单词 | but then |
释义 | 例句释义: 但是,但是另一方面,不过,但另一方面,然而 1. But then she became intrigued with new research suggesting that some important traits might be passed down in the womb, during gestation. 就在这时她参与了新的研究,该研究启示有些重要特点或许是在子宫里在怀孕期间传递的。 www.bing.com 2. And that's why like, I. . . you know, I ask fore-mails and I ask for pictures, but then again, it's hard to be the boss lady. 而且那就是为什么,我…你知道,我索要电子邮件,我索要照片,但再一次,当女老板很难。 qac.yappr.cn 3. But then, he had death living with him inside his flimsy little shirt already. Hard to see how it would matter if death came any closer. 不过,死神早已在他脆弱的身体里游弋,就算它走得更近,那又有何重要? we-sea.51.net 4. But then I saw that he had a bit of black powder on his fingertip. 不过,接着我就看见他指尖上有一撮黑色粉末。 www.bing.com 5. But then we got to the restaurant, we found that it had closed. 可当我们到了饭馆时,那里已经关门了。 6. What an unusual little space. Half gallery, half Boho coffee shop. But then unusual pairings seem to be the order of the day. 多与众不同的小地方啊。一半画廊,一半波希米亚式咖啡馆。与众不同的拍拖也大行其道。 www.ebigear.com 7. But then came the new world order whose defining story was that there was no defining story. 但当时世界新秩序刚刚形成,那段时期报道的特征就是没有一个可以明确归属的时代特征。 www.ecocn.org 8. But then he was hearing music in his head -- new, original music like he never had before. 不过,当时他是在听脑子里的音乐——他以前从未听过的、新的原创音乐。 www.bing.com 9. S. soldiers report to the higher officials, the Afghan police to leave the scene once, but "then returned and put a gun to U. S. soldiers. " 美军士兵报告上级官员后,这名阿富汗警察一度离开现场,但“随后返回并用枪指着美军士兵”。 www.englishtang.com 10. But then they hear from all the family and friends that the father told everybody else that he was proud of him, but he never told the son. 但他们从所有其它家庭或朋友那里得知他的父亲告诉其他人为他感到自豪,但这个父亲从没告诉过他儿子。 www.ted.com 1. Try on the size you think you normally wear for comfort, but then go one size down and take a look. 把你认为合适的尺寸按从大到小的顺序试穿,然后看一看效果。 www.bing.com 2. He said he had quit, but then hastily added that he occasionally fell off the wagon. 他先说自己已经戒烟,但马上又补充说他偶尔也会烟瘾复发。 www.bing.com 3. Whenever I tossed out a Frisbee for him to chase, he'd take off in hot pursuit but then seem to lose track of it. 每当我扔出一个飞盘让他追的话,他就会起飞,穷追不舍,但那似乎失去联系。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. This fundamental difference results in a less-than-ideal combination of the two paradigms, but then, a few hitches are to be expected. 这种基本的差异导致两种范例的结合并不理想,不过话说回来,本来就预料到会有一些问题。 www.ibm.com 5. Who for a split second seemed to think he had been reprieved: but then Voldemort's intention became clear. 有那么一瞬间斯内普还以为自己被宽恕了:但是是伏地魔的用意马上就清楚了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And yes it was hard, in the beginning, but then as few people approached me, I began to relax. 开始这确实很难,但是一会儿就有一些人来找我了,我开始放松下来。 www.bing.com 7. But then on a quiet winter afternoon when there was not much else going on, my supervisor came to me with an apologetic look on her face. 但是一个安静的冬日午后里,那时没什么别的事情发生,我的上司带着一副抱歉的表情走向我。 www.bing.com 8. This time last week it looked like the markets were about to turn a corner, but then investors got cold feet. 上周的这个时候,市场看来即将转向,但投资者之后临阵退缩。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He trained for a week but then picked up the new problem, which ruled him out of Tuesday's League Cup win over Wolves. 本周他恢复训练,但再次受伤。这让他没能参加对狼队的联赛杯。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. I would like that person, I would like to help her share the pain of her heart, but then refused to be of the. 我想那个人,想帮她分担她心中的痛苦,可是,那时不肯能的了。 blog.163.com 1. But then of course, I immediately gave it a second thought and realized what an ABSURD thing that was to be thinking and I scolded myself. 但是之后,我立马又重新思考起来,我责备我自己,因为我意识到我之前那样想是多么的荒谬啊。 tieba.baidu.com 2. "I was a young man just come from China. I was trying to be part of art history, but then it was impossible. " “我那时是个刚从中国来的年轻人,我试图在艺术领域做出一番事业,但那在当时是异想天开。” www.ftchinese.com 3. But then he said a public inquiry (or inquiries) might have to wait until the same police completed a criminal probe. 可是他又说公开调查可能要等到警方完成刑事调查以后进行。 www.ecocn.org 4. She paused to think about it, but then comes to her senses and says, "I said NO! " 她停顿一下想了想,但随后又恢复了她的理智,“我说不行!” www.bing.com 5. It is a world crowed with idols and stars, some are just like a meteor across the sky, shining for a while, but then dims. 这是一个充满偶像,明星的时代。他们犹如那划过天际的流星,绚烂一时,昙花一现,终将暗淡了星光; www.tiantianbt.com 6. But then he also said he did not want to found a thousand-year Reich. 但是他接着还提到,自己并不想建立一个千年帝国。 www.ecocn.org 7. He wished me all the best, told me to go out there and do myself proud but then left me with one final message. 他祝我一路顺风,让我回到国家队并让自己感到骄傲,然后给我留了最后一条信息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The first time you get a bit of surprise, maybe concern, a dash of fear, but then you put your head back and wait for the baby to try again. 第一次小孩儿可能有点儿吃惊,或许担心,有点儿恐惧,然后你再拉开距离等着小孩儿再来一次。 www.bing.com 9. It's difficult to follow here whilst trying to look after your tyres, but then I got past him at the pit stop. 对我来说既要跟紧对手又要保护好轮胎,非常困难,但我在第一次进站时超过了他。 www.bing.com 10. Wormtail hesitated for a moment, looking as though he might argue, but then turned and headed through a second hidden door. 虫尾巴迟疑了片刻,似乎还想争辩,但他还是转过身,从另一道暗门出去了。 zuofa.net 1. But then we had a meeting with a Chinese businessman who saw our design and said, "Wow, that's the Chinese character for the word people. " 但是之后我们见了一个中国商人,他看到了我们的设计并且说:“哇,这是汉字里的人字。” www.ted.com 2. It was a great disappointment to me that I had intended to pay a visit to America in February but then I had to postpone it. 我原计划今年二月访问美国,后来不得不推迟,这使我感到很扫兴。