单词 | vague | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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比较级:vaguer 最高级:vaguest vague 显示所有例句
例句释义: 含糊的,不明确的,不清楚的,含糊其辞的,模糊的,暧昧的 1. But it is often seen that when glaring advertisements makes the content of your website vague, it hurts the user's experience. 但是,我们经常看到,炫丽的广告使得你网站的内容弱化,这损害了用户的体验。 www.bing.com 2. A nightmare could be trying to tell you something but it might be quite vague. 一场噩梦可能是向你暗示某件事,但可能只是很模糊地暗示。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. Nowhere did we stop long enough to get a particularized impression, but the general sense of vague and oppressive wonder grew upon me. 我们停靠的所有地方,虽因时间短促没有留下特别的印象,但却使我的心头蒙上了一种莫可名状的难以忍受的感觉。 4. Armed with only a vague idea, no story and no contributors, there was no way I would find funding. 只有一个模糊的想法,没有故事,没有投稿人,我根本不可能找到资金。 www.bing.com 5. Especially if you have a problem that's too vague, investigating facts is usually more productive than trying to solve it right away. 尤其如果你的问题太模糊,调查事实往往比立刻解决更有作用。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. She liked it, she wanted to be in the march, though she still had a vague sense of trespass, of false pretences. 她喜欢这样做,喜欢参加在这游行队伍里,虽然脑子里仿佛有一种侵害了别人和冒充的感觉。 7. Kmp algorithm for the beginning of the time look a bit vague on the first did not understand too. 初看kmp算法的时候有点模糊,第一次就根本没明白过。 www.pudn.com 8. He made uncertain movements, because everything in his head was vague and uncertain. 他茫然地走来走去,因为他脑子里的一切都是模糊而不确定的。 www.kekenet.com 9. Even in the worst case, when a change record starts off as vague or high-level, it is at least being tracked and documented. 即使在最糟糕的情况下,当一个变更记录以模糊的状态或者高层次开始时,它至少要被跟踪和存档。 www.ibm.com 10. Yet his wife trembled and a vague but heavy fear was upon her. 而他的妻子还是发抖,有一种模糊而沉重的恐惧压在她身上。 1. But he remained vague about thetimingofa key issue, and he said the quantity of fuel involved should be up to Iran. 但他对时间,关键事项则表示模糊,而他说其中包括的能源数量应该由伊朗决定。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. For his wife, he sighed, with the vague unrest of a husband whose infidelities are imaginary, was a genuinely good woman. 臆想对妻子有不忠行为的丈夫总会有种淡淡的不安,正是带着这种不安他叹息道,他的妻子是一个真正的好女人。 www.kekenet.com 3. Ever since the beginning of lunch, he had seemed to be sleeping with open eyes and a vague smile on his lips. 从午饭开始以来,他一直都似乎在睁着眼睛睡觉,唇上挂着一副空洞洞的微笑。 www.jukuu.com 4. The next morning the sleep eater may be able to recall vague images of what she did. Or not. 第二天早上,睡眠进食者也许能模糊地想起自己做过什么,也许想不起来。 www.bing.com 5. If we elect you what will you do about the immigration in this country as all three of you seem to be very vague about this matter. 如果我们选你,你们打算在移民问题上怎么做?你们三个对这个问题都很含糊其辞。 english.31931.cn 6. Sorry this is so vague, unfortunately I cannot discuss the details of it without some form of confidentiality agreement in place. 对不起,这是如此含糊,可惜我不能讨论一些没有到位的保密协议的形式它的细节。 www.bing.com 7. Most people, it seems, have only a vague idea of how much energy their home is using and where it's going. 大多数人来说,似乎只有一个多少能源利用他们的家是模糊的概念以及它的准备。 www.bugutang.com 8. must you be so indefinite? ; amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges; he would not answer so indefinite a proposal. 你非要如此含糊吗?;乱七八糟的颜色污渍的边缘模糊、不明确;他是不会如此含糊的答复建议的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It's easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes taking place in our ever-changing world. 人们之间交谈的减少应怪罪于现代生活的节奏以及在这个永恒变化着的世界里所发生的莫名其妙的变化。 www.kuenglish.info 10. Among customers used to vague claims about chakras and crystals, a little seaweed seems to go a long way. 对于已经习惯了印度纺纱车和水晶之类模糊宣传用语的消费者,一点点海草概念好像也能维持很久。 www.ecocn.org 1. Curiousness also opens you up to gain understanding of something. And with understanding vague, fog-like fears disappear. 求知欲也会促使你去获得一切你想知道的东西,那么你的含糊的,模糊不清的恐惧也就消失不见了。 www.elanso.com 2. Suddenly, the water seems to be waking up to that moment is slightly undulating ink ripple vague, hazy on the horizon. 忽然,水面似乎被我们吵醒了,那水墨画瞬间被微微起伏的水波模糊、朦胧在了视野里。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. To an unusual degree, the reader is left to make sense of a disjointed plot in which key bits of information are either missing or vague. 这种删节达到了罕见的程度,只有留待读者自己去搞清那些脱节的情节的意思了,在这些情节中,一些关键的信息不是缺失就是模糊不清。 www.ecocn.org 4. Diamond argues that the United States must use more than vague encouragement if it wants to see real democracy in the Middle East. 戴蒙德认为,美国必须使用较模糊的鼓励更多,如果它希望看到中东地区真正的民主。 bbs.5i5i.cn 5. But it will not be easy to persuade people to vote for a vague promise of civic reorganization, without the powers to match. 但是并不容易劝说人们投票支持一个没有权力制衡的民事重组的含糊许诺。 www.ecocn.org 6. I began to understand from their looks and vague answers to my tentative questions that they were suspicious of me, an American. 我从他们的神态及对我的探问的支吾回答中懂得,他们对我这个美国人有所怀疑。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It might have been that the early translators thought of love in terms of lovemaking, but over time the meaning became more vague. 早期的译者应该还是以“男女性爱”去理解“爱”这一词语,时光荏苒,这一意义渐渐变得模糊。 www.bing.com 8. Although I can only view TV is not real, note you, but is vague on this made me think you do not truly be so cool! 虽然我只能在电视里不真切的观注你,但就是这样的朦胧于不真切更让我觉得你是那么得帅气! wenwen.soso.com 9. I do not, as is often done, use the word in any vague, uncertain, approximate, or metaphorical sense. 我并不是如通常所做的那样,在任何模糊,不确定,大约或比喻的意义上使用这个词的。 ziyouzhuyi.wordpress.com 10. These details will also work as attention seekers, but by keeping them vague; they won't get out of hand and demand too much attention. 