单词 | updates |
释义 | updates是update的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:updates 现在分词:updating 过去式:updated 例句释义: 最新情报,〈美〉使成为最新式的[现代化的],更新,一键更新,最近更新 1. Jumo will send out e-mails and updates tailored to its users to help them stay engaged, he said. Jumo会通过发送email以及适合用户的更新资料来留住用户,他说到。 www.bing.com 2. Notice that the example updates to show you how the merged attributes will look as you add delimiters, as the bottom of Figure 34 shows. 请注意,该示例将更新,以向您展示合并属性在添加了分隔符时的情况,如图34所示。 www.ibm.com 3. "They ran into a lot of problems with managing their assets and pushing updates out to a million user network, " he said. 他说,“这样一来管理他们的资产和更新一百万台使用者网络信息将会带来很多烦。” www.bing.com 4. Make it a pay-for-use system and see if customers start demanding instead of anticipating updates. 当它变成一个付费使用的系统时,看是不是消费者开始要求升级而不是期待升级。 www.bing.com 5. Additionally, when updates are applied to a running application, the entire application does not always need to be recycled. 此外,对正在运行的应用程序应用更新时,并不会对整个应用程序进行回收。 www.ibm.com 6. Renzhe, whether or not you get people reading along with you, I'd absolutely love to see regular updates on your progress (or stalling). 你找到同伴了吗?我非常想知道是不是在执行(或拖延)计划。 www.tianyayidu.com 7. It shows you when there are updates, but still requires a click to actually view them (and is often buggy when displaying them). 一旦有更新,仍需要单击以实际查看(并且是简要的展示)。 www.bing.com 8. If the updates come close to the size of the client, a complete exchange of the client might be most appropriate. 如果更新接近客户机的大小,那么交换完整的客户机可能更合适。 www.ibm.com 9. You can manage the process for updating your calendar just as you manage the updates to any list. 可以管理日历的更新过程,方式与您管理其他任何列表的更新相同。 office.microsoft.com 10. Windows is ready to begin installing the updates available for your computer. Windows准备就绪可以开始为您的计算机安装可用的更新。 support.microsoft.com 1. Problems setting up the printer, fetching updates, and widely publicized issues with KDE were all par for the course. 打印机设置问题,升级的获取以及众所周知的KDE问题,这些都是部分原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. To make sure that your computer is ready to install these updates, you must first install all important updates for your computer. 为了确保您的计算机可以安装这些更新,必须先为计算机安装所有重要更新。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 3. Updates to the parent attribute in a parent-child hierarchy must not include updates to any other properties or attributes. 对父子层次结构中的父特性的更新一定不能包括对任何其他属性或特性的更新。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. On a recent trip with one, a manager we met with said he'd like to have weekly updates and inventory status on every order. 最近的一次,,我们遇到的经理说他希望我们能够每周更新和执行每一张订单后的库存状况。 sdzcw.blog.163.com 5. How much do updates cost? 更新需要多少费用? windowshelp.microsoft.com 6. Sure, app updates are usually free (so far), but who wants to go through the hassle of waiting for a "fix" to an app you just purchased? 当然,很多应用目前为止都是免费的,但谁又想自找麻烦,等待一个补丁来解救你刚买的应用呢? www.bing.com 7. Find Updates to Add-ons lets you know if updates to any of the currently installed add-ons are available. FindUpdatestoAdd-ons允许您了解当前已安装的外接程序是否有更新可用。 www.ibm.com 8. To install critical Windows updates or to verify that all critical updates are installed on your computer, visit Microsoft Windows Update. 要安装Windows重要更新或验证计算机上是否已安装所有重要更新,请访问MicrosoftWindowsUpdate。 office.microsoft.com 9. The necessary Java implementation code is all generic code that does not require any updates when adding more DAOs. 必需的Java实现代码全部是泛型代码,在添加更多DAO时不需要任何更新。 www.ibm.com 10. During the course, the slang gradually formed its own style with the features of humor, vivid, easy to express and fast updates. 在发展的过程中美国俚语逐渐形成了自己的风格特点:幽默风趣、形象生动、易于表达情感、更新迅速等。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. It appears that this class is still in its true infancy stage, so stay tuned to see if updates are in the works. 这个类好像仍然还处在婴儿期,所以请耐心等待,看看是否会有更新。 www.ibm.com 2. The strip seems to have settled into pretty regular updates, and I hope Ellie lasts at least as long as the Mars Exploration rovers. 这部作品的更新相当规律,我希望Ellie的故事能和火星探测车之旅一样长久。 www.bing.com 3. It should be easy to combine application updates and BPM updates into a single transaction. 它应该很容易将业务流程的更新和应用程序更新结合到一个单一事务里面。 www.360doc.com 4. Users can subscribe to your Delicious bookmarks and Twitter updates so they are always up-to-date with your latest offerings. 用户可以订阅您的Delicious书签和Twitter更新,以便及时了解您最新提供的内容。 www.ibm.com 5. Alas, constant updates via instant message proved to be a bit too much for my tastes, and I disabled the feature. 哎,通过即时通信的不断更新太不合我的口味了,于是我禁用了这个特性。 www.bing.com 6. Even it most of it is transient data, it'd still be good to know how much of it is social network updates. 尽管大部分都是瞬时的数据,但是我们还想知道其中有多少是社交网络更新的数据。 www.bing.com 7. All fans must be active - have real status updates going back at least 30 days and also as recent as a few days from the date of payment. 所有球迷必须是活动的-有真正的状态更新可以追溯到至少30天,也一样从付款之日起最近几天。 www.bing.com 8. Defines restrictions on updates made at a Subscriber with a client subscription, which can be one of the following values. 定义对具有客户端订阅的订阅服务器上所进行更新的限制,可以为下列值之一 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Therefore, the updates that are present on the server, ready to be consumed by clients, have to wait for some time before that can happen. 因而,服务器上准备好供客户端使用的更新必须等待一段时间,才能真正地为客户端所用。 www.ibm.com 10. If any one of the updates require you to restart the computer to complete the installation, Windows restarts the computer automatically. 如果任何更新要求您重新启动计算机以完成安装,则Windows会自动地重新启动计算机。 