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But then President Obama swept into the Sunshine State, and Floridians began to dream once more. 然而紧接着,奥巴马总统昂首走进阳光之洲,又为佛州人点燃了希望。 www.bing.com 4. My boy wanted to eat the rice straight away. But then I thought, 'How can I let him leave the world after only a few years of life? ' 我的孩子想马上吃饭,但是我问自己怎么可以让这么小的孩子离开这个世界。 www.bing.com 5. Initially, I used to get very upset and frustrated with the traffic but then I realized I can use this time to be very productive. 起初,我常常因为阻塞的交通而失望和沮丧,但随后我意识到我可以使这段时间过的很有成效。 www.bing.com 6. Nokia's Symbian OS is still in a respectable second place with 34% of requests, but then the numbers dip down quite a bit. 诺基亚的Symbian的操作系统以34%的成绩处于第二位,随后,其他智能手机操作系统所占的比例也降的非常厉害。 www.bing.com 7. So far, it might be thought by smug Westerners, so depressing. But then there was a twist in the tale. 目前,在自命不凡的西方人看来,这也许是令人郁闷的事情。 www.bing.com 8. But then, when a gaggle of pedestrians appeared, he jammed the protective hat on his head and dashed into the building. 但是,当一群人出现的时候,伍迪戴上了他起保护作用的帽子,走进楼里去了。 www.bing.com 9. It used to be a well-run business, but then disagreements arose between the partners, and now things are at sixes and sevens. 它原本是个管理得很好的企业。后来合股人内部发生分歧,现在搞得乱七八糟。 edu.sparke.cn 10. She was all loving to me at first, but then she got sarcastic and said she couldn't stand the sight of me. 起初她爱我爱得不能自拔,可后来她就变得好挖苦人了,她说她见到我就够了。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 1. But then we have to say that the root of all these reasons is "to bestow good upon His creatures. " 但是我们不得不承认,所有这些所谓原因的根基是神向祂的被创造物发出良善。 www.douban.com 2. In the beginning, I had no intention of making a book, but then I felt that I wanted to do something out of it. 最开始的时候,我并没有想编一本书,后来我就感觉想做点什么出来。 www.bing.com 3. From time to time there would be a few letters from the bank for her father, but then he was not a normal father. 有时会有一些从银行寄给父亲的信,但是他不是一个平凡的父亲。 www.bing.com 4. It may take a while, but then again; life is a journey. It's an ongoing process, so you might as well enjoy yourself. 这可能需要一段时间,但可以反复寻找,生命是一个过程,是一个历程,所以你不妨让自己快乐。 www.bing.com 5. He laid his arm on the back of the sofa behind her and left it there for a few minutes, but then he took it away again. 他胳膊放在她身后的沙发背上,有好几分钟这样搁着,但还是挪开了。 www.bing.com 6. It had pressed on him, when he first came there, but then he had forgotten it, forgotten to listen to it, or learned how to. 他刚来到这里的时候,这寂静让他感到压抑,但是后来,他忘记了,忘记了去听,忘记了如何去听。 www.bing.com 7. Also last season we did not to well during the summer but then we had the second best defence in the league and one of the best attacks. 上个赛季,米兰在夏天同样没有发挥出色,但是,我们(上赛季)打出了联赛中第二稳固的后防线,以及最好的进攻线之一。 www.milanchina.com 8. She said no at the start because it would be too cold, but then I thought of a good idea, I told Mum. 我回答。妈妈一直都不同意,她觉得晚上会太冷。可是我们不一定冷呀! landaishu.zhongwenlink.com 9. So in the case of the smiley faces that I made, I actually fold the DNA into a disk, but then leave two holes for the eyes and the mouth. 在我做笑脸形状时,我将DNA折成一个圆盘,然后留了两个洞作为眼睛和嘴。 www.bing.com 10. But then, while no one wants to think of extinction, the word is far less of an abstraction in Hawaii than in other places. 但是然而,虽然没有人去想过灭绝,这个词在其他地方的抽象概念远远低于在夏威夷。 www.bing.com 1. But then it was she who, years ago, had told him to consider the beauty of a tree in its bareness, not its leaves. 不过,也是他的母亲,曾在多年前教导他要从一棵树的光秃的枝桠中审视出美,而非繁叶之中。 www.ecocn.org 2. But then you can tell your kids "You know, I actually found this to be of interest" when referencing a certain section of the book. 这样,在谈论到书里的某一章节时,你便可以对孩子说“知道吗,我确实觉得这一部分非常有用”。 www.bing.com 3. His father was an SOB, and, in fact, he was another comedian with an unhappy childhood, but then we were off and running. 他的父亲是一个大混蛋,事实上,他也是个有着不幸童年的喜剧演员,然后我们就开始跑题了。 www.ted.com 4. "But then, " he smiled, "How much specification is necessary for someone to figure out which end of a telephone to talk into? " “但是,”他笑了,“有什么必要说明对电话的哪头说话呢?” www.bing.com 5. I'm Tom Cruise. I've just settled my bill with your colleague. But then I realized that there might be something wrong with the bill. 我是汤姆﹒克鲁斯,你的同事刚替我结算账单,但我发现账单有问题。{##**$$} wenku.baidu.com 6. But then I heard like apparently there was a girl or a lady working on it yesterday like all day and all night. 但之后我听说,有位姑娘或是女士很显然为了更换休息室的事忙了昨天一整天。 www.bing.com 7. but then he thought it better to let the workers and servants see stuff coming into the house, and planting and buying going on. 但是后来他觉得让工人和佣人们看到东西搬进来,安置和购买都在继续,会更好。 www.ecocn.org 8. Its customers do not (yet) seem to be trading down to "value-priced" food, but then all the items on its menu cost less than $10. 它的消费者还没有像是要去消费“物有所值”的食品,但是到时候所有这个菜单上食品条目的价格都会小于10美元。 www.ecocn.org 9. Last week Zubov said the trial would be open, but then changed his mind, claiming that the jury had objected to the presence of reporters. 上周Zubov称,审理将公开,但是不久后就改变主意,称陪审团反对记者出席审理过程。 www.bing.com 10. But then I was struck by sadness to think of the death of my son - if he was alive, he would have been there to celebrate. 但接着我就伤心地想起我儿子的死——如果他活着,他也会在那里庆祝的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But then he thought long-term and decided to make it free, to promote user growth and get the attention of the press and venture capital. 但是之后他从长远考虑,决定提供免费下载,希望藉此推动用户增长并获得媒体和风投资本的注意。 www.cs360.cn 2. This is a time when there seems to be regular sorts of officers, but then there are these non-sort of regular officers. 那时似乎已经有了固定的神职人员了,同时又有非固定的神职人员。 