单词 | uprooted |
释义 | uprooted是uproot的过去式
第三人称单数:uproots 现在分词:uprooting 过去式:uprooted 例句释义: 连根拔[掘起],根绝,把赶出住所[家园等],被连根拔起,背井离乡,根除,失根 1. The shore is littered with trees that have washed downriver in recent floods. Many seem to have been felled rather than uprooted. 海滩上到处是近期洪水冲下河来的断枝残木。许多树看上去都是被折断,而不是连根拨起的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The glut of uprooted data may unwittingly obscure the fact that we are losing the systems of knowledge that enable us to make sense of it. 过多没有根基的数据可能在无意之间掩盖了一个事实,即我们正在失去让我们能够理解其意义的知识体系。 www.scidev.net 3. Through the past few days they had seen it all, houses collapsed, trees uprooted, grain spoiled, and this was just one more blow. 几天的时间,他们已经经历了一切,房子冲垮了,树被连根带走,粮食生霉,这不过又是一次灾难而已。 www.bing.com 4. The balloon will be uprooted and clearing off the moment, I think every life is full of hopes and dreams will not heartache for. 气球升空并将老屋拔起的一瞬间,我想每一个对生活充满希望和梦想的人都会不由为之怦然心动。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. At the far end of the plaza, obscured by tree trunks that have been uprooted and laid carefully on their sides, are train tracks. 放眼望去,广场边缘的铁路轨道若隐若现,一些大树被连根拔起,整齐摆放在铁路两边。 willsteed.spaces.live.com 6. Perhaps because love root deeply, cannot be uprooted, so unable to completely forget the love. 也许因为情根深种,无法连根拔起,所以无法彻彻底底地忘却那些爱过的痕迹。 www.bing.com 7. Thirty years of breakneck growth without political reform have left millions of Chinese displaced, uprooted and confused. 中国经济经历了30年的高速发展,却没有相应的政治改革,这造成了数百万人背井离乡、流离失所、陷入茫然困惑的境地。 www.ftchinese.com 8. At present, the "Hagupit" positive impact of the attack, can be seen everywhere in Maoming uprooted trees, broken, as well as billboards . 目前,受“黑格比”正面袭击影响,茂名随处可见被连根拔起的大树,以及折断的广告牌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The humanitarians who carry out those actions bring hope and a piece of life back to those whose lives been uprooted. 那些付诸行动的爱心人士把希望和生命的曙光带给背井离乡的人们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Peering into his pictures, we see space stations on a lunar landscape, a future in which the last tree on earth has long ago been uprooted. 凝视照片,我们看到,在未来,地球上最后一棵树被连根拔起。 dongxi.net 1. Raising the wind, it is the wind drift, after a typhoon, they immediately uprooted and fell on the ground to death. 轻风扬起时,它已是随风飘荡,台风过后,便立刻连根拔起,倒地而毙。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Destiny suddenly united and wedded with its irresistible power these two uprooted existences, differing in age, alike in sorrow. 命运以它那无可抗拒的力量使这两个无家可归年龄迥异而苦难相同的人骤然摄合在一起了。 www.ebigear.com 3. I had been born and raised in NY, when in grade school we suddenly uprooted and headed out West for a new start. 我生于纽约,长于纽约,小学时我们突然举家迁往西部寻求新的发展。 www.bing.com 4. Nixon shared many of the prejudices of uprooted, California lower-middle class from which he had come. 尼克松出身于被赶出家园的加利福尼亚较下层的中产阶级,他具有这个阶级的许多偏见。 5. Endless ruin has overtaken the enemy, you have uprooted their cities; even the memory of them has perished . 敌国被灭尽,永远荒废;他们的城市你拔毁其根;他们令人怀念的遗迹也都灭没。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Orange groves and tunnel tents for growing strawberries and vegetables were uprooted. And thousands of houses were damaged. 橘子园和种植草莓蔬菜的大棚被连根拔起,成千上万间房屋被毁。 www.bing.com 7. When this woman came to check on her parents after large tree uprooted and fell through their roof. 