这些细节也会吸引视线,但通过模糊使它们控制在应有的范围内不会太抢眼。 bms-art.com 1. Yet, with the vague ideas I conjured up from the rest, I spun out a variously coloured thread on which to string the illustrations. 我以十分之一的模糊的了解,纺织出一条彩色的线条,把插图给穿连了起来。 www.bing.com 2. she had a vague recollection of seeing Deng's article in the early 1990s, but its content did not stick. 她依稀记得在90年代初读到过邓的文章,但不太记得内容。 www.bing.com 3. I had a sort of vague premonition that I would not reach the Bastille without being taken in tow by one of these buzzards. 我有一种模模糊糊的预感:到达巴士底广场之前我准会被一只秃鹰拖了去。 www.bing.com 4. But beware of any other hiding behavior, like if he's suddenly vague about where he's gone or what he's done or with whom. 但是要留意别的隐藏行为,像是他突然对他去了哪里、跟谁在一起、做了什么等等含糊其词。 www.bing.com 5. It was good for a small car, but the handling felt a bit roly-poly and the steering was a bit too vague. 作为小型车来说不错,但是操控起来总有点放不开的感觉,转向也不顺。 dict.kekenet.com 6. I walked into my office in the morning with a vague sense of what I wanted to accomplish. 早晨走进办公室时,我隐约地知道自己想要做成什么事。 www.bing.com 7. She had not told him about Brander, because she was still under the vague illusion that, in the end, she might escape. 她没有把白兰德的事情告诉他,因为她还有一种模糊的幻觉,以为自己终于能逃避他的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. she had an idea rather vague one , but it was agreeable to her sense of injury. 她产生了一个想法,这个想法虽然眼下还比较模糊,但与她受伤害的心理是十分合拍的。 www.ichacha.net 9. A year or two ago, HTML5 seemed like a vague idea that only a few Internet wonks cared about. 一两年前,HTML5似乎还是一个模糊的概念,只有少数几个互联网的书呆子才会关心。 select.yeeyan.org 10. The idea is to come out with vague and noble sentiments with which no one can disagree, but which do not commit anyone to specific action. 他们的理念就是想出模糊、高尚、没有人能反对的观点,但又不使任何人承诺采取任何特定的措施。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It must be that a strange bundle of passions and vague desires give rise to such a curious social institution or it would not be. 一定有种种古怪的嗜好和莫名的欲望,产生了酒店这种奇怪的社交场所。不然的话,酒店这种玩意儿就不会存在了。 www.bing.com 2. Without some sort of global derivatives policeman, vague agreements for international oversight offer little comfort. 在缺乏某种形式的全球衍生品监管机构的情况下,国际监管方面的含糊协议很难让人放心。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He said the workers' demand for higher wages at this point remains 'vague without specific numbers. ' 他说工人此刻的加薪要求仍然“不明确,没有具体数字”。 chinese.wsj.com 4. I thought for a while, the vague words I said to her was: writers, write a living. 我想了想,含糊其词的对她说:我是个文人,写字为生的。 bbs.renyu.net 5. 'It's a statute that's written so broadly and is so vague that it's hardly ever been used, ' he said. 他说,这部法律涉及的内容非常宽泛,规定也十分模糊,几乎已经不怎么用了。 chinese.wsj.com 6. But when Qiu Xinghua was interviewed at the Hanyin detention center, he denied all this. "That is a lie, " he said in a vague way. 但是,在汉阴县看守所接受本报记者采访时,邱兴华却对当初算卦一事并不承认,“那都是骗人的”,他含混地说。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Like every young man at his age, he felt a vague and oppressive emotion surging up in his heart. 他跟所有的这样年纪的年轻人一样,已经感到一种朦胧的、折磨人的情感在他心中涌起来了。 www.jukuu.com 8. He did not know why, but he felt oppressed by the vague sense of impending calamity. 他不知道为什么,可他隐约觉得灾难即将来临,心里很压抑。 zftrans.com 9. When Mr. Obama was told that his father had died, he said, "I felt no pain, only the vague sense of an opportunity lost. " 当奥巴马得知父亲去世时,他说,“我没有感到痛苦,只是对失去了一个机会而感到茫然。” www.bing.com 10. 14 speaker is often convey vague information, but the audience is always better than what they see hear. 14演说家常常传递着含糊不清的信息,但听众总是亲眼所见胜于耳闻。 wenwen.soso.com 1. They go straight to the heart of the matter while fat people let things stay all blurry and hazy and vague, the way things actually are. 他们直接切入问题的要害,而胖人则让事情处于模糊和朦胧的状态———事情本来就是这样。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. There seems to be a very vague definition within our dog sport as to exactly what constitutes strong working dog temperament. 确定什么是强悍工作犬的禀性构成,在我们运动竞技犬圈子里,依旧是个非常模糊的定义问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Specialist lawyers and accountants said the rules were vague but that Mr Chen would not usually be required to pay tax on a share sale. 专业律师和会计师们表示,相关规则有点含糊,但通常而言,陈发树不需为出售股票而缴税。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He adds that this exception with its vague definition gives local officials the means to silence people who embarrass them. 罗助华补充称,正是这种含糊的“例外”规定,让地方官员有办法让那些令他们困窘的人噤声。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Inside there was the photograph of a woman, tall and slight, with large vague eyes and loose hair. 里面是一个女人的照片,高个子,苗条,一双发呆的大眼睛,蓬松的头发。 www.jukuu.com 6. There seems to be a vague banter occurring between Ventress and Obi-Wan -- what's up with that? 有场戏似乎是文崔斯和欧比万在互相暧昧地打趣——那是怎么回事? starwarsfans.cn 7. I'd swear to myself to do better next month, and satisfied with that vague goal, put the whole thing out of my mind. Repeat. 我对自己发誓下个月我会做好一点,并对这个模糊的目标感到满意,接着就把它抛到九霄云外去了。 www.bing.com 8. The fact remains that Haig gave substance to a vague necessity and a sense of direction to a demoralized Administration. 黑格确实使一种不明确的必要性有了实质内容,使人心涣散的政府有了方向。 dict.wenguo.com 9. It appeared that the strategy (Hamilton and Ryan's) was to be extremely vague and not be very direct with the answers. 看来战略(汉密尔顿和瑞安的)是非常含糊,而不是很直接的答案。 usa.315che.com 10. It does not feel like the moment, especially for such a vague band, to be playing with any symbols of war. 但把战争的元素加进演奏当中,特别是对于这样一支风格模糊的乐队,好像还不是时候。 