单词 | under wraps |
释义 |
例句释义: 决定于,严密地控制,保密,秘密地,木乃伊历险记,保密的,层层包裹 1. This record has been under wraps for years now, but I feel good about it and I'm excited to get it out there finally. 这张专辑已经保密好几年了,但我觉得它很不错,而且我很激动最终能把它发行出来。 tieba.baidu.com 2. But the typically tight-lipped fund, known as GIC, continued to leave some key data under wraps. 但这只通常守口如瓶的基金还是没有公布一些关键数据。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. Most of these remain under wraps in large wooden crates strewn all over the centre's two floors. 这其中的大多数还是被封存在散布于中心两层的各个角落的大木箱里。 www.ecocn.org 4. Details are being kept under wraps for the moment except to say those tyres are running on 22-inch rims. 详情正在不断包装纸的时刻,只是说这些轮胎上正在运行的22英寸轮缘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I thought this project was under wraps, but everyone seems to know about it. 我以为这个工程没人知道,但看起来好象每个人都知道了。 www.enread.com 6. In fact, money was nothing to do with it. Button went to the last race in Abu Dhabi with the audacious deal tightly under wraps. . . 事实上,这跟钱无关。巴顿怀揣着这个严格保密的大胆的交易去到最后一站阿布扎比…… bbs.hellof1.com 7. We are trying to keep things under wraps, but it is difficult to do it sometimes. 我们正在努力取得进展,但有时候这的确是一件很困难的事情。 www.bing.com 8. Darwin was also in the grip of an idea so subversive that he would keep it under wraps for another two decades. 达尔文还产生了一种极具颠覆性的观念,以至于他将其保密了二十年。 www.ecocn.org 9. But in two years, he'll be producing this full-size sedan, still under wraps, that will cost about half that. . . 但在两年内,他将制造这辆仍保密的全尺寸轿车,其价格只有一半… qac.yappr.cn 10. The works will remain under wraps for a week. 一个星期前这两件作品被包裹住了。 www.bing.com 1. I hear there's going to be a price increase soon, but keep it under wraps or everybody will buy them up. 我听说很快就要涨价了,不过要保密,否则大家会把它们全买光的。 www.kekenet.com 2. Formal approval is still pending and the countries concerned have been urged to keep it under wraps. 人们仍然在等待北约的正式批准,并且已经敦促相关各国保守秘密。 www.ecocn.org 3. I think there was a strategy in the pharmaceutical industry to keep the new bacteria theory of ulcers under wraps. 我觉得隐瞒细菌致病理论是医药产业的一个策略。 www.bing.com 4. When they kept this under wraps, but soon others got to know. 即使他们想把这个市场隐藏起来,别人还是很快就会知道。 www.ted.com 5. Statistical transparency is lacking in this area, so the truth about empty apartments remains under wraps. 这个领域的统计缺乏透明度,所有关于空置房的真相仍是个谜。 www.bing.com 6. Penthouse is keeping Dacus under wraps and would not make her available for comment yesterday. 《阁楼》杂志不让戴库斯抛头露面。昨天未让她发表评论。 www.jukuu.com 7. Our plans for the story and quest mechanics are still under wraps. We'll go into detail on those elements of the game at a later date. 具体的故事情节与任务资料仍在紧张的完善中,我们将在未来的一段日子里公布相关的细节。 bbs.rohome.net 8. Our new products are always under wraps until their official launch because we don't want other companies seeing them and copying them. 我们的新产品为了防止竞争者复制和了解,因此在正式投产前会一直保密。 crazymouth.com 9. The spy was kept under wraps and not allowed to talk to newspapermen. 那间谍受到严密控制,不许他对记者谈话。 10. The content of the final episode of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" is still under wraps . 最后一期《奥普拉脱口秀》的节目内容还未公布。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. was there, but under wraps, and there was mistrust about business. They made profits! 有,但是在外套之下,而且有关于生意的不信任。他们赚利润! www.lzcdl.com 2. Interests include. . . Listening to metal. Worthington (sensibly) keeps his private life under wraps. 兴趣…听重金属乐。沃辛顿(很理智地)保持他私生活的低调性。 lizzy081000100.diandian.com 3. Visitors and staff at the centre are barred from carrying cameras and flash memory cards to ensure new designs are kept under wraps. 来访者和中心员工都禁止携带相机和闪存卡,以防止商业机密外露。 www.bing.com 4. A debatable point, but the man does speak French rather well; it's a skill he'll want to keep under wraps for the next eight months. 这一点是有争议的,但是克里的法语说得的确相当好。不过,在今后的8个月当中,他的这项技能是不便公开了。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. The organisers keep the name of the winner under wraps until it's announced on the show. 获胜者者名单暂时保密,直到组织者会在节目中宣布。 crazymouth.com 6. Although the clinic had revealed the surgery in December, Culp's identity and the incident that had disfigured were kept under wraps. 虽然诊所去年十二月就公开了这项手术,不过当时并没有透露卡普的身份及她毁容的原因。 word.hcbus.com 7. Yet all other details surrounding her role (character, episode count, first airdate) thus far are being kept under wraps. 其他有关这个新角色的细节(角色性格、出现集数和登场时间)都还没有披露。 www.hjenglish.com 8. The politician thought the scandal was completely under wraps, but actually somehow someone found out. 这个政治家以为丑闻掩盖得很好,但实际上有人发现了。 www.bing.com 9. The identity of the buyer is still under wraps. 买家身份仍旧是个迷。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. EXAMPLE: The central bank has worked hard to keep inflation under wraps by not raising interest rates. 中央银行极力控制通货膨胀,拒不提高利率。 www.fortunechina.com 1. The flash of anger took many voters by surprise because Fukuda had kept his testy temperament under wraps as leader. 