单词 | upgrading |
释义 | upgrading是upgrade的现在分词
复数:upgrades 现在分词:upgrading 过去式:upgraded 例句释义: 提升,提高,使升级,〈美〉上坡,上升,上坡,升级换代,升级授权表,升级转型 1. If you're upgrading an application that many users rely on (like the Apache on your busy Web server), then it pays to be extremely careful. 如果您正在升级对许多用户都有影响的应用程序(如繁忙的Web服务器上的Apache),则倍加小心是值得的。 www.ibm.com 2. We are currently upgrading our server to provide you with the best possible service. The server upgrade may take up to a few days. 为了给您提供更好的服务,我们当前正在进行服务器升级,这可能需要好几天的时间。 www.rebirth.name 3. Script templates allow you to generate ready-to-use scripts for creating, upgrading, and configuring the report server database. 通过脚本模板,可以生成用于创建、升级和配置报表服务器数据库的现成脚本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. By upgrading some processes to wireless systems, Mr Shooter believes each refinery will be able to save at least $1m a year. 舒特先生相信通过把一些生产过程升级到无线系统这个方法每个炼油厂将会每年节省至少1百万美元。 www.ecocn.org 5. As the company continued to grow, the financial establishment of the new system, I also constantly upgrading the capacity and progress. 随着我公司的不断发展壮大,财务新系统的建立,我个人的能力也在不断的提升和进步。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 6. If you are reticent to begin using namespaces, consider upgrading your IDE and try out namespaces with a bit of help from your favorite IDE. 如果您还不太愿意开始使用名称空间,可以考虑升级IDE,在IDE的帮助下尝试使用名称空间。 www.ibm.com 7. But today it looks like, even the bottom line, the front line employees, every level, I think, need some leadership upgrading. 但是今天看起来,即使是最底层,最前线的员工也需要领导力的提升。 video.sina.com.cn 8. China, with an economy less than one-third the size of the U. S. economy, is spending about $1 trillion on upgrading its infrastructure. 中国这个经济总量不到美国三分之一的国家,拿出了约一万亿美元来改善它的基础设施。 dongxi.net 9. Setup reported programs that must be uninstalled before upgrading. If you continue now, you might be unable to reinstall them correctly. 升级之前,安装程序报告了必须要卸载的程序。如果现在继续,您可能无法将这些程序正确安装。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 10. Another T$70bn is to be invested in related equipment and the upgrading of Chunghwa's mobile network, he said. 他表示,另外700亿元新台币将投资于相关设备以及中华电信移动网络的升级。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Fostering industrial clusters is considered to be one of the important approaches in upgrading regional competitiveness. 培育和发展产业集群是提升区域竞争力的重要途径之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Yet at some point the economies of scale are bound to run aground on the cost of upgrading ports to handle ever larger vessels. 从某种程度上来说,为容纳更大货船而进行港口升级的成本十分昂贵,对规模经济的追求必将因此而搁浅。 www.ecocn.org 3. Therefore what is crucial to economic development lies not in the upgrading of industrial structure, but that of factor endowment structure. 所以,经济发展的核心问题,不是产业结构升级,而是要素禀赋结构升级。 qk.cass.cn 4. Youngor company occupies the first place in Chinese shirt market and leads shirt product upgrading by independent innovation continuously. 雅戈尔衬衫不仅居国内市场占有率首位,还以自主创新技术引领传统衬衫产品一次次升级。 cn.qikan.com 5. Save water, time, and money by upgrading to one of Sloan's easy to install retrofit products. 请采用美国仕龙安装简捷的用于更新的产品,节水,省时,省钱! www.h6688.com 6. So far it has carried out a wide range of activities in 12 countries, including upgrading of infrastructure and training of staff. 到目前为止,已在12个国家开展了多项活动,包括提升基础设施建设和加强工作人员培训。 www.who.int 7. we are in a way upgrading your bodies. This should enable you to absorb the higher energies directed towards you during the coming months. 我们用特定的方式更新你的身体,面对接着未来几个月,这能让你直接吸收更高的能量。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The doctors say gadget addicts experience a "high, " a great sense of pleasure, when buying a new device or upgrading an old device. 医生说,在购买新设备或升级旧设备时,迷你程式沉溺者会体验到“高潮”一个强烈的快感。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Before upgrading, make sure that no applications or services are trying to access the database. 升级之前,将数据库置于单用户模式,并确保当前没有应用程序或服务试图访问该数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. You'll be able to export your configuration to XML, and there will be a stand-alone upgrade tool that will simplify configuration upgrading. 您将能够把配置导出为XML,将会有一个独立的升级工具来简化配置升级。 www.ibm.com 1. Upgrading and purchasing new hardware is a costly proposition, and with the rate of technology obsolescence , it is eventually a losing one. 购买硬件和进行升级都是很费钱的事。而且由于技术淘汰率的关系,这最后就成了件浪费的事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. These Higher energies are preparing you to receive these wonders, for it is only through upgrading that they can be experienced. 这些更高的能量在准备着你们去接受这些奇迹,因为这仅仅只有通过升级才能够被感受到。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. We find that acreage control was more prevalent than price controls, and quality upgrading was more significant than quantity increase. 研究结果发现:在战前时期菸叶之生产上,面积控制远超过价格效果,品质提升亦较数量增加为重要。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. After upgrading, additional parameters might be returned for parameters that you thought were single-valued. 升级之后,对于您认为是单值的参数,可能会为其返回其他参数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. After years of constantly upgrading the quality and stability of the active cooperation sincere attitude has won the trust of customers. 经过多年不断的提升,稳定的品质及积极诚恳的合作态度已深得客户的信赖。 www.tonke.cn 6. Suspension bed hydrocracking technology and water soluble catalyst were used for upgrading of atmospheric residue from Dagang oil field. 采用悬浮床加氢技术和水溶性分散催化剂对大港常压渣油进行了轻质化和改质研究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And cars constantly upgrading facelift, like "Astro Boy" is also constantly trying to find breakthrough. 和汽车不断的更新换代改款一样,《阿童木》也在尝试中不断的寻求突破。 english.voc.com.cn 8. A surcharge is required for upgrading to deluxe class or fast ferries, or to ride on Sundays and Public Holidays. 