www.bing.com 1. Even then, the president and his staff had been deliberately vague about what, exactly, was the source of their objections in the CR. 即便这样,总统和他的手下故意模糊他们真正反对的原因。 www.bing.com 2. The term of chronic irritation as a carcinogen is so vague that it is not easy to discuss. 慢性刺激作为致癌因子,其意义是如此含糊以致不易加以讨论。 terms.shengwuquan.com 3. We appreciate your feedback, but if it's too vague we won't understand what you're trying to tell us! 我们欢迎你的反馈,但如果你的反馈太过模糊,我们将无法了解你想要告诉我们什么。 www.bing.com 4. Lightless on the sea, the ship was enveloped in a pitch darkness and that starry mountain disappeared a vague dream. 海上没有灯,浓密的黑暗包围着我们的船。星的山成了一个渺茫的梦。 zx.china-b.com 5. Officials at the Bank of Japan have been vague about the timing of the move, saying it may come sometime next year. 日本央行官员对行动的时机语焉不详,称或许是明年某个时候。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It's never too early to start thinking about resolutions, or at least get a vague idea or two about making some changes. 开始下决心的想法在早也不为过,至少大致了解一些做出改变的头绪。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Sadly, more often contractors forget to improve this part of the profile and seem to be satisfied with vague descriptions and objectives. 可悲的是,多数情况下,承包人却忽视了要提高该项资料的质量,似乎很满意自己含糊不清的描述与目标。 dongxi.net 8. But the precise nature of the job has always been a little vague. 但这一职位的确切职能一直有些模糊。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He said anti-corruption codes of conduct of such associations were often "too vague" to be effective, and training programmes were outdated. 努斯鲍姆表示,这些协会的反腐败行为准则常常“过于含糊”,无法起到作用,而且它们的培训项目往往都已过时。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The limits are vague, but that seems to me to be the proper use of the concept of family. 界限是模糊的,但在我看来,是对家庭的概念的正确使用。 open.163.com 1. In the field of language teaching the word game has been used so loosely that it has become a very vague term. 一词在语言教学领域中宽松之使用已使其词义相当模糊。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Sleep seems to hammer out for me the logical conclusions of my vague days. 睡眠总有办法把我模模糊糊的日子敲打成有形状的结论。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 3. The Vice President is vague in her answer, telling Kellerman that her agenda and that of the Company just happened to be the same. 副总统在含糊不清的答复中告诉Kellerman,她的计划正好与“公司”的不谋而合。 www.bing.com 4. She was quiet and vague, she had no contact with them and intended to have none. Clifford was extraordinarily proud of himself. 她守关那闲静而淡漠的态度,她和他们毫无密交,而且毫无这个意思。因此克利福是觉得非常自得的。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Is the jig ever up, or should I keep lying until the truth is just a vague memory for all parties? 应该马上澄清,还是应该持续谎言直到事实成为每个人的模糊的记忆? www.bing.com 6. But Israel is vague about whether it will conduct a further inquiry, and tends to be wary of outside investigation. 但以方在是否会开展进一步调查这一问题上,表现得模棱两可,同时还特别警惕来自外部的调查。 www.ecocn.org 7. Such an empty place; so vague. Just a country where the thunder goes and things disappear. 如此天马行空的地方,一片迷茫,只是海市蜃楼,那儿一个电闪雷鸣,一切无影无踪。 www.eoezone.com 8. As a notion, critical thinking is ambiguous and vague, and its up holders have so far no clear explanations for it. “批判性思维”本身又是一个含糊的概念,主张它的人对它至今没有清楚的说明。 www.360doc.com 9. I suppose I always knew in a vague way that it happened to everyone, but I'm still shocked to find it happening to me. 我想,我隐约知道这会发生在每个人身上。不过,当我发现自己也在变老时,仍然感到震惊。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Players and coaches also seem likely to be crossing back and forth across the Pacific, though Silver was vague about exact plans. 球员和教练也可能横跨太平洋,虽然私立我对确切的计划没有明确表述。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The Utopia that the paper analyzes and studies is not the vague and the general illusion of so-called new world in general meanings. 我所分析与研究的乌托邦并不是一般意义上的对所谓美好世界的空泛幻想与追求。 www.fabiao.net 2. He was left with his singularly appropriate education; the vague contour of Jay Gatsby had filled out to the substantiality of a man. 他只落了他那异常恰当的教育:杰伊-盖茨比的模糊轮廓已经逐渐充实成为一个血肉丰满的人了。 dict.veduchina.com 3. Someday, sometime, if you will remember, is only a vague landscape, is no longer recall pain. 某天,某个时刻,如果还会忆起,只不过是一道模糊的风景,是不能再追忆的苦痛。 www.bing.com 4. These words were mingled in his thoughts with a vague memory of narrow corridors and dark staircases which he had recently traversed. 这些话和他刚才穿过的那些狭窄回廊以及黑暗扶梯所留下的回忆,在他的思想里都混在一起了。 www.ebigear.com 5. Jian Ming's girlfriend expresses a vague desire to leave Guangzhou, to start a new life. 他女友的希望就是离开广州,重新开始一种新的生活。 pangbianr.com 6. Gradually there came a sort of vague beginning of consciousness, then a sense of weariness that was dreadful. 我迷迷糊糊、渐渐地恢复了一点意识,感到一种恐惧后的疲惫。 www.bing.com 7. "The normal mind tends to be too vague, " adds Grandin. "The Asperger's mind sees the details. " “正常人的思维倾向模糊,戈兰丁补充说:而亚斯伯格人的思维专注细节”。 www.bing.com 8. At the bottom of all this lies a vague stress: people are either nervous, anxious, irritated, or else they are apathetic. 在所有这些现象的下面有一种含糊不清的焦躁:人要么神经紧张,焦虑,急躁,要么兴趣索然,无动于衷。 www.bing.com 9. For months I forget there is such a thing as wind; all that's left is a vague need. 几个月以来,我忘记了风这种东西,留下的只有模糊的渴望。 www.bing.com 10. She's so vague that I can never understand what she's trying to say. 她这样含糊其词,我根本弄不清她究竟想说什么。 www.jxenglish.com 1. She's so vague that I can never understand what she's trying to say. 她这样含糊其词,我根本弄不清她究竟想说什么。 www.jxenglish.com 2. Therefore, the researchers of the Juyan Bamboo Slips of the Han Dynasty must realize that this term indicates a quite vague area. 