单词 | vent- | ||||||||||||
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复数:vents 现在分词:venting 过去式:vented vent- 显示所有例句
give (full) vent to sth (充分)表达;(淋漓尽致地)发泄to express a feeling, especially anger, strongly
例句释义: 出口,肛门,发泄,通风孔,通风口,通气孔 1. Having none where to divert my energy, i vent my anger on you as you were the captain of the opponent team. 我实在没出撒气了,只好把气撒在你这个对手的队长身上。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The invention relates to a device and a method for removing marks on a carbon dioxide vent pipe of a carbon precipitation tank. 本发明涉及一种用于碳分槽二氧化碳通气管除疤装置方法。 ip.com 3. Young fashion is a trend, no doubt inner vent thing, feeling, nostalgia - memories of the wind with the bulk. 年轻人追求时尚是一种风气无疑是内心的发泄物,感慨,留恋——随着往事的风吹散。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The vent valve comprises an air vent screw, a spring and a valve ball which leans against the channel under the acting force of the spring. 所述排气阀包括一排气螺钉、一弹簧、一钢球,阀球在弹簧作用力下抵靠通道上。 ip.com 5. According to reporters in the courtroom, Madoff sat looking down in front of him as his victims gave vent to their fury. 根据法庭中的记者报道,当他的受害者们向他发泄愤怒时,麦道夫一直坐在那里向下看着前方。 www.bing.com 6. Do not want to say that with the home, said it may not be able to give vent to their exports. 不想跟家里说,说了也未必能够找到宣泄的出口。 www.dota123.com 7. " Not! Afternoon to meet my first love, he asked me to dinner. " Lan Qin decided to play tricks on him, to vent their discontent. “不是!是下午碰到了我的初恋情人,他约我吃饭。”秦岚决定作弄一下他,来发泄自己的不满。 www.bing.com 8. Have they forgotten how the spirit of liberty in Ireland, debarred from its natural outlet, found a vent by forbidden passages? 难道他们已经忘却,在爱尔兰那被堵塞了发泄途径的自由精神,竟从被禁的通道中找到了出路? www.for68.com 9. I called Dave Morrow to vent my frustration and found a new attitude on the other end of the line. 我打电话给戴夫.莫洛,发泄自己的不满,结果发现电话那头的态度有了变化。 www.ecocn.org 10. Lincoln examines the pill under a feeble stream of light coming through a vent in the dark cell. 在漆黑的牢房内,Lincoln在一束从通风孔透入的虚弱光线下,仔细研究那片药丸。 www.bing.com 1. A measuring line clearly indicates how much soup the container can hold without it overflowing through the vent holes. 测量线清楚地表明了多少汤容器可容纳没有它通过通风孔溢出。 www.a1pak.net.cn 2. Mr. Shushan left Confucius but still kept pique in his heart. To give well vent to his pique, he made up his mind to visit Laotse. 叔山先生由孔子那儿走出来,心中的气还没有完全消掉,他决定到老子那儿,好地发泄一下怨气。 cn.bbs.yahoo.com 3. He said, 'Naw, it's not going to affect us, what we do. I just had to get out and vent what was irritating me. 他说,不,这不会影响我们和我们正在做的,我只是想要发泄一下而已。 www.kobechina.com.cn 4. He gave vent to his anger in a poem [by beating his wife]. 他凭借一首诗[殴打妻子]发泄他的怒气。 www3.060s.com 5. Strictly speaking, I was not a poet, at least I do not wanna be a poet. It can be said that poetry is only the tools to vent my feelings. 严格来说,我不算是个诗人,至少我不愿做诗人,可以说,诗歌只是我发泄感情的工具。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I really could not stand, he gave vent to his mother who anger. 我真是受不了了,便把怒气发泄到妈妈身上。 www.tradeask.com 7. Right, Donna, listen, on the back of his neck on his collar, there's a sort of plug, like a hole - the Probic Vent. 好的,堂娜,听着,在他的后衣领上,有个插头,像个洞-是个通风口。 www.yappr.cn 8. Signor Vitelli took pity on him and vent for his wife and daughter to come down to the cafe to join them. 维太里先生派人去喊他老伴和女儿下山来,到咖啡馆同他们一道聊聊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Covering her face with her hands, she sank upon a sofa, and gave vent to the tears which she was now unable to repress. 她双手捂住脸,瘫倒在沙发上,抑制不住的泪水夺眶而出。 novel.tingroom.com 10. Such a person in reality did not act, the courage, so the network can only rely on these posts to vent, demagogy . 这种人在现实中没有作为,没胆量,所以就只能靠网络发这些帖子来发泄,哗众取宠。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The warm air from the defrosting vent for the front windshield cools rapidly as it dissipates throughout the rest of the car. 来自前窗除霜口的温暖气体迅速冷却,当它消散在车周围时。 blog.csdn.net 2. She always offers a willing ear to those who need a chance to vent, although it may be uncomfortable for her to hear. 她常常愿意倾听那些想要发泄怒气的人,即使她听得不舒服。 pandagon.blog.163.com 3. Ex. : Don't take it out on me. I'm not here for you to vent your anger on. 例:别有火就往我身上发,我不是你们的出气筒。 forum.globaltimes.cn 4. If he was to be punished, he would vent some of his well-hidden fury on those who had caused it. 如果他受到惩罚,他会迁怒于那些谁也造成了他的一些动听的愤怒。 bbs.17173.com 5. Winter weather is often gray Meng Meng, and the microscopic sun, people felt very depressed, always want to vent. 冬季的天常常是灰蒙蒙的,在微弱的太阳光下,人们感到很忧闷,总是在想着如何才能释放。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. All this is at least leading to some accidental reforms as policy makers try to vent monetary pressures. 随着决策者试图释放货币压力,所有这一切至少带来一些随机性的改革。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Gradually I got used to the atmosphere there, and I knew my own mood at that moment: I was eager to give vent to. 我渐渐地适应了这里的气氛,才了解到自己此时的心情:寻求发泄。 www.chinaedu.com 8. I became the master of the vent products, a happy graffiti on me, new clothes for a while it becomes old and broken the. 我成了小主人的发泄品,一不高兴就在我身上乱涂乱画,崭新的衣服一会儿就变得破烂不堪了。 gotofob.cn 9. The air entering and leaving the building is filtered; on this trading floor, each employee has his own personal air vent. 进入和离开建筑的空气经过过滤;在这个交易大厅上,所有的员工都有自己的空气通风口。 