单词 | venture company | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | venture company
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 风险企业,冒险公司,创业公司 1. Routine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors . 合资企业的日常工作由董事会指定的总经理执行。 www.bing.com 2. The establishment date of the joint venture company shall be the date on which the business license of the joint venture company is issued. 合资公司的成立日期为合资公司营业执照签发之日。 www.glpx.com 3. At least five years production management working experience in a wholly foreign owned or joint venture company. 五年以上合资或独资企业工作及电子类产品企业经理的领导经验。 www.lietou.com 4. The system of job responsibility of the general manager under the board of directors is adopted by the joint venture company. 第二十三条合营公司实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制。 www.putclub.com 5. Financial system, Liquidation procedures upon the dissolution of the joint venture company, Other necessary rules and regulations. 财务制度,公司解散时的清算程序,其他必要的规章制度。 www.tdict.com 6. When one party to the Joint Venture Company assigns all or part of his investment, the other party has preemptive right. 如果合资公司一方拟转让其全部或部分出资额,另一方有优先购买权。 www1.cjzkw.com 7. The joint venture company shall distribute its profits once a year. 第四十条合营公司上一个会计年度亏损未弥补前不得分配利润。 www.24en.com 8. The business scope of the joint venture company is to design, manufacture and sell products and provide after-sale maintenance services. 合营公司经营范围为:设计、制造和销售产品,以及对销售后的产品进行维修服务。 chinafanyi.com 9. None of the parties shall damage the interests of the other party and joint venture company to pursue one's own interests. 任何一方不得为谋取本方的利益,而损害合资他方和合资公司的利益。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Two years working experience of administration or sales assistant in Joint-Venture Company, working in FMCG or wine field is preferred. 两年外企公司内行政或销售助理经验,有快速消费品或葡萄酒行业工作经验优先。 www.haoqiantu.cn 1. Risks and losses of the joint venture company shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their contributions of the registered capital. 在上述前提下,各方按其认缴的出资额在注册资本中的比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损。 cq.netsh.com 2. The joint-venture company insisted on the terms and conditions set out for the project. 合资公司坚持为项目规定条款和条件。 cywk061.blog.163.com 3. All vouches, account Book, statistic statements and reports of the joint venture company shall be written in Chinese. 合营公司的一切凭证、帐簿、报表,用中文书写。 www.jukuu.com 4. Thereafter the joint venture company shall issue an investment certificate to confirm the date and amount of the contribution. 然后合营公司据此发给甲、乙各方出资证明书,确认种自的出资日期及金额。 chinafanyi.com 5. The cooperative venture company shall establish a management office which shall be responsible for its daily management. 合作公司须设管理机构负责公司的日常经营管理。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. of the joint venture company; -other major issues which shall be decided by the Board of directors. 负责合营公司终止和期满时的清算工作;其他应由董事会决定的重大事宜。 www.jukuu.com 7. To verify and issue documents produced in the name of joint-venture company methane plant. 审核签发以合资公司甲醇厂名义发出的文件; zhidao.baidu.com 8. The organization form of joint venture company is a limited liability company. 合营公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。 www.tradoser.com 9. Beijing Pacific Technology Venture Investment Co. , Ltd. is a joint venture company specializes in technology venture investment. 经营主业BusinessScope:北京太平洋优联风险技术创业有限公司是从事科技创业投资的中外合资企业。 www.wsmip.org 10. Within the term of the joint venture, the joint venture company shall not reduce its registered capital. 第十四条合营期内,合营公司不得减少注册资本数额。 www.24en.com 1. Announcement, joint venture parties will be in Beijing, China established a joint venture company - home heavy CARDS, being foton motor Co. 公告显示,合资各方将在中国北京共同设立一家中重卡合资公司——北京福田戴姆勒汽车有限公司。 www.cwzyqc.com 2. The joint venture company shall establish a management office which shall be responsible for its daily management. 第二十二条合营公司设经营管理机构,负责合营公司的日常管理工作。 