单词 | two-decades | ||
释义 | two-decades
例句释义: 二十年 1. For the next two decades at least America will remain the only real superpower. 至少在未来20年,美国仍将是唯一的真正超级大国。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Dell has spent the past two decades trying to become a great business of this kind, and, to a large extent, it has succeeded. 过去20年间,戴尔一直致力于成为一家这样的伟大企业,而且在很大程度上做到了。 www.ftchinese.com 3. IT HAS been a dreadful week in Kashmir, the bloodiest yet in two decades of uprisings against Indian rule. 本周对于喀什米尔来说,有如梦魇。这场暴乱,是20年以来,抗击印度法规最为血腥的一次事件。 www.ecocn.org 4. They show that this yearbook, tells of the beginning of their walk from the 18-year-old history of two decades. 他们展示的那本纪念册,诉说着他们从十八岁开始走过的二十年历程。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Even more stunning was that, at the end of these two decades, 55 per cent of the workforce was at a new job. 更令人吃惊的是,在八九十年代末,55%的劳动力都在从事新的工作。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It had been nearly two decades since she had won the Pulitzer prize for "The Heidi Chronicles" , her most significant play. 自她因其最意味深长的剧本《海蒂编年史》赢得普利策奖后,近二十年过去了。 www.ecocn.org 7. MINTIMER SHAIMIEV has ruled Tatarstan, a large Muslim republic in the heart of Russia, for two decades with a soft voice and a tight fist. 鞑靼斯坦是俄罗斯中部一个幅员辽阔的穆斯林共和国,明季梅尔?沙伊米耶夫用外柔内刚的方式统治这里已有20年了。 www.ecocn.org 8. China's growth has been so consistently explosive over the last two decades that it's easy to forget that. 过去20年,中国经济持续爆炸性增长,使我们很容易遗忘上述问题。 www.bing.com 9. She said she voluntarily left her position on which she has worked for two decades, adding she received a severance payment she deserved. 她表示是自己主动要求离开这份已经工作了二十余年的工作岗位,退休时她领到了自己那份应得的遣散费。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 10. He said he had lasted nearly two decades, but now worked for a competitor. 他说,他在JP摩根呆了近20年,但是现在为一家竞争对手工作。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Perhaps my heart has been where to stay, just like the memory of a certain stagnation in the two decades when, like a moment. 也许我的心还一直停留在哪里,就像记忆停滞在二十年的某时某刻一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Nanofluid cooling, as the phenomenon is known, was discovered almost two decades ago, but is only now coming out of the laboratory. 纳米流体制冷这个人们所知的现象,已经发现了有约20年之久,但也仅仅是刚刚跨出了实验室阶段。 www.ecocn.org 3. Over the last two decades thousands of new, trendy weight loss and dieting products have cycled in and out at your local health food store. 在过去的二十年内,数千种时兴的减肥产品和食品补充剂在健康食品商店中循环着流进流出。 www.bing.com 4. Integrating China into the international marketplace had been a goal of U. S. policy toward China for the past two decades. 泽奥利克说,促进中国融入国际市场是美国20年来一贯的对华政策目标。 www.america.gov 5. Yet Japanese investors have had to endure two decades of frustration (and counting) since the end of Tokyo's bull market. 但是自从东京最后的牛市以来,日本投资者已经忍受了二十年(还在持续)的挫折。 www.ecocn.org 6. Let me give you a few examples of how the EU has developed over the last two decades. 我给你们举几个例子,说明一下欧盟在过去20年里取得的发展 www.putclub.com 7. But even as she prepares to turn 70, she has every reason to expect she'll be around for at least another two decades. 但即使她很快就要过第70个生日,她完全有理由再享受预计至少二十年的生活。 www.bing.com 8. A year is a short period to judge such a movement: Vaclav Havel and his friends were outcasts for two decades after Charter 77's launch. 要为这样一个运动下结论,一年的时间太短了:发表《七七宪章》后,瓦茨拉夫?哈维尔(VaclavHavel)和他的朋友们做了十多年的社会弃儿。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Over the next two decades he was a printer, a riverboat pilot, a soldier, a gold miner, a businessman and a newspaper reporter. 在这之后的40年里,他当过印刷工、领航员、士兵、矿工、商人、还当过新闻记者。 www.jxenglish.com 10. At some time in the next two decades, we will think about the information market place in terms of these four components. 今后二十年的某个时候,我们将从四个方面去考虑信息市场。 www.tingroom.com 1. But Mr Castro stopped trying to overthrow Latin American governments more than two decades ago, shortly before his Soviet sponsor collapsed. 但卡斯特罗已于20多年前停止了对拉美政府的颠覆活动,之后不久苏联就土崩瓦解了。 www.ecocn.org 2. Japan had its banking crisis two decades ago, but it still does not seem to have got over it. 20年前日本曾经历银行业危机,而且似乎现在还没有完全缓过来。 www.ecocn.org 3. The race is now on to pull Iraq out of the scientific backwater it has become through two decades of war, UN sanctions and dictatorship. 如今,让伊拉克脱离科学停滞状态的竞赛已经开始,持续二十年的战争、联合国的制裁和独裁造成了这种停滞。 www.scidev.net 4. Despite India's two decades of rapid growth, Uttar Pradesh's GDP per head is close to that of Kenya. 尽量印度历经了20年的快速发展,北方邦的人均GDP与肯尼亚相接近。 www.bing.com 5. Since the number of children is now low, the birth rate will not be able to increase for the next two decades, he said. 他说道,目前儿童的数量太少,在未来20年内人口出生率不可能增加。 www.bing.com 6. Over the past two decades, its ratio of imports to GDP (which peaked at 32% in 2005) was more than twice that of Japan's. 在过去的二十年中,它的进口额占国内生产总值比率是日本的两倍以上。 club.topsage.com 7. Familiar piece of road, the impression had not changed over the past two decades, can now no longer the old look. 那条熟悉的路,印象中近二十年来都没有变过,可如今,已不再是旧模样。 enwaimao.cn 8. On a per-capita-emissions basis, the U. S. is expected to remain the world's biggest greenhouse gas producer over the next two decades. 按人均排放量统计,预计美国在今后20年仍将是全球最大的温室气体排放国。 www.bing.com 9. People crossing the same corner two decades on. The line of cobblestones marks where the Wall used to run. 2009年:20多年过去了,人们不断的穿过这个拐角。鹅软石组成的线标志着当年的柏林墙。 www.bing.com 10. The Chinese construction industry has resembled something of a juggernaut over the past two decades. 在过去20年里,中国建筑业颇有点像一辆重型卡车。 www.ftchinese.com 1. For the better part of the past two decades, Americans have been living in a state of willful optimism about our financial future. 