www.yappr.cn 10. You might film this unbelievable hydrothermal vent, which you think at the time has to be on another planet. 当你拍摄下这个令人难以置信的深海热液喷口的时候,你会觉得仿佛置身于另一个星球之上。 www.ted.com 1. Here's a tiny little vent that's come out of the side of that pillar. 这里有一个很小的出口在那个很大的柱子上。 www.ted.com 2. 'Hold your tongue, Beadle, ' said the second old gentleman, when Mr. Bumble had given vent to this compound adjective. “闭嘴,干事。”邦布尔先生刚把带“最”字的形容词说出来,第二位老绅士便说道。 novel.tingroom.com 3. he walked jerkily into the office behind , parting the vent of his jacket , jingling his keys in his back pocket. 他趔趔趄趄地走进后面的办公室,撩起背心后面的衩口,玎玲当啷地从后兜里掏出钥匙。 www.ichacha.net 4. Air intake is on the front right bezel as you are viewing it from the front, and the exhaust vent is on the front left side. 进气孔是在前面正确的刃角如同您观看它从前线,并且尾气出气孔是在前面左边。 www.avbuzz.com 5. And how many people who were annoyed at home by his wife, will vent on their subordinates of the office? 有的人在家里受了妻子的气,就到单位迁怒在自己的下属身上; www.showxiu.com 6. Then, as he put it later, he sat back and "let the chiefs vent all over me. " 然后他把它之后他又坐和“让众首领都崇拜我的排气。” www.bing.com 7. Such family backgrounds account for the misdeeds of the children, who vent their wrath on other people. 这种家庭背景,就会造成小孩出去做坏事,因为小孩会把仇恨的心发泄在别人身上。 sm2000.org 8. hip-hop singers who will vent all the anger and discontent are the lyrics in the hip-hop music into a highly infectious and spread the art. 嘻哈歌手们将一切愤怒和不满都发泄在歌词中,将嘻哈乐变成一种极具传播性和感染力的艺术。 www.boshuo.net 9. Or as Proverbs 29: 11 says "A fool gives full vent to his anger. But a man of understanding controls himself. " 或者正如圣经箴言篇29:11所说“愚人发泄自己的怒气,圣人严格控制自己。” www.bing.com 10. The vent holes are in around shape, and the vent holes are symmetrically distributed on the opposite two sides of the wind cap. 上述的风孔呈长圆形,并且风孔对称分布于风罩的相对的两侧。 ip.com 1. He was about to give vent to his fury, when the butler, Kao Sheng, came in with a message that made his heart miss a beat. 他狂怒到几乎要开口大骂,可是当差高升走上来又说了一句叫人心跳的话。 home.hjenglish.com 2. The sky will always be the existence of the storm, I do not fear, but this is merely a continuation of a happy, pleasant vent. 天空总会有暴风雨的存在,我不畏惧,这不过是快乐的延续,愉悦的发泄。 www.tradeask.com 3. And I appreciate being able to vent some of my anguish upon you. 我觉得很欣慰我能在这里和你们说说我的各种担忧。 www.ted.com 4. and an upper vent and a lower vent having valves and arranged on the transparent cover plate and the heat storage wall. 所述透明盖板和蓄热墙上均设有带阀门的上通风口和下通风口; ip.com 5. Disgruntled customers tend to give vent on DVD rental comparison websites, rating Lovefilm's customer service below that of some rivals. 不满意的客户往往会在DVD出租对比网站上发泄,对Lovefilm的客户服务给予低于某些竞争对手的评价。 www.ftchinese.com 6. When man quarrel with his wife, he would vent the depression to their children, this is unfair, but it's do exist, can be understanded. 当男人与他的妻子争吵后,他会把这愤怒发泄到孩子们身上,这是不公平的,但是确实存在也可以理解。 zjtvu.tianyablog.com 7. He gave vent to his indignation in his fiery speech. 他在一篇激烈的演讲中道出了自己的愤怒心情。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. That bum didn't look like any spy I've ever seen though, and I would pay money to see him get into that psychiatric ward's vent system. 那个流浪汉不像我所见过的密探,我情愿付钱把他弄进精神病房里的通风管道里。 bbs.psysoper.com 9. Apparently undeterred by this, a local teacher approached me to vent his frustration, asking me what I thought about China and Tibet. 但明显的并未因此受阻,一个当地的老师走向我吐露他的挫折,问我有关中国和西藏的想法。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 10. He gave vent to his indignation in a fiery speech. 他用一篇激烈的言辞来发泄愤怒。 dict.veduchina.com 1. You'll be tempted to use your regular time together as the time for you to angrily vent and argue. 你可能会被怂恿使用自己正常的时间来激烈争吵。 www.bing.com 2. Assuming you've got light available, you should be able to see down inside the vent. 假设你有轻用,你应该可以看到里面的发泄了。 www.giscrocodile.com 3. He never takes it personally when callers vent but listens intently and tries to start building a relationship. 当来电者泄愤时他从不生气,而是专心地倾听,并努力同对方套近乎。 c.wsj.com 4. [Approximately] a mile of retreat in 75 minutes across the calving face of that particular vent, three miles wide. 那个排放口上的整个冰解面[大概]75分钟退一英里冰解面有三英里宽。 www.ted.com 5. Behind their cells was an unguarded corridor that led to a vent on the roof. 在他们的牢房后面有一个无人看守的走廊,走廊的尽头有一个通往房顶的通风口。 www.bing.com 6. Arcade roulette adapted version of the game, if you also like to stimulate the capsule in the shy, it would be used to vent the game on! 街机轮盘赌游戏的改编版,如果你喜欢刺激又囊中羞涩,那就用这个游戏发泄一下吧! www.hicoo.net 7. Put another way: humanity can only afford to burn and vent less than one quarter of known oil, natural gas and coal reserves. 换一种表达方式:人类只可以燃烧和释放已知石油、天然气和煤储量的四分之一。 www.bing.com 8. The main disadvantage of a storage tank is its capital cost, and the cost of associated pumps, vent filters, and instrumentation. 贮存罐的主要缺点是它的资产成本和相关泵、气滤器和仪器操作的成本。 www.pharmst.cn 9. To avoid heat stroke, after Grain in Ear regular wash, so that the skin loose, "Yang hot" easy to vent. 为避免中暑,芒种后要常洗澡,这样可使皮肤疏松,“阳热”易于发泄。 www.bing.com 10. The hose connection backflow preventer shall consist of two independently operating check valves with an intermediate atmospheric vent. 这种软管连接防回流阀应该包括两个独立运行的止回阀,这些止回阀带中间大气排气口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Perhaps looks like in the part person eye indignant blue is only a spirit gives vent, and cannot obtain any substantive function! 