open.163.com 3. Not exactly the sort of conduct you'd expect in a regular army, perhaps, but then Norforce is no ordinary regiment. 这种现象在正规军队中是看不到的,也许这也是“非武力组织”不寻常之处吧。 www.24en.com 4. I could believe that there was a God and that we went somewhere when we died, but then I would just be lying to myself to feel better. 我可以选择相信神的存在,我们死后会前往另一个截然不同的世界。但我明白,这些只不过是自欺欺人的谎话而已。 www.elanso.com 5. He definitely said that he thought she was unattractive but then claimed it was a slip of the tongue. 他的确说过他认为她长得不吸引人,但事后他声称那是失言。 www.hotdic.com 6. For a moment I thought she was falling into a deeper sleep, but then her breathing stopped altogether. 有几分钟,我认为她是熟睡了,但那是她的呼吸已经停止了。 www.bing.com 7. But then, she thought, it doesn't matter. He took no money with him, and he surely didn't leave much behind. 不过一转念又认为没关系,她父亲不会带钱去医院,一定也不会放很多钱在这里。 www.bing.com 8. But then the bottom fell out of the housing market and Simmons, with its large debt, stumbled. 但是随着房产市场的崩溃,背负巨额债务的席梦思床品公司也跌倒了。 www.bing.com 9. The most corrosive piece of technology that I've ever seen is called television - but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent. 我所见过最有侵蚀性的科技名为电视--但不得不说,电视最好的一面,是华丽无比的。 cn.engadget.com 10. It wasn't easy to be off the pitch for a period, it's normal when there are difficulties in life. . . but then the dark times pass. 要结束长时间不赢的局面不是很容易,但这是正常的,生活中总会遇到困难…艰难的日子总会过去的。 www.bing.com 1. But then you think we've coped before when this sort of thing has happened. 但是你要知道,在这之前我们已经应对过很多类似的情况。 www.bing.com 2. Daniel was ready to come back, but then during training he felt something so he had to stop again. 阿格本已准备好复出,但是在训练中他感到不舒服,所以他不得不再一次休养。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But then I began to see a veritable army of mothers (and one father) pushing a stroller while talking on the cell phone. 但我还看到了许多其他父母,他们在推着婴儿车时一边还在喋喋不休的讲着电话。 www.bing.com 4. You could drill down into each local process and print it out as well, but then you lose the high-level view. 您可以展开到每个局部流程,并将其也打印出来,但是这样将会失去高级视图。 www.ibm.com 5. But then something happened and he realized "the only thing life really promises us is pain. It's up to us to create the joy. " 但后来发生了些事,他意识到“生活能真正承诺我们的只有痛苦,而快乐需要我们自己去创造。” blog.sina.com.cn 6. But then, American capitalism will not be the same, just like Chinese socialism is no longer true to the meaning of the word. 但那时,美国资本主义就不一样了,就像中国社会主义不再真的是社会主义一样。 club.yninfo.com 7. That's got to be one of the most frightening nights of my life. I did get some sleep, but then I got woken up by these horrendous noises. 这一定是我这辈子最可怕的夜晚之一了,我睡着了一会儿,但马上就被这可怕的叫声吵醒。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But then the FBI charged him with being a secret Communist and arrested him on charges of subversive activity. 但联邦调查局指控他是共产党,并以颠覆活动的罪名逮捕他。 www.bing.com 9. For the first two years I was in the Antarctic I was in awe of many explorers but then I began to have the authority to challenge them. 我在南极的头两年时间里,对许多探险队员都很敬畏,可是后来我开始有资格向他们进行挑战。 manage.eblcu.cn 10. He said the most common definition he has heard is "babies, " but then would not say whether that is the administration's definition. 他说所听过的自然增长的最常见定义是关于“婴儿”的,但依旧没有透露这是否是政府的定义。 www.bing.com 1. But then his wife entered him in a sweepstakes and he won $20, 000. 但后来他妻子为他报名参加抽奖,他赢了20,000美元。 forum.china.org.cn 2. We pass the ball around and you think it's over but then we score a goal out of nothing. 我们不停传球,你觉得比赛结束了,但是随后,我们打进一个进球,改变了比赛。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. To the press: " I wish we could have done this in the first 48 hours, but then you wouldn't have had so much to write about. " 对媒体:“我真希望在最初的48小时内这么做,但如果那样的话,你们就无料可爆了。” www.bing.com 4. But then one of her parents became ill and she had to move back to the parental home outside Tokyo. 但是,她父母中的一方病了,她必须立即赶回东京城外的家中。 www.bing.com 5. Chandler is still a bit flighty, but then he overhears Phoebe mention Monica's pregnancy, and that brings him back to reality. 钱德仍然犹豫不决,直到他无意听到菲比提起莫妮卡怀孕的事,他才终于肯面对现实。 www.hxen.com 6. We all want more money, but then again there seems to be a price tag that comes along with a higher income; it is a higher cost of living . 她们都想要更高的收入,但同时一份更丰厚的收入似乎也会带来另一张价格标签——更高的生活开支。 www.elanso.com 7. But then they all sat down and talked. Out of those discussions came the idea for the Great Bear Rainforest. 但后来大家坐到一起,交流之下便有了保护大熊雨林的想法。 www.bing.com 8. Serena i swear to you In the beginning you were just a mark - And your mom--bart bass' widow -- Was gonna be our big score. But then my. 瑟琳娜,我发誓,一开始,你只是个目标,而你的母亲,巴特·拜斯的遗孀-,才是我们的最终目标。但后来。 www.bing.com 9. I used to love the sun as much as the next British traveller, but then, two years ago, I was diagnosed with skin cancer. 我曾经热爱阳光,像我身边的那个英国游客一样。但是两年前我被诊断出皮肤癌,一块发痒的肿块被确诊为恶性的黑色素瘤。 www.bing.com 10. But then again, it was hard to imagine Mr Sharon in it, until he took it over and made it his own. 但如果一切重来,也很难想象沙龙会这样做,直至他接掌并创立他自己的政党。 www.ecocn.org 1. To the press: " I wish we could have done this in the first 48 hours, but then you wouldn't have had so much to write about. " 对媒体:“我真希望在最初的48小时内这么做,但如果那样的话,你们就无料可爆了。” www.bing.com 2. But then one of her parents became ill and she had to move back to the parental home outside Tokyo. 但是,她父母中的一方病了,她必须立即赶回东京城外的家中。 www.bing.com 3. Chandler is still a bit flighty, but then he overhears Phoebe mention Monica's pregnancy, and that brings him back to reality. 钱德仍然犹豫不决,直到他无意听到菲比提起莫妮卡怀孕的事,他才终于肯面对现实。 www.hxen.com 4. We all want more money, but then again there seems to be a price tag that comes along with a higher income; it is a higher cost of living . 