单词 | trounced |
释义 | trounced是trounce的过去式
第三人称单数:trounces 现在分词:trouncing 过去式:trounced v. beat,thrash,rout,crush,overwhelm 例句释义: 〈口〉打败,痛打,痛骂,落花流水,中大败 1. And when that Olympic squad landed in Germany and got trounced by Italy in its second exhibition, panic began to set in. 随后当这支奥运代表队到达德国并在第二场表演赛中被意大利队痛击之后,恐慌降临了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Though he electrified the party convention, Mr Carter trounced him in the primaries before being crushed by Ronald Reagan. 虽然他给民主党党代会带来了激情,卡特先生在初选中依然大败肯尼迪,随后自己又被罗纳德?里根击垮。 www.ecocn.org 3. Yugoslavia were a fine side, who should have reached the semi-finals, but Germany trounced them 4-1. 南斯拉夫实力不俗,有能力打进半决赛,却被德国人灌了个一比四。 www.bing.com 4. The Free Democrats, the junior partner in Angela Merkel's coalition government, were trounced in a state election in Berlin. 自由民主党作为默克尔联合政府中一个年轻的搭档,在柏林的一个州的选举中被打得落花流水。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. For an hour yet to come, elder brother and younger brother had been trounced by me, surrender! 一个小时还没有到,哥哥和弟弟就已经被我打得落花流水,投降了! gotofob.cn 6. The very next day, Ms Gillard was trounced in parliament on legislation dealing with asylum-seekers arriving in Australia by boat. 就在第二天,在处理那些坐船到澳大利亚寻求政治避难者的立法上,吉拉德在议会一败涂地。 www.ecocn.org 7. Narrator: But Ricky was a god for 10 minutes when he trounced the maitre of a local food court. 但当他将一家当地美食广场的总管打得落花流水时,在那十分钟内,他就是上帝。 word.hcbus.com 8. Our soldiers trounced the enemy troops. 我们的士兵击败了敌军。 9. He has gained authority in his own party, Civic Platform, which has trounced its opponents at every turn. 他在自己党内树立了权威,国内平台上则处处打压反对者。 www.ecocn.org 10. In a breakthrough for artificial intelligence, IBM's Watson supercomputer has trounced Jeopardy! IBM的沃森超级计算机已经染指《危险》(美国受热捧的智力竞赛节目),实为人工智能的一个新突破! www.bing.com 1. Mr. Combs suffered losses of a little more than 5% in 2008, though that return trounced the overall market's. 库姆斯2008年承受了略超5%的亏损,不过这个回报率还是远远超过了整个市场的水平。 c.wsj.com 2. Instead of spearheading the new future of air travel, private companies have been trounced by their state-owned rivals. 本应成为中国航空事业未来先锋的民营公司,却被国营对手击败。 www.bing.com 3. Her popularity is at its lowest point since 2006 and her party was trounced in recent local elections. 她的支持率降到了2006年以来的最低点。她的政党在地区选举中失败。 www.bing.com 4. Having trounced the opposition last season Chelsea, for the sake of variety, have now taken to teasing them. 上赛季切尔西屡屡大胜对手,出于变招,现在开始戏弄他们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Most pundits expected them to be trounced at the polls. 大部分学者也期待他们会在选举中遭到沉重打击。 www.bing.com 6. Australia's ruling Labor Party was trounced in state elections in New South Wales, once its stronghold. 澳大利亚执政党工党在其“大本营”新南威尔士州的选举中惨败。 www.ecocn.org 7. Miller is a brilliant polymath and he has trounced his rivals by thinking differently. 米勒聪明、博学,用不同的思维方式打败了对手。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The young and hip social network has trounced Google twice on the ultimate-frisbee pitch. 这个年轻新潮的社区网络在极限飞盘的投掷中给Google两次重击。 