单词 | unyielding |
释义 |
例句释义: 坚定的,顽强不屈的,固执的,不弯曲的,坚硬的,不屈服的,强硬 1. Ivan started to rise from his knees. But he could not move. Something gripped him in an unyielding hold. 伊万抬起腿想站起来,但却动弹不得,不知有什么东西把他给牢牢地拽住了。 www.zhaosheng.com 2. The Chinese may be a little more polite in Washington this week. But the substance of what they say is likely to be just as unyielding. 本周中国政府代表在华盛顿的态度可能会稍微礼貌一些。但他们表态的实质内容可能同样强硬。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Yet there is an inherent contradiction between exerting unyielding political control and trying to unshackle entrepreneurial creativity. 然而,在实施毫不妥协的政治控制和试图释放企业家的创造力之间,存在着内在矛盾。 www.ftchinese.com 4. His sisters, to whom he had an opportunity of speaking the next morning, were quite as unyielding to his representation as Tom. 第二天早晨,他找了个机会劝说他的妹妹们,她们象汤姆一样,一点也不接受他的意见。 www.bing.com 5. With incredible spiritual power in its inner part, it spreads out just like lava, ardent, unyielding, and ready to make troubles. 它又像一触即发的活火山,蕴含着不可思议的内在精神力量,好像熔岩般滚滚而出,炙烈、刚强,蠢蠢欲动! blog.artron.net 6. I walked around the tomb, spreading petals to every corner of it. I felt as if I could see Mahatma Gandhi's unyielding image and clear eyes. 我绕陵墓一周,将花瓣撒在每一个地方,仿佛看到了圣雄不屈的身躯和清澈的眼神。 www.nn5566.com 7. even if the wind suffered knife sword cream is still pretty strong unyielding, even Valley Orchids, the same fragrance every year. 纵然受尽风刀霜剑,依然劲挺不屈,哪怕是空谷幽兰,照样年年芬芳。 www.bing.com 8. They, like rows of soldiers, like a strong and unyielding, unwilling to yield to the enemy to surrender. 它们像一排排坚强不屈的士兵一样,不肯向敌人投降屈服。 www.bing.com 9. But this is Japan, whose age-old belief in nature is at least evenly matched by an unyielding faith in technology. 对自然有着由来已久的信仰,同时也对科技有着不屈的信念,这两者至少是不相上下的。这就是日本。 www.bing.com 10. His countenance, in the bright circle of lamplight, was certainly that of an ancient, but it shone with something unyielding, even immortal. 在明快的灯光下,他的脸庞无疑是一张老人的脸,但有某种坚定不移的、甚至是不朽的神情。 www.putclub.com 1. Army frontline disaster, let us see the indomitable will to see the death and trial of strength between the unyielding. 子弟兵一线抗灾,让我们看到坚忍不拔的意志,看到与死神之间进行的不屈较量。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. 求你将我放在你心上如印记,带在你臂上如戳记。因为爱情如死之坚强。 www.bing.com 3. And she inspired millions with her strength, courage and unyielding commitment to the cause of working Americans. 她用她的力量,胆识和不屈不挠的奉献,为成百上千万的美国劳动人民激起了生活的理想。 www.elanso.com 4. We promise to improve our products through innovation, diligent research and development, and an unyielding commitment to be the very best. 我们保证经由不断的创新、辛勤的研究与发展、以及追求卓越的决心来改良产品,精益求精。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Not ready to make any compromise ; firm or unyielding . 不妥协的,坚定的;不让步的。 www.bing.com 6. You see every extreme position defended to the last vote, almost to the last breath by one unyielding group or another. 大家了解最后的每个形势是为了最后的表决而辩护的,几乎因一个不屈的团体或其他的团体而致死。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. do a good teacher should be a tough, unyielding do not stoop to the frustration of teachers. 做一个理想的教师,应该是做一个坚韧、刚强、不向挫折弯腰的教师。 www.tradeask.com 8. When a man is lowering his head, He's going to elevate his mind. If you have unyielding soul , and On solid ground will you stand . 垂下头颅只是为了让思想扬起你若有一个不屈的灵魂脚下,就会有一片坚实的土地。 