她们都想要更高的收入,但同时一份更丰厚的收入似乎也会带来另一张价格标签——更高的生活开支。 www.elanso.com 5. But then they all sat down and talked. Out of those discussions came the idea for the Great Bear Rainforest. 但后来大家坐到一起,交流之下便有了保护大熊雨林的想法。 www.bing.com 6. Serena i swear to you In the beginning you were just a mark - And your mom--bart bass' widow -- Was gonna be our big score. But then my. 瑟琳娜,我发誓,一开始,你只是个目标,而你的母亲,巴特·拜斯的遗孀-,才是我们的最终目标。但后来。 www.bing.com 7. I used to love the sun as much as the next British traveller, but then, two years ago, I was diagnosed with skin cancer. 我曾经热爱阳光,像我身边的那个英国游客一样。但是两年前我被诊断出皮肤癌,一块发痒的肿块被确诊为恶性的黑色素瘤。 www.bing.com 8. But then again, it was hard to imagine Mr Sharon in it, until he took it over and made it his own. 但如果一切重来,也很难想象沙龙会这样做,直至他接掌并创立他自己的政党。 www.ecocn.org 9. but then, right ahead of him, behind him, all round him, he foundhis palms flattening against a wall of glass. 但是紧接着,他发现前面、后面,四面八方到处都是挤压他手掌的玻璃墙。 www.ecocn.org 10. But then again, how many things happened in reality today? How many hearts were truly broken? And how much tears freely flowed? Too many. 但话又说回来,有多少事情是今天真的发生的?有多少人真的心碎难过?还有多少泪水流下?太多了。 bbs.yanwo.com 1. but then, right ahead of him, behind him, all round him, he foundhis palms flattening against a wall of glass. 但是紧接着,他发现前面、后面,四面八方到处都是挤压他手掌的玻璃墙。 www.ecocn.org 2. But then again, how many things happened in reality today? How many hearts were truly broken? And how much tears freely flowed? Too many. 但话又说回来,有多少事情是今天真的发生的?有多少人真的心碎难过?还有多少泪水流下?太多了。 bbs.yanwo.com 3. At first his wife did not answer, but then she said, "Well, Herbert laughed about it. . . " 开始,他妻子没有理他,好一会儿才说:“赫伯特也嘲笑过这件事。” www.kekenet.com 4. 'Most of my money seems to go on going out, I'm not a big saver, but then again I would save more if I earned more money. 钱总是哗哗地往外流,我不怎么存钱。不过如果我赚得更多的话,我应该也会存得更多。 www.for68.com 5. "The gap was pretty similar throughout the stint, but then Kimi started to run two tenths quicker and I started to push again, " he said. “停站前后差距太微弱了,但是小冰开始快了,所以我不得不再赶一下,”他说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The company boss asked various questions about him and his education , but then asked him, "What is four times six? " 公司老板问了不少关于他和他受教育情况的问题,然后又问:“六乘以四等于多少?” ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. But then somebody told me there's a Good Witch and a Bad Witch, and with my luck, I'd end up getting picked to be the good one. 不过后来有人告诉我,巫师有两个,一个好的,一个坏的。就我的运气来看,搞不好会被选为好巫师,那就没劲了。 ysszlj.blog.163.com 8. The man leaped to his feet to give chase, but then let out a loud groan and sat down again. 那人急跃而起,待要追赶,“嗳”的一声,复又坐倒。 www.kekenet.com 9. But then, why had he permitted that man to leave him alive? He had the right to be killed in that barricade. 他为什么同意这个人让自己活下去?他在那街垒里有权被人杀死。 bbs.ycwb.com 10. But then the company got slammed by the global crisis, and she was laid off in January, just a few weeks after her wedding. 可是公司在全球危机下垮了下来,她也在1月份被公司解雇,那时她结婚才没几个星期。 www.bing.com 1. But then, why had he permitted that man to leave him alive? He had the right to be killed in that barricade. 他为什么同意这个人让自己活下去?他在那街垒里有权被人杀死。 bbs.ycwb.com 2. But then the company got slammed by the global crisis, and she was laid off in January, just a few weeks after her wedding. 可是公司在全球危机下垮了下来,她也在1月份被公司解雇,那时她结婚才没几个星期。 www.bing.com 3. Carol: Ok! But then I talk to Mark he said he never even said that or the gummy bear thing, either. 卡罗尔:好吧,后来我问过马克了,他说他根本没有讲过这话,也从没有说过什么橡皮熊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Bettina is also drawn into the court intrigue but then runs away with her boyfriend who had originally been a farm boy with her. 剧中贝蒂娜还被卷入了一场宫廷阴谋,但随后就与曾和她一起在农场做工的男友一同逃脱。 www.bing.com 5. Some have pointed out that there was no smell of gas in the flat, but then there wouldn't have been; carbon monoxide is odourless. 有人指出公寓里没有气体泄漏的气味,但是就算气体泄漏也不会有气味,因为一氧化碳本来就是无味的。 baobei.vchina.com 6. Qinghe had come to say sorry to Hongfei for her mother, but then she could not control her trembling teeth and lips. She nearly broke down. 青河原本是要请求红飞原谅她妈妈来学校闹事,可是此时她上下牙控制不住地敲打,嘴唇发抖,她真的有点崩溃了。 www.cnlu.net 7. He said no that she left him for good, but then he has another better one. 他说没有,他的太太离开他了,但是之后他有一个更好的太太。 sm2000.org 8. But then I became an actor, I won this contest, and suddenly, all that I wanted to be was put in one package. 但后来我成为一个演员,我赢了这次比赛,突然,一切我想要的被放在了一个包里(大概意思是放到他面前)。 tieba.baidu.com 9. But then he made an appearance with Michael J. Fox, also a Parkinson's sufferer, who has been open about his own movement problems. 不过之后他和迈克尔?J?福克斯MichaelJ.Fox又出现在大众面前。福克斯也是位帕金森症病人,对自己的行动不便他从不隐讳。 www.bing.com 10. So starting with a clean slate must be very tempting, but then again, it would be a huge engineering effort for them to do this. 因此,从零开始肯定是非常有吸引力的,不过话又说回来,这么做对于他们而言将是一项巨大的工程。 www.ibm.com 1. They came up with a novel plan to keep the dream house they had bought together, but then take turns staying there with the children. 他们想出一个新的计划,保留俩人共同出资购买的梦想之屋,然后轮流住在这套房子中,陪伴孩子们。 diversity.blog.hexun.com 2. Rolls was getting ready to jump into the car; but then he noticed a policeman who was not looking the other way. The slow car reached him. 正当劳尔斯准备钻进车子里加快速度时,他看见前面有一个本该在其他路上巡查的警察,于是车子只好慢慢的开过去。 www.xuewen5.com 3. Moyes said: 'Avram is a good manager and I would not like to be treated that way but, then again, I know my chairman would not do that. 莫业斯说:“格兰特是个好教练,我不会喜欢被那样地对待,当然我也知道我的主席不会那样对待我。” blog.sina.com.cn 4. But then she arranges that every penny of it should be given to a charity of her choice. 但是,她随后又规定,每个便士都要捐给她指定的慈善机构。 