单词 | undiagnosed | ||||||||
释义 | undiagnosed
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 未诊断,未诊断出,尚未诊断的 1. It is usually the result of an undiagnosed acute injury to the lateral ulnar collateral ligament. 通常的结果,确诊为急性损伤侧尺副韧带。手术治疗的目的是重建。 www.syyxw.com 2. However, a few days later it emerged that she'd died of a previously undiagnosed tumour in her chest. 然而实际上,几天后证实莫顿是死于之前未被诊断出的乳癌。 www.bing.com 3. He reassured me that I would make a full recovery, but I was left traumatized by the weeks of undiagnosed pain. 她向我保证,我可以完全康复,但我要离开被未知的病痛弄得的精神受到创伤。 www.bing.com 4. He has shot himself, stabbed himself in the liver (both "accidental" ) and has had innumerable bouts of undiagnosed pain and illness. 他用枪射自己,刺伤自己的肝脏(都是意外),并且已经经历了无数次未确诊的疼痛和生病。 bbs.putclub.com 5. But he said, because so few doctors have learned about the disease, it frequently goes undiagnosed. 然而他表示,由于知道这种病的医生太少,许多患者都没有得到确诊。 www.bing.com 6. Children in regular schools are more likely to be higher functioning and thus undiagnosed. 在正规学校的孩子患病的表现更可能趋于正常,从而不能被确诊。 www.bing.com 7. 7 million people a year die from TB, many because the infection goes undiagnosed, or is diagnosed too late to be cured. 每年有170万人死于结核病,其中许多死亡的原因是感染未能得到诊断或确诊太晚以至于无法治愈。 www.who.int 8. Some women with severe premenstrual syndrome have undiagnosed depression, though depression alone does not cause all of the symptoms. 单独抑郁症本身不会引起所有的症状,所以一些有严重经前综合症的女性还患有未确诊的抑郁症。 www.bing.com 9. Conclusions Thoracoscopy is an safe and effective measure in diagnosing patients with undiagnosed pleural effusion. 结论胸腔镜检查对疑难性胸液是一种安全、有效、诊断率高的检查手段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It's possible the patients had undiagnosed heart problems or other unidentified conditions. 情况可能是患者具有未确诊的心脏问题或者其它不明的情况。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Generally, the people who experience these symptoms do not seek medical attention and many strokes go undiagnosed. 一般来说,这些症状的人没有得到足够的医疗关注,而且很多中风被漏诊。 news.dxy.cn 2. However, by giving in to societal expectations, countless seriously depressed men are going undiagnosed. 无数严重的男性抑郁患者屈服于社会期望而未得到诊断。 www.bing.com 3. Also, TB in HIV-positive people is more likely to be fatal if undiagnosed or left untreated. 如果不及时治疗或确诊的话,结核病对于HIV阳性的人有可能是致命的。 www.bing.com 4. It's the pediatrician's job, of course, to make sure vague physical complaints don't actually signal an undiagnosed disease. 当然,作为一个儿科大夫的职责就是要确诊某些说不清的身体不适,并不代表了某种未诊断出的疾患。 www.bing.com 5. According to Krakow, undiagnosed and untreated sleep disorders are probably the greatest cause of daytime fatigue and sleepiness. 据克拉科夫说,尚未找出原因的治愈的睡眠紊乱很有是日间疲劳和困乏的最大原因。 www.ttxyy.com 6. The overall rate of caesarean section was 78%, among diagnosed patients it was 84% and 64% among undiagnosed breech presentations. 总的剖宫产率为78%,其中确诊病人是84%和64%之间确诊臀位介绍。 www.syyxw.com 7. More than 7 million people in the U. S. are living with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and many more are undiagnosed. 在美国超过7百万人被确诊为糖尿病,还有更多的患者未确诊。 news.dxy.cn 8. Coeliac disease in adults is an overlooked and undiagnosed illness. 腹腔疾病的成年人是忽视和未确诊的疾病。 www.syyxw.com 9. Many of those undiagnosed children likely have mild social impairments, rather than more severe autism. 这些没有被诊断出的孩子中许多人可能有着轻微的社交障碍,但没有严重的自闭症。 www.bing.com 10. "We do need bigger and better studies because BDD often goes unrecognized and undiagnosed, " she says. “我们需要更强大和更好的研究,因为BDD患者经常不被识别和诊断,”她说。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Nearly one-quarter of the 24 million Americans who have diabetes are undiagnosed, according to the American Diabetes Association. 近一个糖尿病季度的24万美国人是谁也未确诊,根据美国糖尿病协会。 www.zhong-yao.net 2. The 61 percent of undiagnosed diabetics face higher risks of suffering eyesight or kidney problems and risk having strokes, the report said. 报告称,61%的未确诊患者患视力问题、肾脏问题、以及中风的风险更高。 www.bing.com 3. No association was observed between impaired fasting glucose or undiagnosed type 2 diabetes and depressive symptoms. 空腹血糖受损或未确诊的2型糖尿病患者与抑郁症状之间未发现存在联系。 bbs.tnbz.com 4. Chlamydia is easily cured with antibiotics, but often goes undiagnosed. 衣原体通过抗生素很容易治疗,但是经常诊断不出。 news.dxy.cn 5. S. are living with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and many more are undiagnosed. 在美国超过7亿人被确诊为糖尿病,还有更多的患者未确诊。 news.dxy.cn 6. Objective To assess the value of thoracoscopy in undiagnosed pleural effusion. 目的评价胸腔镜检查对疑难性胸腔积液(胸液)的诊断价值。