如欲乘搭豪华位或高速船,或于假日使用套票,须另行缴付附加费。 www.kuenglish.info 9. But if you work in a more casual profession, try upgrading a sleek pair of jeans with a structured blazer. 你处在更宽松自由的领域里,则可以尝试一下穿上修身的牛仔裤和结构感的外衣。 www.ttxyy.com 10. The reason for upgrading to a full licensed bank is to provide more integrated banking services to its customers . 是次申请升格为持牌银行,是希望能为客户提供更完善的综合银行服务。 www.bing.com 1. Technical upgrading, reader oriented market competition as well as the perfection of newspaper itself has led to dramatic layout reform. 技术手段的升级、以受众为主导的市场竞争以及报纸自身的发展完善,推动版面设计发生了巨大变革。 www.fabiao.net 2. Multimetal water soluble catalyst and suspension bed hydrocracking technology were used for Liaohe atmospheric residue upgrading. 采用悬浮床加氢技术和水溶性分散催化剂对辽河坨子里稠油的常压渣油进行了轻质化和改质研究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Here hope that by his own meager power, slowly learning and upgrading of people watch magic atmosphere. 在此希望通过他自己的微薄之力,慢慢的研究魔术并且提高观众们欣赏魔术的水平和氛围。 wenwen.soso.com 4. There are a fair number of deprecations that should be reviewed to make upgrading applications a bit smoother. 与此同时还有不少反对的声音,我们也应该仔细考虑这些意见以让应用升级更平缓一些。 www.infoq.com 5. Any idea, if it already has the character of upgrading personal quality and talent, its birth is endowed a more realistic significance. 任何思想如果它已经具备提升个人的品格和才能的特征,它的诞生就有了更加现实的意义。 tianya.8684.cn 6. Either of these simple changes to a hook code-based rule would require versioning the schema and upgrading the user database. 每一种对于基于hook的规则的简单变更都将需要描述图表和更新用户数据库。 www.ibm.com 7. The Inner Mongolia is still in the early stage of industrialization, this study focused on the industrial structure upgrading. 由于内蒙古自治区还处于工业化初期阶段,所以本文的研究重点侧重于内蒙古自治区工业产业结构的升级。 www.fabiao.net 8. This experience can be used for reference by the other high temperature furnace's energy upgrading. 对高温炉窑能源升级改造提供了可借鉴的经验。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Chiew said an IDC survey of hospitals found that the No. 1 strategic business focus in the next one to two years is 'upgrading technology. 她说,IDC一项对医院的调查显示,今后一年或两年的首要战略业务中心是“更新技术”。 www.voa365.com 10. These are just a few things to remember when considering upgrading to a plasma television . 这些只是几件记在考虑升级到等离子体电视。 www.bing.com 1. Marine industrial upgrading and rational distribution is one of the central elements of the marine economic studies. 海洋产业结构优化升级及合理布局则是海洋经济研究的核心内容之一。 www.dictall.com 2. They do not need compressor stations and dozens of tons of oil. After upgrading the cost of equipment maintenance has decreased 4 times. 他们不需要压缩电站和成千上万吨油。升级之后,设备维护费用降低了4倍。 www.bing.com 3. Renovating, upgrading and expanding the Company's branded hotels to further its strategy of strengthening brand identity. 对集团的品牌饭店进行翻新、升级和扩展,从而进一步推进集团的增强品牌竞争力的战略。 www.canyin168.com 4. The Debian packaging system is one of the most elegant methods of installing, upgrading, and removing software available. 就安装、升级和除去软件而言,Debian打包系统是可以使用的最佳方法之一。 www.ibm.com 5. and a traffic improvement scheme involving a reinterpretation and upgrading of the airport suburban railway station. 和一个交通改进的规划,它包括了从新的示意和升级机场的郊区地铁站。 www.hnccp.net 6. Wuhan Tianhe airport security standards have been quietly upgrading, return to the last "Olympic security" standard. 武汉天河机场安检标准已悄然升级,恢复到去年“奥运安检”标准。 www.hnjpw.com 7. The note presents countries with different options to help their enterprises innovate and achieve technological upgrading. 本说明向各国介绍各种不同的选择,帮助它们的企业开展革新并实现技术升级。 yeebang.com 8. Current home and business users of older versions of Ubuntu will have to decide if the benefits make it worth upgrading the free software. 对于旧版的个人和商业用户必须衡量新版本带来的改进是否值得他们去升级。 www.bing.com 9. The cost of continuously upgrading and integrating new systems into the enterprise infrastructure has reached unsustainable levels. 持续升级和在企业基础设施中集成系统的成本已经达到了无法支撑的地步。 www.infoq.com 10. Upgrading to the Professional Edition has never been simpler. 从家用版升级到专业版是非常简单的。 avast.com.cn 1. There are many possibilities of upgrading loyal staff to cover a wider range of responsibilities as the company grows. 随着公司不断发展壮大,很可能提升员工的忠诚,以涵盖更广的责任。 www.alsox.com 2. Maki said the central bank may find a middle ground by upgrading its description of spending growth, perhaps to "solid" from "moderate. " Maki称,美联储有可能通过提升对支出增长的描述,找到一个中间地带,措辞可能是从“温和”变成“强劲”。 cn.reuters.com 3. For a China upgrading its way of economic growth and revitalising its industrial cities, Birmingham can offer its valuable experiences. 例如,伯明翰的城市振兴宝贵经验,对当前中国转变经济发展方式、振兴老工业基地具有很大的参考借鉴意义。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. And secondly, to make a very big push towards encouraging companies and workers to go for training or retraining, skills upgrading. 第二,大力推动并鼓励公司及员工接受培训或再培训,使技术升级。 m.yeeyan.org 5. Corporations have been stingy on upgrading their workers' personal computers, a trend Intel is now seeing reverse. 企业一直吝于升级其雇员的个人计算机(PC),英特尔正在看到一种改变的趋势。 www.bing.com 6. This can be used for reference for upgrading the production operation of coal chemical industry. 开发了胺法脱硫工艺故障诊断的专家系统,对提升煤化工生产操作有一定的借鉴。 web.cikd.cnki.net 7. I found upgrading easy, and compatibility with existing apps to be very good. 我发现升级很容易,与现有应用程序的兼容性也非常高。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The news headlines as the news of the "eyes" - the window of soul more in need of good ideas, good ideas to the optimization and upgrading. 而新闻标题作为新闻的“眼睛”――心灵之窗则更需要好的想法,好的思路去优化、升级。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. These initiatives should be seen in the light of the constant upgrading of Internet filtering and no Internet speeds over 128 kb. 这样的行动,应该放在伊朗当局持续提升网络过滤的等级,以及没有网络速度超过舞秒128kb之下来看。