www.putclub.com 3. The joint venture company system, speed up independent brand development process, the independent brand goods preparation. 在合资体系,加快合资公司自主品牌发展进程,加紧自主品牌商品准备。 www.cwzyc.com 4. Today, seeking a job in a large joint venture company is still one of the best choices for many university graduates. 今天,在大型的合资企业中寻找工作对于许多大学毕业生来说依然是一个最好的选择。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Zhuhai customs begin an informal survey to the smuggling activities of the sino-foreign joint venture company . 珠海海关开始对这家中外合资公司的走私活动展开非法调查。 www.worlduc.com 6. Is the idea of working for a joint-venture company appealing to you? 到合资企业去工作,这个主意对你有吸引力吗? www.bytvu.com 7. All activities of the Joint Venture Company shall comply with the provisions of Chinese laws and regulations. 合营公司的一切活动应当遵守中国的法律法规的规定。 www.mykh.net 8. Beijing Infinity JV Construction Design & Engineering Co. Ltd. is a sino-foreign joint venture company registered in Beijing. 北京金碧合力建筑设计工程有限是注册于中华人民共和国工商局。 www.xyzp.net 9. and to educate staff and workers to observe labor discipline and strive to fulfill various economic tasks of the joint venture company. 教育职工遵守劳动纪律,努力完成合营公司的各项经济任务。 www.jukuu.com 10. Nanjing Yangzi Eastman chemical Ltd is a join venture company of Yangzi Chemical Company and America Eastman chemical company. 南京扬子伊士曼化工有限公司是扬子石化公司与美国伊士曼化学公司的合资企业。 www.fabiao.net 1. The joint venture company shall have one chief engineer, one treasurer and one auditor engaged by the Board of directors. 合营公司设总工程师、总会计师和审计师各一人,由董事会聘请。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you ? 你有没有兴趣到合资企业去工作? www.jukuu.com 3. Media-One will be the majority shareholder and will appoint a majority of the joint venture company's board of directors. Media-One将成为一个大股东并任命合资公司大多数的董事。 www.bing.com 4. As the global economy more integration, the wave of multinational corporation and joint-venture company sweeped he world. 随着全球经济的更加一体化,跨国公司和合资企业的浪潮席卷全球。 www.lw23.com 5. The joint venture company shall provide convenience for the checking and examination. 查阅时,合营公司应提供方便。 www.putclub.com 6. The cooperative venture company shall pay taxes in accordance with the provisions of Chinese laws and other relative regulations. 第三十四条合作公司应按中华人民共和国有关税法缴纳各种税款。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Sydney-based Macquarie last week signed a memorandum of understanding with Hengtei Securities to form a joint venture company. 总部位于悉尼的麦格理上周与恒泰证券(HengteiSecurities)就成立一家合资公司签署了谅解备忘录。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Responsible for the Joint venture company entrusts other matters. 负责办理合资公司委托的其他事宜。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. In the joint venture company, Party A or B license to use the joint venture's product trademarks owned by Party A or Party. 在合资公司经营期间,甲方或乙方许可合资公司的产品使用甲方或乙方拥有的商标。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. is a China-Korea joint venture company manufacturing nail collating machines. 日照利源是一家生产制钉机械的中韩合资企业。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Taian Ziyang Food CO. , LTD is a joint-venture company processing organic vegetables. 泰安紫阳食品有限公司是中加合资兴建的有机蔬菜加工企业。 cccfna.mofcom.gov.cn 2. One way to avoid the difficulties of integration is to create a joint-venture company with the outsourcer. 一个避免整合困难的方法是与外包商建立一个风险合资公司。 club.topsage.com 3. Since then, I've been employed by a small joint-venture company in Guangzhou. 我毕业于2007年。此后,我受聘于广州一家小型合资公司。 www.7781.org 4. works on production, technology and management of joint venture company. 总经理直接对董事会,执行董事会会议的各项决定。组织领导合营公司的日常生产、技术和经营管理工作。 www.ebigear.com 5. Article 46 The trade union in the joint venture company is the representative of the interests of the staff and workers. 合营公司工会是职工利益的代表,它的任务是:依法维护职工的民主权利和物质利益; hi.baidu.com 6. Pan Zhi Hua Messer Gas Products Co. , Ltd, the latest joint venture company of Messer , is currently in the process of establishment. 