曼城,最后来到普雷斯顿。 bbs.cx36588.com 10. Price increases seem to be interfering with the UK's love of shopping: clothing and food price inflation all rose sharply on the month. 物价上升看来打压英国人对购物的热爱:服装及食品价格通胀当月均急剧上升。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "We have to let him be, as if we don't feed him he will cry nonstop, " his mom Chen Huan from Guangdong Province, tells UK's The Sun. “我们只能让他这样,如果一不让他吃他就哭个不停,”来自广东省的ChenHuan告诉英国《太阳报》说。 www.hjenglish.com 2. So far over a thousand UK institutions have signed up to sponsor international students. 截至目前,已有超过千所英学府报名作为国际学生的担保机构。 www.rr365.com 3. The next day a polite woman from the company phoned to invite me to lunch with the UK head. 第二天,该公司一位很有礼貌的女士打电话给我,邀请我与他们的英国负责人共进午餐。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The UK is to extend paid maternity leave to a year from 9 months by the end of the current session of parliament. 英国欲在本届议会期满前将带薪产假从9个月延长至1年。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. The Bank of England governor, Mervyn King, is known to be concerned that the UK economy will falter over the coming months. 众所周知,英格兰银行行长默文?金(MervynKing)担忧未来数月內英国经济会增长迟缓。 www.bing.com 6. The Great Sphinx in Egypt might have originally had the face of a lion (see photo), a UK geologist claimed recently. 英国地质学家近日表示,埃及斯芬克斯狮身人面像最初可能是一尊完整的狮子雕像(见图)。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. If you were younger than 18 years of age when you left the UK, your parent or guardian must have been registered. 如果你离开英国时年尚不满18岁,那么,你的父母亲或监护人必须是已经登记过的。 www.uk.cn 8. A recent report by WRAP and WWF examined how much water is wasted in the UK when food is thrown away. 英国废物与资源行动计划(WRAP)和世界自然基金会(WWF)的报告检测了在英国当食品被丢弃时有多少水被浪费。 www.bing.com 9. In the UK, it was experiencing rising bad debts as the number of personal insolvencies continued to increase. 而在英国,该银行不良债务不断上升,原因是个人破产案数量继续攀升。 www.ftchinese.com 10. They climbed on a lorry to UK in a Dutch Gas Station, "It were machines all inside, " he said. 最后,他们在荷兰的加油站里,爬上了一辆去英国的车,“里面装的是机器”,他说。 bbs.cx36588.com 1. Beyond the UK, the movie has never been out of currency, particularly in the US, and particularly among the young. 在英国以外,这部电影也从未过时,尤其对美国年轻人影响颇深。 www.bing.com 2. "He's not going back to West Ham, there's no chance of that happening. Certainly not now, " a source close to the player told Goal. com UK. “他不会回到西汉姆联,没有任何可能性,至少现在没有。”一个小乔的密友透露。 www.ept-team.com 3. Now the British Fashion Council is to harness some of that SamCam glam in its efforts to promote the UK fashion industry. 英国时装协会如今决定利用首相夫人萨曼莎?卡梅伦的魅力来推动英国时尚业的发展。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 4. UK newspaper The Guardian reports that UN scientists are trying to determine whether La Gloria, Mexico, is the virus's source. 英国的《卫报》报道说,联合国的科学家正在设法确定墨西哥的LaGloria是不是该病毒的起源地。 www.scidev.net 5. She is due to return to the UK in the next few days but needs a new U. S. work visa for her tour. 她将在随后几天回国,但是需要美国为她的巡回演出的签证做工作。 www.tesoon.com 6. There's a woman in charge of that, too, at least in the UK. 也有一位女性在负责,至少是在英国。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In the UK, bosses face fines, and a new law will introduce jail terms of up to two years. 在英国,雇主会面临罚款,而一项新法律将引入长达两年的监禁措施。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Earlier this year, the Observer reported that the total area being bought up by rich nations was more than double the size of the UK. 今年早些时候,观察家报道富国购买的土地总面积是英联邦大小的两倍多。 www.bing.com 9. After six years working as the manager of an organic food company in Bristol, UK, he decided to strike out in a bold new direction. 于是他决定开辟一条新的生活方向。而在此前,他已经在布里斯托尔的一家有机食品公司做了六年的经理人。 www.bing.com 10. The UK's heavily praised Financial Services Authority was unable to anticipate and prevent the bank run that threatened Northern Rock. 英国饱受赞誉的金融服务局(FinancialServicesAuthority)没能预见并防止威胁北岩银行(NorthernRock)生存的挤兑。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The UK premier admits that this "will not always be a comfortable discussion but it is in my view an essential one" . 这位英国首相承认,这“不会总是一个舒服的讨论,但在我看来是十分必要的。” www.ftchinese.com 2. When Labour won the General Election in 1997 I thought it was the best thing that could have happened to the UK. 当在1997年,劳动党赢得了大选。我认为那是对英国最好的事情。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. In the UK, the Thames barrier, designed to be raised once every six years, is now being raised six times a year. 在英国,泰晤士河堤坝原计划每6年加高一次,但现在每年就要加高6次。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The UK Government simply fails to understand that research, as the name suggests, is intrinsically unpredictable. 