因此,研究居延汉简者,必须意识到「居延」一词所指涉的范围并不论确。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. By contrast, a term is vague if it does not identify such a set. 通过对比,如果一个词语不能识别这类物体,这个词组就是含糊的。 www.bing.com 4. Graphics that are vague or totally disconnected from what a company is all about can kill a logo's memorability. 模糊或完全缺乏关联的图像,不会让人们记住你的公司。 www.bing.com 5. Faber was thinking about Godliman. He knew the name-he could even put a vague face to it. 费伯开始回想那个戈德利曼。他知道这个名字,而且能模模糊糊地记起他的面孔来。 6. Silence by no means vague morality, everything is written in the heart, everything is written in the action. 沉默绝不等于道德观模糊,一切都写在心中,一切都写在行动中。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Last time we covered being vague to make a polite excuse or to avoid sounding arrogant. 上次我们学习了用含糊的语言来表示礼貌的借口来避免听起来傲慢。 www.hxen.com 8. Pierre had been hurt by his hair being pulled in the knot: he puckered up his face from the pain, and smiled with vague shame. 皮埃尔觉得头发给结子扯得很疼,疼得他蹙起额角,因为他有点羞愧而面露微笑。 novel.tingroom.com 9. Icebergs are among nature's most spectacular creations, and yet most people have never seen one. A vague air of mystery envelops them. 冰山是大自然最壮观的创造之一,但大多数人却从未看到过冰山,一种朦胧神秘的气氛笼罩着它们。 www.bing.com 10. It caused him to feel a vague, sweet gladness, and he was aware of wild yearnings and stirrings for he knew not what. 他模模糊糊感到一种甜蜜的喜悦,对自己不知情的东西有着疯狂的渴望与兴奋之情。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Her memory was vague, so she asked her sister Mary, and Mary reminded her of his banshee incidents back in County Cork Ireland. 姥姥的记性已经模糊了,于是就问她妹妹玛丽还记不记得类似的事情,玛丽姥姥就想起了太姥爷在科克郡与女妖的那次遭遇。 www.kekenet.com 2. The law is vague and applies only to insults to Islam. Minorities and Muslims alike are caught up in its tentacles. 该法措辞含糊,并且只适用于与侮辱伊斯兰有关的案件,无论是少数族裔还是穆斯林都可能落入其魔掌。 ecocn.org 3. When I really look carefully to identify an exact problem -- not just a vague feeling of dissatisfaction -- I often see a solution. 当我正真仔细发现了一个明确地问题--不仅仅是不满的模糊感觉--我经常会看见一个解答。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. At present, the kind of research is relatively scattered and there still exists the vague knowledge of it. 目前,学界对人肉搜索暴力的研究还比较零散,而且对很多问题还存在模糊认识。 www.fabiao.net 5. Even if it's something vague, like "to be happy, " you can still make it an intention. 即便它是很模糊的东西,比如:找乐子。你可以始终抱有这个想法。 www.bing.com 6. Vague memories of the beginning of his shadow, but still occasionally think of some things. 记忆里开始模糊他的影子,却还是会偶尔因为一些事想起。 www.bing.com 7. Harry did not mention his vague suspicions to Sirius, whose cheerfulness was evaporating fast now that Christmas was over. 哈利并不在意他对小天狼星含糊的怀疑,高兴的心情在圣诞节结束之后快速地散匿了。 www.hoolee8.com 8. He had a vague idea that he would find at the house of a composer some quite unusually free kind of atmosphere. 他有个模糊的想法,认为在一个作曲家家里,一定可以找到一种不同凡响的自由气氛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Liu Mengli: . . . . . . Now I can remember, from just a vague shadow, now to a very clearly scene in my mind. . . . . . 柳梦璃:……我现在想起来了,从之前只是一个模糊的影子,到如今很清晰地出现在我脑海里…… blog.sina.com.cn 10. "Towards mid month" is vague enough to cover at least a ten or twelve day period, too. “月中旬”也表述的足够模糊不清,它足足涵盖了十天或二十天。 www.elanso.com 1. With a vague definition like that, you know that the code required to support this will be interesting. 由于定义如此宽泛,支持它的代码会很有意思。 www.ibm.com 2. at the back of his mind was the vague idea that he had met her before. 他隐隐约约觉得以前曾见过她。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. but she had the vague, distant look I mentioned before, which expressed no recognition of material things either by ear or eye. 可是她有着我以前提到过的那种茫然的、捉摸不到的神气,这表明她的耳朵或眼睛简直不能辨识任何外界的东西。 bbs.koolearn.com 4. As a linguistic concept together with a linguistic phenomenon, vague language embodies the uncertainty of the language at its extension. 模糊语言是一种语言概念,同时又是一种语言现象,它反映了客观事物在外延上的一种不确定性。 journal.bisu.edu.cn 5. Toppling the Iraqi regime with only a vague plan as to what to put in its place has been the defining foul-up of the presidency. 仅凭一个含糊的替代计划扳倒伊拉克政权已成为总统当局错误失策的判定。 www.ecocn.org 6. I didn't even have a set of characters, just a vague idea, some mountain legends, and a stubborn streak. 我甚至都还没完成角色的设定,我所有的只是脑海中的一个模糊的想法、预想的一些山区传奇,还有身上摩拳擦掌誓不罢休的倔脾气。 dongxi.net 7. That Boba Fett's armor had some connection to the storm trooper pedigree had long been a vague assertion in Star Wars lore. 很久以前,波巴?费特的装甲就有些和突击士兵相连的血统,成为星际大战传说一个模糊的主张。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The author might have intended to be vague (but most probably not). 作者可能故意模棱两可(但通常不会这样)。 www.ibm.com 9. Like a flower to its perfume, I am bound to my vague memory of you. 有如鲜花离不开花香,我割不断对你的朦胧记忆。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. She thought of her husband in some vague warm clime on the other side of the globe, while she was here in the cold. 她想到了她的丈夫,当她在这儿受冻的时候,他大概正在地球另一边某个温暖的地方吧。 www.ebigear.com 1. "Friend" is indeed a general word and vague in meaning it, usually refers to people you know pretty well. 朋友实在是一个非常笼统和含混的词,多指熟悉到了一定程度的熟人。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. They were inflamed by Japan's claim that the Taiwanese skipper was to blame for the collision, and by only vague expressions of regret. 此后,日方宣称台籍船长应就碰触事件负责,并对此仅做了模糊道歉。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. While you're at it, never "write a paper" or "do a problem set" or "read an assignment. " These phrases are all too vague! 当你学习的时候,不要总想着“写一篇文章”或“做一份习题”或“做一篇阅读”,这些短语的意思都太过模糊。 