也许在部分的人眼里看来愤青只是种精神发泄,并得不到什么实质性的作用! blog.sina.com.cn 2. I used the cloning tool to remove her and the lighter little dot in the corner (which I think is an air vent). 我用的仿制图章工具,来移除这人,还把小亮点移到了角落,我把这里当透气孔(透光)。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Our jubilation at such a significant discovery accounts for the whimsical names that we chose for each vent area. 从我们为每个裂口区取的古怪名字可看出我们在做出这一重大发现时欢欣鼓舞的心情。 4. In some cases it is too hot to get fully into the sleeping bags; frequently we need to open a vent to let in a little cold air! 在有些情况下,完全裹在睡袋里实在是热得不行;我们经常需要打开一个口子以放进一些冷空气! www.bing.com 5. Oh wow, really boring recently, a bit to collapse, and would like to vent some emotion out, but do not have the time, , , , My God! 哇哦,最近真的很无聊,有点要崩溃了,想出去发泄一下情绪,但是却没有时间,,,,天啊!!! qzone.qq.com 6. Behold, my belly is as wine which hath no vent; it is ready to burst like new bottles. 我的胸怀如盛酒之囊,没有出气之缝,又如新皮袋快要破裂。 www.for68.com 7. Louvered doors, or vent grilles in solid doors help air circulate into lockers, forepeaks and other isolated areas of the boat. 在实心门上的百叶或格子板都可以帮助空气循环进入柜子、前舱和其船上其它的隔间。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He gave vent to his feelings in am impassioned speech. 在一次激动地演说中他毫无顾忌地吐露心声。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. In other words, there is only room in the atmosphere to burn or vent less than one quarter of known oil, natural gas and coal reserves. 换句话说,大气目前的承受量,仅能允许我们燃烧或排放已知储量四分之一的石油、天然气和煤。 www.bing.com 10. The float allows the other end of the vent pipe to be located above the level of the cutting oil within the tank body. 该浮动允许的排气管道的另一端是上方的切削油内箱体的水平位置。 wenwen.soso.com 1. In the vent of a suborbital launch, the booster would be jettisoned before Tycho Brahe spacecraft reaches zero gravity. 在次轨道发射的尽头,助推器将在第谷·布拉赫达到零重力状态之前被剥离。 www.bing.com 2. Of course, this also means, that the energies are flowing out of the created vent with aggrandized pressure and intensity. 当然,这也意味着,这些能量将伴随着被加剧的压力及强度从创造出的气孔处泄出。 457830703.qzone.qq.com 3. Her mouth was filled with clothes-pins, but her arms gave vent to a sort of exclamation. 她嘴里满是衣夹,但是双手张开,像在表示一种呼喊。 dongxi.net 4. That there is a sudden drop of girls want to vent, cry out loud just as a form of release means. 这种女生还有着突如其来滴发泄欲,大声叫喊正好可以作为一种发泄手段。 www.the4se.com 5. Imaginative play also helps kids vent confusing feelings they might have, such as anger toward a parent or rivalry with a new sibling. 充满想象力的游戏可以帮助孩子发泄情感,例如对父母的愤怒或者与同龄人之间的竞争。 www.bing.com 6. Stolypin gave vent to a bass guffaw as he munched a piece of bread and cheese. 斯托雷平一面用低沉的嗓音哈哈大笑,一面咀嚼着一块带有干酪的面包; novel.tingroom.com 7. The switches in the 2011 Jetta felt flimsy; part of an air-conditioning vent fell off. 2011捷达的开关感觉很轻薄,空调开口部分有冲击感。 swc.178.blog.163.com 8. Think layers of technical fabrics, to wick sweat, with zippers at the neck and underarm area to vent air as you heat up. 考虑下当你跑步发热时,一层层的衣物纤维是否吸汗,颈部拉链和腋下是否通风。 www.bing.com 9. Graffiti art are particularly good, Able to bring its emotions as the release vent on the wall in the whole! 涂鸦艺术特别好,可以把自己的情绪释放发泄在真个墙面上。 www.alivenotdead.com 10. They allow citizens to vent their grievances and give prompt warning if, say, corruption in a provincial city is getting out of hand. 如果腐败在一个省会城市正愈演愈烈,他们允许市民发出抱怨并且给予及时的警告。 www.bing.com 1. I have no idea to express my frame of mind now Even do I not know how to give vent to my feeling that make me so heart-rending . 不知道表达我的心情我现在不会给发泄使我很伤心的我的感觉。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Simply getting people into a room to vent their frustrations is unlikely to resolve any problems and may even exacerbate them. 这只会使进入房间的每个人发泄他们的不满情绪,不可能解决任何问题的,甚至还可能使问题加重。 www.infoq.com 3. Was a child, I was like a delicate eggshell porcelain, you broke my fear, but now, I have actually turned into a vent you have weapons, why? 小时候,我像一个精致的薄胎瓷,你生怕摔坏了我,可现在,我居然成了你发泄的武器,为什么呀? www.99zuowen.com 4. The key, it turns out, are called spicules, which vent hot gases, called plasma, from the sun's surface into the corona. 观测证明,(解决这个谜团的)关键是一种叫做针状体的东西,它从太阳的表面向日冕层释放出称为等离子体的高温气体。 www.bing.com 5. Let go. If you need to vent, talk with someone or write your feelings down on a piece of paper and then throw it away. 放手。若你需要宣泄,就找人倾诉或是将你的感受写在一张纸条上,然后扔了它。 www.bing.com 6. Keep in mind the area is also increasing pressure, really do not know how to vent to Mu. 心里面积存的压力也越来越大,真的不知道要怎仫去发泄。 blog.163.com 7. "You shouldn't have come out here, " said Lester finally, before Louise could give vent to the rising question in her mind. “你是不该到这里来的,”雷斯脱不等露意丝提出心中的问题,就先说道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Spreading the vent : For the first method, you need a pair of blunt forceps, haemostat, or similar device. 撒泄:对于第一种方法,你需要一个设备对钝钳,止血,或类似的。 www.giscrocodile.com 9. He gave vent to his anger by swearing loudly. 他高声咒骂以发泄他的愤怒。 www.hotdic.com 10. The child as a vent incompetent performance of the education, so that the child timid, weak, not aggressive. 把孩子作为发泄对象,是教育无能的表现,使孩子胆怯、懦弱、不敢进取。 zuofa.net 1. The child as a vent incompetent performance of the education, so that the child timid, weak, not aggressive. 把孩子作为发泄对象,是教育无能的表现,使孩子胆怯、懦弱、不敢进取。 zuofa.net 2. and a ventilating structure to connect the air vent structure and transport air to the air vent structure. 