单词 | value - added services | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | value - added services
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 增值服务,加值服务,关于增值服务 1. The ARC report states that the customer demand for value-added services from automation suppliers has never been higher. 该ARC报告表示,客户越来越需要自动化供应商提供的增值服务。 www.jdb2b.com 2. Their goal is to provide a unique value added services, and to make it into a profit. 他们的目标是:提供一种独特的附加值服务,并使其转化为利润。 www.bing.com 3. SIP-based network of value-added services platform for the next framework, software architecture and implementation of key technologies. 提出了基于SIP协议的下一网络增值业务平台的框架结构,软件结构及实现中的关键技术。 www.fabiao.net 4. Paper discusses how a building-block approach to achieve a fast and convenient combined into a new complex value-added services. 论文论述了如何实现以一种搭积木的方式方便快捷的组合成一个新的复合型增值业务。 www.fabiao.net 5. WAP is an open protocol that widely used in modern business to provide mobile users with Internet services and also value-added services. WAP作为一种向移动终端提供互联网内容和先进增值服务的统一开放式协议标准,商业应用越来越广泛。 www.fabiao.net 6. Infrared sensor designed to provide close to the machine "s advertising services for different areas of additional value-added services. " 红外感应设计,接近机器时提供音乐广告服务,能为不同场所提供增值的附加服务。 xc.gan51.com 7. S. counterparts. Users in the U. S. resent fees for online value-added services, which have been core for Tencent from the get-go. 美国用户很讨厌为网络增值服务付费,但腾讯从一开始就以这类服务费为收入核心。 www.bing.com 8. The basic connotation of stock management of a trading company is mixed coordinating management and value-added services. 混合型协同管理和增值服务是商贸企业库存管理的基本内涵。 www.zidir.com 9. Our primary objective is to offer value added services which are aligned with the business interests of clients throughout Greater China. 最终的目标是为整个地区的客户提供符合其业务策略的增值服务。 yellowpage.nen.com.cn 10. At present the domestic market of voice value -added services is in a serious homogenization of competition. 目前国内的语音增值业务市场存在严重的同质化竞争。 www.fabiao.net 1. Part of the wrenching change the country now needs is to switch from low value-added manufacturing towards higher value-added services. 德国目前的痛苦遽变的一部分是从低附加值制造业转向高增值服务产业。 www.ecocn.org 2. Its activities cover consumer electronics, information technology, telecommunications and value added services. 其业务范围包括消费型家电、信息技术、电信及附加值服务。 www.uk.cn 3. The estimates will include rates for all the UPS services and selected value-added services available to your desired destination. 估计值将包括为您希望的目的地提供的所有UPS服务和选定增值服务的费率。 www.ups.com 4. Kuo said in the long term, Ting will be Baidu's only music offering which the firm aims to monetize by providing value-added services. 郭怡广表示,从长期来看,Ting将是百度唯一提供音乐的平台,公司计划通过增值服务来盈利。 cn.reuters.com 5. Mr. Wei: There should be two drivers for the revenue growth for the business: membership fees and value-added services. 卫哲:这项业务的收入增长应该有两大引擎:会员费和增值服务。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Value-added services are extra services you can add to your shipping selection to meet a complete range of shipping needs. 增值服务是可以增加到您的托运选项的额外服务,以满足全面的托运需求。 www.ups.com 7. The Company anticipates an additional stream of recurrent income from the future launch of value-added services. 集团预期日后推出增值服务,可带来额外的经常性收入。 www.t6pr.com 8. Its goal is to provide value-added services for an international hotel chain and to solve their billing problems. 它的目标为一个国际连锁酒店提供增值服务,并解决他们的记账问题。 www.ibm.com 9. Emerging markets, value-added services and compliant technology offer paint suppliers avenues for growth in this difficult marketplace. 然而在新兴市场,高附加值的服务及其相关技术正为汽车涂料的生产企业提供增长的途径。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Guests will receive high value-added services including free welcome fruits, business secretary and Western and Chinese buffet breakfast. 可为入住客人免费提供欢迎水果、商务秘书、中西式自助早餐等多项高品质附加值服务。 www.china-zongmao.com 1. We should make a clear line among the public management, public services, supervision and value-added services. 要厘清保税港区的公共管理、公共服务、监督管理与增值服务之间的界限; www.fabiao.net 2. New types of telecommunications value-added services will be the highlighted points for application innovations. 