单词 | uber- |
释义 |
例句释义: 最好的,超级的 1. The only thing worse than not being able to ask your uber bucket meaningful questions is having an empty uber bucket. 唯一比不能向您的超级木桶询问有意义问题更糟糕的事情是,拥有一个空的超级木桶。 www.ibm.com 2. Then the government was like the proverbial rabbit trapped in the headlights of the "market uber alles" thinking in place since the 1970s. 自从上世纪70年代起,政府就像寓言中的兔子一样,在“市场高于一切”思想的招牌前踌躇不决。 www.bing.com 3. Uber tech investment banker Frank Quattrone recently cited Huawei as one of the industry's new leaders in remarks to a conference crowd. 在近期的一次会议中,尖端技术投资银行家弗兰克?奎特隆称华为公司已成为行业的新晋领袖。 www.fortunechina.com 4. The uber bucket needs to be self-governing in that it needs a way of validating the information that it contains. 超级木桶需要自我管理,需要一种确认它包含信息的方法。 www.ibm.com 5. Another factor is the blunt truth that such a community will only be affordable for the uber-wealthy. 另外一个显而易见的事实是,这样的社区只有有钱人才住的起。 www.elanso.com 6. Individual investors are wading back into the U. S. stock market. That ought to make uber-bulls think twice. 散户投资者回到美国股市,这值得极度看多人士仔细考虑。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Now, your army of PR advisers, lawyers and lobbyists will say you are crazy to fess up to your uber-capitalism. 现在,你的公关顾问、律师和游说人士组成的军团会说,你真是疯了,会承认自己的超级资本主义。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Burn Ward: Ignite 3 medics that are ready to deploy an Uber-charge. 烧伤者病房:点燃三个准备使用超级充能的医疗兵。 www.playhl.com 9. This Chinese Internet stock is priced like an uber-Chinese Internet stock. 在于这只中国互联网概念股的估值在同类股中处于超高水平。 c.wsj.com 10. Stunning harbor views are a feature of this new uber-cool and uber-trendy 'boutique' hotel owned by the Swire Group. 美不胜收的港口景观是这家太古集团旗下的巨酷巨时尚的精品酒店的一大特色。 www.bing.com 1. Jin is a thought back to modern, whole day busy research, by the emperor as uber, live alone ward, qingchuan often go to see her. 锦良一心想回现代,整天忙于研究,被皇上视为妖孽,独住冷宫,晴川常去看她。 www.wxhaoren.com 2. Since this uber bucket manages clothing metadata, it is pointless to put in metadata about your car or your dog's vaccination schedule. 自从这个超级木桶管理衣服元数据之后,它对输入的您的汽车或者您的狗的接种疫苗安排的元数据就变得不重要。 www.ibm.com 3. The uber-elite are simply opting out of the system entirely, doing all they can to send their kids abroad, thereby avoiding the gaokao. 从头到脚都是精英意识的人干脆放弃整个体制,用尽一切办法把自己的孩子送出国,从而回避高考。 dongxi.net 4. Nail the villain: Kevin Bacon brings laser focus, and looks really good in an ascot, as uber-cool evil mastermind Sebastian Shaw. 演好恶人:扮演邪恶势力总指挥塞巴斯蒂安·肖的凯文·培根完全沉浸在了他的角色里,而且他戴着领巾看起来真是棒极了。 dongxi.net 5. The displeasure of trading partners unwilling to retaliate is of no consequence to Chinese uber-realists. 不愿采取报复措施的贸易伙伴可以表达不满,但这对极度现实的中国领导人来说没什么大不了的。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Now I'm not uber cool myself but the hotel has clearly benefitted from some excellent reviews and publicity as being a super cool venue. 现在我自己也不是一个很棒的专业评价人士,但酒店能成为一个非常棒的酒店很显然得益于一些非常好的评价和宣传。 www.taskcn.com 7. What are the common attributes among the uber-wealthy? 超级富翁都也些什么共同的体征? www.bing.com 8. In the CW's "Gossip Girl, " the uber-corrupt, mega-rich bad boy happens to be the fan favorite. 在CW的“闲话女孩”中,超级腐败,富有的坏孩子恰好是影迷喜爱的。 www.tianya.cn 9. Yachts and private jets appear to be the latest objects of desire for China's uber-rich. 游艇和私人飞机似乎是中国超级富豪最新的追逐对象。