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. Find out from the vendor what its policy is for upgrading to the next level of its software system, and get it in writing. 找出从供应商采取什么政策是提升到一个新的水平及其软件系统,并把它写下来。 www.22826.com 1. Due to a discrepancy bushes, making it difficult to be a professional work and upgrading level . 由于歧义丛生,使原本应专业化的工作变得难以深入开展和水平的提升。 blog.linkshop.com.cn 2. if you upgrade a domain by upgrading member servers first , you can upgrade one , a few , or all of the member servers at a given time. 如果要通过先升级成员服务器来升级域,可以在指定时间内升级一个、几个或所有成员服务器。 www.ichacha.net 3. The ship launching or upgrading of the channel dock is finished by relying on a track pulley or an airbag. 通道式船坞的船舶下水或上排是靠轨道滑车或气囊来完成。 ip.com 4. Clients have asked me to help them determine which version to use when upgrading to the Notes 8 client. 客户曾请我帮他们决定当升级到Notes8客户机时应该使用哪个版本。 www.ibm.com 5. But Rode says upgrading infrastructure is not the only way to reduce energy consumption. People need to modify their habits, too. 单靠更新基础设施是不够的,珀尔说,要想节能环保,人们还得改变自己的生活习惯。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We've put substantial amount of money and effort into upgrading our retail operation, into our dealer network and into our own sales force. 我们还花费了大量的资金和力气,改进我们的零售业务、我们的代销商网络和我们的销售队伍。 tj.yuloo.com 7. Modification of the molecular sieves and application of new structure molecular sieves are the trends in FCC fuel upgrading. 分子筛的改性技术和新型结构分子筛的应用是燃料油改质技术的发展方向。 www.chemyq.com 8. At least one error occurred while upgrading the phonebook entries for %1. You may need to recreate some phonebook entries for this user. 在为%1更新电话簿选项时,至少出现了一个错误。升级结束后,您可能需要为这位用户重设某些电话簿选项。 www.fan6.net 9. When aesthetic enjoyment upgrading to spiritual comfort, you have been a pioneer of fashion. 当审美愉悦升华至精神享受时,你已走在风尚之前。 skywind.web-16.com 10. They were able to save in the short-term by upgrading their software instead of hardware. 通过仅升级软件而不升级硬件,他们在短期之内可以省一笔钱。 www.ibm.com 1. Scaling: Upgrading capacity is a more common case of scaling than is accommodation of cyclical loads. 扩展:与适应周期性负载相比,升级容量是更常见的扩展情况。 www.ibm.com 2. Update Center: The new Update Center can be used for installing and upgrading plugins. 更新中心:可以使用新的更新中心来安装与升级插件。 www.infoq.com 3. Under this program, the U. S. Navy is in the process of upgrading its ship-to-shore communications and communications automation. 根据这项计划,美国海军正在升级其舰对岸通信系统,解决通信自动化的问题。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. Industrial ecosystem is a pattern for promoting the industrial system and upgrading the industrial structure in an industrial system. 产业生态系统是促使区域产业系统优化和产业结构提升的一种模式。 www.fabiao.net 5. during designing the system structure and building the system , enough room was provided for upgrading the system. 在系统结构方案的设计及系统开发过程中,都为系统升级提供了广阔的应用与开发空间。 www.ichacha.net 6. A set of important projects of feature backbone industries has been launched, which promotes quick upgrading of the developing strength. 一批支柱优势特色产业等重大项目启动实施,发展的实力快速提升; www.jl.gov.cn 7. But FAO's emergency project has funds for shoring up the bridge foundations and upgrading the track that runs from the main road. 然而,粮农组织的紧急项目为加固桥梁基础和改造通往主要道路的路面提供了资金。 www.fao.org 8. Moral education is the abstract upgrading of human nature, it must be returned to reality to complete the liberty person in deed. 道德教育是对个体人性的抽象提升,真正自由的人还必须复归于现实。 www.edu-hb.com 9. Is only granted access to those subsystems that were explicitly used , and does not have access to all subsystems after upgrading . 只被授予访问以前显式使用的子系统的权限,不能访问升级后的任何子系统。 www.bing.com 10. One of Cheung's favourite stocks is ZTE, which makes smartphones and supplies equipment to operators busily upgrading their systems. 郑名凯钟爱的个股之一是中兴通讯(ZTE),该公司不仅制造智能手机,还向忙于升级系统的运营商们供应设备。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Resonance of enterprise and Government, efforts to promote enterprises to speed up the transformation and upgrading. 企业与政府的共振,合力推动着企业加快转型升级。 www.texclo.net 2. With the constant upgrading and constantly go beyond the human history, to create a more brilliant achievement! 且随着不断的提升、不断的超越,为人类的历史,创造出更辉煌的成就! www.bing.com 3. Through the external economy, learn, innovation and absorbing external factors, the industrial cluster will promote enterprises' upgrading. 通过外部经济、学习、创新以及吸纳外部要素,产业集群促进企业升级。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. If you are upgrading an Excel solution, be sure to think about which class should contain each method that you move over. 如果要对Excel解决方案进行升级,一定要考虑哪个类中应该包含要移动的每个方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. When upgrading to a new version of WebSphere MQ, the recommended practice is to upgrade the repositories to the new version first. 当更新到新的WebSphereMQ版本时,我们推荐首先将储存库升级到最新的版本。 www.ibm.com 6. And there appears to be continued interest among investors in expanding and upgrading these networks in Africa. 现在看来,投资者还是很有兴趣进到非洲扩张并升级手机网络。 www.bing.com 7. The upgrading and refining facilities required to turn tar to oil cost billions of dollars, but the technology is tried and tested. 虽然需要将焦油砂转化为石油的升级和精炼设备成本高达数十亿美元,但这种技术仍在尝试和试验阶段。 www.ecocn.org 8. In his view, the current economic crisis in these areas should be: good control of cash flow, reduce inventories, industrial upgrading . 他认为,在目前经济危机的情况下应在这几方面注意:控制好现金流、降低库存、进行产业升级。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The countermeasures for deepening division of labor and market enlargement should be used to promote gradient upgrading of industry. 要通过促进分工深化和市场广化的对策促进产业的梯度升级。 journal.ctbu.edu.cn 10. During the year, upgrading the computer system facilitating hawker licence and hawker conviction processing was completed. 年内,本署已把处理小贩牌照及小贩定罪工作的电脑系统升级。 