support.microsoft.com 1. On top of these two updates for the Evora, there's also expected to be a highly anticipated supercharged variant within the next two years. 在这两个更新的埃武拉,也有预计将成为备受瞩目的超级变在未来两年内。 usa.315che.com 2. When a user updates data, the system checks to see if another user changed the data after it was read. 当一个用户更新数据时,系统将进行检查,查看该用户读取数据后其他用户是否又更改了该数据。 technet.microsoft.com 3. These updates should be at least the products virus signature files. You may also need to update the product's scanning engine as well. 更新文件应该至少包括病毒特征码,最好也能更新该产品的搜索引擎文件。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. This simply updates the total time, the maximum time (if appropriate), and a count of executions of the given operation. 这仅仅更新指定操作的总时间、最大时间(如果适用)以及执行次数。 www.ibm.com 5. Both sites automatically detect Office and prompt you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up to date. 这两个网站会自动检测Office,并提示您安装使Office程序保持最新的更新和ServicePack。 www.microsoft.com 6. The actual "stories" about a person show up in speech bubbles that resemble the updates you'll see on Twitter, and tend to be rather short. 关于一个人的真实的“故事”,在对话泡泡上显示出来,你会在Twitter上看到类似的更新,但往往会很短。 www.elanso.com 7. While it may seem a bit much, these constant updates, which are only a few kilobytes in size, keep your system protected. 虽然看起来似乎有点吃不消了,这些不断更新,其中只有少数千大小保持你的制度保障。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. To ask for a particular version of a satellite assembly to simplify updates of the main assembly of an application. 要求附属程序集的特定版本以简化应用程序的主程序集的更新。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Currently, the company indexes the Web on a rolling basis throughout the day and updates a few services, like Google News, more frequently. 目前,Google全天滚动索引网站和更新了一些服务,如Google新闻,更加频繁。 www.bing.com 10. A functionality is often available to get data and updates by a means other than through the network. 常常能够通过网络之外的其他方式获取数据和执行更新。 www.ibm.com 1. Application availability is often crucial when application updates are in progress. 在进行应用程序更新期间的应用程序可用性通常非常重要。 www.ibm.com 2. Nothing will be installed at this time. You will be notified when updates are available and ready to be installed. 此时不会安装任何软件。在更新软件可用并可安装时会通知您。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 3. These fixes typically involve updates to a small number of application files and do not usually change application behavior or interfaces. 这些修复会对一小部分应用程序文件进行更新,而通常不会更改应用程序行为或接口。 www.ibm.com 4. A project manager has an upcoming meeting and the task updates for her team do not appear in her reports. 项目经理即将参加会议,而其团队的任务更新并未出现在其报表中。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Lisa updates Pad Man that she is ready to move Scylla. Sara sees Lisa leave the office. 莉莎通知“将军”已经准备好,可以转移“锡拉”了。莎拉看见莉莎离开了办公室。 www.bing.com 6. Rates are expected to be kept on hold, but analysts will be looking for any updates on the Bank's quantitative easing programme. 英国的利率预计将保持不变,但分析师将期待并审视英国央行的量化宽松计划的任何更新。 www.bing.com 7. Today, I stepped away from my desk for a few minutes only to return to find the general manager installing updates on my computer. 今天我离开了办公桌几分钟,回来的时候发现总经理正在我的机器上安装更新。 www.bucter.com 8. After you specify an IP group, the status message updates to indicate that the environment profile is ready to use. 指定IP组之后,状态消息更新,表明环境概要文件随时可以使用了。 www.ibm.com 9. IGN: Besides the new mode, there have also been a number of graphical upgrades. What kind of updates can we expect to see? 除了追加有新的游戏模式,这个游戏还有相当数量在画面效果上的升级,主要表现在哪里呢?。 wap.tgfcer.com 10. While walking, she is often on the phone checking in with her booker for updates to her packed schedule. 她常常一边走路一边打电话,和她的雇主确认她繁忙的时间表是否有新的变化。 www.bing.com 1. The creators have said their software is no less secure than any other software that downloads updates over the Internet. 软件开发者表示,他们的软件的安全性丝毫不逊于通过互联网下载更新的其他任何软件。 www.bing.com 2. When Lauren became his manager, she told him that he was not giving the passengers hourly updates on arrival times, as was expected of him. 当Lauren成为他的经理后,她告诉他没有像公司期望的那样,他没有给客户按每小时一次提供到达时间的更新。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This release brings with it a raft of updates to the core Groovy language and libraries. 此次发布对Groovy语言本身和程序库都进行了大量的更新。 www.infoq.com 4. Download the updates automatically and notify me when they are ready to be installed. Learn about automatic downloading. 自动下载更新并且当更新就绪可以安装时通知我。了解自动下载。 www.fan6.net 5. Office Update automatically detects Office and prompts you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up-to-date. OfficeUpdate会自动检测Office,并提示您安装使Office程序保持最新的更新和ServicePack。 www.microsoft.com 6. It was always so interesting reading Aarron's updates. Not only was it detailed, it was full of his own little trials & tribulations. 阅读艾伦的日志更新很有意思。它并不仅仅详细,而且里面全是艾伦自己的经历的些小试验和磨难。 www.elanso.com 7. Google updates in a bit of a mess, PR also can't really reflect the situation of the site. 谷歌更新的有点乱了,PR也不能真实反映站点的情况了。 www.82g.com.cn 8. If it were to reside outside of a plug-in, deploying code updates becomes more difficult. 如果它驻留在插件外部,那么部署代码更新将变得更加困难。 www.ibm.com 9. If you're deciding what movie to see with your girlfriend, no one else needs to receive those updates. 如果你在和你的女友商量看什么电影,别人根本无需接收你的更新。 www.bing.com 10. Back in his Anchorage office, Fischbach can download hourly updates on the animals, which he calls "walrus diaries. " 回到位于安克雷奇的办公室,菲施巴赫可以每小时下载这些动物的动向,他称之为“海象日记”。 www.bing.com 1. Why should a bunch of updates that came up to the number of sad and a waste of time. 何必为了那一堆更新又更新的数字哀伤而浪费时间。 wenwen.soso.com 2. As you add parameters, the wizard updates Parameter list to display each parameter, with its modifier and type. 