以及一通气结构,连接该出气结构,用以输送空气至该出气结构。 ip.com 3. He gave vent to his anger by kicking the chair. 他踢椅子来发泄情绪。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Let its ashes float away on the wind or up the vent. 让它的灰烬飘散在通风口的风中。 www.bing.com 5. Their creativity and poetry to vent their anger or self-comfort, or flattery-mei into the body of the Lord's order. 其创作或者是抒怀泄愤的自我安抚,或者是阿谀媚主的进身之阶。 6. Because off firecrackers to enhance the festive atmosphere, fun people to be able to give vent to their excitement. 因为放鞭炮能增添节日的气氛,能发泄人们欢乐兴奋之情。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. A leeward side of the box is provided with at least one air outlet having a vent check valve. 所述箱体的背风面至少具有一个带有出气单向阀的出气口。 ip.com 8. We like to see horror piece like watching all news stories, stimulate the appalling can also cause arguments, vent their emotions. 大家像看恐怖片一样看着诸般新闻故事,刺激骇人还能引发议论,发泄情绪。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. called ", " In vent can produce higher atmospheric pressure is called "; " 在排气口能产生高于常压气压的叫“正压”; detail.china.alibaba.com 10. There's a funny kind of hot plate here with vent water coming out of it . 这有一个滑稽的热盘子状的东西,热液从里面涌出。 www.bing.com 1. "We see electrical activity right when the stuff is leaving the [volcano's] vent, " he said. “在物质刚刚喷离火山口的时候,我们就监测到了电子活动”,他说。 www.huaxia-ng.com 2. The goodman had not uttered a word, nor given vent to a cry. 老人没有说一句话,也没有喊一声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. She was jealous and glad of any excuse to vent her pique. 她嫉妒,并且以找借口发泄她的怒气为乐。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. It's normal for me to vent what I feel for a series of reasons after a match such as the one in Athens. 在一场像雅典那样的比赛之后,我有理由要发泄一下自己的情绪,这是正常的。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 5. The floods found a vent through the dykes. 洪水从堤上的一个裂缝处涌出。 www.powerdict.com 6. Those words because in a fit of anger, is not interested in talking to you. Write that, you just want to vent. 那些话是因为在气头上,并不是有意对你说的。写那段话,只是想发泄一下。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Make sure there is a vent at least 75MM around the frame. Don't use the lamp against of fire regulation. 确保本产品周围至少有75MM的通风口,该灯使用不能违反任何防火法规。 bbs.tradeknow.com 8. Identification of pipe materials used for potable, drain, waste and vent pipes. 饮水,排水,废物和排气管道材料的鉴定。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I decided to fire and sword are not deleted, and later as a full vent to anger with hatred to something like that! 我决定火与剑不删了,以后把一有仇恨愤怒就全发泄到这上面! tieba.baidu.com 10. The silane vent system should either terminate at an effluent treatment system or discharge to open air in a safe area. 硅烷排气系统应该或者终止于一个废气处理系统,或者在一个安全的区域直接排到户外。 www.airproducts.com.hk 1. Fun sections allow you to place any image on the board and position targets to vent your rage, with mobile targets for scoring. 有趣的章节,让您的地方,任何形象,对董事会和立场,目标,以发洩你的愤怒,与移动目标的得分。 xtdownload.com 2. For a specified vent-cap, the influence by the transverse pressing brick and longitudinal pressing brick were reviewed. 针对每一种风帽,考察了横向压砖和纵向压砖对供风的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. For environment, do not pollute , reduce the emission of many vent gas and fuel. 而且对环境没有污染,减少很多尾气和燃料的排放。 stqz.stedu.net 4. To the surprise of many scientists, however, the risk mining poses to the vent communities may be smaller than originally feared. 然而,让许多科学家吃惊的是,矿物开采对热泉喷口附近的生物群所造成的威胁或许不及最初预想的那样大。 www.bing.com 5. It can be a way to vent all the pent-up frustrations burdening your mind into a far less volatile form, paper (or screen). 它可以将积压在你大脑中的沮丧用比较不容易爆发的形式发泄出来——在纸上或者是电脑屏幕。 www.bing.com 6. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on your children. 我恳求你,请不用把你自己的情绪发泄在孩子们的身上。 sh.iyaya.com 7. I'm so embarrassed at my daughter's stupidity that I can't tell anyone so that's why I guess I really needed this vent. 对于我女儿的愚蠢行为,我感到非常尴尬,但是我又不可以给其它任何人讲,所以我想我真的需要这样发泄一下。 www.elanso.com 8. The vent that spewed the lava pictured had out on smaller shows around Christmas and New Year's, Behncke added. 圣诞和元旦期间,岩浆出口已经小小地演示过一番,别涅克补充说。 www.bing.com 9. Whenever I am not happy when listening to music, allow me to feel happy, singing and allow me to vent their feelings. 每当我不开心时,听音乐能让我心情愉快,唱歌能让我发泄心情。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I may a person cry, may also give vent to the friend. But I only hoped that the parents can be better. 我可以一个人落泪,也可以对朋友发泄。但我只希望父母能更好。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The reason for the stack is to vent the fire, as one end of the boiler is fired. 由于锅炉另一端在加热,所以烟囱用来排出烟气。 www.game798.com 2. The itching seems to be much worse in warm conditions such as indoors or near a stove or heat vent. 痒了,似乎是严重得多,在温暖的条件,如在室内或靠近火炉热或宣泄。 wf1504.blog.163.com 3. the gas vent is arranged on the other side of the housing for guiding the mixed gas and moisture out of the filter. 以及气体导出口,设置于上述壳体另一侧,用于将上述混合的气体和湿气导出上述过滤器。 ip.com 4. This partnership with bacteria plus DNA analysis place the bone worms close to hydrothermal vent worms on the evolutionary tree. 通过DNA分析这种骨虫在进化树上与火山喷发蠕虫接近。 bbs.bioon.com 5. There were legs hanging out of a vent over the grill! 