单词 | unidentified |
释义 |
adj. n. unidentified man,unidentified woman,unidentified source,unidentified aircraft,unidentified body 例句释义: 未知的,不明的,未确认的,身分不明,未经确认的,身份不明的 1. AN unidentified man is lurking about Cyprus with a partner trying to scam pensioners for hundreds of euros. 一个身份不明的人是潜伏关于塞浦路斯与合作伙伴努力为几百欧元诈骗退休。 www.sdsky.com 2. The report did not provide details of the talks, but quoted an unidentified Changan executive as saying there was a chance for a deal. 报道未披露会谈细节,不过,援引长安汽车一不具名的经理的话说,有机会达成交易。 www.bing.com 3. "In the long-run, the move will help TV dramas develop in a scientific and healthy manner, " said the unidentified spokesman. “从长远看,这一转变将帮助电视剧在一个科学和健康的方式上发展,”身份不明的发言人说。 www.bing.com 4. Barsa said he was still negotiating with an unidentified buyer from Denver whom he said was offering much less than a fair price. 巴萨称,他还在与一位身份不明的丹佛买家协商,该买家所出的价格远低于公平价格。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. UNIDENTIFIED MALE It 's convenient . You don't have to deal with a sort of surly clerk , and you know , I'm just as happy with it. 你必须知道,你必须知道这一切都是为了你。你对我太宽容以至于都不认真地对待我。 www.bing.com 6. It simply does not follow that there would be an increase in output in these unidentified factories because robots do not make mistakes. 在这些未经确认的工厂中,不能说因为机器人不会失误,其产量自然而然就会增长。 www.xiaoma.com 7. The unidentified worker was assigned to Fukushima Daiichi for about a week in early August by a subcontracting company. 8月初,这位身份不明的工人被劳务分包公司派遣到福岛第一核电站工作一周左右。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Behind the house there was an enormous tree that bore handsome big red apples of an unidentified variety and undistinguished flavor. 屋后有一颗巨大的树,会结出漂亮的又红又大的苹果类的水果,品种不明,味道却平常。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Since the beginning of Chilean history, there have been reports of unidentified phenomena, sometimes called UFOs , observed in our skies. 年初以来,智利历史上,有报告不明的现象,有时被称为飞碟,看到在我们的天空。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. "An unidentified reason caused a hole in the ship, which led to its sinking. Rescue efforts are under way, " the ministry said. 国防部称:“不明原因在舰艇上制造了一个大洞,致使它沉没。营救措施依旧在进行。” blog.sina.com.cn 1. UNIDENTIFIED MALE It is like watching a kid in a water park, you know, with a water slide. 男被访者这就像在水上乐园看着一个小家伙玩水中滑梯。 www.exue.com 2. "We have had quite a few people come to the lake to use their model speedboats which is unacceptable, " the unidentified spokesman said. “我们有不少来到湖边人们使用他们的模型快艇,这是不可接受的,”身份不明的发言人说。 www.cnhuu.cn 3. Now scientists have found a previously unidentified ingredient in this oily mixture, a reddish pigment. 现在科学家在火烈鸟的尾羽中发现了一种新的物质,一种略带红色的颜料。 www.wffy.com.cn 4. UNIDENTIFIED MALE It's just an opportunity to leave it all behind, put your cell phone in your gym locker and focus on yourself. 男被访者就把它看做将一切抛于脑后的机会,手机放在体育馆的更衣柜里,让自己专注锻炼。 www.kuenglish.info 5. The unidentified kidnappers later released one of the local drivers with a note saying they wanted a share in the region's oil wealth. 身份不名的绑架者在案发后释放了一名司机,传话说他们希望从石油收入中得到更多的利益份额。 bbs.englishto.com 6. Earlier , the president laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns , which contains the unidentified remains of members of the U. 早些时候,总统给这些无名者的墓地献上花圈,他们包括那些在大战中死亡的未确认身份的美国军事成员的遗体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Authorities in Iraq say unidentified gunmen have killed a Sunni Arab tribal chief, three of his sons and a close relative. 伊拉克当局说,身分不明的枪手打死了一名逊尼派阿拉伯部族首领以及他的三个儿子和一名关系较近的亲属。 www.hicoo.net 8. An unidentified woman screams as she realizes that a man dressed up like a zombie is sitting next to her. 一位不知道姓名的女人看到坐在旁边的是一位扮成僵尸的男人,吓得惊叫起来。 gb.cri.cn 9. One unidentified teenage girl said the killer gathered his victims around before opening fire. 一位不愿透露身份的小姑娘说当时杀手将受害者们集中到他身边,而后突然开火。 dongxi.net 10. The engineers were in Baghdad to carry out repairs at a power station. They were seized by unidentified gunmen late Monday. 上周一,这些工程师被不明身份的枪手劫持,他们当时在巴格达的一个发电所执行修理任务。 bbs.wwenglish.org 1. It said the 26-year-old was a parliamentary candidate, citing unidentified sources. 据说26岁的金正云是一个议员,这个消息来源不明。 www.bing.com 2. Another photo of two unidentified woman about to kiss in the moment. 另一张照片是两个不明身份的女子正要热吻的瞬间。 www.englishtang.com 3. Captured by the photographer's flash, an unidentified fish takes center stage with a backdrop of a red vase sponge. 水下动物图片集。被摄影者的闪光灯俘获,是一个未经确认的鱼类占领图片的中心的背后是一个红色花瓶海绵。 bbs.scol.com.cn 4. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE Since I am a type A person, it's very difficult for me to relax. I am intense, and I have to really work at it. 女被访者由于我是A型人,非常不容易让自己放松。我时常感到紧张,因此不得不努力锻炼,减少压力。 bbs.wendaedu.com 5. Ensign: Picking up something on the long-range scanner. Unidentified vessel. Looks like a cruiser. 长程扫描发现疑点。是无法确认的飞行器。看起来像是巡航舰。 www.dashuye.com 6. Fanciful name given to various unidentified disc-shaped objects reported in the sky. This prevalent modern myth refuses to go away. 据说天空出现过各种唱片形状的不明飞行物,人们就凭想象给这种物体起了这个名字。这个在现代广为流传的神秘东西依然不肯飞走。 blogs.ustcers.com 7. When Jacques Delors called the EU an unidentified political object, the economy was doing so well the union did not need to be defined. 当雅克?德洛尔称欧盟为身份不明的政治体时,经济还运行良好,欧盟还不必去定义。 