英国政府很明显没了解到“研究”二字正如其名,是相当难以预测的。 www.bing.com 5. UK scientists, writing in Science, looked at how brain size varied depending on how much people thought about decisions. 据科学家杂志报道,一些英国科学家在研究人们决策时思考的多少对大脑大小的影响。 www.bing.com 6. He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. 他为了他的思想而放弃了富裕生活,并且用和平方式为他的国家摆脱英国而进行了战斗。 www.jxenglish.com 7. In the UK, the total borrowing requirement is often referred to as the Public sector net cash requirement (PSNCR). 在英国,借贷总需求通常指的是公共部门收支短差(PSNCR)。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 8. It's a far cry from the UK, where the riots quickly moved to the heart of the city and then across the entire country. 而英国影响去很大,暴乱快速地影响了市中心,然后影响了全国。 kk.dongxi.net 9. However, technology website Cnet. co. uk reports that the San Francisco Police Department said Apple had not reported the item as lost. 然而,据美国科技资讯网站CNET报道,旧金山警察局并没有接到苹果关于物件丢失的报告。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 10. NESV Principal Owner John W. Henry is unable to travel to the UK this weekend due to illness. However, ahead of tomorrow's game he said. 由于生病的原因,NESV老板亨利明天将不能前来英国观看利物浦的比赛。但他还是在大洋彼岸为球队送来了祝福。 www.ept-team.com 1. In the UK, the Thames barrier, designed to be raised once every six years, is now being raised six times a year. 在英国,泰晤士河堤坝原计划每6年加高一次,但现在每年就要加高6次。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The UK Government simply fails to understand that research, as the name suggests, is intrinsically unpredictable. 英国政府很明显没了解到“研究”二字正如其名,是相当难以预测的。 www.bing.com 3. UK scientists, writing in Science, looked at how brain size varied depending on how much people thought about decisions. 据科学家杂志报道,一些英国科学家在研究人们决策时思考的多少对大脑大小的影响。 www.bing.com 4. He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. 他为了他的思想而放弃了富裕生活,并且用和平方式为他的国家摆脱英国而进行了战斗。 www.jxenglish.com 5. In the UK, the total borrowing requirement is often referred to as the Public sector net cash requirement (PSNCR). 在英国,借贷总需求通常指的是公共部门收支短差(PSNCR)。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 6. It's a far cry from the UK, where the riots quickly moved to the heart of the city and then across the entire country. 而英国影响去很大,暴乱快速地影响了市中心,然后影响了全国。 kk.dongxi.net 7. However, technology website Cnet. co. uk reports that the San Francisco Police Department said Apple had not reported the item as lost. 然而,据美国科技资讯网站CNET报道,旧金山警察局并没有接到苹果关于物件丢失的报告。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 8. The pub (short for public house) is one of the UK's great traditions and every pub has its own name and a pub sign. Thepub(酒馆)(publichouse的简称)是英国的伟大传统之一,而且每一个酒馆都有自己的店名和招牌。 www.bing.com 9. Having just moved back to the UK from Los Angeles, snow is something of a novelty for David and Victoria Beckham's children. 对于刚从洛杉矶搬回伦敦的小贝父子们来说,下雪是个新奇的事情。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. NESV Principal Owner John W. Henry is unable to travel to the UK this weekend due to illness. However, ahead of tomorrow's game he said. 由于生病的原因,NESV老板亨利明天将不能前来英国观看利物浦的比赛。但他还是在大洋彼岸为球队送来了祝福。 www.ept-team.com 1. However, technology website Cnet. co. uk reports that the San Francisco Police Department said Apple had not reported the item as lost. 然而,据美国科技资讯网站CNET报道,旧金山警察局并没有接到苹果关于物件丢失的报告。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 2. The pub (short for public house) is one of the UK's great traditions and every pub has its own name and a pub sign. Thepub(酒馆)(publichouse的简称)是英国的伟大传统之一,而且每一个酒馆都有自己的店名和招牌。 www.bing.com 3. Having just moved back to the UK from Los Angeles, snow is something of a novelty for David and Victoria Beckham's children. 对于刚从洛杉矶搬回伦敦的小贝父子们来说,下雪是个新奇的事情。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. NESV Principal Owner John W. Henry is unable to travel to the UK this weekend due to illness. However, ahead of tomorrow's game he said. 由于生病的原因,NESV老板亨利明天将不能前来英国观看利物浦的比赛。但他还是在大洋彼岸为球队送来了祝福。 www.ept-team.com 5. Chief executive Justin King said the preliminary results reflected the supermarket's swift response to a challenging period for UK retail. 行政长官贾斯汀国王说,初步结果反映了超市的迅速反应,以一个具有挑战性的时期,英国的零售业。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 6. A cheap drug used to treat bowel cancer should also be prescribed to patients with a condition that leads to sight loss, say UK researchers. 英国研究人员称,一种用于治疗肠癌的廉价药物可用于易导致失明状况的患者。 www.enread.com 7. They are not always as spectacular as the one in the UK, but I believe there's a real culture of denial about the scale of the problem. 这些事故并不总像英国的这起这样惊人,不过我觉得,的确存在一种否认问题严重性的现象。