这名妇女父母的房前的大树被连根拔起,并通过屋顶滚落下来,现在她来探望自己的父母。 www.tingclass.com 8. Makeshift checkpoints sprang up, with litter bins, bricks, gates and uprooted lamp-posts used to block cars. 他们搭建了大量的临时检查点,用垃圾箱、砖块、关卡和被连根拔起的灯柱来阻挡汽车进入。 www.ecocn.org 9. His supreme anguish was the loss of certainty. He felt that he had been uprooted. 他极端痛苦,为了失去坚定的信心,他感到自己已被连根拔起。 bbs.ycwb.com 10. Sin was never uprooted and all they received was an experience of ecstasy. 他们的罪恶从未被斩草除根,他们所得著只不过是一些兴奋的经历而已。 www.yage51.cn 1. Unconfirmed reports say NCR's general Lee Oliver may have uprooted from his post at Camp McCarran in order to be present at Hoover Dam. 未证实的报道——NCR的李?奥利弗将军似乎已经离开了麦卡伦营地并前往胡佛大坝。 www.3dmgame.com 2. Working in side hall puts me apart, and I feel completely uprooted and clumsy. 在侧厅工作把我撇在一边,我感到孤立无援,非常尴尬。 www.8875.org 3. Uprooted and unhappy , his grades suffered and his behaviour took a rapid turn for the worse . 彻底告别了原来的环境,他闷闷不乐,学习成绩受到了影响,而行为举止也迅速发生了不好的转变。 www.bing.com 4. The US and other Western countries have long regarded the Libyan ruler as a thorn in their flesh that, they believe, should be uprooted. 美国以及其他西方国家早已将利比亚的统治者视为眼中钉,肉中刺,他们早已打算将其连根拔掉。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. A man cannot be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted. 人靠恶行不能坚立;义人的根,必不动摇。 www.ebigear.com 6. Once the waters recede, some of the changes are obvious: uprooted trees, damaged property, wrecked roads. 一旦洪水退去,一些变化就凸显出来:连根拔起的大树、被毁坏的财产和废墟的道路。 www.elanso.com 7. TCM treatment can completely uprooted chemoradiotherapy residue after the cancer cells, prevent recurrence diffusion transfer again. 中医治疗能彻底铲除化放疗后残留的癌细胞,预防复发扩散再转移。 www.8899168.net 8. Of all the strange, uprooted people among the first settlers, those two men were the strangest and the most aloof . 在第一批移民中所有背井离乡的异国人中,这两个人最古怪,最不同人交往的。 www.jukuu.com 9. If yields cannot be improved sufficiently, though, desperation may lead to more wilderness being uprooted or burned. 如果产量不能充分增加,那么,绝望也许会导致更多的不知所措,不是连根拔起就是焚烧殆尽。 www.ecocn.org 10. Some areas in northern Queensland were off the roof, utility poles were blown down, trees were uprooted. 昆州北部有的地区房顶被掀起,电线杆被刮倒,大树被拔起。 www.englishtang.com 1. Around me I saw complete devastation; countless uprooted trees, farms destroyed by tanks and bombs, and houses reduced to rubble. 四周满目疮痍:树木连根拔起,农田被坦克和炸弹摧毁,房屋倒塌,成为颓垣败瓦。 www.oxfam.org.hk 2. Uprooted people are equally deserving of help whether they have crossed an international border or not. 被赶出家园而流离失所的人,无论他们是否越过国际边界,同样值得我们的帮助。 www.bing.com 3. Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage occurs. 很少在陆地上出现;树被连根拔起;出现大规模建筑损坏。 www.oxford.com.cn 4. Hizbullah cannot be uprooted. It is not going formally to surrender. 真主党无法被铲除,也不会正式投降。 www.ecocn.org 5. If they want to breath the wind uprooted, their anger on the arm waving. 如果风气喘吁吁要将他们连根拔起,他们的手臂就愤怒挥动。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Dignity, even survival, for many uprooted Asians seemed to lie in careful imitation of their Western conquerors. 尊严,甚至是生存,对于很多流离失所的亚洲人来说,似乎就是小心翼翼地模仿西方统治者。 www.bing.com 7. Handlin. Oscar, The Uprooted: The Epic Story of the Great Migration That Made the American People. 1951. 《连根拔起:大迁移的史诗故事与美国人民的形成》。1951。 8. The new president uprooted all his ambitious assistants. 新上任的总统除掉了他所有有野心的助手。 