www.fehd.gov.hk 1. During the year, upgrading the computer system facilitating hawker licence and hawker conviction processing was completed. 年内,本署已把处理小贩牌照及小贩定罪工作的电脑系统升级。 www.fehd.gov.hk 2. But upgrading to every new release of Windows may be one of the first costs to go. 但是每次升级到新的Windows系统也许是我们最先需要付出的代价。 www.bing.com 3. Electromechanical integration technology with China's accelerated product upgrading, enhancing the voice of the market share, pressure. 我国用机电一体化技术加速产品更新换代,提高市场占有率的呼声高,有压力。 www.lw777.net 4. Be responsible for inerrorerrorerrorerrorerrorformation statistic, database upgrading and archives management. 负责信息统计、数据库维护、档案管理工作。 www.010so.com 5. The scandal brought to a surprising end the tenure of a CEO who had placed great emphasis on upgrading H-P's ethics standards. 这一丑闻给马克?赫德的首席执行官任期划上一个令人吃惊的句号,赫德本人一直非常重视提高惠普公司的道德规范标准。 www.voa365.com 6. For upgrading the standard of measure management, no ready-made mode and templet are used for reference. 提升计量管理水平,没有现成的模式和样板可以借鉴,要大胆创新。勇于探索与实践。 www.showxiu.com 7. As a system administrator, you maintain a number of management systems, so the automated upgrading system is essential. 作为一个系统的管理者,可能要维护好多个管理系统,所以需要一个统一的自动化升级系统。 www.fabiao.net 8. The utility model relates to a coke-burning device for regenerating the non-hydrogenation upgrading catalyst for straight-run gasoline. 本实用新型涉及一种直馏汽油非临氢改质催化剂再生烧焦的装置。 ip.com 9. However, if lessees choose not to carry out toilet upgrading, their toilets must first pass the water test for leaks. 不过,如果屋主选择不进行厕所改造,则必须首先通过检测。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. And all that because Wikileaks simply had to do some upgrading in order to cope with growth. 出现上面的问题仅仅因为,“维基解密”为了应对发展,要进行升级工作。 www.bing.com 1. This paper analyzes the gap between the theoretical basis of traditional view on consumption structure upgrading and economic reality. 文章分析了传统消费结构升级观的立论基础与经济现实存在的差距。 lib.cqvip.com 2. I finally got rid of that old junk computer, and have been upgrading my system whenever I can. 我最终处理掉了我的垃圾电脑,而且还在每次可能的时候都进行升级。 www.bing.com 3. Thus regulator can reduce financing cost of securities market by upgrading trade transparency without fair hurtled. 所以,监管机构可以通过提升交易过程的透明度,在维护公平的前提下,降低证券市场的融资成本。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. With an economy on the mend and renewed optimism towards job creation, many are considering upgrading their education and job status. 随着经济的复苏以及对创造新工作机会的乐观估计,很多人都打算加强培训、改善工作现状。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 5. Free software upgrading, hardware replacement, performance tune up, and other relevant services are provided during the warrantee period. 在保修期内,本公司提供免费软件升级、硬件更换、性能优化调试及其他相关服务。 www.pkuyy.com 6. To satisfy the requirement of increasingly demanding energy-efficiency requirements, Heat Mirror is the best upgrading solution. 为满足建筑物日益提高的节能需求,热镜是极佳的更新换代产品。 www.glassbuy.com.cn 7. Visual Studio helps you add references to Web projects without automatically upgrading to a different. NET Framework version. VisualStudio有助于您将引用添加到Web项目,而无需自动升级到不同的.NETFramework版本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. For users with an ordinary domestic internet connection, the changeover may involve upgrading their hardware. 对于是普通国内互联网连接的用户,新IP地址的改变可能需要升级他们的硬件。 www.bing.com 9. India has spent at least $4. 6 billion upgrading stadiums, refurbishing roads and building power and water utilities. 印度至少已经花了46亿美元来进行场馆改造、道路整修以及电力和供水设施的建设。 www.bing.com 10. This Paper uses two Piece of FLASH EPROM to realize ISP of MC68332, it has great operation possibility for upgrading code in spot. 利用两片FLASHEPROM实现了MC68332系统的在线编程,对于运行现场目标代码的更换具备极大的操作可行性。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Over the next 10 years, China is expected to spend more than $100 billion upgrading its power distribution system. 未来10年中,预计中国将花费超过1,000亿美元资金用于升级电能传输系统。 www.forbeschina.com 2. If you are upgrading or reinstalling, you might not be able to use the default configuration installation option. 如果是升级或重新安装,可能无法使用默认配置安装选项。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Modifying or upgrading the sample connector to better fit the later versions of OmniFind is left as an exercise for the reader. 可以对示例连接器进行修改或更新,使它更适合OmniFind的新版本,这就留给读者作为练习。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Mio Wei stressed that over the next five years is the critical period of China's industrial transformation and upgrading. 苗圩强调,未来五年是我国工业转型升级的攻坚时期。 www.texclo.net 5. If wireless coverage throughout your house is hit or miss, your best bet is to do a little DIY router upgrading. 如果你的无线信号在房间之外就找不到了,你最好的方法是可以做一点DIY性质的路由器升级。 www.bing.com 6. In 2008, China developed the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy, upgrading IPR protection to a national strategy. 2008年,中国制定了《国家知识产权战略纲要》,把保护知识产权提升为国家战略。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If your build performance does not meet your expectations, consider upgrading your hardware configuration. 如果生成性能无法达到您的预期要求,请考虑升级硬件配置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Sensation of your body will help your higher self penetrate your body and proceed with healing and upgrading your DNA code. 感觉你的身体,能够帮助高我深入身体,着手进行疗愈和更新你的DNA密码。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If your test performance does not meet your expectations, consider upgrading your hardware configuration. 如果测试效能不符合您的期望,请考虑升级硬体组态。 technet.microsoft.com 10. This applies also to upgrading maintenance releases of the Adaptive Server Enterprise or Adaptive Server Anywhere database software. 这一原则同样适用于升级AdaptiveServerEnterprise或AdaptiveServerAnywhere数据库软件的维护版本。 