添加参数时,向导随之更新“参数列表”以显示每一个参数及其修饰符和类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. He added that administration officials were watching the news -- and reading updates on social-network sites -- for news from the front. 欧内斯特说,奥巴马政府官员正在通过看新闻以及阅读社交网站最新内容来了解前线的消息。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Exchange updates the checkpoint file every thirty seconds, and its header is viewable except during the moment when an update is occurring. Exchange每隔三十秒更新一次检查点文件,除了在更新进行期间以外,其他时间都可以查看其文件头。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Unlike task updates , status reports do not contain numerical information about the project and cannot be used to update it . 与任务更新不同,状态报告不包含关于项目的数字信息,并且不能用于更新项目。 www.bing.com 6. When customers install an update rollup, customers do not have to individually install all the updates that are available for a product. 客户安装更新汇总时,不需要逐一安装为产品提供的所有更新。 support.microsoft.com 7. Notify me before downloading any updates and notify me again when they are ready to be installed . 下载任何更新前通知我并且当更新就绪可以安装时再通知我。 www.bing.com 8. DNS had been built as a secondary DNS server or files copied from a DNS server do not support dynamic updates . DNS具有已生成作为辅助DNS服务器也从DNS服务器复制文件执行不支持动态更新。 www.bing.com 9. You are always in my thoughts and the thoughts of the rest of our family who are contacting me constantly incase of any news or updates. 我和家里其他人都很关心您。他们还经常联系我,了解有关您的新闻和最新动态。 dongxi.net 10. Document Updates, which allows you to update your copy of a drawing that's on a Document Workspace to reflect changes made by other users. “文档更新”,该任务窗格允许您更新“文档工作区”中的绘图副本,以反映由其他用户进行的更改。 office.microsoft.com 1. The partial repository subscribes to updates about these remote objects and maintains a local copy of the last known state of each. 部分储存库订阅关于这些远程对象的更新,并维护每个对象的最新状态的本地副本。 www.ibm.com 2. The easiest way to ask questions or offer feedback or updates to this book is in Google Wave itself. 提出问题、进行反馈或更新本书内容最简单的方式就是通过GoogleWave本身。 www.bing.com 3. These were purchases that would require a good deal of service and numerous updates over the course of the contract. 购买的环节里需要许多的服务和补充材料在整个签订合同的过程里。 www.bing.com 4. Download the updates automatically and notify me when they are ready to be installed. 自动下载更新程序并在可以安装时通知我。 www.fan6.net 5. Carolyn Savage said she knows she'll always think about him, and Shannon Morell plans to send the Savages updates as the baby grows. 卡洛琳萨维奇说她知道她永远都会想着他,而香侬莫儿勒计划会一直同她更新宝宝的成长状况。 www.bing.com 6. As long as I leave these processes running, I can continue to receive updates forever - the underlying XML has no size limit. 只要我让这些进程继续运行,我就能够始终接收更新底层的XML没有大小限制。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Unless certain updates were applied to your computer, the time zone settings for your computer's system clock may be incorrect. 除非对计算机进行了特定的更新,否则计算机系统时钟的时区设置可能会不正确。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Cleaning some bugs and polishing some gnome updates, and trying to work more with upstream. 清理了一些错误并处理一些gnome更新,并试图与上游进行更多的合作。 www.bing.com 9. It should also be mentioned that the list updates dynamically now as you change your search parameters. 另外一个值得一提的改进就是当你修改搜索参数时,球员列表会根据你的变动实时动态更新。 www.fmcm.cn 10. The bottom view will display your code with all the reference updates due to the refactoring operation. 底部视图将显示代码,其中包含了因重构操作而引起的所有引用更新。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. We'll keep introducing Wang Wang and Funi together over the next few days so stay tuned for further exciting updates! 我们将继续介绍,在未来的几天网网和福妮的表现,请大家留意进一步的令人兴奋的更新! tieba.baidu.com 2. Updates are released at least twice a week. 每周至少发布两次更新。 avast.com.cn 3. Any of these manipulations updates the mapping between the bullets in the Text pane and the shapes in the layout for the SmartArt graphic. 以上任何一项操作都会更新“文本”窗格中的项目符号与SmartArt图形布局中的形状之间的映射。 office.microsoft.com 4. Identifies the attributes used for the deployment of updates and exposure to the system. 标识用来部署更新并向系统公开的属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. This Service Pack cannot be integrated into a destination that also has integrated Software Updates. 这个服务包不能整合到目标,目标已经整合了软件更新。 www.techupdate.com.cn 6. Recent updates to all your groups are shown on your homepage as icons showing which tool has been used. 所有团队的最近更新都会显示在您的主页上,并且以图标的形式告诉您哪项工具被使用了。 www.elanso.com 7. I find it a little coincidental that Google updates the Google Maps app right before a big press event. 我觉得谷歌刚好在一个大的新闻发布会之前发布此次谷歌地图的更新不会完全是因为巧合。 www.bing.com 8. IDList is a class used for bulk updates that contains a list of IDs and a type attribute whose legal values are topic, response, and any. IDList是一个用于bulk更新的类,它包含了一个ID列表和一个type属性,该属性的合法值为topic、response和any。 www.ibm.com 9. With the promise of regular updates and an improved version, Vista is safe enough for you to consider, too. 他们承诺提供及时的更新,并且在不久之后提供一个改进的版本,不过对Vista来说,目前也只有它的安全性能让你去考虑它。 www.bing.com 10. In the talk, McCandless said he and a colleague scraped 10, 000 Facebook status updates for the phrases "breakup" and "broken up. " 在谈话中,麦克坎德莱斯说他跟他的一位同事从Facebook上10,000个状态更新数据中搜罗出了带有“分手”和“被分手”的词组来。 down02.putclub.com 1. You can set Windows to automatically install important and recommended updates, or to install important updates only. 可以将Windows设置为自动安装重要更新和推荐的更新,或者仅安装重要更新。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 2. This item does not install or update any actual packages, it just updates the listings used for the package browser. 这个选项并不实际安装或更新任何软件包,它只是更新软件包浏览器中所使用的清单。 