烤架上的通气孔有两条腿悬挂着! www.bing.com 6. let the lowest voltage stage where a vent operates less than [voltage impression 5 minutes] be examination voltage . 设最低电压阶段为排气孔工作少于[电压联接5分钟]作为检测电压。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Slowly open vent needle valve just as air inlet opens. Record differential pressure. 当空气进口开启时,慢慢开启排气针形阀。记录压差。 www.h6688.com 8. Introverted person as self-enclosed, do not want to open up the inner conflicts when there is a lack of normal and effective way to vent. 性格内向者由于自我封闭,不愿敞开心扉,内心有矛盾冲突时缺乏正常有效的宣泄途径。 www.106jsw.com 9. In our case, we try to replicate the bone-crushing pressures and scalding temperatures typical of a deep - sea hydrothermal vent. 实验情境模拟典型深海热泉的高温高压环境,这压力足以压碎骨骼,温度足以消融肌肤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Drilling wood to make fire is the greatest discovery of primitive man. Drum is an important tool to vent and express. 钻木取火是原始人类最伟大的发现,鼓是湘西少数民族表情达意,宣泄情感的重要载体。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Even extreme grief may ultimately vent itself in violence-but more generally takes the form of apathy. 过于悲愤最终也可能转化成暴力--不过,在多数情况下,会以冷漠的形式表现出来…。 2. Virgin points out that it has several internal channels through which staff can vent frustrations. 维珍指出,公司内部有不少渠道让员工排解不满。 www.ecocn.org 3. Please do not VENT YOUR ANGER and FRUSTRATIONS at them in your emails, letters, phone calls, etc. 请不要放气您的愤怒和失望在他们在您的电子邮件、信件、电话,等。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 4. Basins are provided with a 4 " caulk inlet, 3" vent, and a large removable hand hole to permit access, as a standard. 根据标准,水槽配有4“填缝进水管、3”通风孔和便于使用的大型可移动手洞。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 5. and the screwing part is formed at the tail end of the protection part and suitable for being screwed to the vent hole. 螺接部,形成于上述保护部的末端,适于螺接于上述排气孔。 ip.com 6. Like in this school will never finish mind, may be to think aloud too few people, only in this vent! 好像在这个学校永远有写不完的心事,可能是可以坦露心声的人太少了吧,只能在这了发泄! blog.bandao.cn 7. A small vent opening is placed near the floor on the north side of the first floor and on the south side, an exhaust window is placed. 一个很小的通风口位于首层北侧的地板,南侧是一个排气口。 www.julemei.com 8. A fumarole is a vent, usually volcanic, from which gases and vapors are emitted; it is characteristic of a late stage of volcanic activity. 翻译成中文为:喷气孔通常为火山喷气出口,从这个孔中火山气体和蒸汽喷射出来,为火山晚期阶段的特征。 www.sciencenet.cn 9. However, once the vent is large enough to insert your finger into, popping becomes redundant. 但是,一旦发泄是大到足以把你的手指插入,弹出变得多余。 www.giscrocodile.com 10. Today, to vent some of my anger, I punched my thin pillow as hard as I could. 今天我发泄怒气时拼命锤打我那只薄薄的枕头。 bucter.com 1. Introduction: Enter your boxing vent to whom dissatisfied with the name, and then PLAY. 发泄拳击输入你对谁不满的名字,然后点。 4455.cc 2. As fluid is evacuated from the system or vessel, the vent valve must open to prevent formation of a vacuum. 当流体从系统或容器中排空时,排放阀必须打开以防止出现真空现象。 www.showxiu.com 3. Some water should drain from vent indicating that diaphragm has lifted off its seat and opened the chamber between the checks to atmosphere. 从排气口应该排泄出一些水,表示隔膜已经提升其阀座,并且打开了止回阀到大气之间的腔室。 www.h6688.com 4. The male has no apparent and clearly defined targets against which he can vent his rage. 他没有明显的﹑清楚界定的对象可以作为攻击目标。 www.bing.com 5. Custom EMI vent panels are the ideal solution for electronics enclosure applications with high frequencies and limited space. 定制的抗电磁干扰通风口挡板最适合频率高和空间有限的电子设备外壳使用。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 6. This is a ducting feature connecting the front of the Thermal Module to a front vent. 将散热接口的前端连接到前部通风口,发挥导热作用。 mymemory.translated.net 7. Tokyo Electric Power, for its part, planned to vent some of the radioactive steam from inside the containment building. 东京电力计划从安全壳厂房中释放部分发射性蒸汽。 www.bing.com 8. Low effort: Clean out the vent on your clothes dryer with a brush. 低努力:清洁了发泄对你的衣服刷机。 www.bugutang.com 9. An elbow assembly is swivelably coupled to the front surface of the frame, the elbow assembly including one or more vent openings. 一个与所述支架的前部表面可旋转地连接的弯管组件,所述弯管组件包括一个或多个通风口; ip.com 10. Thankfully it wasn't a fire, just a vent problem in our air system, rubber burning. 值得庆幸的是没有火,只有一个通风口系统问题,橡胶燃烧。 wenwen.soso.com 1. it makes me feel very exciting and shocking. Exposure to rock music, let me give vent to their annoyance. 它会让我感到很刺激和震撼。置身于摇滚音乐中,能让我宣泄烦恼。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Over time, the lubricants may actually cause the parts to stick in the mold due to build up and vent clogging. 随着时间的推移,润滑油,可能会引起部分粘在模具由于建立和排气孔堵塞。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Complaining is as useful for people's minds as a whistle vent is for a teakettle. 抱怨对人们头脑的作用如同一个烧茶壶的口哨阀门的作用一样。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. A patent attorney in Amityville, New York, Garvey holds a patent for a temperature-responsive roof vent. 纽约鬼屋方面的专利律师——加维,拥有一项根据温度感应的屋顶通风专利。 www.bing.com 5. If the foot endures the word that irons vent-pipe, what method can go scar? 脚如果挨烫到排气管的话,有什么办法可以去疤? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. and a valving element 33 closing said second vent hole 32 in a manner capable of opening and closing said second vent hole 32 only. 以及阀元件33,所述阀元件33以能够打开和封闭仅仅所述第二通气孔32的方式封闭所述第二通气孔32。 