www.bing.com 4. Eyes see things vague and overlapping, wake up and can remember the circumstances at the time, the only certainty, that is not a dream. 眼前所看到的事物渐渐模糊而且重叠,一觉醒来又能完全记得当时的情形,唯一能确定的,那绝不是个梦。 www.bing.com 5. With vague definition of the concept of "household" in the present legislation framework, "one household, multiple housing lands" is common. 现行立法对户的内涵的界定比较模糊,使得“一户多宅”现象较为突出。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. My eyes filled with tears and yet I knew the verses were badly written vague, abstract words such as one finds in a newspaper. 尽管诗句的言语抽象晦涩,令人不知所指,一如报纸诗歌的拙劣,但我的双眼却噙满了泪水。 www.bing.com 7. All here who are analysts, have at least a vague notion that the axis, the centre of this term, is given by the following. 在现场的精神分析师,至少有一个模糊的观念,这个轴心,这个术语的核心,由底下所给予。 springhero.wordpress.com 8. Most investors track the ups and downs of the stock market but have only a vague sense of moves in debt markets. 很多投资者跟踪股市的涨跌,对债券市场的起伏却只有模糊的了解。 c.wsj.com 9. Objectively, speed, strength and expression marks show only a vague scope, leaving great space for people to understand the work. 客观上,速度、力度和表情记号只是一个大概的范围,为人们理解作品留下了极大的空间。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Third, it has given Sri Lankan Tamils no more than vague assurances that it will tackle the grievances that have stoked the conflict. 第三,政府只是模糊的许诺斯里兰卡境内的泰米尔人,它会解决使冲突连连升级的民怨与不满。 www.ecocn.org 1. She is so vague that I can never understand what she is trying to say. 她说话含含糊糊,我怎么也听不明白她想说些什么。 www.wwenglish.com 2. But if it is only a vague inclination, one poor sonnet will kill it. 但是如果只是暧昧的喜好一首乏味的十四行诗会毁了它 wenku.baidu.com 3. The name rang a vague bell somewhere in the back of his mind. 他记忆中依稀记得那个名字。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. What is it to me when you tell me that sometime after I shall die, too, somewhere, in a vague place you call Heaven, I shall see her again? 你跟我说什么,早晚有一天,我也会死去,于是在什么地方,在一个虚无缥缈的,你所谓的“天堂”里,我会再见到她,可这对我又有什么用呢? 5. Opponents of GM exploit public ignorance to stimulate vague unease that has no substantive basis. 反对转基因的团体利用公众的无知,在毫无实质依据的情况下掀起莫名的不安情绪。 www.tianyablog.com 6. Vague concept of mathematics may be a mathematics education concept. 同时,还认为数学模糊观应成为一种数学教育观。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Besides, even with this limitation, the final cause, or Good, is a vague abstraction, and the same vagueness attaches to what is to be Duty. 此外,即使加上这层限制,那最后目的或善,仍然只是一个没有规定性的抽象概念,正如时间理性中的义务观念那样。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Because of his strong accent, his speech is vague and hard for me to understand. 由于他强烈的地方口音,他的演讲对我来说非常模糊难懂。 www.hxen.com 9. Specifically, to clarify its attitude and view that whether for or against. Are praised or criticized, do not be vague and ambiguous. 具体地说,要弄清楚它的态度、观点,即究竟是赞成还是反对.是表扬还是批评,千万不能含糊其辞、模棱两可。 www.xiami360.com 10. The dogma is vague about which sequence is referred to, which is useful because it forces us to think about it. 这个法则暧昧不清,因为它没告诉我们是哪个序列具体决定的,而只是逼着我们去想象。 select.yeeyan.org 1. I really need to know your plan of action right now. You cannot be so vague in answering my questions all the time. 我现在就想知道你的行动方案,回答我的问题的时候,你总是含糊其词。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Industry and rights groups say the material in the database was openly available and that the law used to prosecute Xue is vague. 业界和权利组织表示,数据库中的内容是完全公开的,用于起诉薛峰的法律模糊不清。 www.tieku.org 3. Vague facial features are not clear about the face expression, but slightly lower face looks appear to be so lonely, so sad. 模糊的五官,看不清脸上的神情,只是,微低的脸看上去显得那么孤寂,那么忧伤。 enwaimao.cn 4. Nevertheless there was a vague understanding that had to be tactfully broken off before I was free. 不过确实有过一种含糊的默契,这必须先委婉地解除,然后我才可以自由。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Janet's answer to my question was vague and did not help me understand my problem any better. 珍妮特给我的回答模棱两可,无法帮助我更好地理解我的问题。 www.24en.com 6. That's pretty vague, so the actual terms and rules of engagement are set up in the resolution that authorizes any specific no-fly zone. 那样的描述是相当的模糊的,所以实际的介入条款和规矩的制定都是在特定的建立禁飞区的决议授权下进行的。 www.bing.com 7. Saw a flash light down the dark, vague actors can see heads held high, stepped onto the stage with confidence. 只见灯光刹那间暗下来,隐隐约约可以看见演员们昂首挺胸、信心百倍地走上舞台。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 8. And they can't seem to tell us any specifics, they stick with vague answers, often "beating around the bush" . 他们看来不会告诉我们任何具体的事情,坚持着模糊不定的答案,并经常不直截了当,旁敲侧击。 hi.baidu.com 9. Perhaps it is easier to understand what I mean by "vague" by contrasting it with precise. 也许是比较容易理解我的意思的“模糊”的对比与精确的。 img15.vikecn.com 10. It brought a vague expression of dissatisfaction into Mr Dombey's face; but the door being opened, it was quickly gone. 它使董贝先生脸上露出了隐约的、不满的表情;但这时门开了,它很快就消失了。 www.kekenet.com 1. He said that corruption must be addressed but was vague on the specifics. 他说腐败问题必须得到解决,但在具体细节上却含糊其辞。 www.ecocn.org 2. It is just a kind of judgment and discussion by the narrative subject, a vague indication expressing a very high degree. 该句式所表达的语义只是表明叙述主体的一种评价和议论,是一种虚指,一般表示一种极高的程度。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. But legal experts are still in the dark as to how the many vague points in the rules will be interpreted. 但对于规定中很多含糊的地方将如何解释,法律专家们仍然一片茫然。 www.ftchinese.com 4. not simply to make vague pledges of future action, but to commit to meaningful steps that they are prepared to implement right now. 