在过去20年的大部分时间里,对于自己的金融前景,美国人一直抱有一种肆意乐观的态度。 dongxi.net 2. This group has had a better time of it than any other group in society over the past two decades, and it's time to stop complaining. 过去20年,这个群体的日子比社会上的任何其它群体都过得好,现在是停止抱怨的时候了。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Over the next two decades, the company built a portfolio of unrivaled cable television news and entertainment brands and businesses. 之后的二十年里,公司再拔头筹,创立了包括有线电视新闻和娱乐业务在内的一整套节目。 news.enorth.com.cn 4. Over the next two decades he built his company into China's largest retailer with thousands of stores and a market value of nearly $9bn. 在以后20年里,他把自己的公司打造成中国最大的零售商,拥有数千家店面,市场价值接近90亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 5. And now, after just over two decades with his first and only club, Tony Adams is about to begin the last season of his career. 那么在刚刚同他的第一个也是最后一个俱乐部度过两个十年的时光后,托尼·亚当斯正准备开始他职业生涯中的最后一个赛季。 bbs.arsenalcn.com 6. The invitation to speak to the Knesset and meet with the prime minister was the culmination of two decades of my involvement with the case. 应以色列议会之邀,我在做过发言之后,觐见了以总理内塔尼亚。这是二十年来,我涉足此案动静闹得最大的一次。 www.bing.com 7. As most of you know, I am not a native of this great state. I moved to Illinois over two decades ago. 你们大多数人都知道,我并不是伟大的伊利诺伊州土生土长的公民,我是在20多年前搬到这里的。 gb.cri.cn 8. But the enthusiasm for wave motors that swept California in the two decades around the turn of the century has never been matched. 但是在上世纪20年里席卷加州的波浪发电机热情却从未被匹及。 www.bing.com 9. For at least two decades the US has been unable to provide monetary stability, financial regulation and fiscal rectitude. 20多年来,美国一直无法提供货币稳定、金融监管和财政廉洁。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In 2011 American bank bosses will start trying to reverse one of the biggest mistakes their firms made over the past two decades. 2011年,美国银行的老板们开始努力改正过去20年来他们的公司所犯的最大的错误。 www.ecocn.org 1. You know better than I the great achievements of the Chinese economy over the past two decades. 你们比我更清楚中国经济在过去0年中所取得的伟大成就。 www.putclub.com 2. Almost two decades later the Danes besieged the city again, only to be defeated once more by Alfred the Great. 几乎二十年后再次包围城市的丹麦人,只能再次被击败由阿尔弗雷德大王。 bbs.uker.net 3. America and Europe have entered the sort of structural bear market that gripped Japan and South Korea two decades ago, for two reasons. 美国和欧洲业已进入20年前套牢日本和韩国的结构性熊市,原因有二。 www.bing.com 4. Over the last two decades China has overtaken the U. S. , and then Germany, to be the world's largest exporter. 在最近的二十年里,中国已经赶上并超过先是美国然后德国,成为世界上最大的出口国。 www.bing.com 5. The fragility of China's internal situation and the cresting in two decades of its demographic advantage do not escape Friedberg's scrutiny. 中国内部形势的脆弱性以及人口优势二十年即将见顶等现状也包含在佛雷德伯格的研究之内。 6. Most economists believe that quantitative easing could help pull the economy out of its worst recession in two decades. 多数经济学家认为,量化宽松可有助于拉动经济走出这20年来最严重的经济衰退。 www.bing.com 7. I've been a police officer for two decades and a detective, specialising in serious crime and sexual offences, for 15 years. 我入警察这行已经二十年了,专攻严重犯罪和性侵犯调查也有十五年了。 www.bing.com 8. The German figures, the best since reunification almost two decades ago, meant that the euro-area economy had a good quarter, too. 德国的数据是自20年前的统一以来最好的,意味着欧元区的经济也拥有一个喜人的季度。 www.ecocn.org 9. China's economy has grown at a rate of about 10 percent a year for the last two decades. 在过去的20年,中国的经济年增长率保持在大约10%。 kk.dongxi.net 10. But just as he did two decades ago, he saved his best performance for the game itself. 正如20年前的他一样,他为这项运动本身,至今还保留着他那万丈般的光芒。 www.bing.com 1. Tanabata, the mother and father, respectively, in the two decades after the kind of mood to go on the story of Cowboy Weaver? 又逢七夕,母亲在与父亲分别二十年后又该以怎样的心情再去讲述牛郎织女的故事? blog.sina.com.cn 2. And given all that has happened in your two decades on Earth, just imagine what you can create in the years to come. 回顾你们这一代20多年来全世界发生的一切变化,不妨想一想你们在今后的年代可以有哪些开创性的作为。 www.america.gov 3. There have been striking gains since the Communists opened the system to private enterprise more than two decades ago. 在共产党对私有企业比二十年前放宽了一些之后,得到了令人震惊的回报。 dongxi.net 4. But, over the past two decades there have been a few game-changers. 然而在过去的二十年中这一状况已经有了一些变化。 ngmchina.com.cn 5. May 11 two decades ago, I came to this world, I fall to earth from the moment that you began the difficult years of child-rearing. 二十年前的五月十一日,我来到了这个世界,从我呱呱落地的那一刻起,你们就开始了艰辛的育儿岁月。 www.bing.com 6. Population levels around the basin are expected to double to 40m over the next two decades, causing a sharp rise in the demand for water. 在今后20年内,预计该流域周围人口将增长一倍,至4千万人,从而引发对淡水需求的激增。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It was the index's best pre-Labor Day week in two decades and pushed it back into the black for the year. U. 这是该指数二十年间在劳动节(LaborDay)前一周中表现最好的一次,道指今年迄今也重新实现了上涨。 www.voa365.com 8. But for performance she did for over two decades, a brilliant star touched millions of hearts across the world. 在她仅有的二十年,却也是整个艺术生命当中,这位才华横溢的明星,打动了世界上亿万人的心。 bbs.cctv.com 9. Year after year over the past two decades, Matsushita's growth rate has equaled or surpassed that of all of its global competitors. 20年来,松下公司的增长率,年复一年地相当于或者超过了它在全球的一切竞争者。 10. Over the next two decades, the world will see a burst of urban expansion at a speed and on a scale never before witnessed in human history. 在接下来的二十年里,全世界将目睹一次极其快速的城市扩张,其速度和规模史无前例。 www.bing.com 1. No technology has ever spread faster around the globe: the mobile phone took less than two decades to reach this degree of penetration. 还没有技术曾经如此迅速的在世界上传播:移动电话用了不到二十年的时间达到了现在的程度。 www.ecocn.org 2. But in the last two decades Chicago Bulls basketball star Michael Jordan has knocked the legendary crime boss from his pedestal. 