单词 | vampires |
释义 | vampires是vampire的复数
复数:vampires n. parasite,freeloader,sponger,hanger-on,predator 例句释义: 吸血鬼,吸人膏血的人,吸血蝠,吸血鬼们,吸血鬼合唱,吸血殭屍 1. I had no desire to see the faces of the vampires they had executed, half afraid that I might recognize someone in the smoldering pyres. 我不希望去看那些被处刑的吸血鬼的脸,也是因为有些害怕在阴燃的柴堆的人是我认识的。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. Next to her, three other vampires with golden eyes stared at me with open curiosity. 在她身旁的三个有着金色眸子的吸血鬼也大方地饶有兴味的瞧着我。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. We think: 'Man, at least I'm not getting eaten by the monster. Kiddie vampires aren't knocking at my window! ' 我们会想:‘起码我不会被怪兽吃掉,僵尸小鬼也没有敲我们家的窗户!’ www.bing.com 4. Therefore, patients with porphyria like vampires fear as the sun, can only live in the dark. 所以卟啉症患者像吸血鬼那样惧怕阳光,只能在黑暗中生活。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Vampires have long been a part of the folklore of certain areas, particularly in parts of Eastern Europe. 一直以来,吸血鬼是一些特定地区民间传说的一部分,这一传说在东欧的一些地方特别流行。 gb.cri.cn 6. RP: Yes. Although it cannot last for so long, simply because vampires do not age, so I won't be able to do it for more than 2 years. 答:是的,但是不可能持续太久,因为吸血鬼不会变老,那样的状态我可能没法超过两年吧。 twilight.g.ifensi.com 7. I know how much you all love vampires, but remember, the school nurse will be heading up the blood drive, so sign up for that now. 我知道你们都迷吸血鬼,所以都记住了,校医马上要去组织献血活动,赶紧报名吧! blog.sina.com.cn 8. It was so dark infact, that vampires could just nearl walk about the main yard, as if it were night. 它是如此黑暗逸岸,吸血鬼可以只nearl楼上的主码,就好像它是夜晚。 wenwen.soso.com 9. For over two centuries, Angelus was one of the most vicious vampires ever to walk the earth. 两个多世纪以来,最凶恶之一的吸血鬼Angelus一直都未涉足地球。 www.bing.com 10. The rest of the site was an alphabetized listing of all the different myths of vampires held throughout the world. 余下部分是一张依字母表排列的清单,囊括了全世界所有关于吸血鬼的各种各样的传说。 putclub.com 1. Since then, were wolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun. 吸血鬼和狼人可以自由行动,直到一位萨满在他们身上施加了诅咒。 www.jer8.com 2. They're monsters of the people. It was the beginning of the end for vampires when Lehman Brothers went under, those bloodsucking parasites. 雷曼兄弟这些嗜血的寄生虫的倒下,正是吸血鬼们末日的开始。 www.elanso.com 3. The vampires do have a bit of a superiority complex, heh heh. 吸血鬼总是带有那么一点的优越感,呵呵。 blog.163.com 4. Vampires aren't the only blood-suckers to worry about this Halloween. 吸血鬼可不是这个万圣节唯一要担心的贪婪吸血者。 www.bing.com 5. Women love vampires because vampires can't take up the entirety of a woman's day. 女人之所以爱上吸血鬼,是因为吸血鬼不会占用女性整个白天的时间。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. The dark world, everywhere in the foreseeable werewolves and vampires Sima bite and bloody fight in Howl, died. 黑暗的世界里,到处都可见狼人与吸血鬼在血腥的嘶咬和拼杀中嚎叫、死去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The Passage has really made vampires scary again. How important was that to you? 《通道》确实又让吸血鬼恐怖了一回。这对你有多重要呢? www.bing.com 8. Jacob: At least someone is going to kill some vampires. 雅各布:至少有人要去杀几只吸血鬼。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Instead of that line about consulting and finding things, put 'Fiends Foiled, Monsters Mangled, Vampires Vanquished, Demons Demolished. ' 去掉这行关于寻物和咨询的废话,换上‘降妖除魔,斩鬼驱怪。’ blog.163.com 10. If things polarise into a huge power struggle, swamps will become vampires, turning every little thing into an issue about themselves. 如果情况进入两极化到了极端的权力斗争,沼泽会变成一个吸血僵尸,把所有的小事情变成他们索取的工具。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Vampires are loved by the night, and this forest is locked in eternal darkness. He has never been defeated. 吸血鬼被夜所宠爱,而这里有着永恒的黑暗。他从未被打败过。 blog.ynstudent.com 2. Vampires are probably the only undead creatures of the night that we don't immediately run away from. 不老不死的吸血鬼大概是我们唯一不会闻风而逃的夜间访客。 www.kekenet.com 3. There was a Slavic belief that those who had been werewolves in life would become vampires after death. 斯拉夫人认为,生前是狼人的死后就会变成吸血鬼。 www.joyen.net 4. Vampires were identified by handing out garlic in church and observing who did not eat it. 人们在教堂内分发大蒜,谁没吃蒜,就认为谁是吸血鬼。 edu.china.com 5. Bats are closely associated with vampires, who are said to be able to shapeshift into bats, fog, or wolves. 蝙蝠和吸血鬼有密切的关系,据说吸血鬼会变形成为蝙蝠、雾或狼。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I believe that liars run from the truth like vampires from the sun. 我相信说谎者从真相跑喜欢从星期日的吸血鬼。 wenwen.soso.com 7. It appears Tyler does transform, so let's hope none of our favorite vampires get caught in his jaws! 