这句气话让许多选民们大吃一惊,因为作为领导人的福田向来是喜怒不形于色。 japanese.cnupc.net 2. But if you want to scale the corporate ladder, you might consider keeping your most interesting ideas under wraps. 可若想要在公司里步步高升,你可得让你那些最有意思的想法保持低调。 www.bing.com 3. Beijing has been tightening its grip on lending to try to keep inflation under wraps. 中央政府收紧了对贷款的控制,以试图遏制通货膨胀。 www.bing.com 4. The lesbian couple agreed to keep Charlie's true identity as the father under wraps. 这对同性恋夫妻曾承诺查理将其身为孩子父亲的事实永远保密。 www.bing.com 5. Some companies are very good at keeping internal restructuring under wraps. 某些公司特别擅长于将内部结构调整秘密进行。 www.bing.com 6. the producers and cast are keeping certain details of the film under wraps. 生产者和演员是保持对电影的某些细节保密。 tiebacommit.baidu.com 7. As introduction day approached, the dealers would keep their new cars under wraps. 在临近介绍样车之日时,承销商会把他们新车严密地裹起来。 dict.veduchina.com 8. The visit was kept under wraps until reports emerged just hours before his arrival. 此次访问一直对外保密,直到克林顿抵达平壤前几小时才被爆光。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. After the week of the Hajj, the rolling stock was mothballed, and will remain under wraps for another 12 months. 在一年一度朝觐周结束后,一切恢复平静,再也没人去谈到它,直到12个月以后。 www.bing.com 10. A sensational discovery in a cave in Kenya is being kept under wraps until it can be properly dated. 在肯尼亚的一个岩洞里的有一个惊人的发现,它处于保密状态,直到可以确切的推断出年代。 www.ecocn.org 1. It's quite another to document a facility the PLA would sooner keep under wraps. 记录下解放军处于保密下的军事设施又是另一码事。 www.bing.com 2. Naturally, the Vatican wants to keep the knowledge under wraps. 当然,梵蒂冈(罗马教廷)不希望这个知识被公开。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. But many think it demonstrates that Britain is better at keeping dodgy business under wraps. 但是很多人认为,这证明英国善于秘密从事那些不老实的交易。 www.ecocn.org 4. Brandt's main strike against Google is really a belief that it's acquiring information that is "too delicious" to keep under wraps. Brandt反对Google的主要斗争是基于这样一种看法:Google正在不停地获取那些过于诱人的个人信息。 www.bing.com 5. Other details about the Microsoft stores are still being kept under wraps. 微软公司商店的其他细节仍然包在纸里。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Jim: Now, here's the plan, but you'll have to keep it under wraps. 吉姆:我的计画是这样的,但是你要守口如瓶喔。 www.taipeitimes.com 7. Photographers, for instance, use it to send photos to clients when they want to keep the images under wraps. 比如,一个摄影师可以用这个软件产品把图象发给那些他们限定范围的客户。 www.bing.com 8. The plans for the new space mission are still under wraps. 新的太空宇航计划仍未公开。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Many Tex Saverio dresses keep skin largely under wraps. 特克斯-萨维利奥的许多时装都基本将全身上下包得严严实实。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The D. A. has been under pressure to get the case settled and keep the Yale name under wraps. 已经有人向地方检察官施加压力,要他了结这桩案子,并且为耶尔的名字保密。 1. They kept their relationship under wraps for a long time. 他们秘密交往了好长一段时间。 www.hxen.com 2. Royal censorship has kept much of this debate under wraps. That is a pity. 大多数类似讨论因王室审查制度而上不得台面,这令人遗憾。 club.topsage.com 3. These are kept under wraps to ensure exclusivity - often meaning exclusivity to one magazine. 为了确保媒体报道的独家性,这些内容通常被严格保密。 www.tesoon.com 4. We kept it under wraps until after the election. 在选举结束之前,我们一直对此密而不宣。 crazymouth.com 5. the car is being returned by truck , under wraps. 汽车正在秘密地用卡车运回。 www.ichacha.net 6. I just prefer to keep the details under wraps. 我只是不想将细节都公诸于众。 www.bing.com 7. The Chinese involvement was kept closely under wraps. 中方的介入是在严格保密中进行的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. "The Jewel of Medina" has since been released in America, but it remains under wraps in Britain. “麦地那珍宝”已经在美国发行,但是在英国,出版商们仍然未敢公开发行。 www.ecocn.org 9. You need to keep your instincts under wraps. 你要克制住冲动。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. The plan was kept under wraps. 这计划被保密。 brightword.51.net 1. The director warned us to keep our plan under wraps before it was carried out. 主任告诫我们,在执行该计划前必须对此严加保密。 www.kekenet.com 2. Let's keep this plan under wraps , so we can take them by surprise. 让我们先将这个计划保密,这样才能给大家惊喜。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Then you have the complete surprises and Apple is very good at keeping that under wraps. 然后你有,完全的惊奇和苹果在保存在外套下面的那非常好。 www.macx.cn 4. In fiscal year 2011, he reports in his blog, the number of patents put under wraps was 143, or 66% more than last year. 在他的博客里,他说仅2011年,就有143项机密发明,比同期去年增长了66%。 www.bing.com 5. To keep spending under wraps, consumers responding to American Express's survey have gone as far as: 为了隐瞒支出,对美国运通的调查做出回应的消费者甚至可以做出以下这样的事来: www.tingroom.com 6. The news was kept under wraps for the three - day weekend(Boston Globe) 这条消息被封锁了周末的三天(波士顿环球) cb.kingsoft.com 7. a new weapon under wraps 一种秘密的新武器 www.yuloo.com |
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