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. One MP out here with me at the UK-China Forum for the Future branded it "a cross between a stealth bomber and a disused skate park" . 一位议员来这里与我一起参加了一个关于未来话题称为“隐形轰炸机遭遇废弃的溜冰场”的中英论坛。 www.bing.com 9. The report focused on figuring out how much time people in the UK have spent on the most popular social networking sites in September 2009. 这一报告着重研究2009年9月英国人花多长时间上最流行的社交网站。 www.bing.com 10. With the Treasury frantically trying to cut spending and raise debt, the disposal of the UK's bullion looks to be a misjudgment. 财政部当时抛售黄金是为了削减开支和投资债券,而这一决定现在看来是错误的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. With the Treasury frantically trying to cut spending and raise debt, the disposal of the UK's bullion looks to be a misjudgment. 财政部当时抛售黄金是为了削减开支和投资债券,而这一决定现在看来是错误的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Since the foundation of the UN, the UK has been a cornerstone of our support base. 自联合国成立伊始,英国就是联合国的坚定支持者。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Workplaces all over the UK are gearing up for the festive period and all the traditions and customs that come with it. 现在英国所有的工作场所都在忙着为节日和各类习俗张罗。 www.bing.com 4. Annual tuition fees are to be paid in full at the beginning of each academic year, or by direct debit instalments from a UK bank account. 学费须在每年学年开始的时候全额交纳,或者由一家英国银行以借记贷款交纳。 www.issiuk.com.cn 5. Tyne and Wear in the north of England was one of the first parts of the UK to weaponize classical music. 英格兰北部的泰恩-威尔郡是最先将古典音乐研制成武器的地区之一。 www.bing.com 6. Can you believe, he says, that the average UK woman spends two years of her life looking in the mirror? 他说,你相信吗,英国女性一生中平均有两年的时间在照镜子? www.ftchinese.com 7. Leaders are also expected to sign up to a version of the framework for balanced growth pushed by the US and UK. 各国领导人还有望签署由美英两国共同提出的平衡增长框架。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Forna grew up in Sierra Leone, though she was born in Glasgow and spent a good chunk of her life in the UK. 福纳在塞拉利昂(SierraLeone)长大,虽然她出生于格拉斯哥(Glasgow),并且在英国生活了很长时间。 dongxi.net 9. This UK organisation matches people in large companies with projects in emerging markets, at a price similar to that of Leaders' Quest. 这家英国组织帮助大公司的雇员寻找与其匹配的发展中国家项目,收费与聚贤社相近。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "You don't have to have been a CFO to make a good CEO" , the head of one of the UK's "big four" accountancy firms tells me, "but it helps. " “要成为好的首席执行官,你不见得非得当过首席财务官,”英国“四大”会计师事务所之一的负责人对我说,“但那会有所帮助。” www.ftchinese.com 1. "You don't have to have been a CFO to make a good CEO" , the head of one of the UK's "big four" accountancy firms tells me, "but it helps. " “要成为好的首席执行官,你不见得非得当过首席财务官,”英国“四大”会计师事务所之一的负责人对我说,“但那会有所帮助。” www.ftchinese.com 2. This may well be the perception at the moment, especially in the view of some of the major targeted countries like the US and the UK. 这很可能正是当前人们的看法,尤其是在美英等一些主要并购目标国的眼中。 www.ftchinese.com 3. However, it had been expected to offload the holding after the bank was rescued by the UK government in the wake of the financial crisis. 不过,在因金融危机获得政府救援后,人们预计该行会出售在中国银行的持股。 www.ftchinese.com 4. They told him that manufacturing would not recover from the recession unless "urgent assistance" was given to the UK's car industry. 他们告诉他如果政府不对汽车行业进行“紧急救援”的话,制造业将在这次经济衰退中一蹶不振。 www.bing.com 5. He said a rights issue was "more value creative" and respected UK shareholders' preemption rights. 他表示,配股“更能创造价值”,且尊重了英国股东的优先权。 www.ftchinese.com 6. another , which covers the whole of the uk , allows any overseas student completing a phd degree to stay and work for a year. 另一个在全英国推出的项目是允许完成博士学业的外国留学生在英国生活和工作一年。 www.ichacha.net 7. If an UK employer wants to employ you for a specific post, your prospective employer may wish to seek a work permit for you. 3如果一个英国老板雇用你一个特殊的职位,你的预期的老板可以为你寻求一份工作许可证。 overseaservice.com 8. The British Art Market Federation, which represents many UK dealers, said the figures made "alarming reading" . 作为该国许多交易商的代表,英国艺术市场联合会表示,这份报告的数据“令人担忧”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Dec26 is called Boxing Day in the UK, which means everyone opens their box of presents-the most joyful day for the children. 在英国,12月26日被称为节礼日。这是孩子们最喜欢的一天。人们在这天会打开他们的礼品盒,互赠礼物。 www.tvsou.com 10. On the question of targetting Gaddafi, there appears to be a division of opinion among senior politicians and the senior General in the UK. 对于定点清除卡扎菲的问题,英国的高层政治人物和军事将领的意见似乎存在分歧。 www.bing.com 1. On the question of targetting Gaddafi, there appears to be a division of opinion among senior politicians and the senior General in the UK. 