单词 | video clips |
释义 | video clips是video clip的复数
复数:video clips 例句释义: 影片,视频剪辑,视频片段 1. I bet you won't find video clips from a few years back in which he says the opposite of what he's saying now. 我敢打赌,拿出几年前的录像看,找不出他会说出与现在所说相反的东西来。 www.bing.com 2. Officials said the U. S. decided to release the five video clips to show the world that it had killed bin Laden. 有多位官员说,美国决定公布这五段视频录像,目的是向全世界表明,它已击毙了本?拉登。 c.wsj.com 3. Another outstanding gadget is the YouTube gadget, which allows you to easily share interesting video clips with your friends. 另一个出色的插件是YouTube插件,允许你和好友分享视频。 www.bing.com 4. This online broadcast channel shares with you our video clips featuring the activities and information of the bureau. 此网上广播站希望与公众分享有关本局的活动及资讯的影片。 porntheusa.com 5. For instance, you can use the Internet to send email messages, or ro download files, or to view video clips, or to listen to music. 例如,你可利用因特网发送电子邮件、或下载文件、或观看片段影像、或听音乐等。 www.data888.com 6. People are not even off the same graphics can be used in the production of video clips onto the scene, and for instance name. 人连掉相同的图形可以采用在制作影片剪辑拖放到场景中,并为其实例命名。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Beyond video clips taken for my online stores, the only form of documentation I've opted for has been photography. 除了我网上储存的视屏短片,我比较喜欢的一种记录方式是拍照。 www.bing.com 8. They can upload pictures, video clips and songs with just a few clicks on a simple, colour-coded page. 他们只需要在一个简洁的用色彩编码的网页上点击几下,就能够上传图片、视频片段和歌曲。 www.ecocn.org 9. It includes nearly 150 transition effects for you to choose from to switch between photos and video clips in any way you want. 它包括近150过渡效果供您选择之间切换照片和视频剪辑,在任何您想要的方式。 xtdownload.com 10. You can use the Internet to send E-mail messages, or to download files, or to view video clips, or to listen to music. 你可利用因特网发送电子邮件、下载文件、观看影像、听音乐等。 www.yylj.info 1. Partial Storyboard already completed and a substantial amount of video clips and stills have been selected. 故事板部分已经完成,视频剪辑及剧照大量被选中。 www.bing.com 2. TweetDeck allows you to record, share or watch video clips, and view YouTube videos, from within the tool (shown above). TweetDeck允许你记录,共享或观看视频片断,观看YouTube视频工具内,(如上所示)。 www.bing.com 3. Whether in poetry or in online video clips, it is Mr Meckel's sort of place that Thais need desperately to find today. 无论是在这首诗中还是在那段在线视频剪辑中,如今泰国人民需要拼命寻求便是Meckel所说的那种地方。 www.ecocn.org 4. The presentation with a great number of photos and video clips were well received by the audience. 各组同学运用大量相片及影片作分享介绍,台下同学反应热烈。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 5. Daniel is now engrossed in watching video clips of a red toy train on a circular track. 小丹尼尔现在正在全神贯注的看一个红色的玩具火车在轨道上行使的录像剪辑。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Researchers gauged study participants' mood before and after showing them one of two video clips. 研究者测量了该研究参与者看这两个视频剪辑之一的前后心情。 www.hxen.com 7. To prove this bold speculation, Hart is still open for a blog site on Obama's speech video clips. 为了证明这一大胆推测,哈特还在博客网站上公开了一段奥巴马总统的演讲录像片段。 www.englishtang.com 8. They had volunteers watch video clips of a woman saying different simple phrases, such as "the square box, " or "peel the banana. " 志愿者被要求观看视频短片,短片中有个女人在说各种简单短语,比如,“方盒子”、“剥香蕉”……比如,剥香蕉。 down02.putclub.com 9. Local people here have been pirating everything under the sun from video clips to computer games. 不论是录像光盘还是电脑游戏,这个地方的人通通盗用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. As a brief representation of video content, video summarization can effectively assist users' browsing and organizing video clips. 视频摘要作为一种视频内容的简要表示,能够有效地增强用户浏览和组织视频的效率。 cjig.cn 1. But with video clips, the suit looks like a Viacom tactic to get better terms in a deal that both sides need. 但就视频片段这件官司来看,Viacom的策略是打算获得双方都需要的,在生意上的更好的条件。 