www.finkproject.org 3. And then he said that most of them would be quickly fixed in updates to the TouchPad's software and application store. 然后他说,大部分缺陷可以在TouchPad的软件和应用程序商店里的升级中得到迅速修复。 www.bing.com 4. Nonetheless, how the service data is derived from or updates domain data is up to the service implementation. 虽然如此,服务数据如何从域数据中得到或者更新,取决于服务执行。 www.ibm.com 5. Frequency of such updates can vary from a few per day to a set of cumulative fixes applied periodically. 此类更新的频率可能为每天数次,也可能为周期性地应用一组累积修复。 www.ibm.com 6. When Suzanne Biemiller moved away to college, she started phoning her mother to share updates about her life. 苏珊娜?比米勒离开家去读大学后,她开始给母亲打电话,分享她生活里各种新信息。 www.putclub.com 7. Microsoft recommends that you use the Office Product Updates site to determine if your computer requires this update before installing it. Microsoft建议您在安装前使用Office产品更新站点来确定您的计算机是否需要此更新。 www.microsoft.com 8. And, for a double check, re-capture those webpages with Clixpy to see if the updates really work. 然后再仔细检查,使用Clixpy重新捕获网页,看一看更新是不是能真的起作用。 www.bing.com 9. Maria's blog was filled with joyful updates about their first child. This turned out to be a terrible mistake. Maria也在部落格上不断更新初为人母的喜悦,然而,这却是一个可怕的错误。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. The number of updates that have been applied to a specific article during synchronization. 在同步期间应用到特定项目的更新的数目。 technet.microsoft.com 1. To cut down on the time it takes to make updates to multiple pages on your site, or global updates , you can use " included " pages . 若要简化对多个网页进行更新或全局更改的工作,您可以使用“包含的”网页。 www.bing.com 2. The deployment descriptor editor within WSAD makes it easy to perform these updates. WSAD中的部署描述符编辑器使执行这些更新变得很容易。 www.ibm.com 3. On most other sites, only people who have accepted one another as "friends" are able to read updates. 在绝大多数其他网站上,只有彼此成为“友人”的人们才能读到彼此的更新。 www.bing.com 4. Others like to live at the edges of town, away from prying eyes and overwhelming updates. 有些人则喜欢居住在城市边缘,远离人群的窥探和压倒一切的现代化气息。 www.bing.com 5. It's been a big year for diet and nutrition, with a lot of new information as well as updates of "conventional wisdom" . 要说饮食和营养,今年确是一个丰收年,因为涌现了大量关于“群众意见”的新信息以及更新内容。 www.elanso.com 6. To avoid this type of a situation with a Web server, developers should be mindful of minimizing the frequency of updates. 为了避免Web服务器出现这种情况,开发人员一定要注意最小化更新频率。 www.ibm.com 7. There will be an alert window popping up to remind the user of new entries or updates have not been saved. (用户输入完成后)弹出一个警示窗口提醒用户新的更新尚未保存。 ptpgg.com 8. The number of remotely originated file updates that were retried due to a stage file generation problem on this replica set member. 由于在这个复制集成员上的主持文件产生的问题重试起源于远程的文件更新的次数。 www.fan6.net 9. Push updates allow updates to be pushed down by an administrator without any interaction on the user's part. 推式更新允许管理员下推更新,无需与用户方进行任何交互。 www.ibm.com 10. Remote users must be able to make updates independently, without requiring a connection to the central site. 远程用户必须能够进行独立更新,而无需连接到中心站点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Much like an OS, there are periodic updates that should be deployed on a regular basis throughout the year. 像一个操作系统一样,应在全年中定期部署更新。 www.ibm.com 2. You can sign up to receive updates, including sneak preview pictures of the minis, details about gameplay, and downloadable demos. 你可以登录,接收更新,其中包括潜入预览照片的迷你型,细节的游戏方式,以及可下载的演示。 tieba.baidu.com 3. A ClickOnce application periodically reads its deployment manifest file to see if updates to the application are available. ClickOnce应用程序会定期读取其部署清单文件,以查看是否有可用的应用程序更新。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Interactions with an MVC application follow a natural cycle of user actions and view updates, where the view is assumed to be stateless. 与一个MVC应用程序的交互遵循了用户动作和视图更替(这里假设视图是无状态的)的自然周期。 www.bbsmvc.com 5. If you're the only one who updates the team board or fixes that breaking build, see what happens if you stop. Take a vacation. 如果你是团队中唯一更新白板或修复有问题的构建的人,去休个假,试试如果没有你会发生什么。 www.infoq.com 6. Here I would like to tell you that only regular meaningless twitter updates will not attract people. 我要告诉你的是那些只是常规的毫无意义的更新是不会吸引人的。 www.bing.com 7. The partitions are overlapping, and DML updates made at the Subscriber cannot change the partition to which a row belongs. 分区是重叠的,订阅服务器上执行的DML更新无法更改行所属的分区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. It searches for updates so you know that you are installing the latest version of a Rational product package. 此程序会搜索更新,因此,您可以确保安装最新版本的Rational产品软件包。 download.boulder.ibm.com 9. The number of remotely originated file updates that have been sent to the outbound partners of this replica set member . 发送到这个复制集成员的输出日志的起源于远程的文件更新的次数。 www.bing.com 10. In this case, your users will not be able to receive offline address book updates until the problem is corrected. 在这种情况下,除非该问题得到解决,否则用户将无法接收脱机通讯簿更新。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Updates can also be rolled back to a previous version by the end user or by an administrator. 最终用户或管理员还可以对更新进行回滚,使应用程序恢复到早期的版本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. If the link is slower , the router may not be able to converge, routing updates might become lost, or suboptimal path selection may result. 如果该线路比较慢,路由器可能不会收敛,路由可能会失去更新,或者导致选择次佳的路径。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Absent an agreement to the contrary, upon termination, Licensee shall have no license to or right to receive future data updates. 在没有其他约定的情况下,本协议终止后,被许可方不再被许可或者有权接受未来的数据更新。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Jane keeps us up-to-the-minute with her timely updates on the stock market. 