新型的电信增值服务正在成为应用创新的亮点。 www.cnw.com.cn 3. Emerging markets also have to create the human capital to provide value-added services. 新兴市场还必须创造人力资本,以提供增值服务。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It's about developing new concepts, value-added services and customized solutions for foodservice operators in every corner of the world. 它是为全世界各地的餐饮经营者提供发展新概念,增值服务和解决方案。 www.jobui.com 5. Is ranking necessary to highlight the "value-added" services introduced by schools? 是不是一定要排名才能突出学校“增值”的教学服务? www.enun.cn 6. Analysts say the state- controlled company is keen to ensure it remains in control of value-added services offered through its huge network. 分析人士表示,这家国有企业希望确保其仍然控制通过其巨大网络提供的增值服务。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It earns the majority of its revenues from companies subscribing for value-added services. 该网站的大部分收入来自订购增值服务的公司。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Run operations including warehouse, transportation, purchasing and other value added services run smoothly and effectively. 全面管理仓库、运输、采购及其他服务流程,保证流畅性和有效性; www.gao8dou.com 9. Competitive advantages gained through the provision of value-added services are short-lived. 通过提供增值服务来获得竞争优势是短命的。 mutouren.diy.myrice.com 10. In addition, PHS text message, ring tone and other value added services will attempt to achieve scale development in the short term. 同时大力推广小灵通、悦铃等各类增值业务并在短期内实现规模发展。 www.cnttr.com 1. Well-planned Expo promotion activities and extensive media publicities will provide you with value-added services. 精心策划的展会推广活动,广泛的媒体宣传为您提供超值服务。 www.cconline.net.cn 2. Yubo Technology Co. , Ltd. is a professional communications electronic components, equipment value-added services to the channel. 昱博科技股份有限公司是一家专业通信电子零件、设备增值服务的渠道商。 www.tonke.cn 3. At the same time, the system provides a good future view for value-added services in ITS. 同时,本系统也为交通增值业务创造了良好的应用前景。 www.fabiao.net 4. To provide sound investment management, financial advisory and asset value-added services. 为客户提供完善的投资管理、理财咨询和资产增值服务。 jobs.zhaopin.com 5. Scientific development model is the key to development network information value-added services. 本文首先界定了网络增值信息服务和网络信息增值服务发展模式的相关概念。 www.fabiao.net 6. Enabling Value Added Services for Service Providers on Modular Communication Platform. 基於模块化通信平臺帮助服务提供商快速开展增值业务。 www.cnii.com.cn 7. Businesses can utilize the intermediary model outlined above to provide value-added services. 企业可以利用上面概述的中介体模型来提供增值服务。 www.ibm.com 8. The article designed the value-added services of the vehicle card and estimated the relevant values. 设计了汽车卡的增值服务内容,并进行了价值估算。 www.fabiao.net 9. Finally, keep in mind: to cut costs is a fact, and value-added services and pricing techniques is a compulsory subject. 最后请记住这样一句话:削减成本是一个事实,而增值服务和定价技巧则是一门必修的学问。 www.bing.com 10. We leverage on the brand name and market network resources of Citic Securities, to deliver our value-added services. 金石投资的直接投资业务依托于中信证券的品牌和资源优势。 www.showxiu.com 1. Smartphones have helped boost mobile operators' revenue by encouraging customers to use data and other value-added services. 通过鼓励用户使用数据和其它增值服务,智能手机帮助推高了移动运营商的收入。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Venture Capital injection is not only the capital, will provide a range of value-added services. 创业投资注入企业的不仅仅是资本,还会为企业带来一系列的增值服务。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Enterprise it is through the additional value of value-added services to beat his opponent to win customers ' trust. 企业正是通过这种附加价值的增值服务来击败对手,赢得客户的信任。 www.bing.com 4. With the merger in expertise and resources, we are now able to provide more value added services on such as clean room gloves. 在丰富的专业技术及资源基础上,我们现在可提供一些更多的额外服务,如无尘室手套。 sonic-clean.com 5. With the fast development of mobile communication, the need for the mobile value added services grow rapidly. 随着我国移动通信的迅猛发展,用户对于移动增值业务的需求越来越高。 www.dictall.com 6. Be said to be rich Colorful mobile value-added services. 应该说是丰富多彩的移动增值业务。 