攀枝花梅塞尔气体产品有限公司是梅塞尔在中国的最新的合资公司,目前正在筹建中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The joint venture company may directly sell its products on international market. 合资公司可能直接在国际市场上销售其产品。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Experience: Over 5 years experienced in enterprise logistics management in joint -venture company. 资历经验:5年以上合资企业物流管理工作经验。 www.renhe.cn 9. Both parties shall cooperate sincerely, and defend the interests of joint venture company according to the law. 双方应真诚合作,依法维护合资公司的权益。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. After winding up of the joint venture company, its accounting books shall be left in the care of Party A. 第五十七条合营公司结业后,其各种帐册,由甲方保存。 www.ebigear.com 1. At lest 1 years working experience in joint venture company, pharmaceutical industry preferred. 至少一年合资企业的工作经验,医药行业优先; www.gxjobs.net 2. The joint venture company adopts Renminbi (RMB) as its accounts keeping unit. 第二十九条合营公司应采用人民币为记帐的本位货币。 www.ebigear.com 3. Zhejiang Liebherr Zhongche Transportation Systems Co. , Ltd is a joint venture company. 浙江利勃海尔中车交通系统有限公司是一家中外合资企业。 www.zjrc.com 4. At present, I'm employed by a joint venture company in ShenZhen. 我目前在深圳的一家合资企业供职。 art.nextsun.com 5. I work for a German joint-venture company. 我为一家德国合资企业工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I think it is quite possible to set up a joint venture company with them soon. 我想很可能不久就能和他们合作建立合资公司。 www.hxen.com 7. Shenzhen Chiwan-Po Wong Engineering Company Limited and Shenzhen Jutao joint venture company, is a large steel structure manufacturers. 由深圳赤湾胜宝旺工程有限公司与深圳巨涛公司合资组建,是一大型钢结构制造企业。 www.tonke.cn 8. The fiscal year of the joint venture company shall be calendar year from January 1 to December 31. 第二十八条合营公司会计年度采用日历年制,从每年一月一日起至十二月三十一日止为一个会计年度。 www.ebigear.com 9. Nice will test its Greater China 20 brand was transferred to the joint venture company. 艾康尼斯将其在大中华区的20个品牌转让给该合资公司。 www.cs360.cn 10. Venture Company for many years, there has been respect for good quality commercial co-venture. 本公司多年创业以来,始终尊重良好的商业品质,携手创业。 www.tonke.cn 1. Ruifeng Technologies is a Sino-Swiss joint venture company. 瑞峰科技公司是一家中瑞合资兴建的企业。 hi.baidu.com 2. We are a Sino-foreign joint venture company. 我们是一家中外合资的合资公司。 cn.tradekey.com 3. The joint venture company is a legal person in China, who shall be governed and protected by Chinese law. 合营公司为中国法人,受中国法律管辖和保护。 www.8875.org 4. The trade union shall take part in the mediation of disputes arising between the staff and workers and the joint venture company. 第四十八条合营公司工会参加调解如工和合营公司之间发生的争议。 www.putclub.com 5. Gearex Technical Ceramic (Kunshan) Co. , ltd. is an international join venture company in China, established by Gearex Taiwan? 星谊精密陶瓷科技(昆山)有限公司是由台湾星谊企业股份有限公司投资建立。 www.ubmsinoexpo.com 6. The joint venture company shall establish the board of directors which is the highest au-thority of the joint venture company. 第十六条合营公司设董事会。董事会是合营公司的最高权力机构。 www.24en.com 7. Does she work in a joint venture company? 她在一家合资企业上班吗? gb.cri.cn 8. Do you want to start joint-venture company with foreign forwarders? 你公司想与国外货代企业成立合资企业吗? www.fiata2006.com 9. My husband is a computer engineer at a joint-venture company and we love each other very much. 我丈夫是一家合资公司的计算机工程师。我们非常相爱。 www.bing.com 10. A joint-venture company called Checom Technology that produces hundreds of mobile phones every day has been set up. 一家名为Checom科技的合资公司已正式成立,每天都会生产数以百计的手机。 www.china.org.cn 1. the stable production of qualified products of the joint venture company in the light of design capacity within the specified period; 如乙方同时又是技术转让方,则应负责合资公司在规定期限内按设计能力稳定地生产合格产品; www.jukuu.com 2. I for China and Hong Kong joint venture company, located in Huadu District, Guangzhou. 我公司为中港合资公司,座落在广州市花都区。 