简适时的向我们提供最新的股票市场信息。 iq300.en101.blog.163.com 5. Teri updates Jack on Janet's status. He says that he's on his way to the hospital. 泰瑞将珍妮特的现状告知杰克。杰克称他已经在前往医院的路上。 www.bing.com 6. We would like to ask all customers that if automatic updates are turned off, please update your products before this date. 我们想问一问,如果所有客户自动更新关闭,请在此日期之前更新您的产品。 bbs.kafan.cn 7. The reason for doing these will be to fix any issues that are brought to our attention, or to do data updates, or match engine updates. 这么做的原因是会解决我们注意到的任何问题和进行数据库或比赛引擎的升级。 www.infogame.cn 8. Be aware that Automatic Updates will not be able to detect future updates until the restart occurs . 自动的更新直到重启发生才能查明已经更新。 www.bing.com 9. The redesign won't be in effect immediately, and Google says it'll be rolling out the updates over the next few months. 这些新设计不会马上生效,同时Google也声称他们会在未来的几个月内逐步推出新的升级变动。 www.bing.com 10. You might want to experiment with several different code updates to see what works best for your environment. 您也许会遇到几种不同的代码更新,看看哪种最适合您的环境。 www.ibm.com 1. At this point, the row updates aren't permanently written to the database; that doesn't happen until the current transaction is committed. 此时,行更新不是被永久写入到数据库中;直到提交当前事务才永久写入。 www.ibm.com 2. Also I personally love the bestiary updates, and you BETTER like the next one we have planned. Or else. . . 同时我个人很喜欢背景资料的更新,而你最好喜欢我们计划中的下一次更新,否则… bbs.game.163.com 3. The client queries or updates the resource through the URI and, therefore, influences a state change in its representation. 客户端通过此URI查询或更新这个资源,进而影响其具象状态更改。 www.ibm.com 4. If you do a good job I would definitely be open to working with you again on future trivia apps and possible updates to this app. 如果你做一个好工作,我一定会开放与您的应用程序和对未来琐事本软件可能再次更新。 www.bing.com 5. As a designer you have to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, software updates and industry news, or you'll quickly lose touch. 作为设计师,你必须时刻保持在潮流最前端,不断学习新软件,通晓行业新闻。否则就会很快落伍。 hi.baidu.com 6. As you build your query, the SQL pane automatically updates and reformats to be easily read. 建置查询时,[SQL]窗格将自动更新并重新格式化陈述式以方便读取。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Tab to see which updates have been applied to your system. 标签,可以看到已经向系统中应用了哪些更新。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Therefore, flat lines often represent weekend times but could also be symptomatic of a lack of progress (or progress updates). 因此,平线通常意味着周末,但是也可以看做是缺乏进展的标志(或者只是没有更新进展)。 www.ibm.com 9. The feed updates on a daily basis to indicate price changes , and will update completely once a week . 如果票价有任何变动,输入信息将每天更新,每周全部更新一次。 www.bing.com 10. If the attributes of the Web service class or operations do not match the WSDL file, Visual Studio updates them in the class. 如果Web服务类或操作的属性与WSDL文件不匹配,VisualStudio将在类中更新它们。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. You don't have to worry about any more time-consuming file uploads because Family Tree Legends handles the updates for you, automatically. 您不必担心任何有更多的时间消费文件上传,因为家庭树的传说处理更新,请自动。 xtdownload.com 2. Recently, on our website we began posting some of these upcoming updates to give players a glimpse of what is to come. 最近我们开始在主页发布某些即将到来的更新内容,让玩家先睹为快。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 3. Similarly, when some other part of the application updates the name property of task t, the checkbox automatically updates its label. 类似地,当应用程序的某些其他部分更新任务t的name属性时,复选框也会自动更新它的标签。 www.infoq.com 4. Be in silent in gone, get into the blind lane that content updates, demand big demand perfection and do not seek a character and value. 在沉默中死去,钻进内容更新的死胡同,求大求全的而不求个特性和价值。 itzhe.cn 5. Dynamic Update Written to Database is the total number of dynamic updates written to the database by the DNS server. 写入数据库的动态更新指DNS服务器写入数据库的动态更新的总数。 www.fan6.net 6. There was an unknown error uploading this document. To try again, click Get Updates. 上载此文档时遇到未知错误。若要重试,请单击“获取更新”。 www.jukuu.com 7. Maarten: Yes, I must tell you that since 2008 I started reading your updates, and I do that three times a week. 是的,我必须告诉你,自从2008年我开始阅读您的更新,我每周阅读三次。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Each blog is typically maintained by an individual who has expertise in a specific area, and the blogger updates it regularly. 每个博客通常由一个擅长于特定领域的人维护着,博主定期更新博客。 www.ibm.com 9. They have been pushing updates out fairly regularly before, so I suspect that this will happen again. 之前的更新一直很有规律,我想这应该也会保持下去。 www.infoq.com 10. The projects that Act for Wildlife is supporting are sending us regular updates on what they have been up to, information about themselves. “‘保护野生动物行动’”支持的项目正在定期地给我们发送所从事工作的更新内容以及他们自己的信息。 www.bing.com 1. Such software is usually programmed to receive updates via the Web to the black list at regular intervals. 此类软件通常会被设置成定期通过网络接收网站黑名单的更新。 www.bing.com 2. Developers would like for applications to run in the background, so they don't have to be opened to receive updates and alerts. 开发者们希望应用能在后台运作,这样接收升级和通告信息就不需要用户启动软件了。 www.bing.com 3. The number of local plus remote file updates that have been sent to the outbound partners of this replica set member. 已经发送到这个复制集成员的出站伙伴的本地加远程文件升级的次数。 www.dictall.com 4. Facebook analyzed the word usage for about one million status updates from its US English speakers. Facebook分析了来自美国英语用户的一百万条状态更新的单词使用情况。 www.bing.com 5. You can set the maximum amount of time that this router waits before it sends triggered updates. 您可以设置在发送触发的更新前此路由器等待的最大时间。 www.dictall.com 6. Furthermore, Project updates the information it calculates as you change related project information. 