看来泰勒要改变了,希望没有我们喜欢的吸血鬼被他的狼牙咬到! www.bing.com 8. vampires in suits to look their best, and the music, next to coffins made of gold, with friends and lovers freshly buried. 在音乐的微醺下,身着西装的吸血鬼们与刚被埋葬的朋友们以及恋人紧邻在金制的棺材旁,靡丽惊人。 hi.baidu.com 9. Topical politically inspired masks are often hot items, as are the latest pop-culture inspired procession of zombies and vampires. 政坛热门人物的面具总是十分畅销,最近流行文化中出现的“僵尸”和吸血鬼的系列面具销路也不错。 tr.hjenglish.com 10. This time we're going way, way back in time - a thousand years back in time - to the Original family's life before they were vampires. 这一次我们将会时光倒流——回到一千多年之前——看到原始吸血鬼还是人类的时候。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Stregoni benefici: An Italian vampire, said to be on the side of goodness, and a mortal enemy of all evil vampires. 斯特岗尼亚,有益的吸血鬼:一种意大利吸血鬼,据说是美德的保护者,是所有邪恶吸血鬼最致命的敌人。 putclub.com 2. The 1922 film Nosferatu introduces the trait that vampires can only roam around at night and can be killed by daylight. 1992版的吸血鬼介绍了吸血鬼的一些特征,比如晚上出没,白天会被杀。 www.elanso.com 3. In a living host they become cannibals and vampires, and within the dead they feed upon the living. 在占据了生物宿主后他们就会成为食人鬼或吸血鬼,并且在死亡中猎食活人的生命。 gl.ali213.net 4. Vampires will have to think of some other method 'Cause without their canines How will they suck? 因为没了大牙吸血鬼将不得不考虑一些其他的方法他们将如何吸吮? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Film in the West, many of them are related with the Vampire, in these movies, vampires are pale skin, lips Hongyan, red eyes and more. 在西方的电影中,很多是与吸血鬼有关的,在这些电影中,吸血鬼们皮肤惨白,嘴唇红艳,眼睛多为红色。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Wall next to the top of two pillars are carved with two vampires, so people say my house is a "vampire house. " 墙壁旁边的两根柱子上面都雕琢着两个吸血鬼,所以人们都说本人家是“吸血鬼宅”。 www.5212.cn 7. A bunch of vampires trying to kill me. 有一大堆吸血鬼想杀我 blog.sina.com.cn 8. There has always been animosity between vampires and werewolves. 吸血鬼与狼人之间一直火药味呛人。 dongxi.net 9. David: We are not to have vampires, yeah. I can't image life with that. 我们不可能没有吸血鬼。我不能想像那样的生活。 www.kekenet.com 10. New vampires are also immensely strong for their first year of life, also a product of the excess of blood left in the body. 同样的,在新生吸血鬼转生的第一年他们会非常的强壮,这是过量的血液留在体内的产物。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Vampires? Hags? Harry's head was swimming. Hagrid, meanwhile, was counting bricks in the wall above the trash can. “吸血鬼?老巫婆?”哈利的脑海中浮现出这些情景,而海格却坐在垃圾堆上数着墙上的结块。 www.kekenet.com 2. Now he has left behind the world of vampires and is telling a real world story of an illegal immigrant in Los Angeles. 现在,他已经留下吸血鬼的世界,是在讲述一个在洛杉矶的非法移民的现实世界的故事。 www.maynet.cn 3. Do you want to be a dork all your life Tommy : It's better than a show about a stupid girl who fights vampires. 莎拉:《星舰迷航记》是给呆瓜看的。你这辈子都要当呆瓜吗?汤米:这总比一个蠢女孩打吸血鬼的节目好。 bbs.wenguo.com 4. may the luck of the vampires be with you ! ! ! 愿吸血鬼的好运与你同在!! www.ichacha.net 5. Caterina first met Abel Nightroad when he saved her from a group of vampires who attempted to kill her by order of the Contra Mundi. 卡特琳娜第一次见到阿贝尔·奈特罗德是在他从一批听命于世界公敌的吸血鬼手中救出她的时候。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. SANTIAGO: There is but one crime among us vampires here. It is the crime that means death to any vampire. To kill your own kind! 圣地亚哥:对吸血鬼来说只有一种罪。那是无论哪个吸血鬼一旦犯下就意味着得死的罪行。那就是杀死你的同类! dictsearch.appspot.com 7. To have three Hollywood bombshells of this caliber in the same film -- and have them all playing vampires? 有这三个好莱坞重磅炸弹在同一部电影里并且都扮演吸血鬼? www.bing.com 8. Leon: Yes, I can tell. . . The power of hatred and destruction that the whip has against vampires. . . 利:没错,我知道。这皮鞭所拥有的仇恨和毁灭的力量是可以摧毁吸血鬼的… bbs.766.com 9. It meant keeping control of whatever new vampires you created, like Jasper had done when he'd lived with Maria. 这都是为了管好你制造出来的新生的吸血鬼,就像和玛丽亚住在一起时雅斯珀做的一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Three vampires walk into a bar. "What can I get ya? " asks the bartender. 三个吸血鬼走进一家酒吧。服务生问道:“我能为你们做些什么?” blog.sina.com.cn 1. Right now, vampires are really seen as more of a tween thing. Did that make it harder to write about them? 如今,吸血鬼正不仅仅被视为一种亦人亦鬼的生物,这是否也导致它们更难描写了呢? www.bing.com 2. His Wild West origins mean he has rattlesnake fangs, and unlike European vampires he is powered by the sun. 他来自美国狂野的西部,意味着他有响尾蛇般的獠牙;他与欧洲产的吸血鬼不同,由太阳提供能量。 www.bing.com 3. Certainly none of the vampires has ever really staked a claim to the title. 当然没有任何一个吸血鬼真的想自己冠上这样的名称。 www.bing.com 4. I've heard that it bears the curse of the vampires as well. 据说它也会带来吸血鬼的诅咒。 