但在最近二十年里,来自芝加哥公牛队的篮球明星迈克尔乔丹一脚就把这个传奇犯罪头目踢下宝座。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. No economy in history has lifted more people out of poverty in a shorter period of time than China has within the last two decades. 在过去短短的20多年间,没有哪个经济体象中国这样帮助如此多的人口脱贫。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It has been given an extra kicker over the last two decades by the "Great Moderation" in the global economy. 在过去二十年中的全球经济“大稳定”时期,该资产偿付了额外酬的金。 ecocn.org 5. Mr Naimi warned that the region would be "central" to satisfying the growth in demand, especially from China, in the next two decades. 纳伊米警告称,未来20年中,中东地区将在满足世界(尤其是中国)需求增长方面占据“中心”地位。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Peru's capital is afflicted by an anarchic, corrupt transit system due to chronic mismanagement and corruption dating back two decades. 秘鲁首都是困苦人所受一种无政府、腐败的交通运输系统由于管理不善和腐败的慢性可追溯到二十年。 blog.renren.com 7. In the two decades since the fall of the Berlin Wall, that distinction has not been appreciated well enough. 柏林墙倒塌后的二十年里,这种区别没有得到足够的重视。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Over the two decades that the report covers, inequality rose in 37 US states and had not changed significantly in the other 13. 在报告所涵盖的20年内,美国37个州的贫富差距有所扩大,另外13个州则无明显变化。 www.ftchinese.com 9. One of Mourinho's first acts was to hand the captain's armband to John Terry, the best Chelsea youth product for over two decades. 穆里尼奥上任后的第一个举措就是把球队队长的袖标授予了约翰。特里这名切尔西过去二十年中培养出来的最优秀的年轻后卫。 bbs.qieerxi.com 10. This week they were rebuked by Campaign 2000, an activist group, which reported that child poverty is now as bad as it was two decades ago. 本周这些政客受到了激进团体千年运动(Campaign2000)的批评,其报告指出,儿童贫困一如20年前那般严重。 www.ecocn.org 1. Zheng said the past two decades have witnessed the sound development of business exchanges and cooperation between the mainland and Taiwan. 郑说过去20年目睹了台湾和大陆之间的顺利发展。 www.ebigear.com 2. The emergence of mesoscopic physics has led to the discovery of many striking new phenomena in solid state physics in the last two decades. 过去二十年来,介观物理研究的兴起导致在固体物理中发现了许多引人注目的新现象。 www.13191.com 3. A large number of studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk. 过去二十年来进行了大量研究以评估移动电话是否有潜在的健康风险。 www.who.int 4. The idea that the economy will grow at nearly double digits for the next two decades is now accepted wisdom in India. 印度社会普遍认为,在未来的二十年,经济将以近两位数的速度发展。 dongxi.net 5. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for economics in 1978, to considerable surprise, since by then he had not taught economics for two decades. 他在1978年被授予诺贝尔经济学奖,舆论普遍表示讶异,因为此时他已有二十年不教经济学了。 www.ecocn.org 6. In the last two decades of the 20th century, quite a few writers resorted to the standpoint of religion culture. 20世纪后20年,不少作家站在宗教文化的立场展开书写与言说。 www.dictall.com 7. HSBC is in the unusual position of having a huge cushion of capital and its tier one ratio is now at its highest levels for two decades. 汇丰正处于拥有巨额资本作为风险缓冲器的不寻常状态,其一级资本比率处于二十年来的最高水平。 www.bing.com 8. For Simpson, though, seeing her hot tower hypothesis verified over the next two decades was surely a kind of poetic justice as well. 然而,对于辛普森来讲,由于她的热塔理论在随后的二十多年中被验证,肯定是一种应得的奖赏。 www.bing.com 9. For two decades they have enjoyed a duopoly in this part of the market, roughly splitting sales between them. 过去二十年来,它们在这个领域享受双寡头的局面,市场销售差不多都被他们分享。 www.ecocn.org 10. As I look at the data, the US has received about as much equity investment as it has lost over the past two decades. 据我所掌握的数据,过去20年间,美国得到的股本投资,基本上和它所流失的总量一样多。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I replied stiffly, less out of the prejudice of two decades than from the awkwardness of our meeting. 我的回答是生硬的,这并不是由于二十年来的偏见,而是由于我们会见的场合尴尬。 www.bing.com 2. Indeed it has been for two decades, and most of you do not credit yourselves for navigating it into reality. 更确切说它持续进行20多年了,而且大多数人都不把这看作你们正驶入扬升的新实相。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Bulgari's poor performance follows news in January that Swiss watch exports suffered their biggest monthly decline in at least two decades. 在宝格丽发布这则表现欠佳的消息之前,有报道说09年1月份的瑞士手表出口遭受到至少是20年来的最大月度下滑。 www.bing.com 4. All of us had done different jobs within our companies, but more importantly, our industries have changed a great deal in two decades. 我们都在各自公司里干过不同的工作。更重要的是,我们所处的行业这二十年来变化都很大。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This, then, has been a broad surge in commodity prices, albeit after more than two decades of, first, falling and then stagnant prices. 因此,尽管此前20多年大宗商品价格先是下跌,然后陷于停滞,但过去6年却在普遍上涨, www.ftchinese.com 6. Over the next two decades, he tried every marketing gimmick he could think of. 在接下来的二十年里,他试过了种种所能想到的营销手段。 www.bing.com 7. China's journey from a seriously poor, autarkic, economy to the "shop floor of the world, " took a bit more than two decades. 从一个极度贫困、自给自足的经济体走向“世界工厂”,中国花了二十多年的时间。 www.bing.com 8. Over the next two decades the makeup of tourism around the world will change significantly. 在二十年之后,世界旅游市场的组成将发生巨大的转变。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. They found that there was no change in rates between 1998 and 2003 compared with the previous two decades. 他们发现,与前二十年相比,在1998年至2003年期间,癌症发病率没有变化。 www.bing.com 10. Eric J. Fry, Agora Financial's Editorial Director, has been a specialist in international equities for nearly two decades. 埃里克J.弗莱阿格拉是一名财经新闻主编,他任国际股票专家约20余载。 www.bing.com 1. It was not until two decades ago that transistors began to replace electric tubes on a large scale. 直到二十年前,晶体管才开始大规模地代替电子管。 wenwen.soso.com 2. And in Papua New Guinea, they were making stone axes until two decades ago, just as a course of practical matters. 