对于定点清除卡扎菲的问题,英国的高层政治人物和军事将领的意见似乎存在分歧。 www.bing.com 2. Burmese authorities told Aung San Suu Kyi she could travel to the UK but she decided not to as she feared never being allowed to return. 缅甸当局告诉昂山素季她可以去英国,但她因为害怕无法返回缅甸而没有去英国。 www.bing.com 3. But is it a true representation of the state of dental health in the UK population, or an unsubstantiated convenient statement? 但它是否真的能够真正代表国家的牙齿健康,英国的人口,或未经证实的方便声明? syyxw.com 4. Since the last MPC meeting in December, the UK downturn has continued to deepen. 自货币政策委员会十二月的会议至今,英国的衰退继续严重。 www.bing.com 5. The demand for near absolute transparency, for the public to be visible to the state, is just as strong in the UK as it is in France. 从国家的视角来看,公共成员必须接近绝对透明,这种要求不论是英国还是法国都是一样强烈。 www.bing.com 6. An employee attends to a light fitting in an unoccupied floor of "The Peak" office complex in London, UK, on Thursday, Jan. 如雇员参加的灯具在一个“山顶”,在英国伦敦,周四复杂的办公室空置楼,2010年1月21日。 08062788.blog.163.com 7. Recorded with Chris Thomas in London, the song appeared first on the UK release of Elton's box-set "to be continued. . . " 与克里斯托马斯在伦敦录制,歌曲首先出现在英国发行的埃尔顿箱设置要继续… zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 8. The UK, while sceptical about certain aspects of the European project, has always been a staunch supporter of the single market. 英国虽然对欧洲事务的某些方面持怀疑态度,但一直都是单一市场的坚定支持者。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But it had served the bank well enough since 1992, when the takeover of Midland in the UK meant HSBC had to kowtow to local rules. 但自1992年以来,这种结构在汇丰发挥了良好的效用。当时,汇丰为了收购英国的米德兰银行(Midland),不得不向当地法规低头。 www.ftchinese.com 10. But Gaga - real name Stefani Germanotta - told how she was more accepted in the UK than at home in the U. S. 但是,gaga——真名蒂芬妮杰尔马诺塔——说她在英国比在美国更容易被接受。 gb.cri.cn 1. The question is how much debt the US (or UK) can accumulate now. 问题是美国(或英国)现在能累积多少债务。 www.ftchinese.com 2. UK official said the travel advisory would not be country-specific. 一英国官员说旅行指导不会是具体某个国家的。 club.yninfo.com 3. It marks the first time P&G has linked its corporate name to its brands in the UK, making it something of a laggard. 这是宝洁首次在英国将企业名称与旗下品牌联系在一起,这让它多少有些“迟来”的味道。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Like a lot of countries in Europe, the UK is a small country with a gigantic banking sector, and any rescue is likely to be very expensive. 和许多欧洲国家一样,英国是一个拥有巨大银行业的小国,任何(对银行业的)拯救多半都会非常昂贵。 www.bing.com 5. I could see that the US, and to a lesser extent the UK, might be tempted to go down this road. 我能想见,美国和英国(可能性略低)或许会忍不住走上这条道路。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The UK supermarkets said the beef did not come from the Amazon. 英国的一些超级市场表示,它们购进的牛肉并非来自亚马逊。 www.bing.com 7. If you're studying in the UK, you may be able to obtain a VAT refund if you're planning to leave the EU for at least 12 months. 在英国学习的学生:对于在英国留学的学生,如果你打算至少在未来的12个月离开欧盟国家,则可以申请退税。 www.bing.com 8. The UK stands ready to work with China as it examines options. We are keen to share experience from our National Health Service. 英国正在寻求与中国合作的机会,我们也非常愿意与之分享我们的国家医疗服务体系的经验。 www.uk.cn 9. He said the UK side is ready to work with China to fight against protectionism and push forward the Doha round of talks. 英方愿同中方共同努力,反对保护主义,推动多哈回合谈判取得进展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. The UK Royal College of Psychiatrists does not produce its own list of disorders but tends to follow the WHO. 英国皇家精神科医师学会并没有这样的一张清单,但似乎倾向于追随世界卫生组织的脚步。 www.bing.com 1. Increasingly it is young families that have been frozen out of the UK property market who are looking to move for a variety of reasons. 正是那些不断地被英国的房地产市场排挤的年轻家庭在以各种理由计划移居。 www.bing.com 2. If Europe is to play a bigger role in geopolitics, much will depend on how much France and the UK can do together. 要使欧洲在地缘政治方面扮演更大角色,在很大程度上取决于法国和英国能共同发挥多大作用。 www.ftchinese.com 3. "The company-specific business is still going like a dream, " says Kai Peters chief executive at Ashridge in the UK. “为公司特别订制的商学项目仍然像一个梦,”英国阿什里奇商学院(Ashridge)首席执行官凯-彼得斯(KaiPeters)表示。 www.ftchinese.com 4. They seem to be well anchored in the US and the eurozone, but far less so in the UK, where the Bank of England has to be cautious. 美国和欧元区的通胀预期似乎都到了很好的控制,但英国的状况就差远了,英国央行必须保持谨慎。 www.ftchinese.com 5. News Corp is in the process of trying to take full control of the UK satellite broadcaster British Sky Broadcasting. 新闻集团正处于尝试完全控制英国卫星管波公司英国天空广播的过程中。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. As she wishes to pursue a number of different activities in the UK HSMP is for her. 为她提供了希望在英国追求更大成就的途径。 