单词 | brick |
释义 | bricks是brick的复数
复数:bricks 现在分词:bricking 过去式:bricked 例句释义: 砖,砖块,砖形物,砖形面包,用砖砌,用砖镶填,用砖围砌,用砖铺筑,用砖砌的,砖似的,砖头,积木,砖四国 1. I tried to run outside, but pieces of glass and bricks fell down , and the walls began to come down. 我试图往外跑,但玻璃碎片和砖头砸了下来,墙开始坍塌; blog.sina.com.cn 2. It took just a few hours this month for a government-dispatched demolition crew to turn the place into a jagged pile of bricks. 然而,本月,政府派来的一个拆迁队仅用了几个小时就把这个学校变成了一堆废墟。 dongxi.net 3. When he came upon a picture annotated by his wife, showing bricks engraved with donor names, he nodded and said, "I remember that. " 当他看到一张经他妻子注解过、上面显示刻有捐助者名字的砖墙的照片时,他点了点头,说:“我记得这张。” www.bing.com 4. Her mother, Samira, 36, had seen the pile of bricks in the girls' bedroom and was stricken with grief, convinced they were all dead. Imam36岁的母亲萨米拉在女孩们的房间里看到一堆瓦砾,痛不欲生,她知道她们都死了。 www.bing.com 5. I didn't see any of my daughters, just a pile of bricks and parts of the roof. 我没看到女儿们。只剩一堆瓦砾和部分掉落的屋顶。 www.bing.com 6. He admitted he was in the wrong and had already expressed his apology. But why should you still COME down on him like a ton of Bricks? 他承认那是他的不是,而且也向你表示了歉意。你为什么还要对他如此的不依不饶呢? dict.ebigear.com 7. It was also put on the broken bricks hat resting on the road below them, and then waiting to see who had a meeting kicking it around. 还有人把砖头放在破帽子下面搁在马路当中,然后等着看谁来了会踢它。 www.6m.com 8. Something of it, we just hope not lead bricks hit me on the trip. 抛砖引玉说不上,只希望不要引来砖头砸我就行。 www.videodoorphone.com.cn 9. For me to ask a woman out I gotta get into a mental state like the karate guys before they break the bricks. 对我来说,要约个女生出来,就好像练空手道的人要劈砖前一样,要凝神静气的准备一番。 yangwenzhan.spaces.live.com 10. So much of a typical American's wealth is tied up in bricks that the threat of house- price deflation stokes panic . 典型的美国人的财富同房屋密不可分,因此房价缩水的危胁引起了恐慌。 www.bing.com 1. when the bricks covered the ground. it was as if stones were flowing like water. 砖头铺满了地面。这些石头看上去如流水一般。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The bricks are stacked up over there, all ready to be used for the new wall. 砌新墙用的砖都准备好了,堆在那边。 www.kekenet.com 3. He goes for a walk to digest this information, which hits him very hard, as if a strong wind were carrying a load of bricks. 他出去转了一圈想借此消化一下这条消息。这真的让他很受打击,就好像一股卷着砖块的狂风突然砸来。 www.bing.com 4. The volcanic plug might be black Plasticine, the castle balanced solidly atop it a skewed rendition of crenellated building bricks. 火山栓就像黑色橡皮泥一样使砖结构的城堡稳稳的耸立于天地之间。 www.bing.com 5. The clever little boy uses a little box to carry the bricks, therefore, he was able to carry more bricks at a time than his friends. 聪明的小男孩用一个盒子来装砖头,这样,他每次可以比他的朋友们多搬一些砖头。 lcms.cug.edu.cn 6. In operation, to take "a few bricks, the bottom dwelling insurance, housing security benefits, " the relocation of the New Deal. 在操作上,采取“数砖头、套型保底、住房保障补贴”的动迁新政。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 7. Mr Almunia also said he would apply the same principles of competition online as in the "bricks and mortar world" . 阿尔穆尼亚还表示,他将对网络市场适用与“实体市场”一样的竞争准则。 www.ftchinese.com 8. You will be trying to make bricks without straw if you attempt to reopen negotiations with those people. 如果你们试图与那些人重开谈判,那将是白费气力。 www.hotdic.com 9. Particularly applies to any smooth surface and burn granite, can be used for bricks, tiles and plastics. 特别适用于任何光面及烧面花岗岩,亦可用于砖、瓦塑料等。 www.f557.com 10. Here at the age of perhaps six I outlined with stray bricks what I designated as a boat, for use in an adventure. 我约摸6岁的时候,曾在这里用无主的砖头设计过一条用于我的冒险的船。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. You can bring it up in any servlet container and iterate over fragments of a page (bricks) or a larger composited page. 你可以在任何Servlet容器中运行Sitebricks并遍历页面(称作brick)或是更大的组合页面中的片段。 www.infoq.com 2. Yet, at secondary school, peer pressure, encouraged by the media, will come down on her like a ton of bricks. 但她正读初中,在媒体的助长下,同龄人的压力会令她喘不过气来。 www.bing.com 3. In the late 1980s, during a visit to Bangladesh, I saw a woman with her baby on her back, breaking bricks with a hammer. 世纪80年代晚期,在一次出往孟加拉国的任务期间,我看到背着孩子的妇女在用锤子将砖头敲碎。 www.ttxyy.com 4. "I opened my eyes and saw bricks all over my body, " she said. "My face was covered with the concrete blocks. " 她说:“我睁开眼睛,看到身上全是砖块,我的脸被压在混凝土块下面。” www.bing.com 5. My spirit was broken. I staggered off the road into a clump of underbrush and dropped like a sack of bricks. 我的斗志全丧失了,我蹒跚着从街道上走下来,进到一丛树林中,像一袋子砖头似的瘫在地上。 www.24en.com 6. He said during the time he was enslaved at the kiln he was regularly beaten with bricks or whips, China Daily reported. 他说,在被沦为奴工的那段日子里,经常挨砖打,被鞭子抽。 www.bing.com 7. Bricks on edge placed loosely together without mortar , covered with a piece of linoleum, would be quite good . 边缘上疏落地砌上砖,不用灰泥,上面盖一层油毡,那就很好了。 www.bing.com 8. It was also the broken bricks on the hat put the following in the road, and then waiting to see who is going to be a kick it. 也有人对帽子破砖放在道路以下,然后等待,看看谁将会是一个踢它。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It was making bricks without straw for him to act an old man in the play. 让他在剧中扮演一个老人真是难为他了。 bettyty15.blog.163.com 10. The next day we walked through entire neighborhoods of Tibetan-style houses that had collapsed into piles of mud bricks and wooden poles. 第二天我们走遍藏式房屋已经坍塌成泥砖和木柱堆的附近地区。 