m.baidu.com 7. How to carry out various value added services utilizing existing digital CATV systems is becoming an important topic. 如何利用现有的数字CATV系统开展各种增值业务已成为一个重要课题。 www.dictall.com 8. SMtech Corp's Operation policy is to provide high quality, high value added services with competitive price to our esteemed customers. 之经营理念是:提供高品质的产品,令客户满意之专业服务,具有竞争力之价位及双赢伙伴关系。 smt888.smtbiz.com 9. Value-added services have become the major income source of telecommunication operators. 增值电信服务已经成为电信运营商的重要收入来源。 www.fabiao.net 10. With the advance of 3G, increasing bandwidth and reducing charges, value-added services will continue to thrive. 随着3G的推进,带宽增加和资费逐步下调,电信增值业务必将进一步发展。 www.fabiao.net 1. Here, the performance of the Hongye Paper technology companies value-added services. 在这里,表现了鸿业讯通科技公司的增值服务。 blog.163.com 2. WSJ: How important are value-added services as a growth driver? WSJ:增值服务作为增长引擎具有怎样的重要性? c.wsj.com 3. Our company provides to all our customers value-added services. 敝公司致力为所有我们的客户提供增值业务。 m.baidu.com 4. In addition, our value-added services include factory planning, customer training and system integration. 另外,我们的增值服务还包括工厂规划、客户培训和系统集成。 bbs.seu.edu.cn 5. What Value-added Services will Emerge after Entertainment? 增值业务:娱乐之后谁将上场? www.ilib.cn 6. For Tencent, revenues from value-added services such as its virtual world and its games served as a buffer. 对腾讯而言,来自虚拟世界和游戏的增值服务收入提供了缓冲。 q.sohu.com 7. From any wireless device users easy access to and use of the provision of more value-added services and benefits. 用户能从任何无线设备方便地接入和使用所提供的更多增值业务而获益。 www.fabiao.net 8. Select View Pricing for Value-Added Services for more information. 选择检视增值服务订价,以获取更多资讯。 www.ups.com 9. However, the operator is only charging for value-added services such as stock trading on IPTV. 然而,中国电信目前只对IPTV上的股票交易等增值服务收费。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In addition, we also supply value-added services to our customers including factory planning, customer training and system integration. 别的,我们也为客户供给工厂计划、客户培养训练和系统集成的增值服务。 www.ppmai.com 1. Acme also provides value-added services, such as programming, installation consulting, design services, and customized delivery. Acme还提供增值服务,例如编程、安装咨询、设计服务和自定义的交付。 www.ibm.com 2. But as there are many diverse types and the amount of user is very huge, the voice value-added services still have good market prospects. 但是由于其业务种类丰富多样、用户数量庞大,仍是一种具有良好市场前景的电信增值业务。 www.fabiao.net 3. Some apartments also offer value-added services. 有些服务式住宅还提供增值服务。 luxehomes.scmp.com 4. OTA card is enhanced UIM card, can provide more value added services. OTA卡就是增强型的UIM卡,能提供更多的增值业务。 www.hxzi.com 5. B section on additional and specific value added services KO can provide, such as promotions, account development, merchandising, etc. 1个附加的和明确的部分涉及适口可乐可以提供的增值服务,诸如催销,客户成长,生动化等。 www40.86-0.com 6. A section on additional and specific value added services KO can provide, such as promotions, account development, merchandising, etc. 一个附加的和明确的部分涉及可口可乐可以提供的增值服务,诸如促销,客户发展,生动化等。 english.31931.cn 7. "That's why a lot of companies go into gaming, go into value-added services so that you can charge the users. " “这就是为什么许多公司开始提供网络游戏,提供增值服务,为的就是向用户收费。” www.ftchinese.com 8. With the increasing competition of this market, more and more operators plan to build a business platform to support value-added services. 而随着市场竞争的日益加剧,越来越多的运营者适时地引入多种增值业务平台,为用户提供灵活多变的增值业务。 www.fabiao.net 9. In fact, this kind of value-added services is a double-edged sword. 其实,这种增值服务也是一把双刃剑。 www.bing.com 10. I will recommend Tencent's value added services to my relatives and friends. 我会向亲朋好友推荐腾讯的增值服务。 www.sojump.com 1. The operator may also integrate and optimize third-party value-added services, such as Short Message Service (SMS). 运营商可能还会集成和优化第三方增值服务,例如短信服务(ShortMessageService,SMS)。 www.ibm.com 2. E-commerce and Online Marketing: Website design, value-added services, internet promotion and so on. 电子商务及网上营销:网上贸易建站、相关增值服务及网络推广等。 baike.baidu.com 3. For long time, ZMCC used traditional methods to marketing value-added services and got un perfect results. 