单词 | vibrant |
释义 |
n. surd vibrant 显示所有例句 例句释义: 充满生机的,生气勃勃的,精力充沛的,鲜艳的,有声音,有活力的,振动的,充满生气的 1. But she could do something that none of the rest of us could achieve: arranging those colours in these vibrant patterns. 但有一件事却是她能做到、而我们其它任何人都无法做到的:用那些颜色绘出如此生动的图案。 www.ftchinese.com 2. "Intel's pricing and rebate policies are legitimate, pro-consumer business practices in a vibrant market setting, " he said. “英特尔的价格折扣政策是合法的,这种商业做法在充满生机的市场环境中有利于消费者,”他说。 www.bing.com 3. In America, Hurricane Katrina turned New Orleans from a stable, wealthy and vibrant city into a wasteland in the space of a few days. 在美国,卡特里娜(Katrina)飓风在数日之内,就把新奥尔良从一个稳定、富足和充满活力的城市变成了一片废墟。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Young to participate in the work of my colleagues is just near the veterans, the air of a vibrant young people. 年少的同事是刚参加工作的不久的退伍军人,一股青年人朝气蓬勃的神态。 www.bing.com 5. "It was a very exciting and vibrant time. We were all living by the seat of our pants, " he says. “那是一个十分激动人心、精力十足的时候,我们全都凭着感觉做事,”他说。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The periphery is a circular symbol of the sun, red Dongsheng, allegorical sunshine of a vibrant economy and booming iron and steel. 外围的圆形是太阳的象征,红日东升,寓意日照钢铁的蓬勃发展和蒸蒸日上。 blog.163.com 7. Once upon a time, there was beautiful Italian architecture and a lively and vibrant cultural life. 曾几何时,这儿有美丽的意大利建筑和生气勃勃、充满活力的文化生活。 kk.dongxi.net 8. Riverside to Keep the tall willows, was decked out with shaggy, turning the ingots, as if his wore a winter-loaded, it then vibrant. 河边的杨柳高高地昂着头,身上挂满了毛茸茸、亮晶晶的银条,仿佛自己穿上了一身冬天的亮装,显得那么生机勃勃。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. And a strong, vibrant red is now part of the overall corporate design. 热情奔放、活力无限的红色成为了整体企业设计的重要部分。 bbs.koubei.com 10. He said he was 'impressed' with his shots of the vibrant lava flowing down the mountain. 据阿普尔顿介绍,他印象最深的就是看到炽热的岩浆滚滚向山下流去。 www.hxen.com 1. A main objective of any viable development strategy must be the fostering of a vibrant, dynamic and competitive private sector. (W)任何可行的发展战略的一个主要目标必须是扶植富有生机和竞争力的私人部门的发展。 www.en84.com 2. In the 19th century it had the right, vibrant combination: educated people and a mass of small businesses. 19世纪的时候,底特律有着正确的有活力的组合:有受过教育的市民和很多的小生意。 www.ecocn.org 3. T-Mobile doesn't commit either of those two sins with the Vibrant, and that's what makes it a better choice. T-Mobile的Vibrant没有这两宗罪,这正是其成为更好的选择的原因。 www.bing.com 4. He was just as wrong in his analysis that, left to itself, the market would throw up a vibrant and pluralist broadcasting industry. 但他分析称,如果放手不管,市场本身就能快速创造出一个充满活力的多元广播产业,这话却完全错了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Commit daily to your goal, take small steps and before you know it you will be vibrant, energetic and ready to tackle new challenges! 提交每日您的目标,一步步前进,在你意识到之前你会充满活力,准备好应对新挑战! www.dltcedu.org 6. Gou Zhongwen, vice-mayor of Beijing municipal government, said the animation and comic industry is one of the city's most vibrant strengths. 北京市副市长苟忠文称,动画和喜剧产业已成为北京市最具活力的发展动力。 gb.cri.cn 7. We've got to keep our people safe, and see to it that the American Dream remains vibrant and alive for our children and grandchildren. 我们需要保障人民的安全,保证我们的子孙依然有鲜活的美国梦。 edu.sparke.cn 8. I am delighted to see a vibrant Chinese community in Dubai. No doubt preparations to ring in the Lunar New Year are well under way. 很高兴看见迪拜的华人社区充满活力。农历新年将至,相信这边的华人正好好准备庆祝。 wenku.baidu.com 9. One day she was here and vibrant and in an instant there was a different story to tell. 前些天她还在这里,充满活力,眨眼间就物事人非。 www.ebigear.com 10. Life has never been impressed by the difficulties, it is always vibrant bright morning sun as if to illuminate the whole earth. 生命从不被困难所折服,它总是生机勃勃犹如明媚的朝阳照亮整个大地。 www.bing.com 1. With its cells newly detoxified , your skin is ready to act young and vibrant again. 当细胞去除后,您的肌肤已准备好再次年轻及充满活力了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Danny, a friend from home, came out for a few days during which we ventured out to Taksim, the centre of the city's vibrant nightlife. 从英国来的朋友丹尼有几天出来,我们到泰克西姆去“探险”,这里是伊斯坦布尔活色生香夜生活的中心地带。 www.bing.com 3. This was the culmination of years of debate, in many ways a tribute to Indonesia's vibrant new democracy. 这是多年争论所达到的顶峰,这也是通过多种途径对该国充满活力的新民主主义的赞颂。 www.ecocn.org 4. Smart communities can be conceptualized as a vibrant, up to date knowledge hub on a particular area of interest relevant for business. 可以将智能社区概念化为与业务相关的特定兴趣领域的、活跃的最新知识网络中心。 www.ibm.com 5. Within the vibrant, competitive, and decentralized African tech space, Google is going to have to do more than just show up. 在非洲这片充满活力、竞争且分散化的科技领域里,Google要做的还有很多,而不仅仅是混个脸熟。 dongxi.net 6. They want their lives not to be confined solely to the White House but rather to become a part of the urban, vibrant fabric of D. 他们不希望把自己的生活仅仅局限于白宫之内,渴望成为华盛顿特区活跃城市生活的组成部分。 www.oxford.com.cn 7. She said her "Chinese friends" should get used to dealing with the "vibrant. . . noisy, nature of our democracy" . 她说她的“中国朋友”应该习惯应对“我国外交活泼……喧闹的本质”。 www.ecocn.org 8. The company promises park land, access to first class sports facilities, thousands of jobs and a more vibrant local economy. 公司承诺公园土地建设成为一流的体育设施,这样能够带来成千上万的就业机会,更为活跃的国内经济。 www.kekenet.com 9. Youth, a vibrant words, when you met her, to the so suddenly, less than a reaction to it and she said good-bye time. 青春,一个朝气蓬勃的的字眼,当你遇见她,来的是那么的突然,不及反应却到了和她说再见的时候。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Mr. Bush tried to put the protests in the most positive light, saying they were a sign of a vibrant democracy. 布什试图极其积极、乐观的看待那些抗议呼声,并认为这是民主动荡的表现。