www.bing.com 9. The unyielding secret of the bucket and the dipper is that when you fill another's bucket it does not take anything out of your own bucket. 有关桶和舀水杯的永恒不变的秘密就是:当你去装满另一个人的桶时,你桶里的内容不会少。 www.readerstimes.com 10. She start empty-handed, by virtue of her extraordinary creativity and unyielding spirit to become come first on the list of design master. 她白手起家,凭借她非凡的创造力和永不妥协的精神成为了首屈一指的设计大师。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. In light of this rampant growth, the obvious question is: Why the unyielding surge in international defense expenditures? 鉴于如此疯狂的增长率,显然就要问一声:为什么在国防开支上会出现这样强势的增长势头? www.bing.com 2. More than just passion, it must be this unyielding spirit that has taken him so far in his 11-year showbiz career. 不仅仅是热情,必定是这种坚持的精神使他在11年的演艺生涯中走得更远。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In shi, the poet created a strong unyielding, resisting authority of the bourgeois revolutionary image. 在长诗中,诗人塑造了一个坚强不屈,反抗权威的资产阶级革命者形象。 www.hicoo.net 4. He stood unyielding and unafraid against the enemy. 他面对敌人,英勇无畏。 www.powerdict.com 5. Many Libyans did very nicely out of the regime, at the price of unyielding loyalty to the "brother leader" . 只要坚定地忠于“兄弟般的领袖”,许多利比亚人在这个政权下生活地很好。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. To all those who voted for me, and to whom I pledged my utmost, my commitment to you and to the progress we seek, is unyielding. 我要感谢所有把票投给我的朋友,我对各位做出最大的保证,我会恪守我对大家的承诺,坚持不懈追求进步,永不妥协。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The DaoJi and unyielding, wen tianxiang choose death, abandon GuanJue, but countries are burning eyes and educational history ". " 临刀戟而不屈,文天祥择死国,弃官爵,乃有灼目丹心永耀汗青。 english126.com 8. Without spirit of pursuit, perseverance, unyielding willpower, and arduous practicing, Lu Shunyang would never have been what he is now. 没有他对音乐执着追求的精神,没有他顽强的毅力,没有他当年练琴的艰辛,就不会有现在的路顺阳。 www.cctv.com 9. Through those long years of imprisonment and torture, he remained faithful and unyielding . 在那些遭受囚禁和酷刑的漫长岁月里,他始终坚贞不屈。 dict.veduchina.com 10. for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. 因为爱情如死之坚强,嫉恨如阴间之残忍,所发的电光、是火焰的电光、是耶和华的烈焰。 184799954.qzone.qq.com 1. Due to his unyielding efforts, his English level is higher than that of many college students. 而正是他坚持不懈地学习,他现在的英语水平已经比很多大学生还要好。 www.ebigear.com 2. Thus, in my opinion, men should possess of unyielding ambitions and moral characters in order to be worthy of the word. 因此我认为男人要无愧于这个字,就应具有义薄云天铁骨铮铮震古烁今不屈不挠之志气; q.sohu.com 3. Read the great nephew of " a gentleman" , taste great nephew " dragon tamer who" an unyielding man will be proud of! 读着大侄儿的“君子坦荡荡”,品味着大侄儿的“龙性谁驯”一个铁骨铮铮的男子汉会是所有人的骄傲的! www.bing.com 4. On issues concerning core national interests, we have always been steadfast and unyielding, even when we were very poor and backward. 在涉及国家核心利益的问题上,即使是在十分贫穷落后的年代,我们也是铮铮铁骨、毫不妥协。 www.hjenglish.com 5. I would also like bamboo, like a strong and unyielding and selfless dedication of the people. 我也要像竹子一样,做一个坚强不屈,无私奉献的人。 www.bing.com 6. Sushi's life, but is still strong and unyielding, optimistic upward, eagerness, the written word styles are broad-minded. 苏轼的一生坎坷,但依然坚强不屈、乐观向上、安贫乐道,其所写的词风格大多旷达。 www.007china.com.cn 7. Remembered him, in order to peace and bright future of mankind, he had waged an unyielding struggle. 