learning.sohu.com 9. Many tore down traditional homes and uprooted venerable trees to build concrete dream houses using nearly every square meter of the plot. 许多人拆除老式建筑、挖起老树,几乎用尽每一平方米来建筑梦中的水泥之屋。 zhaoqi0210.blog.163.com 10. Native tribes have been uprooted, forced deeper into the forest or have disappeared. 当地部落被连根拔起,被迫深入雨林,或已不复存在。 www.ecocn.org 1. Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Greeks were uprooted from Ionian coastal areas. 成千上万的种族希腊人在爱奥尼亚海岸遭到灭顶之灾。 www.bing.com 2. He says millions of uprooted people have been living in camps for decades with no prospect of going home. 这些人跟难民不同,他们没有离开自己的国家,但仍然要背井离乡。 www.ebigear.com 3. Stumbling-blocks of sin must be removed, and thorns and briers of rebellion must be uprooted. 罪的绊脚石必须要移除,背逆的蒺藜和荆棘必须连根拔起。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The contraband ranges from garbage bags full of uprooted marijuana plants to glassine envelopes packed with heroin. 这些违禁品,从垃圾袋内连根都还在的大麻植株,到以玻璃纸封装的海洛因都有。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Vandals looted stores, smashed windows, overturned cars and uprooted trees in the downtown-shopping district. 破坏者在市中心商业区抢商店、砸窗户、捣翻汽车和拔掉树木。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Presently, the uprooted peasant-workers had become an important power to social economy development in our nation. 目前,我国流动的农民工已经成为社会经济发展的一支重要力量。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Uprooted trees, overturned cars, power wires, furniture and other debris littered roads, while leaks from ruptured gas lines sparked fires. 路边随处可见被连根拔起的树、被掀翻的汽车、电线、家具及其他残骸,天然气从裂开的管道泄漏引发火灾。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The villagers scramble to replant the uprooted trees, nursing them tenderly back into the ground. 村民争相补种被连根拔起的树木,小心翼翼的把它们重新栽进土中。 www.ecocn.org 9. Frustration and disappointment arise; weeds need to be uprooted and plants need extra watering under the hot sun. 挫折与失望提高了,杂草必须连根拔起,烈阳下的植物必须加倍浇水。 www.bing.com 10. In Zhoukou, Henan Province, dozens of trees were uprooted and ripped apart by the strong storms. 河南周口也遭遇特大冰雹,树木被连根拔起。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. How would they feel being uprooted from their school, their friends, and the only home they'd ever known? 如果他们远离学校,朋友,和他们所认识的唯一的家园,那么他们会如何感觉? wenku.baidu.com 2. This economy of sustenance is being uprooted by means of violence in order to enable POSCO to export our iron-ore and steel. 但是这样的经济体系已经被破坏咯,在各种让支持浦航钢铁出口我们的铁矿石和钢材的粗鲁行为所破坏咯! www.bing.com 3. Many communities will almost certainly be uprooted, according to Palm Oil Watch, a non-governmental organisation monitoring the sector. 监督该领域的非政府组织棕榈油观察(PalmOilWatch)称,几乎可以肯定,这将导致许多村落被迫迁离。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The hurricane flattened crops , uprooted trees, washed away roads and rippled of roofs . 飓风所到之处,庄稼倒伏,树根拔起,道路冲毁,房顶掀飞。 www.bing.com 5. Critics argue the rail link is too costly and unfair to villagers who would be uprooted from their homes. 批评人士认为,这条铁路线成本太高,而且对于将被搬迁的村民来说不公平。 cn.wsj.com 6. Cherish your trees for good, otherwise you'll be regretful and mournful when they're uprooted by storms and stop breathing. 珍惜我的树吧,不要等到暴风雨把他们连根拔起、呼吸停止时才后悔感伤。 www.readerstimes.com 7. So far, the UN refugee agency has registered 38, 600 uprooted individuals in western Ivory Coast. 到目前为止,联合国难民署已经登记了3万8千六百名象牙海岸西部流离失所的难民。