长期以来,浙江移动一直运用传统方式对增值业务进行营销,但效果并不理想。 www.juhe8.com 4. Sina has failed to recognize many new opportunities such as instant messaging, gaming, search and 2. 5G wireless value-added services. 新浪曾经在丢掉过很多新的机会,诸如即时通信,游戏,搜索服务和2.5G无线增值服务。 biz.163.com 5. The authors study focused on how to design a SIP-based value-added services platform. 本文作者研究的问题集中在如何设计实现一个基于SIP协议的增值业务平台。 www.fabiao.net 6. Tom Online derives 90 per cent of its revenues from providing value-added services for mobile phones in China. Tom在线90%的收入来自为中国手机提供的增值服务。 www.ftchinese.com 7. And to expand information services industry, that is, Tencent QQ processing value-added services. 并扩充服务信息业,即是腾讯QQ增值业务的办理。 www.tonke.cn 8. Absrtact: Along with the transition of mobile communication from 2G to 3G, the demand of value - added services has been increasing. 摘要:随着移动通信从2G向3G的过渡,各种增值业务需求大大提高,其中的定位业务更是成为其中的主力军。 www.xactad.org 9. I will continue to use Tencent's value added services. 我会继续使用腾讯的增值服务。 www.sojump.com 10. They can also provide value-added services like caching, logging, etc. 它们还可以提供诸如高速缓存、日志记录等等的增值服务。 www.ibm.com 1. As the development of value added services such as SMS, Ring etc sinks into alowvalley, the study of the new value added services is urgent. 随着短信,彩铃等众多增值业务的发展陷入低谷,新业务的研究迫在眉睫。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In all these years, SmarTone has introduced a diverse range of value-added services to consumers in Hong Kong. 多年以来,集团为本港消费提供了不少创新的多元化增值服务。 www.red-dots.com 3. satellite-based international private line, data communication, networks access and a variety of value-added services; 卫星国际专线业务、数据通信业务、网络接入业务和各类电信增值业务; page.chinahr.com 4. Wireless internet and digital entertainment--- development strategy of wireless value-added services in digital entertainment industry; 无线互联网与数字娱乐——数字娱乐产业的无线增值服务发展策略; info.tele.hc360.com 5. For a premium probably as low as HK 6 a day, employees can enjoy comprehensive Hospital Surgical Benefits and multiple value-added services 每日或只需缴付低至6港元的保费,雇员即可获享全面的住院及手术保障及多项增值服务 www.manulife.com.hk 6. Value-added services - Specialised equipment and shipment handling designed to meet your domestic or international freight needs 增值服务-旨在满足您的本地或国际货运需要的专用装备和货件处理 www.ups.com 7. main terminal; logistics zone; third party logistics enterprises; logistics value-added services; virtual logistics cent; 公路主枢纽;物流园区;第三方物流;增值服务;虚拟物流中心; www.zidir.com 8. Promote the collaboration of SIno-US IT industry Jointly set up the service platform for telecom value-added services 促进中美信息产业合作,着眼长远,合作搭建电信业务增值服务平台 www.toprun.com.cn 9. Competition environment of value-added services development and countermeasures 增值业务发展的竞争环境及对策 service.ilib.cn 10. Devote Major Efforts to Developing Datacasting, and Establish Position and Role of Radio and TV Network in Value-Added Services 大力发展数据广播,确立广电网络在增值业务的地位与作用 service.ilib.cn 1. Devote Major Efforts to Developing Datacasting, and Establish Position and Role of Radio and TV Network in Value-Added Services 大力发展数据广播,确立广电网络在增值业务的地位与作用 service.ilib.cn 2. venture capital; venture capitalists; value added services platform; 风险投资;风险投资家;价值增值服务;平台; www.zidir.com 3. introduce and mobilize social resources to provide value-added services for enterprises; 引入和充分调动社会资源为企业提供增值服务; www.ceps.com.tw 4. Vigorously Facilitate Three Network convergence and Foster Value-added Services 张春江在国际互联网研讨会暨展示会上提出积极促进三网融合大力发展增值服务 service.ilib.cn 5. Application of Automatic Speech Recognition Technology to Value-added Services 应用自动语音识别技术实现通信增值业务 service.ilib.cn 6. Transport, warehousing and value added services for the Chemical industry 化学制品行业的运输,仓储和增值服务 www.cn.dhl.com 7. Opportunity comes from, domestic and foreign markets for value-added services demand is growing; 机会来自于,国边外阛阓差贬值任职的需求度日益增不小; www.bing.com 8. Provide personalized services and various value-added services for customers 为客户提供个性化服务与各类增值服务 wenku.baidu.com 9. Press Conference: Joint Venture to Develop BPPPSand Public Communications Network Value-added Services Hosts 新闻发布会:与神州通信合作开发支付缴费平台及公众专网增值服务 www.t6pr.com 