www.gter.net 7. India will also have overtaken the US, and the UK will be lucky to be hanging on to its place in the economic top 10. 印度也会超越美国,英国则很幸运地能保留自己在经济实力排名榜前10的位置。 www.bing.com 8. Such steps had been taken in the US and UK, where the central bank had seen deflation risks, he said. 斯马吉表示,在英国和美国,央行发现存在通胀风险时,都曾采取量化宽松举措。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He said he had decided not to run for another term because "six years feels like a good point to return to the UK" . 他决定不再谋求连任,因为“任职6年后,似乎到了返回英国的好时间”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The only time UK viewers were able to see a programme which was principally about Syria was the BBC4 series Syrian School. 英国的电视观众唯一能看到的主要关于利比亚形势的节目是BBC4的系列节目“利比亚的学校”。 www.bing.com 1. Then there has been the announcement by Abbey, the UK bank, that it would be prepared to lend home buyers five times their gross income. 此外,英国阿比国民银行(Abbey)已宣布,准备向购房者提供相当于他们年收入5倍的贷款。 www.ftchinese.com 2. She said the manufacture of pirate DVDs, most of which are sold on street corners and in pubs across the UK, was not a victimless crime. 她同时指出,制造盗版DVD——其中大部分DVD是在英国各地的街角和酒吧进行贩卖——并不是一个没有受害人的犯罪行为。 www.bing.com 3. She said the universities wanted to attract "pioneering, leading academics" to inspire graduates who would lead the UK out of the recession. 她说:“大学希望吸引那些能领导走出经济不景气的情况的的学术专家以激励毕业生。” www.bing.com 4. As almost everybody agrees, the UK needs a system of deposit insurance and bankruptcy for financial institutions similar to that of the US. 几乎所有人都同意,英国需要效仿美国建立一个存款保险与金融机构破产体系。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I'm lucky enough to have the choice to go back home to the UK, but I feel sorry for the Chinese who have to eat their own food. 我还是幸运的,可以回到家乡英国去。但是我为那些长期居住在这里,不得不吃这样食物的中国人担心。 www.chinadialogue.net 6. Nouriel Roubini of New York University said the UK data suggested "the risk of a double-dip or long-term stagnation are not done forever" . 美国纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)的鲁里埃尔?鲁比尼(NourielRoubini)表示,英国数据表明“二次探底或长期停滞的风险尚未永远消失”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. On an average, how much should one student prepare for one year course of study in UK? 按平均数计算.在英国学习一个学生一年应准备多少钱? www.bing.com 8. He is often ridiculed in the UK for his embarrassing comments he makes when talking to people. 在英国,他经常会因跟别人说话的时的那些令人难堪的话语被嘲笑。 edu.qq.com 9. UK scientists at Kings College recently declared that there was no proof that the female hyper-pleasure center exists. 英国Kings大学的科学家宣称,没有证据表明让女性兴奋的神奇小点确实存在。 www.bing.com 10. The immigration figures cover only those staying in the UK for at least a year. 移民统计数据仅涉及那些至少在英国居住一年的居民。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The UK's fiscal contraction may be the least bad policy, given the risks. We do not know. Reasonable people may. 鉴于各种风险,英国的财政紧缩也许是最不糟糕的政策。我们并不知道。理智的人也许同时也对这一受到重创的经济的健康感到担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Stannage, 43, is one of the UK's few stuntwomen - and the only one who performs with her husband and son, the Daily Mail of London reported. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,现年43岁的珍妮是英国为数不多的女性特技演员之一,也是唯一一位与丈夫和儿子一同表演特技的女性。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Beaming for the camera with his arms wrapped around UK's Prime Minister, you might think the man with David Cameron was one of his friends. 一个人用手臂环绕着英国首相,对着照相机眉开眼笑。你可能会以为他是大卫-卡梅伦的某位朋友。 www.hxen.com 4. Ahead in London look for UK public sector net borrowing and Swiss trade balance to be the lone data releases that matter. 接下来的伦敦时段请关注英国公共部门净贷款以及瑞士贸易帐。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Perhaps as much as 320 times that of the Sun, says Professor Paul Crowther from Sheffield University, UK. 英国谢菲尔德大学的保罗克洛瑟教授说,其质量也许有太阳的320倍。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. It may come as a bit of a shock, but the UK is home to a number of spiders that can pack a venomous bite. 或许你会有点觉得惊吓,不过确实很多生活在英国的蜘蛛能给人致命一吻。 www.bing.com 7. UK experts said the research showed nuts were an important part of a healthy diet, but warned against eating nuts covered in sugar or salt. 英国专家称研究显示坚果是健康饮食的必备品之一,但是不包括那些掺杂糖和盐的坚果。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 8. This approach is already well-established in the UK and his speech helps to clarify how the Bank as chief regulator might use it in future. 这种方法已经在英国建立,他的演讲有助于说明银行在今后怎样作为这条规定的主要执行者。 career.51youcai.com 9. There is now strong evidence to suggest that the unusually cold winters of the last two years in the UK are the result of heating elsewhere. 现在已经有强有力的证据表明,最近两年里英国异常寒冷的冬天是别的地区气候变暖的结果。 