ip.com 7. The air vent control regulates the amount of cooling air supplied to the engine as the situation demands. 情况需要时,气门控制装置调节供应到引擎的冷却空气。 carlchi.blog.163.com 8. Flush system with hydrogen until required purity is reached. Vent all waste hydrogen through a flue or flare stack. 用氢冲洗设备,直到达到所要求的纯度。通过烟道或火把烟筒排出所有废氢。 www.jukuu.com 9. The air vent connects the two rooms to the central heating system, so both the rooms are very warm. 这个管子连通了两个房间的暖气,所以房间都很暖和。 www.websaru.com 10. Answers as a soapbox to vent your frustrations, rant, or otherwise violate the question and answer format. 回答发泄你的挫折,咆哮,或不那样违背这个问题和答案格式。 tr.bab.la 1. The news that the U. S. will cut down its financial aid to Korea has taken vent. 美国将消减对韩国的经济援助的消息给泄露了。 www.hxen.com 2. Don't you say to cut his hamstring and fight him for vent? 不是说好要剁他脚筋,揍他泄恨的吗? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Activated carbons can be used for VOC removal from SVE vent gas. 活性炭可用来脱除SVE排出气体中的可挥发性有机物。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Teachers, I know you get frustrated and have bad days, that's understandable, but the internet is not the place to vent about your students. 老师们,我知道你们很泄气,有时会觉得很糟糕,那是可以理解的,但互联网并非你们宣泄对学生不满的地方。 dongxi.net 5. Her confusion may easily be conceived when the emperor produced the apple, and indignantly gave vent to his suspicions. 狄奥多西拿出那个苹果,怒气冲冲,讲出心中猜疑。欧多西亚当时的狼狈样子,不难想像。 forum.bomoo.com 6. He prides himself on custom three-button suits with a center vent and shirts from Bruce Clark in New York. 他得意于自己在纽约BruceClark定制的三扣单叉西装和衬衣。 www.bing.com 7. Mainly, I hang around in the channel to help newbies and people who had a bad day and need to vent. 我挂在那个频道里帮助新手,以及那些在一天里过得不愉快需要发泄的人们。 wiki.fcctt.org 8. Except the sounds come from the wheels sliding along the railway and the oxygen supplying through vent hole, everything becomes so quiet. 除了车轮滑过车轨时发出的哐啷声和供氧口的嗤嗤声,车厢里安静极了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Many techs neglect to use proper respirators; others fail to scrupulously vent vehicle exhaust to the outside on a consistent basis. 许多技术员忽视用正确的人工呼吸,有的不能将汽车排放物排向工作区外面。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. She suddenly had to vent like a ball of gas, the paralysis of the entire people down. 她忽然象个泄了气的皮球,整个人都瘫下来了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. The explosion cracks the earth' s surface and scatters ash and huge chunks of rock for many kilometers around the vent. 这样的爆炸把地表炸开以后,其火山灰和巨大石块可散落到火山口周围好几公里远的地方。 www.bing.com 2. I know you're mad about failing your driving test, but don't vent your anger at me. 我知道你考车牌不合格心情不好,但也不要发洩在我身上。 www.gznf.net 3. The solenoid plunger pulls the vent valve down, blocking off the passage to the charcoal canister. 电磁柱塞拉下通气阀,堵住通向活性碳罐的通路。 www.jukuu.com 4. If you and I have a different way of thinking, Oh, and others below the small game, you will vent their grievances all out! 如果你也和我一样的想法,呵呵,别错过下面的小游戏,将你的怨气全部发泄出来吧! 4455.cc 5. The bear advanced clumsily a couple of steps, reared up, and gave vent to a tentative growl. 它笨拙地向前挪了两步,站直了,发出试探性的咆哮。 tr.bab.la 6. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to vent their discontent, worry, anger, surprise and contempt, and protest so intense emotions. 它的目标是用粗鄙的词语来发泄本身的不满、懊恼、愤慨、诧异及蔑视和抗议等等剧烈的心情。 tu.yo52.com 7. and extremely large concentrations of bacteria were found in samples of vent water thought to be pure. 人们还在原来以为是纯净的喷口水样品中发现了含量极大的细菌。 www.fane.cn 8. She was giving full vent to her passionate hatred. 她在充分地发泄她那燃烧的仇恨。 www.jukuu.com 9. When I needed someone to lean on, a place to vent, a place to celebrate or a place to cry, the game became all of these things for me. 当我需要依靠时,需要发泄时,需要庆祝时,又或者需要哭泣时,而篮球就是可以给我全部的这些东西。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Unlike in a direct-acting vent valve, the force holding the seat closed in a pilot vent valve increases with increasing pressure. 不同于直动式通气阀,先导式通气阀保持阀座关闭的作用力随压力增加而增加。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The tent is shaped like a dome with green walls, a grey fly that covers the roof vent, and black netting and flooring. 帐篷展开成圆顶状,四壁为绿色,顶部通风口覆盖物为灰色,并由黑色网和地垫。 db.21food.cn 2. Thousands of residents have barricaded streets to vent their anger at poor municipal services. 数千名居民在街道上设置路障,表达他们对恶劣的市政服务的愤怒。 www.jp345.com 3. Writing diary is always regarded as a good way to give vent to your emotion. 写日记一直被认为是情绪宣泄的一个很好的方式。 bbs.enfamily.cn 4. Watts air scoops have heavy cast iron construction. They have tappings for the installation of an expansion tank and air vent. 美国瓦茨导气罩具有重型铸铁结构,并都配置用于安装一个膨胀罐和排气阀的连接端口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A third vent fan in the side of the PC, often located over the CPU, is also common. 第三个喷口风机一侧的电脑,往往设在中央处理器,也很普遍。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Psychologists said young Chinese might have a new vent for their pent-up feelings through the service. 心理学专家认为对于中国的年青人来说,这种“慢递”服务将成为一种发泄压抑情感的新渠道。 www.24en.com 7. Sitnikov joined himself on to them, with an expression of contemptuous scorn on his face, and giving vent to spiteful comments. 西特尼科夫也到这来了,他的脸上带一种轻蔑的冷笑,口里任意发出刻毒的批评。 tr.bab.la 8. The damper plate rotates around an axis rod to control the flow of air through the vent pipe. 这个风挡通过中心轴控制旋转来让通过排气管的空气流动起来的。 