人们怀念着他,为了人类的和平与光明,他进行了不屈不挠的斗争。 wenwen.soso.com 8. I was impressed by its unyielding character, never to be a loser in face of loneliness and misunderstanding. 而我又立即深深地感到它那种不屈于误解、寂寞的生存的伟大。 www.ecocn.org 9. After several times came to be tempered, the motherland, the backbone of its strong and unyielding stand tall in the world of the East. 在经历走过来的数次磨砺后,祖国以其坚强不屈的脊梁高高屹立在世界的东方。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. For in these monuments are chiseled those unlikely stories that affirm our unyielding faith -- a faith that anything is possible in America. 凿在这些纪念碑里面那些难以置信的故事申明了我们不屈的信念。一个在美国一切皆有可能的信念。 www.bing.com 1. In its unyielding march westward, the disc claimed territories under this orange glow, increasing its dominion with every passing moment. 圆盘势不可挡地西进,在橘红的光线中征服着大地,它所占领的地方随每一个瞬间而增加。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 2. Delightingly, with your staunch perseverance and unyielding will to fight, again you smashed all the doubts. 令人欣喜的是,你再一次用顽强的毅力和永不服输的斗志打住外界对你的所有的怀疑。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. I doubt that Kline would want to see his view implemented in our churches with such unyielding disciplinary rigor. 我怀疑克莱恩会想看到他的看法以这种严厉僵化的管教,被这样在教会里推行。 www.51zanmei.net 4. For his performance as Colonel Nicholson, the unyielding British POW leader, Guinness won an Academy Award for Best Actor. 凭借对不屈的英国战俘领袖尼科尔森上校这个角色的演绎,吉尼斯获得了奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。 starwarsfans.cn 5. An obvious way to compensate for a lack of skills is to be tough and unyielding. 为了弥补这个技能,最明显的路子就是装强硬,不干活。 www.bing.com 6. Cowards linger besides the hotbed of "the doctrine of the mean" while unyielding strivers shall be forever savoring framing and faring . 懦夫在“中庸”的温床旁徘徊,不怯不休者永远品味着“上架、架上”的人生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. They meet with their tragic fate but they transcend their disasters with a spiritual triumph through their unyielding struggle. 他们经受了他们的悲惨命运,但是他们用他们不屈的斗争在精神上战胜了他们的灾难。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Struggle, one side is fighting the unyielding, the other side of it is destiny daunting. 奋斗中,一边是百折不挠的拼搏,另一边却是望而生畏的宿命。 www.bing.com 9. maiden , the beauty is like a fruit which is yet to mature , tense with an unyielding secret . 少女啊,你的美丽像一颗尚未成熟的果实,紧张地带着坚强不屈的秘密。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It's their dogged perseverance and unyielding determination, through disappointment and triumph alike. 激励我们的是他们经历过大起大落后不屈不挠的毅力和永不言弃的决心。 www.kekenet.com 1. In difficulties seize the opportunities and meet the challenges, casts the unyielding life with brilliant, how terrible fai foot? 在困境中抓住机遇,迎接挑战,铸就人生的不屈与辉煌,何足畏哉? xrym.net 2. Wish a wish all strong and unyielding, passion life, unwilling drown of the classmates good luck often companion. 祝愿所有的坚强不屈,热爱生活、不甘沉沦的同学们好运常伴。 www.hicoo.net 3. "All of the world, and its stone judah eggs is also" , you are so down-to-earth, your steps is so strong and unyielding. “尽天下之卵,其石犹是也”,你是如此脚踏实地,你的脚步是如此坚实、不屈。 wenwen.soso.com 4. An Avenger, a society's birth defects, a fate-unyielding seaman, final page returned to calm, to comfort the soul. 一个复仇者,一个社会的畸形儿,一个不屈于命运的弄潮儿,最终页归于平静,走向心灵的自我安慰。