www.bing.com 1. When the noise stopped, I tried to get out of the trash of bricks and cullet, but failed. 当噪音停止时,我试图从砖块和玻璃片中出来,但是失败了。 jiameng.z1.la 2. Pat was like a cat on hot bricks, for Betty had snatched her boyfriend's photo to pass it around the classroom. 帕特急如热锅上的蚂蚁,因为贝蒂抢走了她男朋友的相片给同学传看。 www.rucmba.com 3. A crowd began to form around the scene, throwing bottles and bricks at the policemen. 人群开始围观,朝警察扔瓶子和砖块。 dongxi.net 4. it was so cold that he had a wild wish to merge into the icy bricks of the chimney and have it all over . 他浑身冷得厉害,真希望自己能与烟囱的冷冰冰的砖块混为一体,把这桩事全部了结。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Three years ago, when he was lifting bricks in lieu of picking up acting work, his ride was more a health hazard than a boy's toy. 三年前,他还在以搬砖为生的时候,他的车看起来就像小孩子的玩具。 group.mtime.com 6. The workman and his wife from the west country are busy digging to make bricks of the kiln. 西乡来的工人和他的妻子正忙着替砖窖挖土。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The fluorine contained ash can be used for manufacturing bricks, and does not bring secondary pollution. 含氟灰可用作制备建筑砌块或砖不会造成二次污染,从而达到以废治废的目的。 ip.com 8. He's always very uneasy like a cat on hot bricks whenever he is waiting to hear the results of the examinations. 每次等待考试结果的时候,他总是紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Somebody ever the head portrait family, or the child's puerile picture is made firing a few bricks are stuck on the wall. 有人曾把家人的头像,或孩子稚嫩的画作烧成几块砖贴在墙上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Clearing up of piled up bricks, uncovered few fragmented coal and iron utensils. At the bottom of the pile a white porcelain cup was found. 方形砖块堆叠现象清理,其内出现零星煤炭以及不少铁器,底部出现一件白瓷杯。 anping.tncg.gov.tw 1. Passes in and out the human is most dangerous, extremely easily is wounded by the building in bricks and stones. 通行证进出的人是最危险的,非常容易受伤的建设砖块和石头。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. His hands are as red as freshly boiled lobster from handling hot bricks from a kiln without proper protective gloves. 由于在从砖窑取砖块的时候,没有手套的保护,他的双手通红,就想煮熟了的龙虾。 www.bing.com 3. The British way of chucking bricks through windows is the least attractive of the lot. 英国人朝窗户里丢砖头的方式是所有选择中最缺乏吸引力的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. All works are to be of whole bricks except for such closes necessary to carry out the bonding. 除非粘合需要断砖,不然,一切砌砖工作都须用完整的砖块。 hi.baidu.com 5. Like a cat on hot bricks, as you might say. I don't believe you are listening at all. 可以说你就是个热锅上的蚂蚁,你根本就没有听我说。 www.kekenet.com 6. Hospitals are "trying to minimize the excess bricks and mortar, " Mr. Fox said. 福克斯先生说,医院正“试图把多余建筑费用缩减到最小”。 club.topsage.com 7. Broken bricks were rammed down in the trench to make a base for the concrete . 碎砖放入沟内并夯实,作为混凝土的基础。 www.bing.com 8. All the trains have been suspended due to the storm and everybody is waiting in the railway station like a cat on hot bricks. 所有火车都因为风暴停开了,每个人都像热锅里的蚂蚁一样在火车站里等待。 images.koolearn.com 9. Then when everyone is beginning to despair, the boy finds a small shoot growing in the bricks of the driveway. 当每个人都绝望时,男孩发现一个小小的无花果树生长在被推平的砖瓦中。 10. For hours, this ad hoc rescue team formed a line and passed along bricks or chunks of concrete in an attempt to clear debris. 这支自发救援队排成一队,坚持数小时传递砖块和水泥块以尝试清理残骸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Eg. When the boss found me goofing off, he came down on me like a ton of bricks. 当老板发现我偷懒时,他气势汹汹地训斥了我一顿。 www.for68.com 2. In the face of the riots, the beleaguered police are being bombarded as much with advice as they are with half-bricks and bottles. 面对暴乱,深陷重围的警察正顶着砖块和瓶子的轰炸,与此同时,各路建议也纷乱而至。 bbs.artron.net 3. The only house left standing was the one made of bricks. 最后,巍然屹立的只有用砖建造的房子。 www.kekenet.com 4. It was made of bricks and the sun and the rain had made it dark, almost black. 这座墓穴由砖砌成,日光和雨水使其颜色黝暗,几乎变成了黑色。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 5. We require a illustration of a pelican with the bill of the bird to contain such items as tiles, bricks, timber etc protruding out the beak. 我们需要一个与该法案的鹈鹕鸟插图含有瓷砖,砖块,木材等突出了嘴等项目。 www.bing.com 6. One-of demoulding several bricks holistically, which realized concentrical portage and stroking, improves production efficiency. 一次性数块整体出模,实现了集中搬运码垛,提高了生产效率。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This involves covering parts of a vehicle with bricks of plastic explosives sandwiched between metal plates. 它用塑料炸药砖夹在装甲车的掩盖层与的金属板之间。 www.ecocn.org 8. The survivors had wounds and burns all over their bodies after being forced to carry uncooled bricks and walk barefoot in the kiln. 幸存者全身上下到处是伤痕和灼伤的疤痕,他们被迫搬未冷却的砖块而且赤脚走在砖窑里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Make ten bricks with every dishwasher-safe silicone tray, which is just enough to make a little Batmobile sculpture, if memory serves. 这种硅胶冰格可供机洗,每个十格冰,正好够做一辆蝙蝠战车的小模型,前提是你记得怎么搭。 www.elanso.com 10. He realizes that the steps are made of the same materials as the roof: bricks, lime, and brick-dust. 他意识到楼梯与屋顶都是使用相同的材料:砖块、石灰和砖粉。 siteground187.com 1. People always used to tell me: put your money in bricks and mortar, there is nothing safer. 人们过去总是这么告诫我:把钱用在购置房屋上吧,没有比这更保险的了。 www.bing.com 2. She is a very strict teacher; as soon as a child does the slightest thing wrong she's down on him like a ton of bricks. 她是一名很严厉的教师,孩子做错了一点点小事,她就对他怒斥一通。 