blog.ynstudent.com 5. Vampires have haunted literature, art and folklore since the dawn of mankind. 自人类文明诞生之初,吸血鬼(vampire)就一直阴魂不散地出现在文学艺术作品和民间传说中。 www.bing.com 6. We all know people who can be difficult or emotionally draining, but that's not necessarily what "psychic vampires" are. 我们都知道有些人行为怪诞、不易相处,但这未必就是“通灵的吸血鬼”。 www.bing.com 7. Vampires are cool, aloof, beautiful, brooding creatures of the night. Typical moody teenage boys, basically. 吸血鬼冷酷、孤傲、俊美、昼伏夜出,正如喜怒无常的十几岁男孩。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Katana master Tao (Steven Seagal) leads a special ops squad of ex-military vigilantes on a massacre mission, their target: vampires. 卡塔纳主道(史蒂芬西格尔)领导的特别处队前军事民团对大屠杀的使命,他们的目标:吸血鬼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. vampires are often manifestations of the wyrm , as are toxic waste and pollution. 吸血鬼就是一种代表,犹如污染和有毒废物。 www.ichacha.net 10. Energy vampires recognize those of the light and intentionally attack them. 能量吸血鬼能辨认出光之人,故意去袭击。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A clan of vampires has just moved into the neighborhood, and college student Tom accidentally discovers his new neighbors secret. 一个吸血鬼家族刚刚搬到旁边,大学生汤姆就偶然的发现了新邻居的秘密。 www.simplecd.org 2. The ancient Greeks wrote of vampires (or vrykolakas), malevolent undead creatures that stalked the living, bringing death and disease. 古希腊人就曾经在书籍中记载过吸血鬼(维克拉克斯vrykolakas),那是一种恶毒的不死生物,他们会跟踪杀死活人或者带来疾病。 www.bing.com 3. The war between the vampires and the humans continue to persist. 异种智慧生物吸血鬼和人类的战斗正在持续中。 vcddvd88.com 4. Vampires will be dependent on blood, vulnerable to wooden weapons, garlic, holy water, fire, and become weaker during the daytime. 吸血鬼将取决于血液,容易木制武器,大蒜,神圣的水,火,并成为较弱白天。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Did you know that vampires are the oldest creatures of the night? 你知道吸血鬼是最古老的夜间生物吗?——《吸血鬼日记》 www.hjenglish.com 6. The last one of the pure-blooded vampires of the third generation in far east. 远东最后一个血统纯正的第三代吸血鬼。 www.tianya.cn 7. "LIKE vampires in the dead of the night" , rating agencies "will outlast us all" , said Bill Gross of PIMCO, a fund manager, this month. 太平洋投资管理公司的基金经理比尔·格罗斯在这个月称:“就像夜深人静时候的吸血鬼一样”,评级机构“将比我们所有人都长寿”。 www.ecocn.org 8. In a world populated by vampires, blood is viewed as a commercial commodity. 当世界由吸血鬼主宰之时,血液就成为了暴利商品。 www.bing.com 9. Western scholars seriously considered the existence of vampires for the first time rather than just brushing them off as superstition. 西方的学者第一次谨慎考虑了吸血鬼的存在,而不是将他们视作迷信。 www.elanso.com 10. Once the blood gets flowing, all the Cullens (besides Carlisle, of course) become more like "real" vampires. 血一旦开始流出来,卡伦家所有人(当然除了卡莱尔)都会变得更像“真正的”吸血鬼。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Scary tales including vampires are perfect to be told on the occasion of Halloween. 可怕的吸血鬼故事是完美的,包括要在万圣节之际说。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The book tackles the myths about vampires, investigating whether carrot seeds or socks make the better deterrent. 该书铲球关于吸血鬼的神话,调查是否有胡萝卜种子或袜子作出更大的阻吓作用。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Yet this is a very narrow, Eurocentric point of view; as a cultural entity vampires are an ancient, worldwide phenomenon. 然而这种观点是狭隘的欧洲中心论的观点,因为作为文化实体的吸血鬼是古老的全球化的现象。 www.bing.com 4. Vampires only, Heavy Armor, killing blow and poison have no effect. 只限于吸血鬼使用,视为重甲,必杀一击和毒性攻击对携带者无效。 warac.cnuuu.com 5. Now people go out in a mad rush to shop, like ravenous vampires feasting on new blood. 现在人们都加入到疯狂购物的大军中,和贪婪的吸血鬼饕餮着鲜血无异。 www.bing.com 6. I had a source. One of the vampires from the tomb. 我得到情报坟墓里的一个吸血鬼。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Vampires are all the rage in books, on TV and at the movies, but another contingent of the undead is storming our pop culture landscape. 吸血鬼在书,电视,电影里总是愤怒的,但是另一方面他们的不死之身风靡成了另一种文化景观。 www.bing.com 8. Vampires NPC vampires are very different now. There are four different types of vampires: regular, fearsome, deadly and ancient. 吸血鬼现在很不同了,他们被分为四类,正规的,可怕的,致命的,和远古的。 game1.ali213.net 9. There are movie creatures we expect to be scary, like vampires, zombies, or Zach Galifianakis without his pants. 我们知道电影里有些生物就是为了吓人的,如吸血鬼,僵尸,和没穿裤子的扎克?加利费安纳基斯。 dongxi.net 10. This is a general no objection to the vampire characteristics, people think vampires fear the sun. 这是普遍的没有异议的吸血鬼特征,人们认为吸血鬼惧怕阳光。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Or perhaps they are a group of vampires, maintaining the illusion of greater dread to keep interlopers from entering their lair. 