10. Methods of Driving Value-added Services in Fixed Network-Terminal and Service Creativity 驱动固网增值业务走出困境的途径--终端与业务创新 www.ilib.cn 1. Developing Jiangsu Telecommunication Value-Added Services to Adapt to WTO 应对入世大力发展江苏电信增值服务业务 www.ilib.cn 2. Information Detection and Knowledge Value-added Services 信息整流与知识增值服务 www.ilib.cn 3. Brands of telecom value-added services and forum of service and innovation development 电信增值业务品牌与服务创新发展论坛 www.cnii.com.cn 4. Using Softswitch to Provide Value-added Services for Fixed Network Customer 利用软交换技术向传统固网用户提供增值业务 www.ilib.cn 5. Value Chain Analysis and Development Forecast of IT Network Value-Added Services Industry in China 中国网络增值服务业价值链分析和未来发展趋势预测 www.ilib.cn 6. Telecom Value-Added Services and Application Innovation Forum 电信增值业务与应用创新发展论坛 www.3see.com 7. Broadband Value-added services and cooperation in Broadband Market 宽带市场环境下的产业合作及增值业务发展 info.tele.hc360.com 8. Liberalisation Schedule for Value-added Services 增值服务开放时间表 www.tdctrade.com 9. Beyond Triple Play: forecasts for broadband value-added services 三合一服务之后:宽带附加价值服务的展望 www.giichinese.com.cn 10. Value-added Services Restructure Telecom Market 增值服务重塑电信格局 www.ilib.cn 1. Research on Network Value-added Services of Medical Information 网络医药信息增值服务研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Research on the Framework of Grid-based Telecom Value-added Services System 基于网格的电信增值业务体系架构研究 ilib.cn 3. Datacasting is Best Option in Developing CATV Value-Added Services 数据广播是发展有线电视增值业务的最佳选择 scholar.ilib.cn 4. The Application of SSG in the System of Value-added Services 业务选择网关在增值业务系统中的应用 ilib.cn 5. Cell Broadcasting to Provide Value-Added Services 提供增值服务的小区广播 www.ilib.cn 6. according to local conditions to develop sales plans, and the depth of mining customers to provide value-added services; 根据各地情况制定销售计划,并对客户进行深度挖掘,从而提供增值服务; img3.zhubajie.com 7. Value-Added Services of Digital TV - Digital TV Short Message System 数字电视增值业务——数字电视短消息系统 ilib.cn 8. The Status Quo, the Troubles and the Measures of Fixed Network Value-added Services 固网增值业务的现状、困难和措施 www.ilib.cn 9. Scheme for Implementing One-Way STB-Based Two-Way Value-Added Services 基于单向机顶盒的双向增值业务实现方案 www.ilib.cn 10. Thriving Market: Development of Korean Mobile Value-added Services 韩国行动附加价值服务市场的发展 www.giichinese.com.cn 1. Analyses of commercial mode for value-added services 增值业务商业模式分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Status Quo and Strategy Analysis on Value-added Services 增值电信业务的现状分析及发展思路 www.ilib.cn 3. China Enterprise Mobile Terminals and Value-Added Services End-User Survey, 2006 中国企业使用行动终端及附加价值服务的相关用户调查、2006年版 www.giichinese.com.cn 4. Technologies of CLIP Value-Added Services 来显控制增值业务实现技术 ilib.cn 5. Discuss about Development of Fixed Network Value-added Services 关于发展固网增值业务的探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. China Consumer Fixed-Line Terminals and Value-Added Services End-User Survey, 2006 中国与针对消费者固定线路设备及附加价値服务相关之用户调查:2006年版 www.giichinese.com.cn 7. Research and implementation of SIP multimedia value-added services platform based on CPL 基于CPL的SIP多媒体增值业务平台的研究与实现 ilib.cn 8. The Research of Network Value-added Services 关于网络增值业务的探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. Method of Realizing STB-Based Value-Added Services 基于机顶盒增值业务的实现方式 www.ilib.cn 10. China Consumer Wireless Value-Added Services End-User Survey, 2006 中国消费者使用无线附加价值服务的相关用户调查、2006年版 www.giichinese.com.cn 1. Value-added services and data networks 增值业务与数据网络 www.ilib.cn 2. Realization of Value-added Services in NGN 下一代网络中增值业务的实现 ilib.cn 3. Learn More About Value-Added Services 了解关于增值服务的更多资讯 www.ups.com 4. View Pricing for Value-Added Services 检视增值服务的订价 www.ups.com 5. Value-added Services in CATV Network 有线电视网络的增值业务 ilib.cn 6. New Model of Value-added Services 增值业务发展的新模式 www.ilib.cn 7. Mobile value-added services in China: market overview 中国行动附加价值服务:市场概要 www.giichinese.com.cn 8. Concern on the Development of Value-added Services in China 关注中国增值业务的发展 ilib.cn |
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