单词 | uptrend |
释义 |
复数:uptrends 例句释义: 改善,上升趋势,上涨趋势,向上的趋势 1. Mr Cheng said he believed the fall in Chinese demand was just a "blip in the uptrend" . 郑良豪表示,他相信中国黄金需求的下降只是“上升大势中的小插曲”。 www.bing.com 2. The euro is in a steady uptrend with no change in outlook for the U. S. economy. The U. S. data is only a little better. 在美国经济前景没有变化的情况下,欧元处于稳定的上升趋势.美国数据只是稍有好转。 cn.reuters.com 3. Since the New Zealand dollar is one of the strongest currencies it should be closely observed for signs the uptrend will be extended. 当纽币成为最强的货币之一,我们应该密切观察其涨势是否延续。 www.blancpartners.com 4. The declines tend to be more orderly, and when you connect them with a trendline, you get a truer picture of that uptrend. 中途的下跌比较有序,当你用趋势线来连接,你会发现清楚的上涨趋势。 www.bing.com 5. This rally behaviour developed into a new uptrend when it was able to move above the resistance level near 2370-2400. 当指数可以运行到2370点到2400点附近的阻力位以上的时候,这次反弹就发展成一次新的上升趋势。 www.cnstock.com 6. A sell signal may be premature in a strong uptrend, but whether you take it or not, one thing is clear - it is too late to buy. 在强势的上涨趋势中,卖出信号可能是过早的,但是无论你是否接受它,一件事是明确的,不能再买了。 www.bing.com 7. A top reversal day is defined as when a new high has been set in an uptrend and is followed by a lower close than the previous close. 高点反转日可定义为在向上的趋势中出现了最高价,随后即出现一个低于前一个收盘价的收盘价。 glossary.reuters.com.cn 8. An extraordinarily high volume trading session occurring suddenly in an uptrend signaling the end of the trend. 一个反常的高成交量交易部分突然在上升趋势中发生,预示着趋势的结束。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. When the 25-minute EMA rises, it identifies an uptrend and tells you to trade from the long side or stand aside. 当25分钟均线上涨时,它确认了上涨,告诉你要做多或观望。 www.bing.com 10. A stock or a future may be in an uptrend or a downtrend, but the noise of its random chop can obscure its signal. 股票或期货也许上涨或下跌,但是随机的噪音会让趋势变得模糊。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Therefore, if you believe that the stock market is on a long-term uptrend, the Constant Mix strategy is not a good one to follow. 当你认为它正处于长期升势,“固定结构策略”并不是个好的策略。 www.bing.com 2. There has been a general uptrend in the country's exports of edible oils and tallow. 这个国家的食用油和牛脂出口总体上呈上升趋势。 www.kekenet.com 3. We doubt the uptrend is ending here as the cycles are positive for a minimum of another several weeks. 在趋势指出正面看待行情至少还有几个礼拜,因此我们对于现在是否位于高点感到存疑。 www.blancgroup.com 4. It invites the question: Is this just a bounce off the bottom or the start of a new uptrend? 但它同样引出一个问题,这究竟是暂时脱离谷底的反弹还是新一轮牛市的开始? fthxit.blog.sohu.com 5. Until the market sees convincing evidence that U. S. disappearance is being significantly reduced, the uptrend likely will stay intact. 在市场出现令人信服的证据表明美国供货正在大幅下降之前,走高的趋势可能会保持不变。 www.asaimchina.org 6. The NASDAQ developed the new uptrend many weeks before the DOW began to move. 纳斯达克指数在道琼斯指数开始行动之前几周就形成了新的上升趋势。 www.cnstock.com 7. It was found that the frequencies, the intensities and the distributions of TC exist an obvious toward-warming uptrend. 研究发现:TC源地、发生频数以及强度的时空分布和变化均具有趋暖性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The pound is still in an uptrend and we expect it to retain its bullish tone as we close the week. 英镑仍处于上升趋势,我们预计本周结束前维持上涨基调。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. While there has been no indication of a failure to the 9-week uptrend, the heavily overbought momentum keeps us defensive at current levels. 目前还没有任何迹象显示连续9周的上涨趋势是失败的,严重的买空势头使棉花价格达到目前的水平。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. "The sector is in a cyclical uptrend and some freight rates have recovered to profitable levels, " said Cheng. 他称:“该行业正处于景气上升阶段,部分航运费率回到能够盈利的水平。” cn.reuters.com 1. It is a bad sign for an uptrend in risk assets when they fail to rally on what should be positive news. 由于不能在利多消息情况下收涨,这对于上升趋势中的风险资产而言是一个凶兆。 www.blancgroup.com 2. The ETFs have to cross above their 200-day moving averages to confirm they've started an uptrend, according to his models, he says. 