也可能他们是一群吸血鬼,维系着这样一个非常恐怖的幻象是为了确保没有闯入者进入他们的巢穴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. If there is in this world a well-attested account, it is that of the vampires. 如果这个世界上有一份屡经证实的报告,那一定是关于吸血鬼的。 putclub.com 3. Meanwhile, at parties around town, adults dressed as vampires and French maids dance and drink into the wee hours. 而在镇上的派对上,大人们打扮成吸血鬼或者女仆,酩酊畅饮到凌晨。 www.bing.com 4. Unlike European vampires, he is powered by the sun. 与欧洲的吸血鬼不同,他由太阳提供能量。 www.bing.com 5. From the mysterious legends coming out of vampires in this image frequently appears in our real world. 从神秘的传说中走出来,吸血鬼这一形象也频繁的出现在我们的现实世界。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Q. Do all the vampires Carlilse has turned live in the same house, or are there others that he didn't have live with him and if so why? 所有由卡莱尔转变的吸血鬼都生活在一起吗?或者还有一些没有和他住在一起,如果是这样的话是为什么呢? blog.163.com 7. Vampires who drink human blood have dark reddish irises that fade to black as they get thirstier. 喝人血的吸血鬼有着深红色的眼睛,当他们更饥渴时就会变成黑色。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The winged mammals can thank vampires for that. 这种有翅膀的哺乳动物多亏了吸血鬼才上了万圣节鬼怪名单。 www.elanso.com 9. Anyone who reads gothic fiction will tell you that vampires are bad news. 读过哥特小说的人都会说吸血蝙蝠是个讨厌的东西。 down02.putclub.com 10. Instead, I am stimulated at the thought of going head-to-head with a billionaire high on vampires. 相反,与一位对吸血鬼神魂颠倒的亿万富翁直接对抗,这个想法让我兴奋不已。 www.ftchinese.com 1. So, just to be clear, super vampire hearing doesn't really work when they sleep. Wait, why do vampires sleep again? This show! 顺便说一下,吸血鬼的超级听力在睡觉是可不怎么好使~等等,这部剧里为什么吸血鬼会睡觉?! group.m.mtime.com 2. Bands of vampires, armed with sophisticated guns and weaponry, seek out the Lycans to destroy them. 众僵尸手持先进的枪械及武器,赶尽杀绝哥云勒斯族。 word.hcbus.com 3. "He sounded so straight-up before he started talking about the vampires, " Minogue said. 米诺格说:“在他谈到吸血鬼之前,他的话显得十分坦城。” gb.cri.cn 4. Suddenly she finds herself drawn into the world of the werewolves, ancestral enemies of the vampires, and finds her loyalties tested. 突然,她发现自己的狼人,吸血鬼的祖先敌人的世界中,发现她的忠诚测试。 my.chinese.cn 5. Sometimes the restaurants are visited by bloodthirsty vampires . Joking . 有时餐厅会有贪得无厌的吸血鬼光顾。这当然是玩笑了。 www.bing.com 6. Invisible, some aged blood-sucking vampires can at not and knownly under circumstance conceal oneself abreast to move with the sorcery . 隐身,一些年老的吸血鬼可以在不为人所知地情况下用魔法将自己隐藏并行动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It seems that vampires are everywhere, from Harry Potter to True Blood, Twilight to the new Fright Night movie. 从《哈利波特》到《真爱如血》,从《暮光之城》到新上映的《惊恐之夜》,吸血鬼似乎无处不在。 www.bing.com 8. Those who were vampires were thought to have longer than usual eye teeth. 人们通常认为吸血鬼的上犬齿比常人要长。 www.bing.com 9. Like two vampires huddling in the last corner of shelter from daylight. 像两个吸血鬼躲在阳光仍未照到的墙脚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Werewolves and vampires existed side by side in the mythologies of many cultures. 在许多民族的神话里,狼人和吸血鬼是一同存在的。 www.joyen.net 1. But in Eclipse, you get to see what we're capable of as vampires. 但在月食中,你会看到我们作为吸血鬼的强大力量。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Despite her past experiences, Caterina strongly believes in the need for peace between humans and vampires. 尽管卡特琳娜有着不幸的过去,她强烈认为人类和吸血鬼的和平共处是有必要的。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. 别在流言、无谓的事情、过去的问题、消极的想法和你不能控制的事情上浪费你宝贵的精力。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. 'Vampires Suck, ' a Fox comedy sending up the recent sexy bloodsucker fad, placed second, taking in $12. 2 million. 福克斯(Fox)的喜剧片《暮色大电影》(VampiresSuck)以1220万美元的票房位居亚军,继续推高最近的吸血鬼风潮。 c.wsj.com 5. The struggle between vampires and werewolves has rampaged for centuries! The battle STARTS HERE! 狼人和吸血鬼的战争就从这里开始! bbs.gozzips.net 6. Werewolves have larger physiques when compared to the diminutive Vampires. 与羸弱的吸血鬼相比,狼人可谓身强力壮。 dongxi.net 7. Hummingbirds are the vampires of the flower world. 蜂鸟是鲜花界的吸血鬼。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Because of these qualities, bats have long been linked in many cultures to death, darkness and vampires. 由于这些品质,蝙蝠早已被挂在许多文化中死亡,黑暗和吸血鬼。 www.maynet.cn 9. The Cullens shortly figure out that it's actually an army of newborn vampires on the prowl. 库伦家族很快查明,所谓连环杀手的真面目其实是一群潜行在暗处的新生吸血鬼。 www.china.org.cn 10. ARMAND: Two vampires from the new world, come to guide us into the new era as all we love slowly rots and fades away. 阿尔芒:两个吸血鬼,从新世界来,指引我们进入新的纪元,我们都将慢慢腐烂,慢慢消逝。 