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. The same hand of government that built dams to produce power and limit floods also uprooted thousands of people from their farms. 建设大坝生产电力和控制洪水的同一政府之手,也把成千上万的人赶出了他们的农场。 www.america.gov 9. The hurricane flattened crops, uprooted trees, washed away roads, and ripped off roofs. 飓风所到之处,农作物被吹倒,树木被连根拔起,道路被冲垮,屋顶也被掀翻。 cai.jnu.edu.cn 10. But the wicked will be cut off from the land, And the treacherous will be uprooted from it. 惟有恶人必从地上剪除,奸诈的必从其上拔出。 www.71630.com 1. Landslides happen when large amounts of rock, mud and other loose materials are suddenly uprooted and sent sliding down a slope. 大量的泥、石及其他堆积松散的物质突然坍塌,顺着山坡倾滑下来就形成了山崩。 www.ayste.com 2. Carl tied outside the house tens of thousands of balloons, uprooted the house, to fly to South America, the outer world. 卡尔在屋外系上数以万计的气球,把屋子连根拔起,向南美洲天外的世界飞去。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. in guangdong , many trees were uprooted and signboards collapsed. 在广东,有多棵大树被吹倒及多个招牌塌下。 www.ichacha.net 4. Urban renewal projects have uprooted nearly a million households. 已经有近100万户居民因为旧城改造项目而动迁了。 www.bing.com 5. Knowing it is a crime to fan is more than drop to the right problem so simple, uprooted by all the page is kill. 明知是犯罪还要范结果不止是降权得问题那么简单了,连根拔起全部页面被秒杀。 www.82g.com.cn 6. In the same period 1, 6 million of Palestinian trees have been uprooted, further jeopardizing Palestinian food production. 与此同时,160万棵巴勒斯坦地区的树木被连根拔起,进一步危害了巴勒斯坦的粮食生产。 www.douban.com 7. It is a fire that burns to Destruction; it would have uprooted my harvest. 这本是火焚烧,直到毁灭,必拔除我所有的家产。 new.fuyinchina.com 8. It says school helps them recover from the trauma of loss, from the trauma of having been uprooted. 该基金会说,学校可以帮助他们从损失的伤、以及丧失家园的伤痛中得以恢复。 www.voanews.cn 9. Storm of wind, the street dance, something flying everywhere, even will still uprooted trees. 风雨之中,街上的东西随风起舞,飞的到处都是,甚至还会连根拔起大树。 www.zzzdao.com 10. The city promised to give each uprooted tree a number and track its health wherever it is replanted. 南京市作出承诺,无论重新栽种地在何处,政府都将对每一株人工移栽的树木进行编号,并追踪其生长健康状况。 dongxi.net 1. Uprooted trees lie on the shores of Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge. 连根拔起的大树躺在国家动物保护区的沙滩上。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He put forth all his strength and uprooted the tree. 他使出全部的力气,把树拔了起来。 www.hotdic.com 3. Migrants feel uprooted from friends and relatives. 移民有一种亲友别离,情谊割断之感。 4. She uprooted her son, then 15, to Germany as well. 她还把自己当时15岁的儿子也带回了德国。 c.wsj.com 5. And they are socially uprooted, and consequently politically somewhat in dis array, and unable therefore to defend well their interests. 而且他们在社会上没有根柢,因此在政治上混乱无章,无法捍卫自己的利益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. World Refugee Day is on 20 June, a good time to remember the 42 million uprooted people around the world who are still waiting to go home. 6月20日是世界难民日,这是一个很好的机会,让我们来铭记世界各地那4200万被迫离开家园流离失所而又渴望回家的人们。 www.bing.com 7. But when I walked on the street, I saw piles of broken branches, and even trees that were completely uprooted. 但走在路上,我看到遍地都是折断的树枝,甚至有些树被连根拔起。 lisalai.com 8. But the fighting has uprooted some three million people. 但这次战斗导致了约三百万人流离失所。 www.bing.com 9. A forest of big, beautiful trees is uprooted, denuded. 阿大,美丽的树木森林是连根拔起,裸露。 www.englishtang.com 10. The net total number of uprooted people fell slightly, to 42m. 去年离乡净人数略有下降,共4200万人。 