www.1stenglish.com 3. They said to one another: "come, let us make bricks and bake them hard'; They used bricks for stone and bitumen for mortar. " 他们大家商议说:“来罢,我们来烧制一些砖块。”他们用砖当石头,沥青作灰泥。 www.hotdic.com 4. Once you get the last piece of treasure above the bricks inside the pyramid, pause the game and switch back to mouse mode. 在金字塔内砖块上方拿到最后一个宝藏之后,暂停游戏再改用滑鼠。 translations.launchpad.net 5. The wall built with bricks and mortar was used for military purpose. 用砖和灰浆砌这堵墙目的的是用于军事。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. His quest for "nimbus" (the most pleasurable state of being) is built on the weightless bricks of money, trade and capitalist promises. 他对于“光辉人生”(生存的最佳状态)的追求是建立在金钱,交易和资本家允诺等虚无的砖瓦之上。 www.ecocn.org 7. Some examples of this technique might include faces in a crowd, bricks on a wall, a line of bicycle wheels all on the same angle etc. 这些技巧应用在人群的脸,墙上的砖块,一排角度相同的自行车轮子等。 www.bing.com 8. A great innovation in Shang and Zhou pottery was the production of pottery plate , bricks and tube tiles for housing construction . 商周陶器生产最有价值的发明为陶盘和用于建筑的陶砖、拱形陶瓦。 www.bing.com 9. "How can you possibly know if there is anyone under all that? " he asks, pointing to a massive heap of bricks and concrete. 自5月12日当地发生里氏8级的地震以来,他一直在自己负责的教区巡视灾情。他指着一大堆砖块和混凝土问道:“你怎么可能知道那些瓦砾下有没有人呢?” www.ftchinese.com 10. Eg. If there's a mistake she'll come down on me like a ton of bricks. 要是有什么差错,她会狠狠地训我一顿。 www.for68.com 1. Without one brick of this world, the big world would not exist. The world exists by many bricks put together; every brick is important. 宇宙是由许多砖头所砌成的,所以每块砖头都很重要,少掉我们世界这块砖头,宇宙也不会存在。 sm2000.org 2. "The new houses are so different, with tiles and bricks and new colors, " she said. 她说:“新盖的房子跟以前的特别不一样,都是砖瓦结构,刷的颜色也不一样。” www.bing.com 3. The exterior wall of the building was make of stone; the interior walls were made of bricks. 这座楼的外墙是石头垒的,而内墙是砖砌的。 www.bridging.com.cn 4. As he was thumbing through it, he noticed a really neat adaptation on architectural possibilities using the LEGO Bricks as a medium. 由于他是通过它thumbing,他发现一个使用作为传播媒介,乐高积木建筑的可能性确实整洁适应。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Eg. He came down on me like a ton of bricks when I arrived late. 我迟到时他对我大发脾气。 www.for68.com 6. It should be noted, bricks, or Coke bottles to put water tanks should not impede the movement of parts. 但须注意,砖头或可乐瓶放得不要妨碍水箱部件的运动。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Leave the bottom left nugget till last. False bricks give you access to most of the nuggets, but they are not symmetrically placed. 最后再拣左下角的那块金。假砖块可以让您收集到大部分金块,但它们并不是对称分布的。 translations.launchpad.net 8. I had seen heads cut off with machetes , smashed by cement bricks, and rivers filled with so much blood that the water ceased flowing. 我已经看过人头被弯刀砍下、被水泥砖打碎,还有河水因为满入了太多的血而停止了流动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. One of them is the input from the user, as you're building your bricks. 其中一个是来自用户的输入,就像你在构建砖块。 www.ted.com 10. The residences are all Siheyuan (quadrangles) made of black bricks and grey tiles with clear axes and bilateral symmetry. 城内古居民宅全是清一色青砖灰瓦的四合院。轴线明确,左右对称。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 1. An elimination game of bricks, rules similar to the number of fish Agni Kennedy, a taste of a Christmas game, DEMO version. 一个消砖块的游戏,规则类似数字鱼的烈火英豪,有圣诞的味道的一款游戏,DEMO版。 www.fishjava.com 2. Trap the enemy at the end of the row of bricks under the beetle's antennae. 把敌人困在甲虫触角下的那一排砖块。 translations.launchpad.net 3. I'm a few bricks short of a load, but a full load always hurt my back. 我是一个负载的几块砖头,但满负荷受伤的总是我的背上。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 4. However, the Qing government still enacted relevant acts and laws to protect the Great Wall and prohibit any removal of its bricks. 不过,清政府还是颁布法令对长城进行保护,禁止拆砖。 dipan.kekenet.com 5. Seven a. m. , my head's already in a spin, as soon as I'm out that door. . . bam ! Hits me like a ton of those red bricks. 上午七点,我的脑袋早已一片混乱,很快我出了那扇门…砰!周遭事物好像是一堆红砖砸到我。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Our products cover slabs, bricks, stone heterozygote, in Europe, the United States face wash floor and the West tombstone, carving. 我们的产品涵盖板,砖,石杂合子,欧洲,美国洗面台及台面,西方墓碑,雕刻等。 www.stonexiamen.com 7. clay bricks have been forbidden in most cities , which require the appearance of new wall block. 粘土砖在我国大部分地区已禁用,迫切要求新的墙体材料的出现。 www.ichacha.net 8. Have screw jacks been used to level and plumb scaffold instead of unstable objects such as concrete blocks, loose bricks, etc. 用千斤顶螺钉而不是用不稳定的混凝土块、散砖块等物体来校平脚手架并用铅锤检查脚手架的垂直度了吗? www.tydf.cn 9. This suggests that many voters believe they have a right to any windfall earned by their parents' bricks and mortar, whatever Mill said. 这暗示很多选民相信:不管米尔怎么说,他们都有权拥有父母房产为他们带来的意外之财。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. Although the house had to be torn down and the bricks were given to charity, a lot of kids have been inspired by James' big idea. 虽然房子要拆掉的砖头给慈善机构,有许多孩子已被詹姆斯的大创意灵感。 wenwen.soso.com 1. This suggests that many voters believe they have a right to any windfall earned by their parents' bricks and mortar, whatever Mill said. 这暗示很多选民相信:不管米尔怎么说,他们都有权拥有父母房产为他们带来的意外之财。 xiaozu.renren.com 2. Although the house had to be torn down and the bricks were given to charity, a lot of kids have been inspired by James' big idea. 