www.ecocn.org 9. In the pecking order at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , traders trounced investment bankers for most of the past decade. 过去十年的大部分时间里,就高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)的业绩排名来看,交易员远远强过投资银行家。 c.wsj.com 10. The Germans have trounced the French in both internal and external eurozone trade. 德国人在欧元区内外的贸易中都挫败了法国人。 www.fortunechina.com 1. In this election, the mullahs were trounced in NWFP and won three parliamentary seats. 在这次的选举中,mullahs在西北前线省份遭到痛击,而且仅赢得了3个议会席位。 www.ecocn.org 2. If Democrats get trounced, will he emerge, sounding contrite, and take responsibility for their losses? 如果民主党被痛击,他将站出来并深感懊悔地对他们的损失承担责任吗? www.bing.com 3. She trounced the competition, blew them away to win the 800-meter-race at the World Athletic Championship in Berlin. 在柏林举行的世锦赛上,她力挫其他对手,赢得了800米比赛。 club.topsage.com 4. The army will never forget its embarrassment in 1990 when her party trounced the army's candidates. 这军队永远不会忘记1990年的尴尬,那时她的政党痛打军队的候选人。 www.ecocn.org 5. In the end the billionaire trounced the mere multimillionaire. 最后亿万富翁打败了千万富翁。 www.ecocn.org 6. In the contest, televised in America in February, Watson trounced the two most successful previous champions of the quiz. 比赛在今年2月全程直播,“沃森”轻松击败了两位人类冠军。 www.ecocn.org 7. Some 97% of Kikuyu voted for Mr Kibaki. Everywhere else he was trounced . 约97%的基库尤人民将投票给了齐贝吉,但他在其它地区却遭到挫败。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Barack Obama won the state, but Mr Daniels trounced his Democratic opponent, 58% to 40%. 奥巴马赢得了整个国家,但丹尼尔斯先生以58%比40%痛击了他的民主党对手。 www.ecocn.org 9. They were duly trounced. 他们理所当然地遭到了挫败。 www.ftchinese.com 10. That is a worrying reversal for Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the prime minister, whose Liberal Party trounced the Social Democrats in 2005. 这对于AndersFoghRasmussen这位现总理来说,是一次令人担忧的翻盘。他所领导的自由党曾于2005年击败社会民主党。 www.ecocn.org 1. In 1971, the Chinese players were considered the best in the world, and in several days of matches, they trounced the Americans. 1971年,中国乒乓球运动员被认为是世界上最棒的,在几天的比赛中,他们大胜美国队。 www.voanews.cn 2. Lazio trounced Cagliari 4-1 at the Stadio Sant'Elia in Sardegna while Sampdoria held current champions Inter to a 1-1 draw. 拉齐奥在撒丁岛的圣埃利亚球场以4-1痛击了卡利亚里,而桑普多利亚则1-1逼平了卫冕冠军国际米兰。 www.laziofly.com 3. so appreciate life like and want to stay it should when it trounced a hurry, such as passing. 如此赞赏生活,如并且想要停留它应该,当它殴打了仓促,例如通过。 www.bing.com 4. If there were mean girls troubling my sister, I went straight to the girls and jhapped (trounced) them. 如果有坏女孩找我姊妹麻烦,我会直接揍她们。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. But he was trounced in a Senate race last year by Rand Paul, viewed as extreme even by many Republicans. 但在去年的参议员竞选中,他却被兰德?保罗,一个甚至被许多共和党人视为偏激的人彻底打败。 www.ecolion.cn 6. Switzerland beat Togo 2-0, while Ukraine trounced Saudi Arabia 4-0. 瑞士2比0战胜多哥,而乌克兰则以4比0大败沙特。 www.hxen.com 7. Like other Chinese internet companies, Alibaba has already trounced a US giant at home; 就如对付中国其他网络企业一样,阿里巴巴在国内给了一家美国大公司当头一棒; www.bing.com 8. he should be soundly trounced 应该痛打他一顿! www.ichacha.net |
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