www.bing.com 8. Dictates the possible actions for a particular Web page, the protection framework rejects any unidentified actions sent to it. 规定了特定Web页上可以进行的操作,所以这个保护框架会拒绝发送给它的所有不能识别的操作。 www-128.ibm.com 9. A lawyer for the unidentified woman and another person close to the situation also said there had been no sexual relationship. 未透露身份的女当事人的律师和另一位知情人士也表示,两人没有发生性关系。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Only occasionally was the unidentified teen jolted into consciousness as his classmates erupted into cheers and applaused for the president. 在整个过程当中他只有在同伴为总统欢呼鼓掌时被“吵醒”了一会儿。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Hundreds of bodies in the temporary morgue set up in a gymnasium remain unidentified. 在一个体育馆设立的临时停尸所里有成百上千具遗体还没有被确认身份。 chinese.wsj.com 2. As Science went to press, Fang had not responded to a request for comment, and the unidentified assailants remained at large. 到《科学》杂志要付印之际,方也还没就此事做任何评论,身份不明的歹徒还在逍遥法外。 www.bing.com 3. This unidentified blogger is now in her third year of teaching, but still calls her site firstyearteacher. Blogspot. Com. 这个未经确认的博客作者如今是她的第三年教学生涯,但是她依然访问她的网页 blog.hjenglish.com 4. The body of the unidentified man is found by police who had been looking for a 19-year-old Japanese woman. 这具身份不明的男尸是警方在打捞一名19岁的日本女性尸体时意外发现的。 www.bing.com 5. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE Besides, you know, pumping iron, it's nice to relax. 女被访者此外,举重也能令人放松。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Unidentified masked men who also smashed a Savings Bank with an iron bar the door, and lit in front of the garbage. 不明身份蒙面者还用铁棍砸坏了一个储蓄所的大门,并在门前点燃垃圾。 www.englishtang.com 7. Captain Xu Demin first called his wife saying a group of unidentified men were robbing his boat. 船长徐德明打电话告知他妻子,有一伙不明身份的人正在抢夺他的船只。 hi.baidu.com 8. North Korea's official (KCNA) news agency says its patrol boat was on a mission to confirm an unidentified object on its side of the border. 北韩官方通讯社说,北韩警备艇当时在执行任务,确定北韩海域内的一个不明物体。 ept-cn.com 9. Later, however, the unidentified person would not confirm that the group was behind the Obama posts, Peck wrote. 然而,这名没有得到确认的人员也没有确认这个组织发表了关于奥巴马总统的错误信息,P写到。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The as-yet-unidentified disease seems to affect tigers' ability to hunt wild game. 这个至今未得到确诊的疾病看起来会影响东北虎在野外捕食的能力。 www.bing.com 1. It could be that schizophrenics are more susceptible to the infection, or some third, as yet unidentified variable may be involved. 可能是精神分裂症更容易感染弓形虫,或者有未知的第三方因素牵涉其中。 bbs.internet.org.cn 2. A group of unidentified persons beat it repeatedly with a metal name Kyrgyz, the last that the man died in hospital. 一伙身份不明者用金属物多次击打这名吉尔吉斯斯坦人,最后这名男子在医院伤重不治。 www.englishtang.com 3. Writing under the user name Weileni5123, he began exchanging flirtatious messages with an unidentified woman. 他以用户名“为了你5123”发贴,开始与一名未经确认身份的女子互相调情聊天。 c.wsj.com 4. They reported the unidentified creatures emerged, then H star soldier there, he observed the child and took away his planet, panic lifted. 他们上报了不明生物的出现,而后H星军人出现,他观察了地球小孩之后带走了他,惊慌解除。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The woman survived and afterward put out a call to thank the unidentified foreigner, but he was never identified. 那个女人活了下来,后来呼吁要感谢那个不知名的外国人,但始终没找到他的名字。 www.bing.com 6. Last month in the state of Bihar, 49 children died from an unidentified viral infection over a few weeks in three districts. 6月,在比哈尔邦(Bihar)的三个区,几周时间内就有49个孩子死于一种不明病毒感染。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The footage showed soldiers walking through a deserted street in an unidentified location in Gaza. 录象显示士兵在加沙一不明地方穿过空无一人的街道。 blog.163.com 8. SingTel is in the early stages of deciding whether to bid, the London-based newspaper said, citing an unidentified corporate adviser. 位于伦敦的《独立报》援引不愿透露姓名的企业顾问的话,报道说新加坡电信正处于是否决定收购的初期阶段。 www.bing.com 9. UFO is an abbreviation for "unidentified flying object, " which is an object in the air that cannot be easily explained. UFO是「不明飞行物体」的缩写,意指无法解释的空中物体。 www.24en.com 10. The unidentified man is in critical condition, suffering from hyperthermia and a head injury. 身份不详的该名男子目前情况危机,患有高温症而且头部受伤。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): We were just going to the tire shop to pick up a tire and nothing more. 男子:我们只是去轮胎店想买一个轮胎,仅此而已。 bbs.koolearn.com 2. This section of Queens, home to stone masons when he chose it for his studio, remains unidentified. 当他选择皇后区这一部分作为工作室时,此处还是石匠之家,毫无中产阶级的痕迹。 www.ecocn.org 3. In tyrosinase-variable albinism (rare), an unidentified enzyme defect probably impairs synthesis of a melanin precursor. 在酪氨酸酶白化病变(少见),一名身份不明的合成酶缺陷可能损害了黑色素前身。 www1.7kang.com 4. eg. But the unidentified people said the talks still could fall apart. 不过有不愿透露身份的人士指出,谈判也可能面临失败。 www.bing.com 5. Nina still has no name attached to the unidentified body. Jack has her put Jamey on the case so that it's solved sooner. 尼娜仍然没有调查出来那具无名尸体的身份。杰克叫她命令杰米也参加调查,这样可以快些得出结果。 www.bing.com 6. The majority of her crew were at breakfast when unidentified aircraft were reported to the south. 舰上大部分船员在吃早餐的时候,有报告说南方出现来历未明的飞机。 forum.bomoo.com 7. Using Google Earth's high-resolution satellite imagery, he was able to identify 500 previously unidentified caves and fossil sites. 通过Google地球的高分辨率图片,他找到了500个尚未被识别的洞穴和化石沉积层。 