此外,Project还能随着您更改相关的项目信息,自动更新其计算的信息。 office.microsoft.com 7. Before ASP. NET can be installed on your computer, it is necessary to have all relevant service packs and security updates installed. 在你的电脑安装asp.ne之前,有必要让所有相关的服务包进行安全更新。 www2.w3pop.com 8. Grouping such updates into a transaction allows a recovery (rollback) from the changes and returns the records to the pre transaction state. 将这样的更新群组成一笔交易将允许从变更中复原,并使得资料录回到尚未交易的状态。 technet.microsoft.com 9. These messages are confirmations that no updates have been made to the configuration files and can be safely ignored. 这些消息确认没有对配置进行更改,完全可以将其忽略。 www.ibm.com 10. Note: If the "Configure Automatic Updates" policy is disabled, then this policy has no effect. 注意:如果“配置自动更新”策略被禁掉,这个策略也就没有任何效果了。 dugan.blogchina.com 1. Check every: Select a time interval and a unit (hours, days, or weeks) that must elapse before checking for updates. “检查间隔”:选择在检查更新之前必须经过的时间间隔和单位(小时、天或周)。 msdn.microsoft.com 2. However, there's one important part missing: There's no one out there to see your status updates besides you. 但是,还缺少一个重要的部分:除了发布状态的人以外,没有人看到状态更新。 www.ibm.com 3. To reduce mail traffic , the public folder database packs multiple hierarchy updates into a single replication message . 为减少邮件通信,公用文件夹数据库将多个层次结构更新打包到一封复制邮件中。 www.bing.com 4. Automatic Updates: When new security threats are discovered, we will alert you and prompt you to install the latest update. 自动更新:当有新的安全漏洞被发现时,我们将会提示你安装最近的更新。 www.wanmeiclub.com 5. However anyone who downloads the music file illegally would receive only a static file which would not receive any updates. 非法渠道下载音乐的用户只会收到一个静态文件,不包含任何内容更新。 cn.reuters.com 6. Therefore, the system in question my not be able to receive Group Policy updates. 因此,系统将不能接收组策略更新。 www.360doc.com 7. Since the initial release of Snippets feature, important updates have been made to the serverLocatorMgr. jar file. 由于这是首次发布Snippet特性,对serverLocatorMgr.jar文件做了一些重要的更新。 www.ibm.com 8. The master page named latest_updates. Master is one of two master pages from which your Contributor group can create new pages. 名为latest_updates.master的母版页是可供参与者组用来创建新网页的两个母版页之一。 office.microsoft.com 9. Therefore, future security updates for Windows Internet Explorer 7 will also include the changes that this update introduces. 因此,未来的WindowsInternetExplorer7安全更新也将包括此更新引入的更改。 support.microsoft.com 10. Adobe said it did not make silent automatic updates available previously because many users, especially at companies, were averse to them. Adobe公司说,之前由于很多个人用户尤其是公司用户的反对,Adobe没有提供自动更新。 dongxi.net 1. The goal is to have a single point of control for all updates to the same table regardless of the point of origin. 其目标是对同一个表的所有更新拥有单点控制,而不管更新的起源点。 www.ibm.com 2. With regular updates being handled by the company executive team, product marketing, and product strategy teams. 定期更新正在处理该公司的管理团队,产品营销和产品战略团队。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The next time the application or customized document checks for updates, the deployment manifest change is detected. 应用程序或自定义文档下次检查有无更新时,就会检测到这一部署清单更改。 msdn.microsoft.com 4. The updates we brought to Spain saw us make a step forward and get closer to the front runners. 我们带去西班牙的升级套件,使得我们里领先者更加接近了一点。 www.f1-zone.net 5. Stay up to date with the latest updates, additions, trial software, and service packs from the Microsoft Download Center. 与Microsoft下载中心提供的最新更新、附加程序、试用软件和ServicePack保持同步。 www.microsoft.com 6. To see how the timestamp column prevents updates when the data has changed , you can perform a test . 若要了解更改数据时时间戳列如何防止更新,可以进行一个测试。 www.bing.com 7. Administer and support the network communication system used for customer support and software updates. 管理和支持客户端网络通信系统和软件升级。 www.cv8.com 8. The reports of the Shareholder Executive read rather like the updates a private equity house might prepare for investors. 国有股东事务管理局的报告读上去有点像私人股本公司为客户编写的更新材料。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Optimizing a large index can be very time-consuming and should be done, if at all, when index updates are infrequent. 优化大型索引可能会非常耗时,而且应该在索引更新不是很频繁的情况下才进行。 www.ibm.com 10. Another, called Happenings, shows your friends' latest updates on social-networking services, without requiring you to enter separate apps. 另一个名为“事件”(Happenings)的工具会显示朋友在社交网络服务上的最新更新,无需进入单独的应用软件。 www.acsf.cn 1. Posting regularly about product updates will allow your customers to receive up-to-the-minute notifications via RSS. 定期发布产品更新可以让客户通过RSS及时收到通知。 www.ibm.com 2. However , in multithreaded scenarios, some updates to the counter value might be ignored, resulting in inaccurate data . 但是,在多线程方案中对计数器值的某些更新可能被忽略,导致数据不准确。 www.bing.com 3. Beginning soon, they will also be able to post and view updates from Google's mobile Web site or Buzz mobile software application. 很快,他们还将可以通过谷歌手机网站或Buzz手机软件应用程序发布并查看更新消息。 c.wsj.com 4. As you might expect, all nested queries and updates must use the same datasource as the transaction itself. 您可能希望所有嵌套的查询和更新必须使用与事务处理相同的datasource。 www.ibm.com 5. To turn on Automatic Updates, click Enabled in the list of options that appear at the top of the Setting tab. 要打开“自动更新”,请单击出现在“设置”选项卡顶部的选项列表中的“启用”。 support.microsoft.com 6. To make your customer's life easier, you could start by offering the software as a service, and plan and implement version updates. 为了简化客户的工作,您可以首先将软件作为服务来提供,并计划和实现版本更新。 www.ibm.com 7. Apple also updates the os on two year cycles and is not at all shy about telling developers new way or highway. 苹果也会两年一次更新他的操作系统,上面严厉的执行官,对于告诉开发人员一个新方法或是捷径,它一点也不会胆怯。 