www.ianywhere.com 1. Upgrading to "high-potential" drug containment is now also a simple matter. 升级到“高潜力”遏制毒品,现已成为一个简单的事情。 bzxw.a1pak.com 2. Upgrading the city's power supply, and making it far greener, seems certain to be one crucial battleground. 提升城市的供电能力,并且使之更加的环保,看上去确实是个极为重要且极具争议的议题。 club.topsage.com 3. Human capitals play a decisive role in upgrading the quality of the academic journals, expanding reputation, and increasing social returns. 学术期刊人力资本对刊物综合质量的提升、知名度的扩大、社会效益的提高都具有关键性作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Before upgrading, Err. Number will always return 9 (Subscript out of range) and execute the first part of the If statement. 升级之前,Err.Number始终返回9(“下标超出范围”)并执行If语句的第一部分。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Billions more will have to be spent on upgrading existing railroads. 此外还要花费数十亿美元给现有的铁路升级换代。 www.ebigear.com 6. Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, I can no longer combine PDFs like I could in Leopard with Preview. Any suggestions? “自从升到雪豹以后,我就不能像豹子系统那样用“预览”程序合并PDF了。” www.macfans.com.cn 7. Secondly, upgrading the quality of your surroundings can in turn increase your ability to contribute. 其次,提升你周围的质量可以反过来增加你贡献的能力。 www.elanso.com 8. Equipment manufacturing industries as a pivotal industry play an important role in the industrial structure upgrading. 装备制造业作为关键产业在工业结构升级中具有特殊作用。 soso.361xs.com 9. Instead of buying new and most up to date PCs, they contented themselves with upgrading those they had. 他们没有购买新的最新款式的微机,而是把现有的升了级。 www.tdict.com 10. Innovation and upgrading will be stressed in important traditional industries, which are deemed an indispensable part of the economy. 要加大重点传统工业的改革创新力度,这是经济发展的的重要组成部分。 bbs.netat.net 1. This parameter detects changes in the operating system that result from upgrading to a newer version or from applying a service pack. 该参数用于检测由于升级到较新版本或应用了ServicePack而导致的操作系统中发生的更改。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The hard drive easily gets out of the device, making upgrading and swapping easier. 硬驱很容易从机身上弹出来,让升级和数据交换更加方便。 www.bing.com 3. Promote private innovation and upgrading through research and development, and participate in state-managed science-technology programs. 提倡私企通过研究和发展进行升级和革新,以及参与国家指导的科技项目。 www.bing.com 4. Typically, some post-upgrade steps would be required as detailed in the upgrade notes for the revision you are upgrading to. 通常,还需要做一些升级后的步骤,详见你所升级版本的升级修订说明。 translations.launchpad.net 5. Upgrading Outlook on client computers and turning on Cached Exchange Mode creates a local copy of a user's mailbox. 升级客户端计算机的Outlook并打开缓存Exchange模式,将创建用户邮箱的本地副本。 technet.microsoft.com 6. the anticipated concrete results in technology upgrading, quality improvement, cost reduction, or increased efficiency. 二提高技术、改良品质、降低成本或增进效率之具体预期效果。 www.cntranslators.com 7. The programmes centre on upgrading and legalizing land tenure in informal settlements, and regeneration of the city centre. 项目的关键在于非法移民的改善和拆迁的合法化,还有城市中心的重建。 www.jukuu.com 8. Applying those four principal components, the approaches for warranty management value upgrading were discussed from different aspects. 以这四个主成分为分析核心,从不同角度分析了保证管理价值的提升途径。 journal.bit.edu.cn 9. Like business administration, public schools pursuer the goals of "upgrading quality creating excellent performance. " 「追求品质的不断提升,创造卓越的绩效」,是学校与企业共同追求的目标。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Fortunately, I found a solution for anyone who has experienced problems upgrading to v2. 2. 2. 幸运的是我找到了对遇到升级到2.2.2版本错误的人们的一种解决办法。 www.bing.com 1. The horizontal upgrading is from quasi-hierarchy cluster to network cluster, constructing horizontal-vertical cluster network capital. 横向升级是从准等级型集群升级为网络型集群,倚重于横纵交叉网络资本的构建。 www.fabiao.net 2. This will inevitably invoke industrial upgrading, readjustment of industrial structure and fundamental change of economic growth form. 这必将引发产业升级、产业结构的大调整和经济增长方式的根本性改变。 www.chemyq.com 3. Check with the device manufacturer regarding upgrading a device to a later version of Windows CE or Windows Mobile. 有关将设备升级到WindowsCE或WindowsMobile的更新版本的信息,请与设备制造商联系。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Penn has also invested in upgrading its materials management software to improve the accuracy of its stocktaking. 佩恩还投入提升物资管理软件,以提高其评估的准确性。 www.512121.com 5. Sometimes such issues are as simple as upgrading hardware or ensuring that you have the latest patches or versions of your software running. 有时这些问题很简单,只需升级硬件,或者确认您正在运行的软件安装了最新补丁或版本。 www.ibm.com 6. If you are considering upgrading to a subscription service, I would recommend Premium, since Pro offers not a lot more than Premium. 如果你正考虑升级到包月服务,我建议选择高级版,因为专业版比高级版没有多少优势。 wiki.fcctt.org 7. From the evaluated results of the criteria layer, the economic and technological upgrading the carrying capacity of sub-systems faster. 从准则层的评价结果来看,经济技术子系统的承载能力提升较快。 www.13191.com 8. Other schemes involve a donor accepting the responsibility of upgrading a slum in return for a sovereign debt. 其他方案涉及捐款人以承担消除城市贫困责任以换取对外债务。 www.ecocn.org 9. In the new paradigm, the technical human assets will have greater responsibilities for enhancing and upgrading general business processes. 在新的模型中,技术人员的主要责任是增强和升级一般业务过程。 www.ibm.com 10. Despite the fact that Office 2010 is the fastest-selling edition of Office yet, some still believe that upgrading shouldn't be a no-brainer. 尽管事实上Office2010是迄今为止销售速度最快的Offcie版本,有人仍然认为升级不应当是件毫不犹豫不假思索的事情。 www.bing.com 1. Gains came mostly from users upgrading from Firefox 2, while only a small portion came at the expense of Microsoft's Internet Explorer. 收益多数来自于从火狐2升级来的用户,而只有一小部分是来自于微软IE的支出。 www.bing.com 2. Push forward industrial restructuring and upgrading across the board. 