www.bing.com 8. Patterns in Nature: Butterflies A close-up of the wing of an unidentified butterfly found near Tully, Australia, evokes a rich tapestry. 蝴蝶在自然界的模式。一种靠近的翼而没有辨认出来的蝴蝶发现靠近Tully,澳大利亚,引起注目的像锦绣挂毯。 bbs.a0598.com 9. An unidentified South Korean official told Yonhap news agency that the rocket did appear to be carrying a satellite. 一位不愿透漏姓名的南韩官员告诉韩国联合通讯社说火箭好像携带的是一枚人造卫星。 club.yule.sohu.com 10. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE This is very easy, for me it's better. I don't have to ask. I don't have to wait. I come and go. It's very easy. 女被访者操作很简单,对我而言,它比别的要好。我不必询问,不必等候。买了就走。非常简单。 www.exue.com 1. Last month, two unidentified men in Athens threw acid on the face of a Bulgarian migrant worker. 上月,雅典2名无法辨认身份的男子向4名保加利亚工人脸上泼酸。 www.bing.com 2. they had been approached by people (again, unidentified) offering to sell electronically generated fake votes. 曾有身份不明的人接近他们试图兜售电子生成的假选票。 www.ecocn.org 3. General Loss Reserve [IFC]: Loss Reserve set up to replace Unidentified Loss Reserve. 一般损失准备金[国际金融公司]:这项准备金的设立是用来代替“未确定损失准备金”的。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Only last week three unidentified men held up the Clydesdale Bank, at Clydebank, near Glasgow, shot two tellers dead and escaped. 就在上周,三名身份不明举起克莱兹代尔银行,在克莱德班克附近的格拉斯哥,男人,拍摄了两部出纳员死亡,逃脱了。 www.englishtang.com 5. An unidentified North Korean town is next to a body of water along the highway from Pyongyang to the southern city of Kaesong. 平壤到南方的开城途中沿着高速的河流旁的一座未知名小城。 www.bing.com 6. Unidentified gunmen have abducted an American citizen who works for the United Nations refugee agency in southwestern Pakistan. 不明身份的武装分子在巴基斯坦西南部绑架了在联合国难民署工作的一名美国公民。 www.taiyang888.com 7. Last month it said it was in talks with an unidentified potential investor which could invest in the firm. 上个月该公司表示,会谈是在同一个不明身份的潜在投资者可以投资于该公司。 bbs.wm090.com 8. Earlier this week, unidentified gunmen kidnapped a U. S. and a British national in the city of Port Harcourt. 这个星期早些时候,身份不明的枪手在哈考特港绑架了一名美国人和一名英国人。 www.taiyang888.com 9. We do not entertain direct call in from the public or unidentified source. 我们不直接接听来自公众和未知来源的电话。 hi.baidu.com 10. Salvadoran foreign ministry said unidentified gunmen stopped a cargo train in the state of Oaxaca in the south of Mexico on Thursday. 萨尔瓦多外交部称,周四,一伙身份不明的持枪歹徒在墨西哥南部的瓦哈卡州劫持了一列货运列车。 www.tingclass.com 1. Current, the flames of war of miserable intense is burning on Iraqi land, when does the war end, still unidentified bright. 目前,惨烈的战火正在伊拉克土地上燃烧,战争何时结束,尚不明朗。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 2. A waste pit near a number of Detroit auto factories fills with a rainbow of unidentified substances. 图中的填埋坑位于许多底特律汽车制造厂商的附近,里面填满的不明物质形成了一道彩虹般的风景。 www.bing.com 3. An unidentified Chinese man asked Huntsman what he was doing there and whether he wanted to see chaos in China. 一个不明身份的天朝人问,洪博培在那里正在干什么和他是否想要看着天朝混乱的样子。 www.ptfcn.com 4. The 21st Century Business Herald reported the exchangeable bonds plan earlier, citing unidentified people close to the regulator. 二十一世纪商业先驱报报道,可交换债券的计划,此前,引述身份不明的人接近的监管。 futures.bbs.hexun.com 5. The injured, with visible burns, were carried out of the building on stretchers, according to the unidentified witness quoted by Xinhua. 新华社引用未表明身份的目击者的描述说到:能用肉眼看出有烧伤情况的伤员,已经被用担架运出了这栋楼。 www.fanyitie.com 6. In 1963, the U. S. Navy in the sea southeast of Puerto Rico, found an unidentified object at high speed in stealth. 1963年,美国海军在波多黎各东南部的海面下,发现一个不明物体以极高的速度在潜行。 wenwen.soso.com 7. They were bought by unidentified bidders relaying their instructions to an official with the auction house. 两件文物被通过拍卖行一位官员传达指令的身份不明的竞购者购得。 www.taiyang888.com 8. The transcripts are, of course, laundered since unidentified larger chunks of conversation are reported missing throughout. 录音带当然已被做过手脚,谈话中很多部分都不见了。 www.diandian.net 9. An unknown number of development processes that bridge known but uncontrolled processes are unidentified. 那些在已知的但未经控制的过程之间尚有未知数量的开发过程未被确认。 www.360doc.com 10. It is deceptively complex - both the part about identifying criminal faces as well as the unidentified deceased faces. 无论是关于识别犯罪的面貌,还是识别不明身份的死者,这个领域看上去相当复杂。 www.bing.com 1. The reconnaissance UAV and the unidentified fighter aircraft that bounced us during the mission have been shot down. 无人侦察机,以及在任务突然出现不明身份战机,已经被全部击落。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Second, the characters in "Modern Family" all offer confessional interviews directly to an unidentified cameraperson. 第二,《摩登家庭》里的成员都会轮番在摄像机前接受采访、吐露心声。 www.bing.com 3. Unidentified bids from two Swedish business groups are also expected to be lodged with GM. 来自瑞典的商业团体两个身份不明的投标预计也将与通用汽车的投诉。 www.xcar.com.cn 4. Xiao, in rude terms, told the unidentified author of the message -- apparently a newcomer to the city -- to get lost and go home. 而晓军用粗鲁的语言告诉这个不知名的听众——显然是新来者——滚出这座城市,回家(团成一团,圆润离开)。 dongxi.net 5. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What mother in her right mind would allow that to happen? 一位没有透露身份的女士:一个正常思维的妈妈怎么会让那种事发生呢? channie.mugou.com 6. In the West, unidentified flying objects and alien abductions are the stuff of Hollywood pulp and supermarket tabloids . 在西方,不明飞行物体和绑架外国人的东西都是好莱坞纸浆及超级市场小报。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. February 5, 2010: Recently, the Taiwanese Navy detected an unidentified submarine outside one of its major naval bases. 