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. But it needs export markets to stay vibrant at a time when its import bill is at the mercy of commodity prices. 但这都需要出在进口单证都依赖于商品价格时,口市场长久地保持活力。 bbs.voc.com.cn 2. and vibrant " tongue, he said in his acceptance speech, and it had provided him " a niche where I can do meaningful work. 他在应邀的一次讲演中说,英语是一种“包容性强,充满活力的语言”,它给他提供了“一个可以从事有意义的工作的空间。” dictsearch.appspot.com 3. For cheerful, loving girl, if your in a good mood, then to walk with me, let me tell you point, vibrant thing. 如有开朗、有爱心的女孩,要是你的心情好,那就和我一起去走走,我给你说点花前月下、沧海桑田的事。 www.jiayuan.com 4. History has shown that a vibrant, dynamic financial system is at the heart of a vibrant, dynamic economy. 历史证明,生机勃勃的金融体系是生机勃勃的经济体的核心所在。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But you know not everyone is going to be able to create their own autonomous, vibrant economy. 但是要知道,不是所有城市都能够孤立地创造有活力的而且独立的经济。 www.bing.com 6. At the end of the day, growth in cities, rather than being seen as a bad thing, is a necessary element of a vibrant economy. 归根结底,城市增长并不是件坏事,而是有活力的经济的一个必要组成部分。 web.worldbank.org 7. Just a short stroll from the heart of vibrant shopping and business, here you escape into a peaceful retreat, immersed in greenery. 仅几步之遥的充满活力的购物和商业中心,在这里你逃避到一个沉浸在一片绿色和平撤退。 www.caaad.com 8. Fact alert: Halle Berry wore this same dress just a few weeks ago in a more vibrant shade. 撞衫警报:哈莉·贝瑞仅几周之前刚穿了同样的一条裙子更抢镜。 en.cnxianzai.com 9. The coloring for the chairs are also vibrant, with bright greens, orange and red being used for a memorable color palette. 使用明亮的绿色、橘色和红色,颜色生动活泼,使人印象深刻。 www.bing.com 10. What follows is not a systematic ranking or review, but a general guide to a very vibrant world that few have bothered to explore in depth. 以下的展示并不是一个系统性的排名或评论,但可以用来作为这个充满活力但却经常困扰你深入了解的互联网世界的普通指引。 www.bing.com 1. We liked the same kind of music, and I thought she was really cute and had a vibrant personality. 我们喜欢同样的音乐,她个性活泼,惹人喜爱。 www.bing.com 2. They wanted to make these tracks as fresh, vibrant and relevant as possible, believing that this is what Jackson would have wanted as well. 他们希望这些曲目新鲜、充满生气并尽可能切题,相信这也是杰克逊所希望的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. What the experts seem to have discounted is just how invested the Chinese government is in a vibrant film industry. 专家们所要做的工作仅仅是计算一下投资中国蓬勃发展的电影行业在现在需要多少现金就行了。 www.bing.com 4. They are willing to pay a little more for a healthier home, healthier children and a more vibrant life. 他们愿意支付略高的价格而得到一个更为健康的家庭,更健康的孩子,并有一个更充满活力的生活品质。 ask.zhixiaoren.com 5. It's no surprise that Lotus Notes and Domino are the subject of many blogs and a vibrant community of Domino bloggers has emerged. 因此,LotusNotes和Domino是很多blogs的主题,并且已经出现了大量的Dominoblogger(博客),这并不奇怪。 www.ibm.com 6. In fact, we seem to vibrant, colorful flowers, growth conditions who do not need? 其实我们这些看似生机勃勃、多姿多彩的花朵,谁不需要成长条件? www.bing.com 7. Oyler says it was easy to create a vibrant life because of the energy and close-knit nature of the industry in China. Oyler说这样更容易创造充满生气的生活,因为中国工业严谨而有活力。 www.bing.com 8. They said the addition showed that Selfridges was "expanding, vibrant and internationally renowned" . 他们说,这种补充显示出Selfridges“正在拓展、充满活力而且具有国际声誉的商店”。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In the next stage of your physical body's shifting reality a realm of many vibrant prismatic colors and dancing energy patterns. 在你的肉体转换实相下一阶段,很多振动棱镜颜色和舞动能量模式。 www.lingyuan.net 10. Arab countries are beginning to realise that the best way to deal with Israel is to copy its vibrant economy. 阿拉伯国家开始意识到对付以色列最好的办法是复制其充满活力的经济模式。 www.ecocn.org 1. Read on to find out more about this vibrant country in the heart of Europe. 让我们一同来探索位居欧洲心脏的这个活跃国家。 dict.bioon.com 2. Old Tibet, has already begun to gradually take off the veil of mystery will be a real and vibrant in Tibet that was presented to the world. 昔日西藏,已经开始逐步脱去神秘的面纱,将一个真实而又充满活力的西藏呈献给世界。 img9.vikecn.com 3. There is a real sense of energy and celebration which makes for a vibrant and varied social life. 这里人们都有活力和庆祝的喜悦并让这里的社会生活更加充满生机和丰富多彩。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 4. Reuters: Our World Now draws upon this unparalleled resource to document a year in the life of our vibrant, troubled, beautiful planet. 路透社:我们的世界现在提请文件,我们充满活力,陷入困境的,美丽的星球上的生命一年后,这个无与伦比的资源。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Here, she developed her vibrant style, incorporating prints into the shape of her garments in an unusual manner. 在这里,她改进了她的充满生气的设计风格,用一种不同寻常的方式把印花图案融合进她的服装设计中。 dongxi.net 6. Like the downtown of a large city, the center of our galaxy is a crowded, active, and vibrant place. 就如同大城市的商业中心区,我们银河系的核心是一个拥挤而充满活力的活跃场所。 top.jschina.com.cn 7. Obviously, it's not easy to be a vibrant company for most of 100 years. 显然,公司要在长达百年的历史中长期保持欣欣向荣并非易事。 www.fortunechina.com 8. All this impedes the efficient exit and entry of institutions that make for a vibrant local banking sector. 诸如此类的事情阻碍建立一个有活力的地方银行部门机构的高效进出。 www.elanso.com 9. It is too quiet for a person who used to be in vibrant streets and an ocean of crowds from populous China. 对于一个来自人口众多的中国,习惯于处在熙熙攘攘的街道和人海中的人来说,这里显得过于安静了。 www.jukuu.com 10. which he sets in a couple of his paintings against this extremely vibrant blue background. 他在两幅习作中更是以鲜明的蓝色为背景进行描绘。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Merging elegance with vibrant colors the designers give a pop look, which can be classy and yet naughty! 结合了简洁中带有鲜明的颜色,设计者让它给人一眼一亮,时尚和俏皮。 www.bing.com 2. That presence is what makes this society so much more vibrant than it used to be. 