alicesmart.blog.163.com 1. Are we in the midst of a national invasion of Hispanic vampires? 我们的国家是不是正在遭受西班牙吸血兽的入侵? www.bing.com 2. Six Feet Under creator Alan Ball developed this series about vampires living openly among humans for HBO. 《六尺之下》制片人艾伦·鲍尔为HBO开发了这部讲述吸血鬼与人类共同生活的剧集。 www.bing.com 3. Get your bottle of True Blood ready and enjoy this conversation with the master of vampires for adults! 准备好你们的真血饮料吧,让我们一起走近成人世界的吸血鬼大师! www.bing.com 4. vampires , gargoyles , warlocks , they ' re all the same. 吸血鬼,石像鬼,巫师他们全都一样。 www.ichacha.net 5. But I was really writing out of experiences with vampires 30 years ago. 但是30年前我确实有写过有关吸血鬼的经历。 www.bing.com 6. The birth of this killing machine so that vampires, werewolves and human catastrophe are facing death. 这个杀人机器的诞生使吸血鬼、狼人和人类都面临死亡的劫难。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Vampires are not looking for your birth month. 吸血鬼,就是找不到你的华诞月份。 www.0717zx.com 8. Before the current crop of "undercover" vampires, the creatures were always portrayed as being more mysterious. 近年来上映了很多“便衣”吸血鬼题材的影片,而在此之前,他们通常被描绘成一种神秘的生物。 www.english168.com 9. I killed many vampires and one of them looked just like you. 我杀了好几只吸血鬼,其中有一只跟你长得特别像。 www.bing.com 10. I mean, maybe there is such a thing as vampires. 我是说可能真有吸血鬼存在 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They act like vampires and fear the light of day. 他们采取行动时就像吸血鬼一样,害怕见光。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Meanwhile, Egyptians burned gingers alive, and the Greeks reckoned they turned into vampires when they died. 同时,埃及人将红头发的人活活烧死,希腊人曾认为他们死后会化身为吸血鬼。 www.bing.com 3. Let her tell everyone that vampires have returned to mystic falls. 让她告诉所有人神秘的吸血鬼重归了! blog.sina.com.cn 4. And with all that, who is there who believes in vampires? 但是,即使知道这一切,有人会相信吸血鬼的存在吗? www.putclub.com 5. Now, there are many about vampires works, especially popular the twilight of the city. 现在,有许多关于吸血鬼的作品特别是很流行的暮光之城,。 wenwen.soso.com 6. But I didn't need to, some girls just begged me to bite them for eternal life, since vampires don't die of old age. 但我不需要,很多女人为了永远的青春而去乞求我去喝她们的血,吸血鬼是不会老的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Post a sign that says "No energy vampires allowed" on your bus. 在你的巴士上贴出标志:能量吸血鬼禁止登车。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Vampires you can understand. They're good-looking and sophisticated and well dressed. 吸血鬼你还可以理解,他们长相俊美,老于世故,穿着得体。 www.elanso.com 9. The Volturi are an Italian coven of vampires, considered the Royal Family of blood-suckers. Volturi是意大利的吸血鬼家族,被认为是吸血鬼中的皇族。 www.bing.com 10. I always say there will be no vampires on the show, but ask me in five years when we run out of ideas. 我一直表示这部剧里不会有吸血鬼,如果5年内我们创意用尽了,到那时再问我。 group.mtime.com 1. Vampires are the undead of choice for girls, and zombies for boys. 永生的吸血鬼是女孩们的选择,而僵尸则更符合男孩们的胃口。 www.bing.com 2. In the eye of the vampires, it is physical demands rather than wicked ideas that force them to suck blood. 在吸血鬼看来,驱使他们吸血的是生理需求,而非受到邪恶意念控制。 www.1x1y.com.cn 3. After a kidnapping attempt, Alessandro must seek refuge with vampires in Albion . 由于一次绑架他的阴谋,亚利山卓决心替阿尔比恩的吸血鬼们寻找避难所。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A fast speed, can fly - some vampires who know magic, and has incredible spiritual power. 有极快的速度,能飞行——有些吸血鬼通晓魔法,并具有不可思议的灵力。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Garlic hung in windows or chimneys was believed to ward off vampires and werewolves, too. 大蒜挂在窗户或烟囱上据说也可以吓跑吸血鬼和狼人。 c.wsj.com 6. Animals don't appeal to my vampires at all. 动物丝毫不能引起我的吸血鬼们的兴趣。 2008yingtao.blog.163.com 7. Vampires and Werewolves will be separate races, rather than class choices. 吸血鬼和狼人将单独的比赛,而不是一流的选择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Today everyone is familiar with vampires, but in Britain very little was known of vampires prior to the 18th century. 今天,大家都知道吸血鬼,但在十八世纪之前的英国,人们对吸血鬼了解甚少。 www.elanso.com 9. Can human blood vampires go longer without feeding than vegetarian ones? 同样不喝血的情况下,吸人血的吸血鬼会比素食的能撑更长时间吗? 2008yingtao.blog.163.com 10. We tend to imagine vampires as bat-like creatures dressed in black capes with high collars . 人们都倾向于把吸血鬼想象成蝙蝠似的动物,穿着高领的黑斗蓬。 www.bing.com 1. While vampires are immortal, Professors have tenure. 吸血鬼有不死之身,教授则是终身聘用。 dongxi.net 2. It is vampires' destiny to be loveless forever. 吸血鬼注定将永远得不到爱。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. No discussion of vampires is even thinkable without talking about bats. 关于吸血鬼的讨论通常绝对不会漏掉蝙蝠。