单词 | two sessions | ||||||||||
释义 | two sessions
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 两会,两会上,两会专题 1. This year, I have to attend two sessions, the first 11 years a few days ago, how my wife will not let me, that I too thick skinned. 今年,已经是我旁听全国两会,第11个年头了,前几天,我夫人怎麽都不让我来,说我脸皮太厚。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 2. But he felt it was more realistic to say that they were going to undertake a round of consultations between the two sessions. 但他认为,更现实的说法是,在两届会议之间,他们将要进行一轮磋商。 www.wipo.int 3. This problem has aroused great concern during the two sessions of this situation a number of representatives expressed concerns. 这一问题也引起了社会的高度关注,两会期间诸多代表表示出对这一现状的担忧。 www.fanrengu.net 4. Combined or two sessions operation for complex retinal detachment accompanied with cataract ? 复杂性视网膜脱离合并白内障联合还是分次手术?。 www.bing.com 5. This "mixed-reality" event integrated SL and real-life meetings and was held in two sessions to accommodate the world-wide audience. 这次“混合真实感”活动集成了SL和真实会议方式,为世界范围内的观众举办了两次会议。 www.ibm.com 6. Two sessions can be bound, in which case they share a common transaction and set of locks. 可绑定两个会话,在这种情况下它们共享一个通用事务和一组锁。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. We've only got two sessions and I wanted to put the players in positions they play for their clubs. 我们只开了两次会,我希望把球员安排在他们在俱乐部所担任的位置上。 www.lfcfans.com 8. In the name of science, three members of Dr Gallant's team each endured two sessions of fMRI while watching assorted film trailers. Gallant博士团队的三名成员,每人以科学的名义看着各种电影预告片,忍受了fMRI两学期。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. On the two sessions this year, representatives of the textile sector, members express their opinions on this. 今年两会上,纺织界代表、委员们对此纷纷各抒己见。 texclo.net 10. I mean, I did get out for two sessions of skate-skiing this week already, about 30 kilometers each. 这礼拜我确实已经出去滑了两次雪,每次里程3万米。 www.laowai-talk.com 1. Just two hours at a time. And a whole day separating the two sessions. 一次两小时,前后两次写作中间还有一整天的时间间隔。 www.bing.com 2. The values shown in Figure 14 specify that two processes use two sessions to load data into the database table. 图14中的值指定两个进程使用两个会话将数据加载到数据库表中。 www.ibm.com 3. If two sessions have different deadlock priorities, the session with the lower priority is chosen as the deadlock victim. 如果两个会话的死锁优先级不同,则会选择优先级较低的会话作为死锁牺牲品。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. We shall hold two sessions yearly as required by law, one with a full and the other with a less full agenda. 我们的会议按法律规定是每年开会两次,其中将有一次为议题众多的会议,一次为议题较少的会议。 it.bab.la 5. Those proposals may even be the outcome of the consultations between the two sessions. 这些提案甚至可能成为两届会议间磋商的成果。 www.wipo.int 6. Some reporters have recently exposed news about two fabricated press conferences during the "two sessions. " 刚刚过去的全国“两会”上,记者披露了两起记者会穿帮事件。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The work done in between the two sessions will be the starting point for the discussions. 在这两届会议之间开展的工作将是讨论的出发点。 www.who.int 8. The Delegation had suggested those in the last two sessions of the WIPO Assembly. 该代表团在WIPO前两届大会上曾对此提出建议。 www.wipo.int 9. Statistics showed that 53% of participating enterprises enjoyed an increase in orders compared with the previous two sessions. 调查显示,53%的参展企业订单比上届有所增长。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 10. In addition, Li Taihuan that China was held in March this year, "two sessions" , generally do not receive important foreign guests. 另外,李泰桓认为,今年3月中国召开“两会”,一般不会接待重要外宾。 www.englishtang.com 1. In the "two sessions" ceremonies, the national anthem to sing the national anthem, the more solemn atmosphere, serious and assembly. 在“两会”开闭幕式上,将奏国歌改为唱国歌,更显庄重、严肃,与大会气氛相符。 wenwen.soso.com 2. A driving improvement course is mainly divided into two sessions with total duration of not less than 7 hours . 驾驶改进课程主要分为两节,合共不少于7个小时。 www.bing.com 3. This year the "two sessions" Shi, Minister of Commerce Chen Deming had predicted that China's trade deficit may occur in the first quarter. 今年全国“两会”时,商务部部长陈德铭就曾预言,中国一季度可能出现贸易逆差。 www.texclo.net 4. This year, the "two sessions" also proposed to further strengthen emergency management. 今年全国“两会”也提出了要进一步加强应急管理工作。 www.qikan.com.cn 5. Innovation of the research about the "two sessions" mainly lie on the selection of the samples and the angles of analysis. 本文对“两会”报道研究的创新之处主要在于样本选择和分析角度方面。 www.fabiao.net 6. The conference organizing this good advice, "two sessions" admiral trial seat adjustments. 本次大会筹备组从善如流,今年“两会”上将试行座位调整。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Two sessions that are bound share only a transaction and locks. 绑定的两个会话只共享事务和锁。 technet.microsoft.com 8. GT: Will the two sessions this year make a breakthrough in educational equality? 今年的两会会在教育公平方面有所突破么? www.bing.com 9. This year's "two sessions" ceremonies, "the national anthem" program will be changed to "singing the national anthem" . 今年全国“两会”开闭幕式上,“奏国歌”程序将被改为“唱国歌”。 wenwen.soso.com 10. If two sessions try to modify the same record, the version store will notice and reject the second modification. 如果有两个会话试图修改同一个记录,版本存储将通知并拒绝第二个修改。 