正是多样性的存在,让我们的社会比以往更具活力。 www.bing.com 3. This system has ensured individual liberty and a vibrant private sector, but it has now become polarised and ideologically rigid. 这种体制保障了个人自由和私营部门的活力,但它现在却变得两极分化、思想僵化。 www.ftchinese.com 4. You could stop now, but the vibrant colors will jump out on a page of text. 可以立即停止,但明亮的颜色在文本页中非常突出。 office.microsoft.com 5. He was curled up in some pain, but his mind was still sharp and his humor vibrant. 由于疼痛他身体蜷缩着,但是他的思想依旧犀利,幽默感令人鼓舞。 dongxi.net 6. A vibrant print with chequerboard details makes this blouse easy to spot in the crowd. 活力四射的印花加上细节处的方格图案让这件衬衫很快在米兰的街头脱颖而出。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. But for China, the games are just as much a display of vibrant modernity as a sporting event. 但对于中国而言,奥运会既是体育盛会,更是现代活力的展示机会。 www.ecocn.org 8. No country has more at stake in a vibrant WTO than China, yet Beijing has been scandalously unwilling to help push for a Doha deal. 在生机勃勃的世界贸易组织中,没有哪个国家承担的风险比中国承担的风险多,然而北京一直不愿促成多哈回合达成协议,这令人反感。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. South Korea, a vibrant Asian economy; and Turkey, one of the great coming powers, at the crossroads of pretty much everything. 充满活力的亚洲经济体韩国,还有土耳其这个几乎处处都在转型中的未来大国之一。 www.bing.com 10. AW: What happened in South Park, it became the most vibrant area forstartups so it made it the most difficult place in the city to park. 伍尔兹:发生了什么事在南公园,它成为最有活力的领域创业,使这使最困难的地方在城市公园。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Looking at the vibrant and sunny collection of portraits, landscapes and still-lifes by her mother and aunt, it is difficult to disagree. 看着她母亲姐妹的画作收藏——充满活力与阳光的风景画与景物画,我很难表示不同意见。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I'm not into the over-loud over-vibrant, trying to take everyone's eye in the club. 我不喜欢那些过于喧嚣、过分活泼,试着吸引所有人目光的那类女孩儿。 tieba.baidu.com 3. The United States is committed to a strong and vibrant United Nations. 美国致力于建设一个强大和富有活力的联合国。 www.america.gov 4. My grandfather is an immigrant and a jolly, happy type who stays vibrant by talking with his friends from church or with family members. 我的祖父是一个移民。他达观、快乐,喜欢和教友和家人谈天,总是精力充沛。 www.bing.com 5. 'Dan' means the essence of red -like this wine- strong and vibrant. 'Ying' translates to a singing bird. “丹”表示着红的精髓,就像这瓶酒,强烈且震撼。“莺”代表着一种唱歌的小鸟。 blog.163.com 6. An independent judiciary, a free press, and a vibrant civil society and important components of good governance. 司法独立、新闻自由和活跃的公民社会以及良政治理的重要组成部分。 web.worldbank.org 7. Our youth, is the flowering season, the rainy season, as a general Jiaohua brilliant, as vibrant as the sun, as beautiful as the hymn. 我们的青春,是花季,是雨季,像娇花一般绚丽,像朝阳一样蓬勃,像赞歌一样美丽。 www.tradeask.com 8. Blacks are more black, colors are more vibrant, and has no limit on viewing angles. 黑色会更黑,彩色更加鲜明,且没有视角限制。 www.bing.com 9. The once strong, vibrant man was reduced to a sheet clad patient who tried to communicate his love to her through hall-shut eyes. 这位昔日强壮、活力充沛的男子汉,现今竟沦为一个被床单包著,尝试以半合的眼睛向妻子表达爱意的病人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A casual visitor to Madurai, a vibrant medieval-temple town in southern India, would not think it was a hotbed of innovation. 马杜赖,印度南部一个充满活力的寺庙城镇。一位普通的游客不会想到这里是医疗改革的温床。 www.ecocn.org 1. The LAMP community is one of the most vibrant among the open source communities. LAMP社区是开放源代码社区中最活跃的一个。 www-128.ibm.com 2. this was a vibrant , aggressive display as they sustained a high tempo that seemed to take united by surprise. 这是个振动,侵略性的表现和他们一向保持的高昂士气看起来要吓曼联一跳。 www.ichacha.net 3. Driven by vibrant curiosity, Kandel's personal quest to understand memory is threaded throughout this absorbing history. 以充满活力的好奇心,坎德尔的个人寻求理解记忆是线程驱动整个吸收的历史。 www.ccemagz.com 4. Many vibrant, purely private companies have sprung up despite this uncertainty, but take care to stay out of the limelight. 尽管如此。一些私有企业仍然大量涌现,但是一定要远离聚光灯。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. Michelle Obama's fashion sense, from vibrant yellow dresses to chic black evening wear, made her a media darling. 从鲜艳醒目的黄色连衣裙到高雅时尚的黑色晚礼服,无不诠释着她的时尚感,而这使她成为了媒体的宠儿。 www.bing.com 6. It remains a shining (and rare) example in the Muslim world of a vibrant democracy with the rule of law and a thriving free-market economy. 它拥有法制秩序和繁荣自由市场经济的民主政体充满活力,仍是穆斯林世界光鲜而难得的典范。 www.ecocn.org 7. In addition to its support for progressive enhancement, jQuery allows you to leverage a large, vibrant community of plug-in developers. 除了支持渐进增强之外,jQuery还允许您利用大型的、活跃的插件开发人员社区。 www.ibm.com 8. Mahoney said the difference between the 2006 and 2007 list is that the latter includes some countries with a vibrant press. 马奥尼说,2006年与2007年名单的不同在于2007年的名单包括一些媒体曾经十分活跃的国家。 www.america.gov 9. RU is a vibrant international university located at the heart of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. 汝是一个充满活力的国际大学坐落在雷克雅未克,冰岛首都。 word.hcbus.com 10. She presents Byzantium as a vibrant, dynamic, cosmopolitan reality which somehow escaped the constraints of its official ideology. 她提出,拜占庭是一个生机勃勃,充满活力的世界主义本体,不知何故,摆脱了其官方意识形态的束缚。 www.ecocn.org 1. Travelling only three hours from Dublin you find yourself in a vibrant, young university city with a thriving business community. 离开都伯林3小时的车程您会找到一个充满生机和商业机会,年轻的大学城市。 www.atlanticlanguage.com 2. The vibrant colour of the windowpane and its climbing spring leaves contrast the dismal fate of this historic landmark. 窗格上的鲜活色彩和攀附在墙上的春藤叶与这座历史地标的可悲命运形成强烈反差。 ng.trends.com.cn 3. To find new markets, Japan needs to have a vibrant exchange of information with the outside world, which it has not been good at lately. 