www.ftchinese.com 5. She did not indeed rival Butler in learning; but then no woman was more devoutly venerated than her to the extent of her husband's erudition 在学识方面她远不如巴特勒,但在当时没有任何女子像她那样对丈夫的博学多才崇拜得五体投地。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Well, you could. But then how would you know that you didn't just dream the pinch itself and then transition into a different dream? 当然你可以这样做.可是,转念一想,这一掐会不会也是个梦境,接下来的一切不过是另一个梦境? www.24en.com 7. But then I noticed that life appeared to be proceeding as before and that no one else had even noticed. 但随后我注意到生活似乎和往常一样还在继续,其他人甚至都不会注意到这些事情。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But then, if your lint were clean enough to see that effect clearly, you'd never need to wash your clothes. 但是如果你的衣物已经能呈现出那样的效果,就再也没有必要洗衣服啦! down02.putclub.com 9. She said fine, and I hugged her, but then she stood up and said 'I hope we can still be friends, ' and walked out the door. 她说“那好吧”,我很高兴的搂住她。然后她却站起来说到“希望我们还是朋友”就走了。 www.mtzz.com 10. My dad was a miner until the age of about 60, but then he had to come out of the mines and worked for his last five years as a boiler-maker. 我的父亲是一名矿工,直到60岁。在生命的最后5年,他不得不离开矿窑,出来做了一名制锅工。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But then, suddenly, two smaller spheres dropped out of the dome and came trundling across the grass, one to his right, one to his left. 过一会儿后,两个较小的球体从“屋顶”上掉了下来,球体表面满是长钉,很像海军地雷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. For a second I think he's sick, but then he lifts his face, opens his mouth, and displays at least 20 teeth. 我以为他病了,不过一会他就抬起头,咧开嘴露出至少20颗牙齿。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But then, after a visit to China, it seems to me that reason has little or nothing to do with the way we view animals and food. 而去了一趟中国后,我似乎明白了,我们如何看待动物以及食物与理性思考无甚关联,甚至是完全非理性的。 www.bing.com 4. At first I was confused and admittedly a bit angry, but then and there I realized it was an honest mistake and decided to just roll with it. 一开始我会有点困惑和生气,但我后来明白了那些都难免的误会,就顺其自然吧。 www.bing.com 5. I took particular notice of him this time; but then he does his best, apparently, to make the least of his advantages. 这次我特别注意他,可是显然他却一点也不会利用他的优点。 www.putclub.com 6. Needless to say that there have always been exceptions but then the exception proves the rule. 没必要说那里已经存在免责条款,但是另一方面,例外已经验证了规则。 www.bing.com 7. Shame it has a few technology fluff going with it, but then again, it is only marketing hypnosis on the consumers. 尽管它还有些技术上的新花头,但那不过是些忽悠顾客的华而不实的把戏而已。 forum.xitek.com 8. Shehad one foot on the boat, but then suddenly, she changed her mind and went back to the ship. 她已有一只脚落在船上,但突然,她改变主意又回到船上。 bbs.kaspersky.com.cn 9. Lots of people said she was still in love with him, but then you could never tell what a Wilkes was thinking about. 有不少的人还在说她仍然爱他,可是你怎么也琢磨不透一个威尔克斯的家人是如何想的。 www.exams.cn 10. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now. 你开始感到不安,想知道一年或两年后自己身在何处。但是最让你惊慌的是你几乎不知道如今你身在何处。 peipei86.blogspot.com 1. The first two or three days of a slimming diet are not difficult, but then I always find it hard to keep it up. 开始二三天的减肥饮食并不困难,不过我总发现难以坚持下去。 gb.cri.cn 2. I'll give them a little bit of sounds of weep but then you got to be strong, you got to make a comeback . 我可以允许他们偶尔流泪,但是之后他们必须坚强起来,你必须恢复。 club.topsage.com 3. Supporters say that the country always seems to shuffle its feet but then snaps into action when faced with a crisis. 支持者表示祖国貌似经常踌躇不前,但当站在危难之间时,它就会雄起。 www.bing.com 4. In TCP, it's possible for a peer to close its end of a socket (resulting in a FIN packet being sent) but then to continue to receive data. 在TCP中,一端可以关闭自己这端的socket(这样会导致发送一个FIN报文),但是仍然可以继续接收数据。 www.ibm.com 5. "In the beginning, my parents said no, but then my dad said OK, if that's what you want, " he said. 一开始我爸妈不同意,但后来我爸又说,如果这就是我想要的,那还是买吧。 www.bing.com 6. But then I spot a sentence that crystallizes for me the point of the passage: "Not a word of unhappiness escaped from his lips. " 可后来,我发现了那个点明文章主旨的句子:“他的唇边并没有溜出一句不悦的话语。” dongxi.net 7. that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times. 当时我以为只是一个故事罢了,但是后来我亲眼见过多次。 www.pallasa.com 8. But then the factory burned down, and I thought that this could be our chance. 但是后来工厂被毁,我认为这是我们的一个机会。 myterminator.cn 9. The fire is gone now and I ' m horrible cold. I really ought to drag myself outside, but then there'd be the sun. 火已灭,我很冷,我实在该把自己拖到外面,不像这儿,那儿有阳光。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Five were set to leave immediately, and the rest are expected to be liberated (but then exiled) in the next few months. 其中五位政治犯会立即获释,其他政治犯预计在未来几个月释放(但要流亡海外)。 www.ecocn.org 1. Yeah, that may be, but then why does he only show me my errors and never say anything about what I might have done right? 也许吧,但他为什么只指出我的错误,却从来不说我文章好的方面呢? www.ebigear.com 2. Qi, wanted to keep this person also kill, but then thought for a moment, his own doing nothing is not in want of a store man? 斯琪本来想把此人也干掉的,但后来想了一下,自己的无为居不是缺个店伙计吗? bookapp.book.qq.com 3. I heard nothing, but then Alice stepped through the front door and came toward me with her arms held out. 我什么也没听见,但随后爱丽丝就从前门走了进来,伸着胳膊向我走过来。 www.putclub.com 4. I might never have gotten into a mountain of debt, but then I wouldn't have learned the amazing satisfaction of getting out of it. 我本可以永远都不用欠下一屁股债,但是那样的话我可能永远都不知道从中解脱的痛快满足。 www.ebigear.com 5. As economists often remind us, crises take longer to arrive than you think, but then they happen much faster than you could have imagined. 正如经济学家们经常提醒我们的那样,危机通常比我们想像的会持续更长的时间来临,但危机发生的速度远远超过我们的想象。 