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 5. With unyielding bone paved the road to national liberation, and finally love exhibition, Chinese take-off. 用不屈之骨铺筑的民族解放的道路,终于展我爱你,腾飞的中国。 www.tradeask.com 6. Maiden, thy beauty is like a fruit which is yet to mature, tense with an unyielding secret. 少女啊,你的美像一只等待成熟的果实,带着倔强的秘密而紧张。 www.usity.cn 7. Dares to devote that firm and unyielding, studies assiduously with the attendance in the practice, is inventor's basic quality. 勇于献身、坚忍不拔、刻苦钻研和勤于实践,是发明者的基本素质。 wenwen.soso.com 8. I wondered why I had no idea of some unyielding life sprouting over the fallen petals when I was grieving for the ceiba tree . 我在想,当我为那颗木棉树悲伤时,为什么没有想到会有一些顽强不屈的生命在凋谢的花瓣上萌芽呢? english.31931.cn 9. Qu Yuan's patriotism and unyielding spirit has encouraged many writers down through the generations. 屈原的爱国热情和不屈精神,激励了一代又一代的作家。 www.999chinese.com 10. I wondered why I had no idea of some unyielding life sprouting over the fallen petals when I was grieving for the hibiscus. 我想知道为什么我没有坚硬的生活发芽想法下落的瓣当我追悼为木槿。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The unyielding Chinese people had struggled to fight in Taiping Rebellion, Hundred Days' Reform, Boxer Uprising, but in vain. 太平天国运动,戊戌变法,义和团运动,不甘屈服的中国人民一次次抗争,但又一次次失败。 club.topsage.com 2. Premier Wen encouraged the staff to carry on the unyielding spirit to well look after the passengers. 他勉励大家,要发扬不怕疲劳、连续作战的作风,照顾好旅客。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In Iran, despite the great stakes, there is not much to lose because the Bush administration's unyielding line had failed in any case. 在伊朗问题上,虽然事关紧要,但由于布什政府毫不让步的方针已告失败,所以无论怎样也不会有太多损失。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Unyielding and united as one, the Egyptian people have safeguarded their independence and sovereignty. 埃及人民威武不屈、团结一致,捍卫了独立和主权。 www.xici.net 5. But it also provoked Li's internal unyielding spirits and confidence of realizing his "China dream" . 但也激发了李彦宏内心那股不服输的精神和一定要实现“中国梦”的信念。 www.ebigear.com 6. he by reason of the firm and resolute unyielding will , has defeated disease , has created a miracle. 他凭著坚毅不屈的意志,战胜了疾病,创造了一个奇迹。 www.ichacha.net 7. needs great patience and unyielding willingness when facing with unexpected results. 做科学实验需要极大的耐心以及面对失败时再来一次的不屈意志。 www.shanbay.com 8. Fearless and unyielding, to fight bravely Until all the gangs of reactionaries are wiped out. 从无畏惧,绝不屈服,英勇战斗直到把反动派消灭乾净。 www.maoflag.net 9. She had no figure, and her clothes were so stiff and unyielding as to give an impression of armour. 她没有体态,衣服僵直而坚硬,给人一种穿铠甲的印象。 10. As soon as she left university, she ran up against an unyielding wall of prejudice. 她刚迈出校门,便遇到了一堵难以逾越的歧视之墙。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. After leaving huge claw marks in the unyielding earth, the bear finally gave up and retreated. 在坚硬的泥土上留下了巨大的爪印后,熊最后放弃退却了。 www.chinaufo.com 2. Lacking elasticity; unyielding or unadaptable. 缺少弹性或者弹跳力。 www.ayste.com 3. And when his enemies tested American resolve, they soon discovered that his resolve was firm and unyielding. 当他的敌人拷问美国人的决心时,他们立刻发现他的决心坚定且毫不动摇。 blog.163.com 4. In my opinion, each feather from the contest returned pigeons are a true hero, an unyielding warrior. 在我看来,每一羽能从大赛归来的鸽子都是一位真正的英雄,一位不屈的勇士。 www.bing.com 5. The two playboys, scared by this virtuous but unyielding girl, tried to marry her off as soon as possible. 