全面推进产业结构调整和优化升级 www.bing.com 3. Proceedings of International Workshop on Novel and Enhanced Water Treatment Technologies for Upgrading Water Quality, Tianjin China. 饮用水安全保障技术与管理国际研讨会论文集,中国天津, wenku.baidu.com 4. But it also needs job-market reforms, from streamlining and upgrading training to increasing employers' incentives to hire the low-skilled. 但是美国还需要改革就业市场,从提高培训的效率和力度到增加雇主雇佣低技术工人的动力。 www.bing.com 5. Handling changes, managing version control, upgrading designs, and fixing problems all require a tremendous amount of effort. 处理变更、管理版本控制、更新设计和修复问题都需要付出大量的努力。 www.ibm.com 6. He's going all out to fix his resume and upgrading his English interview skills during winter break. 寒假期间,他挖空心思整理个人简历,努力提高应付英文面试的技能。 www.hjenglish.com 7. In a word, population migration helps the overall optimization and upgrading of the rural industrial structure. 总之,使农村各层次产业结构得到全面的优化升级。 www.xnxbs.net 8. Therefore the current process must be improved for upgrading the first percent of pass for soft-nitriding heat treatment. 为此就须改进现有工艺,提高软氮化热处理的一次合格率。 www.chemyq.com 9. The key to the problems is to carry out optimization and upgrading of industry structure. 解决工业结构矛盾的关键是工业结构调整、优化和升级。 www.fabiao.net 10. Equipment qualification in operational nuclear power plants: upgrading, preserving and reviewing. 运行核电站设备合格性:升级、维护和评论…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 1. Industry experts say that the cruise industry will facilitate a general upgrading of Tianjin's economy. 业界专家表示,邮轮经济将会进一步促进天津经济的发展。 news.enorth.com.cn 2. Describes the requirements and steps for upgrading Reporting Services, and provides information about which components are removed. 说明升级ReportingServices的要求和步骤,并提供关于哪些组件被删除的信息。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Don't you think we need to find ways of upgrading our distribution network? 你不觉得我们必须想办法改进我们的经销网? www.alphayeng.cn 4. Goods upgrading or downgrading along the spiral surface, avoid too large inclined angle which may cause goods overturningbeing destroyed. 货物按照螺旋输送面升降,避免角度过大,造成货物倾倒和破损。 www.foodjx.com 5. Finally, the paper proposes the relevant countermeasures to upgrading China's country image both in a macro and micro level. 最后,本文在综合以上分析的基础上,从宏观和微观层面,提出了提升我国国家形象的相关对策。 www.fabiao.net 6. This research has provided the scientific basis for the Zhangjiajie upgrading of industries and the internal structure optimization. 本项研究为张家界产业结构升级与内部结构优化提供了科学依据。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. We will speed up the process of upgrading the processing trade and improving the geographical distribution of the processing trade industry. 推动加工贸易转型升级和合理布局。 www.ebigear.com 8. Wenzhou private enterprises have entered the critical transforming and upgrading period, confronting both the suffering and the opportunity. 温州民营企业已进入转型升级的关键期、阵痛期和机遇期。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Upgrading and interface growth and experience from the perspective of the Open City with the cultivation of three suggestions. 并从体验升级和体验界面增长的角度对环城游憩带的培育提出三点建议。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Information technology upgrading the competitiveness as an important weapon has been confirmed. 信息化技术作为提升中小企业竞争力一处重要武器已得到普遍验证。 www.qikan.com.cn 1. Other folks will wait for several TL's to be put into place prior to upgrading to ensure maximum reliability. 而另一些人将在升级前等待某些TL准备就绪,从而确保获得最大程度的可靠性。 www.ibm.com 2. Second, it is an urgent need for upgrading industrial technology capacity and realizing industrial self-development. 其次,产业技术创新平台是提升产业技术能力实现产业自主发展的迫切需要。 www.fabiao.net 3. Upgrading the Competitiveness of Our Retailing Enterprises . 提升我国零售企业竞争能力的思考。 www.bing.com 4. Existing website is in need of upgrading and refreshing, particularly in the area of SEO. No underlying data base is needed. 在现有网站的升级和刷新,特别是在SEO的领域,需要。无基础数据基础是必要的。 www.bing.com 5. Public participation is the essence for upgrading public civilization, which should be strongly advocated to arouse the good human nature. 公共参与是公共文明水平提高的综合性要素,是应当着力倡导的人性呼唤。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The database administrator can use manual failover for upgrading hardware or software without sacrificing availability. 数据库管理员可使用手动故障转移升级硬件或软件,同时不会牺牲可用性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Ensure the name of the node is the same as the node you are upgrading. 确保节点的名称和要升级的节点名称相同。 www.ibm.com 8. Clients may be upgraded at anytime, but you should understand the limitations of upgrading them first with an older backend. 可以在任何时候对客户机进行升级,但是应当了解首次使用较旧的后端来升级它们时的局限性。 www.ibm.com 9. Global Value Chain Theory provides us with a new perspective to re-examine the upgrading and development of industrial clusters road. 全球价值链理论为我们提供一个全新视角来重新审视产业集群的升级发展之路。 www.fabiao.net 10. Accelerate scientific and technological innovation and promote industry upgrading. 加快科技创新,推进产业升级。 51fane.net 1. It's a good idea to repair disk permissions as a regular maintenance task after upgrading or installing new software. 最好在升级或安装新软件后,将修理磁盘权限作为常规维护任务。 docs.info.apple.com 2. Do you think the earthquake a good chance for Haiti's industry upgrading and social transformation? 深度对话:您认为地震对于海地是一个产业升级和社会转型的好机会吗? news.qq.com 3. SAIC has spent two years changing the styling, upgrading the chassis and designing a new interior. 上汽公司耗时两年,对原车式样和底盘了改造和升级,并设计了新的内饰。 www.ttxyy.com 4. S. military is stepping up the pace of upgrading the network operational capability. 这表明美军正加快提升网络作战能力的步伐。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. This thesis primarily researches the tactics and implementation on upgrading the wholesale market of agricultural products. 本论文主要研究了四川省农产品批发市场升级改造的策略及其实施问题。 