db.21food.cn 9. This flow should be monitored and interlocked to prevent venting if the vent system is not in operation. 应当检测和互锁该气流,以防止在排气系统没有工作的情况下的排气。 www.airproducts.com.hk 10. The actual procedure in large animals involves inserting a clean finger into the vent and feeling for the copulatory organ. 大型动物的实际过程中涉及到交配器官插入到一个干净的手指和感情的宣泄。 www.giscrocodile.com 1. Give your parents time to speak without jumping in. Listen to what they say. Let them vent if they have to. 给你的父母时间说话,不要切断他们。听他们所说的。让他们发泄,如果他们不得不。 www.bing.com 2. When the vent opening reduces, the jet flow phenomenon is not obvious, and an obvious process of liquid level dropping could present. 放气口开度减小,射流现象不明显,并出现明显的液面下降过程。 www.boshuo.net 3. Could this indicate the presence of an exit vent for sea water that had circulated through the earth's crust? 莫非这表明存在一个环流地壳的海水出口么? www.jukuu.com 4. Victims I hardly knew wanted to tell their stories, vent their anger, get revenge. 我几乎不认识的各个受害者,都想倾诉他们的故事,发泄他们的愤怒,想要报复。 www.bing.com 5. The surest way to spare the vent creatures would be to mine only inactive vents, where the geysers have stopped and the ecosystem has died. 最保险的方式就是仅对那些已经停止喷出热泉,而且生物系统已经死亡的“死喷口”进行开采。 www.bing.com 6. Sometimes you need to back off a bit, vent, and then remind yourself, who am I, where to go. 有时候你需要退开一点,放空一下,然后提醒自己,我是谁,要去哪里。 wenku.baidu.com 7. This comprises main unit Drain, CIP returns, and Vent connections, complete with automatic valves to facilitate independent control. 这主要包括单位外流,力回报,宣泄联系,完整独立控制自动阀便利。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. A dialog of one is still a dialog, and like journal writing provides an amiable outlet to vent our feelings. 一个人的言论不仅仅是言论,它能够给个人情绪提供一个出口,就像给杂志写文章一样。 www.bing.com 9. Always balance your need to vent and complain to your spouse with an insightful or funny observation. 在有向你配偶释放情绪和抱怨的需要的时候,勿过度,而且要带有具有洞察性或有趣的观察力。 www.bing.com 10. Eyebrow exhaust vent system is incorporated into frame and enhances airflow which virtually eliminates fog and condensation. 眉排气口系统已被纳入框架和提高气流,这无形中就消除了雾和冷凝。 www.freemerce.com 1. athletes must not throw the racket throwing to vent emotions, to avoid injury to themselves or others. 运动员不得抛扔球拍来发泄情绪,以避免伤害到自身或他人。 www.xiami360.com 2. Special vent holes punched along the pack top rim allows vapour and excess pressure to escape during heating. 特别发泄沿包顶端边缘打洞使过量的压力蒸汽和加热过程中逃脱。 www.a1pak.net.cn 3. Today, the upstairs neighbors' plumbing malfunctioned, sending a flood of toilet water raining down through our air conditioning vent. 今天楼上的水管坏了,一股来自厕所的下水冲进了我们的空调通风管。 www.bucter.com 4. Keep a journal to vent your frustrations, take short walks to calm down, or, if necessary, simply take a mental health day. 写写日记发泄你的挫折感,散散步冷静一下,或者,如果需要的话,请病假休息一下。 kids.163.com 5. If vapor from a tank is collected for treatment or disposal by a vent treatment system, the vent collection system may fail. 如果处理或处置储罐内蒸汽的尾气处理系统收集储罐内的蒸汽,排气收集系统可能失败。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. With no wind to blow the red ash away, it falls in neat rings around the black vent. 由于没有风吹走红色的火山灰,这些红尘便落在黑色火山口外,形成整齐干净的环状上。 www.englishtide.com 7. The vent-pipe should be connected to the air outside of the residence. 灶具中的排气管用钢管或PVC管连接通到室外大气中。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The mood is melancholy, may go to ask there psychological health care teacher to pour out, gives vent to anything. 心情郁闷的时候,可以去找那里的心理保健师倾诉,发泄什么的。 www.fenleimama.com 9. Citizens have the right to speak their minds, and one way to vent this out effectively is through political humour. 公民有权表达他们的想法,而把这发泄出来的唯一有效途径,就是通过政治幽默。 www.bing.com 10. Using your body to intimidate, punish, vent, or attack yourself or others is an unhealthy choice, and likely to lead to trouble. 用身体威吓、惩罚、发泄或攻击自己或别人是一个不健康的选择,可能导致麻烦。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. NOTE: Put grease in the ballscrew nut until new grease comes out of the vent. 注意:给蜗杆螺帽加注润滑脂,直到新的润滑脂从通气口中溢出。 www.cadict.net 2. The numerical simulation on gas-phase and solid-phase flow field in vent duct is to analyze the movement locus of solids in vent duct. 对通风管道中的气固两相流动流场进行数值模拟,是研究颗粒在通风管道中的运动轨迹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Then the teacher can yell at the student to vent and now has just cause to express their anger for it was "Johnny" that made me mad. 于是老师就可以向这名学生大吼大叫来发泄,因为现在就理由表达自己的愤怒了,因为是“约翰”让我发疯的。 www.hicoo.net 4. Slow dance. The music is for dancing, accompanied by physical and mental pleasure, not to vent their feelings. 放慢舞步。在音乐的陪伴下跳舞是为了愉悦身心,而不是为了发泄感情。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Don't tell me that you have the habit of punching the wall to vent your frustration. 你不会告诉我你只会打墙来排解你心中的挫败感吧? www.elanso.com 6. The initiative door-to-door delivery of woman is a man 's best vent, regardless of whether the mind or mind. 主动送上门的女人是汉子最好的宣泄口,无论心思照样心思。 www.cdtyam.com 7. Lower density of molten Improve gas vent Enlarged or disappear resin due to poor metering after reflow. stability. 密度偏低。回流焊后气泡增大或消失。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Suffering Emotional frustration, will you choose jobs to vent the pain or choose to be promiscuous as a compensation? Why? 情感挫败后你会选择工作发泄还是选择滥情弥补?为什么?。 