2010年2月5日:最近,中国台湾地区海军在其一个主要的海军基地外面发现了一艘未明潜艇。 www.globalmil.com 8. You can even use it to identify the type of exchanged traffic on an otherwise unidentified port. 您甚至可以使用它来识别在某个未经标识的端口上所交换的数据的类型。 www.ibm.com 9. Unidentified men working at the behest of local police officials threatened and roughed up journalists and activists who tried visiting him. 当地警方指示不明身份男子威胁和暴力阻拦前往访问他的记者和维权者。 www.hrw.org 10. The rainforest is home to creatures as famous as the jaguar and poison dart frog, as well as lesser-known and even unidentified species. 热带雨林是很多生物的家,比如著名的美洲虎和箭毒蛙,以及鲜为人知的,甚至是身份不明的物种而闻名。 new.chinadialogue.net 1. Researchers believe some as-yet- unidentified ingredient (particularly in unfiltered coffee) could trigger the disease. 研究人员相信,一些还没有被确认的物质(尤其是未过滤的咖啡中),可能会引发这种疾病。 www.bing.com 2. An unidentified paramilitary force infiltrates a multi-billion dollar aerospace compound, taking hostages but issuing no demands. 一个身份不明的准军事部队,浸润了数十亿美元的航天化合物,劫持人质,但并没有发出需求。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In New Zealand, an unidentified toxic algae was blamed this week for causing the deaths of two dogs on beaches in Auckland. 在新西兰,一种尚未鉴别的有毒海藻被认为是造成本周奥克兰沙滩上两只狗死亡的真凶。 www.bing.com 4. Another unidentified source, seen below the galactic plane, is likely beyond the boundaries of the Milky Way. 另外一个处在银河盘面下方的未被命名的伽马源,大概在银河系的边界之外。 www.bing.com 5. Objective To explore the suitable management model for the management of unidentified patients in basic level hospitals. 目的针对我院身份不明病人的医疗救治探讨一套适合基层医院的管理模式。 www.chemyq.com 6. Another unidentified source told People magazine that Miss Nordegren had already met a divorce lawyer to discuss her pre-nuptial agreement. 另一个未经证实的来源告诉《人物》杂志Nordegre小姐已经在会见离婚律师以讨论她的婚前协定。 tr.hjenglish.com 7. However, serious scholars prefer to baptize these appearances with the technique name UFO (unidentified flying object). 然而,更严谨的学者更愿意给它们命一个更有技术含量的名字UFO(不明飞行物)。 www.bing.com 8. The unidentified ship was brought to by the firing of a warning shot across its bows. 经过开炮警告,那艘来历不明的船才被迫停了下来。 www.ayste.com 9. Officials say unidentified attackers threw a grenade at a police patrol today on the border between Afghanistan and Iran. 官员称不明身份的袭击者向一辆在阿富汗和伊朗边境巡逻的警车投掷了一枚手榴弹。 www.bing.com 10. People have been seeing large, triangle-shaped unidentified flying objects for about thirty years. 在近三十年来,人们见过各种各样体形庞大的三角形不明飞行物。 www.transcn.org 1. People have been seeing large, triangle-shaped unidentified flying objects for about thirty years. 在近三十年来,人们见过各种各样体形庞大的三角形不明飞行物。 www.transcn.org 2. In lively discussions on the internet, unidentified officials, teachers, and students complained of pressure to sign the petition. 网上讨论热烈,不少匿名官员,老师和学生对于其受到的签署签请愿书的压力颇有微词。 www.ecocn.org 3. She was a group of unidentified men kidnapped. 她被一群不明身份的人劫持了。 www.aixxs.cn 4. a flying time of three hours between cities; unidentified flying objects. 两地间三小时的飞行时间;不明飞行物。 www.hotdic.com 5. Unidentified gunmen attacked a polling station in the southern city of Lubumbashi early Monday, killing two policemen and burning ballots. 身份不明的抢手星期一早些时候袭击了刚果民主共和国南部城市卢本巴希一个投票站,打死两名警察,并放火焚烧选票。 www.voanews.cn 6. Any unidentified or incorrectly positioned bags are returned to the storage hoppers. 任何不明或位置不正确袋返回到存储料斗。 shjyzys.512121.com 7. "The municipality never said that the project was cancelled, " said an unidentified source with the Thyssen Krupp Shanghai. “市政府从来没有说过,该项目被取消,说:”一名身份不明来源与德国蒂森克虏伯上海。 sh.focus.cn 8. As long as corrupt practices remain unidentified, these harmful ACTS will prevail and negatively influence society and business. 如果腐败行为没有被发现的话,这些不正当行为会继续流行,对社会和经济造成不利的影响。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase. 不明飞行物我们要护送你到美军指挥中心 www.tingroom.com 10. It's possible the patients had undiagnosed heart problems or other unidentified conditions. 情况可能是患者具有未确诊的心脏问题或者其它不明的情况。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. It's possible the patients had undiagnosed heart problems or other unidentified conditions. 情况可能是患者具有未确诊的心脏问题或者其它不明的情况。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. in objectivity is the most contradictory problem which exist in the crime of holding a huge amount of property with unidentified sources. 客观归罪是巨额财产来源不明罪存在的最大问题,矛盾也由此而生。 dict.kekenet.com 3. The lawsuit filed in October names RDR Books, an independent publisher based in Michigan, and unidentified persons as defendants. 此案在去年10月立案,被告是密歇根的独立发行商RDR图书和几名身份不名人士。 cn.reuters.com 4. Voice of Israel radio quoted an unidentified official as saying it was too early to predict the outcome of Egypt's military-led transition. 广播电台以色列之声(VoiceofIsrael)援引一位未署名官员的话说,现在预言埃及军方所领导的权力移交会出现何种结果还为时过早。 c.wsj.com 5. They estimate that nearly 33 percent of these were previously unidentified and are new to science. 他们估计其中接近33%的物种是目前无法鉴别的,即是科学上的全新物种。 www.yeeyan.com 6. This means that any unidentified flying object is a UFO, regardless of its alleged source. 这意味着任何未经证实的飞行物体都是UFO,而不必考虑到它的所谓的来源。 www.xhclub.net 7. Police said unidentified gunmen riding motorcycles shot the car driving to Ha Tani, Hata Ni shot in the head, died instantly. 当地警方说,不明身份的枪手乘坐摩托车向哈塔尼驾驶的汽车开枪,哈塔尼头部中弹,当场身亡。 