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Clearly, Facebook is another uber-capitalist experiment: can you make money out of friendship? 很明显,Facebook是另一项顶尖资本家的实验:你能从朋友关系中赚到钱吗? www.bing.com 1. Not a secret as such, but Microsoft doesn' t exactly shout about the fact it plays nice with a device made by uber-rival Apple. 不是什么秘密等,但微软并没有完全喊叫的事实起到很好的设备所作的尤伯杯竞争对手苹果。 bbs.a9vg.com 2. Now the famous Uber FJ can be yours - after two years and $130K invested. 现在著名的尤伯杯闽可你-两年后$130K投资。 www.toyotakr4x4.com.tw 3. Drawing on advice from uber-parent Jacqueline Kennedy, Bill and Hillary Clinton strove to create a cocoon of normalcy for Chelsea. Ms. 根据意见,超级母公司杰奎琳肯尼迪,克林顿和希拉里克林顿竭力创造一个蚕茧正常的切尔西队。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The Obamas were now living in Hyde Park, an uber-liberal neighbourhood of Chicago dominated by the university. Obamas一家这个时候住在HydePark,这是一个由芝加哥大学管理的,芝加哥一个最具自由主义色彩的社区。 www.bing.com 5. Of course, men have long shed housewife number one for a younger uber-model. 的确,男性在年轻的超级模式中,家庭主妇一号的位置一直在滑落。 www.bing.com 6. Uber-producer Scott Rudin is less circumspect. Pitt, Rudin said in a recent interview, "saved it single-handedly" . 超级制片人斯科特·鲁丁没有像索德伯格那样小心谨慎。鲁丁在最近一次采访中说,“皮特单枪匹马挽救了项目。” www.bing.com 7. Since then, Chinese badminton teams have won the Thomas Cup eight times, the Uber Cup six times and the Sudirman Trophy three times. 此后,中国羽毛球队赢得八次汤姆斯杯赛、六次尤伯杯赛、三次苏迪曼杯赛。 www.readywin.com 8. After two days of wooing, Benchmark provided nearly $12 million in capital for a 20% stake in Uber, pegging its valuation at $60 million. 经过两天的“恋爱”,Benchmark出资近1,200万美元购买了Uber公司20%的股份,使整个公司的估值达到6,000万美元。 chinese.wsj.com 9. There she is in her uber expensive dress. Way to live your princess dreams now, wasting others' money. 章子怡穿着昂贵的低胸晚装,实现了她的皇后梦想,浪费着别人的钱。 www.tianya.cn 10. Some uber-cool (and somewhat wealthy) people have remodeled their backyards into their own outdoor home theater. 一些很酷的(也是有钱的)人已经把他们的后院重新改建成私人的户外家庭影院。 www.elanso.com 1. The capital's uber-wealthy set were shocked this month when their favourite club, Dyagilev, burned down. 本月,首都的时尚富人圈都为之震惊,因为他们最喜欢的夜总会Dyagilev被烧为平地。 www.bing.com 2. You guys, the fans of this site, know how discerning I am when it comes to " uber " content in a game. 当这些天才的想法出现在游戏中时,本网站的网友们,你们就知道我是多么有眼光了。 www.showxiu.com 3. Larger Deployment Zones courtesy of Baron Von Beer and his uber-mod. 提供更大范围的部署区冯啤酒男爵和他的尤伯杯改进型。 www.clanlong.com 4. 11 points or less: You are a lonely uber-bull. Whether brave or just foolish, the stock market needs more people like you. 低于11分:你是个孤独的、彻头彻尾的看涨者。无论是勇敢还是愚蠢,股市需要更多像你这样的人。 www.qeto.com 5. Afterwards is the briefly uber-popular Brother Sharp, aka "Prince of Beggars" at 13% followed by Yao Ming, the NBA baller superstar at 3%. 之后是超级无敌范儿——犀利哥(又名“乞丐王子”),占到13%,随后才是NBA球星姚明(3%)。 career.51youcai.com 6. Men's wear collection boasts of uber cool graphics, crisp yarn dyes and smart formals. 男装服饰系列包含了尤伯杯等漂亮图形,清晰的纱线染料和时髦的外观。 www.silkcapital.com 7. "They've got something! From Liverpool, I hear, of all places. " "From Liverpool uber alles! " “哪儿都有他们!从利物浦开始,我听说,到所有的地方”。“利物浦至上!” www.bing.com 8. As well as 59 bedrooms, there is a cinema, a sauna, an art gallery, a chapel and an uber-cool vodka bar. 冰雪旅馆里有59个卧室,还有电影院、桑拿室、美术馆、小教堂和一个超酷的伏特加酒吧。 