www.microsoft.com 1. Deadlocks arise when two sessions are both waiting for access to resources locked by the other. 当两个会话同时等待访问由其他会话锁定的资源时,便会发生死锁。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. After attending Beijing "two sessions" political gap, the old-time wrote a long text to justify their views. 在出席北京市“两会”参政议政的间隙,老任抽空写了一篇长文为自己的观点辩解。 www.robroad.com 3. And HuangJiZu "yue emperor porch" also register to attend, and sent two sessions of the kitchen god TianQiu chef knife RACES. 而黄继祖的“粤皇轩”亦报名参加,并派出两届厨神的总厨田秋刀出赛。 www.yc55.cn 4. How close do you think the two sessions are related to your life? 您觉得两会跟您生活联系有多大? www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. So, what are the two sessions exactly? How do they function? 那么两会到底是什么?它们怎样运行? www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. The best results were seen using two sessions consisting of 15 minutes ultrasound, two days apart. 最好的结果是两天分开使用各两次15分钟超声。 www.bing.com 7. Across the two sessions, there were 12 comprehension test items and 12 production test items. 两次测试共有12个理解测试项目,12个话语产出项目。 www.fabiao.net 8. In January and March 2007, 45 displaced auto workers from Michigan received comprehensive training during two sessions at the center. 在2007年一月和五月,45个来自密歇根的转移工人接受了该中心两个培训会议的综合培训。 www.gkong.com 9. But they agree on one point that the "two sessions" should focus on more concrete and detailed measures on the growth mode transformation. 但他们都会同意着一点,即两会将进一步地关注有关增长模式转变的具体、详细的措施。 www.suiniyi.com 10. This year's two sessions, occupation disease prevention law was included in the National People's Congress in 2011 work plan. 今年全国两会期间,职业病防治法被列入全国人大2011年工作计划。 www.cnqr.org 1. We made some good set-up changes and definitely learned a lot over the two sessions today. 我们在结构上做了很好的调整,在今天两次会议后我们真的学到了很多。 www.f1-zone.net 2. The CBOE Oil Volatility Index, a measure of price swings, has risen 34% over the past two sessions. 衡量油价波动性的芝加哥期权交易所石油波动指数(CBOEOilVolatilityIndex),过去两个交易日已经上升34%。 c.wsj.com 3. After just two sessions all of them reported dramatic improvement. 仅二疗程之后,众人皆告曰,其病向愈几如戏剧般。 www.ecocn.org 4. What plans have you and your colleagues made to cover this year's two sessions? 对于今年的两会报道,您和您的同事做了什么样的报道计划? www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Lecture notes are available for the first two sessions. 课堂讲稿会在前两节课中发放。 www.myoops.org 6. Lao: We need to observe the results of the two sessions this year. 劳凯声:我们还需要观察今年两会的结果如何。 www.bing.com 7. Haven't you been pushing itfor the last two sessions? 在前两轮议程中推销这个提案的不是你吗? blog.sina.com.cn 8. During the Two Sessions, people's livelihood became a focused topic. 此次“两会”期间,民生成了人们关注的热点话题。 www.cnad.com 9. Stocks rallied for the third straight day, after gaining more than 200 points in the previous two sessions. 在前两个交易日上扬200点之后,第三日继续上扬。 www.bing.com 10. After falling 71% in two sessions last week, Sino-Forest finished Monday up 19%, or C$1, to C$6. 23 in Toronto. 在多伦多股市,嘉汉林业的股价上周在两个交易日内下跌了71%,该股周一收盘上涨1加元,收于6.23加元,涨幅19%。 c.wsj.com 1. This year's "two sessions" of the party's 17 largest in China's political life after another major event. 今年“两会”,是党的十七大以后我国政治生活中的又一件大事。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The weighted index rose 5. 6 per cent to 6, 333. 40, taking its rise over the last two sessions to nearly 13 per cent. 台股加权指数上涨5.6%,至6333.40点,过去两个交易日的累计涨幅高达近13%。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Far EasTone resumed trading on Monday after being suspended for two sessions to gain 5. 3 per cent to T$39. 65. 在停牌两个交易日后,远传电信于本周一恢复交易,该股上涨5.3%,至39.65元新台币。 www.ftchinese.com 4. What do you want to know most about the two sessions? 最想了解关于两会的什么信息? www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. MDB1 is running with two sessions because the maximum sessions property is set to 2 for ListenerPort1. MDB1运行时具有两个会话,因为ListenerPort1的最大会话属性设置为2。 www.ibm.com 6. In the first session I was relearning the track having driven just two sessions here last year. 在第一节,我重新温习了去年开过两次的赛道。 seb-vettel.spaces.live.com 7. Thinking on engineering physics experiment teaching through the last two sessions of physics contests 从近两届大学生物理竞赛再看工科物理实验教学 ilib.cn 8. That 8 two sessions of cups compete in the most player offside time interval all is fifteen the first minutes I half of a game or contest; 8两届杯赛球员越位最多的时段皆是鄙人半场第一个十五分钟; ahjtx.com 9. So far we've had two sessions specifically on rhythm, 到目前为止我们上了两节关于节奏的课 www.bing.com 10. Managing a portfolio of Equities Portfolio (two sessions) 管理包含股票投资组合的投资组合(两部分) www.ftcchina.com 1. two sessions specifically on melody, 两节有关旋律的课 www.bing.com 2. Each lecture is divided into two sessions: 每一讲分为两个部分: wenku.baidu.com 3. Also for the first time, we are pleased to announce that we will be running two sessions at our Visa Application Centre in Chengdu 我们也很高兴地宣布,今年将首次在成都申请中心开展该项目,咨询日期为 www.uk.cn 4. Hot Art Issues on the Two Sessions of China 盘点两会上的艺术热词 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Two sessions for each topic 每个主题两节 www.cfpchina.com |
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