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Good. I don't like vampires. Tomorrow, we'll get sign: "No Spiders or Vampires Allowed. " 好,我不喜欢吸血鬼,明天我们就写上:“蜘蛛和吸血鬼不得入内。” zhidao.baidu.com 5. In other countries, people who died from accidents or violent crimes were perfect candidates1 to become vampires. 在其它国家里,死于意外事故或暴力犯罪的人也都是成为吸血鬼的绝佳人选。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 6. I don't know the details. It turns the souls of vampires into power for its master. These two stones are the vampires' greatest treasures. 详细的不清楚,这宝石可以吸取吸血鬼的灵魂转化成力量供它的主人使用。这两块宝石是吸血一族最珍贵的财富。 blog.ynstudent.com 7. Vampires work alone. They don't have many friends, and if they do, they are usually out doing their own thing. 吸血鬼们独来独往,他们没有那么多朋友,就算有朋友,大家也都是各忙各的。 www.hjenglish.com 8. To most vampires, humans are like a herd of cows. 对大多数的吸血鬼来说,人类就像牛群。 blog.163.com 9. Or will vampires be foiled, as they often are, by Muppets? 吸血鬼被挫败,因为他们往往??是由提线木偶? zaixian-fanyi.cn 10. Vampires only, at anytime during the magic pahse the bearer may expend one wound to gain a power die. 限于吸血鬼装备,在魔法回合的任何时刻,携带者可以牺牲一点生命来得到一颗额外的法术骰。 warac.cnuuu.com 1. Vampires are feared everywhere, but the Balkan region has been especially haunted. 实验目的:全世界的人都害怕吸血鬼,巴尔干半岛地区尤甚。 happy.dxy.cn 2. He accepts roadside assistance from vampires. 他居然接受路边吸血鬼的帮助。 hi.baidu.com 3. he had written all of this creepy stuff about vampires. 他记录了所有这些令人毛骨悚然的吸血鬼的事。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Turn off computers instead of letting them sleep, and always unplug "energy vampires. " 关掉电脑而不要让它睡觉,经常拔掉那些“电老虎”的插头。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. Vickie she knew about the vampires, And I. . . What. . . what did you do? 薇姬知道吸血鬼的事而我却…你…你做了什么。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Jacob feels the fever appears whenever the vampires come around. 一旦有吸血鬼在附近,雅各布就感到身上开始发烧; www.kekenet.com 7. They're rounding up the vampires. 他们在围捕吸血鬼 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In 2011 zombies are threatening to overtake vampires in the battle for cult paranormal undead hegemony. 2011年,僵尸正威胁着吸血鬼,有望夺取“变态超自然不死”霸权宝座。 dongxi.net 9. Vampire Prince: fear of vampires who are afraid of something - stakes, garlic, holy water. 吸血鬼王子:害怕吸血鬼们都害怕的东西——木桩,大蒜,圣水。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He's a supernatural slayer protecting people from demons, vampires and other evil monsters. 他是一个超自然的除魔保护的恶魔,吸血鬼和其他恶魔的人。 www.cngba.com 1. Neither of them ever saw their families after becoming vampires. 变成吸血鬼后他们也都再没有见过他们的家人。 2008yingtao.blog.163.com 2. Q. This is not meant to be offensive in ANY way, shape or form, but do gay vampires exist? 在这里完全没有任何想要冒犯的意思,请问有同性恋的吸血鬼吗? blog.163.com 3. This kind of guy can pull it off: Artistic types, lazy guys, vampires. 适合这款发型的男生:艺术类型,懒惰的家伙,吸血鬼。 www.bing.com 4. These Senate vampires wanted blood. Blue collar blood. 参议院这些吸血鬼,就想吸工人阶级的血。 www.bing.com 5. And where does vampires come into the scene? 吸血鬼在哪里来到现场吗? zhidao.baidu.com 6. it is populated mainly by humans, geists, and vampires, all of whom seek business, secrets, or solitude. 帕利亚主要是由人类,幽魂和吸血鬼形成,他们都寻找生意,秘密,或独来独往。 www.iplaymtg.com 7. Why then do some vampires choose such an unfulfilling life? 那么为什么吸血鬼还是要选择这样的没有尽头的生命呢? www.qiqi8.cn 8. Damon: The town's people were killing vampires one by one. 镇里的人把吸血鬼一个接一个地杀了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Week of Vampire: Double growth for Vampires and Vampire Lords. 吸血鬼周:吸血鬼产量加倍。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Millennium sleeping vampires wake up again. 沉睡千年的吸血鬼再度醒来。 4455.cc 1. How young do the vampires pretend to be and how old can they manage to pass for? 吸血鬼最年轻可以假装到几岁?他们设法能装到大年纪呢? blog.sina.com.cn 2. A: Why do you think vampires are so in vogue? 问:您认为吸血鬼故事流行的原因在哪里? cn.reuters.com 3. Of course I don't understand those who say they are fans of everything that has to do with vampires. 但是我不理解那些喜欢所有跟吸血鬼相关东西的人。 twilight.g.ifensi.com 4. Yes, vampires are the walking dead . 是的,吸血鬼是行尸走肉! blog.sina.com.cn 5. Are the old vampires weaker than a newborn, even if they have fed? 是不是即使老一辈吸血鬼在喝饱的情况下,他们都比新生儿要弱呢? 2008yingtao.blog.163.com 6. I tongue the barrel into my cheek and say, Tyler, you're thinking of vampires. 我用舌头把枪管顶到我颊部说,泰勒,你当你是吸血鬼啊。 www.douban.com 7. I don't know why right now, specifically, people are so into vampires. 我不明白现在为什么人们对吸血鬼如此着迷。 www.hjenglish.com 8. This amazing one-two combo is a major reason women love vampires. 