单词 | unimaginative |
释义 |
例句释义: 无创意的,缺乏想象力的,缺乏想像力的,无想象力的,没有想象力的 1. told him that I thought they were rather bland and unimaginative. Functional, like a penis. No, I didn't say that. 我告诉他,我觉得它们没什么意思,很无趣。跟支笔没什么两样。不,我没有那么说。 www.bing.com 2. When a subordinate finishes a first assignment quickly, the unimaginative manager often is at a loss for a next assignment. 当一个下属很迅速的完成了领导安排的任务,一个缺乏想象力的德主管会不知所措,不知道接下来应该安排什么任务给你。 www.bing.com 3. Zidane's off-field blandness extends to his wardrobe, which is just sort of dull and unimaginative. Luckily his wife has perfect taste. 齐达内球场下的平淡无奇延伸到他的衣柜里,简直是有些呆板、缺少想像力。万幸的是,他的妻子非常有品位。 e.3edu.net 4. Twenty-nine years of Hosni Mubarak's stolid, unimaginative rule have brought his country its longest stretch of peace for a century. 胡斯尼?穆巴拉克在埃及29年不事声张的刻板统治,给他的国家带来了一个世纪内最长的一段和平时期。 www.24en.com 5. I'm just an ad man . . . . . . but it strikes me as a slightly unimaginative way of improving a train journey merely to make it shorter. 我只是个广告人…但依我看,作为改善火车之旅的方法,这不免有些缺乏想象力如果仅仅是缩短行程的话。 www.ted.com 6. Unimaginative as it may be, I will now turn to violence to solve my problems with you. 你我之间的问题只能用武力解决了,虽然这种方法有点缺乏想象力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. China may be the world's fastest-growing automotive market, but so far homegrown Chinese car design has proven unimaginative at best. 中国可能是世界上增长最快的汽车市场,但是到目前为止中国国产汽车设计却被证明是最为缺乏想象力的。 www.bing.com 8. English is a colorful language, but chronic cursers repeatedly use the same, unimaginative words that have been around for centuries. 英语是一种多姿多彩的语言,但是谩骂者也使用着同样的语言,他们使用那些无趣的词语已经长达几个世纪。 www.bing.com 9. Compared with that, the US contribution was unimaginative. 相比之下,美国方面的发言就显得乏味透顶。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Copying came to be seen as disreputable, as a refuge for the unimaginative. 模仿变得声名狼藉,被认为是缺乏想象力的代名词。 www.bing.com 1. You may not be a poet of philosopher but you do enjoy inspirational messages and ideas unimaginative ideas. 也许你并不是诗人或哲学家,却对赋有灵感的信息、想法或者具有想象力的观点感兴趣。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. unimaginative development of a musical theme ; uninspired writing. 对音乐主题的平庸无味的展开;平凡无趣的作品。 www.showxiu.com 3. I find them stupid, unimaginative, indifferent to the suffering of others, and conveniently ignorant and agnostic. 我觉得他们愚昧,缺乏想像力,漠视他人的痛苦,很容易变成无知者和不可知者。 www.elanso.com 4. Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative. 谈论天气是无趣谈话最后的避难所。 www.tiantianbt.com 5. But rigid labour agreements, hungry competitors and decades of short-term, unimaginative leadership took their toll. 然而,僵硬的劳工协议、饥渴的竞争对手以及数十年短视、缺乏想象力的领导,终于酿成了恶果。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. 一致性是缺乏想像力的人最后的避难所。 www.kaoyansky.cn 7. Consistency is the last resort of the unimaginative. 一致性是缺乏想象力的最后乐园。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Naturally insecure or unimaginative managers don't attract or keep great talent, which diminishes their team's ability to get results. 很明显,缺乏安全感的或者想象力的领导不能吸引或留住人才,这样有损于团队的工作能力。 www.bing.com 9. a colorless and unimaginative person; a colorless description of the parade. 无趣的、没有想象力的人;对游行的无趣的描写。 dict.wenguo.com 10. He is an unimaginative person who does everything by the book. 他是个缺乏想像力、一切照章办事的人。 www.hotdic.com 1. We have seen the addition of audio and video to these media, but in very prosaic, unimaginative ways. 我们看到过把声音和影像与这些媒体结合起来,但是其形式却是非常的松散单调。 www.elanso.com 2. Or perhaps you want a company full of unimaginative clones? 或许你希望你的公司满是一群毫无想象力的克隆人? www.ftchinese.com 3. What is more disappointing in Mr Romney is the gap between his lofty aim of perpetual American ascendancy and his unimaginative means. 更让我们失望的是罗姆尼先生那崇高的美国拥有长期支配地位的目标和他缺乏想象力的方案之间的差距。 www.ecocn.org 4. Unimaginative scientists don't produce radically new ideas. 没有想象力的科学家无法有全新的想法。 www.bing.com 5. Many of the national pavilions are lacklustre and unimaginative by comparison. 相比之下,许多国家展馆显得缺乏生气和想象力。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I think the wilfully unimaginative see more monsters. They are often more afraid. 我认为这些缺乏想象力的人看到的怪物更多,他们通常更担心害怕。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Are they filled with dull, unimaginative people? 它们是否聚集着沉闷无趣、没有想象力的员工? blog.sina.com.cn 8. Children who play truant from school are unimaginative. 逃学的孩子们都缺乏想像力。 www.kekenet.com 9. Her critics call this cautious and unimaginative. 她的批评者称之为谨慎和缺乏想象力。 www.ecocn.org 10. Litter boys who play truant from school are unimaginative. 逃学的男孩子们是没有想象力的。 blog.163.com 1. Most items in exclusive shops are unimaginative. 高级商店里的东西大多缺乏想象力。 www.veryen.org 2. On one hand, it would certainly be original when compared to the other dull and unimaginative mailboxes lining the street. 一方面,和街道里其他枯燥和缺乏想象力的邮箱比这肯定会是很好的创意。 www.bing.com 3. It's lazy, unimaginative, and completely false. 但这是懒惰,无趣并且完全错误的。 www.bing.com 4. Immediately after, he becomes engaged to a friend of Elizabeth's, the placid, unimaginative Charlotte Lucas. 紧接着他就和伊丽莎白的女友夏洛特卢卡斯订了婚,她性情温和而头脑缺乏想象力。 www3.060s.com 5. This goes to show what a stolid and unimaginative fish China Man can be. 这说明中国男性是多么的感觉迟钝缺乏想象力的呆头鱼。 item.feedsky.com 6. The food was adequate but unimaginative. 食物尚可但乏善可陈。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A stupid or unimaginative person dupe n. 傻瓜,易受骗的人。 qostudy.org 8. It's easy to see this as indicative of workaholism , or of a dull, unimaginative, grinder's attitude; 容易看出这是个沉迷工作者的典型,或者说是一种枯燥、缺乏想象、精工细作的态度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Unimaginative , and the people want to behave better not come over! 希望自己平淡无奇和循规蹈矩的人最好不要过来! dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I think that is wrong, unimaginative and short sighted. 我认为是错误,缺乏想象力和短视的想法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. His brothers seemed rather unimaginative and narrow-minded, although they were both well educated: 他的哥哥们看起来相当枯燥死板,而且心胸狭窄,尽管他们俩都受过良好的教育, www.kekenet.com |
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