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Often, with undiagnosed depression, men turn to substance abuse to cope. 患有未确诊抑郁症的男性往往会求助于滥用药物来应付问题。 www.bing.com 8. This is not the case for millions of children who are living with undiagnosed and untreated asthma. 但数百万没有得到诊断和治疗的哮喘患儿就没有这么幸运。 www.who.int 9. Undiagnosed chlamydia infection may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. 未确诊的衣原体感染可能导致盆腔炎。 www.transcn.org 10. What this research could ultimately lead to is a world where no infectious disease goes undiagnosed. 这项调查最终会创造一个没有什么传染疾病不能被诊断的世界。 www.bing.com 1. It's what's called "fever of undiagnosed origin. " Someone comes into the clinic, they have a fever, they feel bad, what do they have? 这类似于“发热确诊原因”的情形当病人来到诊所时,他们感到发烧,感到不适他们得了什么病呢? www.ted.com 2. The disease in China might still be underreported as many cases are thought to be undiagnosed , Yang said. 杨说,我国糖尿病患者的人数可能被低估了,因为还有许多患者没有得到确诊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Three of the original cohort of 20 patients died during the study, one from unrelated and previously undiagnosed colon cancer. 在研究过程中,最初的20名同期病人中有3名死亡,其中一个是死于无关的未能预先诊断出来的结肠癌。 www.bing.com 4. However, what is more common is the low-level lead exposure that may cause unspecific signs and symptoms and remain undiagnosed. 但是,较常见的是低量铅接触,可引起不明确的体征和症状,并且仍然不能确诊。 www.who.int 5. And radiologists reinterpreted imaging results in 45% of patients, in some cases identifying previously undiagnosed second cancers. 放射科专家对45%的患者重新解释了影像学结果,有些患者,还发现先前没有诊断出的继发性癌症。 news.dxy.cn 6. Millions of cases may therefore go undiagnosed. 因此几百万的病例被漏诊。。。 www.ecocn.org 7. Some 80 percent to 90 percent of adults with this condition go undiagnosed, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 根据美国睡眠医学学会的说法,约80%到90%有这种状况的成年人尚未得到确诊。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. If left undiagnosed and untreated, then you can get to a place where you are strangers living in the same home. 如果无法诊断和治疗,那么你可以去一个陌生的地方,住在同样的家里。 www.bing.com 9. In one recent study of more than 4, 000 African American men and women, 10 percent had signs of undiagnosed asthma. 在最新的一个研究中指出:有4000多名非洲籍美国男性和女性,其中百分之十的人有哮喘的迹象。 www.bing.com 10. It is even possible he had undiagnosed cystic fibrosis. 他很有可能没诊断出囊性纤维化。 www.ecocn.org 1. And this is almost certainly an underestimate as many patients die undiagnosed or are not reported. 而且几乎可以肯定这低估了病例数量,因为许多患者在未确诊之前就已经死亡或者没有上报。 www.scidev.net 2. The 11-year-old was suffering from undiagnosed diabetes. 这名11岁的小女孩患有未诊断出的糖尿病。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. And in most cases, the disease is undiagnosed. 而且大多数的糖尿病患者是没有经过诊断的。 www.bing.com 4. There are estimated to be 25, 000 people, many of whom are foreign-born, undiagnosed HIV sufferers in Britain. 据估计,英国有2.5万名未诊断艾滋病病毒感染者,其中许多人是外来人口。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. And another 5. 7 million are living with undiagnosed diabetes. 另有570万人伴随未确诊的糖尿病生活着。 woshao.com 6. In Africa, estimates show 69 000 cases emerged, the vast majority of which went undiagnosed. 在非洲,估计新发病例为6.9万例,而绝大多数被漏诊。 www.who.int 7. The team behind the study also point out that early undiagnosed symptoms of heart problems can also cause people to walk more slowly. 研究团队同时还指出,有些老人尚未有确诊的心脏疾病症状也走起路来慢吞吞。 www.bing.com 8. But don't downplay it. Undiagnosed asthma can make life more difficult and could even be deadly. 但是,不要低估它,哮喘能够让人们的生活更加困难,甚至致命。 www.bing.com 9. In this disorder, undiagnosed nerve damage not only causes chronic pain, but also affects sweat production in the surrounding area. 这种病症不仅导致长期的疼痛,而且还会影响周围区域汗液的产生。 www.bing.com 10. If physicians are aware of undiagnosed ADHD in women, they can identify it more frequently. 如果医师们知道女性ADHD难以被诊出,他们就会更频繁的作确认; dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In 1998, almost 40 000 cases were reported, but estimates were that 300 000 cases were undiagnosed and therefore untreated. 在1998年,报告了近4万起病例,但估计有30万起病例未得到诊断并因此未得到治疗。 www.who.int 2. As my blood indicates, my body is reacting to its undiagnosed foreign invader with: altered CD4: CD8 ratios; 正如我的血表明,我的身体反应是其确诊外国侵略者的:改变的CD4:CD8比率; blog.sina.com.cn 3. Diagnosis and treatment of 168 patients with undiagnosed fever of unknown origin in general hospital 综合性医院不明原因发热168例临床诊治分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Quarter of people with diabetes in England are undiagnosed 英格兰有四分之一的糖尿病患者未被诊断。 www.kekenet.com |
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