这两个花花公子,这个良性但不屈的女孩吓坏了,试图把她嫁出去,尽快关闭。 www.youeredu.com 6. Death stood firm and unyielding, A word expressed her faith - the fear of death is not communist party members. 有一句话道出了她的信念------怕死就不当共产党员。 www.m148.net 7. The hero's song contains the Mongolian people's feelings and brave, unyielding, resistance spirit. 好汉歌中蕴含了蒙古族群众的情感和一种英勇、不屈、反抗的精神。 www.lwsjz.com 8. In short, their position as it emerged in the three meetings with us was peremptory and unyielding . 简单地说,同我们举行的三次会谈说明他们的立场是蛮横无礼,寸步不让的。 dict.veduchina.com 9. comes not from the enduring power of people's ideals, liberty, opportunity or unyielding hope. 并非来自人民群众源源不断的梦想的力量,也不是自由,机遇或是永不服输的希望。 tieba.baidu.com 10. In short, Hanoi's position as it emerged in the three meetings with Le Duc Tho was peremptory and unyielding. 简单地说,同黎德寿举行的三次会谈说明河内的立场是蛮横无理,寸步不让的。 www.jukuu.com 1. In wolves' life, nothing can take place of their unyielding spirit, which makes them survive arduously and painfully. 在狼的生命中,没有什么可以替代锲而不舍的精神,正因为它才使得狼得以千心万苦地生存下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We need only look to the past to trace out the huge swaths of destruction that unyielding conviction has caused. 我们只要回首过去就可以追踪到执着的信仰造成的巨大破坏的痕迹。 space.yoka.com 3. That unyielding spirit is what defines us as Americans. It is what led generations of pioneers to blaze a westward trail. 正是这种不屈不挠的精神,定义了我们美国人。这导致先驱者的那一代人开拓西部。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. Accident surprise that I almost can't self-control, surprised, I did on the back, why not lost its found in the unyielding life be? 意外的惊喜使我几乎不能自制,我诧异,当初在落英的背后,为什么没有发现在萌动着的不屈的生命呢?。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I respect her unyielding spirit, from small to large, her style of doing things, has affected me. 我很崇敬她的不服输的精神,从小到大,她的做事风格,一直影响着我。 blog.163.com 6. "Thousands of grinding million hit Kennedy also strong, and any east-west wind Seoul" on Bamboo, the life is tough unyielding stance. “千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风”,对翠竹来说,生命的姿态是坚韧不屈。 www.bing.com 7. A pugnacious, unyielding, or determined person. 好斗的、不屈服的或有毅力的人 zhidao.baidu.com 8. People, who know him at Apple, say he is polite but persistent and unyielding in his demands. 认识他的苹果人士说,他有礼貌,但坚持自己的要求,毫不让步。 chinese.wsj.com 9. A flinty manner ; granitic morality ; his unyielding mouth and glassy eyes - Marchette Chute . 坚定的态度;坚如磐石的道德;他坚硬的嘴巴和呆滞的目光——马切特·楚特。 www.bing.com 10. They are unyielding before threats and incorruptible before any promise of material gain. 他们正在威胁,不屈不承诺的实惠。 tieba.baidu.com 1. "Suicided beside Wu River" to accomplish his arrogant unyielding personality. “自刎乌江”造就了他高傲不屈的人格。 www.fabiao.net 2. It is a contempt of the powerful and unyielding, it is a bold and open-minded attitude. 那是一种对权贵的蔑视与不屈,亦是一种豁达豪迈的姿态。 www.bing.com 3. They ransacked brick rubble lay strong strong and unyielding (up). 它们掀翻了断砖碎石(倔强坚强刚强)地往上长。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Hunan with her unyielding valor and passionate heart; she herself has told us this, and so it is true. 湖南拥有不屈的英勇与热忱的心,她自己向我们讲述这些,而这也是事实! news.rednet.cn 5. Jane Eyre looks like full of vitality weeds, so stands firm and unyielding. 简爱就像一棵生机勃勃的野草,如此坚贞不屈。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. And, Sophie she also has perseverance, of unyielding spirit. 