www.i21st.cn 9. Some uber-chemical process with gases occurs just from the fruit touching each other. 一些与气体有关的化学反应就是发生在水果相互接触的时候。 www.elanso.com 10. I have never met anyone who needs a singing, counting, whirling, white-noise-making, uber toy attached to the crib. 我从未见过任何一个人需要一个歌唱机、一个计数器、一个旋转机、一个白噪音制造器和系到婴儿床上的乳房玩具。 www.bing.com 1. The lows of $35 a barrel earlier this year reflected the post-Lehman uber-pessimism. 而今年早些时候油价跌到每桶35美元也反映了雷曼兄弟(Lehman)破产之后市场的过度悲观人气。 www.bing.com 2. Engineers were king. Product uber alles. 工程师就是国王,产品就是王道。 www.fortunechina.com 3. It wouldn't be a particularly bad thing unless it goes uber-wrong. 这也不是什么非常糟糕的事除非极度恶化。 www.ltaaa.com 4. Here is another interesting thing for the uber-rich to spend their money on. 这对于那些超级富翁来说这是一个他们消费的另一个趣点。 www.bing.com 5. This is where you'll find the otaku, Japanese uber-nerds whose lives revolve around comic books and computers. 在这里你会见识到日本痴迷于漫画和电脑的御宅族。 cn.reuters.com 6. This uber bucket would also need to keep track and learn from the choices you make. 这个超级木桶还需要记录并且从您做的选择中得知这些信息。 www.ibm.com 7. Also -- and this is a no-brainer -- the uber bucket will have to perform. 并且——这里是非常简单的——这个超级木桶必须要执行。 www.ibm.com 8. We don't want to flood the economy with "uber power" items that cheese the content. 我们并不想用“妖孽”装备来冲垮经济秩序。 ebebbs.igncn.com 9. Then the uber cute LIGHT SWITCH STICKERS by Henrietta Swift should do the trick. 由HenriettaSwift设计的电灯开关贴纸就能满足你的愿望。 www.bing.com 10. That I'm this uber-endurance guy? 我这有着市区耐力般的家伙? www.ted.com 1. And you can usually tell the uber-moms, because they actually weigh less than their own children. 你很容易辨识出超级母亲,因为她们通常比孩子还瘦。 www.ted.com 2. Interior magazine sleeve so you can have something to read on the uber boring train, plane or bus rides. 室内杂志套筒,这样你就可以有东西可以读尤伯杯枯燥的火车,飞机或乘搭巴士。 test.freemerce.com 3. The uber-filler "like" is deemed the most irritating by 28%. 28%的人认为超级填白词“好像”是最令人恼火的。 www.bing.com 4. If you have GPS, that uber-strategy of stimulus-response may seem quite familiar. 如果你使用GPS,对刺激反应策略这个上策应该不会陌生。 www.bing.com 5. China and South Korea have met 6 times in the Uber Cup final, with China winning the first 5 times. 中韩两国在尤伯杯决赛中曾6次相遇,前5次都以中国队获胜而告终。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Memo to China's uber-rich: You don't have a monopoly on charity dinners. 中国超级富豪备忘录:慈善晚宴并不是你们的特权。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The mod looks now uber cool! 看起来现在的国防部尤伯杯酷了! bbs.mountblade.com.cn 8. There are Thomas Cup for men, and Uber Cup for women. 有汤姆斯杯,是男子团体赛,女子团体赛是尤伯杯。 www.tdict.com 9. Thanks to our Bollywood babes, we know short hair is very much in. Priyanka Chopra 's uber cool look in that bob hair cut is stunning. 我们的宝莱坞宝贝下,我们知道短发非常英寸Priyanka乔普拉氏尤伯杯在鲍勃冷静地审视剪头发是惊人的。 group.mtime.com 10. Chances are you're not invited unless you're among Obama's uber rich supporters. 不过除非你是那些支持奥巴马的超级富翁中的一位,否则你恐怕很难收到邀请。 www.putclub.com 1. basically a bunch of guys with uber skill and nothing to do, so they pick hard targets for fun 他们是一群身手很牛叉的家伙,但没什么事做,因此以猎杀有难度的目标为乐 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Create uber-update sites that know how to get plug-ins from multiple sources 创建知道如何从多个资源获得插件的强力更新(uber-update)站点 www.infoq.com 3. Stukas uber London, or Eagles Over London 伦敦上空的鹰 zhidao.baidu.com |
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