要发现新的市场,日本需要积极与外界进行信息交换,而它比来的暗示欠佳。 www.cxty.com.cn 4. Dynamic, vibrant, contemporary personality characteristics of college students, young people also shared the impulse of a character. 有活力、有朝气、有性格是当代大学生们的特点,冲动也是年轻人共有的一个性格特征。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. India's vibrant private sector may be one of the chief benefits of its democracy. 印度充满活力的私人活动可能是民主的受益者。 www.bing.com 6. A vibrant Anemone has it's moment in the sun, in between the cooling swells of the ocean tide. 银莲花在阳光下充满生气,介于海洋潮汐的冷却膨胀之间。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But the day that she walked into my Johannesburg hotel she was vibrant and enthusiastic. 但是那一天,她走进我约翰内斯堡酒店房间的时候,是那么地意气风发、热情奔放。 dongxi.net 8. Others argue, however, that the ELCA's decisions can only help to make the church bigger and more vibrant in the long term. 然而,其他人则认为,新美国路德教会的决定只能有助于使教会大和长期更有活力。 www.ecocn.org 9. NZ National Maritime Museum New Zealand's leading maritime museum in the heart of Auckland's vibrant waterfront. 新西兰国家海事博物馆新西兰领先的海事博物馆的心脏奥克兰的充满活力的海滨。 www.wenkuwu.com 10. The Iranian people deserve a truly free and democratic society with a vibrant free press that informs the public and ensures transparency. 伊朗人民理应享有一个真正自由和民主的社会,拥有活跃的自由新闻媒体向公众发布信息,确保透明度。 www.america.gov 1. A harmonious socialist society is full of vitality, such a vibrant atmosphere have long existed. 社会主义和谐社会其实是充满活力的,这种有活力的氛围早就存在了。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. It's a progressive city with a vibrant economy, a vibrant arts and cultural scene, and a busy seaport. 她是一个进步的城市,同时也是一个充满经济活力的城市,是一个充满活力的文化艺术的舞台,也是一个繁忙的海港。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "The focus in the short term is on building a vibrant community, to make developers really satisfied, " he said. “短期焦点在于建立热络的社群,让开发者感到满意。”他说。 cn.reuters.com 4. Such a vibrant pattern suggests that "feathers first arose as agents for color display, " Benton says. 如此生动活泼的图案暗示了“羽毛一开始只是用来进行色彩展示的,”本顿说。 www.bing.com 5. anachronistic hangover from the days of slavery in the United States, but a vibrant cultural addition to the 21st century global village. 美国奴隶时代一个封闭而过时的产物,而是二十一世纪地球村的一支文化生力军。 tr.bab.la 6. Brazil and others ought to embrace bold tariff cuts as a route to a more vibrant economy. 巴西和其他国家应该将支持关税大幅减少作为通向更加繁荣的经济的途径。 www.ecocn.org 7. Triadic color schemes tend to be quite vibrant, even if you use pale or unsaturated versions of your hues. 三色系是比较明亮的,基本采用偏淡和不饱和的色调也是如此。 www.bing.com 8. The scarlet ibis, like the flamingo, gains its vibrant color from carotene derived from a diet of crustaceans. 红鹮和火烈鸟一样,吃一些甲壳类动物,在体内生成胡罗卜素,就形成了它鲜艳的颜色。 www.bing.com 9. And indeed, this strategy is no cure-all. But without a vibrant, innovative economy, all other prospects dim. 确实,这些战略并不是包治百病的,但是如果没有一个充满生机、富有创新精神的经济作依托,其它所有预期都会暗淡无光的。 www.bing.com 10. Beijing hopes the Taiwanese will eventually see the light and come home to a strong and vibrant China. 北京希望台湾方面最终醒悟,回到强大且充满活力的大陆。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The vibrant growth of your own economy is tied closely, therefore, to the restoration of stability and growth in the Asia Pacific region. 因此,贵国充满生机的经济成长同整个亚太地区恢复稳定和经济发展紧密相连。 mengqingfeng1978.blog.163.com 2. Tasting: The Tahuna Sauvignon Blanc has intense passionfruit and gooseberry fruit flavours with a vibrant, fruit finish and lovely balance. 味道:这款酒已激烈的西番莲和猕猴桃果实风味与一个充满活力,水果完成和可爱的平衡。 www.js178.com 3. In recent years moves towards more transparency in government have become one of the most vibrant and promising areas of public policy. 近几年来,争取让政府信息更加透明化的举措层出不穷,已成为了公共政策领域里最具活力和希望的分支。 www.ecocn.org 4. The surging global affluence that stems from vibrant economic growth has pushed vast amounts of money into the private banking pool. 经济增长强劲,导致全球财富猛增,推动巨额钱款进入私人银行。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The photo is old and faded now, but when I look at it, T only sec the bright vibrant colors of our youth. 照片已经旧的泛黄了,但我看到的,却只有当年青春的明媚姿彩。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. For China's people and its trading partners, consumption has long been the missing link in an otherwise vibrant economy. 对于中国人民和其贸易伙伴来说,消费一直是生机勃勃的经济中缺少的一环。 www.bing.com 7. Looking back on a dream of life, vibrant when the world changes, the same year after year, the only turnover of the four seasons. 回首如梦人生,沧海桑田,时世变迁,不变的只有年复一年的四季更替。 www.enwaimao.cn 8. And Turkey's vibrant, if imperfect, democracy has trumped the mullahs, at least for now. 而且,土虽不完美但充满活力的民主制度优于伊朗毛拉们的统治,至少目前如此。 www.ecocn.org 9. That makes EE easier to implement, which might result in a more vibrant market, with more implementations, and shorter release cycles. 这使得EE的实现更加容易,对市场的影响也是非常大的,届时会有更多的实现以及更短的发布周期。 www.infoq.com 10. Instead, we saw past the wreckage of age to the vibrant soul of a woman who cared. 相反的,我们看到的是那个年轻、活力充沛、有爱心的女人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When his hands down, the man before it is vibrant, full of confidence. 等到他的双手放下,眼前的这个人又是活力四射,自信满满的模样。 www.bing.com 2. Often they simply immerse themselves in vibrant cultures depicted between the covers of a book. 许多时候,他们干脆就让自己沉浸于书中描写的生机盎然的不同文化中。 www.america.gov 3. The colors might generally appear a bit more vibrant, but the disadvantages definitely outweigh the advantages. 一般的颜色可能会出现多一点活力,但缺点肯定弊多于利。 pcbbs.it168.com 4. The company grows well with more than 30% growth in its business volume every year, which is a vibrant and professional heating company. 公司成长性良好,每年业务量增长30%以上,是一个充满朝气的专业供暖公司。 