www.bing.com 10. The company said the UK wind market was not growing fast enough and that projects had been slowed down by planning objections. 维斯塔斯公司表示,英国风力发电市场的增长速度不够快,而且一些风电项目由于相关规划遭到反对而进展放慢。 www.bing.com 1. On the bench in front of him is a miniature aircraft, similar to those flown by enthusiasts every weekend around the UK. 在他面前的长椅上放着一个微型飞机模型,同英国各地的飞行器爱好者们每个周末遥控驾驶的飞机颇为相似。 www.bing.com 2. It is no surprise to me that the UK's participation at China's Expo extends so far beyond the physical pavilion. 此次英国对中国世博会的参与程度,已远远超出了建馆本身,我并不觉得意外。 www.3us.com 3. "The market is waking up to what a mess politics are in the UK, " RBC currency strategist Adam Cole said in London. “市场意识到英国政治情况有多混乱,”RBC汇市策略师AdamCole表示。 cn.reuters.com 4. However, a senior Goldman banker told a UK parliamentary committee last week that the bank should have been more transparent. 然而,高盛一位资深银行家日前向一家英国议会委员会表示,高盛本应该做得更透明一些。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The Press Association in London said thousands of people stayed up to watch the eclipse in the UK and were rewarded with clear skies. 美联社驻伦敦记者称,英国数千人熬夜观看月蚀,晴朗的夜空没有辜负他们。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. How much do you think is suggested as being the minimum amount a single man needs for an acceptable standard of life in the UK? 你觉得要有一个合理的生活水平,你最少挣多少钱?英国最近的一次报告提供了一些数据。 www.tingroom.com 7. It used to be that [UK] providers could lend 120 per cent of the value of a property but those products are no longer available. 过去(英国)抵押贷款供应商可以贷出相当于物业价值120%额度的贷款,但如今这些产品都没有了。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Although the film received a PG rating in the UK, it was with a disclaimer that some scenes might be unsuitable for young children. 在英国,由于某些镜头不适合儿童观看,所以被限制为PG级。 www.bing.com 9. UK-based Apax is also understood to be examining whether a similar investment is possible from other countries in Asia and the Middle East. 据悉,总部设在英国的Apax还在研究,是否可以从其它亚洲国家和中东获得类似投资。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Businesses and potential guests can then stay up to 52 nights a year when they visit the UK capital on short trips. 商务人员及潜在客人,每年可以在短期旅行中在伦敦呆52个晚上。 www.24en.com 1. Even so it was a very smooth ride, better than the long distance virgin trains in the UK. 即使这样,那段旅程也很平稳,要比英国原始的长途火车好。 www.miltt.com 2. How much will you spend during your visit UK? 请大概估算您在英国期间的个人消费额度? wenku.baidu.com 3. Climate campaigners said the change would bring the UK closer to a 10% reduction in its carbon emissions. 气候运动支持者称,这一改变可使英国向10%的碳减排目标更近一步。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. We're now starting to see the effects of these policies in lung cancer rates amongst UK men. But there's more work still to do. 我们现在开始看到这些政策对英国男性中肺癌比率的影响效果。但是仍有很多工作需要去做。 www.bing.com 5. There was more condemnation of North Korea from Russia, EU and the UK, although China - the North's main ally - refused to apportion blame. 尽管中国--北方主要联盟--拒绝进行谴责,但是欧盟、俄国、英国等均谴责朝鲜的行为。 www.bing.com 6. Several large shopping malls plus independent and quirky stores around the city make Bristol one of the UK's top retail destinations. 市区里多个大型购物中心以及一些独立的有特色商店让布里斯托尔成为英国的顶级零售业目的地城市之一。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 7. If the speed with which TIA patients can be evaluated is improved many strokes in the UK each year could be prevented. 如果能加快TIA患者接受评估的速度,英国每年有很多卒中事件都是可以预防的。 news.dxy.cn 8. Labour MP and committee chairwoman Joan Walley said the move suggested the UK really was determined to switch to a greener economy. 工党议员和委员会主委琼沃利说,此举表明英国是真真切切地决心要走到绿色经济的道路上来。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Compared to the US and Australia, UK couples are the least likely to be worried if their partner is regularly too tired for sex. 同美国和澳大利亚夫妻相比,英国夫妇似乎不会怎么介意另一方定期以劳累为由拒绝性生活。 www.ebigear.com 10. FSC will be the first warship developed in the UK for the Royal Navy, with its potential export factored into the design from the beginning. FSC项目将是第一艘英国研发的皇家海军军舰,从一开始设计就考虑到潜在出口。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. All this leaves one big question - what can countries like the US and UK do to reduce their deficits? 所有这些都归结到一个重大问题:美英等国应该如何减轻赤字? www.bing.com 2. While I was reluctant to acquire another pair of shoes, they've enabled me to explore the gorgeous UK countryside with my husband. 虽然我是心不甘情不愿地买了另一双,但它们让我能和我的丈夫一起去探索美丽的英国乡村。 www.bing.com 3. Even having spent 12 years in the UK, I fail to see the point of those feather-and-lace concoctions. 我已经在英国生活了12年,但还是弄不明白这种由羽毛和蕾丝构成的繁复头饰究竟有什么用处。