而在巴布亚新几亚,他们做石斧直到二十年前,好象它还是件实用的东西。 www.hjenglish.com 3. In the two decades leading up to the global financial crisis real disposable household incomes increased in all OECD countries. 全球金融危机之前的二十年间,所有经合组织国家的家庭实际可支配收入都有增加。 www.ecocn.org 4. For two decades, this new universe of linkable data expanded faster than any other form of information. 20年来,可链接数据这个新领域发展得比其它任何一种信息表现形式都更加迅猛。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The 48-page report also reveals that there has been a fall in the number of returning refugees to 197, 600, the lowest in two decades. 这份长达48页的报告还显示出重返家园的难民人数下降到了197600,是二十年中的最低水平。 www.bing.com 6. Financial reforms in the next two decades should be decisive, comprehensive and well coordinated, following a properly sequenced roadmap. 未来二十年的金融改革应当是决定性的、全面的和协调的,遵循正确的路线图。 www.bing.com 7. After the government initiated its case against IBM, the company spent two decades scrupulously avoiding even the appearance of impropriety. 政府着手起诉IBM之后,IBM公司甚至为了避免出现不得体的举止小心翼翼地度过了20年。 www.bing.com 8. Over the past two decades, sub-Saharan Africa has seen a resurgence of this airborne disease, which disproportionately affects the poor. 过去二十年来,这一空气传播疾病在南撒哈拉非洲地区有所抬头,对贫困人口造成了更严重的影响。 web.worldbank.org 9. Over the past two decades, it has become one of the most-studied objects in the sky. 在过去这20年,它成为天空中被研究最多的物体。 www.fanyitie.com 10. After two decades, the federal government has decided to serve nutrition advice on a plate instead of a pyramid. 了20年,美国联邦政府终于决定用餐盘而不是金字塔端上它的营养建议。 c.wsj.com 1. In less than two decades, the two countries together will have more than three times as many rabid consumers as the US has citizens. 在不到20年的时间里,这两个国家拥有的疯狂消费者总数,将是美国人口的三倍以上。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In the past two decades, Jews have called it the City of David, a part of what thousands of years ago was the ancient Jewish capital. 过去二十年来,犹太人将这里叫作大卫城,那是几千年前古代犹太人首都的一部分。 www.voanews.cn 3. Trade within the EU has grown no faster than the EU's trade with the rest of the world over the last two decades. 过去20年,欧盟内部的贸易并不比欧盟与全球其它地方的贸易增长更快。 www.ftchinese.com 4. For two decades, world leaders have been trying -- and failing -- to hammer out a workable deal on global warming. 二十年来,世界各国的领导人一直在努力,想要敲定一份关于全球气候变暖的可行性协议,却一直以失败而告终。 chinese.wsj.com 5. By one researcher's measure, Windows share of the PC market in the latest quarter was at its lowest level in two decades. 按照一位研究员的估算,Windows操作系统在个人电脑市场最新一季的份额是20年来最低的。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Over the past two decades, securitization has emerged as a distinctive feature of the financial system in the United States. 在过去的二十年间,证券化逐渐兴起并成为美国金融体系中独具特色的金融工具。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The Model T was introduced in 1908, and over the next two decades the Ford Motor Company sold more than 15 million of these cars. T型车是1908年生产的,接下来的二十多年,福特汽车公司销售了1500多万这种T型车。 www.bing.com 8. This technique developed greatly in recent two decades. The particle size measuring devices based on this technique also came into being. 近二十年来,该技术得到了极大发展和应用,应用该技术进行微粒测量的激光粒度测试仪也应运而生。 www.fabiao.net 9. Over the next two decades appetite for metals is likely to double as China and India urbanise and modernise. 过去十年里,中国和印度两国城市化和现代化过程,对金属的需求增长了一倍。 www.bing.com 10. But over the last two decades, at the same time as China became the world's major exporter, it was able to dramatically diminish poverty. 然而在过去20年中,就在中国变成世界主要出口国的同时,中国的贫困人口也在大幅减少。 chinese.wsj.com 1. And her extraordinary fortitude in surviving two decades of relentless persecution has earned the respect and loyalty of her followers. 而且在长达二十多年的残酷的迫害中生存下来,她非凡的坚忍不拔的性格,为她赢得了追随者的尊敬和忠诚。 www.bing.com 2. after two decades of the baby boom, China has the early 70s, a pair of husband and wife one child has become a popular practice. 经过二十年的生育高峰,中国在70年代初期,一对夫妻生育一个孩子,成了流行的做法。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. During the over two decades since the Reform and Opening, the undertaking of ordinary advanced education in Shanghai has made great strides. 改革开放二十几年来上海市的普通高等教育事业取得了长足的进步与发展。 www.fabiao.net 4. In the two decades since, he has founded a further four businesses, including a staffing agency and a real estate investment firm. 那以后的20年里,扎利克又相继创办了4家企业,其中包括一家人才中介公司和一家房地产投资公司。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In the past two decades, the relationship between Russia (and the former Soviet Union) and the NATO alliance has changed radically, he said. 他说,过去20年来,俄罗斯(和前苏联)与北约的关系发生了急剧的变化。 www.america.gov 6. Energy expert Daniel Yergin reckons coal will remain the top fuel for power plants globally for the next two decades. 能源专家尤金(DanielYergin)估计,未来20年煤仍将是全球最重要的发电燃料。 c.wsj.com 7. After a trial lasting more than two decades he was sentenced in 2009 but had to be frequently rushed to hospital and was mostly bed-ridden. 历经延续20多年的审判后,他于2009年被判刑,不过经常必须被紧急送医,且多数时间卧病在床。 www.english.com.tw 8. In two decades Fosun has grown into one of the most powerful Chinese companies most Westerners have never heard of. 20年来,复星已经成长为最具实力的中国企业之一,尽管大多数西方人从未听说过这家公司。 www.ftchinese.com 9. When I entered office, I brought with me a philosophy formed by two decades of the study of history. 我从研究二十年的历史中形成了一种哲学,并带着这种哲学去担任公职。 10. Boeing has estimated that demand for commercial aircraft from China alone could be worth $480bn over the next two decades. 北京方面估计,未来20年期间,单是中国对商用飞机的需求就可能达到4800亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 1. For the last two decades, as technology supersaturated our cultural environment, the gravity of technology simply became too hard to ignore. 在过去二十年里,随着技术在我们文化环境中的过度饱和,技术的魅力变得难以忽视。 