www.bing.com 8. Other than saving your updates, your have finished setting up a database to be managed as a separate entity. 除了保存更新,您已经完成了将一个数据库设置为单独的实体来管理的操作。 www.ibm.com 9. With these two updates, the business process is now up to date. 通过这两个更新,该业务流程现在已是最新的了。 www.ibm.com 10. Managing servers: Checks patch levels for a particular application across a set of servers and updates them automatically. 管理服务器:在一组服务器中为某个特定的应用程序检查修复程序级别,并自动地对它们进行更新。 www.ibm.com 1. To determine if the user has not upgraded the application in a while, and has missed one or more required updates. 确定用户是否有一段时间未升级应用程序,以及是否已错过一个或多个必需的更新。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. It then computes the new total stock value and updates the corresponding database field in the Bank database. 然后,计算新的股票总价值,并更新BankDB数据库中对应的数据库字段。 www.ibm.com 3. Now, you are ready to write a plug-in that demonstrates how to use RSS information to provide updates right to the user. 现在,将编写插件用于演示如何使用RSS信息来提供最适合用户的更新。 www.ibm.com 4. Fans must be active. All fans must have status updates that go back to at least 30 days. 风扇必须是活动的。所有的球迷必须有状态更新可以追溯到至少30天。 www.bing.com 5. In a worldwide organization, it is not pragmatic to send out a technician to install software updates. 在全球化机构中,派遣一名技术人员去安装软件更新是不切实际的。 www.ibm.com 6. Those PageRank updates we used to love seeing every month or two became less and less frequent. 我们曾经乐见的那些每一至两个月就更新一次的PageRank算法,更新频率越来越低。 www.bing.com 7. The method updates the ticket counter and makes sure the new page response contains the hidden field with the up-to-date ticket. 该方法更新票证计数器,并确保新页面响应包含带有最新票证的隐藏字段。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The few people that did buy a Kin will still get support from Microsoft, but the future of promised software updates is up in the air. 已经买了Kin手机的少数人仍会得到微软的支持,但许诺的软件升级将是不确定的。 www.bing.com 9. Otherwise a manually created mapping file may make sense, which can then feed into a process that updates as many specifications as needed. 否则,应当使用手动创建的映射文件,该文件可以被提供给流程,更新尽可能多的规范。 www.ibm.com 10. Too many retreats take the form of show-and-tell sessions in which operating executives give updates on the progress of key initiatives. 太多研讨会采取了“展示和说明”的会议形式,会上负责运作的高管对关键计划的进展提供更新信息。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Nadia checks here-mail and peruses myyearbook. com, a social networking site, reading messages or posting updates on her mood. 纳迪娅查收电子邮件并浏览社交网站myyearbook.Com,在网站上阅读留言或是发帖表达自己最近的心情。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This replicated data should be used only for queries-it would be very difficult to manage updates. 被复制数据应该只被用于查询——管理更新将会很困难; www.infoq.com 3. For other products, check with each program publisher and device manufacturer to see if updates are free of charge. 对于其他产品,请向各个程序发行者和设备制造商核实,看是否免费提供更新。 www.kuenglish.info 4. For other programs, check the website of the publisher or manufacturer to see if you can get updates automatically. 对于其他程序,请查看发行者或制造商的网站,看是否可以自动获得更新。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 5. If several developers have made updates, it may not be clear which code changes caused things to break. 如果有些开发员做了一些更改后,哪一个代码导致问题出现会很模糊。 www.ibm.com 6. In 2008 I donated $25, and two years later I'm still getting updates on how the loan is being used for the third or fourth time. 2008年我捐出了25美元,两年后,我仍可以得到这笔钱被第三次或第四次使用的信息。 www.bing.com 7. Instead, readily accessible updates on a company's state of health would be posted in (almost) real time on the internet. 取而代之的则是反映公司财务健康状况的资料,这些资料很容易获得并且能在互联网上及时地给予发布。 www.ecocn.org 8. Subsequent updates to records in a modified page do not affect the contents of the snapshot. 随后的更新记录,在修改网页,不影响内容的快照。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Since these files are shared, updates done to any one of them will be seen by all participating machines. 由于这些文件是共享的,所以对任何一个文件的更新在所有参与机器上都可以看到。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Besides the styling changes to the exterior, there will almost certainly be some updates to the interior and a number of mechanical changes. 除了造型变化外,将几乎肯定会有些更新的内饰和一些机械的变化。 usa.315che.com 1. The line number_field. replace strong(number) updates the calculator display with the result of the most recent calculation. number_field.replacestrong(number)行通过最新计算结果更新计算器显示。 www.ibm.com 2. Please note that the machine must be running at the time you schedule the updates for, as they wont take place otherwise. 请注意,您的计算机在计划更新的时间内必须启动,否则更新将不能操作。那就是说。 avast.com.cn 3. The company says the updates will help users get more out of the site. 这家公司说,这些更新可以帮助用户多多益善。 www.ctcvn.org 4. Variables, extending the concept of volatile variables to support atomic conditional compare-and-set updates. 变量的泛化,它扩展了可变变量的概念,来支持原子条件的比较并设置更新。 www-128.ibm.com 5. IBM Installation Manager enables you to modify feature sets, search for updates, uninstall, and manage the licenses of installed software. 使用IBMInstallationManager,您可以修改特性设置,搜索更新、卸载,以及管理安装软件的许可。 www.ibm.com 6. This update does not replace any other previously released updates. 此更新不替代以前发布的任何其他更新。 support.microsoft.com 7. The company said it gets about 8, 500 app submissions a week, some brand new and some updates to existing programs. 公司表示,它每周收到约8500个应用程序提交的申请,有些是全新的,有些是对现有程序的更新。 www.bing.com 8. At the time of writing, both of these had some compatibility issues with PHP 5, though updates were expected shortly. 在写这篇文章的时候,这些产品在与PHP5的兼容方面还存在问题,估计很快就会升级。 www.ibm.com 9. Automatic Configuration (auto-config) allows you to make updates to your user's machine after deployment. 自动配置允许您在完成部署后更新用户的计算机。