虽然房子要拆掉的砖头给慈善机构,有许多孩子已被詹姆斯的大创意灵感。 wenwen.soso.com 3. The total tailings of re-concentration, when mixed with cement and local construction-use sand, can be made into MU10 unfired bricks. 将再选全尾矿与水泥及当地建筑砂配合,可制备出强度达到MU10标准的尾矿免烧砖。 www.jsks.net.cn 4. Used for clay bricks , high aluminum bricks masonry in acid resistance furnaces. 用于高炉、风炉及其它工业窑炉砌筑轻质粘土砖、质高铝砖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. There were several roads near by, but it did not take her long to find the one paved with yellow bricks. 靠近这个地方,有好几条路,不久她找到一条用黄砖铺砌的路。 www.bing.com 6. Sometimes he tried to calculate the number of porcelain bricks in the walls of the cell. 有时他想数一数牢房墙上有多少块瓷砖。 www.jukuu.com 7. Eg: She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test. 她考驾照前坐立不安。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 8. By now I was able to speak mandarin, and had grown accustomed to finding bricks and sticks to build forts with my friends. 此时我已会说普通话,同时也已经习惯用砖块和棍子,和朋友一起建造堡垒。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Then I heard excited shouts. People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. 然后我听到了兴奋的叫声。人们匆忙地把砖头和石块搬开。 www.mdez.net 10. Other tiles, flagstones, bricks and similar articles of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone, whether or not reinforced. 其它瓦、石板、砖及其类似品,水泥制、混凝土或人造石料制,不论是否加强者均在内。 tdcinfo.sme.net.cn 1. Other tiles, flagstones, bricks and similar articles of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone, whether or not reinforced. 其它瓦、石板、砖及其类似品,水泥制、混凝土或人造石料制,不论是否加强者均在内。 tdcinfo.sme.net.cn 2. A Christmas tree built of Lego bricks is on display at St. Pancras International station in London. 伦敦圣潘克勒斯国际火车站,乐高积木搭建的圣诞树供人观赏。 www.bing.com 3. She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test. 她考驾驶执照前十分紧张不安。 wenku.baidu.com 4. People had to carry all the rocks, bricks and lime up the mountains by hand. 人民必须赤手空拳地运输石头和砖头,一个接一个地传到山上。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 5. At approximately the same time, however, the barrel of bricks hit the ground, and the bottom broke out of the barrel. 然而大约就在同时,那桶砖砸到地上,桶底掉落了。 www.bing.com 6. She will not fuss "like a cat on hot bricks" if he goes out when it is "raining cats and dogs" . 如果他冒着倾盆大雨外出,她也不会“象热锅上的蚂蚁”那样烦燥不安。 7. I have never lived within bricks and mortar before, and I feel completely out of touch with nature now. 我从来没有在砖石、灰泥结构里住过,现在,我觉得自己完全与大自然隔绝了。 qikan.syn.cn 8. What's wrong with you? You look like a cat on hot bricks. 你怎么了?你看上去就像是热锅上的蚂蚁。 bbs.sparke.cn 9. The graphic portrait of stones and bricks in Han Dynasty is one of the prominent achievements. 汉画像石和画像砖的平面造型亦是其较为突出的成就之一。 www.fabiao.net 10. The massive sculptures he makes out of Lego bricks can contain thousands of pieces. 他开出的乐高积木可以包含数千件大雕塑。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The massive sculptures he makes out of Lego bricks can contain thousands of pieces. 他开出的乐高积木可以包含数千件大雕塑。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A few bricks went into pillboxes but most into the black market. 但只有很少一点砖真正用于砌碉堡,绝大部分都进了黑市。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If you owned a real-life bricks-and-mortar store, this would be easy: You'd hear their objections. 如果你拥有一个实时的用户跟踪和分析系统,这一切都将变得简单。 blog.163.com 4. Whole bricks were attached to it by ropes wrapped around the drum. No wonder itwas hard to pull up. 铁鼓与几块砖头被绳索紧紧绑在一起,难怪那么难拉上来。 www.bing.com 5. The structure of nacreous layer is characterized as a form of "brick wall" , laying the "bricks" with organic matter and aragonite slices. 珍珠层呈现“砖墙”结构特征,由有机质将文石小板片如“砌墙”般垒积而成。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Spent lining bricks for gold-silver smelting, due to their high gold and silver content, are of great value to us recover gold and silver. 金银火法冶炼中炉衬废砖的金银含量高,回收价值大。 www.chemyq.com 7. All windows inside are covered with a black film or laid with bricks. Nobody should know somebody lives here. 所有的窗户都在里面覆上了薄膜或挡上了砖。没人知道会有人住在这里。 www.bing.com 8. The falling bricks hit her head and killed her. But two of the three kids in her arms were eventually saved. 汤老师死了,但她怀中的三个孩子最终有两个被救活了。 cblog.chinadaily.com.cn 9. If I don't have the data, how can I carry out the analysis? I can't make bricks without straw. 没有数据,我怎么做分析?我无法造无米之炊。 www.hjenglish.com 10. The captioned bricks are very common bricks for the body and bottoms of ladles. 镁碳砖是一种极普通的耐火砖,主要用于钢厂钢包的炉身、炉底。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The captioned bricks are very common bricks for the body and bottoms of ladles. 镁碳砖是一种极普通的耐火砖,主要用于钢厂钢包的炉身、炉底。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Never get too carried away by investment euphoria, whether for stocks and shares or bricks and mortar - nothing goes up for ever. 别指望从证券市场或者房地产上带走太多的投资幸福感,没有什么东西是永远增长的。 www.bing.com 3. During the Ming Dynasty, however, bricks were heavily used in many areas of the wall, as were materials such as tiles , lime, and stone. 然而在明朝砖大量用于城墙的很多地方,例如瓦片,石灰和石头那样的材料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Then they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. " 接着他们奔走相告说:“来,让我们制造砖块,并把它们烧好。” java.ccidnet.com 5. Some of the bricks here are not what they seem. They are known as false bricks, fall-through bricks or traps. 有些砖块并不是他们看起来那样,他们是假的砖块或是陷阱。 