www.ecocn.org 1. They uprooted the primitive Quarren society, and attempted to civilize the people from the deep. 他们将夸润社会连根拔起,试图开化这个深海居民。 starwarsfans.cn 2. You will be uprooted from the land you are entering to possess. 并且你们从所要进去得的地上必被拔除。 www.ebigear.com 3. Gales uprooted trees and whipped the slats off roofs. 大风把树木连根拔起,并掀掉了屋顶的石板瓦。 www.kekenet.com 4. How can we avoid becoming uprooted and cast aside to perish? 我们如何避免被连根拔起且被丢在一旁枯萎而死? www.vinemedia.org 5. Putting forth a great effort, he uprooted the tree. 他使出了很大的劲,把那棵树连根拔起。 6. Water collected in the pit left when the old trees were uprooted. 老树被连根拔起后留下的坑会积水。 www.ebigear.com 7. The outbreak of war uprooted many families. 战争的爆发使很多家庭无家可归。 8. It isn't known how many people in the mostly black, blue-collar city might be uprooted, but it could be thousands. 不清晰该城通称里占大大都的黑人蓝领人口中有几多人会搬离家园,但可能会有好几千。 www.17moshu.cn 9. That is a mistake. Hizbullah cannot be uprooted. 不要认为真主党会被连根拔除。 www.ecocn.org 10. No tree uprooted for building and no stone taken from the mountain is restored to us. 没有树因为建筑而被根除和没有石头被从山上挖掘出来是对我们的归还。 www.douban.com 1. The tornado uprooted some trees. 龙卷风将一些树连根拔起。 www3.060s.com 2. 10. Millions of Koreans were uprooted from their homes by bombing, shelling or fear and attempted to flee to safety. 10.由于遭受连续不断的轰炸、炮击再加上恐惧,数百万朝鲜人流离失所,涌向安全地区。 www.bing.com 3. He has uprooted my hope like a tree. 将我的指望如树拔出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The conduit to becoming has been uprooted. 生死之根巳断。 b.heshang.net 5. The storm uprooted many trees. 这场暴风雨把许多树连根拔起。 6. a great effort, he uprooted the tree. 他使了很大的劲把树拔了出来。 jpkc2.dept.xsyu.edu.cn 7. They advertise financial advice for people who are unsure of what to do with their uprooted 401(k) accounts. 他们给那些不知如何处理清理401账户的人提供财务建议。 www.bing.com 8. White settlers in America uprooted indigenous people from their lands, causing untold environmental and cultural destruction. 美国的原住民在他们的土地上被白人定居者连根拔起,这使当地的环境和文化遭到了严重的破坏。 www.chinadialogue.net 9. We want to protect the future of children in football and stop them being uprooted to foreign countries when they are much too young. 我们要保护踢球的孩子们的未来,不要让他们在太小的时候就被连根拔到外国。 www.bing.com 10. Many people were uprooted from their homes by the flood. 水灾令许多人背井离乡。 www.kekenet.com 1. The tree was uprooted when we saw it. (系表结构)当我们看到那棵树时,它已经被连根拔起了。 hpjx.hpjy.edu.cn 2. Strong winds and at various places will be uprooted many trees had damaged many houses, but also to some residents stranded. 强风又在多处地方将不少树木连根拔起,压毁多栋房屋,也让一些居民受困。 www.englishtang.com 3. CPR; Act on the Personal Documentation of the Population Uprooted by the Internal Armed Conflict; 因国内武装冲突而流离失所者身份证件法; www.powerdict.com 4. Agreement on the Reintegration of Populations uprooted by the Armed Confrontation ; 关于安置武装冲突中离乡背井人民的协定; www.bing.com 5. The Uprooted: Improving Humanitarian Responses to Forced Migration 连根拔起:被迫移民的人道主义者回应 book.cepiec.com.cn 6. Consultative Assembly of Uprooted Population Groups; 流离失所群体协商会议; www.powerdict.com 7. Central American Regional Forum on Refugee, Uprooted and Returnee Women; 中美洲区域难民、流离失所和回返妇女问题论坛; www.sinobay.com 8. FOREFEM; Forum on Refugee, Displaced and Uprooted Women in Central America; 中美洲难民、流离失所及丧失家园妇女论坛 bbs.translators.com.cn 9. trees uprooted by the hurricane (被飓风连根拔起的树); blog.hjenglish.com |
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