www.ecocn.org 2. The two British naval personnel were shown separately in two video clips, both pointing to a big map of the northern Gulf waters. 两名英国海军士兵分别出现在两个镜头上。他们都用手指着一大幅北部海湾海图。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He cannot pull off an intro presentation with a video clips and demonstrations and outside speakers without practice. 没有反复的练习,那些视频剪辑、样品展示和客串嘉宾便都是浮云。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Putting advertising alongside video clips or other content provided by users may pose problems. 在影片或其他由使用者提供的内容旁边放上广告会引发困扰。 www.bing.com 5. I have the concept mapped out on paper and most of the content although I haven' edited the video clips yet. 我已经定位于文件内的概念和内容最虽然我还没编辑视频剪辑呢。 www.bing.com 6. There's no standard or easy way to embed rich content like maps, photo slide shows, or video clips in the body of an email. 在电子邮件中,没有嵌入像地图、照片幻灯片或视频剪辑等丰富内容的标准或简单的方法。 www.bing.com 7. This course features video clips of student presentations and a full readings list. 本课程以学生演讲的视讯剪辑和一份完整的阅读清单为重点。 www.myoops.org 8. One preliminary study even demonstrated that these techniques can produce rough reproductions of short video clips watched by volunteers. 一项初步研究证明这些技术可以粗略重现志愿者所观看的短的视频信号。 www.bing.com 9. In one set of video clips the whole body and head but not the face could be seen. 一组录像中,除了脸部以外,人的整个身体和头部都可见。 www.bing.com 10. This time participants were "primed" with video clips, rather than by storytelling, into more or less compassionate states. 这次参与者通过看事先拍好的视频剪辑,而不是通过写故事,来进入一种富有同情心的心境。 www.ecocn.org 1. My son's entertainment is watching NFL video clips online, and he has his own football blog. 我儿子则喜欢收看在线的国家足球联盟的视频剪辑,他还有他自己的足球博客。 www.bing.com 2. We have 20 multimedia comprising short video clips, photos and audio to be converted and hosted on a server . 我们有20个多媒体,包括视频短片,照片和音频转换和服务器托管。 www.bing.com 3. let on their own the negative effects triggered by porn movies! violent video clips and a noticestomhvachlylsoir like. 就更不提由于色情电影和暴力视频带来的反面影响了。 www.19msc.info 4. They evaluated healthy volunteers who were shown video clips of both safe driving and unexpected motor vehicle accidents. 他们让志愿者们观看机动车安全驾驶和意外的交通事故的视频剪辑。 www.bing.com 5. Comes with a bonus CD-ROM that includes additional images, video clips, and other supplemental materials. 并附有奖金的CD-ROM,其中包括额外的图像,视频剪辑和其他补充材料。 www.ccebook.net 6. MB dynamic memory for contacts, video clips, images, tones, messages, music files, add -on applications, calendar, and to-do notes. MB的动态记忆体的接触,视频剪辑,影像,铃声,信息,音乐文件,添加的应用,日历和以做笔记。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Shanghai zhabei music video modification, video, video add subtitles added, video production menu, video clips, cd-writing. 上海视频修改,视频添加音乐,视频添加字幕,视频制作菜单,光盘刻录,视频剪辑。 shanghai.edeng.cn 8. And, a bonus CD-ROM offers additional images, video clips, and other supplemental materials. 而且,奖金的CD-ROM提供了更多的图像,视频剪辑和其他补充材料。 www.ccebook.net 9. The photos and video clips should portray the positive or negative impact of the environment on people's health and day-to-day life. 照片和录像剪辑应表现环境对民众健康和日常生活的积极或消极影响。 www.who.int 10. The plethora of free flesh available on "tube sites" , where surfers watch and upload online video clips, has disrupted old business models. 大量冒出的新兴“视频分享网站”让人们观赏及上传视频文件,严重干扰了旧有的商业模式。 www.ecocn.org 1. The DishOnline. com site will show some free video clips, but cable shows and many movies will be available only with a subscription. 网站将提供一些免费的视频片段供用户观看,但是有线电视节目和大量电影将只对订阅用户开放。 www.bing.com 2. The researchers found that attractive individuals were rated as funnier in video clips than their less dashing counterparts. 研究人员发现,长得好看的人在视频中的表现被认为比长相平凡的人更有趣。 www.kekenet.com 3. For an advertisement video clips, I found the TV advertisement of Liu Yifei on line. 做一个广告视频剪辑,在网上发现刘亦菲的这个电视广告。 