emuch.net 9. The lava may flow out as liquid, or it may explode from the vent as solid or liquid particles accompanied by super-heated gases. 岩浆可能会以液态形式流出,或从开口处以固态或液态微粒伴随着各种过热的蒸汽爆发出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Unless the Pakistani government can solve its cycle of debt and disorganization, ordinary Pakistanis will continue to vent their fury. 除非巴基斯坦能解决其循环的债务和混乱的恶性循环,否则巴基斯坦民众会继续发泄他们的愤怒。 www.ecocn.org 1. Export toys role: the main problem for people vent, troubleshooting pressure and create happiness. 出气玩具的作用:主要供人发泄烦恼、排解压力、制造快乐。 www.showxiu.com 2. And, when you fill the tank again, water will reach the top of the tank and overflow through this vent pipe. 而当你又注水进水箱的时候,漫过箱顶的水就从这个溢水管溢出。 www.bing.com 3. Visually inspect vent to ensure that vent goes to full open position when the pressure is at zero . 目测检查排气口以确保当压力为零时,排气处于全开位置。 www.bing.com 4. When high emotions, when not vent and listen to music, all the troubles on both vanish, and become wonderful life together. 当高涨的情绪得不到宣泄的时候,听听音乐,一切烦恼就都烟消云散了,而生活又变得美妙起来。 wenwen.soso.com 5. An emergency venting device that relieves to atmosphere, set at a higher pressure than the vent treatment system, is normally used. 一个应急的减少气体的排放装置设置在比排气处理装置压力高的条件下,通常被使用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. the covering piece can slide or rotate along a connection point, and the vent is covered by the covering piece partially or completely. 该覆盖片可以滑动或绕连接点转动,部分或全部地覆盖通风口。 ip.com 7. Learn to vent out the suffering in an appropriate manner so as to reduce psychological pressure. 学会将自己的痛苦以适当的方式发泄出来,减轻心理上的压力。 www.elanso.com 8. Laughter is a "vent" or "release" which actually makes one feel warm an fuzzy, if only for a single moment. 笑是一种“发泄”或“释放”,实际上使人们感到温暖的模糊,如果只为一个单一的时刻。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. disc brake structure by oil cylinder, liner and disc springs, piston, brake block, the activity of orientation, pressure and vent, etc. 盘形制动器的结构由油缸、缸套、碟形弹簧、活塞、闸块、活动塞导向套调整、压套和排气孔等组成。 www.imediaconnection.com.cn 10. As a professor he was not supposed to vent his spleen on his students. 做为一位教授,他不该对他学生发脾气。 bbs.betabbs.com 1. Modern communications gave vent to long-simmering resentments of entrenched autocratic regimes. 现代传播为闭锁的独裁国家里积蓄已久的怨愤提供了发泄口。 www.bing.com 2. The top riser vent with big mesh size has excellent ventilation. It also effectively guard against flies. 上方大网目透气网孔,通透气佳,即可有效预防苍蝇入侵。 www.ywbb.com 3. These valves vent accumulations of air and gas while the system is in operation and under pressure. 当系统在运行中和压力条件下市,这些阀门需要排泄大量的空气和气体。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 4. Sometimes people feel depressed or unhappy, you can write diary approach to collate ideas and vent the anger of the hearts. 有时候人在不高兴或心情郁闷的时候,你可以通过写日记的办法来整理思路和发泄心中的愤怒。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. He presses the rubber stopper firmly down on the vent. 他使橡胶塞牢固地塞进盖上的排气孔。 tr.bab.la 6. Lincoln and Michael climb from the vent and cut the sheet rock in the wall leading to Oren's office. 林肯和迈克尔从通风孔爬入,凿穿了与欧伦办公室的保险箱相连的薄薄的一层墙。 www.rayzen.cn 7. There had been fracture on weld of certain motorcar vent-pipe soon after used. 某汽车用排气管使用不久焊缝处断裂。 lib.cqvip.com 8. Exploration of resources near the hydrothermal fluid vent . 热液口附近的资源勘探。 www.bing.com 9. When gasses and steam vent from a volcano's cracks, it's probably not about to erupt. 当气体和水蒸气从火山的裂缝中冒出时,它可能将不会喷发。 bbs.putclub.com 10. I do this not only so I can keep tabs on her professional life, but also to give her a great chance to vent about her situation. 我这么做不仅是我要密切关注她的职业生涯,并且还要给于她一个发泄自己的好机会。 www.bing.com 1. May discard completely , so hysteria, naked, vent oneself innermost to Shakespeare's disaffection. 就可以完全丢掉,以便歇斯底里的,赤裸裸地,发泄自己内心的对莎士比亚的不满。 q.ifeng.com 2. Ash and cinders form a cone around the vent. 火山灰和火山渣会在开口的周围形成一个圆锥。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The tragic death of so many British people to vent their discontent on the British royal family, directed at Charles, and even the Queen. 其悲剧性的辞世令很多英国人将不满的情绪发泄在英国王室上,矛头直指查尔斯,甚至英女王。 www.englishtang.com 4. Allowing someone to vent a little and feel listened to is a great way to deal with tension and anxiety. 允许某人发泄一下,并让他感觉到有人在倾听,是消除紧张和焦虑的一个好方法。 www.bing.com 5. connect , vent and prepare the differential gauge . refer to instructions furnished with the gauge. 连接、排气和预备压差表。参阅压差表附带的使用说明。 www.ichacha.net 6. A close-up of the vent being popped by gently bending the tail upwards and applying pressure on either side of the vent. 一个特写镜头被发泄的喷口冒出轻轻向上弯曲的尾巴和施加压力的任何一方。 www.giscrocodile.com 7. Whenever I have a quarrel with my wife I vent my feelings on the overgrown part of the garden. 每当我同妻子吵架时,我就在花园里丛生的植物身上出气。 www.hotdic.com 8. The dust on the vent of Laundry drying machine duct must be cleaned each day, and the duct on the plants should contact with HSKP to clean. 洗衣房门口烘干机抽风管道百叶风口的棉尘必须每天清理。植物上的棉尘须联系管家部清理。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Explanation: Do underground oceans vent through the tiger stripes on Saturn's moon Enceladus? 说明:土卫二上真的有地下海洋通过虎纹向外喷射物质吗? bbs.astron.ac.cn 10. This natural-color satellite image shows the pale plume blowing to the northeast of the active vent. 这张天然色的卫星图片显示了苍白色的烟柱吹向可以有效排放的东北部。 www.bing.com |
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