www.englishtang.com 8. And before long a large crowd had gathered in Bridgwater to catch a glimpse of the 'unidentified floating object' in the town's river. 就在不久之前,一大群人聚集在河桥上争先目睹这个小镇河流里一个神秘的不明漂流物。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. There is a holy, mistaken zeal in politics, as well as religion, by persuading others we convince. --Julius, Unidentified letter writer. 政治和宗教都存在着一种神圣的,错误的热情:在诱劝别人相信我们所相信的东西。国籍不明的书信代理人朱尼厄斯。 www.juyy.net 10. At a deeper level, Kon's Paranoia Agent hints at a collective guilt embracing all of modern Japan, but he leaves it unidentified. 更深的层次上,今敏的《妄想代理人》暗示了包括当代日本所有人在内的集体犯罪,但他没有明确地指出来。 www.bing.com 1. Unidentified gunmen sprayed the city centre bar with bullets and threw a hand grenade before escaping in three vehicles. 身份不明的枪手射击了市中心的这家夜总会,投掷了一颗手榴弹后乘三辆车逃跑了。 www.tingclass.com 2. Several unidentified aircraft were spotted flying over the REPCONN Test Site by a local crackpot. 一个当地的疯子目击到几个不明飞行物飞过REPCONN火箭测试中心。 www.dashuye.com 3. The previously unidentified objects have now been definitely ascertained as being satellites. 原来所说的“不明飞行物”现在已完全证实是卫星。 www.ecocn.org 4. Bidding closed on Monday, with the winning offer coming from Japan. The unidentified person then pulled out, Camel said. Camel称,竞拍于周一结束,一位来自日本的买家中标,但这个不明身份的人随后撤出。 cn.reuters.com 5. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It may be 8 days it would affect us. It really kills us, along with the economy. 陌生男子:它可能会持续影响我们8天,加上后期的经济影响,它真的会致我们与死命。 www.hjenglish.com 6. In the end, only one unconscious patient remained unidentified at a small, local hospital . . . 最后还有一个未确认身份的伤员,昏迷不醒得躺在一个当地的小医院里…… www.bing.com 7. McCain campaign office received a threatening letter containing an unidentified powder. 麦凯恩竞选办公室收到了一封威胁信,信里有一种无法辨识的粉末。 bbs.putclub.com 8. but they're saying this is a unidentified flying object, low in the sky over the world's second-busiest airport. 但是他们说那是个不明飞行物,盘旋在世界第二繁忙的机场上空。 www.yappr.cn 9. Late Sunday in Lahore unidentified gunmen shot and killed a candidate from Mr. Sharif's party who was running in the provincial elections. 在拉合尔,一名身份不明的枪手星期天夜间开枪打死了谢里夫党内一名参加省议会选举的候选人。 www.kekenet.com 10. He was shot dead by an unidentified assailant and buried on March 4. 这位父亲马上被一个不明身份的人开枪打死,并在3月4日埋葬了。 www.bing.com 1. He was shot dead by an unidentified assailant and buried on March 4. 这位父亲马上被一个不明身份的人开枪打死,并在3月4日埋葬了。 www.bing.com 2. The previously unidentified object has now been definitely ascertained as satellites. 先前的不明飞行物现在已经查明了是卫星。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Most astronomers believe that large quantities of some unidentified material pervade the universe. 多数天文学家相信,宇宙充满了大量的不明物质。 dict.veduchina.com 4. The third came from offscreen fired by an unidentified shooter. 第三枪是画面之外响起的,来自一位身份不明的枪手。 www.bing.com 5. It's also possible that unidentified compounds in plant foods or dairy products may inhibit the formation of kidney stones. 也有可能是在植物性食物或奶制品里,有未知的化合物可以抑制肾结石的形成。 www.bing.com 6. Of course, some as-yet unidentified error could have been made. 当然了,在这过程中也可能出现了一些迄今未被识别的错误。 www.ecolion.cn 7. Unidentified Woman: With skills and experience you gained in past jobs, can lead directly to exciting new career paths. 不知名的妇女:过去的工作中获得的经验和技能可以成为你直接获取一份好工作的捷径。 www.hjenglish.com 8. A McCain campaign office received a threatening letter containing an unidentified powder. 麦凯恩竞选办公室收到了一份含有不明粉末饿威胁信。 bbs.putclub.com 9. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Great leader, great commander, and great helmsman, Chairman Mao. 匿名男子(中文):“伟大领袖、伟大统帅、伟大舵手毛主席”。 www.proxyweb.net 10. A ground radar station has tracked the overflights of Chinese territory by unidentified aircraft. 一个地面雷达站已追踪到有不明国籍的飞机飞越中国的领空。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. A ground radar station has tracked the overflights of Chinese territory by unidentified aircraft. 一个地面雷达站已追踪到有不明国籍的飞机飞越中国的领空。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. The clip ends with the unidentified woman yelling: "This cop is an idiot! " 影片结束时,这个身份不确定的女人喊着:“这个警察是个傻子!” www.bing.com 3. because property is unidentified , the white - collar works difference is very big , cannot decide through standard job is a white - collar. 白领工作因性质不明差异很大,不能通过标准工作来确定是不是白领。 www.ichacha.net 4. The video, posted on April 17 on YouTube, has already had over 100, 000 views and showed the body of the unidentified "creature" . 这则视频4月17日发布于YouTube,点击率已经超过10万次,向人们真实再现了这个不明身份的“生物”。 dongxi.net 5. They were stopped at the entrance to Dongshigu village in Shandong province by unidentified men. 他们在到达山东省东石鼓村口的时候就被不明身份人员阻止。 www.bing.com 6. Within minutes, our car was surrounded by unidentified men carrying automatic weapons. 几分钟后,一群不明来路、手持自动武器的人包围了我们的车子。 www.24en.com 7. Under such condition, they had to take measures to take the unidentified person away. 在这种情况下,中国公安人员不得不采取措施,将不明身份者带走。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. They say the unidentified disease attacks the kidneys and causes neurological damage. 他们说,这种不明疾病侵害患者肾脏,导致神经系统损伤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Nearby, an unidentified weed gains a month's stay. It is a small return for its cluster of tiny yellow paintbrush blossoms. 不远处,一棵不知名的野草赢得了一个月的暂住时间,这是对它一簇簇画笔一样的黄色花朵的小小回报。 