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Furthermore, CVS updates are always done from sourceforge. Net while rsync updates can be done from a mirror close to you. 另外,CVS总是通过sourceforge.net进行更新,而rsync则可以选择离你比较近的镜像服务器进行更新。 pdb.finkproject.org 1. Specify whether the database automatically updates out-of-date optimization statistics. 指定数据库是否自动更新过期的优化统计信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. For each block of data, this method updates the state of the hash object so a correct hash value is returned at the end of the data stream. 对于每个数据块,此方法更新哈希对象的状态,以便在数据流的最后返回正确的哈希值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The company also regularly issues software updates for the game, adding new levels to keep people talking about Angry Birds. 公司也会定期发布游戏更新软件,增加新的级别以保持愤怒小鸟的热议度。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Do Something promises "a significant social return on investment" , quarterly performance updates and a conference call with management. DoSomething保证投资一定会有“显著的社会回馈”,每季都会有绩效的最新报告和召开管理会议。 www.bing.com 5. You should check email right now, and while you're at it, check all the latest Blog posts, and Facebook updates too. 你应该立即检查你的邮箱,既然你还在线,检查所有最新的博客帖子,以及Facebook更新。 www.bing.com 6. The product installer copies the libraries, creates the necessary configuration files, and updates the system configuration automatically. 产品安装程序会复制库,创建所需的配置文件,自动地更新系统配置。 www.ibm.com 7. Perhaps more importantly, you now have the ability to turn off non-essential updates, as shown in Figure 35. 或许更重要的是,您现在可以取消不必要的更新,如图35所示。 www.ibm.com 8. The sample data and all updates shown in this article are available for download as a text file in the Download section. 可以通过下载下载部分中的文本文件获得本文使用的示例数据和所有更新。 www.ibm.com 9. Create a Relational DAS: The next step is to create the Relational DAS used to write the updates to the database. 创建关系型DAS:下一步是创建关系型DAS,用于将更新写入数据库。 www.ibm.com 10. Then all updates to local and global variables of the assign did not happen. 那么对该分配的本地和全局变量的所有更新都不会发生。 www.ibm.com 1. Currently, "Live Blogging" means quickly adding updates to a blog post as you write them, and it's the way many websites cover live events. 目前为止,“实时博客”意味着在你写下文字时,他们会被迅速发送到博客上。这也是很多网站跟进实时事件的方法。 www.bing.com 2. More updates to the net code to help the client to determine the best connection settings. 针对游戏的网路原始码进行修正,让客户端选择最佳的网路连线设定。 www.socgame.com.tw 3. As updates are made to the data in a partition, the replica is updated as well. 对一个分区中的数据更新时,该副本也将得到更新。 www.ibm.com 4. Windows Update automatically detects Windows SharePoint Services and prompts you to install updates and service packs. WindowsUpdate会自动检测WindowsSharePointServices并提示您安装更新和ServicePack。 www.microsoft.com 5. You must also make sure that you can back out of any updates if problems occur. 如果出现了问题,还必须确保您可以停止使用任何更新。 technet.microsoft.com 6. This command updates the statistics in the system catalogs that the optimizer uses to determine the lowest-cost query plan. 此命令更新了系统目录中的统计数据,优化程序使用这些数据来确定成本最低的查询计划。 www.ibm.com 7. If you're a Firefox fan and you happen to be in the middle of a long Thanksgiving weekend, you can take advantage of some new updates. 如果你是一个火狐粉并且你恰巧在长长的感恩节周末中,你可以享受到一些新的更新。 www.bing.com 8. Is the name of the stored procedure that supports synchronous transaction updates at the Publisher. 在发布服务器上支持同步事务更新的存储过程的名称。 technet.microsoft.com 9. It does have rough edges, but development on the project has been active, and it looks as if important updates are in the works. 它确实还有一些粗糙的地方,但是这个项目的开发一直很活跃,而且似乎一些重大的改进措施正在计划中。 www-128.ibm.com 10. In the Automatic media information updates for files area , verify that the Only add missing information option is selected . 在“自动更新的文件媒体信息”区域中,确认已选中“仅添加缺少的信息”选项。 www.bing.com 1. Updates arising from approved changes during project execution may significantly impact parts of the project management plan. 在项目执行期间因批准变更而发生的更新,就有可能显著影响项目管理计划的多个部分。 www.educity.cn 2. Windows Update scans your computer and provides you with a tailored selection of updates that apply only to the items on your computer. WindowsUpdate会扫描您的计算机,并根据计算机上的项目提供合适的更新供您选择。 www.microsoft.com 3. Dynamic Update Rejected is the total number of dynamic updates rejected by the DNS server. 拒绝的动态更新指被DNS服务器拒绝的动态更新的总数。 www.fan6.net 4. Install security patches and software updates as soon as they are ready to install. 一完成软件安装,就需要安装安全补丁和软件升级。 www.bing.com 5. When working with Help files, a previous version of your Help could be in the cache preventing you from seeing the latest updates. 使用帮助文件时,缓存中的早期版本的帮助可能会妨碍您查看最新的更新。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. NH : I get the feeling that over the last couple of races, or each second race where we had updates, we could have scored points. 给我的感觉是这样的,在过去的比赛中,只要我们的赛车有大幅度的升级,我们就可以拿到分数。 www.showxiu.com 7. The RUNSTATS utility updates the statistics in the system catalog tables to help with the query optimization process. RUNSTATS实用程序更新系统目录表中的统计信息以帮助查询优化处理。 www.ibm.com 8. Updates will likely be expressed in a set of standalone operations that mimic and support existing relational database commands. 更新很可能用一组独立的操作表示,模仿和支持现有的关系数据库命令。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Companies sometimes do this to be able to push out program updates every few weeks. 有时,这些公司这样做是为了能每隔几周就能将其程序升级一次。 www.kekenet.com 10. Updates to the desktop images are centrally managed and often necessary on only a small set of common base images. 集中地管理对桌面映像的更新,常常只需要很少几个通用基本映像。 www.ibm.com |
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