不是含糊地承诺在未来采取行动,而是承诺他们准备立即实施的有意义的步骤。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. This sounds a bit like your boss's vague promise to review your pay some time the year after next. 这听上去有点像你的老板做出的模糊承诺,承诺你后年某个时间将重新评估你的薪资水平。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Harry rubbed his forehead, thinking. He had a vague idea he had heard the name before, but he could not think where. 哈利一边揉着前额,一边思考。他隐约觉得以前听过那个名字,但又想不起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It's like a fortuneteller whose predictions are just vague enough to pull the wool over customers' eyes. 就像一个算命先生谁的预测能足够含糊来迷惑顾客的眼睛。 www.bing.com 8. The colourful language of the rank-and-file endears this man to his troops, but causes vague disquiet amongst his peers. 此人“丰富多彩”的粗俗语言让他博得了士兵们的爱戴,但是在他的同僚中造成了不良影响。 www.clanlong.com 9. Too often, policies are set with vague objectives, which leads them either to be overlooked or without a mechanism to measure success. 在许多情况下,政策制定的目标模糊,从而造成目标被忽视,或缺少衡量是否达标的机制。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. What caused the controversy was not so much the content, which is vague enough for almost everyone to agree with it. 宣言的内容算不上引起争论的起因,其内容相当含糊,以至于几乎没有人提出异议。 www.ecocn.org 1. Using a speckled brush to draw some wide but vague lines is a good idea to get the direction of the wood sorted out as a base. 使用斑点的画笔绘制宽条,但模糊的线是一个好主意来得到木纹方向的基础。 feedproxy.google.com 2. On a practical level, the law was vague. It was never clear which games might fall under the law, or whose job it would be to decide. 最高法院认为,在实施层面上,该法令模糊不清,既没有明确哪些游戏可能受它约束,也没有指明由谁来进行界定。 dongxi.net 3. Thus the leaders in London need to commit to much more than a vague promise to resist protectionism. 因此聚首伦敦的各国领袖们必须致力于解决贸易保护主义,而不是仅仅做个含糊的承诺。 www.ecocn.org 4. My memories are vague on the matter. 对于这件事﹐我的记忆力不太好。 alive.tom.com 5. Nerve agent into the body, the rapid destruction of BU have chest tightness, reduce pupil wish of the vague and drooling. 神经性毒剂进入人体后,迅速破坏神经卜产生胸闷、瞳孔缩小、祝力模糊、流口水。 terms.shengwuquan.com 6. Vague symptoms our unusual behavior may be the first indication of any health problem. 不能识别的症状或异常行为可能就是某些健康问题的征兆。 010.zp.com 7. Many friends are reluctant to call if they have only a vague invitation to do so. 如果你只是敷衍的随便说句,很多朋友会不愿意向你寻求帮助。 www.elanso.com 8. The actual experience was, and is, very specific and did not involve anything vague. 实际的经历曾经是,现在也是,非常具体而没有任何模糊的东西。 www.bing.com 9. shadowy figures in the gloom; saw a vague outline of a building through the fog; a few wispy memories of childhood. 远处模糊的影子;只有朦胧的记忆;黑暗中模糊的影子;在雾中看见建筑物的朦胧轮廓;关于童年的一些朦胧的记忆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Sure, the musicians follow a set score, which in turn follows a vague narrative, or at least an emotional journey. 的确,乐师们要遵循一系列的乐谱,这些谱子又叙述了某个语焉不详的故事,或者至少是某次心灵情感的旅行。 www.bing.com 1. Some of these agreements are vague, with oil blocks awarded in return for pledges of infrastructure investment. 某些协议条款含糊,以石油区块的勘探权换取基础设施投资的承诺。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Although only vague details about the trade agreement have been made public, it is one of the cornerstones of Ma's China policies. 尽管有关贸易协议的细节只有部分已公开,但它是马英九的中国政策的基石之一。 www.bing.com 3. The protests' vague message chimes with a public sense of unfocused dismay. 抗议者们不清楚的信息和公共没有中心失落感一致。 www.kekenet.com 4. "Losing weight" is only a vague term, unless you begin some specific actions to do so. “减肥”只是个模糊的措辞,除非你以某些特殊的行动开始。 www.elanso.com 5. All the things of vague, simple, graceful and concrete are near with the heart clearly. 时尚的,朴素的,优雅的,质实的,都如此地贴近内心。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Avoid making broad and vague generalizations . Do not assume that your reader will believe anything you say simply because you say it. 避免做出广泛与模糊的一般性原则。别以为读者会轻易地相信你所说的一切。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. But their plans were vague. They were like two children, who think only of the moment. 可是他们的打算是含糊的。他们就像两个孩于,只考虑到眼前的情况。 www.kekenet.com 8. But I still had a vague memory surfaced, some fond memories, it would never accompany me. 可我的记忆中仍然隐隐约约浮现那一段美好的回忆,它会一辈子伴随着我。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Xinhua said the law regarding "vulgar" materials was not as clear because the definition of vulgarity was vague. 新华社称法律界定的“低俗”并不明确,因为低俗本身的定义就很模糊。 www.bing.com 10. It called for a co-operation "initiative" with a vague mandate to pursue confidence-building measures. 土耳其呼吁合作的“倡议”,只是一个寻求建立信任的措施的含糊要求。 www.ecocn.org 1. Every single one of the books was wildly inaccurate, but their air of vague and generalized omnipotence made them immensely popular. 他们中的每一本都及其荒谬,但模棱两可的语气和普遍的全知全能,使得他们极大的欢迎。 www.bing.com 2. That's why it's important to be a little vague and mysterious about what you're revealing. 所以你描述的时候要带有一些模糊和神秘感。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This map's defect was that it detailed the first steps but was vague about the destination. 该路线图的不足在于,对初始步骤详加叙述,而对目标含糊其词。 www.ecocn.org 4. Even if invisibility is possible, the invisibility is like a moon in water, flower in fog. That is vague but invisible. 纵然能隐,也是水中望月,雾裹看花,时隐时现,隐约其间。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. However, Nostradamus was purposefully vague and cryptic in each of his predictions, leaving them open for interpretation. 但是,诺查丹马斯有目的地模糊化和神秘化他的预言,以此来便于自由解读预言。 www.bing.com 6. Though his language was often vague and his philosophy somewhat mystical, there can be no denying his genius as an artist of human problems. 