www.fabiao.net 6. The standard makes removing a malfunctioning radar or upgrading a buggy vision algorithm as simple as a changing a tire. 这项标准规范有助于更换故障的雷达,或是为车辆的视觉演算法升级,就像换轮胎一样简单。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 7. We research on the feasibility and countermeasure of upgrading auto industrial competitiveness through the view of industrial agglomeration. 本文从产业集聚的角度来研究提升汽车产业竞争力的可行性及对策。 www.lw23.com 8. But he also believes that the system needs only upgrading, not replacing. 但他仍然相信这个体系只需要升级,而无需替换。 www.ecocn.org 9. When upgrading from a set of CD-ROMs, you will be asked to insert specific CDs at several points during the upgrade. 当从一组CD-ROM升级时,您会被要求在特定时期插入特定CD。 www.debian.org 10. With switches upgrading, technology is constantly increasing, the trend for more control of program - controlled switches few fonts. 随着交换机的更新换代,技术的不断提高,交换机的发展趋势为更加数字型的程控交换机。 www.fabiao.net 1. The upgrading of regional competitiveness to a large degree, depends on the competitive level of local industry. 区域竞争力的提升很大程度上取决于区域产业的竞争力水平。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Third, there exist interactive relations between informal labors' social protection and industry cluster's upgrading. 非正规就业的保护和产业集群的升级具有互动关系。 www.juhe8.com 3. Are there any known compatibility issues when upgrading from a V2200 to a V2500 platform ? that would require my code to be recompiled? 从V2200升级为需要我重新编译代码的V2500平台时,是否有任何已知的兼容性问题? e-support.hp.com.cn 4. Objective To perform comparative study on database performance before and after upgrading hardware & software of database. 目的:测试数据库服务器软硬件升级前后数据库性能的具体变化。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Goldman Sachs lifted earnings estimates for hardware companies in the European technology sector, upgrading several stocks. 高盛集团上调了欧洲科技板块多家软件企业的收益,同时调高了科技企业股价预期。 www.bing.com 6. Much effort and hard work goes into the training and upgrading of judges around the world. 世界各国为裁判的培训和升级提高做了大量的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Because upgrading involves replacing files and directories, you can easily replace content accidentally that has been added to your site. 因为更新需要替换文件和目录,很容易无意中替换已经添加到站点的内容。 www.ibm.com 8. Upgrading does not set the database compatibility level for the master database. 升级并不会设置master数据库的数据库兼容级别。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. This paper hope the methods and strategies proposed have certain reference value on upgrading of service quality for logistics enterprises. 本文提出的方法、策略期望能对我国第三方物流企业提升服务质量有所帮助。 www.fabiao.net 10. In a sense, the process of economic development is in fact the process of industrial structure adjustment and upgrading. 在一定意义上,经济发展的过程就是产业结构调整和升级的过程,而产业结构的变化,说到底是投资结构的变化的结果。 www.fabiao.net 1. To facilitate the upgrading of the system, the ARM7 LPC2292 microcontroller was used as the dominant CAN module. 为了便于系统的网络升级,在系统设计中使用了ARM7微控制器LPC2292作为CAN总线的主控模块。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Experience and Upgrading of Wells Drilling with a Long-Distance Deviation from a Vertical in NK Rosneft-Sakhalinmorneftegaz Co. Ltd. 罗斯石油-萨哈林海洋油气股份公司超远距偏离垂线的钻井经验和改进。 www.ilib.cn 3. The fink package manager now offers upgrading via rsync, as an alternative to the CVS upgrade method. fink软件包管理器现在提供通过rsync升级的方式,作为CVS升级方式的替代方法。 www.finkproject.org 4. Corrected problem with losing SNMP configuration when upgrading from older Management Module firmware releases. 修正了当从旧的管理模块固件升级时会丢失SNMP的配置信息。 club.pchome.net 5. Upgrading to a seismic stress meter, however, is still a long way off. 升级地震压力仪,仍然是一条漫长的道路。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Firstly the tool must support upgrading software delivered earlier such that customer modifications are not overwritten . 首先,这个工具必须支持早期交付,客户的修改不会被覆盖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Alleviating the subsequent maintenance and upgrading issues of the application system. 减轻了应用系统的后续维护与升级问题。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. have the benefits of the Americans and promoted the upgrading of its industries. 中国人民以其勤劳的双手,增进了美国的福祉,促进其产业升级换代。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Discover some of the key reasons why your company should consider upgrading to Windows Vista. 介绍您的公司应考虑升级到WindowsVista的一些主要原因。 technet.microsoft.com 10. adjusting product structure and improving industrial concentration, so as to achieve industrial upgrading and sustainable development. 调整产品结构,提高产业集中度等,从而实现产业升级和持续发展。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Without unit testing this code, organizations may pay for repeated testing of web applications after upgrading or supporting new browsers. 如果没有对代码进行单元测试,那么在升级或支持新浏览器后,组织可能需要花钱反复测试Web应用程序。 www.ibm.com 2. The last part covers the tactics and implementation details on how to be creative in upgrading DU ZHE. 最后一部分还提出了《读者》品牌创新的具体实施策略。 www.13191.com 3. He proposed to mobilize street towns within enterprises to participate in "Man Fair" to promote corporate restructuring and upgrading. 他提出,各镇街要积极动员域内企业参与“漫博会”,促进企业的转型升级。 www.dw188.com 4. On Mips machines you will need to upgrade to a newer kernel version first before upgrading the system. 在Mips机器上有必要在升级系统之前先升级内核。 www.debian.org 5. If you find that a tool does not live up to your expectations, then you should consider dropping it or upgrading if a new version exists. 如果您发现工具达不到您的期望,那么应该考虑放弃它,如果有新版本,就应考虑升级它。 www-128.ibm.com 6. This allows a character to progress through levels with the same equipment upgrading them as they level. 这允许玩家能够将同一个装备升级到他们想要的等级。 www.10zj.com 7. Maintaining and upgrading these legacy applications represents significant cost. 对这些遗留系统进行维护和升级需要大量成本。 