并且,苏菲她还具有锲而不舍,锲而不舍的肉体。 www.yxad.com 7. The far east JinDaLai brilliant flowers compose full of trees, red, and blue a national unyielding era. 远东地区的金达莱红艳艳的花朵缀满枝头,火红一片,蔚出一个民族不屈的时代强音。 goabroad.wenda.sogou.com 8. In life, I am a people who works having very unyielding sense of responsibility carefully. 生活中我是一个做事认真具有很强责任心的人。 iask.edu.sina.com.cn 9. strict unyielding inflexible stern ad. 严厉的;严格的 wenwen.soso.com 10. An Unyielding boy, how can he show his sharpness on the tough track of life? 倔强的刀子,如何在倔强的人生跑道上展露锋芒? blog.sina.com.cn 1. Even if is last round match Zhejiang, is also the block unyielding person similarly. 即便是最后一轮对手浙江,也同样是块硬骨头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. its jealousy unyielding as the grave. 嫉妒如阴间一般的坚稳; blog.zjol.com.cn 3. However, apart from the unyielding Mr Mugabe, no one knows quite what to do. 然而,除了不屈服于穆加贝总统,没人知道该怎样做。 www.ecocn.org 4. The unyielding man fiercely pierced the shield in the field. 那个不屈的人凶猛地刺穿田野里的盾牌。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The Asian people have an unyielding national spirit and great creativity. 亚洲人民有着自强不息的民族精神和杰出的创造力。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. In days of adversity, we should stand firm and be unyielding; in days of happiness, we should, all the more, be prudent and careful. 身处逆境的日子,要坚强不屈;在幸福的日子里,尤其要谨慎小心。 www.hicoo.net 7. Shown unyielding tenacity of life. 显示出生命的顽强不屈。 enwaimao.cn 8. Unyielding to the fate shows your respect for life. 对命运的不屈就是对生命的尊重。 ts.hjenglish.com 9. Bulgaria's is BianShen MangCi rose in the Ottoman empire, German fascists problems and heroic unyielding before. 玫瑰遍身芒刺是保加利亚人民在奥斯曼帝国、德国法西斯面前英勇不屈与坚韧不拔的化身。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Days let fly, highland broadly difficult 1, 000 million insurance unyielding scratching. 天高地阔任飞翔,千难万险不屈挠。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Having the bark so contracted and unyielding as to hinder growth. Used of trees. 树皮过于紧密而妨碍生长的。用于树 dict.ebigear.com 2. An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city. 弟兄结怨,劝他和好,比取坚固城还难。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It may surprise many people, but we feel that shock may only affect a small minority who are mainly those who have an unyielding mindset. 它也许会让许多人震惊,但是我们感觉那种震惊只会影响到少部分人,这些从大体上说就是那些心态顽固的人。 www.5joys.com 4. I am deeply moved by the unyielding spirit of my people. 我为我们中华民族这种愈挫愈奋的精神深深感动。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. On some issues, such as Tibet and Taiwan, official Chinese policy and rhetoric remain strident and unyielding. 在西藏和台湾等一些问题上,中国官方政策与言辞仍相当生硬,毫不让步。 www.ftchinese.com 6. unyielding, this is another character of the Lotus. 坚贞不屈,这是莲花的另一种品格。 gotofob.cn 7. The lives of these incomplete efforts to life, no regrets, because they know that life unyielding life precious. 这些残缺的生命为了生命无悔而努力,因为他们知道生命不屈,生命可贵。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Thori'dal Elune is translated roughly into common as "Elune the Unyielding" or "Elune the Merciless" . 索利达尔艾露恩大致可以被翻译成“顽强不屈的艾露恩”或者“无情的艾露恩”。 bbs.ngacn.cc 9. The Chinese hunt for Mr. Naw Kham was methodical and unyielding. 中国对糯康的追捕条理分明、态度坚决。 cn.nytimes.com 10. We are eternal. We are unyielding. 我们是永恒的,我们是不屈的。