这种惊人的强强组合是女人们爱上吸血鬼的一个主要原因。 www.putclub.com 9. The claim that garlic wards off vampires is just old wives' tale. 说什么蒜头可以驱赶吸血鬼,只是三姑六婆之言。 www.tingclass.net 10. Wherever there are vampires and werewolves there too are vampire and werewolf hunters. 哪里有吸血鬼和狼人,哪里就有范海辛。 dongxi.net 1. Because this square Is crawling with tomb vampires. 因为这个广场遍布坟墓里出来的吸血鬼 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Some historians now suggest the real impetus driving belief in vampires was plague. 现代的历史学家提出促使人们相信吸血鬼传说的真正原因是瘟疫。 bbs.putclub.com 3. They were vampires. You can't just bring them back. 他们是吸血鬼,你不能救活他们。 www.oralpractice.com 4. making the rest of us vampires look bad. 让我们其他吸血鬼相形见绌吧 wenku.baidu.com 5. And since we're talking physiology. . . I've had tons of people ask if vampires can have babies. 既然我们一直都在谈论生理方面的事…我被成千上万的人问过吸血鬼能否生孩子,答案是否定的。 blog.163.com 6. Vampires can turn into big black bats and fly into the night. 吸血鬼能变成很大的黑蝙蝠,飞入黑夜。 www.oxford.com.cn 7. One of the reasons women love vampires is that they know how to pull all the tricks to make the setting perfect. 女人们爱上吸血鬼的一大理由就是,他们知道如何施展浑身解数来制造完美环境。 www.putclub.com 8. From Cain and Lilith came a host of demons and vampires in the vague myths. 从此,该隐和莉莉丝在朦胧的神话里成为了众魔和吸血鬼的主人。 www.bing.com 9. In fact, bats are much like vampires. They are nocturnal, some species drink blood, and they have an acute sense of hearing and smell. 事实上蝙蝠跟吸血鬼很像,它们都在夜间活动,有些品种的蝙蝠会吸血,而且它们听觉和嗅觉非常灵敏。 www.bing.com 10. Some ideas, like vampires, will not die. 有的想法就像吸血鬼一样,永远不会消失。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Leaders of the end of the war and make peace with werewolves and vampires. 领导者结束了战争,并使得吸血鬼和狼人有了和平。 www.fishjava.com 2. They're time vampires. They literally devour their time and suck the life out of themselves - until there is no time left. 他们就像时间的吸血鬼,真实的挥霍着时间、吸噬着生命,直至时间被挥霍殆尽。 www.elanso.com 3. Vampires were considered eundeade and needed to feast on human blood to remain so. 吸血鬼被认为是不死的,需要靠吸食人血来维持生命。 www.elanso.com 4. Vampires chose this as their capital because of the deep and gloomy caves under the town that they converted to catacombs. 吸血鬼们将这里选为他们的都城,因为在这座被他们转化为墓地的城镇之下,有着深广而阴森的洞窟。 www.gamerhome.net 5. Vampires, and the "eternal" can not do off line, the eternal night, eternal life, eternal glamorous and timeless mystery to it. 吸血鬼,与“永恒”脱不了干系,永恒的黑夜,永恒的生命,永恒的美艳和永恒的神秘。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. That's another reason women love vampires; they can carry on a conversation about something other than baseball stats. 这又是女性青睐吸血鬼的另一个原因。吸血鬼会聊起棒球以外的话题。 www.putclub.com 7. Bella: Was it other vampires that killed Waylon? 是不是其他的吸血鬼杀了Waylon?。 q7.4433a.com 8. He, and his family, are vampires ? and he knows how dangerous it is for others to get too close. 他,和他的家人,是吸血鬼?他也知道这是多么危险的靠得太近的人。 wenwen.soso.com 9. We will show them how vampires are really well-cooked up. We have killed these guys for six years. 我们会向他们演示我们是怎么烹调吸血鬼的。六年来,我们猎杀的就是吸血鬼。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Vampires areof course very popular in books and on the silver screen, especiallyrecently. 最近,吸血鬼在一些书和电影中频频出现、尤为受欢迎。 www.bing.com 1. At first, Sam laughs off rumours he hears about vampires who inhabit the small town. 起初,山姆笑着谣传他听到吸血鬼居住在小城镇。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. I suppose we could people the world with vampires, the three of us. 我想我们可以让这个世界布满吸血鬼,靠我们三个。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Lots of warm bodies for starving vampires. 为极度饥饿的吸血鬼提供热呼呼的血液 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Our current preoccupation with zombies and vampires is easy to explain. 要解释我们现在对僵尸与吸血鬼的痴迷,似乎并不困难。 www.bing.com 5. Belief in vampires was rampant in the Middle Ages, mostly because the process of decomposition was not well understood. 在中世纪,相信吸血鬼的存在是很普遍的,绝大部分原因是人们没有很好的理解分解作用。 www.huaxia-ng.com 6. And why is a news reporter hunting vampires? 为何新闻记者会来抓吸血鬼 wenku.baidu.com 7. You can check your home for energy vampires by using a power meter. 人们可以用电表来检查家里是否存在吸电鬼。 www.america.gov 8. Vampires do shower, but they don't get dirty the same way we do. 吸血鬼要洗澡的,但是他们和我们弄脏的方式并不同。 www.muguangmi.com 9. Children dress up as witches, ghosts or vampires, and they go from house to house playing trick or treat. 在万圣节前夜,孩子们会化妆成女巫、幽灵或吸血鬼,挨家挨户地去捣鬼要糖果。 www.24en.com 10. Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energy vampires away. 更多的微笑和大笑。这将使你总是远离精力匮乏。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. What do vampires look like and what can be done to keep them away? 