translations.launchpad.net 6. The future of interactive maps will have to accommodate the role of people, too, and people are a bit more mobile than bricks and roads. 交互式地图的未来将不得不考虑到人的因素,而且人比砖头和道路具有较大的移动性。 www.bing.com 7. You are like a cat on hot bricks today. What's wrong with you? 看你今天一副局促不安的样子,出了什么事了? www.jiaj.org 8. At about 7: 00 PM on last Wednesday, the man found himself a good position and, armed with bricks, started dishing out his punishments. 上周三下午约7点钟,这位老汉站好了位置,备好了砖头,开始实施他的处罚。 bbs.24en.com 9. The stone bricks, the gargoyles, the wrought-iron fences, they looked like they'd always been here. 石头的砖块,怪兽饰物,熟铁的栏杆,这看起来就像他们一直都是住在这儿。 www.elanso.com 10. narrow chisel made of steel; used to cut stone or bricks. 钢制的窄凿子;用来切断石头或砖块。 hotdic.com 1. narrow chisel made of steel; used to cut stone or bricks. 钢制的窄凿子;用来切断石头或砖块。 hotdic.com 2. The loyal maid lumped bricks into a luxurious and magnetic palace of magnitude. 那个忠实的女仆用砖堆起了一个豪华且有吸引力的巨大宫殿。 xiaoyu.8310.blog.163.com 3. can BE made from a diverse range of materials, including metal, concrete, bricks, mud, and plaster, and various plastic membranes. 密闭环境可以由多种材料制成,包括金属、水泥砖、泥和石灰以及各种塑料薄膜等。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Part of the vision was to use special hay and pressed-earth bricks for construction. 这个构想的一部份是用特别的草料和压缩泥砖来做建材。 www.bing.com 5. and the preparation method of the molding bricks has less procedures and simple operation and can be industrially produced easily. 该成型砖的制备方法步骤少,操作简单,很容易工业化生产。 ip.com 6. Makeshift checkpoints sprang up, with litter bins, bricks, gates and uprooted lamp-posts used to block cars. 他们搭建了大量的临时检查点,用垃圾箱、砖块、关卡和被连根拔起的灯柱来阻挡汽车进入。 www.ecocn.org 7. An overlapping arrangement of bricks or other masonry components in a wall. 砌墙中砖块或其他石造物的一种重叠砌合方式。 www.tdict.com 8. I would still like for bricks in the wall in the background to be less red and more subtle as in the original. 我仍然希望背景墙里砖红色能再淡一点,再细微一些如同它原来的样子。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. "Ninety-nine per cent of high-end bricks and mortar shoppers are high-end web shoppers as well, " says Mr Taylor. 泰勒称:“99%的高端传统商店购物者同时也是高端网络买家。” www.ftchinese.com 10. The Shanghai International Church is a modern Gothic building made of wood and bricks. 上海的国际礼拜堂是一座近代哥特式的砖木结构的建筑。 www.nciku.com 1. The Shanghai International Church is a modern Gothic building made of wood and bricks. 上海的国际礼拜堂是一座近代哥特式的砖木结构的建筑。 www.nciku.com 2. Every morn the sun rose upon fresh corpses, with harpies drawn in blood on the bricks beside them. 每个早晨太阳都从新鲜尸体之上升起,而旁边则有鹰身女妖们用他们的鲜血书写的砖墙。 www.che147.com 3. The splendid and elegant structure of bricks and wood shows a strong influence of the Byzantine style of architecture. 教堂为砖木结构,风格受拜占庭式建筑影响,富丽堂皇,典雅超俗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Do you think I can make bricks without straw? If I don't have the data, how can I carry out the analysis? 你以为我可以造无米之炊么?没有数据,我怎么分析呢? infos.edulife.com.cn 5. Your servants are given no straw, yet we are told, 'Make bricks! ' Your servants are being beaten, but the fault is with your own people. 督工的不把草给仆人,并且对我们说:‘做砖吧!’看哪,你仆人挨了打,其实是你百姓的错。 www.ebigear.com 6. One of the structures in the SMU village was built with bricks made mostly from recycled plastic bags. 难民村里一个建筑是用主要由回收塑料袋制作的砖头建造的。 www.24en.com 7. But what's amazing is that some of his "bricks" are hanging in the air, standing steadily without any support (see photo). 更绝的是,这些建筑中有一大部分“砖头”都悬在空中,完全没有任何支撑却稳稳当当(见图)。 www.360doc.com 8. Another type of block replaced clay bricks in the late 20th century. It was the Cinder block, made mostly with concrete. 在20世纪晚期,另一种块材取代了粘土砖,这就是所谓的煤渣砌块,它们大都由混凝土制成。 wenku.baidu.com 9. You must accept the challenges brought by fate, mortal beings are merely bricks, used to build the Great Wall for this empire. 你们必须接受命运的考验,芸芸众生,都只不过是一块块城砖,用来组成帝国的万里长城! wenku.baidu.com 10. The oven is made of bricks and the meat is roasted over it. It is called BBQ in short. 炉子是砖砌的,可在炉子上烤肉,简称BBQ。 www.englishtang.com 1. And they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly. " And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. 他们彼此说:「来,我们做砖,把砖烧透吧!」他们就把砖当作石头,又把石漆当作灰泥。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Trenches have been cut into the approach roads and bricks and palm-trunks piled over them; no vehicle bigger than a motorcycle can pass. 沟渠已被开掘成引道,上面堆着砖块和棕榈树干;比摩托车更大的交通工具无法通过。 www.ecocn.org 3. A bricks and mortar store with an online brand is most likely a legitimate site. However, the site may still have vulnerabilities. 使用在线品牌的实际商店通常都是合法的站点,然而,这种站点仍然存在漏洞。 www.ibm.com 4. Building blocks and bricks, of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone, whether or not reinforced. 建筑用砖块和砖,水泥制、混凝土制或人造石料制品,不论是否加强者均在内。 tdcinfo.sme.net.cn 5. This we are now able to deliver burnt basic bricks for the local Chinese market and in your local currency CNY "China Yuan Renminbi" . 现在我们能够为中国市场提供烧结碱性砖并且以人民币结算。 www.dcement.com 6. Vampires? Hags? Harry's head was swimming. Hagrid, meanwhile, was counting bricks in the wall above the trash can. “吸血鬼?老巫婆?”哈利的脑海中浮现出这些情景,而海格却坐在垃圾堆上数着墙上的结块。 www.kekenet.com 7. All in all it was all just bricks in the wall. 这些全都不过是墙上的又一块砖 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Outside of the factories, people selling things in the street or carrying bricks on building sites earn less than we do. 