dongxi.net 2. WERE job creation to continue at its present rate, it would take two decades to put America's almost 15m unemployed back to work. 如果创造就业的速度仍然维持在现在的增长率,美国将会花近20年让现在1500万的失业人口重回工作岗位。 www.ecocn.org 3. Nearly two decades later, proponents of the primacy of publicly listed companies can no longer be so sure. 近20年过去了,强调上市公司核心地位的人们可能不会再固执己见了。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This could be more about fashion as we have had two decades where the trouser suit has not had a significant role to play in fashion. 这可能会带起新的时尚潮流,因为在过去二十几年里裤装在时尚里一直没有一个举足轻重的角色。 www.hxen.com 5. Over more than two decades, the moderate coffee drinkers were somewhat less likely to develop any form of prostate cancer. 经过20多年的追踪调查,咖啡饮用中等的人群不太容易出现任何种类的前列腺癌。 www.24en.com 6. And the Chinese government recently announced it will be building 20 new cities a year over the next two decades. 此外,中国zf近日宣布,要在未来20年内每年新建20座城。 www.bing.com 7. But over the next two decades Islamic banking prospered, driven by a revival of faith following the Iranian revolution in 1979. 在1979年伊斯兰革命后信仰复兴的推动下,伊斯兰银行业于接下来的二十年间迅猛发展。 www.ecocn.org 8. In the past two decades, the number of animals used for scientific experiments significantly reduced. 在过去的二十年中,用于科学实验的动物数量大大减少了 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Over the past two decades, a great number of infrastructure projects have been developed under concession contracts. 在过去的二十年,大量的基础设施项目已经制定下特许权合同。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The number of buffer overflow attacks was increasing during the last two decades, bringing users great loss. 近二十年来,利用缓冲区溢出的攻击行为越来越多,给用户造成巨大的损失。 www.boshuo.net 1. The contracts are insurance policies against long-term declines in U. S. and foreign stocks and expire during the next two decades. 这些合约是防范美国和外国股市长期下跌风险的保单,会在未来20年内到期。 chinese.wsj.com 2. However, two decades ago there was nothing like the current global credit crunch. 然而,二十年前没有像现在的全球金融危机这样的东西。 www.ecocn.org 3. Academy to carry out real scientific research started in the last century on behalf of the two decades. 真正对书院入行科学的研讨开始于上个世纪的二十年代。 www.qk114.net 4. Darwin was also in the grip of an idea so subversive that he would keep it under wraps for another two decades. 达尔文还产生了一种极具颠覆性的观念,以至于他将其保密了二十年。 www.ecocn.org 5. The killings are the latest escalation in the more than two decades of conflict and hopes of a peaceful solution are now fading fast. 杀人是在和平解决冲突和希望超过二十年的最新升级,现正迅速消失。 www.maynet.cn 6. They've been swept away over the last two decades by these types of world flattening digitization technologies, right. 过去40年中,它们已经被席卷殆尽取而代之的是使世界扁平化的数字化技术。 www.ted.com 7. Humanity will encounter alien civilisations with the next two decades, a top Russian astronomer predicted yesterday. 昨天,有一位权威的俄罗斯天文学家做出了大胆的预测,称人类将在未来的二十年中与外星文明相遇。 www.hxen.com 8. Confused death two decades, since the great thoughts, Trinidad stood nowhere so miserable! 十年生死两茫茫,不思量自难忘,千里孤坟无处话凄凉! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. More than two decades later, he has amassed plenty of advice on getting out of a fire or crash alive. 二十年过去了,他积累了许多在遇到火灾或车祸时的逃生经验。 www.bing.com 10. By some estimates $1 trillion of new investment will be needed over the next two decades to match airport capacity to flight plans. 按照一些估算,未来20年里需要1万亿美元的新投资,才能使机场容量与飞行计划相称。 www.ecocn.org 1. Two decades later, however, enthusiasm for democracy and capitalism east of the former Iron Curtain appears to have waned considerably. 然而,20年后东欧对于民主和资本主义的热情却大幅度骤减。 www.ecocn.org 2. Now, nearly two decades later, Sun Dannian is ready to present her results. 现在,将近二十年过去了,S准备公布她的研究成果。 www.bing.com 3. In the last two decades, a few cognitive scientists have contemplated ways to create a distributed memory. 在过去二十年里,一些认知科学家已经勾画出了创造分布式记忆的方法。 www.bing.com 4. The next two decades may well be the same as the past two, but with the disguise of a less overt and near-caricatural regime. 未来20年很可能跟过去20年相同,但制度在少许公开放肆、少为小丑化的掩饰下操作。 www.hrw.org 5. Increased exploration spurred by high oil prices paired with that drop in demand led to two decades of low oil prices. 由高油价刺激的快速增长的勘探再配合上对石油的需求降低,导致了20年的低油价。 www.bing.com 6. Technological advances were reflected in the fact that the average traction force of locomotives more than doubled in these two decades. 技术进步在这二十年中得到体现,火车头的平均拉力提高了一倍多。 www.zftrans.com 7. In the longer term, it faces a chronic demographic crisis likely to result in severe labour shortages in the next two decades. 从较长期看,俄罗斯面对一场慢性人口结构危机,可能在未来20年间造成严重的劳动力短缺。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The photo attached is that of the Five-Wheel Pagoda erected in Taiwan about two decades ago through Guru Chen's initiations . 呈上的相片是大约二十年前由陈上师所发起而建立在台湾的五轮塔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. For two decades our contacts with China had been limited to the reciprocal recriminations of sporadic ambassadorial meeting in Warsaw . 二十年来,我们同中国的接触只限于在零零星星的华沙大使级会议上互相指责。 www.bing.com 10. They predict that the introduction of solid-state lighting could increase the consumption of light by a factor of ten within two decades. 他们预计,随着固态照明的引入,在未来20年内光的消耗量将达到现在的3倍。 www.bing.com 1. This shift from a reformist middle class to a reactionary one over a mere two decades should be surprising. 这确实让人震惊,中产阶级只用了二十年就从改革者蜕变成了反动派。 www.bing.com 2. But the experience of the last two decades suggests that the women are likely to continue wearing the pants. 但过去20年的经历表明,朝鲜女性很可能会继续当家。 chinese.wsj.com 3. A swap deal would be the first since the end of the Cold War two decades ago. 如果达成互换协议,这将是20年前冷战结束以来的第一次。 