www.bing.com 6. Then I wanted a car and I got it. Again I crashed. It was great driving it for a few weeks, but then I got used to it. 后来,我想要一部车,不久便得到了。我期待着开车的快感,但又失策了。开车的新鲜感只维持了几个星期,很快我便习以为常。 www.bing.com 7. I agree, but then he went on to say that government's "role is not to disparage wealth, but to expand its reach" . 我同意这种说法,但他进而指出,政府的“职责不是贬低财富,而是使更多人享有财富”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But then again, like she said it's not a surprise because that's what happens when you know how to work the Law of Attraction for you. 但再想想,正如她所说这本不该在意料之外。只要学会了吸引定律,“意外”就会发生。 www.elanso.com 9. but then, well, I hear them talking about him on the trains. 对然后我在火车上听到好多人议论它 blog.sina.com.cn 10. After the election, obviously, there's Barack Obama's acceptance speech, but then look here - the next one is called CNN Hologram First. . . 很显然,选举之后播放的是奥巴马的就职演讲。但是看下这里-接下来的一个是“有线电视台首播” www.yappr.cn 1. But then none of them only seem to produce less than satisfactory results or none at all ! 但是他们当中只有不到满意的结果似乎产生或不分! www.bing.com 2. But then there's idiocy, like the beginning of last season when fans and journalists insisted on calling Odom the fourth best Laker. 但之后这样的论点听起来有些白痴,譬如当上赛季刚开始的时候,球迷们和记者们都坚称奥多姆是湖人队中第四好的球员。 tieba.baidu.com 3. By the way, I got a few more questions here but then we'll be opening get up to all of you. 另外,我这里拿到些提问,待会儿大家有机会提出来。 www.ecocn.org 4. Boards, executives and senior management acknowledge the problem, but then do not seem to really do much of anything about it. 公司董事会、管理人员以及高管层都承认这个问题,然而他们似乎也并没有真正去做一些事情改变这种状况。 chinese.wsj.com 5. For a minute Mrs White stopped and looked at her husband, but then the noise came again and she began to run downstairs. 怀特太太停下来看了他的丈夫一会儿,这时,声音又响了起来,她又开始向楼下跑。 www.hxen.com 6. Today, my boyfriend took me to a movie. Once we got to our seat he was leaning in to kiss me but then sneezed in my mouth. FML. 今天男朋友带我去看电影。我们坐下来时,他探头过来想亲我,结果对着我的脸打了个喷嚏。FML。 www.bucter.com 7. I thought they were going to let me pass, but then I saw the police waving their hands asking me to stop. 我以为他们会畀我过﹐但是见到警察挥手示意我停车。 alive.tom.com 8. Good. I wish you didn't have to stay here. Kyle's going to talk to Allison, and I assume everyone else, but then you'll be able to come out. 很好,我希望你不用一直呆在这里,凯尔会和艾莉森还有其他人解释的,随后你就可以出来了。 myterminator.cn 9. After that I had five days before the quarter-finals and I tried a few others, but then decided to stick with the first one. 那之后,四分之一赛之前,我有五天时间,我试了试其他几根杆子。但是,最后还是决定使用第一根。 tieba.baidu.com 10. However, little gray. Really go now knows dreams began to go abroad, but then the dream. Now let me to learn more, I had to move. 不管如何,小格雷,真的要走了,要知道梦想始于国外,但只是梦想。现在允许我去多学点。我需要离开了。 wenwen.soso.com 1. I wanted to be helpful so I opened my mouth to say, "Walk it off a little, try shaking it out, " but then thought better of it. 我希望能有帮助,使我一开口说,“它走了一点,尝试摇晃出来”,但想得更好。 wenwen.soso.com 2. She was a little taken aback, but then she reminded herself, "Well, if I'm going to die, the best way is to die meditating. " 她有点吃惊,不过,她接著提醒自己,“好吧,如果要死,最好是死在禅定当中。” www.dhammatalks.org 3. But then he became an U16 European champion with Portugal and with it a career in football opened up ahead of him. 但接下来他成为了葡萄牙U16欧青赛国脚,随即他的足球生涯开启了。汽车与电,它们不得不等一下了。 www.lfcbbs.com 4. KC: I can't think of any particular areas that we might not have covered, but then, maybe something might have occurred to you. 我想不出任何我们可能没有说到的特殊领域,不过,也许可能在你身上发生过。 xytss.net 5. But then some boys began to glance at me in curiosity, and one of them came over and asked, "Who brought you? " 接着一些孩子开始好奇的打量我,其中一个走上前来问:“谁带你来的?” lq91314.blog.163.com 6. As I say, I missed our three goals but then I came back out and I remember AC Milan putting us under a bit of pressure. 正如我刚所说。我错过了我们的三个进球,但之后我出来了,我记得米兰给了我们一些压力。 bbs.miqiu.com 7. But then he had to protect his summer lettuce from the heat of the sun by hanging a piece of cloth to provide shade. 但结果是他不得不挂起遮阳布来为植物提供荫蔽,以防夏季生菜吸收过多的日照热量。 www.showxiu.com 8. But then I thought, well, in case of a fire, I might be the last one to ignite. 然后我就想,嗯,大概在火灾的时候,我会最后一个烧起来。 www.ted.com 9. You protest how much you like your boss but then say you'll console yourself with thought of the company going bust. 你口口声声说你多么爱你的老板,但接下来却说,你将用公司会破产的想法来自我安慰。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "Smoke came out for a little while, but then it just started burning, " Li said. “烟只冒出了一小会,但是不久就开始燃烧。”李建说。 www.bing.com 1. Leon walks forward but then notices Saddler with his wand of magic. Err plaga. He stretches his arm forward, trying to control Leon. 里昂朝前行,但是随即发现撒得勒在前头。撒得勒伸出他的手并试著再度控制里昂。 mgs2.egchina.com 2. But then I listened to what he told us of his experience the day when he dropped the bomb on our city. 但后来我听了他的话是他的经验告诉我们一天,他放弃了对我们的城市炸弹。 tieba.baidu.com 3. But then she wondered uneasily if it would be all right if she sat in the bar by herself and had a glass of wine. 但她想到自己一个人坐在吧台,拿着一杯酒,心里又有些不安,不知道这样对不对。 www.bing.com 4. But then i invited her to the cinema and guess what: she said yes. 然后我请她去看电影,你猜怎么着:她说“是的”。 wenwen.soso.com 5. But then it explodes, as it did recently, with all the problems of ethnic strife that have never been resolved. 但是然后正如肯尼亚近来遇到的,它的所有未曾解决的民族冲突问题爆发了。 www.scidev.net 6. But then, three years later, the murky details of this operation surface on the front page of The New York Times. 不过,三年之后,这项行动中那些不为人知的细节将出现在纽约时报的头版。 dongxi.net 7. So I said I wanted my own office in the next place. But then, in the end, we have one big room. 所以我说过希望自己的办公室与他分开,但最终的结果还是俩人共用一间大办公室。