工厂外面,在街上叫卖或在工地挑砖的人赚得比我们少。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 9. Finally, they came to a very nice house made of bricks. 最后他们来到一个由砖头制成的房子。 www.eyeyclub.com 10. Words in a language play the same part as bricks do in civil engineering; they make up the elementary components of both. 语言中的词汇跟土木工程中砖瓦的作用相同,都是最基本的组成部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. To try and develop metallurgical industry without first developing mining is to make bricks without straw . 尝试和发展冶金工业而不首先发展采矿业等于是做无米之炊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. These small bricks when coupled with some creativity and time can turn up into some of the most stunning and breath-taking sculptures ever. 把这些小积木与你的创造力和时间混合,你将得到一些极好的、让人叹为观止的艺术品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Bricks shall be conveyed for bricklaying as per prescribed combination and quantity and misuses of bricks are strictly forbidden. 应按搭配方案的规定数量往炉上运砖,严禁混乱使用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The look is just what you'd expect: Lego models that explode into Lego bricks woven into relish-looking backgrounds. 这个风格完全符合你的期待,乐高模型爆裂后变成乐高积木,且可重新组成可用的背景。 www.bing.com 5. Also, the higher the bricks quantity the more the content of recycled fine aggregate, the poor the concrete quality. 另外,红砖取代量增加以及再生细粒料使用亦会降低混凝土的品质; 6. The exhaust gases leaving the opposite side pass through a checker brick structure, heating the bricks. 废气从另一侧排出,通过一个格子砖结构,把砖加热。 www.jukuu.com 7. The volume and the length, in particular, of the counterweight bricks applied to the elevator are definite. 一种电梯所使用的配重砖的体积、特别是长度是一定的。 ip.com 8. His tears washed the soot off his face, washed the mortar from between the bricks, and the chimney crumbled down, freeing him. 他开始哭了起来,眼泪洗去了脸上的煤烟,也洗掉了砖块间的泥灰,于是烟囱倒了下来,他获得了自由。 www.for68.com 9. Bricks-and-mortar universities should prepare for a jolt as high (and still rising) costs push students online. 砖瓦水泥大学应该为到来的颠簸做好准备,高额学费(还在持续上升)将迫使学生转向在线学习 www.bing.com 10. It has neither the clear waters of the south, and no FenZhuang muse fishing of build by laying bricks or stones north scenery. 它既没有山青水秀的南国秀色,也没有粉妆渔砌的北国风光。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The girls sit squished on two cement bricks in the back of the class, pretending to be invisible. 这几个女孩子在教室后面挤坐在两块水泥砖上,装作没有人看到的样子。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 2. If you are a retailer with a bricks and mortar store ask customers if they'd like to receive special offers in email. 如不美观你是一个实体店零售商,那么询问客户是否愿意领受电子邮件中的非凡优惠。 www.suiniyi.com 3. Additionally , bricks could bear more weight and endure better than rammed earth. 另外砖可以承受更大的重量和比夯土更耐久。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Tip: You can use the climbing gloves to scale sheer vertical surfaces made of stones or bricks. 提示:你能用攀登手套来攀登由石头或砖构成的非常陡峭的垂直表面。 hi.baidu.com 5. Hundreds of children were crushed as the floors collapsed in a deluge of falling bricks and concrete. 随着楼层的垮塌,数以百计的儿童被掩埋在如暴雨般跌落的砖块和水泥之下。 vrthunderbolts.spaces.live.com 6. Combining the pictures gives a three-dimensional view of the region, so moving objects like birds and bricks can be found and followed. 把这些照片综合起来呈现了这一地区的三维景象,因此诸如鸟类和碎片这一类的移动物体就会被发现和追踪。 www.bing.com 7. The cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice, just as Israelites couldn't make bricks without straw. 巧妇难为无米之炊,正如以色列人难做无草之砖。 www.qiuyang.com 8. The wall was initially built of stone, grass, earth and wood, but bricks were used once the production started. 开始时,城墙是由石头、牧草、泥土、木头建造的,而砖块是从一开始就用上了。 www.24en.com 9. Instead of bricks, lightweight moulded concrete blocks are used for the walls. 墙不是用砖砌的,而是用轻质混合物块做成。 www.ecocn.org 10. Porous permeable bricks were made with gold tailings as the main material and coal gangue as pore-forming agent. 以黄金尾矿为主要原料,以煤矸石作成孔剂,制备了多孔透水砖。 www.dictall.com 1. Mud is probably the oldest mortar used to hold together bricks or stones. 泥浆也许是最古老的黏合石块的砂浆。 www.bing.com 2. The child was sorting out the bricks into different colors. 那孩子在把砖分成不同的颜色种类。 www.bing.com 3. Most of the Hutongs look almost the same as grey walls and bricks. Hutongs are a happy kind of place for children. 大部分的胡同看起来都是一样的灰墙青砖,它们是孩子们的乐土。 edu.beelink.com.cn 4. Father's trust that he and I build by laying bricks or stones out between one side wall of mutual respect. 父亲的信任使我与他之间砌出了一面互相尊重的墙。 www.268r.com 5. Wooden hammer or rubber hammer but iron hammer shall be used to knock and align bricks during bricklaying . 砌砖时应使用木槌或橡胶槌进行敲打找正,不得使用铁槌敲打。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Use your bat to launch a bouncing ball into a wall of bricks and destroy them. 使用您的蝙蝠发射弹跳球到墙壁的砖头和销毁这些武器。 xtdownload.com 7. this machine is used for many varieties, mould replacement can system standard bricks, blind hole brick other alien products. 本机适用品种多,更换模具可制标砖、盲孔砖其它异型制品。 www.imediaconnection.com.cn 8. Brick retaining ring is functioned as a stopper for axial sliding of lining bricks and increasing the rigidity of kiln shell. 挡砖圈具有阻挡砖的轴向滑动和增加筒体刚度的作用。 www.chemyq.com 9. Other than those paved by Bricks and stones of various colours and shapes, the grounds of the city are all Blanketed by grass. 全市的地面,除以各种色彩、图形的砌物铺就以外,都有绿草覆盖。 