虽然他的语言经常模糊暧昧,他的哲学有点神秘,但没有人会否认,作为描述人类难题的艺术家,他是个天才。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 7. "credit easing" , a so-far vague attempt to give business lending a nudge, is on the cards, too. 到目前非正式的尝试推进发放企业贷款——“放宽信贷”,也可能定下来。 club.topsage.com 8. spoke in rather vague terms; praised him in glowing terms. 用相当隐晦的词讲述;用炫丽的词语称赞他 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Mrs. Montgomery's illuminated gaze grew vague and began to wonder. 蒙哥马利太太熠熠有光的眼神因诧异变得黯然了。 10. Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise. 一切都含糊其词,到一个程度,你不知道直到您尝试,使之精确。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The anti-pattern to following this principle would be to go directly from vague, high-level requirements to custom-crafted code. 这一原则的反模式是直接从模糊的高级需求发展出定制的代码构思。 www.ibm.com 2. Occasionally, the vague outline of . . . something passes: a car, a cat, a person - all reduced to shapes and shadows by the dark. 偶然,模糊不清的轮廓…一些经过:一辆汽车,一只猫,一团体——都降低到外形黑暗和暗影。 www.kfc4008823823.com 3. The meaning of the word , when used in this sense , is vague. 但是按这种意思来使用这个词是含糊不清的。 dict.veduchina.com 4. The term is a vague one and before proceeding farther allow me to offer a fairly uninformative definition of existential psychotherapy. 这个名称比较模糊,在继续讲述之前,请允许我对其做一个粗浅的定义。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The vague contour of Jay Gatsby had filled out to the substantiality of a man. 杰伊·盖次比的模糊轮廓已经逐渐充实成为一个血肉丰满的人了。 6. But your footsteps echo in chambers buried by the centuries, where feverish superstitions linger like a vague, disquieting mist. 你的脚步声,在被世纪埋葬的房间中发出回响,那里停留着狂热的盲目恐惧,像是一层朦胧而又令人不安的薄雾。 www.ftchinese.com 7. At conferences, talks and birds-of-a-feather gatherings about architecture pack the house, but we still have only vague definitions for it. 在会议中,关于架构的对话及相关讨论频繁出现,但是我们仍然只具有含糊的定义。 www.ibm.com 8. That should be a violation of trade rules; it might in fact be a violation, but the language of the law is vague on the subject. 这应该就是对贸易法则的违背;这本就是违背,只是法律表述在这个问题上含糊不清。 www.bing.com 9. It was my first meeting with a philo- sophy that confirmed my vague speculations and seemed at once logical and boundless. 这是我第一次接触哲学,它证明了我那些模糊的猜测,同时又显得那么的条理井然、广阔无垠。 www.bing.com 10. Jane Eyre vague feeling of life as a dynamic place, suffocating her desire to enrich their life. 简爱隐约感觉生活如死水一潭,令人窒息,她渴望更丰富的人生。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. but the sea is so calm, so silent, so indifferent, that you are troubled suddenly by a vague uneasiness. 但是大海是宁静的,是无声息的,是毫无表情的,让你突然陷入茫然与不安之中。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The document was drafted after customers complained that a previous version was too vague and was hard to understand. 在顾客抱怨这个文件太过模糊和难以理解后,文件被重新修改。 www.transcn.org 3. But he said current law is vague on how to properly handle dead bodies, especially those of fetuses or newborns. 但他表示,目前的法律对于怎样妥善处理尸体、特别是胎儿和新生儿尸体还很模糊。 cn.wsj.com 4. I'm not sure where my 11-year-old son came up with this idea for a contract; I've asked him, and I get vague non-answers. 我不太清楚我那11岁的儿子怎么想到订合同的主意,我问过他,但得到的回答语焉不详。 www.ebigear.com 5. In a moment, the next rain up, everything becomes hazy, and the vague outline of a little to see, then, we can not see the. 不一会儿,雨淅淅沥沥的下起来了,一切都变得朦胧起来了,隐隐约约能看见一点轮廓,接着,便什么也看不见了。 www.bing.com 6. As for his vague explanations, they were no vaguer than those of many other hedge-fund managers and even mutual-fund managers. 至于说他在解释投资策略时含糊其辞,实际上,他并不比其他许多对冲基金经理甚至共同基金经理更含糊。 www.ebigear.com 7. Mr. Oakhurst seldom troubled himself with sentiment, still less propriety; but he had a vague idea that the situation was not fortunate. 奥克赫斯特先生难得感情用事,尤其不重视礼节;不过他模糊地感到,当时的情况也是不幸的。 8. There is no precise definition of the Milky Way's edges -- they are very vague and depend on the clarity of your view. 对于银河的边界,尚无精准的定义——它们非常模糊,而且理解各异。 www.bing.com 9. No one was on the street, every door or window was closed on both sides, like a dim , vague and unauthentic picture on the cloth. 大街上很空旷,两边的门窗关闭着,看上去影影绰绰,很不清晰,也很不真实,仿佛画在幕布上的画儿。 dongxi.net 10. The company has an answer: a new software platform called QNX, but is vague on when that will show up on the BlackBerry. 这家公司的解决方法是一款名为QNX的新软体平台,但它在黑莓上推出的时间尚不明确。 c.wsj.com 1. My memories for those past days are getting vague gradually when I time and time again cried and asked you not to leave me. 过去的日子变得模糊,总是女人流着泪,要男人一次再一次保证不会走。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The main reason for this phenomenon is people's vague understanding of the "comprehensive view" requirement of cultivating musical talents. 这种现象发生的最主要的原因还在于目前人们对音乐剧人才培养的“大综合观”要求认识不清及重视不够。 www.fabiao.net 3. I'm vague about what she said at the meeting yesterday. 我记不清她昨天在会上讲了些什么。 www.jxenglish.com 4. His occupational planning is quite vague at the moment. 他的职业规划目前还没有明确。 cet.hjenglish.com 5. He is among us not as a vague memory of a person who lived long ago but as a real, life-giving presence that transforms us. 祂在我们中间,并不是以一个故去的人的虚幻的形象存在,而是以真实,赋予生命的临在改变我们。 www.bing.com 6. What begins as vague desire can skate dangerously close to the edge of classical Lamarckism when it reaches individual learning. 如果扩展到个人学习,那模糊的愿望就有滑入古典拉马克学说边缘的可能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. People just sort of notice the onset of vague back pain. 病人只是感到背部轻微的疼痛。 cn.wordmind.com 8. After the goal, how to do so, seems to have found himself a vague direction. 以后的目标,如何做,自己似乎找到了一个模糊的方向。 