根据他的模型,他认为必须有超过200天处于平均指数之上才能证明新一轮牛市的到来。 www.bing.com 3. FRE was already on a steady uptrend, and the buoyant results and increased interim dividend, helped lift the shares. 弗莱特威近来一直处于稳健的上升期,表现优异的业绩报告以及中期红利的上调,推动公司股价进一步上扬。 www.luuloo.com 4. However, unless the S&P breaks recent uptrend and closes below key support levels, the near-term technical bias remains bullish. 不过,除非标普打破近期上升趋势并收于关键支撑位以下,近期技术面依然看涨。 www.capitalessence.com 5. The euro is being trapped between the (red) downtrend channel and the (blue) uptrend support. 欧元正陷入(红色)下降通道和(蓝色)上升支撑线之间。 www.blancpartners.com 6. Traders look for these features to confirm the development of a strong new uptrend. 交易者们寻找以下这些特征确定一次新的有力的上升趋势的形成。 www.cnstock.com 7. When peaks rise higher at each successive rally, prices are in an uptrend. 当高点越来越高,价格就在上涨趋势。 www.bing.com 8. Released after the massive stock prices continue to maintain the state has stabilized and will soon begin an uptrend . 放出巨量后股价继续保持企稳状态,并能很快展开升势。 www.bing.com 9. The uptrend of Yiwu Index shows that the market has strengthened its risk resistance capacity. “义乌指数”的上扬充分表明市场抗风险能力得到不断增强。 yc.ywnews.cn 10. If the uptrend is quiet and calm with more narrow ranges, the stops inch a little closer. 如果上涨趋势很平静,日波动很窄,那么止损比较接近。 www.bing.com 1. Although, as noted above, the market can drop all the way to the 50-day moving average and still be in an uptrend. 不过正如上面提到的,大盘可能一路跌向50日均线,暂时还不会改变中期上升趋势。 www.capitalessence.com 2. In this period the market rebounded from the support level and developed a new strong uptrend. 在那时候,市场从支撑位处反弹并形成一个新的强力上升趋势。 www.cnstock.com 3. With the oil price developing a consolidation pattern there are fears the price may develop a new uptrend. 随着油价形成了一个盘整形态,存在着对于价格可能会形成一个新的上升趋势的恐惧。 www.cnstock.com 4. Your equity curve shows a steady uptrend with shallow drawdowns. 你的资金曲线是稳步上涨,伴随浅的回落。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It will take several months for the complete new uptrend to develop. 新趋势完全形成需要几个月的时间。 www.cnstock.com 6. The S&P may extend its 4-month uptrend should it advance above major resistance level established in the past weeks. 要是能突破过去几周确立的重大阻力位,标普或可延续4个月来的上涨行情。 www.capitalessence.com 7. The development of a new uptrend faces many resistance barriers. 新的上升趋势的发展面临着许多阻力障碍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The chart shows an uptrend of meat prices. 图表显示肉价呈上升趋势。 www.godict.com 9. It reflects the average level of noise in the current uptrend. 它反映了平均的噪音水平。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A retreat to support near 2370-2400 indicates the uptrend is weak. 回撤到2370点到2400点之间的支撑位说明上升趋势的强度很弱。 www.cnstock.com 1. Xin qiji in China "s history is bold and unconstrained word send representative of, be called an uptrend fly will. " 辛弃疾是中国历史上豪迈词派的代表人物之一,被称为词坛飞将。 www.cntingshu.com 2. The index's uptrend is unlikely to change. It may hit 3, 000 in the coming weeks. 上证综指的上行趋势不大可能改变,可能会在未来几周触及3000点。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Since the 1980s, the rate of relapse into crime by ex-convict personnel in our country has been in the uptrend all the time. 我国的刑释人员重新犯罪率从上世纪八十年代至今一直呈上升趋势。 www.juhe8.com 4. For example, to follow prices in an uptrend, a stop may be placed at the lowest low of the last few bars; 例如,在上升趋势中止损点可以放在最近几根K线的最低点处; art.macd.cn 5. On the uptrend and the function of physical education industry in national economy 论体育产业在国民经济中的作用及其发展趋势 www.ilib.cn 6. Commercial real estate business strong uptrend 农行房地产业务升势强劲 www.cnrealty.org 7. Web Bank--Future Uptrend of Development of Banking 网上银行--银行业未来发展的趋势 scholar.ilib.cn 8. The uptrend of domestic corn price rising is more obvious 我国玉米价格上扬的趋势更加明朗 www.ilib.cn 9. Actuality and Technology Uptrend Analysis of Networked Manufacturing Platform 网络化制造平台发展现状与技术趋势分析 www.ilib.cn |
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