tr.bab.la 10. Eg. Someone hit me from behind and I fell like a ton of bricks. 有人从背后向我猛然一击,我重重地倒了下去。 www.for68.com 1. When she told me she was leaving, I felt like a ton of bricks fell on my head. 她告诉我她准备离开,我感觉好像是一吨砖头掉在我的头上。 anypkk.anyp.cn 2. He created his own form, piled up bricks, and finished up, making a kiln all by himself. 他重新设计自己的模型,砌砖,并亲自建造了炉窑。 www.showxiu.com 3. Used in artificial drying process of brick factory through delivering the dry car with loaded waterish bricks into drier. 该机用于砖厂人工干燥工艺,将装满湿坯的干燥车经本机运送并推入各干燥室内进行干燥。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. With a lot of problems to solve, the newly-elected president felt like a cat on hot bricks. 由于有很多问题急待解决,新当选的总统急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 www.5ykj.com 5. In the past, Magnesia-Alumina-Spinel bricks were considered as state of the art for chrome-free kiln linings in the cement industry. 过去,在水泥行业中,镁铝尖晶石砖被认为是最先进的无铬衬砌方案。 www.dcement.com.cn 6. The optimization and qualification of ingots and bricks using carrier recombination and resistivity measurements. 利用载子合复寿命及电阻率量测针对硅锭,硅块进行合格检验及优化分析。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. She was given a checklist and counted the number of bricks that were "of sufficient quality" based on the checklist. 她得到一个清单,并根据清单数“质量足够”的砖的数量。 www.ibm.com 8. I'm looking out and I'm seeing the cops bashing students' heads , shooting tear gas , and watching students throwing bricks . 我从那里向外看,看到警察们猛击学生们的头部,放射催泪弹,然后学生们以扔砖块回击。 www.bing.com 9. Experiments analysed the effects on thermal characteristics of adding PCM to conventional hollow thermal-insulation bricks. 本文通过实验分析了加入PCM的传统空心隔热砖的热特性。 sites.sdjzu.edu.cn 10. To suit specific requirements, you can add, delete, or even rearrange the order of the bricks in a firewall. 要满足特定需求,您可以增加、删除甚至重新设定防火墙的配置选项。 www-128.ibm.com 1. In recent months, the price of fruit and veg has troubled policymakers less than the price of bricks and mortar. 最近几个月,比水果蔬菜的价格相比,红砖和灰泥的价格更加令决策者头痛。 www.bing.com 2. Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of layered bricks that slant to the left from top points to bottom points. 指定具有分层砖块外观的阴影,它从顶点到底点向左倾斜。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The idea is to burn these bricks around the edges of fields to keep elephants away. 此法是将围着庄稼地边沿铺设的特制砖块燃烧起来以驱逐大象。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. Within them, sounds echoed off arches of many-colored bricks, and amongst the stables, stalls, and storerooms. 墙内,回声在彩色的拱门之内,马厩与储藏室之间回响。 www.cndkc.net 5. As the electric crawler inches forward along a sand base layer, the bricks are automatically packed together by gravity. 随着这个电动铺路者在砂基路面上一点点向前行进,砖块便因为地心引力自动码放在一起。 www.bing.com 6. All major retail brands have an online presence, and many brands have no associated bricks and mortar presence. 所有主要的零售品牌都可以在线购买,并且许多品牌根本没有实际销售场所。 www.ibm.com 7. Twenty-four of the bricks are put together into what is called a "skid. " 其中二十砖四个投入什么是所谓的“防滑在一起。” www.bugutang.com 8. Operated rescue from the slit at the top, splashing the bricks will inevitably injured following girls. 而从夹缝顶部破拆,溅落的砖块难免会砸伤下面的女童。 www.englishtang.com 9. As a dead dragon, full of injuries, covered with weeds and broken bricks. . . It is the Wild Great Wall. 野长城,荒草漫漫,遍布残砖,它是千年前死去的龙。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This kind of love is built of the bricks of a hundred small memories and moments in time. 这种爱是由千百块细微的记忆瞬间砖砌而成的。 www.bing.com 1. Love is a brick and marriage is a mountain. Bricks needed no more, one is enough. Mountain needed no higher, a life together is good. 爱情是块砖,婚姻是座山。砖不在多,有一块就灵;山不在高,守一生就行。 cid-d8e913d579e0f0d4.spaces.live.com 2. All indexes of the baked bricks of the invention meet the relevant national quality standards, and the bricks are comparatively light. 本发明的烧结砖全部指标符合有关国家质量标准,且砖的重量较轻。 ip.com 3. With old, cracked bricks patched with lichen, the walls are weather-beaten guards, standing still for centuries in protecting the city. 当老,破裂的砖修补与地衣,墙壁是饱经风霜的卫兵,几个世纪静立在保护城市。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The 12-room tomb is constructed of mud bricks and appears to be a downsized replica of Scorpion's palace. 这座12室墓穴由泥制砖头建成,看上去像是蝎子王宫殿的微缩复制品。 www.jukuu.com 5. The palaces in this large-scale imperial garden were built in a style of quadruple courtyards, with blue bricks and tiles. 在这次大规模的皇家园林的宫殿建于一个四庭院风格,蓝色砖瓦。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Bricks and Tiles, Wall Materials, Building Material, Sandstone, Slate, Stone, Stone Tile for Interior Or Exterior Decoration. 采购产品砖块和砖瓦,墙壁材料,建材,沙岩,板色,石头,内部或外部装饰。 dict.kekenet.com 7. People houses are as a rule built of bricks, neat and strong. Most of them are either two- storeyed or three- storeyed buildings. 人民的住宅,通例是砖建的,齐整坚固,大多数是二层或三层楼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. From the names of the streets to the bricks within them, this UNESCO World Heritage Site has a history unparalleled in modern America. 从街道的名字到地砖都反应了现代美洲的历史,因此被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。 www.bing.com 9. The product is less occupying area with compact structure has good tightness and reduce the amount of fire bricks and maintenance load. 炉膛水冷壁及对流烟道全部采用膜式壁结构,密封性好且有效降低耐火砖的使用及维修工作量; www.showxiu.com 10. Local media reported that police found several mobile phones inside the cage, as well as bricks, stones and beer cans. 