www.bing.com 10. The UFO phenomenon involves sightings of unidentified flying objects. UFO现象即目击到的未经证实的飞行物体。 www.xhclub.net 1. Science writer fang, 29 evening, he encounters unidentified gunmen attacked, waist injury, stable condition. 科普作家方舟子,29日的晚上,他碰到身分不明的枪手袭击,腰部有损伤,目前情况稳定。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 2. It has two 10. 1-inch tablets with one using an unspecific Android operating system and the other an unidentified Windows OS. 两款机器都带有10.1英寸的屏幕,分别使用通用的android操作系统和新款的windows操作系统。 www.bing.com 3. The previous record price for a Chinese stamp was set in November when an unidentified Asian buyer paid HK$3. 68 million. 之前的单枚中国邮票拍卖的最高成交价是由11月份一位身份不详的亚洲买家以368万港币创下的。 bbs.sparke.cn 4. The crime of huge unidentified property is the most controversial in the special provisions of criminal law. 巨额财产来源不明罪是刑法分则中最具有争议性的罪名之一。 www.dictall.com 5. The first chapter is a general introduction to the Crime of holding a huge amount of property with unidentified sources. 第一章是巨额财产来源不明罪的概述部分。 www.13191.com 6. I pick rice and sweetcorn out from between unidentified seafood as my boyfriend eyes his bowl uneasily. 我从不知名的海鲜中挑出米饭和玉米粒来吃,而我男友不知所措地看着他的饭碗。 www.bing.com 7. Bank of America is selling off half of its holding in China Construction Bank to a group of unidentified investors. 美国银行正在向一些身份不明的投资者出售所持有的半数中国建设银行股票。 www.bing.com 8. How they did on the exam: Passed, with an assist from an unidentified tutor. 他们考得怎么样:“从一个不明身份的家教那里通过了考试。” www.bing.com 9. The newspaper reports each cited unidentified people familiar with the situation. 报纸报道都应用了未透露姓名的知情人士的话。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. UNIDENTIFIED MALE Like a hamster wheel? 女被访者像仓鼠踩轮子? www.exue.com 1. That would include things like jogging, using the treadmill, biking. UNIDENTIFIED. 有氧锻炼包括慢跑、原地踏车和骑脚踏车运动。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. An unidentified official from the National Bureau of Statistics said yesterday the change shouldn't be "over interpreted. " 来自国家统计局的一名官员昨天说,改变不应被“过分的解释。” www.tianya.cn 3. Unidentified craft, please transmit your landing codes. 不明飞行物,请发送贵台之著陆代码。 forum.gamer.com.tw 4. Unidentified object sighted on Christmas morning. 不明物体在圣诞节早上短视。 blog.163.com 5. The man killed in the accident is still unidentified. 在事故中死亡的男人身份还未被证明。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. According to the preliminary findings, an unidentified person opened towards Budanov several shots. 根据初步调查结果,一名不明身份的人朝布达诺夫开了数枪。 www.englishtang.com 7. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With the newest devices of destruction. 一个无名的男子:用最新设计的杀人新花样。 www.360doc.com 8. Within an hour an unidentified person had leaked the story to the newspapers and started a scare-hunt. 在一个小时内,就有一个来历不明的人将这件事透露给了报社,并引起了恐慌。 www.kuenglish.info 9. On April 20, 2010, 10 unidentified assailants attacked Beijing News reporter Yang Jie while he photographed the site of a forced eviction. 2010年4月20日,《新京报》记者杨杰拍摄强制拆迁工地时,遭10名身份不明的袭击者攻击。 www.hrw.org 10. Witnesses say Abdallah Isaaq Deerow was killed by unidentified gunmen outside a mosque in Baidoa shortly after prayers. 目击者说,迪尔罗祈祷后不久在拜多阿一座清真寺外被不明身份的枪手打死。 www.edu114.cn 1. Unidentified vessels poach an estimated $450 million in seafood from Somali waters annually. 每年都有身份不明的船只在索马里水域偷猎约4.5亿的海洋食物。 dongxi.net 2. They were captured by unidentified armed men on Jan. 5 in the southern Nigerian state of Rivers and released 13 days later on Jan. 这5名于1月5日在尼日利亚南部河流省遭不明身份武装人员绑架的中国人在被关押了13天后在1月17日获释。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. An unidentified man smokes marijuana at a demonstration in favor of legalizing marijuana in Mexico City, Mexico on Sunday Sept. 一个身份不明的男子在抽烟的示范合法化星期日2010年9月5日在墨西哥城,墨西哥赞成大麻大麻。 08062788.blog.163.com 4. An unidentified man shot the President. 一个身份不明的人开枪射杀了总统。 www.24en.com 5. The trends of unidentified hydrolizable nitrogen were different, and similar characteristics was firstly increased and then decreased. 3. 各温度处理下酸解未知氮的变化特征不一致,其相似特征为先增加后减少。 www.fabiao.net 6. Hello? Fourth Interceptive Command? I see an unidentified object flying around my little head. 你好?第四拦截司令部?我看到一个不明物体在我的小脑袋周围飞来飞去。 qac.yappr.cn 7. Unidentified Female It does not sound like something I would want to do. 女被访者它听起来并不是我所需要的。 www.ftp8.co.uk 8. AN UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN But its not. Actually it's like more open than most countries around us. 女被访者但情况并非如此。实际上,它比我们周围的国家要开放得多。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Avila said that when city workers in Gumalibo a forest area, three unidentified armed men suddenly appeared and kidnapped the workers. 阿维拉称,当时工人们在古马里博市的一处森林地带,3名身份不明的武装分子突然出现,将工人挟持。 www.englishtang.com 10. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It may be 8 days it would affect us. 受采访男:这次飓风可能影响我们八天的时间。 www.tingclass.com 1. Found crashed unidentified flying objects in the region belong to air safety. 飞行区内发现不明坠落物体属于空防安全隐患。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Many unusual signals from space remain unidentified. 许多来自于太空的不寻常信号都尚未确认。 www.bing.com 3. UNidentified Gbagbo continued use of heavy weapons in armed attacks against civilians and peacekeepers. 联合国方面指认巴博武装不断使用重武器攻击平民和维和部队。 www.englishtang.com 4. Unidentified aircraft, you are in restricted US military airspace. 