foolorange.m.oeeee.com 4. Sensing a public-relations opportunity, the Metropole has been documenting the discovery online, through blog posts, photos and video clips. 酒店意识到这是一个公关宣传的好机会,于是通过在博客上发帖子、贴照片和视频短片等方式对这次发现进行了纪实报道。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Are ads that play before video clips, known as prerolls, more effective when paired with banner ads? 是不是在剪辑视频播放前插入的广告(又称prerolls),比网络图片广告更有效呢? www.bing.com 6. Until then, YouTube plays cat and mouse with Viacom over the illegal posting of video clips on YouTube. 在双方达成协议之前,YouTube和维亚康姆就该网站上的侵权视频片段玩起了猫捉老鼠的游戏。 www.ftchinese.com 7. This tool allows teachers and students to upload short audio and video clips to a Think. Com page. 通过此工具,教师和学生可以将短小的音频和视频剪辑上载到Think.com页面。 www.think.com 8. We capture a moving object in simultaneous video clips and extract only the moving object in each frame in the clips. 我们从同步拍摄中捕捉移动的物体,并且从每一帧图像中截取移动物体。 wenda.tianya.cn 9. VideoGet boasts being able to download video clips from more than 100 video sharing websites. VideoGet自夸能够从100多个视频分享网站上下载视频文件。 blog.163.com 10. The text is punctuated throughout with video clips and photographs of actors recreating the characters and scenes. 文本是连续性与整个视频剪辑和照片的行为者,休闲,娱乐的特点和场面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Video clips, music, subtitles, stunt also, electronic albums production, DVD, VCD, CD recording. 视频剪辑、配乐、字幕、特技转场,电子相册制作、DVD、VCD、CD录制。 info.tianya.cn 2. In the second Study, we adopted mixed experimental design to get students'effective priming through watching different short video clips. 研究二,采用混合实验设计,使用不同的视频短片启动学生不同的情绪感受。 www.fabiao.net 3. If you really want Web pages and Web video clips on your TV, just hook up a PC or a Mac. 如果你真的想在电视上看网络页面或视频,把电视连上PC或MAC就好了。 www.bing.com 4. The eight candidates had to respond to questions posed by ordinary Americans via video clips. 八位总统候选人必须回答由普通民众通过视频所提出的问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. The volunteers were told the researchers were testing emotional reactions to various video clips. 志愿者被告知研究人员想要研究对不同录像片断的感情反应。 gzmp.dayoo.com 6. YouTube: YouTube is a popular free video sharing Web site which lets users upload, view, and share video clips. YouTube(你的视频)是一个可以让用户免费上传、观赏、分享视频短片的热门视频共享网站 www.hjenglish.com 7. Video clips are a good way of making candidates look two-faced. 视频片段能够很好地展现出竞选者们截然不同的两面性。 www.ecocn.org 8. Bin Laden was not armed in any of the newly released video clips. 在这些最新公布的录像中,本-拉登手中并没有武器。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Traditionally, we need to re-film that video clips, or use Photoshop to remove the unexpected object from the video frame by frame manually. 如果按传统的方法,就必须重新拍摄该视频片段,或者用现有的一些图像修复工具一帧一帧的手动处理该视频片段。 www.boshuo.net 10. She was amazing and we talked about the old days and watched Spice Girls video clips on Youtube together. 她人很好,我们谈论了以前的时光,一起在Youtube上看SpiceGirls的视频。 group.m.mtime.com 1. So there are plenty of video clips you won't be able to watch. 因此,很多视频短片用iPad是无法观看的。 c.wsj.com 2. (Video): Video clips from across the globe. The USA. (视频):席卷全球的视频片断美国 www.ted.com 3. Provide your high-quality photographs and video clips and give your creativity free reign! 提供你的高质量图片和录像剪辑并自由发挥你的创造力! www.who.int 4. NASS acts as a specialized "data mover" , pushing and pulling files such as text, images and video clips over a network. nass起到了专用“数据移动器”的作用,在网络上送和取诸如文本、图像和一段段视频信号。 www.hotdic.com 5. Thus, the video summary is solely a collection of video clips that neglect the content coverage. 因此生成的视频摘要仅仅是精彩片段的集合,而没有考虑对视频内容的覆盖性。 www.lw23.com 6. High-resolution color photographs and even short video clips can now easily be transmitted over computer networks. 高分辨率彩色照片,甚至视频短片现在可以很容易地通过计算机网络传输。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. 