img13.vikecn.com 5. Five pre-programmed pleasure modes and a virtually silent engine deliver deep and vibrant sensations with spot-on precision. 五预编程模式和乐趣引擎提供一个几乎无声的深刻和充满活力的现场感觉上的精度。 www.ttbuy168.com 6. China's greatest economic success has been the creation of a vibrant private sector that accounts for two-thirds of its GDP. 中国最伟大的经济成就是创造了一个占国内生产总值三分之二的、充满活力的私营经济领域。 cn.reuters.com 7. Next day, on the road again, we head to Tianjin in the north-west, a vibrant old port city surrounded by new building sites. 次日,我们再次上路,赶赴天津,这个古老港口生机勃勃,周边净是建筑工地。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Rich red-violet shimmer with a paler shimmer that subtly changes from silvery green to vibrant rose-pink, depending on the light. 丰富的紫红色带闪,随光线变化可从银绿到充满活力的玫瑰粉红之间巧妙变化。 www.xmily.com 9. Denied love all her life, Jane can't help but be attracted to the intelligent, vibrant, energetic Mr. Rochester, a man twice her age. 拒绝爱她所有的生活,简不禁被吸引到智能,朝气蓬勃,充满活力的罗切斯特先生,一名男子大于她的年龄两倍。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The reason is that the impact of split power to the elements, or changing vibrant, cactus will be set to a value of the heart to accept. 因为无论是雨打电劈的冲击,还是沧海桑田的变幻,仙人球都会以一颗衡定的心来接纳。 www.bing.com 1. But its willingness to relist in Australia fits neatly with Canberra's desire to promote a vibrant public company sector. 而且,它愿意在澳大利亚再次上市,与堪培拉方面打造充满活力的上市公司部门的愿望完全吻合。 www.ftchinese.com 2. And, Turkey has a strong and vibrant private sector that has benefited greatly from the economic growth of recent years. 土耳其有个强大和活跃的私营部门,它从近年的经济增长中获得了巨大的收益。 web.worldbank.org 3. Labour-market reforms will help workers from crisis-hit industries to move to more vibrant parts of the economy. 劳动力市场改革将促使工人从从遭受经济危机打击的行业转移到更有活力的行业。 www.ecocn.org 4. China enjoys a vast market, abundant labor, social and political stability and a vibrant momentum for development. 中国市场广阔,劳动力资源丰富,社会政治稳定,发展势头强劲。 www.showxiu.com 5. The theme of the meeting this year is "To Build Shanghai as a Vibrant and Innovative City. " 本次会议的主题是“建设充满活力的创新城市” blog.sina.com.cn 6. Technology, the mobility of capital and the spread of deregulation around the globe have created a vibrant and growing network. 科技的发展,资本的流动以及国与国之间壁垒的减少,将整个世界变成了一个充满活力的全球网络。 www.ecocn.org 7. But it means doing this with little help from those friends in emerging countries upon whose vibrant economies we have come to rely. 但同时也意味着,虽然我们已开始依赖新兴市场国家充满活力的经济,但这件事情上新兴经济体的朋友们帮不上什么忙。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Exploding in vibrant colors, fireworks paint the night sky for a moment that photographers seek to capture. 摄影师想要捕捉烟火将五颜六色的色彩迸发到天空的一瞬间。 www.bing.com 9. This old port area is the major urban renewal project in the center of Antwerp and is developing as a vibrant new city district. 该区域是安特卫普市中心主要的城市更新项目所在,正在发展成为充满生机的新市区。 arch.mr926.me 10. Multicultural nations have vibrant hip-hop communities who have had to figure out what to do with these new words and phrases. 那些有着生气勃勃的嘻哈群体的多文化国家必须决定如何对待由此产生的词汇和短语。 www.america.gov 1. Do not laugh at from time to time from my head guarico, out come, one after another dream, have dreams to life, will forever vibrant. 不要嘲笑,不时从我的脑袋瓜里冒出来的,一个接一个的梦想,有梦想的生命,才会永远充满活力。 blog.163.com 2. Aims to create a vibrant, full of passion live, healthy, harmonious campus, but students participated in this event for a different view. 目的在于营造一个生机勃勃,充满活激情,健康向上的和谐校园,但是同学们对于参加此项活动有不同的看法。 wenwen.soso.com 3. A man hobbled into the office pushing a vibrant-looking woman in a wheelchair. 一个男人慢慢的推着轮椅上一个漂亮的女人进来办公室。 bbs.24en.com 4. Strategy is imperative for differentiation, but a vibrant culture delivers the strategic advantage. 战略对差异化至关重要,而有活力的文化则带来战略性优势。 www.bing.com 5. Bamako, meaning "village of crocodiles, " is one of the most vibrant trade hubs in West Africa. 巴马科的意思是“鳄鱼的村庄”。它是西非最活跃的贸易中心。 www.bing.com 6. Watching the vibrant economic ferment in Shenzhen, it's hard to remember that you're in a totalitarian state. 看着深圳充满活力的经济发展,你很难记起你仍旧身在一个集权国家。 www.bing.com 7. His style varied from traditional, vibrant impressionism to a more subdued and shadowy tonalism. 他的风格多样,从传统到一个充满活力的印象派更柔和阴影 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Beijing, this old but vibrant city, is walking into the ranks of international modern metropolis with a steady pace. 北京,这座古老而充满活力的城市,正以铿锵的步伐昂首阔步迈向国际现代化大都市行列。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. It was a very vibrant place, and young people were really part of the life of the city. 那是一个充满生气的地方,年轻人真正成为了城市生活的一部分。 www.bing.com 10. The paintings are often extremely vibrant, conveying the spontaneity and impulsiveness of their creation. 这类绘画通常极度充满激情,表现出艺术家创作的冲动和自发性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. "South Shields market is both vibrant and popular, and attracts thousands of visitors to the borough every year, " said a spokesman. 「南希尔兹的市集生气勃勃又热闹,每年都吸引数以千计的游客前来,」一位发言人说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Jackie Chan has always insisted on its own unique style , In this vibrant film for the love he presented a fan of classic . 成龙一直坚持自己独有的风格,在香港这个充满活力的电影之都为喜爱他的影迷献上了一部部经典之作。 www.bing.com 3. My birthday in the vibrant spring, spring is the season that people aspire to, people always do a good job in this season, his own plans. 我的生日在生机勃勃的春季,春天是人们所向往的季节,人们总是在这个季节里做好了自己的打算。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. "She is a vibrant individual, one-of-a-kind. She has a commitment that runs from Oklahoma to Baghdad, " he said. 他说:“她是一个充满活力,与众不同的人。她的任务是从俄克拉荷马州调到巴格达。” bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. A fixer not a visionary, Mr Mukherjee was not the obvious choice to steward today's more open and vibrant economy. 