不明身份的飞机,你现在位于美军管制空域。 dipan.kekenet.com 5. The medium - underlined Madeddu - contains one or more unidentified factors that stimulate endothelial cell proliferation. 这个培养基包含了一种或更多种未识别的因素,刺激内皮细胞增生。 news.dxy.cn 6. New photos have appeared in Google Maps showing unidentified titanic structures in the middle of the Chinese desert. 你可以在谷歌地图上看到新的图片,这图片显示出位于沙漠中间不明的巨大结构。 www.bing.com 7. It's reported that unidentified flying objects were seen over our town last night. 据报道,不明翱翔物昨夜在我市上空呈现。 www.haosc.cn 8. Me from one city to another city, once with my dream and unidentified targets, full of longing. 我从一个城市到另一个城市,带着我曾经的梦和未确定的目标,满怀憧憬。 wenwen.soso.com 9. (Soundbite of rolling dice) Unidentified Man: Yeah. (掷骰子声)某男:噢! www.hjenglish.com 10. Methods Autopsy was performed in 116 cases of unidentified death, some of which were toxicologically analyzed by forensic medicine method. 方法收集不明原因死亡的尸体解剖材料116例,进行病理组织学检查,部分做了法医学的毒物分析。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. That's the same proportion who believe in unidentified flying objects. 另有相同比例的人相信存在不明飞行物。 www.ebigear.com 2. Mexican Air Force pilots filmed 11 unidentified flying objects in the skies over southern Campeche state. 墨西哥空军飞行员在南坎佩切州的上空摄下了11个不明飞行物体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Video footage released by South Korea showed unidentified people fighting with their bare hands and iron rods. 韩方公布的视频显示,身份不明的人或赤手空拳,或用铁棍对抗。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The claim that a Chinese ship started a fire was a "sheer fabrication, " the Chinese statement said, citing an unidentified navy spokesman. 中国声明援引一名未署名的海军发言人的话称,中国舰船导致渔船起火的说法“纯属捏造”。 cn.nytimes.com 5. The challenge in risk management is how to deal with these unidentified risks in complex organizations. 风险管理对于我们的挑战在于如何对付复杂组织中不能识别的风险。 epub.cnki.net 6. It is property right unidentified clear, 2 it is oneself condition inadequacy manacles an enterprise to develop further. 一是产权不明晰,二是自身条件不足束缚企业进一步发展。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 7. Update 3: some unidentified agency, company or person has been ordering hundreds of photographs of this area since 2004. 更新第三点:自2004年以来一些不明身份的组织、公司或个人已经开始(拍摄)整理数百张这个地区的照片了。 www.bing.com 8. Other yet-unidentified genetic factors cause the exceptions, said Kevin Chase of the University of Utah, another co-author. 另一位共同作者,犹他大学的KevinChase说,其它一些尚未鉴定出的遗传因素导致了这些例外。 news.dxy.cn 9. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE For lunch, it's really whatever I can grab. I usually snack. 女被访者午餐嘛,我的确是抓到什么吃什么。经常吃零食。 bbs.wendaedu.com 10. The girl on right is Lucille Dupuy of Baton Rouge, La. The others are unidentified. 右边的女孩是来自路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日的露西尔·迪皮伊,其他两位身份不明。 www.bing.com 1. An unidentified man holds a car door open for Einstein's secretary, Helen Dukas, following Einstein's cremation. 一位不知名的男士在爱因斯坦火化葬礼结束之后,为爱因斯坦的秘书HelenDukas打开车门。 www.bing.com 2. xerox can copy , the thing approach that does not have original is unidentified. 复印件可以复印啊,没有原件的东西来路不明。 www.ichacha.net 3. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE You should try to get two servings of red fruit a day. 女被访者每天,你应该尽量保证吃两次红色水果。 www.ecally.com 4. B: They stand for "unidentified flying objects" . 不明飞行物指“不明身份的飞行物”。 www.netfm.com.cn 5. A psychiatrist in the New York area who asked to remain unidentified said he had suicidal thoughts every day for several years. 一个还未经确认的在纽约地区的精神病学家说他自己已经有好几年每天都在考虑自杀。 news.dxy.cn 6. Another 200 people were wounded when unidentified gunmen opened fire on protesters. 身份不明的枪手向抗议者开枪还造成200人受伤。 www.hxen.com 7. The moon rover mission would be due in 2012, Xinhua said, citing unidentified earlier reports. 新华社援引未经确认的早先报道,月球车计划将于2012年实施。 www10.tianya.cn 8. According to the report, the unidentified woman started yelling at them and threatened to kill them. 据报道,这名妇女开始朝托马斯两人吼叫,并扬言要杀了她们。 gb.cri.cn 9. An unidentified US Army soldier wears a hand lettered "War Is Hell" slogan on his helmet, in Vietnam on June 18, 1965. 一个身份不明的美军士兵穿一只手字母“战争是地狱”的口号在他的头盔,在越南,06月18日,1965年。 08062788.blog.163.com 10. An unidentified woman cools off under water sprayed from a fire engine on Independence Day in Philadelphia, Sunday, July 4, 2010. 一个身份不明的女子冷却下从独立日在费城消防车喷洒水起飞,周日,2010年7月4日。 08062788.blog.163.com 1. "We don't know what's going to happen, " says Jelaa Hospital's chief surgeon, standing outside a morgue full of still unidentified bodies. “我们不知道发生了什么事情发生,”说Jelaa医院的首席外科医生,停尸间外的常设机构的充分仍不明。 www.englishtang.com 2. Time and again, on tape, an undercover agent called up an unidentified testing company and asked an ill-informed question. 再一次,磁带中的不知名机构向一家不知名的检测公司提出种种令人费解的问题。 www.bing.com 3. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There's a lot of people waiting for your answer. 某女士:这里有很多人等着你的答案。 www.xwcaogen.com 4. On another hill of Arlington Cemetery there is a mass grave of unidentified soldiers from the Civil War. 在阿灵顿公墓另一小山有未认出的战士一个许多坟墓从内战。 www.bing.com 5. It is reported that unidentified flying object were seen over our town last night. 据报道,不明飞行物昨夜在我市上空出现。 www.oktranslation.com 6. Many of the processes in the sprint phase are unidentified or uncontrolled. 在冲刺阶段中的许多的过程是未经确认地和不可控制的。 www.aka.org.cn 7. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A lot of the witnesses looked over at us from time to time, but then they'd look back. 一位没有透露身份的女士:很多证人有时会关注下我们,但是过会就会忘记。 channie.mugou.com 8. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: From here up, I'm fine. From here down, I need makeup. 路人:在这个台上,我还好。去了台下,我得补补妆。 www.tingclass.com 9. They find a stack of bearer bonds, and Jack goes to California Plaza to meet with the unidentified man. 他们找到了一堆不记名债券,杰克动身去加利福利亚广场与那名不知身份的男人会面。 www.bing.com 10. Unidentified male1: I need two salmon, three salade composes, and three filet. 我需要两份三文鱼,三分沙拉,三分肉排。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The unidentified armed group used guns to force the Chinese crew to increase speed sailing towards Thailand. 不明武装用枪逼着中国船员加足马力向泰国驶去。 page.renren.com 2. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE Deep breath up. 女被访者深呼吸。 wenku.baidu.com 3. An unidentified subject appeared in the lake. 湖面上出现了一个不明物体。 www.cnjlp.tv 4. Unidentified Man II: You could have, for example, field birds feeding on animal fecal material that has E. 不明身份人士2:例如,有些鸟儿靠动物排泄物过活,而排泄物中就含有E。 www.eoezone.com 5. Unidentified female And he attempted to liftthe body 57 different times. 女被访者他将象宝宝的尸体卷起了57次。 www.ftp8.co.uk 6. Allied air crews work around C-47 transport planes at an unidentified English base. 盟军飞行员变通的C-47运输机在一名身份不明的英语基础。 08062788.blog.163.com 7. In fact, the unidentified subject in lake is clear gradually. 原来在湖面上看到的不明之物上岸之后已经逐渐清晰了。 www.cnjlp.tv 8. This is different from UFOs as UFO are unidentified flying objects, meaning something unidentified that has been seen on earth. 这点和飞碟不同,飞碟是不明飞行物,这说明它是在地球上出现过的未经确认的物体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We have also discovered some unidentified aircraft not found in our data. 我们也发现了一些我们数据库中没有的不能识别的航空器。 bbs.a9vg.com 10. We should strengthen the typing diagnosis of unidentified hepatitis and improve typing report rate. 此外应加强对未定型肝炎的分型诊断,提高分型报告率。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. What am l now, your unidentified older gay friend? 现在我是什么东西?身分不明的老男同志朋友? www.tingclass.net 2. Even features about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are based on information obtained under the FOIA. 甚至有关不明飞行物(UFO)的特写报道也是基于《信息自由法》所获取的信息。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 3. Unidentified Male I've been fingerprinted before so it doesn't matter . 男被访者我以前摁过手印,这没什么。 www.bing.com 4. Some as yet unidentified disease killed the fish, which is something that happens from time to time. 杀死这种鱼的是某种尚未确定的疾病,而这是不时发生的事情。 dongxi.net 5. The thing is, I am contacted far too often by people saying they have seen an unidentified flying object, or UFO. 事情是这样的,我经常与那些自称目击不明飞行物(UFO)的人接触。 www.bing.com 6. t 2: 12 a. m. on June 14, 1975, Diego Arosomena and a group of unidentified men planted a bomb at General Omar Torrijos's living quarters. 1975年6月14日凌晨2:12,迭戈·艾罗索麦纳与一群不明身份的人在奥马尔·托利若斯将军的住宅安放了一枚炸弹。 www.bing.com 7. In fact, galaxies consist mostly of dark matter, an as yet unidentified type of material that is inherently invisible. 事实上,星系主要由暗物质构成,那是一种未经确认且不可见的物质型态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Since she keep in mind up the brother-in-law's darling child, I produced a kind of can not remember clearly an unidentified oddness felling. 自从她怀上姐夫的小宝宝以后,我就产生了一种说不清道不明的奇怪感觉。 www.alivenotdead.com 9. Everyone on board saw it and everyone thought it "UFO" -Unidentified Flying Object. 机上的每个人都看到了,每个人都认为这就是“UFO”---不明飞行物。 beike.dangzhi.com 10. An unidentified man is attended by medical personnel following the third running of the bulls in Pamplona on July 9, 2010. 一个身份不明的人是医务人员参加了在潘普洛纳之后,公牛队在2010年7月9日第三次运行。 08062788.blog.163.com 1. The station cited an unidentified "high-level source" in the North. 电台引述了一位身份不明的朝鲜“高层人士”。 dongxi.net 2. Because the object is unidentified, the object's source is also undetermined. 因为这个物体是未经证实的,物体的来源也无法确定。 www.xhclub.net 3. We have a genuine unidentified flying object. 我们遇上了一个货真价实的外星飞行物。 www.kancaimi.cn 4. Since May 23, over 20 unidentified people have successively entered the Visa Office of the South Korean Embassy in China. 自5月23日,20多名不明身份人员先后进入韩国驻华使馆领事部。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE When I have a lot of tests, or I have to do a lot of studying, I have to get something fast. 女被访者当我要应付许多考试或长时间学习的时候,我必须吃快餐。 bbs.wendaedu.com 6. Unidentified female I think it's gossip. 女被访者我想它们在闲聊。 www.ftp8.co.uk 7. As for the unidentified, police and medical workers will keep a record, take pictures and collect body tissues for DNA tests. 对于那些尚未确认死者身份的尸体,警方和医务工作者将记录在案,拍照,采集尸体组织做DNA测试。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Or is it some as yet unidentified aspect of a couple's infertility that is passed on and which affects their offspring? 或者由于夫妇不育的某些至今未确定的方面可以传递给并影响他们的后代? news.dxy.cn 9. According to the prosecutors, Mr Lee donated T$400m ($10. 5m) to an unidentified country in May 1994. 检方指控,李登辉在1994年5月向某个未指明的国家提供4亿新台币(合1050万美元)政治献金。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Unidentified Female Because I think that we're embarking on some pretty serious privacy issues. 女被访者因为我认为这里存在很严重的隐私问题。 www.ftp8.co.uk |
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