12seconds. tv, an online video service that lets users upload short video clips, just announced its new iPhone application. 允许用户上传视频短片的在线视频服务12seconds.tv宣布推出其新款iPhone应用。 www.bing.com 8. Ku6 also announced that it got the licence from CCTV to broadcast video clips on Beijing Olympic Games. 酷六还宣布已从央视取得播放北京奥运会视频剪辑的牌照。 www.bing.com 9. It also included readings, and audio and video clips to teach and reinforce its messages. 其也包括用阅读,声像剪辑去教会和增强其信息。 www.bing.com 10. Take short video clips that illustrate aspects of your daily school life. 拍摄较短的视频剪辑来说明您学校日常生活的各个方面。 www.think.com 1. Putting paid-for advertisements alongside amateur video clips, perhaps based on keywords or tags, poses another problem. 多半依靠关键词或标签的方式在推出业余视频片段的同时投放付费广告形成了另一个问题。 www.ecocn.org 2. Here are places where you can find downloads or streaming video clips from classic films. 这里有地方,你可以找到经典电影下载或流式视频剪辑。 www.360doc.com 3. Thank you for sending us your pictures and video clips. 感谢你递交的照片和视频剪辑。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Already, large companies offer CD-ROMsthat display catalogs complete with sound and video clips. 大的公司已经提供展示配有声音和视频图像夹的CD-ROM。 www2.ccw.com.cn 5. So. . . and later we'll say. . . we'll give the web address for viewing these video clips. 以后我们会公布网址来观看这些视频剪辑。 www.putclub.com 6. It also has the ability to create movies from still photos; to edit video clips and to upload those movies to YouTube. 这款程序还能用静态的照片创建视频、编辑视频剪辑并上传到YouTube。 www.bing.com 7. Edit files using built-in tools to crop, remove red-eye and trim audio and video clips. 编辑文件使用内置的工具来裁减,消除红眼和修剪的音频和视频剪辑。 www.custo.com.cn 8. Pierrick Sorin has also done some TV shows and video-clips. He has also been acting in two movies. 同时还进行了一些电视节目和视频短片的工作,并出演了两部电影。 ebook.artron.net 9. An efficient similarity model of video clips was put forward. 提出一种快速的视频片段相似度计算模型。 www.joca.cn 10. His main function is to provide the public with relevant video clips, text messages and so on. 作用主要是提供与他公职相关的视频片段、文字信息等。 www.englishtang.com 1. MTV, or Music Television, just plays video clips and weird cartoons 24 hours a day. 音乐电视一天24小时尽播发音乐短片和怪诞的卡通片。 www.bing.com 2. People who saw video clips of Clinton expressing anger rated him better fit to lead, Tiedens observed. 结果蒂登斯发现,观看克林顿发怒视频的参与者对他的领导能力给予了更高的评价。 www.fortunechina.com 3. That's quite a lot bandwidth for photos; however, I'm notsure how long that would hold up if you've got a lot of video clips onthere. 对图片来说那真是很大的带宽了,然而,我不能保证你的图片能保存多久,如果你在那存放了一大堆的视频片断。 www.bing.com 4. Or video clips of bacchanalia by the hockey team. 或曲棍球队狂欢作乐的视频剪辑。 www.ecocn.org 5. This paper proposes video clips clustering method based on spectral of correlative graph. 提出一种基于关联图谱的视频片段聚类方法。 www.ecice06.com 6. There are video clips of field trips and student presentations in the lecture notes section. 课堂讲稿内容有基地调查以及学生发表情形的影片。 www.myoops.org 7. I can do some video clips of the products or even look for someone to do the voice part. 我可以做一些视频剪辑的产品,甚至找人做的声部。 www.bing.com 8. The "Sex and the City" machine offers video clips. 而“欲望都市”老虎机则提供视频剪辑。 www.ecocn.org 9. You can find photos, illustrations, video clips, and some Flash files. 你可以在这里找到照片、插画、视频剪辑和一些flash文件。 www.bing.com 10. The fastest, easiest way to upload, watch and share your favorite video clips. 可以快速及方便的来上传,观看和共享你收藏的视频剪辑。 blog.bsdos.cn 1. You should get a good plug-in for viewing video clips. 想要看到影像画面,你必须要有好的外挂程式。 2. Edit video clips, Film and Television Arts has promoted the development and maturity. 编辑视频剪辑、影视艺术的发展与成熟起到了积极的促进作用。 tieba.baidu.com 3. South Koreans frequently watch video clips and programs online, where they can zap out the ads. 韩国人经常在网上观看视频和节目,这样他们就可以抛开广告。 club.topsage.com 4. In total, the average viewer watched about 135 video clips. 平均下来每个浏览者总共观看的视频数量大约为135个。 