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. we honor your service, we are inspired by your sacrifice, and you have our unyielding support. 你们的服务我们尊重,你们的牺牲我们感动,我们会坚定不移地支持你们。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. Before very long time, some very lovable baby, but two women both said that is she lives, they are unyielding look for God to figure out. 在很久以前,有一个很可爱的婴儿,但是两个妇女都说是她生的,她们争执不下去找上帝评理。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Sports have not only shaped his strong body but also cultivated his unyielding character. 体育运动赋予郝彤途健康的体魄,也培养了他坚强的性格。 www.zftrans.com 4. He became more and more unyielding. 他变得越来越刚强。 www.powerdict.com 5. Only there is persistent, of unyielding spirit, we have a chance to do you want to do. 只要有了锲而不舍,锲而不舍的肉体,我们才无机会去做好自己想要做的事情。 www.yxad.com 6. Nanjing Plum Flower and Hong Kong bauhinia flower has a strong and unyielding character. 南京市花梅花与香港区花紫荆花都有坚强不屈的性格。 www.xici.net 7. She was only fifteen years old, why would the guillotine before the unyielding, unafraid of death it? 年仅十五岁的她,为什么会在铡刀面前坚贞不屈、视死如归呢? www.m148.net 8. Those are blunt, unyielding admonitions that ring in my head every day. 那些直言不讳的忠告每天都在我头脑中响起。 www.bing.com 9. Boys live in a world with its own Code of Conduct, a set of ruthless, unspoken, and unyielding rules 男孩的世界自有其独特的行为准则,一套深藏于心的冷酷无情、坚定不屈的准则 bbs.weila.cn 10. But there is a type of teacher who goes to the length of using force when he finds the student persistently unyielding; 还有一种类型的老师,当他发现学生倔强不从,就走到使用暴力的地步; blog.sina.com.cn 1. yet his heart was unyielding and he would not let the people go 法老的心却是固执,不容百姓去。 www.ichacha.net 2. Stern suggests unyielding disposition, uncompromising resolution, or forbidding appearance or nature: Stern 指强硬的处理、不妥协的决定或冷峻的外表或气质: www.englishdata.cn 3. I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support 如果没有一个人的坚决支持,我今晚就不会站在这里 wenku.baidu.com 4. Having or exhibiting uncompromising determination; unyielding 不屈服的具有或显示出不屈不挠的决心的;坚韧不拔的 ctg60.blogchina.com 5. a bundle Bizhu solemn tick of the heart, so that he erected "1000 mill strike also Jian Jin Wan" That haughty and unyielding integrity; 一丛碧竹勾出了心灵的庄重,让他立起“千磨万击还坚劲”那傲岸不屈的气节; www.bing.com 6. The acclimatization being good at accepting fresh object, to the environment is unyielding; 善于接受新鲜事物,对环境的适应能力强; www.yjbys.com 7. Strive to Boost Development through Unyielding Confidence and Innovation 坚定信心励精图治在不断创新中加快发展步伐 www.ilib.cn 8. Gentleman should be the same as Sky run endless, even if displaced, are unyielding; 君子应该像天宇一样运行不息,即使颠沛流离,也不屈不挠; www.lo03.com 9. The Thought of Source and the Meaning of Aesthetics of Libai's Lofty and Unyielding Character 论李白傲骨的思想渊源及美学意义 service.ilib.cn 10. only this film , dedicated to the ideals of an unyielding person 仅以此片,献给追求理想的不屈者。 www.ichacha.net 1. Developing Is an Unyielding Principle 浅论发展才是硬道理 www.ilib.cn 2. The bamboo image displayed Daiyu's noble and pure, unyielding disposition and soul; 竹意象表现出黛玉高洁坚贞、刚直不屈的性格与灵魂; paper.pet2008.cn 3. Angelina Jolie sexy, free, unyielding 性感狂野,不羁不屈 wenku.baidu.com 4. It is precisely because there is love, only to victims who re-straighten the backbone of unyielding, lifted chest; 正是因为有爱,才让灾民们重新挺起不屈的脊梁,昂起胸膛; www.bing.com |
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