作为一个操纵者而非富有想象力的人,Mukherjee先生并非管理如今更为开放与活跃的经济的台面上的人选。 www.ecocn.org 6. America's most vibrant political force at the moment is the anti-tax tea-party movement. 目前,美国最活跃的政治力量是反增税的“新茶党运动”(注1)。 www.ecocn.org 7. The first step to vibrant health, is to detoxify the body of health-repressing toxins and pollutants. 回复健康的第一步,就是先排出体内毒素,并且控制身体再次被毒素污染。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. They're particularly vibrant this fall, don't you think? 你不觉得今年秋天的色彩格外鲜明吗? mysearch.100e.com 9. When I came out as a lesbian, in 1978, there was a vibrant women's liberation movement in the UK. 1978年,英国正如火如荼地进行着一次女性解放运动,我公开了自己的女同性恋身份。 www.bing.com 10. It has a slide-out Qwerty keyboard, a vibrant, albeit small, touch screen and it can work as a wireless hot spot for up to five devices. 它采用滑盖式全键盘设计,其触摸式萤幕虽然小,但色彩明亮。它可以用作五部设备的无线热点。 chinese.wsj.com 1. After a half a month, henna has grown a foot higher. It is slim, vibrant, limitless life added to the garden. 过了半个月,指甲花长得有一尺高了。它亭亭玉立,生气勃勃,给花园增添了无限生机。 www.bing.com 2. Grab your chance, dear Gemini, for you will be giving yourself the greatest gift of all, the gift of vibrant wellness and radiance. 抓住机会,亲爱的双子座的你,因为你将会给自己最大的礼物,礼物的健康和活力的光芒。 www.douban.com 3. Only honest embellishment, will inject new green for the desolate, so that desert into a vibrant green their homes. 惟有诚信的点缀,才会为荒凉注入新绿,让大漠孤烟变成一片生机勃勃的绿色家园。 enwaimao.cn 4. Brazil and the United States seek to promote open and accountable government, civil rights, a vibrant civil society, and social inclusion. 克林顿说:“巴西与美国谋求促进开放与负责任的政府、公民权利、一个生机勃勃的社会以及社会融合。” www.hxen.com 5. The auctioneers said it was a "wonderful, vibrant work" and came as a "complete surprise" . 拍卖商说这是一幅“令人惊奇的、色彩明快的作品”,它的出现太出乎意料了。 www.5721.net 6. He is always embracing vibrant enthusiasm and makes, step by step, the prospected honor and dream come true. 他总是保持着高昂的热情,他一步一步实现着一个酒店职业经理人的光荣与梦想; www.88ht.com 7. The many visitors to Madurai have spawned a vibrant tourist trade among the locals, including this child in face paint. 众多造访马杜赖的游客已经引发当地活跃的旅游生意,图中这名脸上涂满颜料的小孩便是一例。 www.bing.com 8. The palate is rich and vibrant displaying ripe spicy fruit, toffee and walnuts framed by smoky oak with a lifted cleansing finish. 成熟的水果、太妃糖、胡桃口味丰饶宜人,且在橡木的烟熏气息及回味衬托下更加精致。 jmclub.hk 9. He must wean himself from suckling the energy of others and become a vibrant transmitter of energy himself. 他必须戒掉自己吮吸他人能量的恶习,而成为一个充满活力的能源体并不断向外放射这种正能量。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. They reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and leave your skin firmer, younger-looking, vibrant and healthy. 它们能减少表面出现的细纹和皱纹,让你的肌肤看上去更紧致,更年轻,更健康,更加光彩照人。 www.vvcha.cn 1. As you can see in the still photo below, the image quality is bright with vibrant, accurate colors. 从下面的静态照片可以看出,其成像质量有着相当明亮、鲜艳且准确的色彩表现。 cn.engadget.com 2. Developing-country bidders have created a more vibrant market for the control of rich-world companies that keeps managers on their toes. 这种收购为富国公司的管理创造了一个更具活力的市场,使管理者不敢有丝毫懈怠。 www.ecocn.org 3. As a city of extraordinary diversity in literary activity, Melbourne is a vibrant arena for the creation of literary works. 作为一个拥有多样化文化活动的城市,墨尔本的文学作品创作领域一直都充满活力。 news.china.com.cn 4. Civility is at the core of an active, vibrant and welcoming society. 文明是一个充满活力、积极而又友善的社会的核心。 dongxi.net 5. We have never witnessed such a vibrant political debate in this country. 我们从没有在这个国家目睹过这样充满活力的政治辩论。 www.englishtang.com 6. Emanating from it are many vibrant, prismatic colors and energy information packets perceived as sudden blips of Light. 从它那里发出许多振动、棱镜颜色和能量信息包,如同突然显示的光点被接收。 web.tianwang.com 7. A lively, vibrant, emotional, aesthetic material incentives, to active classroom atmosphere, enhance student learning initiative. 生动、活泼、感性、激励的审美素材,能够活跃课堂气氛,提高学生的学习积极性。 www.fabiao.net 8. She worries about her neighbourhood, a vibrant area full of Vietnamese shops and veiled women waiting at bus stops. 她为她的社区满腹忧虑。这是一个生气勃勃的地方,越南人经营的商店处处可见,在公交站牌也总是可见蒙着面纱等车的妇女。 www.ecocn.org 9. 'Gastronomy is vibrant here, ' said Jean-Luc Naret, director of the Michelin guides, in an interview. 米其林指南的总监纳雷特(Jean-LucNaret)在接受采访时说,这里的美食学很发达。 c.wsj.com 10. A vibrant print culture emerged of pamphlets and newspapers, distributed widely to a growing working class readership. 印刷文化出现了一个充满活力的小册子和报纸,广泛散发了越来越多的工人阶级的读者群。 www.englishtang.com 1. These vouchers currently help the poor to afford to rent or buy homes and perhaps move to more economically vibrant areas . 这些凭证使得穷人有能力租赁或购买自己的住宅并且还有机会搬到更经济和生机勃勃的地区生活。 www.bing.com 2. he exuded an air of raw, vibrant masculinity. 他透出一种豪放的、活跃的阳刚之气。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The photo is old and faded now, but when I look at it, I only see the bright vibrant colors of our youth. 照片是旧褪了色的,现在,不过,当我看到它,我只看到光明鲜艳的色彩对我们的青年。 blog.163.com 4. You are a point of Light, a vibrant Spark of the Divine. This universe is composed of one gigantic Celestial Soul Song. 你是一个光点,一个充满活力的神圣火花,这个宇宙是由一个巨大的天体的灵魂之歌所组成的。 hi.baidu.com 5. Is young deep vibrant are creative writers in a quite remarkable, her works can be divided into three areas. 是目前深富创作活力的青年作家中颇引人注目的一位,她的作品大体可以分为三个方面。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Vibrant team of professionals, skilled elevator maintenance skills to provide customers with the best service. 朝气蓬勃的专业团队,以娴熟的电梯维修技能为客户提供最优质的服务。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But Western Europe's share in the German pie is shrinking as companies focus new investment on more vibrant markets. 