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Germany was relegated to second place, in terms of volume, and the UK to second place in terms of value. 按出口量计算,德国下降至第二位,按出口额英国排名第二。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Statistics show that China's energy intensity is three-to-four times that of the international average and eight times that of the UK. 四是“粗放”与“集约”。有数据显示,中国单位GDP的能耗是国际水平的三至四倍,是英国的八倍。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. After being unveiled at a food show in London next month, camel ice cream could go on sale in the UK. 这种驼奶冰激凌将会在下月举行的伦敦食品展上亮相,不久后会在英国销售。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 7. He said the UK needed to increase ambitition for broadband speeds and look at innovative ways to upgrade the network as soon as possible. 他表示英国在宽带速度上的野心要更大些,并尽可能快的着眼于创新模式升级网络。 www.bing.com 8. The family was based in the UK but Aung San Suu Kyi returned home in 1988 to care for her mother. 他们在英国组建家庭,但昂山素季于1988年反回越南照顾母亲。 www.bing.com 9. Brown said the UK must now build coalitions "which go beyond the bilateral blinkers of the normal partners. " 布朗说英国必须建立超越双边主义的正常的合作联盟。 www.2muslim.com 10. The company provides coverage across the UK and operates multi- customer logistics and supply chains for drink suppliers and retailers . 该公司的服务网络覆盖了整个英国,为饮料供货商和零售商提供多客户的物流供应链服务。 www.bing.com 1. UK interest rates are expected to be kept on hold at 5% following the latest meeting of the Bank of England. 英国利率预计将保持在5%以下搁置最新会议英格兰银行。 www.2getnews.com 2. But in the UK, to leave money to care for an animal as part of a will requires some craftsmanship. 但在英国,要在遗嘱中留钱照料一只动物需要一些技巧。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The UK has ordered Malawi's high commissioner to leave the country over the "unacceptable" expulsion of Britain's envoy to Lilongwe. 英国派往利隆圭的使者受到“不能接受的”驱逐,英国遂下令马拉维的高级官员离开该国。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. IAN BODDY is one of the UK's most celebrated synthesists, and a veteran of the European electronic music scene since the late 1970s. 伊安?博迪是英国最著名的synthesists,以及经验丰富的欧洲电子音乐舞台上世纪70年代以来。 www.cgfriend.org 5. The UK national newspaper Twitter accounts continued to grow as well. 越来越多英国全国性报纸在Twitter上注册了账号。 www.bing.com 6. In the UK, Ms Farrell says there had been a 16 per cent increase in job advertisements on the IT Jobs Board over the past year. 在英国,法雷尔表示,ITJobsBoard上的招聘广告数目在过去一年里增加了16%。 www.ftchinese.com 7. New research into the UK workforce, to be published this week, reveals that the British malaise is as serious as any. 将于本周发布的最新英国职员调查表明,英国的问题与其它国家同样严重。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Margaret Thatcher, former UK prime minister, was right when she said that exchange rates were a matter for markets to decide. 英国前首相撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)说过,汇率应是由市场来决定的事情。她的话有道理。 www.ftchinese.com 9. BLP UK is one of the largest manufacturers of furniture frontals for the domestic kitchen, bedroom and bathroom furniture market in Europe. 柏莱普英国有限公司是欧洲家用厨房,卧室和卫生间家具的最大的生产商之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Comparable to that of the UK overall and indeed lower than for the Chinese population overall, but I still don, t know what that means. 相比英国,中国的自杀率的确低一些,但我仍不知道那意味着什么。 www.ltaaa.com 1. From a purely investment perspective, political risk is greater than I was used to when running money in the UK and Europe. 从纯粹的投资角度看,中国的政治风险比我在英国及欧洲管理基金时面临的风险要大。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The group said the UK needed to return to an "internationally competitive tax regime" to stimulate the stuttering economy. 这群经济学家成英国需要重返“有国际竞争力的税收水准”以振奋疲软的经济。 www.bing.com 3. Despite the fallen military sales, UK security sales improved significantly on the back of strong global demand and a strong export push. 虽然军火销量有所下降,但英国的保安业务销售额在强劲的全球需求和出口推动下显著上升。 www.bing.com 4. Since the last week of November, Ireland and the UK have been locked in a pattern of record snowfalls and cold temperatures. 从11月的最后一个周起,爱尔兰和英国就被有历史记录以来最大规模的降雪和低温覆盖。 www.bing.com 5. The UK with its millions of gardens, thousands of public parks and garden squares, has always tried to show nature in its cities. 拥有成百上千万花园,成千上万公园和花园广场的英国积极展现着它城市的自然特色。 www.webi.com.cn 6. Accuracy can now be very high: Mr Eley says that in a trial with a UK bank, VoiceVault managed to achieve an error rate of below 2 per cent. 现在的准确率也非常高:埃利表示,在一家英国银行的试用过程中,VoiceVault实现了低于2%的错误率。 www.ftchinese.com 7. There has been a notable rise in women players, and the number of polo clubs across the UK has increased dramatically in the past decade. 