www.bing.com 5. All of the 25 test subjects were then shown five-minute video clips of people scratching. 接下来25个受试对象均观看了5分钟的描绘人们挠痒的视频片段。 www.ebigear.com 6. After a period of consideration, I intend to record some video clips. 经过一段时间的考虑,我打算录制一些视频片段。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. At first, the video clips are segmented into shots and the shot key frames are extracted. 该算法首先将视频分割为镜头,并提取镜头的关键帧。 cjig.cn 8. vSocial: The fastest, easiest way to upload, watch and share your favorite video clips. vSocial(视频社区):用最快,最方便的方法上传、观看、分享视频短片。 www.hjenglish.com 9. You will find lots of first-hand information such as activities, behind-the-scenes pictures and video clips. 你会发现大量的第一手资料,如活动,幕后照片和视频剪辑。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I even have their video clips in my mobile phone. 我什至有自己的视频剪辑我的手机。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Admittedly, YouTube has yet to prove that advertising can make video clips as lucrative as search results. 无可否认地,YouTube尚须证明广告能让影片就像搜寻结果一样有利可图。 www.bing.com 2. Go to YouTube. com, a free website for sharing video clips, and the most popular Hillary-related items are unflattering. 登陆YouTube这个视频资料免费共享网站,你会发现点击率最高的与希拉里有关的视频总不是什么正面的信息。 ecocn.blogbus.com 3. You can also watch NIM and 3GP format video clips with the embedded video player. 您还可以使用预装的视频播放器观看NIM和3GP格式的视频片段。 www.n-gage.com 4. For example, the default Ubuntu installation includes documentation, images, sounds, video clips and firmware. 比如默认安装包括文档,图片,声音,图像,和固件。 forum.ubuntu.org.cn 5. There's a 1GB space limit for images and video clips in freeaccounts. 免费帐户的图像和视频片断空间限制是1GB。 www.bing.com 6. I have approximately 15 video clips and 30 photos of a trade show. 我有大约15个视频剪辑和30贸易展的照片。 www.bing.com 7. Multimedia In order to make your presentation have a faster pace (and this is vital) try adding short video clips and music to it. 为了让你的报告速度更快(这是极其重要的),尝试加入录像短片和音乐。 www.docin.com 8. Project1: I have some video clips and want to add sounds and music to it. Based on this sample project, I would have many such. 我有一些视频剪辑和要添加的声音和音乐到它。基于此示例项目,我会很多这样的。 www.bing.com 9. These are video clips, if you want to enjoy, please click them! 如果你想观看视频,请点击下面的链接! sharkwhite2006.bokee.com 10. Do you want to watch video clips on the Web? 你想在网上看视频短片吗? c.wsj.com 1. Q . Most musicians deny it by default but have you ever watched video clips of your old interviews or TV appearances? 有很多艺人都默认了这个问题,你有没有看过自己之前的访谈或者TV演出呢? www.ukoo.net 2. The video clips that made him famous represent mere seconds of the thousands of hours he has spent preaching 那些让他名声大震的视频剪辑只不过是其花在布道上时间的数千小时中的短短数秒。 www.ecocn.org 3. A Scheduling Algorithm of Short Video Clips in a Jukebox 一种光盘库的短节目调度算法 www.ilib.cn 4. Image pre-processing mainly filter and block for every frame in the video clips; 图像预处理部分主要完成对视频片段中每帧图像的滤波和分块; www.fabiao.net 5. Reflective Thinking of the Effective Use of Video Clips of Classroom Teaching in the Process of Teacher Training 基于课堂录像的教学反思——透视教学录像在教师培训中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Deadly design sin #6: Too many distracting graphics, animations, or video clips 设计的致命错误之六:过多图表、动画或视频剪辑分散注意力 www.bing.com 7. The 3rd Beijing Independent Film Festival ? Chinese video clips unit; 第3届北京独立电影节·中国录像短片单元; www.dacorg.cn 8. Recording on one system, while other system playing back four different video clips simultaneously Yes 在一个系统上录制,同时在另一个系统上回放四个不同的视频素材 www.edius.cn 9. Yes Recording on one system, while other systems are each playing back four different video clips simultaneously (8-stream playback) 一个系统录制的同时,另外两个系统分别回放四个不同的视频素材(8个通道回放) www.edius.cn 10. Video Clips of Survival Chinese 生存汉语视频片段 www.chineseyard.com 1. Utility to play audio and video clips 播放视频和音频剪辑的工具 angel.w15.5tom.cn |
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