www-128.ibm.com 8. It is so significant in upgrading flight control system BIT capability and pushing BIT comprehensive application. 对提升飞控系统BIT的性能,推进BIT深入、广泛、有效的应用具有十分重要意义。 www.mct.com.cn 9. greater efforts to support the upgrading of industrial structure adjustment and optimizing the key project construction. 加大力度支持产业结构调整和优化升级关键项目建设。 www.fabiao.net 10. Inter-satellites links increase the complexity of satellite networks while upgrading the connectivity and autonomy. 星际链路的加入提高了卫星网络的连通性和自治性,也使得整个网络更为复杂。 www.magsci.org 1. Bonus for team member proposing small management upgrading , praise for team member presenting big plan of excellent management . 加分为队成员建议小的管理升级,为队成员赞扬阐明优秀的管理的大的平面图。 www.bing.com 2. When upgrading runes gotten in-game the cost of the old rune will now be refunded. 当升级游戏中取得的符石时,那个旧符石的花费点数将被退还。 www.10zj.com 3. The vertical upgrading is from arm's-length market cluster to quasi-hierarchy cluster, constructing vertical cluster network capital. 其中,纵向升级是从短距离市场型集群升级为准等级型集群,倚重于纵向集群网络资本的重塑。 www.fabiao.net 4. Other schemes involves donor accepting the responsibility of upgrading a sluminreturn for a sovereign debt. 其他的计划中,包括让捐款人以承担消除城市贫困的责任来替代主权债务。 www.bing.com 5. The standardised measure to facilitate the precise calculation of the item, the upgrading of the standard of service. 量度单位的统一规范,方便物料的准确计算,提升了服务水平。 www.bing.com 6. The fundamental interest of China in Africa depends on the overall strength of the upgrading of China. 中国在非洲利益的根本保障有赖于提升中国整体实力。 qk.cass.cn 7. No point upgrading oneself or applying for the Workforce Development Agency conversion programmes. 没有一点升级自己或者申请劳动力发展机构的地位转换节目。 wenwen.soso.com 8. China is eager to attract branches of world-class universities in the hope of upgrading its own universities. 中国急切地吸引世界一流大学来华建立分校,并希望以此提升本国的大学教学建设水平。 www.bing.com 9. For information, see Unloading and reloading a database participating in replication and Upgrading the database file format. 有关信息,请参见卸载和重装参与复制的数据库和升级数据库文件格式。 www.ianywhere.com 10. China might also be considering upgrading the J-10 with more advanced phased-array radar to improve its combat capabilities. 中国很有可能考虑升级J-10的雷达为先进的相控阵雷达来提高它的战斗性能。 bbs.cqzg.cn 1. Upgrade WebSphere Application Server and the applications themselves on the test system first before upgrading the production system. 在升级生产系统之前首先在测试系统上升级WebSphereApplicationServer和应用程序本身。 www.ibm.com 2. Because sometimes the data is changing, I need a way for upgrading! So write it down! No, it is NOT just import the new version! 因为有时数据是不断变化的,我需要一个升级的方式!因此,把它写下来!不,这不仅是导入新的版本! www.bing.com 3. That's because businesses are spending some of their big pile of cash upgrading their systems and equipment, instead of hiring people. 因为公司会将花费资金池中大量资金的部分用于升级他们的系统和设备而不是雇人。 www.bing.com 4. to continuously upgrade and improve the product structure, to promote transformation and upgrading of processing trade. 不断提升和改善产品结构,促进转化和加工贸易升级。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Upgrading to the latest available version of Notes supported by your Domino server will generally give improved performance. 升级到您的Domino服务器支持的最新可用Notes版本通常会获得性能的提高。 www-128.ibm.com 6. So technological transformation has been becoming a matter of primary importance for upgrading the industrial structure. 技术改造已成为促进产业结构升级从而提高经济质量增长的最为重要的途径。 www.fabiao.net 7. Upgrade clients at regional sites: This activity involves upgrading the client software that the project team uses. 升级区域性站点处的客户端:该活动涉及到了项目团队所使用到的客户端软件。 www.ibm.com 8. Upgrading the old machine was developed in recent years a new industry has formed a certain scale in foreign countries and markets. 更新改造旧机床是最近几年发展起来的一个新兴产业,在国外己形成一定规模和市场。 zhidao.k8008.com 9. Participate in equipment engineering projects, e. G. Equipment upgrading and TCO projects in the plants to achieve higher efficiency. 积极参加设备工程项目,例如:厂区设备的使用原则及TCO项目达到更高的效能。 10. We will accelerate independent innovation and industrial upgrading and further strengthen the competitive advantages of the economy. 加快自主创新和产业升级,进一步增强经济竞争优势。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Provides information about upgrading replicated databases. 提供有关升级已复制数据库的信息。 technet.microsoft.com 2. We devote to making improvements by broadening service scope, upgrading system quality and enhancing employee quality. 我们将在更深发掘能力,开拓服务广度,提高系统质量和员工素质等方面继续努力。 campus.51job.com 3. Methods suitable for evaluating the feasibility of various upgrading schemes for existing buildings are few currently. 目前对既有房屋加层改造的方案决策还缺乏科学系统的方法。 www.dictall.com 4. Finally, the paper puts forward some specific suggestions of further upgrading our international competency. 最后,为增强我国汽车轮胎业国际竞争力提出了具体建议。 www.fabiao.net 5. Application: Pavement reinforcing, anti-cracking, widening and urban roads upgrading. 应用:路面加觔防裂,路面拓宽,市政道路、水泥路面改造。 www.diytrade.com 6. Some experts say the strains could accelerate industrial upgrading, automation and consolidation. 部分专家指出,劳动力紧缺将加速产业升级、自动化及整合进程。 cn.reuters.com 7. upgrading of traditional industries. We will promptly formulate [[innovation]] targets and measures for achieving them in key . . . 紧制定若干重大领域关键技术[[创新]]的目标和措施,务求尽快取… cnc.readfree.net 8. Most of WCDMA system equipments are able to support HSDPA simply via software upgrading. 而目前大部分的WCDMA系统设备只需通过软件升级就可以支持HSDPA。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. Discussion and Practice on Sorting, Upgrading and Integrating the Contents of "Basic Circuit Theory" and "Signals and Systems" 关于“电路基础”、“信号与系统”课程优化整合的探讨与实践 www.ilib.cn 10. Relevant implications for local enterprise's technical capacity investment and upgrading are provided. 上述结果为促进本土企业技术能力投入与升级提供了启示。 www.ceps.com.tw |
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