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But then the cost of a barrel of jet fuel more than doubled, to $170, just as the recession sent load factors down. 但是很快飞机用油每桶价格翻番,达到170美元,而同时经济衰退导致上座率降低。 www.ecocn.org 9. He had a few problems last term but then he bounced back into form and he was outstanding during the rest of the season. 上赛季开始阶段他遇到了一些问题,但他很快就找到了状态,并且在此后的联赛里有着突出的表现。 bbs1.juvezone.com 10. At first he said nothing, but then he spoke. His voice was very strange, but I listened to him carefully, and I could understand him. 他先是什么都不说,可后来他开口了,他的嗓音很怪,可我还是认真地听着,我能听懂他讲的意思。 www.hxen.com 1. But then, as I've just claimed to be proud of the passing of time, it doesn't seem right to start waging war with it. 可是,既然我刚刚宣称要以逝去的时光为荣,现在又开始要与之为战似乎不太合适。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Not the stuff to rock markets, but then China Investment Corp might prefer a bit of quiet after its raucous debut. 这不是震动市场的素材,但在喧闹的登场后,CIC可能情愿平静一点。 www.stnn.cc 3. But then the aunt reminded me that I, looking like intellectuals, I can say that he was a college student, and perhaps win more sympathy. 不过大妈的话倒提醒了我,说我像知识分子,我可以说自己是个大学生,也许更能博得同情。 wenwen.soso.com 4. But the RNC chastised Obama for saying he understands American's troubles, but then hopping up to New York for "a night on the town. " 但是共和党全国委员会痛斥欧巴玛说了解美国人的痛苦,但却又飞到纽约「城里一夜欢乐」。 suyage.com:8080 5. But then, if the idea of unemployment is really that scary, it's likely that you were fibbing a bit on that self assessment above. 如果这样,可能被炒掉的想法仍然惊吓着你,这说明上面让你自我评价时你过高的估计了你的价值。 www.bing.com 6. Time flies, suddenly a year has passed. Sometimes you fall a little, but then, after that, you will prepare to soar again. 时光飞逝,突然地一年就过去了。有时候你们有些失落,不过接着,在那之后,你们会再一次准备翱翔。 www.kuenglish.info 7. But then I came to the realisation that you don't get many opportunities to be a writer so at the moment I'm doing that full time. 但那时我意识到一个人不会有太多机会去成为作家,所以从那时开始我把所有时间都花在写作上。 www.bing.com 8. Bradt recommends that you give problem employees your full support in every way, but then watch to see whether their attitude turns around. 布莱特建议,要从各个方面给问题员工全力的支持,但与此同时,要观察他们的态度是否发生了转变。 www.fortunechina.com 9. But then the final version of that bill will have to be reconciled with the much-worse House version. 但是此提案的最终版本将不得不和糟糕的众议院的版本想结合。 www.ecocn.org 10. The attempt to form such a league was actually made in 1526, but then not until the moment of actual danger and only for temporary defence. 从这样的一个联盟出发,实际上在1526年就已经开始了尝试,但后来并没有坚持到危险真正来临的时刻,因而仅仅只是暂时性防御而已。 tianya.8684.cn 1. but then something strange happened, at some mysterious and critical point, the crime rate began to turn, it tipped. 但是有些奇怪的事情发生了,据某些神秘而又带有带有批评味道的观点,犯罪率开始转降低了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In the German capital he studied the pictures in museums but then, with war about to break out, he hurried home to Russia, and Vitebsk. 在德国首都,他跑遍各个美术馆潜心研究绘画艺术,但那里因战争即将爆发,他匆匆赶回俄罗斯和和维切布斯克。 dict.hjenglish.com 3. You hardly think about being Ghanaian, but then you find yourself here with a weird sense of nationalism that you develop. 但是在这里,你发现自己逐渐发展起某种民族主义的奇怪感情。 www.america.gov 4. When I run make, it seems to run fine but then fails when it tries to link the final application complaining that it can't find some files. 当我运行make时,看上去一切正常,可当连接最后的程序时报告说找不到某些文件而失败了。 uk.php.net 5. I quickly add a, "Good luck! " as I turn to walk away, but then remember that luck is one of the last things he needs. 当我转身离开时,迅速补充了一句,“祝你好运!”,但后来马上想到运气是他最不需要的东西之一。 www.elanso.com 6. Or if you're laying down bottles for 10 or more years, but then we're back to the matter of professional storage. 或者你要把葡萄酒存放10年甚至更久,但那又回到专业贮藏的话题了。 www.bing.com 7. But then two attackers stepped out on a balcony of Nariman House and opened fire on passers-by in an alley nearby. 但随即袭击者走上纳瑞曼的一个阳台,对着附近一条小路上的行人开火。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The energy minister complained that supplies were cut without notice, but then admitted that Russia warned him in mid-December. 能源部长起初抱怨说停供并未通知,但后来又承认俄国以在12月中旬发出过警告。 www.ecocn.org 9. But then one day I decided to get rid of you and to be myself. 但有一天,我下定决心和你分道扬镳,做真正的自己。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He began to get up but then opted to lay on the ground and delay the game for 92 seconds-a tactic that helped preserve Ghana's lead. 他摔倒后,一开始想站起来,但后来又选择了躺在地上,比赛因此延误92秒。这是一种有助于加纳保持领先优势的战术。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Lisa didn't seem interested in him, but then she's not the type to wear her heart on her sleeve. 莉萨看起来他不感兴趣,但是话说回来,她不是那种轻易表露感情的女性。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Libyan military official suggested that Gaddafi had been injured and captured alive but then shot dead by his captors. 一名利比亚军事官员暗示,卡扎菲受伤后被活捉,但后来被拘捕者击毙。 www.bing.com 3. You know nothing at all, replied the yard-dog, but then, you've only lately been patched up. 你呀,什么也不懂,狗儿答道。毕竟,你才被堆起来没多久嘛。 www.bing.com 4. But then at a community party in late April 2009, they announced that I was one of the winners. 一年过去了,征文杳无音讯。但是后来,在2009年四月下旬的一次社区聚会,他们宣布,我是获奖者之一。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. She had an affair, but then he took her back. 她曾出轨过,但是后来他还是重新接受了她。 www.bing.com 6. For a time, it was successful, but then evolution struck back, as natural selection favoured the spread of insecticide-resistant genes. 这种方法一时间非常有效,但接着蚊子重磅回击——大自然的生存法则让蚊子大军有了抗杀虫剂的良好基因。 www.ecocn.org 7. But then again, any project attempting to tackle such an ambitious challenge is going to be expensive. 不过话又说回来,任何试图解决这样一个雄心勃勃挑战(撒哈拉沙漠蔓延化)的项目都将代价昂贵。 