吸血鬼是什么样子,什么可以做,让他们走呢? zhidao.baidu.com 2. Vampires get woozy after biting you. 吸血鬼咬过你后,开始眩晕了。 blog.163.com 3. Q: What got you interested vampires? 问:怎麽就对吸血鬼感兴趣了? cn.reuters.com 4. This is going to sound insanely curious but. . . do the vampires bathe? 这听上去一定离奇得很不正常但是…吸血鬼要洗澡吗? blog.163.com 5. There are no greater treasures for those who become vampires. 对吸血鬼来说,没有更珍贵的东西了。 blog.ynstudent.com 6. Damn it! This chick runs with vampires. 该死!这妞可是跟着吸血鬼跑的 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I guess people like vampires still. 我猜人们还是喜欢吸血鬼。 www.bing.com 8. Can vampires be killed by sunlight? 可以杀死吸血鬼被阳光? zhidao.baidu.com 9. Vampires are pretty rock n' roll, aren't they? 吸血鬼摇滚味儿十足,是吧? twilight.g.ifensi.com 10. The remedy never worked, of course --which is why vampires are still with us to this day. 药物根本不起作用,当然了——这也是至今吸血鬼依然在存于我们左右的原因。 bbs.putclub.com 1. She is drawn into the world of the werewolves, ancestral enemies of the vampires, and finds her loyalties tested. 终于她发现自己在吸血鬼的死敌——狼人的圈子里越陷越深,贝拉的忠贞受到了考验。 www.acsf.cn 2. Edward: You can't trust vampires. Trust me. 爱德华:相信我,吸血鬼是不能相信的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. There are also situational vampires. 也有环境吸血鬼。 www.bing.com 4. This chick runs with vampires. 这女的都跟着吸血鬼跑 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Could the Cullens be vampires? 卡伦一家有可能是吸血鬼吗? blog.sina.com.cn 6. Vampires search forever to find "her" 吸血鬼一直在找寻那个“她” www.hjenglish.com 7. Mentioned earlier (No. 13), Queen Akasha is the Mother of All Vampires. (这电影)之前也提到的(第13位时),QueenAkasha是所有吸血鬼的母亲。 www.bing.com 8. Female vampires could return, lead a normal life and even marry but would exhaust the husband. 女性吸血鬼可以回归,过上普通的生活,甚至可以结婚,只是这样会耗损男人的精力直到死亡。 www.elanso.com 9. It is good news for vampires but bad news for gourmets. 这对吸血鬼或许是个好消息,但对老饕来说可就是个坏消息了。 www.bing.com 10. He's the Slim-Fast, Diet Coke of vampires. 他就是吸血鬼中的零度低糖健怡可乐! www.24en.com 1. When she arrived, the Barbary Coast was so bad that even vampires were afraid to come out, and she stayed underground for a long time. 当她到达巴巴多斯地区时,这个地区非常糟糕,连吸血鬼都不敢出来。她一直躲在地下很长时间。 www.bing.com 2. You can't trust vampires. Trust me. 千万别相信吸血鬼 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Alef to fight vampires. 阿勒夫为吸血鬼而战斗。 www.fishjava.com 4. See pictures of vampires' 90 years on screen. 点击看90年代银屏吸血鬼形象。 www.elanso.com 5. The vampires always have an urge for blood. 吸血鬼总是会有吸血的冲动。 www.kekenet.com 6. You can't kill vampires. They'II. 你杀不了吸血鬼的,相反… blog.sina.com.cn 7. Another metaphor is that extreme narcissists are relational vampires. They take your blood until you have none left. They destroy you. 另一个比喻是认为极端自恋者就如同关系里的吸血鬼一样,他们将你的血彻底吸走,毁灭掉你。 www.bing.com 8. We should make a show about vampires. " " Ooh. 突然之间,他们大叫道:“吸血鬼,我们应该制作一部关于吸血鬼的电视剧!” www.bing.com 9. Others, such as golems and undead creatures other then vampires, are not affected by the loss of their heads. 还有一些生物,比如魔像和不死生物,像吸血鬼什么的,即使脑袋被砍掉了也不会马上死掉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I know, that there are fans who love vampires in due form, as in books, in tv series or in movies. 我觉得有的影迷喜欢穿正装的吸血鬼,那些书里的,电视剧里的,或者电影里的。 www.bing.com 1. Vampires have resurged, and you, as a wave of vampire Heroes, one can not miss them. 吸血鬼有复活了,你作为讨伐吸血鬼的勇者,一个也不能放过他们。 4455.cc 2. NO. 4 Avoid energy vampires. 避免吸能器。 479950908.qzone.qq.com 3. Vampires have existed since a long time ago. 吸血鬼很久以前就有。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Q: Will you stick with vampires after this series? 问:这个系列结束之后,你还会写吸血鬼小说吗? cn.reuters.com 5. These are not your teenage daughter's vampires, that's for sure. 这些不是你十几岁女儿的吸血鬼,这点是肯定的。 www.bing.com 6. As long as we get to kill some vampires. 反正我们都是想杀一些吸血鬼 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Plus, it's important to know that vampires don't play baseball. 此外,重要的是它让我们了解吸血鬼是从来不打篮球的。 www.bing.com 8. But, honey, this is your moment, OK? I mean, this movie is. . . is good-bye teenage vampires and hello, Oscar. 但是亲爱的,这是属于你的时刻。我的意思是这部电影是告别少年吸血鬼并且向奥斯卡进军的大作。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I have the power to destroy all related to the vampires. Though you have divine powers, you are no exception. 我拥有击败一切吸血鬼附属之物的力量!即使你拥有神一般的力量也不例外! blog.ynstudent.com 10. Women love vampires because they have all the time in the world. Literally. 女人之所以爱上吸血鬼,是因为吸血鬼有充裕的时间,真的! www.bing.com |
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