c.wsj.com 4. During the past two decades, China's processing trade has grown significantly, accounted for half of the total foreign trade of China. 经过二十多年的发展,加工贸易已成为我国对外贸易的半壁江山,为我国经济的发展做出了历史性的贡献。 www.fabiao.net 5. But ended it was, and two decades later Wallace himself, the face of segregation, apologized for his words. 不过,这种政策终结之后,二十年后华莱士本人,这位昔日主张种族隔离的代言人还为过去说过的那番话作了道歉。 www.bing.com 6. Overall, the requirements discipline has come quite a way in the last two decades. 总体上,需求规范在最近的二十年已经闯出了一条路。 www.ibm.com 7. Humanity will encounter alien civilisations with the next two decades, a top Russian astronomer predicted on Monday. 本周一,一位俄罗斯权威天文学家做出大胆预测,称人类将在未来的二十年中与外星文明相遇。 www.24en.com 8. The economy has just had its fastest three years of growth in two decades. 近20年来,经济已经保持了持续时间长达三年的最快增长。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. After 2010, it is set to decline once more and is forecast to sink six points over the next two decades. 该比例料将在2010年之后再度回落,预估未来20年间将下滑6点。 cn.reuters.com 10. That quarterly deficit was the first since 2004, and China has not recorded a full-year shortfall in two decades. 今年一季度出现的贸易逆差是自2004年以来的第一次,而中国已经有20年没有出现全年性的贸易逆差情况了。 www.bing.com 1. It was two decades later that Park Geun-Hye decided to return to the public spotlight and enlarge her own political career. 而二十年后,朴槿惠决定回到公众聚光灯下并扩展自己的政治生涯。 www.kekenet.com 2. Indeed, the past two decades of Chinese policy have been a concerted campaign to make sure it never has to. 的确,在过去的二十年里的中国政策就是一种保证这种事情不会发生的合作战役。 www.ecocn.org 3. In materials chemistry field, nonlinear optical material is a new type of material which developed during the last two decades. 在材料化学中,非线性光学材料是近四十年才发展起来的一种新型材料。 soso.361xs.com 4. China has already built as many miles of high-speed passenger rail lines in the last four years as Europe has in two decades. 过去四年里,中国修建了欧洲花了20年才修建的高速客运线里程。 www.bing.com 5. I majored in music in college, but over the last two decades I've played only intermittently, and never professionally. 大学里我学的是音乐专业,但是过去两个学期以来,我只是偶尔弹钢琴,都不是正式的演奏。 www.bing.com 6. Despite a huge upsurge in cellphone use over the past two decades, brain cancer rates in the United States have been declining. 因为尽管在过去的二十年里,美国使用手机的人数骤增,但患脑癌的人数比例却一直在下降。 www.bing.com 7. Two decades later Woodland went on to help devise the UPC system in universal use today. 二十年后Woodland继续协助设计通用产品代码系统,今天这个系统已经是无处不在。 www.bing.com 8. More broadly, the arrival over the past two decades of thousands of new Chinese immigrants is generating debate over the influx's effect. 更为宏观地说,过去两年来中国新移民的急剧膨胀是否给苏里南造成影响。这样的辩论已经越来越流行了。 www.bing.com 9. In the last two decades, with the booming of the economy, travelling by air has become a great event in people's life. 中国的经济起飞是近二十年的事,乘飞机旅行算得生活中的大事。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In the two decades since the farm job ended, he and two adult sons have tried in vain to reconnect the family to a Saudi paycheck. 结束农场工作之后的20年里,他和两个已成年的儿子不断尝试重新用一份沙特的工资来养活全家,结果都是徒劳。 c.wsj.com 1. Wages have declined substantially as a share of GDP growth over the last two decades. 过去20年来,低工资水平实质上促进了中国国内生产总值(GDP)的增长。 www.bing.com 2. Over the last two decades, they've identified dozens of human proteins, or host factors, required for HIV propagation. 在过去的20年中,他们已经确认了许多HIV增殖所需的人类蛋白或宿主因子。 chinese.eurekalert.org 3. After two decades in which Beijing actively encouraged foreign investment, the recent signals have been much more mixed. 在中国政府积极鼓励外国投资20年后,近期发出的信号很不明朗。 www.ftchinese.com 4. During the past two decades, investment operations have, on average, accounted for 75 percent to 80 percent of the Bank's portfolio. 过去二十年来,投资贷款占世行贷款总额的比重平均达到75-80%。 web.worldbank.org 5. Bernanke, in an emergency session in January, ordered one -- making for the single-biggest reduction in more than two decades. 而在一月份的一个紧急会议上,伯南克已经制定了一个20多年以来单次最大的削减幅度。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Over the past two decades, I cannot think of one instance where a Japanese company has done a good job managing a crisis. 在过去的二十年里,我不能想出一个具体的例子,说明了日本公司所做的一份不错的工作,管理的危机。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Mumbai has been the target of a series of so-called "serial bombings" by terrorists over the last two decades. 孟买一直是一系列所谓的“连环爆炸”,恐怖分子在过去的两个十年的目标。 www.maynet.cn 8. For two decades Piye had ruled over his own kingdom in Nubia, a swath of Africa located mostly in present-day Sudan. 当时佩伊已经在他自己的努比亚(Nubia)王国,如今大部分位于苏丹境内的大片非洲土地,统治了二十年。 www.bing.com 9. ROCOCO has been a floral production designer for more than two decades. ROCOCO拥有超过二十年花卉设计及制作的丰富经验。 www.inmagazine.com.hk 10. Ironically, the only world model visible in the public eye now (two decades later) is the Limits to Growth. 具有反讽意味的是,在(二十年后的)今天,公众唯一看得见的世界模型,仍然是“增长的极限”。 www.bing.com 1. Shot down on their first operational mission, Downey and Fecteau spent two decades in Chinese prisons. 唐尼和费克图第一次执行任务即被击落,从此在中国监狱里度过了20年。 www.bing.com 2. But Liguria's position will be usurped over the next two decades by formerly Communist regions of Germany. 但未来20年,它的地位将被德国原来的共产主义地区抢占。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Ulaanbataar, Mongolia's capital and largest city, has doubled its population over the last two decades. 蒙古最大的城市,也是蒙古的首都,乌兰巴托的人口在过去的20年间已翻了一番。 www.elanso.com 4. During the last two decades, the topic of children's theory of mind has become immensely popular in developmental psychology. 过去二十年里,儿童的心理理论成为发展心理学领域里的研究焦点。 www.fabiao.net 5. Our team of outstanding engineers brings nearly two decades of water extraction experience to the company. 我们出色的工程师团队将自己近20年的水提取经验带入了公司,为公司的发展添砖增瓦。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Over the next two decades, however, these demographic trends will reverse. 