但是,随着德国各大企业正在将投资重点转向更具活力的市场,西欧在德国对外贸易中的所占份额正在不断缩减。 dongxi.net 8. The palate is rich and vibrant displaying ripe spicy fruit, toffee and walnuts framed by smoky oak with a cleansing finish. 口味丰饶迷人,富含成熟的水果辛香、太妃糖与胡桃芬芳,并伴有橡木的烟熏气息,回味纯净。搭配甜品或乳酪十分美味。 www.alawine.cn 9. Vibrant tangerine orange, with a hint of shimmer. This shade works best when applied dry or when mixed with a liquid product. 活力橘橙,带淡淡的微光。这款产品在干用或混合进液体类产品中时效果最好。 www.xmily.com 10. But we also would have sacrificed innovations in credit and a vibrant financial sector. 不过如果监管太强硬,我们可能会丧失信贷方面的创新活力,金融业也会陷入一潭死水。 chinese.wsj.com 1. BRIGHT LIGHTS: Make sure babies stand out against snowy ski backdrops with a striking mix of vibrant orange and neon pink. 明亮的灯光:确保宝宝顶住了雪滑雪别具一格的活力与橙色和霓虹灯的粉红色。 uimg1.zhubajie.com 2. I live in London, a gorgeous, vibrant, historic city that I happen to love living in. 我住在伦敦,一座我深爱着的,美丽动人,动感十足,历史悠久的城市, zhidao.baidu.com 3. As the vibrant welcome of traditional dancers and drumbeats faded, the voices of women took over to share their stories. 在传统舞蹈家和鼓声表达的激荡的欢迎仪式结束后,妇女们开始讲述她们的经历。 web.worldbank.org 4. Paid great attention to design trends doll with a sense of creativity, vibrant and full of personality. 潮流玩偶很注重设计感跟创意,色彩鲜明,富有个性。 city.yoho.cn 5. The plans for the FreePort and Art Stage fair come on top of more conventional efforts by the city to develop a vibrant cultural scene. 自由港和艺术舞台展览会的计划源自这个城市发展了一个充满活力的舞台,创造出更多传统作品。 www.bing.com 6. The ones here are the dry white Sancere, strong and vibrant, Vouvray, sparking and clear, it looks like a waterfall of pearls. 这里出产的酒有浓烈鲜艳的Sancere和眩目清澈的Vouvray,那看上去如同珍珠般的瀑布。 www.24en.com 7. Britain today is a vibrant nation composed of migrant groups from all over the world and. 今天的英国是一个充满活力的国家,拥有着来自世界各地的移民。 www.uk.cn 8. He lifted a hand to shade his eyes, startled by the vibrant clarity of the world around him. 他抬起一只手,遮着眼睛打量四周,惊异于周围的世界看上去异常清晰。 blog.jianghu.taobao.com 9. But the law has raised the ire of many young people in Mumbai, considered to be India's most vibrant and cosmopolitan city. 这项新法在马哈拉施特拉邦首府孟买引起很多年轻人的愤怒。孟买一向被认为是印度最充满活力的大都会。 www.bing.com 10. It's the subtitle of the book--feelings and imagination, is the vibrant flocks of our existence. 是那本书的副标题--感情和,想象,是我们的存在的动态变化。 open.163.com 1. Eccentric, expressive, and vibrant, fire tigers are, more often thannot, looking at the brighter side of things. 古怪、善于表达、活力四射,火虎常常能看到事物更美好的一面。 www.bing.com 2. This exciting and vibrant capital city holds so much ancient history and potential for the future that any visitor will surely be delighted. 这座令人兴奋并充满活力的城市蕴涵了那么多的历史以及在不久的将来定会带给游览者欢乐的无限潜力。 www.kekenet.com 3. Today, our teams are multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-disciplined working in a fun, energetic and vibrant environment. 如今,我们这个由各种不同文化、语言、经验交织下的团队在一个轻松,充满生气与活力的环境中工作。 www.yibaifen.com 4. Israel is a small country with a very vibrant political atmosphere. 以色列是有着活跃政治氛围的小国。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. Village spring, beautiful, attractive, vibrant, scenery is of course a different. 乡村的春,美丽,诱人,生机勃勃,景色当然也是与众不同的了。 www.bing.com 6. This process can be observed in the vibrant colours of the precious stone opal, a natural photonic crystal. 在珍贵的蛋白石中可以观察到这一颜色变化的过程,蛋白石是一种天然的光子水晶。 chem8.org 7. It was a high-quality event, and demonstrated a vibrant society, with more than 200 progressive members, nearly all independent. 这是一次高质量的活动,展示了一个有活力的社团——有200多位进步成员,几乎都是私营企业。 www.ftchinese.com 8. There is much to admire in India today, including its vibrant democracy and economy and its rich traditions. 如今的印度有许多值得羡慕的地方,包括其生机勃勃的民主制度和经济以及其丰富的传统。 www.bing.com 9. It's both modern and actively developed and maintained, with a vibrant surrounding community. 它既现代,而且得到了积极的开发与维护,围绕它有一个充满活力的社区。 www.ibm.com 10. Black and a contrast range of "breaking" colours create vibrant rhythms . 黑色和具有强烈反差的“突破”色系创造出充满生气的韵律。 q.sohu.com 1. Spring has a vibrant community, as well as a professional services company called Interface21 that supports the framework. Spring有一个充满活力的社区,和一个支持该框架的称为Interface21的职业服务公司。 www.ibm.com 2. VERSATILE STYLE: Wear vibrant one pieces as an essential winter layer, paired with trousers and hoodies for warmth. 风格多样:穿着活力四射的一片式冬装是您必不可少的的选择,再配上各式裤子和帽衫,畅享暖意融融。 img3.zhubajie.com 3. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme covers a wide range of topics relevant to business in the vibrant global economy. 工商管理硕士(MBA)硕士课程涵盖了在充满活力的全球经济相关的议题广泛的业务。 www.master-abroad.cn 4. Vibrant with expectancy , it's a magnet for people from all walks of life on their journey towards happiness, security, and a better life. 这条河象徵了无尽期待和希望,吸引了各式各样的人到来踏出展开快乐安稳新生活的第一步。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. For example, if I think my color is not "vibrant" or "authentic, " I have to ask myself what those adjectives denote. 例如,如果我认为我的颜色不够强或逼真,我必须问自己这些形容词是在暗示什么。 blog.163.com 6. a vibrant group that challenged the system; a charming and vivacious hostess; a vivacious folk dance. 挑战该系统生气蓬勃的团体;迷人的活泼的女主人;活泼的民间舞蹈。 www.1stenglish.com 7. Step up the pace at the vibrant Beach Bar, with live music played into the late evening. 转身来到热情活力的沙滩吧,夜晚将上演精彩的乐队表演。 www.douban.com 8. With the tune of thee and me all the air is vibrant, and all ages pass with the hiding and seeking of thee and me. 因着你我的歌音,太空都在震颤,一切时代都在你我捉迷藏中度过了。 www.ebigear.com 9. And the smile is the force supporting this city, and only a thriving, throbbing and vibrant city will be beaming with blossoming smiles. 而微笑的背后是这个城市的力量,城市繁荣了、兴旺了,才会绽放出更加灿烂的笑容。 