女性参赛者数量明显上升,英国的马球俱乐部在过去十年里大幅增加。 www.bing.com 8. "I am not trying to be the equivalent of the UK foreign secretary for all of Europe, " she says. “我可不会成为英国处理与欧洲各国事务的外交大臣”她说。 www.ecocn.org 9. The city is an outpost for Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs, the Criminal Records Bureau and the UK Border Agency. 利物浦还是女王陛下收入和关税,罪犯记录局和英国边境署的一个前哨。 www.ecocn.org 10. BlackRock's European funds have one of its lightest allocations to the US and UK sovereign fixed income markets for two years. 贝莱德旗下各欧洲基金在美国和英国主权固定收益市场的配置为两年来最低水平。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Some vice-chancellors have been warning their colleagues not to be complacent about a constant stream of students heading for the UK. 一些副校长们一直在警告他们的同僚,不要因持续不断的赴英生源而感到自满。 blog.tianya.cn 2. She had planned what to do after graduation in the UK: two years' work experience at a restaurant and a tour around Europe. 她早就做好了毕业后留在英国的计划:先在餐馆工作两年,然后环游欧洲。 gb.cri.cn 3. This book shows how it is possible to build new homes and work places to reduce UK consumption whilst enhancing people's quality of life. 本书向读者说明如何可能建造新的住宅和工作空间,在提高人们生活质量的同时减少资源消耗。 www.topenergy.org 4. One of them was in fact published in the UK-based Journal of Ecology in 1993, but did not list Liu as an author. 其中一篇实际上于1993年发表于英国的《生态学杂志》,但是没有把刘登义列为作者。 www.scidev.net 5. It should also be noted however that the act of Trainspotting is UK slang for trying to find a vein to intravenously inject drugs. 也就是说,Trainspotting还是一句英国俚语,指找出静脉血管往里面注射毒品的动作。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The UK coalition plans to introduce charter schools; we shall have to see whether that delivers results. 英国联合政府计划引入特许学校,其成效如何还有待观察。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Fiona Fenn Smith, head of strategic marketing at the UK private bank, says the course evolved from her research into next generation issues. 这家英国私人银行的战略营销主管菲奥娜?芬恩?史密斯(FionaFennSmith)表示,这个课程是从她对下一代问题的研究中发展而来的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. "[This research] showed that the majority of UK dairy farmers are caring individuals who respect and love their herd, " she said. 她说:“(这项研究)显示绝大多数英国奶农懂得体贴关心,他们尊重并爱护他们的牧群。” www.hjenglish.com 9. Babcock said the Zephyr vehicle provided by design partner Creation UK needed more work to achieve survivability and maturity goals. Babcock说,英国设计伙伴CreationUK提供的Zephyr需要做更多的工作才能实现必要的生存能力和成熟目标。 www.etiri.com.cn 10. Managing partners at the UK's top law firms say that this reality will withstand future economic cycles. 英国顶尖律师事务所的管理合伙人表示,这一现实不会因未来的经济周期而改变。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The credit crunch is now approaching its most dangerous moment for ordinary businesses up and down the UK. 对于英国各地的普通企业而言,目前信贷紧缩即将进入最危险的阶段。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The shocking thing is, two years into an ostensible recovery, [UK] workers are actually earning less than at the depth of the recession. 表面复苏两年来,英国的工人实际比经济危机最严重时挣钱更少,这简直骇人听闻。 www.bing.com 3. Governments in countries such as the UK have also been active politically in trying to remove obstacles to internationalisation of the law. 英国等国家的政府也一直从政治上积极行动,试图消除法律国际化的障碍。 www.ftchinese.com 4. However, Mohamed Taranissi, medical director of the Assisted Reproduction and Gynaecology Centre (ARGC) in London, UK, disagrees. 然而,MohamedTaranissi,伦敦辅助生育与妇科中心的医学主任,不同意这样的做法。 news.dxy.cn 5. If China tried to intervene in the trial or sentencing of a Chinese citizen accused of a serious crime in the UK, we would not like it. 如果中国想干涉一个中国公民在英国被起诉犯罪的案件,我们不会高兴。 big5.china.com 6. A Home Office spokesman said the UK faced a "real and serious threat from terrorism" . 内政部发言人说,英国面临一次“真正的严重的恐怖主义威胁”。 www.bing.com 7. The UK stands ready to strengthen exchanges of experience and cooperation with China in this regard. 英方愿与中方就此加强经验交流与合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. Drew Brazer, UK managing director, said the inexpensive Minifigures were "accessible" toys for children to collect. 乐高英国的总经理德鲁·布雷泽(DrewBrazer)表示,因为价格并不昂贵,迷你公仔系列对于孩子们来说是可以收藏的玩具。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The UK's former Information Commissioner Richard Thomas said the case gave privacy laws a "bad name" . UK的前信息委员理查德。托马斯说这件案例给隐私法扣上了一个不好的名声。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. Until that revolution occurs, would it be so bad if the UK government borrowed a bit more when world interest rates are unprecedentedly low? 在革命之前,在全球利率水平处于空前低位的情况下,如果英国政府略微加大借债力度,情况真的会很糟糕吗? www.ftchinese.com |
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