然而,未来二十年,中国的人口特征将趋向于另一面。 www.bing.com 7. Two decades ago the United States Coast Guard shut down the Caribbean cocaine route, so the trade shifted to Mexico. 二十年前,美国海岸警卫队关闭了加勒比海的可卡因航线,于是贸易地点转移到墨西哥。 www.ecocn.org 8. The Nobel prize for literature, bestowed on him this year, would have been deserved two decades or more ago. 今年他终于获得诺贝尔文学奖桂冠,这份荣誉在20年前或20多年前就该归他享有了。 www.ecocn.org 9. For at least another two decades, said Yunhan, China will be trapped in a coal-dependent economy. 在未来至少二十年中,他说,中国的经济将陷入对煤矿的依赖中。 www.bing.com 10. China launched its stock markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen less than two decades ago as part of reforms designed to foster growth. 作为推动经济增长的改革的一部分,中国在不到20年前在上海和深圳建立了股市。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Whatever philosophical high ground it has had over the last two decades has been lost. 无论过去二十年美国占据了怎样的道德高地,如今都已失不复得。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As the baby-boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964) retire over the next two decades, the burden on the state will rise sharply. 随着在婴儿潮期出生的人们在未来20年里将退休,国家的负担将快速增长。 www.bing.com 3. In the last two decades, nuclear disarmament has become an integral part of the electricity industry, little known to most Americans. 在过去二十年,核裁军成了电力业不可或缺的一部分,大部分美国人并不知情。 www.bing.com 4. China has achieved remarkable results in reducing absolute poverty over the last two decades. 20年来中国在减少绝对贫困方面取得了举世瞩目的成就。 web.worldbank.org 5. He reckons that, through a combination of energy conservation and more renewable energy, Japan could scrap nuclear power within two decades. 他估计,通过能源节约和发展可再生能源,日本可以在20年内取消核电。 www.ftchinese.com 6. And this shift is moving swiftly: The size of the global middle class may also double in two decades. 而这也是一个飞速的改变:全球中产阶级的数量将在20年内翻两番。 www.bing.com 7. Energy-consuming industry did contribute a lot to the economy booming in the last two decades, whereas we have to reconsider it now. 诚然能源消耗工业在过去二十年里对经济做出了相当的贡献,但现在我们得重新考虑。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It's a bit like the situation Microsoft enjoyed for the past two decades. 微软在过去二十年里所享受的待遇。 www.bing.com 9. The exact cause of the explosion, the deadliest in the U. S. in more than two decades, is under investigation. 此次爆炸事故的确切原因仍在调查中,这是美国20多年来死亡人数最多的一次矿难。 c.wsj.com 10. This special report will show that the globalisation of banking, which has driven the industry for two decades, is in many ways on hold. 这篇专题报告将显示,已带动了经济20年发展的全球化银行在许多方面是搁置的。 www.ecocn.org 1. Within two decades Chinese population could be very old and declining. 在20年利,中国人口将进入老龄化和下降的时期。 www.bing.com 2. Chiu went into the business about 40 years ago, after a man she had lived with for two decades died. 40年前,与她生活了20年的丈夫辞世,这个赵姓的女人开始依靠卖身为生。 www.bing.com 3. Americaannounced new sanctions against the regime, in keeping with a policy some Western countries have pursued for nearly two decades. 美国则宣布进行新的制裁,近二十年,西方国家一直实行对缅甸军人政权制裁的政策。 www.ecocn.org 4. Over the past two decades Israel has been transformed from a semisocialist backwater into a high-tech superpower. 过去二十年里,以色列从一个一潭死水的半社会主义国家,已经转变成为一支高科技的超级力量。 www.ecocn.org 5. Over the last two decades, thanks largely to government policy, the poverty rate in Brazil has halved. 在过去二十年中,很大程度上由于政府政策,巴西的贫困率减少了一半。 www.ecocn.org 6. Since Brazil relaxed price and production controls on sugar cane two decades ago, its crop has increased by two and a half times. 自二十年前巴西放松对甘蔗价格和生产方面的控制以来,甘蔗产量增长了2.5倍。 www.ecocn.org 7. Within the last two decades the Chinese have helped change Richmond from a sleepy fishermen's village into a city of over 140, 000 people. 在过去的二十年间,华人帮助列治文从一个沉睡的渔村变成一个有14万人口的城市。 www.bing.com 8. Biological desulfurization was a new technique developed in two decades. 生物脱硫是最近二十年发展的脱硫新工艺。 www.dictall.com 9. Since the World Wide Web was invented two decades ago, we have been celebrating these benefits -- and rightly so. 万维网被发明已经有10年之久,我们理所当然应该庆祝它的出现——这非常正确。 www.bing.com 10. At 65, he looks older and less robust than when he was the dominant figure in American politics two decades ago. 他看起来比65岁的实际年龄要老,与20年前那个在美国政坛举足轻重的人物相比,也不够强壮。 www.bing.com 1. After more than two decades marked by controversy, drama and, of late, triumph, Mr Dimon sits atop Wall Street. 经过20余年的争议、戏剧性事件和(近期的)胜利,戴蒙如今端坐在华尔街之巅。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Two decades later, in the 1980s, the truth surfaced that it was composed by the novel's authors "according to the martyr's thoughts. " 二十年后,在八十年代,事实被揭露出来,原来这是小说作者“根据烈士的想法”写的。 www.bing.com 3. Indeed, some in Silicon Valley believe that the Google IPO will be an event unmatched in two decades. 的确,硅谷一些人士认为,今后20年内都没有事件能和Google的IPO相比。 www.xici.net 4. Yet over the last two decades, the percentage of aid devoted to agriculture fell from 15 percent to less than 5 percent. 然而在过去二十年中,农业方面的援助所占的份额从15%降到不到5%。 dongxi.net 5. It was first sequenced over two decades ago, yet our understanding of the wider physiological role of mtDNA is surprisingly sketchy. 这是第一序列二十多年前,但我们更广泛的生理作用的线粒体DNA的理解是惊人的粗略。 www.syyxw.com 6. True, there was a rival, in the shape of the Soviet Union. But that imploded two decades ago. 诚然,曾经还有一个以苏联形式存在的对手.但是这个对手在20年前解体了。 www.ecocn.org 7. Existing US currency oversight provisions were crafted two decades ago for a world economy that bears little resemblance to today's. 美国现有的货币监管规定是20年前制定的,而当时的世界经济与今日没有丝毫相似之处。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But when I stumbled into the startup world two decades later, the dots began to connect. 二十年后,我闯入了一个创业的世界,这些之前积累的点点滴滴便联接了起来。 