mytimes.net.cn 8. You try to avoid succumbing to a superstition, but then at the last minute you decide to follow through, just for good measure. 你尽量避免屈从于某个迷信,但是在最后一秒的时候你又会决定服从它,使自己心安。 www.elanso.com 9. You know, they used to like you a lot. But then you got promoted, and you know, now, you're all like, Mr. Boss Man! 你知道吗,他们一直都很喜欢你。但是后来你被提升了,而且你知道,现在,你已经是上司了。 qac.yappr.cn 10. But then he tries to draw a general rule from it, a rule that can be implied to other propositions. 但是当他尝试着从中描述普遍规律的时候,那规律却蕴含着其他论题。 open.163.com 1. We're in a fortunate position but a difficult one as well, but then you're better having more players to choose from than not enough. 我们现在既感到幸运又感到苦恼,不过有更多的球员可以选择额总比不够好。 jczqw.com 2. But then as he drove off in his car, he noticed that he was almost out of petrol. 但是然后当他在他的汽车中赶走,他注意他几乎超出汽油。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. At first, that seemed incentive enough, but then it struck me that it all depended on what I wanted to maximize in life. 起初我似乎给说动了,但后来突然想起这完全取决于自己这一生最想延长的是什麽。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. But then after you've done it, you think to yourself that you probably should have made some money on that photo. 这一切之后,你可能会对自己说,也许我该在这张照片上挣点儿钱。 www.bing.com 5. It wasn't ready to be released, but then, Jackson wasn't ready to die. 它们还没准备好被发行,但那时,杰克逊也没有准备这么早走。 www.mjjclub.com 6. The others were silent for a minute, but then they all agreed that they too would like to have wings. 一时别人都没说话,可然后他们都赞成,他们也愿意长出翅膀。 www.hxen.com 7. She speaks very good Italian. But then she did live in Rome for a year. 她的意大利语讲得很流利。不过她毕竟在罗马生活过一年。 8. I thought it would be rough sharing one bathroom with eight people, but then our hot water tank burst. Now we have no water. 我本以为跟8个人一起用厕所会很辛苦,后来我们的热水箱坏掉了,现在没有水用。 www.bucter.com 9. He originally intended to make the gym private, a place near his home where he could train, but then decided to open it to the public. 他本来打算让私人健身场所,在那里他在他家附近火车,但后来决定开放给公众。 6bei.com.cn 10. but then, after what I've heard, it's likely I've lost that anyhow. You're right. I owe that much to her. 不过听到你刚才的话,我可能就已经丢掉这职位了。你说的对,我欠她的多的很。 www.cndkc.net 1. Sara sends Michael back to his cell, but then calls Katie, her nurse, up to the infirmary to show her something. Sara叫警卫送Michael回牢房,然后他打电话叫她的护士Katie到医务室来,说有点东西给她看。 www.bing.com 2. and for the first year or so, things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge, and eventually, we had a falling out. 而在第一年中,一切都很顺利。但随后我们对未来的看法发生分歧,而最终我们闹翻了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. At last Ralph induced him to hold the shell but then the blow of laughter had taken away the child's voice. 拉尔夫示意他拿起海螺,可随之一阵笑声淹没了小男孩的声音。 www.jukuu.com 4. I stepped out of the store to get a drink but then I dropped down into a pond. 我走出商店,弄了杯饮料,可是一不小心掉进了一个池塘。 bjgdfz.com 5. But then Cal relaxed, or, really, kind of deflated. His breathing slowed and he kneaded his hands. 可是随后卡尔就放松了下来,或者说,像泄了气的皮球。他的呼吸变缓,两只手互相搓揉着。 www.bing.com 6. But then the American neighbours, who seem generally hostile, complained about noise and threatened to call the cops. 邻居们抱怨戴安娜太吵闹了,还威胁如果再这样的话他们就报警。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. They had asked me for a project to improve the squad. . . I wrote things down and the directors liked it, but then nothing happened. 他们询问过我关于加强阵容的计划……我写了些东西,总监很喜欢,但那之后什么都没发生。 tieba.baidu.com 8. But then, he didn't have any idea what his real answers would have been, then or now. So it isn't as if he knew himself any better. 不过,无论那时还是此刻,他从不知道自己真正的答案会是什么,所以他也不怎么了解自己。 www.bing.com 9. But then the long bones in his legs began to hurt. He was having fevers. 但是接着,他腿部的长骨开始疼痛。他也开始发烧。 cn.nytimes.com 10. Well, she was upset at first, But probably because her sister shot somebody. But then there was something about you, And then she hugged me. 刚开始她是很生气,可能是因为她姐姐用枪射了某个人。然后好象说了点关于你的事,然后她抱了下我。 www.bing.com 1. But then there were some cracks in a number of cases. Almost all the bottom of the cases were loose. 但是后来许多外箱上都有裂纹,几乎所有的外箱底部都松了。 www.ebigear.com 2. You go up in the short run, but then most societies historically have ended up worse than if they'd had no booms at all. 虽然你能暂于短期中加速,但大部分社会,从历史角度看,都落得个极惨的结果,几乎都被打回原点。 www.ted.com 3. My initial reaction was to dismiss this, both for health and financial reasons, but then I thought of my conversation with Nick. 我最初的反应是摒弃这一想法,基于健康和经济原因,但后来我想起和尼克的对话。 www.elanso.com 4. But then they end up with self-contained, monolithic systems on which those business processes have to run. 不过,他们终止于那些业务流程必须运行在自包含的,单一系统上。 www.360doc.com 5. He thought about moving somewhere safer, but then realized that wherever he went there the sky and earth will be. 他想,还是把家搬到一个安全的地方吧。于是又一想,哪儿都有天,哪儿都有地。到底到哪里去好啊? chinese.cscc.org.sg 6. But then, when we were all twelve or less, it seemed as though she floated behind a scrim. 不过呢,在我们全都十二岁、或者更小些的当儿里,端详起她仿佛是雾里看花,终隔一层。 gusian.blogbus.com 7. But then, the corresponding stimulus does not exist, the patient did not improve sleep. 但之后,相应刺激因素不存在了,患者睡眠情况没有改善。 www.106jsw.com 8. But then, just doing the models, I was trying to explore the relationship between the model and the original. 但是,当我在做这些模型时,我试图探索模型和原作品之间的关系。 www.ted.com 9. But then she said, Hsu was not planting and breeding law, two years Jipen gardenia are open only to season, they wilt die. 但随后她又说,许是种养不得法,两年里几盆栀子花都是只开一季,便枯萎死去。 enwaimao.cn 10. But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him. 不过,它现在的主人,JudeStringfellow遇见了它并想要照顾它。 www.hjenglish.com |
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