www.b2easy.com 3. Experienced in working in an joint venture company or other international environment 有在合资企业或者其它类似的环境工作经验 job.ytonline.com.cn 4. The essential conditions for the establishment of a production Sino-foreign Joint Venture company in Shanghai are as follows 一、在上海地区设立生产类中外合资公司外国投资者所需基本条件 www.xinlilaw.com 5. Following are the rules and regulations formulated by the board of directors of the joint venture company: 第五十八条合营公司董事会制定的规章制度有: www.putclub.com 6. deciding the merger, affiliation and consolidation of the joint venture company with other economic organization; 合营公司与另一经济组织的合并、兼并与联合; www.putclub.com 7. Minimum 5 years experience, at least 2 years in management level in with Joint-Venture company 最少5年经验,其中最少2年外资公司管理经验 www.zh-hr.com 8. The time and requirements for the establishment of a production Sino-foreign Joint Venture company in Shanghai are as follows 二、在上海地区设立生产类中外合资公司所需时间和要求 www.xinlilaw.com 9. situations concerning sale and purchasing the materials of the joint venture company; 合营公司所有的物资出售及购入情况; www.zftrans.com 10. discussing and deciding the termination and dissolution of the joint venture company; 合营公司的中止与解散; www.putclub.com 1. situations concerning registered capital and debt of the joint venture company; 合营公司注册资本及负债情况; blog.sina.com.cn 2. The cooperative venture company shall distribute its profits In accordance with the followIng procedure after payIng the Income tax 合作公司缴纳所得税后的利润,按下列顺序使用和分配 dict.ebigear.com 3. November Setting up of Joint Venture Company with an affiliate of GIC Real Estate 与新加坡政府产业投资属下企业成立合资公司 www.yanlordland.com 4. Organizing the design and construction of the premises and other engineering facilities of the joint venture company; 协助合资公司组织合资公司厂房和其它工程设施的设计、施工; www.jukuu.com 5. The Legal address of the joint venture company is at 合营公司的法定地址为 www.24en.com 6. Labor-capital relations in the join-venture company, supported by National Foundation of Social Science, 三资企业劳资关系研究,国家社会科学基金项目, 7. Insist on the principal of basic with human, accelerate joint venture company to grow healthy and harmonious 坚持以人为本的科学发展观促进合资公司健康和谐发展 ilib.cn 8. all amount of income and payment and payment in cash of the joint venture company; 合营公司所有和现金收入、支出数量; www.bing.com 9. The accounting books of the joint venture company shall include the following contents: 第三十二条合营公司的财务会计帐册应记载如下内容: www.putclub.com 10. Party committee should provide strong pledge to construct venture company and reliza management target 党委要为构建和谐企业、实现经营目标提供有力保证 www.ilib.cn 1. The accounting books of the joint venture company shall include the following contents: 第三十二条合营公司的财务会计帐册应记载如下内容: www.putclub.com 2. Party committee should provide strong pledge to construct venture company and reliza management target 党委要为构建和谐企业、实现经营目标提供有力保证 www.ilib.cn 3. expiration of the duration of the joint venture company; 合营公司期限届满; www.putclub.com 4. The production scale of the joint venture company are at follows 第八条合营公司生产规模为 www.24en.com 5. Chapter 3 Establishment of the Cooperative Venture Company 第三章成立合作经营公司 www.24en.com 6. deciding the plan on living houses and other welfare for staff and workers of joint venture company; 决定合营公司职工的住房及各项福利事宜; www.putclub.com 7. Business scope of the joint venture company is 第七条合营公司经营范围为 www.24en.com 8. Minimum 2 years relevant working experience in joint venture company; 2年以上外资企业相关工作经验; jssz.alliasp.com 9. Evidence of joint venture company 外商投资企业申请表 bbs.gter.net 10. Nonverbal Difference in the communications of Sino-German Joint Venture Company in China 中德企业交际中的非语言性差异 www.ilib.cn 1. Evidence of joint venture company 外商投资企业申请表 bbs.gter.net 2. Nonverbal Difference in the communications of Sino-German Joint Venture Company in China 中德企业交际中的非语言性差异 www.ilib.cn 3. Management-the eternal theme of the venture company in china 管理——国内风险企业永恒的主题 www.ilib.cn 4. Morgan Seal U. S. -China joint venture company in China group 中美联手在中国组摩根密封件公司 gybcn.com 5. amending the Articles of Association of the joint venture company ; 合营公司章程和修改; www.ebigear.com 6. to assist the joint venture company to arrange and make rational use of welfare funds and bonuses; 协助合营公司安排和合理使用福利、奖励基金; www.putclub.com |
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