当地媒体报道说,警方同时在笼子里发现几个手机,以及砖头,石块和啤酒罐子。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The production of LEGO bricks is so accurate that only 18 out of 1 million LEGO elements produced is considered defective. 乐高砖的生产是如此的精确以至于每一百万块砖只会有18块是不合格的。 www.bing.com 2. Soon the pleasant road , shaded with cypresses and umbrella pines, passes scattered piles of eroded bricks that once were grand mausoleums . 不久宜人路,绿荫与留念和雨伞松通过分散桩侵蚀砖一度宏伟陵园。 www.bing.com 3. not install to pack, the best way is to gather bricks, silently with up suddenly put down from behind him. 不要装大,对于装大的人,最好的办法就是,捡块砖头,悄悄跟上去,一下子从背后放倒他。 www.aixxs.cn 4. So, I checked every blueprint, I picked every pillow. I was looking at the grout in between the bricks. 所以我检查了每一个设计图,亲自挑选每个枕头,甚至检查砖块间的水泥。 www.putclub.com 5. How can I align these bricks with the rest of the wall? 我怎么才能将这些砖与其余的墙对齐(排成直线)?。 www.jukuu.com 6. Homelessness is not only of bricks but homelessness comes from that terrible loneliness that the unwanted, the unloved know along their way. 无家可归不只是没有砖砌的家,还有那些非常孤单的没人关心,没人爱的人。 www.bing.com 7. Eg. He was like a cat on hot bricks before his driving test. 他面临驾驶考试,紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 www.kekenet.com 8. Then he shouted towards there, knocked the bricks with a crowbar, but on response inside. 用撬棍在砖头上敲了几下,里面没有任何回应。 wanzy9.blog.163.com 9. Production Mian Shaozhuan, hollow bricks, aerated concrete, block production line of professional equipment factory. 是生产免烧砖、空心砖、加气混凝土、砌块生产线设备的专业厂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. On one side of the art colony, demolition workers slammed their sledgehammers against a wall, leaving a pile of bricks and a cloud of dust. 在艺术区的一侧,拆迁工人正在高高举起铁锤砸向一面墙,留下了一堆砖头和荡起的灰尘。 q.sohu.com 1. The plant "s production without throwing bricks crystal color paste clean, shop stickers scope without any restrictions. " 本厂生产的抛晶砖无辐射无污染,贴铺范围不受任何限制。 www.cnbzs.com 2. Hot bricks were put under the seats at the beginning of the trip. 刚启动时,烧热的砖头被放在旅客的座位底下。 www.bing.com 3. For home using jade mansion, gold is really build by laying bricks or stones jade is true, love is better than what is false. 慕家大宅金雕玉砌,金是真的玉也是真的,亲情却比甚么都假。 tv.360mp3.com 4. Liquid adobe mixture can be poured into containers called molds. This way the adobe can be shaped into bricks of the desired size. 可以将这种液状混合物倒入被称为模具的容器内,用这种方法,土坯就会被制成人们想要的砖块形状了。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The prosecution scale: Bricks manufacturing and selling , as well as import and export of trade goods. 第三条:公司经营范围:生产、销售水泥砖;进出口商品贸易。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. He clung to the roof of the pit like some huge white bat, his claws dug deep into the burnt and crumbling bricks. 他紧攀着坑顶如同一只巨型蝙蝠,他的爪子深深的嵌进烧毁的酥脆的转头。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It looked like a collection of matching houses, built with maroon-colored bricks. 它像一群相称的用深红色砖瓦建成的房子。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. These "multichannel" retailers make a virtue of their ability to offer both "bricks and clicks" . 这些多渠道的零售商真的是尽其所能提供卖场和网上两方面的服务。 www.ecocn.org 9. Simply become a piece of precious jade carving unwanted broken bricks. 硬是把一块美玉雕刻成了没人要的碎砖头。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The glazed bricks that lined the chamber glistened in the sun. 窖室内壁的砖上涂了秞,在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光。 www.ecocn.org 1. He was like a cat on hot bricks before his driving test. 在驾驶考试之前,他紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Next, he led them to build a warehouse out of discarded bricks and start a business processing the bottles. 接著,皮耶带领他们用废弃的砖块盖了一个仓库,开始了处理空瓶的生意。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 3. The results showed that adding barium carbonate to the raw materials could enhance the acid resistance of the acidproof bricks effectively. 通过试验证明,碳酸钡的加入可以有效地提高耐酸砖的耐酸性能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Jack Chamberlin, my junior by a few months, kicked my bricks away. 杰克·钱伯林是一个比我小几个月的孩子,他踢翻了我的砖头。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The building methods used are outdated, dominated by handmade concrete bricks. 建筑方法落后,手制混凝土砖块仍占主导地位。 www.ecocn.org 6. 'Laying bricks, ' 'Building a wall, ' 'Helping to build a great cathedral, ' were their respective answers. 他们各自的回答分别是“砌砖”、“建一堵墙”、“帮忙建一座伟大的教堂”。 www.bing.com 7. Fleets of lorries haul bricks and steel into the earthquake zone and carry rubble out, kicking up thick clouds of dust on the roads. 卡车队拉着砖块和钢铁运往震区、并运出碎石,一路上扬起厚厚的灰尘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The innovation, however, created a new problem: the explosive bricks generate shrapnel which can kill nearby infantry or civilians. 然而,这新型坦克引发出一个新问题:爆炸产生的塑料砖碎片可以杀死附近的步兵或平民。 www.ecocn.org 9. Surprisingly, the walls of the collapsed building were filled with empty plastic bottles and metal buckets instead of bricks. 很令人惊讶地是,倒塌的建筑物的墙壁居然不是砖块做的,而是由空的塑胶筒和金属筒所砌成的。 e.3edu.net 10. The Great Wall was made of earth first and rebuilt with bricks during the Ming Dynasty, which is what we see now. 长城原来是用土修筑起来的.到了明代才改建了砖石结构.就是我们现在看到的这样。 www.bing.com |
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