www.dota123.com 9. This thesis aims to help people translate those frequently-used vague expressions in IBE into Chinese more efficiently. 本论文目的是帮助人们更有效地翻译那些在国际商务英语中频繁出现的模糊语言。 www.13191.com 10. As a conception, overly broad and vague of its connotation and extension also mean that there are many blind spots and chaos. 而作为概念,其内涵和外延的过于宽泛和模糊也意味着其中尚存有诸多盲区和混乱。 www.fabiao.net 1. "But this is a very vague and confusing area, as Chinas privatisation has been fraught with irregularities, " he said. “但这是个非常模糊和混乱的区域,因为中国的私有化过程充满了不规范行为,”她说。 bbs.stockstar.com 2. Vague memories, nothing but memories. 模糊的记忆,仅仅是记忆。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Nor, except in vague terms, has he offered adequate spending cuts of his own. 他本人也没有提出有力的开支削减方案,而只是含糊其词地谈及此事。 www.ftchinese.com 4. You'll find yourself coming up with new and interesting ways to turn your ideas into something more than just vague notions. 你会发现你把自己想出新的、有趣的方法变成现实的东西,而不仅仅是模糊的概念。 www.bing.com 5. It's worth studying and cherishing, especially in today's situation in which the identity of world national culture is liable to be vague. 在世界民族文化身份日益模糊的今天,是很值得我们去研究和珍惜的。 www.fabiao.net 6. Tsai Ing-wen, opposition leader, said Mr Wen's comments were "so vague that it may be considered a meaningless answer" . 反对党领导人蔡英文表示,温家宝的说法“太模糊,模糊到可以被视为无意义”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He gave a cagey , vague answer to my question. 他小心翼翼,含糊其词地回答了我的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Human rights were not a vague or general ideal as far as she was concerned. 人权,不是个模糊而笼统的理想,至少她这么想。 www.ecocn.org 9. Further reading and thinking, though they brought this vague inclination into more reasonable bounds, only served to make it more decided. 进一步的阅读和思考,虽然他们带来含糊的倾向进较合理的范围之内,只服侍使它更确定。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The worst of it was, Clifford tended to become vague, absent, and to fall into fits of vacant depression. 最不幸的就是克利福日见趋于不着实,分心,而陷于空洞抑郁的病态中。 www.jukuu.com 1. With Cosette, and behind her, there had entered a man with white hair who was grave yet smiling, though with a vague and heartrending smile. 在珂赛特后面陪着她进来的是一位白发老人,态度庄重,但含着微笑,可这是一种捉摸不定和沉痛的微笑。 www.ebigear.com 2. he looked with vague hope up and down the quay , a big apple bulging in his neck. 他抱着茫然的期待上上下下打量着码头,挺大的喉结在脖颈上凸了出来。 www.ichacha.net 3. Because he could not find the right theme on which to center his thought, his explanation was vague. 由于他找不到集中其思路的恰当的主题,他的解释是含糊不清的。 school.ecp.com.cn 4. Man made the truths himself and each truth was a composite of a great many vague thoughts. 每个人自己造就了事实,每个事实都是许许多多模糊思想的混合体。 sympwsq.blog.163.com 5. As a cold-atom physicist, I had only a vague idea of the technologies behind this progress. 我是个研究冷原子的物理学家,对这些进展背后的技术只有粗浅的概念,现在却置身其中。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 6. Some of the compliance guidelines for legislated mandates are vague or insufficient, so interpreting them requires extra time. 一些遵从法规要求的指导方针是含糊的和不够明确的,因此理解他们需要额外的时间。 www.ibm.com 7. To bypass the poor or only a small ditch, with pale painted with vague language of memory. 还是只能绕过可怜的小水沟,用惨白的语言描绘着模糊的记忆。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Mother's love made nothing more than a vague impression on her for she passed away long ago. 她母亲很久以前就去世了,母亲的爱抚仅仅给她留下一点儿十分模糊的记忆。 www.bing.com 9. There is no basic data flow, an enterprise's production, sales, management and control must be vague and confusing, there is no data. 没有基本的数据流,企业的生产、销售、管理和控制一定是模糊的、混乱的、没有数据依据的。 www.bing.com 10. The art is in getting your customers to answer those questions in a concrete manner rather than with vague responses. 艺术是让您的消费者以一种具体的方式来回答那些问题而不是得到一些含糊的答案。 www.ibm.com 1. Investors, who had been led to expect something clear and bold, panned it as vague and woolly (see article). 投资者们原本以为能听到一个大胆而具体的计划,到头来只是得到一个含糊不清的表述。 www.ecocn.org 2. It's better to look at the sky than live there. Such an empty place; so vague. 最好只是看看这片天空,而不是住在这儿。这样一个空旷的地方,而且灰蒙蒙的。 www.eoezone.com 3. No one wants to lose face, or cause others to lose face, and a vague approach is the best way to ensure that no face is lost. 没有人想丢面子,或者让别人丢面子,如是,采取一种模棱两可的做法是最好的保全所有人面子的办法。 www.bing.com 4. Canada is making little pretence of presuming the suspects' innocence of these vague allegations. 加拿大正佯装假定这些嫌疑犯对于这些模棱两可的指控是无辜的。 www.ecocn.org 5. When the interviewer asks you about your salary, keep your response vague, or ask what the company has budgeted for the position. 当面试官问你对薪资的要求的时候,要保证你给出的答案是含糊的,或询问公司对该职位有何薪资预算。 www.hjenglish.com 6. But they warn that the information coming out of North Korea is frustratingly vague and inconclusive. 但他们也警告称,从朝鲜流出的信息模糊且不确定,使人沮丧。 www.bing.com 7. The hectic pace of urban construction and road building combined with a culture of secrecy makes Chinese maps unreliable and vague. 城市及道路建设快速的步伐,加上保守秘密的文化,使得中国的地图粗略且不可靠。 www.bing.com 8. Janel had mastered the art of the vague response, and I had long ago concluded that anything but "yes" meant "no. " 吉娜对这些含糊的回答已经掌握的炉火纯青了,我早就得出结论她说的“可以”真正的意思是“不可以”。 dongxi.net 9. Now to my parents and my original congruence of impression, father, mother image recall a little, but very vague. 我现在对我原来的父母还有个模糊不清的印象,父亲、母亲的形象还能回忆起一点儿,但很模糊。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He had a vague sense of some great thing forgotten, which passed immediately. 他模模糊糊地感到忘记了某些大事,不过这种感觉立即消逝了。 bbs.edu-edu.com.cn |
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