web.fushou.cn 10. They used to sport tiny displays, while we now have giant touch screens with bright and vibrant colors. 过去的手机不过一块很小的显示屏,而今的手机有着巨大而色彩亮丽的触摸屏。 www.bing.com 1. Jingyuan, China's ancient civilization, a western counties, the upper reaches of the Yellow River side of the vibrant land. 靖远,中国西部一个文明古老的县份,黄河上游一方生机蓬勃的土地。 www.elycn.com 2. If I were principal, I want my vibrant campus, you can see the beautiful flowers, green grass, lush trees, the sun shines bright on campus. 假如我是校长,我要让我的校园生机勃勃,随处可见娇艳的小花,嫩绿的小草,郁郁葱葱的大树,灿烂的太阳普照校园。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The artist in her longed for vibrant landscapes and starry moonlit skies. 她那艺术家的本性向往生机盎然的自然景致和繁星点缀的月夜。 www.for68.com 4. Raspberry , blackcurrant, rose and violet notes. - They have been blended together to create the vibrant and radiant fruity floral scent. 野莓、黑加仑子、玫瑰及紫罗兰-混合为芬芳的鲜果及鲜花香气。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It has a closed political system but an open economy and an increasingly vibrant society. 它有着封闭的政治体制,但有开放的经济和越来越活跃的社会。 www.stnn.cc 6. In the worst, MyBlackBerry will languish, as the lack of a vibrant ecosystem around BlackBerry apps becomes more apparent than ever. 而最坏的一种情况是,随着黑莓应用生态圈的颓势愈发明显,“我的黑莓”也将会凋零。 www.bing.com 7. A creaking North Atlantic community may soon find it has a more vibrant southern rival. 摇摇欲坠的北大西洋共同体或许不久就会发现,自己有了一个更加活跃的南半球对手。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A vibrant young people hope to make friends with more vigorously people , Life is beautiful and together let us release passion. 一个充满活力的年轻人希望和更多活力四射的人交流,生活如此美好我们一起来挥洒热情。 blog.chinahr.com 9. We are the rising sun, because we as vibrant as the sun. 我们是初升的太阳,因为我们如同太阳般生机勃勃。 enwaimao.cn 10. Each of our cities has our own characteristics which make it vibrant and unique places to visit and, more important, to live. 我们当中的任何一个城市都有自己的个性,使得自身成为充满活力而独特的地方,不仅为了吸引旅游,更重要的是适宜居住。 www.kouyi.org 1. Willetts said it was "healthy to have a vibrant private sector working alongside our more traditional universities" . 维莱茨说有一个充满活力的私营机构同我们更多的传统大学合作将是十分有意义的。 www.bing.com 2. Make all schools and education management institutions maintain vibrant of prosperity and innovation, learning and research the new vision. 使所有学校和教育管理机构始终保持生气勃勃蒸蒸日上的创新、学习和研究的全新景象。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The company owns a high character, vibrant and rich creative employee's troops. 公司拥有一支高素质、充满活力、富有创造力的员工队伍。 www.cps800.com 4. Despite its harsh treatment of Palestinians in the land it occupies, it remains a vibrant democracy. 尽管它在占领领土上粗暴对待巴勒斯坦人,以色列仍然是一个充满活力的民主国家。 www.ecocn.org 5. Only a vibrant civil society, she concluded, held the potential to consolidate democracy. 她的结论是,只有活跃的公民社会才有可能使民主得到巩固。 www.america.gov 6. One thing any inviting and vibrant community needs is a sense of life. 任何有吸引力并且生气蓬勃的社区都需要的是生活的原味。 www.bing.com 7. The implosion began with the housing bust, which started in and has hit hardest the once vibrant neighborhoods outside the urban core. 这种现象是由房地产萧条引起的,情况开始蔓延并已经严重的影响曾经充满活力的城区核心附近的地区。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. Thailand is at its most vibrant during the New Year celebrations. 在欢度新年期间,泰国举国欢腾。 www.bing.com 9. Ideal to match with Asian cuisine or simply to be enjoyed in its vibrant youth. 可以和亚洲美食相配合,或者简简单单的在其充满活力的青年时享用它。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The higher the whiteness of the paper, printing inks, the more vibrant colours, Visual effects, the better. 纸张的白度越高,印品墨色越鲜艳悦目,视觉效果越好。 www.bing.com 1. Brookesia chameleons may not be as vibrant as their colour-changing larger cousins, but are still skilled in the art of camouflage. 枯叶属变色龙可能没有比它们体型更大的变色表亲们来得声势响亮,但还是熟练伪装的艺术的。 www.bing.com 2. Shanghai is a city that never sleeps, known for its vibrant nightlife and endless list of things to do for entertainment. 上海是一个有名的不夜城,夜生活精彩丰富,各种游玩项目更是多不胜数。 www.englishtown.cn 3. Detecting, lacquering, drying and selecting control of vibrant spring are implemented by adopting industrial computer. 采用工控机实现了振簧的检测、喷漆、烘干、分拣控制。 www.showxiu.com 4. Wavelet theory and time-domain theory are used in the processing of vibrant information for character information extraction. 在振动信号处理部分采用小波分析方法和时域分析方法提取振动信号的特征。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. In this vibrant capital city of 17 million, there is an insatiable demand for housing, yet prices remain far out of reach of most residents. 在这个1700万人口的热闹首都,对住房的需求是巨大的,住房的价格也远高于大部分居民的承受程度。 www.bing.com 6. Not everyone is convinced that the spirit of civic activism is sufficiently vibrant in England for the scheme to take off. 但并不是所有人都认为英国有足够激昂的公民积极主义精神来启动这个计划。 www.ecocn.org 7. Too, is an application of information technology in the enterprise group's name, is a vibrant IT industry elite team! 月太是一个从事信息技术应用的企业群体的名称,是一个朝气蓬勃的IT业精英的团队! www.tonke.cn 8. Both men were the product of vibrant intellectual communities: Keynes in Cambridge and Bloomsbury, Schumpeter in Vienna. 两人都来自活跃的学术圈:凯恩斯在剑桥(Cambridge)和布卢姆斯伯里(Bloomsbury),熊彼特在维亚纳。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This is partly a reflection of its vibrant economy, but Turkey's real pitch is as a political role model for the Arab world. 这在某种程度上体现了该国的经济活力,但土耳其真正的分量,在于它在阿拉伯世界中所起到的政治表率作用。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The true philosophy is the precursor of social change, it is with the times, seek truth from facts, turn over a new innovative, vibrant. 真正的哲学是社会变革的先导,它与时俱进、实事求是,弃旧创新,生机勃勃。 wenda.tianya.cn |
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