www.bing.com 9. In the last two decades, researchers' attention has focused on second language or foreign language learning strategies. 近二十年来,许多语言研究者都将外语或二语的学习策略作为自己的主要研究对象。 www.13191.com 10. I never expected things to be exactly the same. How could they be after nearly two decades? 我从来没有指期望那家客栈还会和以前一模一样,差不多要二十年了,当然不可能。 www.bing.com 1. Why are health outcomes among the world's poor so dire, even when international health assistance has quadrupled over the past two decades? 过去二十年期间国际卫生援助资金额翻了两番,而全球穷人的健康状况却为何这么糟糕呢? www.who.int 2. Instead attention was on Shanghai, where the municipal government became the first local state entity to offer bonds in almost two decades. 相反,我们关注的是上海。在那里,上海市政府成为近二十年来首个发行地方债券的主体。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In the last two decades of the twentieth century, however, an intellectual revolution occurred. 好在到了20世纪最后20年,兴起了一场认识上的革命。 www.bing.com 4. In Chile, China and South Korea per capita income has doubled is less than two decades yet all showed slight declines in happiness. 在智利,中国和韩国,其收入较二十多年前增加了一倍,然而其幸福指数却稍稍下降。 www.bing.com 5. The explosion in the country's economy over the last two decades has also produced an explosion in private wealth. 过去20年中国经济的爆炸性发展,也导致了私人财富的爆炸性增长。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Time series estimates showed improved control of high total serum cholesterol over the past two decades in England and the United States. 时间序列估算显示过去的二十年中英格兰和美国的高血清总胆固醇控制得到改善。 www.who.int 7. It has yielded rapid growth for two decades and India has sailed through the financial crisis that has battered the West. 印度在过去20年经济增长喜人,印度度过了困扰西方的金融危机。 www.bing.com 8. The United States has found itself in a seemingly endless series of wars over the past two decades. 美国发觉自己在过去二十年来陷进了一连串似乎无休无止的战争当中。 dongxi.net 9. The next two decades will, in this respect, be far more challenging than the last three. 就此而言,未来二十年将远比过去三十年更具挑战性。 www.ftchinese.com 10. These days, China seems to play the same role in much of our discourse that Japan did two decades ago. 这些天来,在我们的讨论中,中国扮演的角色似乎与20年前的日本一样。 www.bing.com 1. Fast Retailing has had little choice but to look outside its home market, where it has 790 stores after more than two decades of expansion. 迅销在日本经过二十多年的发展,已开设790家店铺,目前除了把目光转向海外,已别无选择。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The number of tribe members arrested on drug charges has increased 60-fold over the last two decades. 在过去二十年中,因为毒品贸易被逮捕的部落成员增长了60倍。 www.bing.com 3. But look two decades ahead, and it would be a brave person to predict that the status quo can hold. 但再向前展望20年的话,只有大胆的人才会预测这种现状会维持下去。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This year's crisis appears to mark the end of a bubble in the financial markets that has lasted nearly two decades. 今年的这场危机似乎标志着金融市场延续了几乎20年的泡沫终于落下帷幕。 www.bing.com 5. Access to pain treatment increased over the past two decades, but only in a small number of countries. 在过去20年中,止痛治疗的可及性有所提高,但这仅是在少数国家中。 www.who.int 6. For two decades the prosperity that flowed from globalisation, albeit often unevenly distributed, seemed to assure its forward momentum. 20年来,全球化带来的经济繁荣——尽管通常分配不均匀——似乎保证了其向前发展的势头。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Yet over the past two decades China has enjoyed the fastest growth in TFP of any country in the world. 但是在过去的二十年中,中国享有世界最快的TFP增长。 www.bing.com 8. Although CMR has been extensively studied for nearly two decades, there still remain some questions or phenomenons to be clarified. 尽管经过近二十年的大规模研究,庞磁电阻效应相关的物理问题和产生机理尚待解决和澄清。 www.fabiao.net 9. In this section we highlight some lessons in that respect, illustrating them with examples of experiences during the last two decades. 在这一部分,我们强调了这方面的一些教训,运用过去二十年间的经验作为例证。 www.icarrd.org 10. After nearly two decades of frenzied activity, Spain is now the biggest foreign investor in the region after America. 近两个世纪的动荡过后,如今,西班牙接替美国成为拉丁美洲最大的投资国。 www.ecocn.org 1. The relative rankings of inequality haven't changed much over two decades, with the United States leading the trend. 不平衡的相关排序二十年来没有多大变化,美国为最。 www.bing.com 2. The last two decades, however, have seen a shift away from classic 'open ocean' AEW and intercept control. 最后二十年,然而,看了远离经典之作‘开放海洋’AEW的一个转移并且拦截控制。 www.tujiwar.com 3. Prices are now expected to go up across the industry, after two decades of decline. 在过去二十年中,整个电信业的手机价格都在下降;而如今据预计,价格将会上升。 www.ecocn.org 4. Q: Myanmar will hold its first general election in two decades this November. What expectations China has on the election results? 问:今年十一月,缅甸将举行二十年来首次大选,中方对选举结果有何期待? www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Despite Saab's loyal following, in two decades of GM ownership it has had one profitable year. 尽管萨博拥有忠实的拥护者,但在归属于通用的20年里,该品牌只有一年实现盈利。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The Chinese economy grew about 10 percent a year for most of the last two decades. 中国在最近的20年中几乎每年经济增长都能保持在10%左右。 www.bing.com 7. In the last two decades, the morbidity of this cancer is rising steadily in most countries. 随着生活条件的改善、饮食西化,我国结直肠癌发病率上升趋势非常明显。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. The first chapter: to state clearly the academic direction of Chen's "Hurry two decades, change in forty years" . 第一章:开篇宗义,言明陈氏“倥偬廿载,浮沉三纪”的学术流向。 www.fabiao.net 9. the reform that took place during these two decades had changed the face of modern china . key facts of the film planning. 事实上这段时期所发在的事件和变革,至今仍深远地影响著中国的现况。 www.ichacha.net 10. Which yearly average best represents the trend over the past two decades and should be applied to today's defense budget? 哪一份平均年度军售额能够最好地代表过去20年里的趋势并可用于估测今年的国防预算? www.bing.com |
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